Wałbrzych[ˈvau̯bʐɨx] (listen) (German: Waldenburg, Czech: Valbřich or Valdenburk) is a city in Lower Silesian Voivodeship in south-western Poland, with 120,197 inhabitants (31 December 2010). From 1975–1998 it was the capital of Wałbrzych Voivodeship; it is now the seat of Wałbrzych County. Wałbrzych is by far the largest city in Poland that does not itself form a separate county (powiat), having given up that status in 2003. (The next largest such town is Inowrocław, population 77,313.) Wałbrzych lies approximately 70 kilometres (43 mi) south-west of the regional capital Wrocław, and about 10 km from the Czech border.
According to the official page of the city the early Polish name of the settlement was named "Lasogród". The German name Waldenburg (meaning "forest castle") refers to the castle Nowy Dwór, whose ruins stand south of the city; the name came to be used for the entire settlement. It first appeared in 15th century coming from the words Wald ‘forest’ and Berg ‘mountain’ later associated with castle The modern Polish name for the settlement "Wałbrzych" comes from the German name Walbrich, a late medieval linguistic variation of the older names "Wallenberg" or "Walmberg".
Złoty Pociąg odnaleziony - Wałbrzych - sekret nazistów
Czy pociąg ze złotem jest w Walimiu?
Czy pociąg ze złotem jest w Walimiu?
Czy pociąg ze złotem jest w Walimiu?
Ciąg dalszy sprawy zaginionego pociągu z czasów II wojny światowej.
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Piosenka napisana z głębokim pozytywnym uczuciem dla tego Miasta. Wałbrzych się zmienia: pięknieje, jest bardziej przyjazny, bezpieczny. Warto robić wiele by młodzi ludzie nie wyjeżdżali z tego miasta. Warto tu zostać i żyć jak w wielu miastach Polski i Europy.
Piosenkę w wykonaniu wokalnym oraz podkład muzyczny do jej samodzielnego śpiewania (książeczka z nutami) można zakupić: Salon Muzyczny "NIKODEM", ul. Główna 9/16 58-309 Wałbrzych tel. 74-840-28-28 e-mail: muzycznywalbrzych@gmail.com
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Zainteresowanych tematem ,,Davida" odsyłam na stronę http://riese.cba.pl/kwk.php , gdzie zobaczyć można pełną eksploracje starych wyrobisk. SAMODZIELNE ZWIEDZANIE OBIEKTU GROZI ŚMIERCIĄ!!!!
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Szara codzienna rzeczywistość. Rodzi się pytanie, jak wiele trzeba od życia aby być szczęśliwym w Wałbrzychu.
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sesnacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
Polonya'nın Walbrzych kenti son günlerde efsanevi "Nazi altınları" ile gündemde.
Nazilerin İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda altın yüklü bir treni kentteki Ksiaz Şatosu'nun altına sakladıkları öne sürülüyor.
Bu iddialar, hazine meraklılarını ve çok sayıda turisti kente çekiyor. Özellikle son radar görüntülerinde şatonun altında bir trenin saklanmış olabileceğine dair açıklamalar yabancı basının da ilgisini çekti:
"İyi bir polisiye hikayenin tüm elementlerini barındırıyor. Çünkü bu bir macera. İşin iç…
İLGILI HABERLER: http://tr.euronews.com/2015/09/01/altin-yuklu-nazi-treni-polonya-nin-walbrzych-kentine-turist-cekmeye-devam-ediyor
euronews: Avrup
Złoty Pociąg odnaleziony - Wałbrzych - sekret nazistów
Czy pociąg ze złotem jest w Walimiu?
Czy pociąg ze złotem jest w Walimiu?
Czy pociąg ze złotem jest w Walimiu?
Ciąg dalszy sprawy zaginionego pociągu z czasów II wojny światowej.
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg jest w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Gdzie jest złoty pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Znaleźli zaginiony pociąg?
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Piosenka napisana z głębokim pozytywnym uczuciem dla tego Miasta. Wałbrzych się zmienia: pięknieje, jest bardziej przyjazny, bezpieczny. Warto robić wiele by młodzi ludzie nie wyjeżdżali z tego miasta. Warto tu zostać i żyć jak w wielu miastach Polski i Europy.
Piosenkę w wykonaniu wokalnym oraz podkład muzyczny do jej samodzielnego śpiewania (książeczka z nutami) można zakupić: Salon Muzyczny "NIKODEM", ul. Główna 9/16 58-309 Wałbrzych tel. 74-840-28-28 e-mail: muzycznywalbrzych@gmail.com
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Zainteresowanych tematem ,,Davida" odsyłam na stronę http://riese.cba.pl/kwk.php , gdzie zobaczyć można pełną eksploracje starych wyrobisk. SAMODZIELNE ZWIEDZANIE OBIEKTU GROZI ŚMIERCIĄ!!!!
