The Japanese Peace Conference (Sep. 04, 1951) | 1st Microwave TV Broadcast in the U.S.
The Japanese Peace Conference (Sep. 04, 1951) | 1st Microwave TV Broadcast in the U.S.
The Japanese Peace Conference (Sep. 04, 1951) | 1st Microwave TV Broadcast in the U.S.
POLITICAL NEWS PROGRAM: On the 52-nation conference to sign the U.S.-sponsored Japanese peace treaty at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. Charles Collingwood and Walter Cronkite narrate. Reel 1: Pres. Harry S. Truman keynotes conference; Dean Acheson, Secretary of State, introduces President. Gov. Earl Warren and Mayor Elmer E. Robinson, San Francisco, appear on podium. Reel 2: Conference business session on adoption of Conference procedure rules. Collingwood explains Conference procedures and background as delegates are seated. Acting Chairperson Acheson convenes plenary session. New Zealand's delegates proposes adoption of U.S.-Br
2 7 15 UNICO 1951
2 7 15 UNICO 1951
2 7 15 UNICO 1951
Abrimos un Vega Sicilia Unico 1951 para celebrar el nuevo trabajo en Ecuador, Don Jesús me ha regalado la botella. Regalazo. La abrimos en un almuerzo con embutido asturiano y unos ricos quesos. Nota de cata: http://www.verema.com/vinos/110277-vega-sicilia-unico-1951#ficha
1951 Aurelio Mejia, Pepa Vijuesca, separación padres, maltratos, infancia complicada
1951 Aurelio Mejia, Pepa Vijuesca, separación padres, maltratos, infancia complicada
1951 Aurelio Mejia, Pepa Vijuesca, separación padres, maltratos, infancia complicada
Hipnosis por Pepa Vijuesca. No conecta con las personas. Separación de los padres. Maltrato de su padre biológico y de su padrastro, sobre todo hacia su madre. Infancia muy complicada.
Si quieres contactar con Pepa Vijuesca en (Madrid) España
Tel: +34679218866
Madrid, España, julio 16 de 2015.
Imaginación y recuerdo son procesos mentales, y la única manera de saber cuándo es uno u otro, es corroborando los datos. Si está enfermo por un imaginario, un imaginario lo puede sanar.
No tomes como verdad absoluta lo que escuches o veas. Creer es bueno, pero comprender es
11 de agosto del 2014, en California.
1988 Olympic Seoul Decathlon Long Jump Dave Johnson NJ
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website http://www.athlete.org.uk
Rank Athlete Age Team NOC D P(1985AT)
1 Christian Plaziat 24 France FRA 7.62 965
2 Petri Keskitalo 21 Finland FIN 7.56 950
3T Simon Shirley 22 Australia AUS 7.45 922
3T Torsten Voss 25 East Germany GDR 7.45 922
5 Dave Steen 28 Canada CAN 7.44 920
6T Alain Blondel 25 France FRA 7.43 918
6T Christian Schenk 23 East Germany GDR 7.43 918
8 Daley Thompson 30 Great Britain GBR 7.38 905
9 Mike Smith 21 Canada CAN 7.37 903
10 Georg Werthner 32 Austria AUT 7.36
Los Embajadores A Unos Ojos
Los Embajadores A Unos Ojos
Los Embajadores A Unos Ojos
Trio Ecuatoriano formado en 1951 por Rafael Jervis, Carlos Jervis y Guillermo Rodriguez. Audio & Video restaurado digitalmente.
Best Songs from 1951
Best Songs from 1951
Best Songs from 1951
Songs made popular in the year 1951
Sally Ride, Space Pioneer, 1951-2012
Sally Ride, Space Pioneer, 1951-2012
Sally Ride, Space Pioneer, 1951-2012
Her life and legacy. Find out more@www.prophetoflife.com The videos on this channel have been viewed by people in 188 nations including: US, Canada, Aland is...
Miss World 1951 - 2013 (Crowning Moment)
Miss World 1951 - 2013 (Crowning Moment)
Miss World 1951 - 2013 (Crowning Moment)
Miss World 2013, the 63rd edition of the Miss World pageant was held on September 28, 2013 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center in Bali, Indonesia.127 contesta...
Miss World 2012 Profile - Ecuador
Miss World 2012 Profile - Ecuador
Miss World 2012 Profile - Ecuador
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his deat...
Luis Mariano: Carita Caracolera (Serie Rarezas)
Luis Mariano: Carita Caracolera (Serie Rarezas)
Luis Mariano: Carita Caracolera (Serie Rarezas)
Bolero compuesto por Vicente Marí Bas (Laredo), y que se publicara en 1951 en un disco de La Voz de su Amo que en su cara contraría incluía "Ecuador", también en mi canal. A la la batuta de la orquesta en este disco, Joaquín Aza. La película y canción más famosas del artista son las homónimas "Violetas Imperiales" (1952). En tal film, compartía protagonismo con Carmen Sevilla, quien fuera su gran amor, aunque nunca llegaran a ser pareja, principalmente porque este no logró vencer sus miedos y no se le declaró. Es la película de las tres que hicieron juntos más famosa, exitosa y épica. "Esa unión, de Luis Mariano y mía, pues yo creo que para m
Muere Joan Sebastian. (1951—2015)
Muere Joan Sebastian. (1951—2015)
Muere Joan Sebastian. (1951—2015)
El cantante mexicano José Manuel Figueroa, mejor conocido por su nombre artístico Joan Sebastian, murió este lunes luego de luchar durante años contra un fuerte cáncer en los huesos.
Joan Sebastian murió a las 19:15 h de este 13 de julio en su rancho en Juliantla, Guerrero.
El músico fue hospitalizado en abril pasado luego de que el padecimiento se agravara, informó su hijo José Manuel Figueroa.
También compositor y actor, Joan Sebastian había cumplido 64 años el pasado 8 de abril, y desde hace 16 años había padecido de cáncer en los huesos.
De acuerdo a su hijo , el músico sufría recaídas cada cuatro años aproximadamente, y siempre se mo
The Last Urban 2015 [QUITO-ECUADOR]
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The Last Urban 2015 [QUITO-ECUADOR]
El Mejor Del Mundo Nicky Jam Concierto Completo By Boom Music ® Performing 25 Sep 2015 QUITO-ECUADOR.
06-12-2010 1975 febraio 24-07-2014 finale ieri 1951 Mayo Saturday D Jamaica Ford 2014 2016
06-12-2010 1975 febraio 24-07-2014 finale ieri 1951 Mayo Saturday D Jamaica Ford 2014 2016
06-12-2010 1975 febraio 24-07-2014 finale ieri 1951 Mayo Saturday D Jamaica Ford 2014 2016
Estivo concerti 2015 dei Outubro lunedi 2017 2020 ottobre ufficiale video 2024 H Uruguay 2015 Juli clooney Traversa Fabio morandi fabrizio 2004 Julho Dezembr...
2011 Miss World Profiles - Ecuador
2011 Miss World Profiles - Ecuador
2011 Miss World Profiles - Ecuador
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his death in 2000, Morley's wife, Julia Morley, co-chairs the pageant.
Alongside its rival Miss Universe and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most publicized beauty contests in the world.
The winner spends a year travelling to represent the Miss World Organization and its various causes.Traditionally, Miss World lives in London during her reign. The current Miss World is Ivian Sarcos of Venezuela.
Fighting Fins (1951)
Fighting Fins (1951)
Fighting Fins (1951)
New Zealand National Film Unit presents Fighting Fins (1951) Exciting tussles with fighting swordfish and leaping Mako sharks in New Zealand's big game fishi...
restauracion vespa 125 1951 con sidecar
restauracion vespa 125 1951 con sidecar
restauracion vespa 125 1951 con sidecar
The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951
The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951
The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951
http://aifg.arizona.edu/film/longhouse-people The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951.
1973 2015 February 2015 Setembro 1951 2014 2015 GB Grécia 1995 2014 März ottobre Wednesday
1973 2015 February 2015 Setembro 1951 2014 2015 GB Grécia 1995 2014 März ottobre Wednesday
1973 2015 February 2015 Setembro 1951 2014 2015 GB Grécia 1995 2014 März ottobre Wednesday
2014 2015 1984 politischer Juli Sonntag 1961 Sexta Декабрь 2014 2014 2018 agosto Novembre 2014 Суббота MEX Monaco Wednesday Вторник ottobre Rica 2014 1956 Ma...
2014 1956 2015 Juin Friday 1961 1985 1951 Junio 1965 February HKJ Grã-Bretanha 2015 venerdi
2014 1956 2015 Juin Friday 1961 1985 1951 Junio 1965 February HKJ Grã-Bretanha 2015 venerdi
2014 1956 2015 Juin Friday 1961 1985 1951 Junio 1965 February HKJ Grã-Bretanha 2015 venerdi
Julho 2050 Saturday Viernes 2014 STORIA 2003 1971 maggio 1967 Terça 1988 Agosto Tuesday 2015 2015 2019 2015 2040 1957 2015 1960 1979 2014 2046 1966 2015 2014...
Ecuador del Conocimiento
Ecuador del Conocimiento
Ecuador del Conocimiento
Por décadas la educación en Ecuador permaneció abandonada y delegada. Ahora hemos cambiado tenemos nuevos centros educativos y universidades, con infraestructura nueva y equipadas con tecnología de punta, maestros con conocimientos actualizados y sobre todo un sistema de educación a todo nivel, articulado y con vista al futuro.
Caronia World Cruise - India and Egypt, 1951
Caronia World Cruise - India and Egypt, 1951
Caronia World Cruise - India and Egypt, 1951
Visits to India and Egypt in 1951 aboard the S.S. Caronia. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use ...
Archivo histórico: Rugilo, el león de Wembley (1951)
Archivo histórico: Rugilo, el león de Wembley (1951)
Archivo histórico: Rugilo, el león de Wembley (1951)
Recordamos el histórico partido de fútbol entre Argentina e Inglaterra que tuvo lugar en el Estadio de Wembley en 1951 y la famosa actuación del arquero Miguel Ángel Rugilo, que se convirtió en la figura del equipo y fue bautizado desde entonces como "El león de Wembley".
"Si te he visto no me acuerdo" es un programa de la TV Pública, conducido por Felipe Pigna, sobre los archivos históricos del canal. Un recorrido por imágenes que no vimos, que quizás no recordamos pero volveremos a ver, con el particular enfoque y sensibilidad del historiador. Hitos, hechos, anécdotas, conquistas y tragedias de nuestra historia, para que volvamos a recorda
The Japanese Peace Conference (Sep. 04, 1951) | 1st Microwave TV Broadcast in the U.S.
POLITICAL NEWS PROGRAM: On the 52-nation conference to sign the U.S.-sponsored Japanese peace treaty at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. Charles Collingwood and Walter Cronkite narrate. Reel 1: Pres. Harry S. Truman keynotes conference; Dean Acheson, Secretary of State, introduces President. Gov. Earl Warren and Mayor Elmer E. Robinson, San Francisco, appear on podium. Reel 2: Conference business session on adoption of Conference procedure rules. Collingwood explains Conference procedures and background as delegates are seated. Acting Chairperson Acheson convenes plenary session. New Zealand's delegates proposes adoption of U.S.-British Conference procedure rules draft; motion seconded by Cuba's delegate. Russia's delegate, Andrei A. Gromyko, objects to rule's adoption, and proposes admission of Chinese People's Republic delegation. Czechoslovakian delegate Gertude Sekaninova, opposes procedures. Reel 3: Delegates speaks on opposite sides of rules adoption proposal. Gromyko upbraids Chair and restates his Chinese People's Republic proposal. Great Britain's delegate, Kenneth Youth, supports Chair's ruling; procedural ruling put to vote. Poland's delegate, Stefan Wierblowski, objects to adoption of rules and proposes Conference draft its own rules. Reel 4: Russian and Polish delegates oppose Chair's ruling on Russia's proposal. Czechoslovakian delegate raise point of order. Conference sustains Chair. Russian and Polish delegates raises point of order. Chair takes up business of electing Conference officials. Collingwood commentary. Reel 5: Conference elects officers: Acheson is elected permanent President and Australia's U.S. Ambassador, Percy C. Spender, is elected Vice-President. Cronkite introduces third business session and comments on proceedings. Chilean delegate, Felix Nieto, addresses Conference. U.S., Russian and Czechoslovakian delegations shown. Reel 6: Chair updates delegateson proceedings. Japanese delegate, Shigeru Yoshida, addresses Conference on treaty requirements. Ceylonese delegate proposes time limit on addresses; Cuban delegate seconds proposal. Gromyko introduces the Chinese People's Republic delegation proposal. Shows U.S., Russian, Czechoslovakian, and Japanese delegations. Reel 7: Chair makes procedural ruling on Russian proposal; Czechoslovakian delegate raises point of order; and Polish delegate opposes Chair's ruling. Conference adopts Ceylonese time limit proposal. Reel 8: Polish and U.S. delegates, including John F. Dulles, address conference on Chair's ruling on Russia's Chinese People's proposal. Conference upholds Chair. Czechoslovakian delegate raises point of order, and Russian and British delegates address Conference on peace treaty. Reel 9: Polish delegate completes statement off camera. Chair recognizes Argentina's delegate, Hipolito J. Paz. Shots of U.S. and Russian delegations. Cronkite comments. Reel 10: Conference Secretary General reports on status of different language version of treaty. Chair announces treaty signing as next order of business. Robert McCormick interviews British delegate Younger. Reel 11: Cronkite reporting. Bryson Rash interviews Mrs. Dulles, Acheson and Spender as well as Sen. Styles Bridges. Delegates view official treaty prior to signing ceremony. Russian, Czechoslovakian and Polish delegations are not present. Russian cars leave Opera House. British delegate, Herbert Morrison, addresses Conference. Reel 12: Morrison finishes address and treaty signing begins; delegations sign in alphabetical order by country: Argentina (Hipolito J. Paz), Australia (Percy C. Spender), Belgium (Paul Van Zeeland), Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada (Lester B. Pearson), Ceylon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France (Robert Schuman and George Bonnet), Greece (Jean Politis), Guatemala, Haiti (Edourdo Castillo), Honduras and Indonesia. Reel 13:Delegates sign for: Iran, Iraq, Laos, Lebanon (Charles Malik), Liberia (Gabri
The first microwave television broadcast in the U.S.
Contributor: Producer, Television Stations of the United States/WCBS-TV (New York, N.Y.).
National Archives Identifier: 11967
Local Identifier: 59.173
Creator(s): Department of State. Office of the Secretary. (09/1789 - ) (Most Recent)
From: Series : Moving Images Relating to U.S. Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations, compiled 1911 - 1972
Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of State, 1763 - 2002
POLITICAL NEWS PROGRAM: On the 52-nation conference to sign the U.S.-sponsored Japanese peace treaty at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. Charles Coll...
wn.com/The Japanese Peace Conference (Sep. 04, 1951) | 1St Microwave Tv Broadcast In The U.S.
POLITICAL NEWS PROGRAM: On the 52-nation conference to sign the U.S.-sponsored Japanese peace treaty at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. Charles Collingwood and Walter Cronkite narrate. Reel 1: Pres. Harry S. Truman keynotes conference; Dean Acheson, Secretary of State, introduces President. Gov. Earl Warren and Mayor Elmer E. Robinson, San Francisco, appear on podium. Reel 2: Conference business session on adoption of Conference procedure rules. Collingwood explains Conference procedures and background as delegates are seated. Acting Chairperson Acheson convenes plenary session. New Zealand's delegates proposes adoption of U.S.-British Conference procedure rules draft; motion seconded by Cuba's delegate. Russia's delegate, Andrei A. Gromyko, objects to rule's adoption, and proposes admission of Chinese People's Republic delegation. Czechoslovakian delegate Gertude Sekaninova, opposes procedures. Reel 3: Delegates speaks on opposite sides of rules adoption proposal. Gromyko upbraids Chair and restates his Chinese People's Republic proposal. Great Britain's delegate, Kenneth Youth, supports Chair's ruling; procedural ruling put to vote. Poland's delegate, Stefan Wierblowski, objects to adoption of rules and proposes Conference draft its own rules. Reel 4: Russian and Polish delegates oppose Chair's ruling on Russia's proposal. Czechoslovakian delegate raise point of order. Conference sustains Chair. Russian and Polish delegates raises point of order. Chair takes up business of electing Conference officials. Collingwood commentary. Reel 5: Conference elects officers: Acheson is elected permanent President and Australia's U.S. Ambassador, Percy C. Spender, is elected Vice-President. Cronkite introduces third business session and comments on proceedings. Chilean delegate, Felix Nieto, addresses Conference. U.S., Russian and Czechoslovakian delegations shown. Reel 6: Chair updates delegateson proceedings. Japanese delegate, Shigeru Yoshida, addresses Conference on treaty requirements. Ceylonese delegate proposes time limit on addresses; Cuban delegate seconds proposal. Gromyko introduces the Chinese People's Republic delegation proposal. Shows U.S., Russian, Czechoslovakian, and Japanese delegations. Reel 7: Chair makes procedural ruling on Russian proposal; Czechoslovakian delegate raises point of order; and Polish delegate opposes Chair's ruling. Conference adopts Ceylonese time limit proposal. Reel 8: Polish and U.S. delegates, including John F. Dulles, address conference on Chair's ruling on Russia's Chinese People's proposal. Conference upholds Chair. Czechoslovakian delegate raises point of order, and Russian and British delegates address Conference on peace treaty. Reel 9: Polish delegate completes statement off camera. Chair recognizes Argentina's delegate, Hipolito J. Paz. Shots of U.S. and Russian delegations. Cronkite comments. Reel 10: Conference Secretary General reports on status of different language version of treaty. Chair announces treaty signing as next order of business. Robert McCormick interviews British delegate Younger. Reel 11: Cronkite reporting. Bryson Rash interviews Mrs. Dulles, Acheson and Spender as well as Sen. Styles Bridges. Delegates view official treaty prior to signing ceremony. Russian, Czechoslovakian and Polish delegations are not present. Russian cars leave Opera House. British delegate, Herbert Morrison, addresses Conference. Reel 12: Morrison finishes address and treaty signing begins; delegations sign in alphabetical order by country: Argentina (Hipolito J. Paz), Australia (Percy C. Spender), Belgium (Paul Van Zeeland), Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada (Lester B. Pearson), Ceylon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France (Robert Schuman and George Bonnet), Greece (Jean Politis), Guatemala, Haiti (Edourdo Castillo), Honduras and Indonesia. Reel 13:Delegates sign for: Iran, Iraq, Laos, Lebanon (Charles Malik), Liberia (Gabri
The first microwave television broadcast in the U.S.
Contributor: Producer, Television Stations of the United States/WCBS-TV (New York, N.Y.).
National Archives Identifier: 11967
Local Identifier: 59.173
Creator(s): Department of State. Office of the Secretary. (09/1789 - ) (Most Recent)
From: Series : Moving Images Relating to U.S. Foreign Policy and Foreign Relations, compiled 1911 - 1972
Record Group 59: General Records of the Department of State, 1763 - 2002
- published: 19 Sep 2014
- views: 0
2 7 15 UNICO 1951
Abrimos un Vega Sicilia Unico 1951 para celebrar el nuevo trabajo en Ecuador, Don Jesús me ha regalado la botella. Regalazo. La abrimos en un almuerzo con embutido asturiano y unos ricos quesos. Nota de cata: http://www.verema.com/vinos/110277-vega-sicilia-unico-1951#ficha
Abrimos un Vega Sicilia Unico 1951 para celebrar el nuevo trabajo en Ecuador, Don Jesús me ha regalado la botella. Regalazo. La abrimos en un almuerzo con embut...
wn.com/2 7 15 Unico 1951
Abrimos un Vega Sicilia Unico 1951 para celebrar el nuevo trabajo en Ecuador, Don Jesús me ha regalado la botella. Regalazo. La abrimos en un almuerzo con embutido asturiano y unos ricos quesos. Nota de cata: http://www.verema.com/vinos/110277-vega-sicilia-unico-1951#ficha
- published: 22 Aug 2015
- views: 3
1951 Aurelio Mejia, Pepa Vijuesca, separación padres, maltratos, infancia complicada
Hipnosis por Pepa Vijuesca. No conecta con las personas. Separación de los padres. Maltrato de su padre biológico y de su padrastro, sobre todo hacia su madre. Infancia muy complicada.
Si quieres contactar con Pepa Vijuesca en (Madrid) España
Tel: +34679218866
Madrid, España, julio 16 de 2015.
Imaginación y recuerdo son procesos mentales, y la única manera de saber cuándo es uno u otro, es corroborando los datos. Si está enfermo por un imaginario, un imaginario lo puede sanar.
No tomes como verdad absoluta lo que escuches o veas. Creer es bueno, pero comprender es mejor. Observa, analiza, aprende y saca tus conclusiones.
Cuando algo se pierde, se debe buscar donde se perdió. Hay terapias en las que se localizan las causas de los traumas en hechos de la vida actual, y no tiene sentido ir a supuestas vidas pasadas.
La Hipnosis método Aurelio Mejía ha demostrado resultados duraderos. Ver testimonios en www.aureliomejia.com.
Para escuchar grabaciones en mp3, artículos, o descargar libros Electrónica Fácil, Guía Práctica para Reparar y Manejar el Computador, Hobby, Vidas antes de la Vida, Contradicciones de la Biblia, visita www.aureliomejia.com. En YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/kardec1948
Colegas que hacen terapias con nuestro método (los que tienen * también la hacen por Internet):
*Daniel Duarte, daduro14@gmail.com Cel. 310-823 9673, Medellín
*Luis Gonzalo Peláez, regresionhipnotica@gmail.com Medellín
*Disney Pulgarín, disneypulgarin@gmail.com Cel. 300 212 2468 Medellín
*María Isabel Franco, isafranco1966@gmail.com Skype mariaisabelfrancomejia, Medellín
Gabriel Jaime Mejía, gabrielmejia@aureliomejia.com, tel. 2850048 Medellín, Colombia
*Luis Fernando Baena Restrepo, luisfbaenar@gmail.com Skype hipnosluisf, Medellín
*Luz Marina Hoyos, psicóloga, Cel. 300-780 7269, lmhoyosd@gmail.com http://www.lmhoyosd.blogspot.com Medellín
Jader Nuñez, psicólogo, Cel. 320 524 3879. jaderhipnosis@gmail.com municipio San Luis, Antioquia
*Rocío Camacho, rociocamacho20@gmail.com cel.310-288 0597 Bogotá
Erika Castillo, eriecastillo@gmail.com 084363418, Guayaquil, Ecuador
*Dina Donaire Paredes, terapia en inglés, francés o español, Cel. 504-3317-4340, direp59@hotmail.com Skype: caritadonaire, Honduras
Asun Serrano, ciudad Vitoria-Gasteiz, +34 656 711 557, España, asunprisma@outlook.es
Jorge Puyana, jorgeapuyana@gmail.com Tels. 935 130 490• 636 240 073, C/ Calvet 16, Barcelona, www.spaemocional.com
Andrés Hernández del Cerro, anhercer8@gmail.com,
Facebook Andrés Hernández Terapia Regresiva, Murcia, España
Pepa Vijuesca, Madrid, España, Móvil 679 218 866, pepa9957@yahoo.es
*Calogero Grifasi e-mail@calogerogrifasi.it Terapia en italiano y español, Madrid http://www.calogerogrifasi.it www.youtube.com/user/calogerogrifasi
Skype: calogerogrifasi
Johny García, Cel. 786-266-4714, Miami, Florida
Guillermo L. Vélez V. destinoplanetatierra@gmail.com Tel. 305-384-4265 Cel. 954-226-2856 5931 N.W. 173 Drive Suite No. 4 Miami Lakes, FL 33015
*Marco A. Vallejo (vallejomarco9714@yahoo.com Terapia en inglés y español. Cel.713-894.9037), Houston, Texas
*Antonio Sangio, info@antoniosangio.com Tel.704-776 3003 www.antoniosangio.com Terapia en inglés y español, Charlotte, North Carolina
Genoveva Calleja, genovevacalleja@hotmail.com Tel. 917-703 1762 www.genovevacalleja.com Rye, New York
Erick Arias, chile1ovni@aol.com Tel. 203-223 8126 Terapia en inglés y español, Norwalk, Connecticut
Sandro Villaroel sandrov127@gmail.com Arlington, Virginia
Silvia Sacco svshealing@gmail.com Skype: terapia.regresiva, +54 911 64266314 Argentina
Ricardo Oscar Nievas, riagle@yahoo.com.ar, riagle@hotmail.com, Cel. +54 153 486 8091, tel. fijo 4666 5768, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ery R. Cervantes Velazco, psicóloga, Cd. San Luis Potosí, Cel 045-4444-202291, correo ery.cervantes.v@gmail.com
Juan Carlos Chávez, jcarloschavez@prodigy.net.mx Puebla, México
Gerardo Plata, babalu786@hotmail.com Cel./WhatsApp (+52) 1 222 863 6303, Puebla, Pue. México
*Verónica Rubio, sanacon.luzdorada@yahoo.com.mx, Tel. 04455 4090 6906, Estado de México
*Domenico Leone, control de peso por Hipnosis con implantes de Banda Gástrica Virtual. mimmoleone69@yahoo.com Tel. y WhatsApp (+52) 1 983 104 3783
Fan Page de Facebook: Domenico Leone
Skype: mayalis170 (Terapias a distancia)
OoVoo: mimmoleone01 (Terapias a distancia)
México DF y en Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México
Terapias en español e italiano
*Candy Raygoza Tels: 983 867 7596 Chetumal, 551 291 4761, raygozacandy@hotmail.com
Rubén Álvarez Solís, Cel. 993 1006 987, rubenalsolecito@hotmail.com, Villahermosa, Tabasco, México
Pablo del Valle, WhatsApp 5525 922 815, Chetumal
Hipnosis por Pepa Vijuesca. No conecta con las personas. Separación de los padres. Maltrato de su padre biológico y de su padrastro, sobre todo hacia su madre. ...
wn.com/1951 Aurelio Mejia, Pepa Vijuesca, Separación Padres, Maltratos, Infancia Complicada
Hipnosis por Pepa Vijuesca. No conecta con las personas. Separación de los padres. Maltrato de su padre biológico y de su padrastro, sobre todo hacia su madre. Infancia muy complicada.
Si quieres contactar con Pepa Vijuesca en (Madrid) España
Tel: +34679218866
Madrid, España, julio 16 de 2015.
Imaginación y recuerdo son procesos mentales, y la única manera de saber cuándo es uno u otro, es corroborando los datos. Si está enfermo por un imaginario, un imaginario lo puede sanar.
No tomes como verdad absoluta lo que escuches o veas. Creer es bueno, pero comprender es mejor. Observa, analiza, aprende y saca tus conclusiones.
Cuando algo se pierde, se debe buscar donde se perdió. Hay terapias en las que se localizan las causas de los traumas en hechos de la vida actual, y no tiene sentido ir a supuestas vidas pasadas.
La Hipnosis método Aurelio Mejía ha demostrado resultados duraderos. Ver testimonios en www.aureliomejia.com.
Para escuchar grabaciones en mp3, artículos, o descargar libros Electrónica Fácil, Guía Práctica para Reparar y Manejar el Computador, Hobby, Vidas antes de la Vida, Contradicciones de la Biblia, visita www.aureliomejia.com. En YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/kardec1948
Colegas que hacen terapias con nuestro método (los que tienen * también la hacen por Internet):
*Daniel Duarte, daduro14@gmail.com Cel. 310-823 9673, Medellín
*Luis Gonzalo Peláez, regresionhipnotica@gmail.com Medellín
*Disney Pulgarín, disneypulgarin@gmail.com Cel. 300 212 2468 Medellín
*María Isabel Franco, isafranco1966@gmail.com Skype mariaisabelfrancomejia, Medellín
Gabriel Jaime Mejía, gabrielmejia@aureliomejia.com, tel. 2850048 Medellín, Colombia
*Luis Fernando Baena Restrepo, luisfbaenar@gmail.com Skype hipnosluisf, Medellín
*Luz Marina Hoyos, psicóloga, Cel. 300-780 7269, lmhoyosd@gmail.com http://www.lmhoyosd.blogspot.com Medellín
Jader Nuñez, psicólogo, Cel. 320 524 3879. jaderhipnosis@gmail.com municipio San Luis, Antioquia
*Rocío Camacho, rociocamacho20@gmail.com cel.310-288 0597 Bogotá
Erika Castillo, eriecastillo@gmail.com 084363418, Guayaquil, Ecuador
*Dina Donaire Paredes, terapia en inglés, francés o español, Cel. 504-3317-4340, direp59@hotmail.com Skype: caritadonaire, Honduras
Asun Serrano, ciudad Vitoria-Gasteiz, +34 656 711 557, España, asunprisma@outlook.es
Jorge Puyana, jorgeapuyana@gmail.com Tels. 935 130 490• 636 240 073, C/ Calvet 16, Barcelona, www.spaemocional.com
Andrés Hernández del Cerro, anhercer8@gmail.com,
Facebook Andrés Hernández Terapia Regresiva, Murcia, España
Pepa Vijuesca, Madrid, España, Móvil 679 218 866, pepa9957@yahoo.es
*Calogero Grifasi e-mail@calogerogrifasi.it Terapia en italiano y español, Madrid http://www.calogerogrifasi.it www.youtube.com/user/calogerogrifasi
Skype: calogerogrifasi
Johny García, Cel. 786-266-4714, Miami, Florida
Guillermo L. Vélez V. destinoplanetatierra@gmail.com Tel. 305-384-4265 Cel. 954-226-2856 5931 N.W. 173 Drive Suite No. 4 Miami Lakes, FL 33015
*Marco A. Vallejo (vallejomarco9714@yahoo.com Terapia en inglés y español. Cel.713-894.9037), Houston, Texas
*Antonio Sangio, info@antoniosangio.com Tel.704-776 3003 www.antoniosangio.com Terapia en inglés y español, Charlotte, North Carolina
Genoveva Calleja, genovevacalleja@hotmail.com Tel. 917-703 1762 www.genovevacalleja.com Rye, New York
Erick Arias, chile1ovni@aol.com Tel. 203-223 8126 Terapia en inglés y español, Norwalk, Connecticut
Sandro Villaroel sandrov127@gmail.com Arlington, Virginia
Silvia Sacco svshealing@gmail.com Skype: terapia.regresiva, +54 911 64266314 Argentina
Ricardo Oscar Nievas, riagle@yahoo.com.ar, riagle@hotmail.com, Cel. +54 153 486 8091, tel. fijo 4666 5768, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ery R. Cervantes Velazco, psicóloga, Cd. San Luis Potosí, Cel 045-4444-202291, correo ery.cervantes.v@gmail.com
Juan Carlos Chávez, jcarloschavez@prodigy.net.mx Puebla, México
Gerardo Plata, babalu786@hotmail.com Cel./WhatsApp (+52) 1 222 863 6303, Puebla, Pue. México
*Verónica Rubio, sanacon.luzdorada@yahoo.com.mx, Tel. 04455 4090 6906, Estado de México
*Domenico Leone, control de peso por Hipnosis con implantes de Banda Gástrica Virtual. mimmoleone69@yahoo.com Tel. y WhatsApp (+52) 1 983 104 3783
Fan Page de Facebook: Domenico Leone
Skype: mayalis170 (Terapias a distancia)
OoVoo: mimmoleone01 (Terapias a distancia)
México DF y en Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México
Terapias en español e italiano
*Candy Raygoza Tels: 983 867 7596 Chetumal, 551 291 4761, raygozacandy@hotmail.com
Rubén Álvarez Solís, Cel. 993 1006 987, rubenalsolecito@hotmail.com, Villahermosa, Tabasco, México
Pablo del Valle, WhatsApp 5525 922 815, Chetumal
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 119
11 de agosto del 2014, en California.
11 de agosto del 2014, en California....
wn.com/Aseai Tema Noticias Tv Sordos Del Ecuador Tema Rubin Willans Descance De Paz
11 de agosto del 2014, en California.
- published: 18 Aug 2014
- views: 108
1988 Olympic Seoul Decathlon Long Jump Dave Johnson NJ
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website http://www.athlete.org.uk
Rank Athlete Age Team NOC D P(1985AT)
1 Christian Plaziat 24 France FRA 7.62 965
2 Petri Keskitalo 21 Finland FIN 7.56 950
3T Simon Shirley 22 Australia AUS 7.45 922
3T Torsten Voss 25 East Germany GDR 7.45 922
5 Dave Steen 28 Canada CAN 7.44 920
6T Alain Blondel 25 France FRA 7.43 918
6T Christian Schenk 23 East Germany GDR 7.43 918
8 Daley Thompson 30 Great Britain GBR 7.38 905
9 Mike Smith 21 Canada CAN 7.37 903
10 Georg Werthner 32 Austria AUT 7.36 900
11 Beat Gähwiler 23 Switzerland SUI 7.34 896
12 Dezső Szabó 21 Hungary HUN 7.29 883
13 Pavlo Tarnovetskiy 27 Soviet Union URS 7.28 881
14 Lee Fu-An 24 Chinese Taipei TPE 7.23 869
15 Lee Gwang-Ik 19 South Korea KOR 7.19 859
16 Valter Külvet 24 Soviet Union URS 7.14 847
17 Dave Johnson 25 United States USA 7.12 842
18 Greg Richards 32 Great Britain GBR 7.09 835
19T Antonio Peñalver 19 Spain ESP 7.08 833
19T Simon Poelman 25 New Zealand NZL 7.08 833
21 Roman Hrabaň 26 Czechoslovakia TCH 7.07 830
22 Tim Bright 28 United States USA 7.05 826
23 Lars Warming 25 Denmark DEN 7.04 823
24 Christian Gugler 28 Switzerland SUI 7.02 818
25 Věroslav Valenta 23 Czechoslovakia TCH 7.01 816
26T Gary Kinder 25 United States USA 7.00 814
26T Uwe Freimuth 27 East Germany GDR 7.00 814
28 Severin Moser 25 Switzerland SUI 6.98 809
29 Alex Kruger 24 Great Britain GBR 6.97 807
30 Rob de Wit 26 Netherlands NED 6.95 802
31 Carlos O'Connell 25 Ireland IRL 6.90 790
32 Santiago Mellado 25 El Salvador ESA 6.83 774
33 Fidel Solórzano 26 Ecuador ECU 6.79 764
34 Mikael Olander 25 Sweden SWE 6.75 755
35 Albert Miller 30 Fiji FIJ 6.43 682
36 Gong Guohua 24 China CHN 6.22 635
37 Dambar Kuwar Nepal 5.83 550
1988 Olympic Seoul Decathlon Long Jump Dave Johnson NJ
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ht...