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Szara codzienna rzeczywistość. Rodzi się pytanie, jak wiele trzeba od życia aby być szczęśliwym w Wałbrzychu.
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sesnacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
Polonya'nın Walbrzych kenti son günlerde efsanevi "Nazi altınları" ile gündemde.
Nazilerin İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda altın yüklü bir treni kentteki Ksiaz Şatosu'nun altına sakladıkları öne sürülüyor.
Bu iddialar, hazine meraklılarını ve çok sayıda turisti kente çekiyor. Özellikle son radar görüntülerinde şatonun altında bir trenin saklanmış olabileceğine dair açıklamalar yabancı basının da ilgisini çekti:
"İyi bir polisiye hikayenin tüm elementlerini barındırıyor. Çünkü bu bir macera. İşin iç…
İLGILI HABERLER: http://tr.euronews.com/2015/09/01/altin-yuklu-nazi-treni-polonya-nin-walbrzych-kentine-turist-cekmeye-devam-ediyor
euronews: Avrup
Górnik Wałbrzych Śląsk Wrocław
Górnik Wałbrzych Śląsk Wrocław
Górnik Wałbrzych Śląsk Wrocław
Bike Maraton Wałbrzych 2015
Bike Maraton Wałbrzych 2015
Bike Maraton Wałbrzych 2015
Start 2 sektora
Zamki Książ - Wałbrzych 2015
Zamki Książ - Wałbrzych 2015
Zamki Książ - Wałbrzych 2015
Zwiedzanie Zamków Książ: Nowego oraz Starego. Ponadto krótka wizyta w palmiarni.
Odcinek Wrocław Główny - Wałbrzych Główny z tyłu pociągu TLK Śnieżka
Odcinek Wrocław Główny - Wałbrzych Główny z tyłu pociągu TLK Śnieżka
Odcinek Wrocław Główny - Wałbrzych Główny z tyłu pociągu TLK Śnieżka
4 stycznia 2015 rok - Przejazd pociągiem TLK Śnieżka relacji Warszawa Wschodnia - Szklarska Poręba Górna na odcinku Wrocław Główny - Wałbrzych Główny.
Linia kolejowa nr 274 / D29-274
0:01 Wrocław Główny
7:16 Wrocław Grabiszyn
8:25 Wrocław Zachodni
12:00 Smolec
15:05 Sadowice Wrocławskie
19:35 Kąty Wrocławskie
25:40 Mietków
29:25 Imbramowice
33:35 Żarów
37:00 Jaworzyna Śląska
45:40 Świebodzice
55:35 Wałbrzych Szczawienko
59:25 Wałbrzych Miasto
1:12:10 Wałbrzych Główny
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Światowe media w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Światowe media w Wałbrzychu
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Światowe media w Wałbrzychu
Wałbrzych 20 lat po likwidacji górnictwa, „Fakty" 13.01.2015
Wałbrzych 20 lat po likwidacji górnictwa, „Fakty" 13.01.2015
Wałbrzych 20 lat po likwidacji górnictwa, „Fakty" 13.01.2015
Górnicze protesty, także te trwające na Górnym Śląsku, ze szczególną uwagą śledzą mieszkańcy Wałbrzycha. Dwadzieścia lat temu w mieście zlikwidowano wszystkie kopalnie. Skutki likwidacji wiele rodzin odczuwa do dziś.
WIĘCEJ: http://wroclaw.tvp.pl/18421998/skutki-likwidacji-gornictwa-walbrzych-20-lat-po
Wałbrzych is a city in south-western Poland. It lies about 70 kilometres south-west of the state capital Wrocław and about 10 kilometres from the Czech border.
The city is an important industrial center. There are a lot of mines, steel mills and coking plants, but most of them were closed in the 90s because of the new social and economic conditions.
The first tram line was opened in 1898, and the first trolleybus was launched in 1944. After World War II, the capacity of the tram network was not enough for the rapidly growing city, and in 1966 the tram was replaced by trolleybuses. In 1973 however, the city decided to stop the trolley networ
Mistrzostwa i Pucharu Polski w ENDURO Moto Hałda Wałbrzych
Mistrzostwa i Pucharu Polski w ENDURO Moto Hałda Wałbrzych
Mistrzostwa i Pucharu Polski w ENDURO Moto Hałda Wałbrzych
Relacja z pierwszego dnia zawodów. Zapraszam na mój kanał i do udostępniania filmu !