1988 Olympic Seoul Decathlon Long Jump Dave Johnson NJ
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website http://www.athlete.org.uk
Rank Athlete Age Team NOC D P(1985AT)
1 Christian Plaziat 24 France FRA 7.62 965
2 Petri Keskitalo 21 Finland FIN 7.56 950
3T Simon Shirley 22 Australia AUS 7.45 922
3T Torsten Voss 25 East Germany GDR 7.45 922
5 Dave Steen 28 Canada CAN 7.44 920
6T Alain Blondel 25 France FRA 7.43 918
6T Christian Schenk 23 East Germany GDR 7.43 918
8 Daley Thompson 30 Great Britain GBR 7.38 905
9 Mike Smith 21 Canada CAN 7.37 903
10 Georg Werthner 32 Austria AUT 7.36 900
11 Beat Gähwiler 23 Switzerland SUI 7.34 896
12 Dezső Szabó 21 Hungary HUN 7.29 883
13 Pavlo Tarnovetskiy 27 Soviet Union URS 7.28 881
14 Lee Fu-An 24 Chinese Taipei TPE 7.23 869
15 Lee Gwang-Ik 19 South Korea KOR 7.19 859
16 Valter Külvet 24 Soviet Union URS 7.14 847
17 Dave Johnson 25 United States USA 7.12 842
18 Greg Richards 32 Great Britain GBR 7.09 835
19T Antonio Peñalver 19 Spain ESP 7.08 833
19T Simon Poelman 25 New Zealand NZL 7.08 833
21 Roman Hrabaň 26 Czechoslovakia TCH 7.07 830
22 Tim Bright 28 United States USA 7.05 826
23 Lars Warming 25 Denmark DEN 7.04 823
24 Christian Gugler 28 Switzerland SUI 7.02 818
25 Věroslav Valenta 23 Czechoslovakia TCH 7.01 816
26T Gary Kinder 25 United States USA 7.00 814
26T Uwe Freimuth 27 East Germany GDR 7.00 814
28 Severin Moser 25 Switzerland SUI 6.98 809
29 Alex Kruger 24 Great Britain GBR 6.97 807
30 Rob de Wit 26 Netherlands NED 6.95 802
31 Carlos O'Connell 25 Ireland IRL 6.90 790
32 Santiago Mellado 25 El Salvador ESA 6.83 774
33 Fidel Solórzano 26 Ecuador ECU 6.79 764
34 Mikael Olander 25 Sweden SWE 6.75 755
35 Albert Miller 30 Fiji FIJ 6.43 682
36 Gong Guohua 24 China CHN 6.22 635
37 Dambar Kuwar Nepal 5.83 550
- published: 09 Jan 2015
- views: 37
Los Embajadores A Unos Ojos
Trio Ecuatoriano formado en 1951 por Rafael Jervis, Carlos Jervis y Guillermo Rodriguez. Audio & Video restaurado digitalmente.
Trio Ecuatoriano formado en 1951 por Rafael Jervis, Carlos Jervis y Guillermo Rodriguez. Audio & Video restaurado digitalmente....
wn.com/Los Embajadores A Unos Ojos
Trio Ecuatoriano formado en 1951 por Rafael Jervis, Carlos Jervis y Guillermo Rodriguez. Audio & Video restaurado digitalmente.
- published: 24 Nov 2007
- views: 278176
Best Songs from 1951
Songs made popular in the year 1951
Songs made popular in the year 1951...
wn.com/Best Songs From 1951
Songs made popular in the year 1951
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 19
Sally Ride, Space Pioneer, 1951-2012
Her life and legacy. Find out more@www.prophetoflife.com The videos on this channel have been viewed by people in 188 nations including: US, Canada, Aland is...
Her life and legacy. Find out more@www.prophetoflife.com The videos on this channel have been viewed by people in 188 nations including: US, Canada, Aland is......
wn.com/Sally Ride, Space Pioneer, 1951 2012
Her life and legacy. Find out more@www.prophetoflife.com The videos on this channel have been viewed by people in 188 nations including: US, Canada, Aland is...
Miss World 1951 - 2013 (Crowning Moment)
Miss World 2013, the 63rd edition of the Miss World pageant was held on September 28, 2013 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center in Bali, Indonesia.127 contesta...
Miss World 2013, the 63rd edition of the Miss World pageant was held on September 28, 2013 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center in Bali, Indonesia.127 contesta......
wn.com/Miss World 1951 2013 (Crowning Moment)
Miss World 2013, the 63rd edition of the Miss World pageant was held on September 28, 2013 at Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center in Bali, Indonesia.127 contesta...
- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 44694
Miss World 2012 Profile - Ecuador
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his deat...
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his deat......
wn.com/Miss World 2012 Profile Ecuador
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his deat...
Luis Mariano: Carita Caracolera (Serie Rarezas)
Bolero compuesto por Vicente Marí Bas (Laredo), y que se publicara en 1951 en un disco de La Voz de su Amo que en su cara contraría incluía "Ecuador", también en mi canal. A la la batuta de la orquesta en este disco, Joaquín Aza. La película y canción más famosas del artista son las homónimas "Violetas Imperiales" (1952). En tal film, compartía protagonismo con Carmen Sevilla, quien fuera su gran amor, aunque nunca llegaran a ser pareja, principalmente porque este no logró vencer sus miedos y no se le declaró. Es la película de las tres que hicieron juntos más famosa, exitosa y épica. "Esa unión, de Luis Mariano y mía, pues yo creo que para mí nunca jamás se me podrá borrar ni olvidar porque para mí es como si hubiese sido más que, no sé, un hermano, más que un familiar. Es... No sé... Muy fuerte", diría Carmen de Luis Mariano en una entrevista de 1970. También decía que para ella, el tenor "lo era todo, lo conocía todo: era la vida entera". "Violetas Imperiales" (película) era una adaptación de una opereta con música de Francis López, el gran responsable de tantos éxitos de Luis Mariano, y quien encontrara en este a su mejor intérprete. La canción homónima a este film ha sido versionada por la propia Carmen Sevilla, Lilian de Celis, Víctor Balaguer, Paco Valladares, Francisco, o Daniel Diges en "Tu Cara me Suena", imitando a Luis Mariano precisamente en la canción y película nombradas. En resumen, era Luis un gran compañero (tenía amistad con Maurice Chevalier, Édith Piaf, o grandes cantantes del siglo 20 en general), a la par de un magnífico y elegante artista. Este "Carita Caracolera" no lo protagoniza Carmen Sevilla, a la que quizás aún ni conociera su intérprete, pero me parecía que debía ser ella quien apareciera en el vídeo.
Bolero compuesto por Vicente Marí Bas (Laredo), y que se publicara en 1951 en un disco de La Voz de su Amo que en su cara contraría incluía "Ecuador", también e...
wn.com/Luis Mariano Carita Caracolera (Serie Rarezas)
Bolero compuesto por Vicente Marí Bas (Laredo), y que se publicara en 1951 en un disco de La Voz de su Amo que en su cara contraría incluía "Ecuador", también en mi canal. A la la batuta de la orquesta en este disco, Joaquín Aza. La película y canción más famosas del artista son las homónimas "Violetas Imperiales" (1952). En tal film, compartía protagonismo con Carmen Sevilla, quien fuera su gran amor, aunque nunca llegaran a ser pareja, principalmente porque este no logró vencer sus miedos y no se le declaró. Es la película de las tres que hicieron juntos más famosa, exitosa y épica. "Esa unión, de Luis Mariano y mía, pues yo creo que para mí nunca jamás se me podrá borrar ni olvidar porque para mí es como si hubiese sido más que, no sé, un hermano, más que un familiar. Es... No sé... Muy fuerte", diría Carmen de Luis Mariano en una entrevista de 1970. También decía que para ella, el tenor "lo era todo, lo conocía todo: era la vida entera". "Violetas Imperiales" (película) era una adaptación de una opereta con música de Francis López, el gran responsable de tantos éxitos de Luis Mariano, y quien encontrara en este a su mejor intérprete. La canción homónima a este film ha sido versionada por la propia Carmen Sevilla, Lilian de Celis, Víctor Balaguer, Paco Valladares, Francisco, o Daniel Diges en "Tu Cara me Suena", imitando a Luis Mariano precisamente en la canción y película nombradas. En resumen, era Luis un gran compañero (tenía amistad con Maurice Chevalier, Édith Piaf, o grandes cantantes del siglo 20 en general), a la par de un magnífico y elegante artista. Este "Carita Caracolera" no lo protagoniza Carmen Sevilla, a la que quizás aún ni conociera su intérprete, pero me parecía que debía ser ella quien apareciera en el vídeo.
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 19
Muere Joan Sebastian. (1951—2015)
El cantante mexicano José Manuel Figueroa, mejor conocido por su nombre artístico Joan Sebastian, murió este lunes luego de luchar durante años contra un fuerte cáncer en los huesos.
Joan Sebastian murió a las 19:15 h de este 13 de julio en su rancho en Juliantla, Guerrero.
El músico fue hospitalizado en abril pasado luego de que el padecimiento se agravara, informó su hijo José Manuel Figueroa.
También compositor y actor, Joan Sebastian había cumplido 64 años el pasado 8 de abril, y desde hace 16 años había padecido de cáncer en los huesos.
De acuerdo a su hijo , el músico sufría recaídas cada cuatro años aproximadamente, y siempre se mostraba “renuente” a ser hospitalizado.
Paz en su tumba.
Joan Sebastián
El cantante mexicano José Manuel Figueroa, mejor conocido por su nombre artístico Joan Sebastian, murió este lunes luego de luchar durante años contra un fuerte...
wn.com/Muere Joan Sebastian. (1951—2015)
El cantante mexicano José Manuel Figueroa, mejor conocido por su nombre artístico Joan Sebastian, murió este lunes luego de luchar durante años contra un fuerte cáncer en los huesos.
Joan Sebastian murió a las 19:15 h de este 13 de julio en su rancho en Juliantla, Guerrero.
El músico fue hospitalizado en abril pasado luego de que el padecimiento se agravara, informó su hijo José Manuel Figueroa.
También compositor y actor, Joan Sebastian había cumplido 64 años el pasado 8 de abril, y desde hace 16 años había padecido de cáncer en los huesos.
De acuerdo a su hijo , el músico sufría recaídas cada cuatro años aproximadamente, y siempre se mostraba “renuente” a ser hospitalizado.
Paz en su tumba.
Joan Sebastián
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 165
The Last Urban 2015 [QUITO-ECUADOR]
El Mejor Del Mundo Nicky Jam Concierto Completo By Boom Music ® Performing 25 Sep 2015 QUITO-ECUADOR.
El Mejor Del Mundo Nicky Jam Concierto Completo By Boom Music ® Performing 25 Sep 2015 QUITO-ECUADOR....
wn.com/The Last Urban 2015 Quito Ecuador
El Mejor Del Mundo Nicky Jam Concierto Completo By Boom Music ® Performing 25 Sep 2015 QUITO-ECUADOR.
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 333
06-12-2010 1975 febraio 24-07-2014 finale ieri 1951 Mayo Saturday D Jamaica Ford 2014 2016
Estivo concerti 2015 dei Outubro lunedi 2017 2020 ottobre ufficiale video 2024 H Uruguay 2015 Juli clooney Traversa Fabio morandi fabrizio 2004 Julho Dezembr...
Estivo concerti 2015 dei Outubro lunedi 2017 2020 ottobre ufficiale video 2024 H Uruguay 2015 Juli clooney Traversa Fabio morandi fabrizio 2004 Julho Dezembr......
wn.com/06 12 2010 1975 Febraio 24 07 2014 Finale Ieri 1951 Mayo Saturday D Jamaica Ford 2014 2016
Estivo concerti 2015 dei Outubro lunedi 2017 2020 ottobre ufficiale video 2024 H Uruguay 2015 Juli clooney Traversa Fabio morandi fabrizio 2004 Julho Dezembr...
- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 1
tulio tere
2011 Miss World Profiles - Ecuador
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his death in 2000, Morley's wife, Julia Morley, co-chairs the pageant.
Alongside its rival Miss Universe and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most publicized beauty contests in the world.
The winner spends a year travelling to represent the Miss World Organization and its various causes.Traditionally, Miss World lives in London during her reign. The current Miss World is Ivian Sarcos of Venezuela.
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his death i...
wn.com/2011 Miss World Profiles Ecuador
The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951.Since his death in 2000, Morley's wife, Julia Morley, co-chairs the pageant.
Alongside its rival Miss Universe and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most publicized beauty contests in the world.
The winner spends a year travelling to represent the Miss World Organization and its various causes.Traditionally, Miss World lives in London during her reign. The current Miss World is Ivian Sarcos of Venezuela.
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 33
Fighting Fins (1951)
New Zealand National Film Unit presents Fighting Fins (1951) Exciting tussles with fighting swordfish and leaping Mako sharks in New Zealand's big game fishi...
New Zealand National Film Unit presents Fighting Fins (1951) Exciting tussles with fighting swordfish and leaping Mako sharks in New Zealand's big game fishi......
wn.com/Fighting Fins (1951)
New Zealand National Film Unit presents Fighting Fins (1951) Exciting tussles with fighting swordfish and leaping Mako sharks in New Zealand's big game fishi...
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 127
The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951
http://aifg.arizona.edu/film/longhouse-people The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951.
http://aifg.arizona.edu/film/longhouse-people The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951....
wn.com/The Longhouse People Iroquois Indians At Mid Century, 1951
http://aifg.arizona.edu/film/longhouse-people The Longhouse People: Iroquois Indians at mid-century, 1951.
- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 5151
Wood Ridge
1973 2015 February 2015 Setembro 1951 2014 2015 GB Grécia 1995 2014 März ottobre Wednesday
2014 2015 1984 politischer Juli Sonntag 1961 Sexta Декабрь 2014 2014 2018 agosto Novembre 2014 Суббота MEX Monaco Wednesday Вторник ottobre Rica 2014 1956 Ma...
2014 2015 1984 politischer Juli Sonntag 1961 Sexta Декабрь 2014 2014 2018 agosto Novembre 2014 Суббота MEX Monaco Wednesday Вторник ottobre Rica 2014 1956 Ma......
wn.com/1973 2015 February 2015 Setembro 1951 2014 2015 GB Grécia 1995 2014 März Ottobre Wednesday
2014 2015 1984 politischer Juli Sonntag 1961 Sexta Декабрь 2014 2014 2018 agosto Novembre 2014 Суббота MEX Monaco Wednesday Вторник ottobre Rica 2014 1956 Ma...
2014 1956 2015 Juin Friday 1961 1985 1951 Junio 1965 February HKJ Grã-Bretanha 2015 venerdi
Julho 2050 Saturday Viernes 2014 STORIA 2003 1971 maggio 1967 Terça 1988 Agosto Tuesday 2015 2015 2019 2015 2040 1957 2015 1960 1979 2014 2046 1966 2015 2014...
Julho 2050 Saturday Viernes 2014 STORIA 2003 1971 maggio 1967 Terça 1988 Agosto Tuesday 2015 2015 2019 2015 2040 1957 2015 1960 1979 2014 2046 1966 2015 2014......
wn.com/2014 1956 2015 Juin Friday 1961 1985 1951 Junio 1965 February Hkj Grã Bretanha 2015 Venerdi
Julho 2050 Saturday Viernes 2014 STORIA 2003 1971 maggio 1967 Terça 1988 Agosto Tuesday 2015 2015 2019 2015 2040 1957 2015 1960 1979 2014 2046 1966 2015 2014...
Ecuador del Conocimiento
Por décadas la educación en Ecuador permaneció abandonada y delegada. Ahora hemos cambiado tenemos nuevos centros educativos y universidades, con infraestructura nueva y equipadas con tecnología de punta, maestros con conocimientos actualizados y sobre todo un sistema de educación a todo nivel, articulado y con vista al futuro.
Por décadas la educación en Ecuador permaneció abandonada y delegada. Ahora hemos cambiado tenemos nuevos centros educativos y universidades, con infraestructur...
wn.com/Ecuador Del Conocimiento
Por décadas la educación en Ecuador permaneció abandonada y delegada. Ahora hemos cambiado tenemos nuevos centros educativos y universidades, con infraestructura nueva y equipadas con tecnología de punta, maestros con conocimientos actualizados y sobre todo un sistema de educación a todo nivel, articulado y con vista al futuro.
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 247
Caronia World Cruise - India and Egypt, 1951
Visits to India and Egypt in 1951 aboard the S.S. Caronia. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use ...
Visits to India and Egypt in 1951 aboard the S.S. Caronia. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use ......
wn.com/Caronia World Cruise India And Egypt, 1951
Visits to India and Egypt in 1951 aboard the S.S. Caronia. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use ...
Archivo histórico: Rugilo, el león de Wembley (1951)
Recordamos el histórico partido de fútbol entre Argentina e Inglaterra que tuvo lugar en el Estadio de Wembley en 1951 y la famosa actuación del arquero Miguel Ángel Rugilo, que se convirtió en la figura del equipo y fue bautizado desde entonces como "El león de Wembley".
"Si te he visto no me acuerdo" es un programa de la TV Pública, conducido por Felipe Pigna, sobre los archivos históricos del canal. Un recorrido por imágenes que no vimos, que quizás no recordamos pero volveremos a ver, con el particular enfoque y sensibilidad del historiador. Hitos, hechos, anécdotas, conquistas y tragedias de nuestra historia, para que volvamos a recordar, emocionarnos y construir entre todos nuestra memoria colectiva.
Recordamos el histórico partido de fútbol entre Argentina e Inglaterra que tuvo lugar en el Estadio de Wembley en 1951 y la famosa actuación del arquero Miguel ...
wn.com/Archivo Histórico Rugilo, El León De Wembley (1951)
Recordamos el histórico partido de fútbol entre Argentina e Inglaterra que tuvo lugar en el Estadio de Wembley en 1951 y la famosa actuación del arquero Miguel Ángel Rugilo, que se convirtió en la figura del equipo y fue bautizado desde entonces como "El león de Wembley".
"Si te he visto no me acuerdo" es un programa de la TV Pública, conducido por Felipe Pigna, sobre los archivos históricos del canal. Un recorrido por imágenes que no vimos, que quizás no recordamos pero volveremos a ver, con el particular enfoque y sensibilidad del historiador. Hitos, hechos, anécdotas, conquistas y tragedias de nuestra historia, para que volvamos a recordar, emocionarnos y construir entre todos nuestra memoria colectiva.
- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 64
Ecuador Travel Video Guide
Ecuador Travel Video Guide
Ecuador Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ecuador.
Ecuador is the smallest of the Andes’ states in South America and a land that derived its name from the Equator. A natural paradise with a living Indian culture and captivating colonial towns that was once part of the Inca Realm and later the sought-after possession of various European colonial powers. Quito, the "divine city", is the capital of Ecuador. Steep and narrow steps lead downhill to the Centro Historico in which many of its small buildings have been rebuilt several times due to devastating earthquakes. In 1536, Quito was newly founded and built on the ruins of an Inca town. West of Quito t
ECUADOR TRAVEL GUIDE: Food, Adventure, and Volcanic Hot Springs!
ECUADOR TRAVEL GUIDE: Food, Adventure, and Volcanic Hot Springs!
ECUADOR TRAVEL GUIDE: Food, Adventure, and Volcanic Hot Springs!
Ecuador is quickly becoming one of South America's most visited destinations! Experience the country through an urban lens with host Mike Melendy. Indulge in the sweet caramel taffy after dipping into 90 degree volcanic hot springs in the small town of Banos!
Share this video with your friends, family, and fellow travel lovers! And remember, don't forget your passport.
A BlackTree Media Production
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Ecuador tourism 2015
Ecuador tourism 2015
Ecuador tourism 2015
Ecuador tourism 2015, Tourist Attractions in Ecuador, Ecuador trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Ecuador is a land of rich cultural and historical attractions, all set within a backdrop of natural wonders, with landscapes that range between lush, tropical rainforests and glaciated volcanoes. Whether exploring the exquisite churches of the nation’s capital, Quito, or whether whitewater rafting down pristine tributaries of the great river Amazon, visitors to the nation that straddles the Earth’s equator will come away with great travel memories.
La Compañía, Quito
Ecuador: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Ecuador: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Ecuador: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Ecuador - Travel Ecuador.
Ecuador Tourist attractions, Ecuador Attractions,
Ecuador Tourist Destinations, Ecuador Destinations,
Ecuador Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
Ecuador Travel Video: 10 Days in Quito, The Equator, Otavalo, Teña, The Amazon, and Baños
Ecuador Travel Video: 10 Days in Quito, The Equator, Otavalo, Teña, The Amazon, and Baños
Ecuador Travel Video: 10 Days in Quito, The Equator, Otavalo, Teña, The Amazon, and Baños
Do you want to travel Ecuador in 10 days? See what I saw in the capital city of Quito, at the equator in Midad del Mundo, in the historic Andean market town ...
ECUADOR: Tourism Travel Video, with Mark Chesnut from LatinFlyer.com
ECUADOR: Tourism Travel Video, with Mark Chesnut from LatinFlyer.com
ECUADOR: Tourism Travel Video, with Mark Chesnut from LatinFlyer.com
More about Ecuador: www.LatinFlyer.com. During his most recent trip to Ecuador, travel writer Mark Chesnut, who's also editor of LatinFlyer.com, participated...
Quito Travel Video Guide
Quito Travel Video Guide
Quito Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Quito in Ecuador.
Quito, otherwise known as the ‘divine city’, is the capital of Ecuador. It is a Spanish colonial city and Baroque gem surrounded by volcanic mountains, its historic centre having been built on the ruins of an Inca city. La Basilica is situated on a northern hill and is one of the city’s most monumental buildings measuring a hundred and forty metres long and thirty five metres wide. It is one of Quito’s earliest religious buildings and its construction began in 1892 when, a century later, it was consecrated by the Pope. The basilica is an architectural symbol of an autocratic Catholic church
Mindo Ecuador guía de viajes / Mindo Ecuador cloudforest travel guide
Mindo Ecuador guía de viajes / Mindo Ecuador cloudforest travel guide
Mindo Ecuador guía de viajes / Mindo Ecuador cloudforest travel guide
Mindo Ecuador cloud Forest, travel guide to Mindo Ecuador, highlights atracctions and what to do in Mindo Ecuador -- Mindo Ecuador reserva, guia de viajes a ...
Activities, Baños Ecuador, Travel Guide, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Information
Activities, Baños Ecuador, Travel Guide, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Information
Activities, Baños Ecuador, Travel Guide, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Information
Activities in Banos Ecuador, Information, Tours, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Trips, Adventure, Rafting, Canyoning, Rock Climbing, Biking, Zip Lining and...
Parasailing Montañita HD | Ecuador Travel Guide - Bootate TV
Parasailing Montañita HD | Ecuador Travel Guide - Bootate TV
Parasailing Montañita HD | Ecuador Travel Guide - Bootate TV
GoPro Camera By Vicente Freire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bootatefilms
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bootatefilms
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bootatefilms/
SoundTrack: Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines, ft. T.I. - Pharrell Music Copyright:
I do not own this audio! this audio is owned by UMG.
From its origins as a hippie beach destination in the 1960s to its present-day reputation as a surfing hotspot, Montanita Ecuador has been luring tourists and expats to its golden shores for decades. And with some of the country’s most lively attractions and colorful characters, it’s a place that’s guaranteed to kee
Interview Travel Guide Ecole Travel Ecuador I
Interview Travel Guide Ecole Travel Ecuador I
Interview Travel Guide Ecole Travel Ecuador I
Hilde, and experienced travel guide from Ecole Travel Ecuador will tell you what the backpackers will experience durin their 2 months trip through Ecuador. I...
Travel Guide to Quito, Ecuador
Travel Guide to Quito, Ecuador
Travel Guide to Quito, Ecuador
http://bestflights.co.za/south-america/ecuador/quito - Visit for more information on Quito, Ecuador Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is regarded as the mo...
Video Islands Galapagos - Travel Guide Ecuador
Video Islands Galapagos - Travel Guide Ecuador
Video Islands Galapagos - Travel Guide Ecuador
www.welcomeecuador.com - Galápagos Islands is an archipelago located to 965 kilometers of the coast of Ecuador. It is conformed by 13 great volcanic islands,...
Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 1/2
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 1/2
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 1/2
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 1/2.
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 2/2
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 2/2
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide 2/2
Galapagos - Ecuador - Travel guide.
Ecuador Adventure Travel
Ecuador Adventure Travel
Ecuador Adventure Travel
Ecuador Adventure Travel - Adventure Setting off on a trek into the Andes can seem like stepping into a fairy tale: there's the patchwork of small villages, gurgling brooks and rolling fields, with a slowly wheeling condor overhead. Then the mists clear, a view of those towering snow-covered peaks comes into view, and the adventure begins -- the challenging climb to the summit of a 5000m-high volcano.
Although the view from the top is sublime, you don't have to scale a mountain to enjoy the Andes. These verdant landscapes make a fine backdrop for mountain-biking, horseback-riding or hiking from village to village, overnighting at local guest
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism, Guayaquil, Ecuador Vacation, Guayaquil, Ecuador Travel Guide
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Guayaquil is the largest and the most populous city in Ecuador, with around 2.69 million people in the metropolitan area, as well as the nation's main port. The city is the capital of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas and the seat of the namesake canton.
Guayaquil is located on the western bank of the Guayas River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Guayaquil.
See in Guayaquil, Ecuador
These places are located in the d
Manta, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Manta, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Manta, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Manta, Ecuador Tourism - Manta, Ecuador Vacation - Manta, Ecuador Tours - Manta, Ecuador Travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Manta is a mid-sized city in Manabí Province, Ecuador. It is the second most populous city in the province, the fifth most populous in the country. Manta has existed since Pre-Columbian times. It was a trading post for the Mantas. According to the 2001 census, the city had 192,322 inhabitants. Its main economic activity is tuna fishing. Other economic activities include tourism and a chemical industry with products from cleaning supplies to oils and
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Bielefeld with a Tourist from Ecuador | Discover Germany
Bielefeld with a Tourist from Ecuador | Discover Germany
Bielefeld with a Tourist from Ecuador | Discover Germany
Edward Parrales has come to do a German language course in the Westphalian town of Bielefeld. His tour includes the Farmhouse Museum and Sparrenburg Castle.
Find out more: www.dw.de/discover-germany-the-travel-guide-2014-11-15/e-18002679-9798
Travel Tips#1 Taking a Taxi in Quito Ecuador
Travel Tips#1 Taking a Taxi in Quito Ecuador
Travel Tips#1 Taking a Taxi in Quito Ecuador
Seth Allan Ames Travel Tips #1. If you don't want to loose money on every taxi ride in Quito, then make sure the taxi has a taximetro or a meter. Also watch ...
Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.)
Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.)
Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.)
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.).
Ecuador Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ecuador.
Ecuador is the smallest of the Andes’ states in South America and a land that derived its name from the Equator. A natural paradise with a living Indian culture and captivating colonial towns that was once part of the Inca Realm and later the sought-after possession of various European colonial powers. Quito, the "divine city", is the capital of Ecuador. Steep and narrow steps lead downhill to the Centro Historico in which many of its small buildings have been rebuilt several times due to devastating earthquakes. In 1536, Quito was newly founded and built on the ruins of an Inca town. West of Quito the edge of the extinct Pululahua Volcano is accessible by car. It is the largest volcanic crater in South America and the huge caldera with its steep slopes has a diameter of four to five kilometres and is hundreds of metres deep. One and a half hours from Quito are the Termas De Papallacta, the most beautiful spa baths in Ecuador. Hot springs were discovered here and an infrastructure built to make them accessible to tourism, an idyllic spot set in remote nature and at an altitude of around four thousand metres above sea level. The southern sierra of Ecuador is a green and fertile landscape. The Andes is flatter here and the peaks of the volcanoes are free from snow. This is the most important monument of Incan culture in Ecuador, the ruins of Ingapirca, a location with a long and dramatic past. Around a thousand kilometres from Ecuador, within the Pacific Ocean, is a scattered group of nineteen volcanic islands, the Galápagos Islands and even below the water there are creatures that seem to come from another world. Ecuador is truly fascinating due to its vast variety of culture and nature and its amazing mountain landscapes are the backbone of the country. Ecuador is a unique adventure where South America is at its most beautiful!
Travel video about destination Ecuador.
Ecuador is the smallest of the Andes’ states in South America and a land that derived its name from the Equator. A natu...
wn.com/Ecuador Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ecuador.
Ecuador is the smallest of the Andes’ states in South America and a land that derived its name from the Equator. A natural paradise with a living Indian culture and captivating colonial towns that was once part of the Inca Realm and later the sought-after possession of various European colonial powers. Quito, the "divine city", is the capital of Ecuador. Steep and narrow steps lead downhill to the Centro Historico in which many of its small buildings have been rebuilt several times due to devastating earthquakes. In 1536, Quito was newly founded and built on the ruins of an Inca town. West of Quito the edge of the extinct Pululahua Volcano is accessible by car. It is the largest volcanic crater in South America and the huge caldera with its steep slopes has a diameter of four to five kilometres and is hundreds of metres deep. One and a half hours from Quito are the Termas De Papallacta, the most beautiful spa baths in Ecuador. Hot springs were discovered here and an infrastructure built to make them accessible to tourism, an idyllic spot set in remote nature and at an altitude of around four thousand metres above sea level. The southern sierra of Ecuador is a green and fertile landscape. The Andes is flatter here and the peaks of the volcanoes are free from snow. This is the most important monument of Incan culture in Ecuador, the ruins of Ingapirca, a location with a long and dramatic past. Around a thousand kilometres from Ecuador, within the Pacific Ocean, is a scattered group of nineteen volcanic islands, the Galápagos Islands and even below the water there are creatures that seem to come from another world. Ecuador is truly fascinating due to its vast variety of culture and nature and its amazing mountain landscapes are the backbone of the country. Ecuador is a unique adventure where South America is at its most beautiful!
- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 45146
ECUADOR TRAVEL GUIDE: Food, Adventure, and Volcanic Hot Springs!
Ecuador is quickly becoming one of South America's most visited destinations! Experience the country through an urban lens with host Mike Melendy. Indulge in the sweet caramel taffy after dipping into 90 degree volcanic hot springs in the small town of Banos!
Share this video with your friends, family, and fellow travel lovers! And remember, don't forget your passport.
A BlackTree Media Production
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Ecuador is quickly becoming one of South America's most visited destinations! Experience the country through an urban lens with host Mike Melendy. Indulge in ...
wn.com/Ecuador Travel Guide Food, Adventure, And Volcanic Hot Springs
Ecuador is quickly becoming one of South America's most visited destinations! Experience the country through an urban lens with host Mike Melendy. Indulge in the sweet caramel taffy after dipping into 90 degree volcanic hot springs in the small town of Banos!
Share this video with your friends, family, and fellow travel lovers! And remember, don't forget your passport.
A BlackTree Media Production
Subscribe to our channel http://goo.gl/lVN14
Log onto our stream at http://goo.gl/74Ama
Follow us on twitter @BlackTreeTV
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 129
Ecuador tourism 2015
Ecuador tourism 2015, Tourist Attractions in Ecuador, Ecuador trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Ecuador is a land of rich cultural and historical attractions, all set within a backdrop of natural wonders, with landscapes that range between lush, tropical rainforests and glaciated volcanoes. Whether exploring the exquisite churches of the nation’s capital, Quito, or whether whitewater rafting down pristine tributaries of the great river Amazon, visitors to the nation that straddles the Earth’s equator will come away with great travel memories.
La Compañía, Quito
Located in the heart of Quito, the Church of the Society of Jesus, or “La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús,” is perhaps the best known of the capital’s famed cathedrals.
Cotopaxi is the second highest summit in Ecuador, reaching a height of 5,897 m (19,347 ft). The volcano has one of the few equatorial glaciers in the world, which starts at the height of 5,000 meters (16,400 ft).
Nariz del Diablo
The Nariz del Diablo, or “Devil’s Nose,” describes the train line between the towns of Alausi and Sibambe.
The small city of Baños lies at the foot of the active volcano Tungurahua. Named after the hot springs fed by the thermal waters of the volcano, Baños is one of the most popular tourist spots in Ecuador. Known as the “Gateway to the Amazon,” Baños is a favorite departure point for jungle tours. Waterfalls cascading thousands of feet down deep river gorges attract sightseers as well.
Situated in the Amazon rainforest region of Ecuador, for tourists, Tena serves as a launching point for jungle adventures. Missionaries founded the town, and a cinnamon industry helped the city survive. The Tena River joins with the Masahualli River, and then with the Napo River, a tributary of the Amazon. Adventure enthusiasts cite Tena as one of the best places in the world for whitewater rafting and kayaking.
Ecuador’s southern coastal region boasts scenic shorelines and world-famous beach resorts, including the popular Montañita. Montañita Town was a sleep fishing village until the international surfing community discovered the area’s exceptional surfing conditions. Montañita is known for its nightlife as well, with nightclubs, bars and cafés to entertain locals and visitors alike.
Catedral Nueva, Cuenca
The colonial city of Cuenca is the third largest in Ecuador, popular for its year-round temperate climate. The New Cathedral of Cuenca, or “Catedral Nueva,”
Otavalo Market
Part of the fun of traveling in Ecuador is exploring the handiwork crafted by local artisans, and there’s no better place to see and purchase local arts, crafts and clothing than at the markets in the small town of Otavalo. The city is known the world over for the handiwork of its indigenous people, the Otavalos.
San Francisco Church, Quito
Located in Quito’s Old Town district, the Iglesia y Monesterio de San Francisco features several masterpieces, including a sculpture of a winged Holy Virgin by Legarda.
Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands are a small archipelago of volcanic islands belonging to Ecuador in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The islands are quite remote and isolated, lying some 1000 km (620 miles) Ecuador.
Ecuador tourism 2015, Tourist Attractions in Ecuador, Ecuador trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_use...
wn.com/Ecuador Tourism 2015
Ecuador tourism 2015, Tourist Attractions in Ecuador, Ecuador trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Ecuador is a land of rich cultural and historical attractions, all set within a backdrop of natural wonders, with landscapes that range between lush, tropical rainforests and glaciated volcanoes. Whether exploring the exquisite churches of the nation’s capital, Quito, or whether whitewater rafting down pristine tributaries of the great river Amazon, visitors to the nation that straddles the Earth’s equator will come away with great travel memories.
La Compañía, Quito
Located in the heart of Quito, the Church of the Society of Jesus, or “La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús,” is perhaps the best known of the capital’s famed cathedrals.
Cotopaxi is the second highest summit in Ecuador, reaching a height of 5,897 m (19,347 ft). The volcano has one of the few equatorial glaciers in the world, which starts at the height of 5,000 meters (16,400 ft).
Nariz del Diablo
The Nariz del Diablo, or “Devil’s Nose,” describes the train line between the towns of Alausi and Sibambe.
The small city of Baños lies at the foot of the active volcano Tungurahua. Named after the hot springs fed by the thermal waters of the volcano, Baños is one of the most popular tourist spots in Ecuador. Known as the “Gateway to the Amazon,” Baños is a favorite departure point for jungle tours. Waterfalls cascading thousands of feet down deep river gorges attract sightseers as well.
Situated in the Amazon rainforest region of Ecuador, for tourists, Tena serves as a launching point for jungle adventures. Missionaries founded the town, and a cinnamon industry helped the city survive. The Tena River joins with the Masahualli River, and then with the Napo River, a tributary of the Amazon. Adventure enthusiasts cite Tena as one of the best places in the world for whitewater rafting and kayaking.
Ecuador’s southern coastal region boasts scenic shorelines and world-famous beach resorts, including the popular Montañita. Montañita Town was a sleep fishing village until the international surfing community discovered the area’s exceptional surfing conditions. Montañita is known for its nightlife as well, with nightclubs, bars and cafés to entertain locals and visitors alike.