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Wołoszański w Mauzoleum
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Wołoszański w Mauzoleum
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Wołoszański w Mauzoleum
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Wołoszański w Mauzoleum
Wałbrzyskie tramwaje
Wałbrzyskie tramwaje
Wałbrzyskie tramwaje
http://www.mojwalbrzych.pl Wałbrzyskie tramwaje i miasto Wałbrzych na starej fotografii Straßenbahnen in Waldenburg Zapraszam do obejrzenia innych filmów: ht...
Cabview Wałbrzych - Kłodzko (+sound)
Cabview Wałbrzych - Kłodzko (+sound)
Cabview Wałbrzych - Kłodzko (+sound)
Przejazd w kabinie na odcinku Wałbrzych - Kłodzko Jedna z najładniejszych, jeśli nie najładniejsza linia w Polsce. W okolicach Nowej Rudy małe problemy z AF,...
Piosenka napisana z głębokim pozytywnym uczuciem dla tego Miasta. Wałbrzych się zmienia: pięknieje, jest bardziej przyjazny, bezpieczny. Warto robić wiele by młodzi ludzie nie wyjeżdżali z tego miasta. Warto tu zostać i żyć jak w wielu miastach Polski i Europy.
Piosenkę w wykonaniu wokalnym oraz podkład muzyczny do jej samodzielnego śpiewania (książeczka z nutami) można zakupić: Salon Muzyczny "NIKODEM", ul. Główna 9/16 58-309 Wałbrzych tel. 74-840-28-28 e-mail: muzycznywalbrzych@gmail.com
Piosenka napisana z głębokim pozytywnym uczuciem dla tego Miasta. Wałbrzych się zmienia: pięknieje, jest bardziej przyjazny, bezpieczny. Warto robić wiele by młodzi ludzie nie wyjeżdżali z tego miasta. Warto tu zostać i żyć jak w wielu miastach Polski i Europy.
Piosenkę w wykonaniu wokalnym oraz podkład muzyczny do jej samodzielnego śpiewania (książeczka z nutami) można zakupić: Salon Muzyczny "NIKODEM", ul. Główna 9/16 58-309 Wałbrzych tel. 74-840-28-28 e-mail: muzycznywalbrzych@gmail.com
Zainteresowanych tematem ,,Davida" odsyłam na stronę http://riese.cba.pl/kwk.php , gdzie zobaczyć można pełną eksploracje starych wyrobisk. SAMODZIELNE ZWIEDZANIE OBIEKTU GROZI ŚMIERCIĄ!!!!
Zainteresowanych tematem ,,Davida" odsyłam na stronę http://riese.cba.pl/kwk.php , gdzie zobaczyć można pełną eksploracje starych wyrobisk. SAMODZIELNE ZWIEDZANIE OBIEKTU GROZI ŚMIERCIĄ!!!!
published:09 Feb 2015
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Polonya'nın Walbrzych kenti son günlerde efsanevi "Nazi altınları" ile gündemde.
Nazilerin İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda altın yüklü bir treni kentteki Ksiaz Şatosu'nun altına sakladıkları öne sürülüyor.
Bu iddialar, hazine meraklılarını ve çok sayıda turisti kente çekiyor. Özellikle son radar görüntülerinde şatonun altında bir trenin saklanmış olabileceğine dair açıklamalar yabancı basının da ilgisini çekti:
"İyi bir polisiye hikayenin tüm elementlerini barındırıyor. Çünkü bu bir macera. İşin iç…
İLGILI HABERLER: http://tr.euronews.com/2015/09/01/altin-yuklu-nazi-treni-polonya-nin-walbrzych-kentine-turist-cekmeye-devam-ediyor
euronews: Avrupa'nın en çok izlenen haber kanalı.
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Web sayfası: http://tr.euronews.com/
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Polonya'nın Walbrzych kenti son günlerde efsanevi "Nazi altınları" ile gündemde.
Nazilerin İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda altın yüklü bir treni kentteki Ksiaz Şatosu'nun altına sakladıkları öne sürülüyor.
Bu iddialar, hazine meraklılarını ve çok sayıda turisti kente çekiyor. Özellikle son radar görüntülerinde şatonun altında bir trenin saklanmış olabileceğine dair açıklamalar yabancı basının da ilgisini çekti:
"İyi bir polisiye hikayenin tüm elementlerini barındırıyor. Çünkü bu bir macera. İşin iç…
İLGILI HABERLER: http://tr.euronews.com/2015/09/01/altin-yuklu-nazi-treni-polonya-nin-walbrzych-kentine-turist-cekmeye-devam-ediyor
euronews: Avrupa'nın en çok izlenen haber kanalı.
Üye ol! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewstr
euronews şimdi 13 ayrı dilde: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels
Web sayfası: http://tr.euronews.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews.tr
Twitter: http://twitter.com/euronews_tr
4 stycznia 2015 rok - Przejazd pociągiem TLK Śnieżka relacji Warszawa Wschodnia - Szklarska Poręba Górna na odcinku Wrocław Główny - Wałbrzych Główny.