Catedral Nueva, Cuenca
The colonial city of Cuenca is the third largest in Ecuador, popular for its year-round temperate climate. The New Cathedral of Cuenca, or “Catedral Nueva,”
Otavalo Market
Part of the fun of traveling in Ecuador is exploring the handiwork crafted by local artisans, and there’s no better place to see and purchase local arts, crafts and clothing than at the markets in the small town of Otavalo. The city is known the world over for the handiwork of its indigenous people, the Otavalos.
San Francisco Church, Quito
Located in Quito’s Old Town district, the Iglesia y Monesterio de San Francisco features several masterpieces, including a sculpture of a winged Holy Virgin by Legarda.
Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands are a small archipelago of volcanic islands belonging to Ecuador in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The islands are quite remote and isolated, lying some 1000 km (620 miles) Ecuador.
- published: 27 Mar 2015
- views: 17
Ecuador: Top 10 Tourist Attractions - Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Ecuador - Travel Ecuador.
Ecuador Tourist attractions, Ecuador Attractions,
Ecuador Tourist Destinations, Ecuador Destinations,
Ecuador Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Ecuador - Travel Ecuador.
Ecuador Tourist attractions, Ecuador Attractions,
Ecuador Tourist Destinations, Ecuador Destinations,
wn.com/Ecuador Top 10 Tourist Attractions Video Travel Guide
Top 10 Tourist attractions in Ecuador - Travel Ecuador.
Ecuador Tourist attractions, Ecuador Attractions,
Ecuador Tourist Destinations, Ecuador Destinations,
Ecuador Travel Video,
Copyright: Video created by Omegatours.vn
Omega Tours Co., LTD
Add: 176 Tran Phu Str - Hai Chau Dist - Da Nang City, Vietnam
Website: http://Omegatours.vn
Disclaimer: All audio in this video, We was used free audio in Youtube Library.
Thank For Creative Commons of Authors:
Photos Credited:
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 129
Ecuador Travel Video: 10 Days in Quito, The Equator, Otavalo, Teña, The Amazon, and Baños
Do you want to travel Ecuador in 10 days? See what I saw in the capital city of Quito, at the equator in Midad del Mundo, in the historic Andean market town ...
Do you want to travel Ecuador in 10 days? See what I saw in the capital city of Quito, at the equator in Midad del Mundo, in the historic Andean market town ......
wn.com/Ecuador Travel Video 10 Days In Quito, The Equator, Otavalo, Teña, The Amazon, And Baños
Do you want to travel Ecuador in 10 days? See what I saw in the capital city of Quito, at the equator in Midad del Mundo, in the historic Andean market town ...
- published: 24 Jun 2011
- views: 71398
Joe Casey
ECUADOR: Tourism Travel Video, with Mark Chesnut from LatinFlyer.com
More about Ecuador: www.LatinFlyer.com. During his most recent trip to Ecuador, travel writer Mark Chesnut, who's also editor of LatinFlyer.com, participated...
More about Ecuador: www.LatinFlyer.com. During his most recent trip to Ecuador, travel writer Mark Chesnut, who's also editor of LatinFlyer.com, participated......
wn.com/Ecuador Tourism Travel Video, With Mark Chesnut From Latinflyer.Com
More about Ecuador: www.LatinFlyer.com. During his most recent trip to Ecuador, travel writer Mark Chesnut, who's also editor of LatinFlyer.com, participated...
Quito Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Quito in Ecuador.
Quito, otherwise known as the ‘divine city’, is the capital of Ecuador. It is a Spanish colonial city and Baroque gem surrounded by volcanic mountains, its historic centre having been built on the ruins of an Inca city. La Basilica is situated on a northern hill and is one of the city’s most monumental buildings measuring a hundred and forty metres long and thirty five metres wide. It is one of Quito’s earliest religious buildings and its construction began in 1892 when, a century later, it was consecrated by the Pope. The basilica is an architectural symbol of an autocratic Catholic church which dominated the country until the Liberal Revolution of 1925. The former Inca city subsequently became a splendid, yet strict, religious settlement of the main religious orders. On the northern side of the plaza is the Palacio Arzobispal, the Archbishop’s Palace. Its size and location highlight the prominent position of the Catholic church that continues to be of great importance today. The Catedral Metropolitana is situated on the opposite side of the square and is the result of various building epochs. The ancient town of Quito with all its alleys, buildings and courtyards is a gem of colonial architecture and monuments such as the Arco De La Reina, a kind of triumphal gate, still adorns the metropolis. But, above all, there are churches everywhere. Indeed, in one single square kilometre are sixteen religious buildings. Quito is truly the ‘monastery of America’. The former capital of the northern Inca realm became the most Spanish city of the New World and today, churches, monasteries and squares continue to gleam in all of their colonial splendour. The remarkable legacy of a rich and dramatic past!
Travel video about destination Quito in Ecuador.
Quito, otherwise known as the ‘divine city’, is the capital of Ecuador. It is a Spanish colonial city and Baro...
wn.com/Quito Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Quito in Ecuador.
Quito, otherwise known as the ‘divine city’, is the capital of Ecuador. It is a Spanish colonial city and Baroque gem surrounded by volcanic mountains, its historic centre having been built on the ruins of an Inca city. La Basilica is situated on a northern hill and is one of the city’s most monumental buildings measuring a hundred and forty metres long and thirty five metres wide. It is one of Quito’s earliest religious buildings and its construction began in 1892 when, a century later, it was consecrated by the Pope. The basilica is an architectural symbol of an autocratic Catholic church which dominated the country until the Liberal Revolution of 1925. The former Inca city subsequently became a splendid, yet strict, religious settlement of the main religious orders. On the northern side of the plaza is the Palacio Arzobispal, the Archbishop’s Palace. Its size and location highlight the prominent position of the Catholic church that continues to be of great importance today. The Catedral Metropolitana is situated on the opposite side of the square and is the result of various building epochs. The ancient town of Quito with all its alleys, buildings and courtyards is a gem of colonial architecture and monuments such as the Arco De La Reina, a kind of triumphal gate, still adorns the metropolis. But, above all, there are churches everywhere. Indeed, in one single square kilometre are sixteen religious buildings. Quito is truly the ‘monastery of America’. The former capital of the northern Inca realm became the most Spanish city of the New World and today, churches, monasteries and squares continue to gleam in all of their colonial splendour. The remarkable legacy of a rich and dramatic past!
- published: 03 May 2014
- views: 10414
Mindo Ecuador guía de viajes / Mindo Ecuador cloudforest travel guide
Mindo Ecuador cloud Forest, travel guide to Mindo Ecuador, highlights atracctions and what to do in Mindo Ecuador -- Mindo Ecuador reserva, guia de viajes a ...
Mindo Ecuador cloud Forest, travel guide to Mindo Ecuador, highlights atracctions and what to do in Mindo Ecuador -- Mindo Ecuador reserva, guia de viajes a ......
wn.com/Mindo Ecuador Guía De Viajes Mindo Ecuador Cloudforest Travel Guide
Mindo Ecuador cloud Forest, travel guide to Mindo Ecuador, highlights atracctions and what to do in Mindo Ecuador -- Mindo Ecuador reserva, guia de viajes a ...
Activities, Baños Ecuador, Travel Guide, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Information
Activities in Banos Ecuador, Information, Tours, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Trips, Adventure, Rafting, Canyoning, Rock Climbing, Biking, Zip Lining and...
Activities in Banos Ecuador, Information, Tours, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Trips, Adventure, Rafting, Canyoning, Rock Climbing, Biking, Zip Lining and......
wn.com/Activities, Baños Ecuador, Travel Guide, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Information
Activities in Banos Ecuador, Information, Tours, Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Trips, Adventure, Rafting, Canyoning, Rock Climbing, Biking, Zip Lining and...
Parasailing Montañita HD | Ecuador Travel Guide - Bootate TV
GoPro Camera By Vicente Freire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bootatefilms
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bootatefilms
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bootatefilms/
SoundTrack: Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines, ft. T.I. - Pharrell Music Copyright:
I do not own this audio! this audio is owned by UMG.
From its origins as a hippie beach destination in the 1960s to its present-day reputation as a surfing hotspot, Montanita Ecuador has been luring tourists and expats to its golden shores for decades. And with some of the country’s most lively attractions and colorful characters, it’s a place that’s guaranteed to keep even the most intrepid traveler on their toes.
Montañita is a small coastal town located in the Parrish of Manglaralto in the province of Santa Elena about 180 kilometers northwest of Guayaquil.
Montañita's economy is based in tourism, mainly with respect to food service, surfing, and craft sales. High season for tourism peaks in January and hits its low in June. Each February Carnival is held in Montañita.
Water sports that draw tourists and locals to Montañita include bodyboarding, scuba diving, and windsurfing.
With a name that means “Little Hill,” this multi-cultural mecca boasts one of the most beautiful beaches on Ecuador’s south coast.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
GoPro Camera By Vicente Freire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bootatefilms
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bootatefilms
wn.com/Parasailing Montañita Hd | Ecuador Travel Guide Bootate Tv
GoPro Camera By Vicente Freire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bootatefilms
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bootatefilms
Instagram: http://instagram.com/bootatefilms/
SoundTrack: Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines, ft. T.I. - Pharrell Music Copyright:
I do not own this audio! this audio is owned by UMG.
From its origins as a hippie beach destination in the 1960s to its present-day reputation as a surfing hotspot, Montanita Ecuador has been luring tourists and expats to its golden shores for decades. And with some of the country’s most lively attractions and colorful characters, it’s a place that’s guaranteed to keep even the most intrepid traveler on their toes.
Montañita is a small coastal town located in the Parrish of Manglaralto in the province of Santa Elena about 180 kilometers northwest of Guayaquil.
Montañita's economy is based in tourism, mainly with respect to food service, surfing, and craft sales. High season for tourism peaks in January and hits its low in June. Each February Carnival is held in Montañita.
Water sports that draw tourists and locals to Montañita include bodyboarding, scuba diving, and windsurfing.
With a name that means “Little Hill,” this multi-cultural mecca boasts one of the most beautiful beaches on Ecuador’s south coast.
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use"
- published: 29 Jan 2015
- views: 29
Interview Travel Guide Ecole Travel Ecuador I
Hilde, and experienced travel guide from Ecole Travel Ecuador will tell you what the backpackers will experience durin their 2 months trip through Ecuador. I...
Hilde, and experienced travel guide from Ecole Travel Ecuador will tell you what the backpackers will experience durin their 2 months trip through Ecuador. I......
wn.com/Interview Travel Guide Ecole Travel Ecuador I
Hilde, and experienced travel guide from Ecole Travel Ecuador will tell you what the backpackers will experience durin their 2 months trip through Ecuador. I...
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 852
Travel Guide to Quito, Ecuador
http://bestflights.co.za/south-america/ecuador/quito - Visit for more information on Quito, Ecuador Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is regarded as the mo...
http://bestflights.co.za/south-america/ecuador/quito - Visit for more information on Quito, Ecuador Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is regarded as the mo......
wn.com/Travel Guide To Quito, Ecuador
http://bestflights.co.za/south-america/ecuador/quito - Visit for more information on Quito, Ecuador Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is regarded as the mo...
Video Islands Galapagos - Travel Guide Ecuador
www.welcomeecuador.com - Galápagos Islands is an archipelago located to 965 kilometers of the coast of Ecuador. It is conformed by 13 great volcanic islands,...
www.welcomeecuador.com - Galápagos Islands is an archipelago located to 965 kilometers of the coast of Ecuador. It is conformed by 13 great volcanic islands,......
wn.com/Video Islands Galapagos Travel Guide Ecuador
www.welcomeecuador.com - Galápagos Islands is an archipelago located to 965 kilometers of the coast of Ecuador. It is conformed by 13 great volcanic islands,...
Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc....
wn.com/Travel Tips For Ecuador Housing, Shopping, Etc.
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Travel Tips for Ecuador: Housing, Shopping, etc.
- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 28
Ecuador Adventure Travel
Ecuador Adventure Travel - Adventure Setting off on a trek into the Andes can seem like stepping into a fairy tale: there's the patchwork of small villages, gurgling brooks and rolling fields, with a slowly wheeling condor overhead. Then the mists clear, a view of those towering snow-covered peaks comes into view, and the adventure begins -- the challenging climb to the summit of a 5000m-high volcano.
Although the view from the top is sublime, you don't have to scale a mountain to enjoy the Andes. These verdant landscapes make a fine backdrop for mountain-biking, horseback-riding or hiking from village to village, overnighting at local guesthouses along the way. Ecuador's other landscapes offer equally alluring adventures, from surfing tight breaks off the Pacific coast to white-water rafting Class V rivers along the jungle-clad banks of the Oriente across your Ecuador Adventure.
Beyond the cities, the Ecuadorian Travel landscape unfolds in all its startling variety. There are Andean villages renowned for their colorful textiles and sprawling markets, Afro-Ecuadorian towns where days end with meals of fresh seafood and memorable sunsets, and remote settlements in the Amazon where shamans still harvest the traditional rainforest medicines of their ancestors. I hope you liked this Ecuador Adventure Travel!
Ecuador Adventure Travel - Adventure Setting off on a trek into the Andes can seem like stepping into a fairy tale: there's the patchwork of small villages, gur...
wn.com/Ecuador Adventure Travel
Ecuador Adventure Travel - Adventure Setting off on a trek into the Andes can seem like stepping into a fairy tale: there's the patchwork of small villages, gurgling brooks and rolling fields, with a slowly wheeling condor overhead. Then the mists clear, a view of those towering snow-covered peaks comes into view, and the adventure begins -- the challenging climb to the summit of a 5000m-high volcano.
Although the view from the top is sublime, you don't have to scale a mountain to enjoy the Andes. These verdant landscapes make a fine backdrop for mountain-biking, horseback-riding or hiking from village to village, overnighting at local guesthouses along the way. Ecuador's other landscapes offer equally alluring adventures, from surfing tight breaks off the Pacific coast to white-water rafting Class V rivers along the jungle-clad banks of the Oriente across your Ecuador Adventure.
Beyond the cities, the Ecuadorian Travel landscape unfolds in all its startling variety. There are Andean villages renowned for their colorful textiles and sprawling markets, Afro-Ecuadorian towns where days end with meals of fresh seafood and memorable sunsets, and remote settlements in the Amazon where shamans still harvest the traditional rainforest medicines of their ancestors. I hope you liked this Ecuador Adventure Travel!
- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 894
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism, Guayaquil, Ecuador Vacation, Guayaquil, Ecuador Travel Guide
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Guayaquil is the largest and the most populous city in Ecuador, with around 2.69 million people in the metropolitan area, as well as the nation's main port. The city is the capital of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas and the seat of the namesake canton.
Guayaquil is located on the western bank of the Guayas River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Guayaquil.
See in Guayaquil, Ecuador
These places are located in the downtown area, near the main hotels and at the heart of the regenerated area, a very secure walk.
The Malecon Simón Bolivar. It is the riverfront promenade for the Guayas River, with shops, theaters, museums, gardens and shopping arcades. The "Rotonda" monument in the middle of the Malecon, commemorates the famous meeting of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin that took place there.
The "Malecon del Salado" located next to the "Estero Salado" (an estuary of sea water), here you can enjoy fresh air and wonderful sunsets, with restaurants of typical food, all framed within a very safe new park.
The renewed downtown area (Area regenerada), very secure to walk and look around.
Museums (Museo Municipal, Museo Nahim Isaias, MAAC and Presley Northon Museum are located in the center of the downtown)
Santa Ana & El Carmen hills, you can see almost the whole city from here. You can walk up the 400 odd steps to the top from the Malecon Simón Bolivar. There is a lighthouse, museum, small chapel and park at the top. Along the stairs, vendors sell water, ice cream and other snacks.
Las Peñas, where the city was founded, was actually rebuilt and painted bright colors where most of Guayaquil's colonial buildings are.
Parks, we recommend to visit the "Seminario Parque de las Iguanas" downtown, which is home to hundreds of tame iguanas, some fish in a pond and a black squirrel or two, and do not forget some turtles.
The Central Bank Building has several giant paintings on the outside of the building.
Markets, you can visit the "Mercado Artesanal", where you can buy some very traditional souvenirs from all regions of Ecuador.
Parque Histórico, Avenue Rio Esmer Aldas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, . an interesting recreation of the early 20th century years of Guayaquil, the look, the people and the food. Includes a small zoo, some old town-buildings where moved here as well as a "Hacienda"-Building and a small country-side farm-house. There is also a garden where you can see all kinds of tropical fruits being grown. In case you know coffee only as the black beans, chocolate only as powder and sugar only as a white powder - this is the place to go. no entrance fee (2013).
Jardín Botánico (Botanical Garden), ciudadela 'las Orquídeas', Av. Francisco De Orellana (in the northern part of the city), . In the Botanical Garden you find many tropical plants directly under the blue sky as well as local animals and especially a butterfly "farm". edit
The cemetery north from the centre has few impressing graves and statues as well as plenty of more normal graves. Worth a visit if you're into graveyards.
Zoológico El Pantanal, Km. 23 Vía a Daule, Guayaquil, . Nice small zoo in the northern part of Guayaquil. Visit, if the kids want to see more animals after having been to "Parque Histórico"
Other interesting places near Guayaquil:
"Crucero Discovery", rides up and down the Rio Guayas. You can catch it at Malecon Simón Bolivar. Crazy parties at night.
Traditionally, Salinas has been the main beach, but since 2008 General Villamil Playas has attracted a big part of the local and international tourism. Fishing, surfing, and other water sports. Many modern hotels and delicious sea food. Interesting night life. Wonderful whale-watching during June to September.
The following places are interesting to see if you are daring:
6 de Marzo is an interesting street to visit about 10 blocks from the downtown area during the week before New Year's Eve, because the street is lined with "Años Viejos" or old years, paper maché figures ranging in size from about 12 inches up to 10 or more feet tall. These are often political, movie or cartoon characters.
La Bahía, just off the southern end of the Malecon Simón Bolivar. Huge market area full of shops and stalls of almost anything imaginable. Because it is so cheap you will have lower social class people and have to be a little careful with belongings.
Cocoa or Banana plantations are located around Guayaquil city.
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism, Guayaquil, Ecuador Vacation, Guayaquil, Ecuador Travel Guide
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscripti...
wn.com/Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism (Hd)
Guayaquil, Ecuador Tourism, Guayaquil, Ecuador Vacation, Guayaquil, Ecuador Travel Guide
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Guayaquil is the largest and the most populous city in Ecuador, with around 2.69 million people in the metropolitan area, as well as the nation's main port. The city is the capital of the Ecuadorian province of Guayas and the seat of the namesake canton.
Guayaquil is located on the western bank of the Guayas River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Guayaquil.
See in Guayaquil, Ecuador
These places are located in the downtown area, near the main hotels and at the heart of the regenerated area, a very secure walk.
The Malecon Simón Bolivar. It is the riverfront promenade for the Guayas River, with shops, theaters, museums, gardens and shopping arcades. The "Rotonda" monument in the middle of the Malecon, commemorates the famous meeting of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin that took place there.
The "Malecon del Salado" located next to the "Estero Salado" (an estuary of sea water), here you can enjoy fresh air and wonderful sunsets, with restaurants of typical food, all framed within a very safe new park.
The renewed downtown area (Area regenerada), very secure to walk and look around.
Museums (Museo Municipal, Museo Nahim Isaias, MAAC and Presley Northon Museum are located in the center of the downtown)
Santa Ana & El Carmen hills, you can see almost the whole city from here. You can walk up the 400 odd steps to the top from the Malecon Simón Bolivar. There is a lighthouse, museum, small chapel and park at the top. Along the stairs, vendors sell water, ice cream and other snacks.
Las Peñas, where the city was founded, was actually rebuilt and painted bright colors where most of Guayaquil's colonial buildings are.
Parks, we recommend to visit the "Seminario Parque de las Iguanas" downtown, which is home to hundreds of tame iguanas, some fish in a pond and a black squirrel or two, and do not forget some turtles.
The Central Bank Building has several giant paintings on the outside of the building.
Markets, you can visit the "Mercado Artesanal", where you can buy some very traditional souvenirs from all regions of Ecuador.
Parque Histórico, Avenue Rio Esmer Aldas, Guayaquil, Ecuador, . an interesting recreation of the early 20th century years of Guayaquil, the look, the people and the food. Includes a small zoo, some old town-buildings where moved here as well as a "Hacienda"-Building and a small country-side farm-house. There is also a garden where you can see all kinds of tropical fruits being grown. In case you know coffee only as the black beans, chocolate only as powder and sugar only as a white powder - this is the place to go. no entrance fee (2013).
Jardín Botánico (Botanical Garden), ciudadela 'las Orquídeas', Av. Francisco De Orellana (in the northern part of the city), . In the Botanical Garden you find many tropical plants directly under the blue sky as well as local animals and especially a butterfly "farm". edit
The cemetery north from the centre has few impressing graves and statues as well as plenty of more normal graves. Worth a visit if you're into graveyards.
Zoológico El Pantanal, Km. 23 Vía a Daule, Guayaquil, . Nice small zoo in the northern part of Guayaquil. Visit, if the kids want to see more animals after having been to "Parque Histórico"
Other interesting places near Guayaquil:
"Crucero Discovery", rides up and down the Rio Guayas. You can catch it at Malecon Simón Bolivar. Crazy parties at night.
Traditionally, Salinas has been the main beach, but since 2008 General Villamil Playas has attracted a big part of the local and international tourism. Fishing, surfing, and other water sports. Many modern hotels and delicious sea food. Interesting night life. Wonderful whale-watching during June to September.
The following places are interesting to see if you are daring:
6 de Marzo is an interesting street to visit about 10 blocks from the downtown area during the week before New Year's Eve, because the street is lined with "Años Viejos" or old years, paper maché figures ranging in size from about 12 inches up to 10 or more feet tall. These are often political, movie or cartoon characters.
La Bahía, just off the southern end of the Malecon Simón Bolivar. Huge market area full of shops and stalls of almost anything imaginable. Because it is so cheap you will have lower social class people and have to be a little careful with belongings.
Cocoa or Banana plantations are located around Guayaquil city.
- published: 14 Oct 2014
- views: 14
Manta, Ecuador Tourism (HD)
Manta, Ecuador Tourism - Manta, Ecuador Vacation - Manta, Ecuador Tours - Manta, Ecuador Travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Manta is a mid-sized city in Manabí Province, Ecuador. It is the second most populous city in the province, the fifth most populous in the country. Manta has existed since Pre-Columbian times. It was a trading post for the Mantas. According to the 2001 census, the city had 192,322 inhabitants. Its main economic activity is tuna fishing. Other economic activities include tourism and a chemical industry with products from cleaning supplies to oils and margarine.
Manta possesses the largest seaport in Ecuador. The port was used by Charles Marie de La Condamine upon his arrival in Ecuador when leading the French mission to measure the location of the equator in 1735. From Manta, Condamine started his trip inland towards Quito.
Manta has an international cargo airport, Eloy Alfaro International Airport and an important military base (known as Manta Air Base or Eloy Alfaro Air Base). Between 1999-2009 Manta Air Base was used by U.S. air forces to support anti-narcotics military operations and surveillance flights against Colombian drug trafficking cartels. The lease was not renewed by the Ecuadorean government.
See in Manta, Ecuador
Manta hosts an International Theater Festival every year in September. There are sporting events from January through April. Downtown you can find first rate night clubs, bars, and casinos.
Banco Central Museum, Avenida Malecón (In front of Murcielago´s Beach). displays ceramics from the pre-Columbian Huancavilca-Manteño era culture.
El Murciélago, This is the most popular beach area in Manta. It has a a wide variety of restaurants serving seafood and local dishes, bars and other attractions for fun and relaxation. :Recreational aquatic sports such as surfing, diving, sailing, body-boarding, and fishing are enjoyed here as well. The beach is in the vicinity numerous hotels, retail stores, supermarkets, and banking facilities and automatic teller machines.
Regional Beaches
Barbasquillo, is a resort complex on Barbasquillo beach with a pool, sauna, gym and a disco. It has direct access to the an extensive beach. Horses are also available for riding on the beautiful beach.
La Tiñosa, is three kilometers long with sand dunes along with cactus ten feet(three meters) high, as well as varied wildlife species. This area is used for tourists rest and recreation. This beach is located a few kilometers from the parish San Mateo, and it is surrounded by mountains with a dry vegetation.
Linguique, is located 50 minutes from the center of Manta, at a distance of ten miles(18 kilometers). It has interesting rocky areas; place where snails, octopus and lobsters are plentiful. From the high point, it offers the visitors the possibility to observe the sea in all directions in a beautiful panoramic view. The people in this area are devoted to fishing and agriculture.
San Lorenzo, is located 22 miles west(28 kilometers) from Manta. It is known for its diverse rock formations, caves, marine birds and the Island of The Silver. The months of June to September you can take in the incredible sight of hunchback whales as they pass from the north to south. San Lorenzo's forest, with an extension of 50 hectares, was declared a protected area to avoid its deterioration as an ecological area. Popular activities include surfing, sunbathing and whale-watching. The climb to the light house is amazing and often accompanied by views of blue-footed boobies.
Santa Marianita, is in a rural area about 10 miles west of Manta. The perfect area for the capture of marine species. This beach of approximately 5 miles long inviting the visitors to enjoy the warm waters enjoying the tranquility of this area. Telephone services are available here.
San Mateo, is a thriving fishing village located on a cliff overlooking the sea 9 miles west of Manta. The locals are very friendly, and a bit tipsy after a good catch. San Mateo is also known among surfers as the longest wave in Ecuador. The competition is stiff out on the water; the locals can be territorial.
Tarqui, is a Park of the Shellfish where delicious local foods are prepared for your enjoyment. On this beach you can participate in recreational aquatic sports such as surfing, diving, sailing, body-boarding, and fishing, along with other outdoor sports such as beach soccer; and volleyball. It is located on the coastal highway midway between the airport and Manta. It can be identified by the large wooden fishing boats in various stages of construction. With the boat construction at this location, it has been nicknamed 'Noah's Ark Beach' by some tourists.
Manta, Ecuador Tourism - Manta, Ecuador Vacation - Manta, Ecuador Tours - Manta, Ecuador Travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/sub...
wn.com/Manta, Ecuador Tourism (Hd)
Manta, Ecuador Tourism - Manta, Ecuador Vacation - Manta, Ecuador Tours - Manta, Ecuador Travel
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
Manta is a mid-sized city in Manabí Province, Ecuador. It is the second most populous city in the province, the fifth most populous in the country. Manta has existed since Pre-Columbian times. It was a trading post for the Mantas. According to the 2001 census, the city had 192,322 inhabitants. Its main economic activity is tuna fishing. Other economic activities include tourism and a chemical industry with products from cleaning supplies to oils and margarine.
Manta possesses the largest seaport in Ecuador. The port was used by Charles Marie de La Condamine upon his arrival in Ecuador when leading the French mission to measure the location of the equator in 1735. From Manta, Condamine started his trip inland towards Quito.
Manta has an international cargo airport, Eloy Alfaro International Airport and an important military base (known as Manta Air Base or Eloy Alfaro Air Base). Between 1999-2009 Manta Air Base was used by U.S. air forces to support anti-narcotics military operations and surveillance flights against Colombian drug trafficking cartels. The lease was not renewed by the Ecuadorean government.
See in Manta, Ecuador
Manta hosts an International Theater Festival every year in September. There are sporting events from January through April. Downtown you can find first rate night clubs, bars, and casinos.
Banco Central Museum, Avenida Malecón (In front of Murcielago´s Beach). displays ceramics from the pre-Columbian Huancavilca-Manteño era culture.
El Murciélago, This is the most popular beach area in Manta. It has a a wide variety of restaurants serving seafood and local dishes, bars and other attractions for fun and relaxation. :Recreational aquatic sports such as surfing, diving, sailing, body-boarding, and fishing are enjoyed here as well. The beach is in the vicinity numerous hotels, retail stores, supermarkets, and banking facilities and automatic teller machines.
Regional Beaches
Barbasquillo, is a resort complex on Barbasquillo beach with a pool, sauna, gym and a disco. It has direct access to the an extensive beach. Horses are also available for riding on the beautiful beach.
La Tiñosa, is three kilometers long with sand dunes along with cactus ten feet(three meters) high, as well as varied wildlife species. This area is used for tourists rest and recreation. This beach is located a few kilometers from the parish San Mateo, and it is surrounded by mountains with a dry vegetation.
Linguique, is located 50 minutes from the center of Manta, at a distance of ten miles(18 kilometers). It has interesting rocky areas; place where snails, octopus and lobsters are plentiful. From the high point, it offers the visitors the possibility to observe the sea in all directions in a beautiful panoramic view. The people in this area are devoted to fishing and agriculture.
San Lorenzo, is located 22 miles west(28 kilometers) from Manta. It is known for its diverse rock formations, caves, marine birds and the Island of The Silver. The months of June to September you can take in the incredible sight of hunchback whales as they pass from the north to south. San Lorenzo's forest, with an extension of 50 hectares, was declared a protected area to avoid its deterioration as an ecological area. Popular activities include surfing, sunbathing and whale-watching. The climb to the light house is amazing and often accompanied by views of blue-footed boobies.
Santa Marianita, is in a rural area about 10 miles west of Manta. The perfect area for the capture of marine species. This beach of approximately 5 miles long inviting the visitors to enjoy the warm waters enjoying the tranquility of this area. Telephone services are available here.
San Mateo, is a thriving fishing village located on a cliff overlooking the sea 9 miles west of Manta. The locals are very friendly, and a bit tipsy after a good catch. San Mateo is also known among surfers as the longest wave in Ecuador. The competition is stiff out on the water; the locals can be territorial.
Tarqui, is a Park of the Shellfish where delicious local foods are prepared for your enjoyment. On this beach you can participate in recreational aquatic sports such as surfing, diving, sailing, body-boarding, and fishing, along with other outdoor sports such as beach soccer; and volleyball. It is located on the coastal highway midway between the airport and Manta. It can be identified by the large wooden fishing boats in various stages of construction. With the boat construction at this location, it has been nicknamed 'Noah's Ark Beach' by some tourists.
- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 763
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide...
wn.com/Tena And Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
Tena and Misahuallí Ecuador Travel Video Tourism Guide
- published: 07 Mar 2015
- views: 28
Bielefeld with a Tourist from Ecuador | Discover Germany
Edward Parrales has come to do a German language course in the Westphalian town of Bielefeld. His tour includes the Farmhouse Museum and Sparrenburg Castle.
Find out more: www.dw.de/discover-germany-the-travel-guide-2014-11-15/e-18002679-9798
Edward Parrales has come to do a German language course in the Westphalian town of Bielefeld. His tour includes the Farmhouse Museum and Sparrenburg Castle.
wn.com/Bielefeld With A Tourist From Ecuador | Discover Germany
Edward Parrales has come to do a German language course in the Westphalian town of Bielefeld. His tour includes the Farmhouse Museum and Sparrenburg Castle.
Find out more: www.dw.de/discover-germany-the-travel-guide-2014-11-15/e-18002679-9798
- published: 15 Nov 2014
- views: 143
Travel Tips#1 Taking a Taxi in Quito Ecuador
Seth Allan Ames Travel Tips #1. If you don't want to loose money on every taxi ride in Quito, then make sure the taxi has a taximetro or a meter. Also watch ...
Seth Allan Ames Travel Tips #1. If you don't want to loose money on every taxi ride in Quito, then make sure the taxi has a taximetro or a meter. Also watch ......
wn.com/Travel Tips 1 Taking A Taxi In Quito Ecuador
Seth Allan Ames Travel Tips #1. If you don't want to loose money on every taxi ride in Quito, then make sure the taxi has a taximetro or a meter. Also watch ...
- published: 19 Feb 2008
- views: 2018
Seth Ames
Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.)
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.).
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.)....
wn.com/Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, Etc.)
http://preparetoserve.com/ECUADOR Guayaquil, Ecuador (Travel Tips, Interesting Facts, etc.).
- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 35
Ecuador en el siglo XX cap 2
Ecuador en el siglo XX cap 2
Ecuador en el siglo XX cap 2
Serie en dos capítulos realizada en coproducción con Teleamazonas en 1999. Relata la historia de un siglo del Ecuador con material audiovisual, fotografías y testimonios de testigos clave. Este es el capítulo 2 que abarca de 1951 a 1999. Después de 16 años almacenada en formato Betacam, en 2015 ha sido digitalizada y subida a You Tube. Escrita y dirigida por Raúl Ortega F.
Nunca Debieron Amarse es una película mexicana dirigida por Ramon Peon en 1951.
Banda Joven Manta Ecuador
Banda Joven Manta Ecuador
Banda Joven Manta Ecuador
"Banda Joven" Mambo Internacional
1681 Aurelio Mejia, Marco Vallejo, mujer inglesa y americana, inglés, obesidad, comunicación abuelo
1681 Aurelio Mejia, Marco Vallejo, mujer inglesa y americana, inglés, obesidad, comunicación abuelo
1681 Aurelio Mejia, Marco Vallejo, mujer inglesa y americana, inglés, obesidad, comunicación abuelo
Hipnosis por Marco Vallejo. Mujer inglesa 1726, General inglés 1853, mujer americana 1951. Banda gástrica para controlar obesidad, comunicación con abuelo. Houston, Texas, febrero 7 de 2015.
El MANUAL PRÁCTICO DE HIPNOSIS Y REGRESIONES de Aurelio Mejía cuesta 20 euros y se puede solicitar por email a la Librería Epsilon de Barcelona: www.libreriaepsilon.com
Estar en hipnosis no es estar dormido. Uno es consciente de todo lo que sucede. ¿Lo que dice es creación de la mente?¿Placebo psicológico? ¿Sugestión? Imaginación y recuerdo son dos respuestas mentales, y la única manera de sabe
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Ha*Ash Entrevista con Exa Ecuador
Amar Azul En Quito Parte 1
Amar Azul En Quito Parte 1
Amar Azul En Quito Parte 1
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televisión para aprender
"Como Enfriar A Mi Marido" - Pelicula Completa
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Como Enfriar A Mi Marido (1967), Coproducción México-Ecuador de Productora Fílmica Re-Al S.A., con dirección y guión de René Cardona Jr. con las actuaciones ...
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April 15, 2012
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón (born 10 August 1951) is a Colombian politician who has been the President of Colombia since 7 August 2010. He previously served as Minister of Foreign Trade, Minister of Finance, and Minister of National Defense.
Juan Manuel Santos has been Chief Executive of the Colombian Coffee Delegation to the International Coffee Organization in London and Sub-Director of his family owned newspaper El Tiempo. He was Minister of Foreign Trade during the administration of president César Gaviria in 1991. In 1992 he was appointed President of the VII United Nations Conference on Trade
Alberto Natusch Busch (n. Riberalta, Beni; 23 de mayo de 1933), Presidente de Bolivia de facto (1979). Se graduó como oficial en el colegio militar de ejército en diciembre de 1951. Realizó estudios de especialización en e la escuela de armas y de infantería de montaña de Alemania Federal (1963-64) y en la escuela superior de guerra de Argentina (1968-69). Fue profesor del colegio militar y de las escuelas de ingeniería, armas y comando y estado mayor. Fundador y Comandante del Regimiento Andino Murillo de Infantería de Montaña en 1966. Subjefe del Departamento de Operaciones del Etado Mayor del Ejército (1972). Fue comandante del colegio mil
Hosted by Ray Morgan, THE BIG PICTURE was the U.S. Army's TV show. This episode , "Operation Amigo" show civic action at work in Latin and South America including Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador with assistance offered by members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Road-building, medical help and education for the masses are demonstrated.
A civic action program also known as civic action project is a type of operation designed to assist an area by using the capabilities and resources of a military force or civilian organization to conduct long-term programs or short-term projects. This type of operations include: dental civic action program
José Antonio Escobar: Guitar Music of Chile (Contreras, Salinas, Restucci, Parra)
José Antonio Escobar: Guitar Music of Chile (Contreras, Salinas, Restucci, Parra)
José Antonio Escobar: Guitar Music of Chile (Contreras, Salinas, Restucci, Parra)
José Antonio Escobar. Guitar Music of Chile. Naxos Rights International Ltd. (2008).
Javier Contreras (b. 1983)
[00:00] Euclídica (Tonada acuecada, 2006)
Horacio Salinas (b. 1951)
[04:20] Suite del Tiempo (Ausente: IV. Cristalino, 1987)
Antonio Restucci (b. 1956)
[09:58] La disyuntiva (2000)
[14:00] Coihues (2000)
[17:31] Arrayanes (2000)
Juan Antonio Sánchez
[20:14] Chiloética (1998)
Javier Contreras
[25:03] Tonada del Retorno (2005)
[28:27] Sentido y razón (Homenaje a Victor Jara, 2006)
[33:10] Tonada a mi madre (2003)
Violetta Parra (1917-1967)
[36:06] Anticueca No. 1
[38:25] Anticueca No. 2
[41:52] Anticueca No. 4
Juan Antonio Sánchez
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My wife, Carol, and I represented American Family Association/American Family Radio in February 2012 as we traveled with Operation Christmas Child to Ecuador...
Descripción. Description. Description. El que tenga un amor pelicula completa. Emilio Tuero, Joaquin Pardave, Gloria Marín. Pelicula del año 1951
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Moon Cat Astrology
Planet Watcher
Jewish Calendar
Moon Phase
This Week’s Sky at a Glance, August 14 – 22
UFO News
UFO Floats In And Out Of Erupting Volcano On Ecuador, Aug 2015
Ecuador en el siglo XX cap 2
Serie en dos capítulos realizada en coproducción con Teleamazonas en 1999. Relata la historia de un siglo del Ecuador con material audiovisual, fotografías y testimonios de testigos clave. Este es el capítulo 2 que abarca de 1951 a 1999. Después de 16 años almacenada en formato Betacam, en 2015 ha sido digitalizada y subida a You Tube. Escrita y dirigida por Raúl Ortega F.
Serie en dos capítulos realizada en coproducción con Teleamazonas en 1999. Relata la historia de un siglo del Ecuador con material audiovisual, fotografías y te...
wn.com/Ecuador En El Siglo Xx Cap 2
Serie en dos capítulos realizada en coproducción con Teleamazonas en 1999. Relata la historia de un siglo del Ecuador con material audiovisual, fotografías y testimonios de testigos clave. Este es el capítulo 2 que abarca de 1951 a 1999. Después de 16 años almacenada en formato Betacam, en 2015 ha sido digitalizada y subida a You Tube. Escrita y dirigida por Raúl Ortega F.
- published: 12 May 2015
- views: 7
Nunca Debieron Amarse es una película mexicana dirigida por Ramon Peon en 1951.
Nunca Debieron Amarse es una película mexicana dirigida por Ramon Peon en 1951....
wn.com/Nunca Debieron Amarse
Nunca Debieron Amarse es una película mexicana dirigida por Ramon Peon en 1951.
Banda Joven Manta Ecuador
"Banda Joven" Mambo Internacional
"Banda Joven" Mambo Internacional...
wn.com/Banda Joven Manta Ecuador
"Banda Joven" Mambo Internacional
- published: 11 Nov 2014
- views: 15
1681 Aurelio Mejia, Marco Vallejo, mujer inglesa y americana, inglés, obesidad, comunicación abuelo
Hipnosis por Marco Vallejo. Mujer inglesa 1726, General inglés 1853, mujer americana 1951. Banda gástrica para controlar obesidad, comunicación con abuelo. Houston, Texas, febrero 7 de 2015.
El MANUAL PRÁCTICO DE HIPNOSIS Y REGRESIONES de Aurelio Mejía cuesta 20 euros y se puede solicitar por email a la Librería Epsilon de Barcelona: www.libreriaepsilon.com
Estar en hipnosis no es estar dormido. Uno es consciente de todo lo que sucede. ¿Lo que dice es creación de la mente?¿Placebo psicológico? ¿Sugestión? Imaginación y recuerdo son dos respuestas mentales, y la única manera de saber cuándo es lo uno o lo otro, es corroborando los datos. Y eso estaría muy bien cuando se trata de escribir un libro de historia y no de una terapia, pues sería equivalente a decir que hay que tirar a la basura todos los placebos que utilizan en los hospitales. Si el paciente está enfermo por un imaginario, un imaginario lo puede sanar.
No tomes como verdad absoluta lo que escuches o veas. Creer es bueno, pero comprender es mejor. Observa, analiza, aprende y saca tus propias conclusiones.
Cuando algo se pierde, se debe buscar donde se perdió. Hay terapias en las que sólo es necesario un diálogo para encontrar las causas de los traumas en hechos de la vida actual, y se dan terapias en las que el paciente las encuentra en supuestas vidas pasadas.
La hipnosis clínica ha demostrado que los resultados son duraderos, como se puede ver en testimonios en nuestra página www.aureliomejia.com (algunos de hace más de 10 años).
Para escuchar grabaciones de regresiones en audio mp3, vídeos de testimonios, libros y artículos del tema, o descargar libros Electrónica Fácil, Guía Práctica para Reparar y Manejar el Computador, Hobby, Vidas antes de la Vida, Contradicciones de la Biblia, visita http:///www.aureliomejia.com. Vídeos en YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kardec1948
Colegas que hacen terapias con nuestro método (los que tienen * también la hacen por Internet):
*Daniel Duarte, daduro14@gmail.com celular 310-823 9673, Medellín
*Luis Gonzalo Peláez, regresionhipnotica@gmail.com Medellín
*Disney Pulgarín, disneypulgarin@gmail.com celular 300 212 2468 Medellín
*María Isabel Franco, isafranco1966@gmail.com Skype mariaisabelfrancomejia, Medellín
Gabriel Jaime Mejía, gabrielmejia@aureliomejia.com, tel. 2850048 Medellín, Colombia
*Luis Fernando Baena Restrepo, luisfbaenar@gmail.com Skype hipnosluisf, Medellín
Luz Marina Hoyos, lmhoyosd@gmail.com http://www.lmhoyosd.blogspot.com Celular +57 300-780 7269, Medellín
Jader Nuñez, psicólogo, celular 320 524 3879. Correo jaderhipnosis@gmail.com municipio de San Luis, Antioquia
Rocío Camacho, rociocamacho20@gmail.com cel.310-288 0597 Bogotá
Erika Castillo, eriecastillo@gmail.com 084363418, Guayaquil, Ecuador
*Dina Donaire Paredes, terapia en inglés, francés o español, direp59@hotmail.com usuario de skype: caritadonaire, Honduras
Asun Serrano, ciudad Vitoria-Gasteiz, España, asunprisma@outlook.es
Jorge Puyana, Tels. 935 130 490• 636 240 073, C/ Calvet 16, Barcelona, www.spaemocional.com
Andrés Hernández del Cerro, anhercer8@gmail.com, Facebook Andrés Hernández Terapia Regresiva, Murcia, España
Pepa Vijuesca, Madrid, España, Teléfono +34 679218866, pepa.vijuesca@gmail.com
*Calogero Grifasi e-mail@calogerogrifasi.it Terapia en italiano y español, Madrid -- http://www.calogerogrifasi.it -- http://www.youtube.com/user/calogerogrifasi -- Skype: calogerogrifasi
Guillermo L. Vélez V. destinoplanetatierra@gmail.com Tel. 305-384-4265 Cel. 954-226-2856 5931 N.W. 173 Drive Suite No. 4 Miami Lakes, FL 33015
*Marco A. Vallejo (vallejomarco9714@yahoo.com Terapia en inglés y español, cel.713-894.9037), Houston, Texas
Silvia Sacco, Skype "terapia.regresiva", svshealing@gmail.com Argentina
Ricardo Oscar Nievas, riagle@yahoo.com.ar, riagle@hotmail.com, cel. +54 153 486 8091, tel. fijo 4666 5768, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sandro Villaroel sandrov127@gmail.com Terapia en inglés y español, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Ery R. Cervantes Velazco, psicóloga, Cd. San Luis Potosí (Centro de la Rep. Mexicana), celular: 045 -44 20 22 91, correo ery.cervantes.v@gmail.com
Juan Carlos Chávez, jcarloschavez@prodigy.net.mx Puebla, México
Gerardo Plata, babalu786@hotmail.com México
Verónica Rubio, sanacon.luzdorada@yahoo.com.mx , Tel. 04455 4090 6906, Estado de México
*Domenico Leone mimmoleone69@yahoo.com Terapia en italiano y español. Tel.0052 983 152 4451, Skype: mayalis170, Chetumal, México
Candy Raygoza Tels: 983 867 7596 Chetumal, 551 291 4761, raygozacandy@hotmail.com
Rubén Álvarez Solís, cel. 993 1006 987, rubenalsolecito@hotmail.com, Villahermosa, Tabasco, México
Pablo del Valle, WhatsApp 5525 922 815, Chetumal
Hipnosis por Marco Vallejo. Mujer inglesa 1726, General inglés 1853, mujer americana 1951. Banda gástrica para controlar obesidad, comunicación con abuelo. Hous...
wn.com/1681 Aurelio Mejia, Marco Vallejo, Mujer Inglesa Y Americana, Inglés, Obesidad, Comunicación Abuelo
Hipnosis por Marco Vallejo. Mujer inglesa 1726, General inglés 1853, mujer americana 1951. Banda gástrica para controlar obesidad, comunicación con abuelo. Houston, Texas, febrero 7 de 2015.
El MANUAL PRÁCTICO DE HIPNOSIS Y REGRESIONES de Aurelio Mejía cuesta 20 euros y se puede solicitar por email a la Librería Epsilon de Barcelona: www.libreriaepsilon.com
Estar en hipnosis no es estar dormido. Uno es consciente de todo lo que sucede. ¿Lo que dice es creación de la mente?¿Placebo psicológico? ¿Sugestión? Imaginación y recuerdo son dos respuestas mentales, y la única manera de saber cuándo es lo uno o lo otro, es corroborando los datos. Y eso estaría muy bien cuando se trata de escribir un libro de historia y no de una terapia, pues sería equivalente a decir que hay que tirar a la basura todos los placebos que utilizan en los hospitales. Si el paciente está enfermo por un imaginario, un imaginario lo puede sanar.
No tomes como verdad absoluta lo que escuches o veas. Creer es bueno, pero comprender es mejor. Observa, analiza, aprende y saca tus propias conclusiones.
Cuando algo se pierde, se debe buscar donde se perdió. Hay terapias en las que sólo es necesario un diálogo para encontrar las causas de los traumas en hechos de la vida actual, y se dan terapias en las que el paciente las encuentra en supuestas vidas pasadas.
La hipnosis clínica ha demostrado que los resultados son duraderos, como se puede ver en testimonios en nuestra página www.aureliomejia.com (algunos de hace más de 10 años).
Para escuchar grabaciones de regresiones en audio mp3, vídeos de testimonios, libros y artículos del tema, o descargar libros Electrónica Fácil, Guía Práctica para Reparar y Manejar el Computador, Hobby, Vidas antes de la Vida, Contradicciones de la Biblia, visita http:///www.aureliomejia.com. Vídeos en YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kardec1948
Colegas que hacen terapias con nuestro método (los que tienen * también la hacen por Internet):
*Daniel Duarte, daduro14@gmail.com celular 310-823 9673, Medellín
*Luis Gonzalo Peláez, regresionhipnotica@gmail.com Medellín
*Disney Pulgarín, disneypulgarin@gmail.com celular 300 212 2468 Medellín
*María Isabel Franco, isafranco1966@gmail.com Skype mariaisabelfrancomejia, Medellín
Gabriel Jaime Mejía, gabrielmejia@aureliomejia.com, tel. 2850048 Medellín, Colombia
*Luis Fernando Baena Restrepo, luisfbaenar@gmail.com Skype hipnosluisf, Medellín
Luz Marina Hoyos, lmhoyosd@gmail.com http://www.lmhoyosd.blogspot.com Celular +57 300-780 7269, Medellín
Jader Nuñez, psicólogo, celular 320 524 3879. Correo jaderhipnosis@gmail.com municipio de San Luis, Antioquia
Rocío Camacho, rociocamacho20@gmail.com cel.310-288 0597 Bogotá
Erika Castillo, eriecastillo@gmail.com 084363418, Guayaquil, Ecuador
*Dina Donaire Paredes, terapia en inglés, francés o español, direp59@hotmail.com usuario de skype: caritadonaire, Honduras
Asun Serrano, ciudad Vitoria-Gasteiz, España, asunprisma@outlook.es
Jorge Puyana, Tels. 935 130 490• 636 240 073, C/ Calvet 16, Barcelona, www.spaemocional.com
Andrés Hernández del Cerro, anhercer8@gmail.com, Facebook Andrés Hernández Terapia Regresiva, Murcia, España
Pepa Vijuesca, Madrid, España, Teléfono +34 679218866, pepa.vijuesca@gmail.com
*Calogero Grifasi e-mail@calogerogrifasi.it Terapia en italiano y español, Madrid -- http://www.calogerogrifasi.it -- http://www.youtube.com/user/calogerogrifasi -- Skype: calogerogrifasi
Guillermo L. Vélez V. destinoplanetatierra@gmail.com Tel. 305-384-4265 Cel. 954-226-2856 5931 N.W. 173 Drive Suite No. 4 Miami Lakes, FL 33015
*Marco A. Vallejo (vallejomarco9714@yahoo.com Terapia en inglés y español, cel.713-894.9037), Houston, Texas
Silvia Sacco, Skype "terapia.regresiva", svshealing@gmail.com Argentina
Ricardo Oscar Nievas, riagle@yahoo.com.ar, riagle@hotmail.com, cel. +54 153 486 8091, tel. fijo 4666 5768, Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sandro Villaroel sandrov127@gmail.com Terapia en inglés y español, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Ery R. Cervantes Velazco, psicóloga, Cd. San Luis Potosí (Centro de la Rep. Mexicana), celular: 045 -44 20 22 91, correo ery.cervantes.v@gmail.com
Juan Carlos Chávez, jcarloschavez@prodigy.net.mx Puebla, México
Gerardo Plata, babalu786@hotmail.com México
Verónica Rubio, sanacon.luzdorada@yahoo.com.mx , Tel. 04455 4090 6906, Estado de México
*Domenico Leone mimmoleone69@yahoo.com Terapia en italiano y español. Tel.0052 983 152 4451, Skype: mayalis170, Chetumal, México
Candy Raygoza Tels: 983 867 7596 Chetumal, 551 291 4761, raygozacandy@hotmail.com
Rubén Álvarez Solís, cel. 993 1006 987, rubenalsolecito@hotmail.com, Villahermosa, Tabasco, México
Pablo del Valle, WhatsApp 5525 922 815, Chetumal
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 4
wn.com/23 Constitucion Arenillas Primera Llamada Leva 1951
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 12
"Como Enfriar A Mi Marido" - Pelicula Completa
Como Enfriar A Mi Marido (1967), Coproducción México-Ecuador de Productora Fílmica Re-Al S.A., con dirección y guión de René Cardona Jr. con las actuaciones ...
Como Enfriar A Mi Marido (1967), Coproducción México-Ecuador de Productora Fílmica Re-Al S.A., con dirección y guión de René Cardona Jr. con las actuaciones ......
wn.com/Como Enfriar A Mi Marido Pelicula Completa
Como Enfriar A Mi Marido (1967), Coproducción México-Ecuador de Productora Fílmica Re-Al S.A., con dirección y guión de René Cardona Jr. con las actuaciones ...
Secret Service Prostitution Scandal in Colombia: President Obama Responds at Press Conference (2012)
April 15, 2012
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón (born 10 August 1951) is a Colombian politician who has been the President of Colombia since 7 August 2010. He previously served as Minister of Foreign Trade, Minister of Finance, and Minister of National Defense.
Juan Manuel Santos has been Chief Executive of the Colombian Coffee Delegation to the International Coffee Organization in London and Sub-Director of his family owned newspaper El Tiempo. He was Minister of Foreign Trade during the administration of president César Gaviria in 1991. In 1992 he was appointed President of the VII United Nations Conference on Trade and Development for a period of four years.
In 1994 Juan Manuel Santos founded the Good Government Foundation, whose stated objective is helping and improving the governability and efficiency of the Colombian Government. This organization presented a proposal for a demilitarized zone and peace talks with the FARC guerrilla group.
Santos also founded the Social National Unity Party (Party of the U) to support the presidency of Álvaro Uribe. He was named Minister of Defense on 19 July 2006. During his tenure as Defense Minister the administration dealt a series of blows against the FARC guerrilla group, including the rescue of Fernando Araújo Perdomo, the death of FARC Secretariat member Raul Reyes in a 2 March 2008 air strike against a guerrilla camp located within Ecuador's borders, and the non-violent rescue of former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt held captive since 2002, along with fourteen other hostages, including three Americans.
During his time as Defense Minister, notable controversial events included a military raid inside Ecuador's territory killed FARC leader Raúl Reyes on 1 March 2008. A misuse of an International Committee of the Red Cross symbol during Operation Jaque used to safely rescue hostages from FARC. And The "false positives" scandal, referring to revelations concerning extrajudicial executions carried out by members of the military in order to artificially increase the number of guerrillas killed by the Army and claim rewards from the government.
On 4 November 2008, Santos admitted that the military had carried out extrajudicial executions to which he pledged to resolve the issue. Twenty-seven military officers, including three generals and eleven colonels, were sacked after an internal army investigation concluded that they were responsible for administrative failures and irregularities in reporting enemy casualties and operational results. The Commander of the Colombian National Army, General Mario Montoya, resigned. By May 2009, 67 soldiers had been found guilty and over 400 were arrested pending trial.
There are different estimates for the number of civilians who may have been killed in this manner. As of May 2009, prosecutors were investigating more than 900 cases involving over 1.500 victims and 1.177 members of the Colombian security forces. According to the Coordinación Colombia-Europa-Estados Unidos NGO coalition and the Fundación para la Educación y el Desarrollo, an estimated 3.756 extrajudicial executions occurred between 1994 and 2009, of which 3.084 cases would have taken place after 2002.
Families of the victims and non-governmental organizations have held the Uribe administration and Santos, as Defense Minister, responsible for the extrajudicial killings because they consider that the government's reward policies motivated the crimes. Directive 029 of 2005 issued under Defense Minister Camilo Ospina Bernal and presidential decree 1400 of May 2006 have been questioned for offering incentives and benefits in exchange for capturing or killing members of illegal armed groups.
In June 2009, United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston declared that extrajudicial executions had been carried out in a "more or less systematic manner" by numerous Colombian military personnel and found the number of trials for those implicated to be lacking, but stated that he had found no evidence of the executions being an official government policy and acknowledged a decrease in the number of reported cases.
April 15, 2012
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón (born 10 August 1951) is a Colombian politician who has been the President of Colombia s...
wn.com/Secret Service Prostitution Scandal In Colombia President Obama Responds At Press Conference (2012)
April 15, 2012
Juan Manuel Santos Calderón (born 10 August 1951) is a Colombian politician who has been the President of Colombia since 7 August 2010. He previously served as Minister of Foreign Trade, Minister of Finance, and Minister of National Defense.
Juan Manuel Santos has been Chief Executive of the Colombian Coffee Delegation to the International Coffee Organization in London and Sub-Director of his family owned newspaper El Tiempo. He was Minister of Foreign Trade during the administration of president César Gaviria in 1991. In 1992 he was appointed President of the VII United Nations Conference on Trade and Development for a period of four years.
In 1994 Juan Manuel Santos founded the Good Government Foundation, whose stated objective is helping and improving the governability and efficiency of the Colombian Government. This organization presented a proposal for a demilitarized zone and peace talks with the FARC guerrilla group.
Santos also founded the Social National Unity Party (Party of the U) to support the presidency of Álvaro Uribe. He was named Minister of Defense on 19 July 2006. During his tenure as Defense Minister the administration dealt a series of blows against the FARC guerrilla group, including the rescue of Fernando Araújo Perdomo, the death of FARC Secretariat member Raul Reyes in a 2 March 2008 air strike against a guerrilla camp located within Ecuador's borders, and the non-violent rescue of former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt held captive since 2002, along with fourteen other hostages, including three Americans.
During his time as Defense Minister, notable controversial events included a military raid inside Ecuador's territory killed FARC leader Raúl Reyes on 1 March 2008. A misuse of an International Committee of the Red Cross symbol during Operation Jaque used to safely rescue hostages from FARC. And The "false positives" scandal, referring to revelations concerning extrajudicial executions carried out by members of the military in order to artificially increase the number of guerrillas killed by the Army and claim rewards from the government.
On 4 November 2008, Santos admitted that the military had carried out extrajudicial executions to which he pledged to resolve the issue. Twenty-seven military officers, including three generals and eleven colonels, were sacked after an internal army investigation concluded that they were responsible for administrative failures and irregularities in reporting enemy casualties and operational results. The Commander of the Colombian National Army, General Mario Montoya, resigned. By May 2009, 67 soldiers had been found guilty and over 400 were arrested pending trial.
There are different estimates for the number of civilians who may have been killed in this manner. As of May 2009, prosecutors were investigating more than 900 cases involving over 1.500 victims and 1.177 members of the Colombian security forces. According to the Coordinación Colombia-Europa-Estados Unidos NGO coalition and the Fundación para la Educación y el Desarrollo, an estimated 3.756 extrajudicial executions occurred between 1994 and 2009, of which 3.084 cases would have taken place after 2002.
Families of the victims and non-governmental organizations have held the Uribe administration and Santos, as Defense Minister, responsible for the extrajudicial killings because they consider that the government's reward policies motivated the crimes. Directive 029 of 2005 issued under Defense Minister Camilo Ospina Bernal and presidential decree 1400 of May 2006 have been questioned for offering incentives and benefits in exchange for capturing or killing members of illegal armed groups.
In June 2009, United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston declared that extrajudicial executions had been carried out in a "more or less systematic manner" by numerous Colombian military personnel and found the number of trials for those implicated to be lacking, but stated that he had found no evidence of the executions being an official government policy and acknowledged a decrease in the number of reported cases.
- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 3118
Alberto Natusch Busch (n. Riberalta, Beni; 23 de mayo de 1933), Presidente de Bolivia de facto (1979). Se graduó como oficial en el colegio militar de ejército en diciembre de 1951. Realizó estudios de especialización en e la escuela de armas y de infantería de montaña de Alemania Federal (1963-64) y en la escuela superior de guerra de Argentina (1968-69). Fue profesor del colegio militar y de las escuelas de ingeniería, armas y comando y estado mayor. Fundador y Comandante del Regimiento Andino Murillo de Infantería de Montaña en 1966. Subjefe del Departamento de Operaciones del Etado Mayor del Ejército (1972). Fue comandante del colegio militar de ejército (1978). En el gobierno del Gral. Hugo Banzer Suárez fue presidente del banco Agrícola, ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería y de Asuntos Campesinos y Agropecuarios, ocupó este último cargo por cuatro años y medio desde abril de 1973 hasta julio de 1978 (es uno de los ministros de estado de gestión más larga en la historia de Bolivia).1
El Primero de noviembre de 1979, mediante un golpe de estado asumió la presidencia que ejerció apenas por 16 días. Contaba entonces con 46 años. El saldo más dramático de su paso por el poder fue casi un centenar de muertos y medio millar de heridos, producto de la acción militar para imponer el gobierno. Fue engañado por políticos sin escrúpulos, quienes le garantizaron que la derrocar a Walter Guevara Arze, tendría el apoyo popular y el respaldo de partidos políticos.2 Sin referencia. Finalmente, huérfano de apoyo, renunció el día 15 ante el Alto Militar, retirándose de la presidencia el 16 de noviembre de 1979.
En 1981 protagonizó un golpe de estado contra el Gral. Luis García-Meza Tejada, obligando a éste a renunciar a la presidencia. Tras una larga y penosa enfermedad murió en Santa Cruz de la Sierra el 23 de noviembre de 1994 a los 61 años.
Alberto Natusch Busch (n. Riberalta, Beni; 23 de mayo de 1933), Presidente de Bolivia de facto (1979). Se graduó como oficial en el colegio militar de ejército ...
wn.com/Bolivia Siglo Xx Natush Busch, La Noche Del Dia De Los Muertos
Alberto Natusch Busch (n. Riberalta, Beni; 23 de mayo de 1933), Presidente de Bolivia de facto (1979). Se graduó como oficial en el colegio militar de ejército en diciembre de 1951. Realizó estudios de especialización en e la escuela de armas y de infantería de montaña de Alemania Federal (1963-64) y en la escuela superior de guerra de Argentina (1968-69). Fue profesor del colegio militar y de las escuelas de ingeniería, armas y comando y estado mayor. Fundador y Comandante del Regimiento Andino Murillo de Infantería de Montaña en 1966. Subjefe del Departamento de Operaciones del Etado Mayor del Ejército (1972). Fue comandante del colegio militar de ejército (1978). En el gobierno del Gral. Hugo Banzer Suárez fue presidente del banco Agrícola, ministro de Agricultura y Ganadería y de Asuntos Campesinos y Agropecuarios, ocupó este último cargo por cuatro años y medio desde abril de 1973 hasta julio de 1978 (es uno de los ministros de estado de gestión más larga en la historia de Bolivia).1
El Primero de noviembre de 1979, mediante un golpe de estado asumió la presidencia que ejerció apenas por 16 días. Contaba entonces con 46 años. El saldo más dramático de su paso por el poder fue casi un centenar de muertos y medio millar de heridos, producto de la acción militar para imponer el gobierno. Fue engañado por políticos sin escrúpulos, quienes le garantizaron que la derrocar a Walter Guevara Arze, tendría el apoyo popular y el respaldo de partidos políticos.2 Sin referencia. Finalmente, huérfano de apoyo, renunció el día 15 ante el Alto Militar, retirándose de la presidencia el 16 de noviembre de 1979.
En 1981 protagonizó un golpe de estado contra el Gral. Luis García-Meza Tejada, obligando a éste a renunciar a la presidencia. Tras una larga y penosa enfermedad murió en Santa Cruz de la Sierra el 23 de noviembre de 1994 a los 61 años.
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 2
Hosted by Ray Morgan, THE BIG PICTURE was the U.S. Army's TV show. This episode , "Operation Amigo" show civic action at work in Latin and South America including Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador with assistance offered by members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Road-building, medical help and education for the masses are demonstrated.
A civic action program also known as civic action project is a type of operation designed to assist an area by using the capabilities and resources of a military force or civilian organization to conduct long-term programs or short-term projects. This type of operations include: dental civic action program (DENTCAP), engineering civic action program (ENCAP), medical civic action program (MEDCAP), and veterinarian civic action program (VETCAP). Entities of foreign nations usually conduct these operations at the invitation of a host nation.
The Big Picture is an American documentary television program which aired on ABC-TV from 1951 to 1964. The series consisted of documentary films produced by the United States Army Signal Corps Army Pictorial Service, showing weaponry, battles, and biographies of famous soldiers.
After The Big Picture’s run on ABC ended, it aired in syndication for several more years on some local television stations well into the early 1970s.
The half-hour weekly program often featured famous or before-they-were-famous actors and actresses in quality productions, filmed on the Astoria stages, which is now Kaufman Astoria Studios which is a historic movie studio located in the Astoria section of the New York City borough of Queens. The host and narrator was Army Master Sergeant Stuart Queen (1919–1981)—a World War II veteran and Korean War combat broadcaster.Though Master Sgt. Queen is referred to as both a host and narrator, he essentially introduced the profiles that were narrated by such luminaries as Alexander Scourby, Walter Cronkite, Raymond Massey, and Ronald Reagan. In the 1950s, the series was shot on 35mm black-and-white negative, but by the end of the 1960s, it was using 16mm color negative.
From the official government catalog: "THE BIG PICTURE is the official television report by the U.S. Army to its members and to the American people. Subject matter for episodes ranges from historic moments in the Army's proud history to up-to-the-moment coverage of current actions and accomplishments."
Ray Morgan was born on June 8, 1913 in the USA as Raymond Morgan. He was an actor, known for Congolaise (1950), Pier Paolo Pasolini: A Film Maker's Life (1971) and The Lawless Rider (1954). He died on January 5, 1975 in Englewood, New Jersey, USA.
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
Hosted by Ray Morgan, THE BIG PICTURE was the U.S. Army's TV show. This episode , "Operation Amigo" show civic action at work in Latin and South America includ...
wn.com/U.S. Army The Big Picture Tv Show Operation Amigo 73742
Hosted by Ray Morgan, THE BIG PICTURE was the U.S. Army's TV show. This episode , "Operation Amigo" show civic action at work in Latin and South America including Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador with assistance offered by members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Road-building, medical help and education for the masses are demonstrated.
A civic action program also known as civic action project is a type of operation designed to assist an area by using the capabilities and resources of a military force or civilian organization to conduct long-term programs or short-term projects. This type of operations include: dental civic action program (DENTCAP), engineering civic action program (ENCAP), medical civic action program (MEDCAP), and veterinarian civic action program (VETCAP). Entities of foreign nations usually conduct these operations at the invitation of a host nation.
The Big Picture is an American documentary television program which aired on ABC-TV from 1951 to 1964. The series consisted of documentary films produced by the United States Army Signal Corps Army Pictorial Service, showing weaponry, battles, and biographies of famous soldiers.
After The Big Picture’s run on ABC ended, it aired in syndication for several more years on some local television stations well into the early 1970s.
The half-hour weekly program often featured famous or before-they-were-famous actors and actresses in quality productions, filmed on the Astoria stages, which is now Kaufman Astoria Studios which is a historic movie studio located in the Astoria section of the New York City borough of Queens. The host and narrator was Army Master Sergeant Stuart Queen (1919–1981)—a World War II veteran and Korean War combat broadcaster.Though Master Sgt. Queen is referred to as both a host and narrator, he essentially introduced the profiles that were narrated by such luminaries as Alexander Scourby, Walter Cronkite, Raymond Massey, and Ronald Reagan. In the 1950s, the series was shot on 35mm black-and-white negative, but by the end of the 1960s, it was using 16mm color negative.
From the official government catalog: "THE BIG PICTURE is the official television report by the U.S. Army to its members and to the American people. Subject matter for episodes ranges from historic moments in the Army's proud history to up-to-the-moment coverage of current actions and accomplishments."
Ray Morgan was born on June 8, 1913 in the USA as Raymond Morgan. He was an actor, known for Congolaise (1950), Pier Paolo Pasolini: A Film Maker's Life (1971) and The Lawless Rider (1954). He died on January 5, 1975 in Englewood, New Jersey, USA.
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com
- published: 17 Jun 2015
- views: 5
wn.com/Megatron Cd Movil Dj Ivan Tribal Ecuador
José Antonio Escobar: Guitar Music of Chile (Contreras, Salinas, Restucci, Parra)
José Antonio Escobar. Guitar Music of Chile. Naxos Rights International Ltd. (2008).
Javier Contreras (b. 1983)
[00:00] Euclídica (Tonada acuecada, 2006)
Horacio Salinas (b. 1951)
[04:20] Suite del Tiempo (Ausente: IV. Cristalino, 1987)
Antonio Restucci (b. 1956)
[09:58] La disyuntiva (2000)
[14:00] Coihues (2000)
[17:31] Arrayanes (2000)
Juan Antonio Sánchez
[20:14] Chiloética (1998)
Javier Contreras
[25:03] Tonada del Retorno (2005)
[28:27] Sentido y razón (Homenaje a Victor Jara, 2006)
[33:10] Tonada a mi madre (2003)
Violetta Parra (1917-1967)
[36:06] Anticueca No. 1
[38:25] Anticueca No. 2
[41:52] Anticueca No. 4
Juan Antonio Sánchez
[45:10] Tonada por despedida (1999)
José Antonio Escobar. Guitar Music of Chile. Naxos Rights International Ltd. (2008).
Javier Contreras (b. 1983)
[00:00] Euclídica (Tonada acuecada, 2006)
wn.com/José Antonio Escobar Guitar Music Of Chile (Contreras, Salinas, Restucci, Parra)
José Antonio Escobar. Guitar Music of Chile. Naxos Rights International Ltd. (2008).
Javier Contreras (b. 1983)
[00:00] Euclídica (Tonada acuecada, 2006)
Horacio Salinas (b. 1951)
[04:20] Suite del Tiempo (Ausente: IV. Cristalino, 1987)
Antonio Restucci (b. 1956)
[09:58] La disyuntiva (2000)
[14:00] Coihues (2000)
[17:31] Arrayanes (2000)
Juan Antonio Sánchez
[20:14] Chiloética (1998)
Javier Contreras
[25:03] Tonada del Retorno (2005)
[28:27] Sentido y razón (Homenaje a Victor Jara, 2006)
[33:10] Tonada a mi madre (2003)
Violetta Parra (1917-1967)
[36:06] Anticueca No. 1
[38:25] Anticueca No. 2
[41:52] Anticueca No. 4
Juan Antonio Sánchez
[45:10] Tonada por despedida (1999)
- published: 03 Feb 2015
- views: 7
Operation Christmas Child Ecuador 2012
My wife, Carol, and I represented American Family Association/American Family Radio in February 2012 as we traveled with Operation Christmas Child to Ecuador...
My wife, Carol, and I represented American Family Association/American Family Radio in February 2012 as we traveled with Operation Christmas Child to Ecuador......
wn.com/Operation Christmas Child Ecuador 2012
My wife, Carol, and I represented American Family Association/American Family Radio in February 2012 as we traveled with Operation Christmas Child to Ecuador...
Descripción. Description. Description. El que tenga un amor pelicula completa. Emilio Tuero, Joaquin Pardave, Gloria Marín. Pelicula del año 1951
Descripción. Description. Description. El que tenga un amor pelicula completa. Emilio Tuero, Joaquin Pardave, Gloria Marín. Pelicula del año 1951...
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Descripción. Description. Description. El que tenga un amor pelicula completa. Emilio Tuero, Joaquin Pardave, Gloria Marín. Pelicula del año 1951
- published: 10 Aug 2015
- views: 0
First Contact Radio 8/18/15 - Cosmic Weather, UFOs, Krybalion 2, Daily Meditation
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First Contact Radio 8/18/15 Show #1366 hosted by Joshua Poet
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wn.com/First Contact Radio 8 18 15 Cosmic Weather, Ufos, Krybalion 2, Daily Meditation
First Contact Radio 8/18/15 Show #1366 hosted by Joshua Poet
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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, August 14 – 22
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UFO Floats In And Out Of Erupting Volcano On Ecuador, Aug 2015
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Are We Trying To Weapononize Space Through A Secret Space Program
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Krybalion 2
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The Council August-17-2015
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FREE Meditation Music "Reflections"
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WakeUp by UFOetry
- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 1