Linia kolejowa nr 274 / D29-274
0:01 Wrocław Główny
7:16 Wrocław Grabiszyn
8:25 Wrocław Zachodni
12:00 Smolec
15:05 Sadowice Wrocławskie
19:35 Kąty Wrocławskie
25:40 Mietków
29:25 Imbramowice
33:35 Żarów
37:00 Jaworzyna Śląska
45:40 Świebodzice
55:35 Wałbrzych Szczawienko
59:25 Wałbrzych Miasto
1:12:10 Wałbrzych Główny
4 stycznia 2015 rok - Przejazd pociągiem TLK Śnieżka relacji Warszawa Wschodnia - Szklarska Poręba Górna na odcinku Wrocław Główny - Wałbrzych Główny.
Linia kolejowa nr 274 / D29-274
0:01 Wrocław Główny
7:16 Wrocław Grabiszyn
8:25 Wrocław Zachodni
12:00 Smolec
15:05 Sadowice Wrocławskie
19:35 Kąty Wrocławskie
25:40 Mietków
29:25 Imbramowice
33:35 Żarów
37:00 Jaworzyna Śląska
45:40 Świebodzice
55:35 Wałbrzych Szczawienko
59:25 Wałbrzych Miasto
1:12:10 Wałbrzych Główny
Górnicze protesty, także te trwające na Górnym Śląsku, ze szczególną uwagą śledzą mieszkańcy Wałbrzycha. Dwadzieścia lat temu w mieście zlikwidowano wszystkie kopalnie. Skutki likwidacji wiele rodzin odczuwa do dziś.
WIĘCEJ: http://wroclaw.tvp.pl/18421998/skutki-likwidacji-gornictwa-walbrzych-20-lat-po
Górnicze protesty, także te trwające na Górnym Śląsku, ze szczególną uwagą śledzą mieszkańcy Wałbrzycha. Dwadzieścia lat temu w mieście zlikwidowano wszystkie kopalnie. Skutki likwidacji wiele rodzin odczuwa do dziś.
WIĘCEJ: http://wroclaw.tvp.pl/18421998/skutki-likwidacji-gornictwa-walbrzych-20-lat-po
Wałbrzych is a city in south-western Poland. It lies about 70 kilometres south-west of the state capital Wrocław and about 10 kilometres from the Czech border.
The city is an important industrial center. There are a lot of mines, steel mills and coking plants, but most of them were closed in the 90s because of the new social and economic conditions.
The first tram line was opened in 1898, and the first trolleybus was launched in 1944. After World War II, the capacity of the tram network was not enough for the rapidly growing city, and in 1966 the tram was replaced by trolleybuses. In 1973 however, the city decided to stop the trolley network too. Trolleys were replaced by buses. The first low floor buses arrived in 1997. These were brand new Neoplan N4016s.
(The map was edited a bit by me. I added a few more cars to the ailist and parklist, and the AI bus also got a repaint based on the real bus.)
Bus: Neoplan N4016
Game: OMSI 2 - The Bus Simulator
Developer: M-R-Software
Publisher: Aerosoft
More info: http://omnibussimulator.de/english.htm
My PC: Intel Core i5 3470, 8 GB RAM, HD7850 OC
Game controller: Logitech DFGT
Wałbrzych is a city in south-western Poland. It lies about 70 kilometres south-west of the state capital Wrocław and about 10 kilometres from the Czech border.
The city is an important industrial center. There are a lot of mines, steel mills and coking plants, but most of them were closed in the 90s because of the new social and economic conditions.
The first tram line was opened in 1898, and the first trolleybus was launched in 1944. After World War II, the capacity of the tram network was not enough for the rapidly growing city, and in 1966 the tram was replaced by trolleybuses. In 1973 however, the city decided to stop the trolley network too. Trolleys were replaced by buses. The first low floor buses arrived in 1997. These were brand new Neoplan N4016s.
(The map was edited a bit by me. I added a few more cars to the ailist and parklist, and the AI bus also got a repaint based on the real bus.)
Bus: Neoplan N4016
Game: OMSI 2 - The Bus Simulator
Developer: M-R-Software
Publisher: Aerosoft
More info: http://omnibussimulator.de/english.htm
My PC: Intel Core i5 3470, 8 GB RAM, HD7850 OC
Game controller: Logitech DFGT
published:11 Jan 2015
Mistrzostwa i Pucharu Polski w ENDURO Moto Hałda Wałbrzych
http://www.mojwalbrzych.pl Wałbrzyskie tramwaje i miasto Wałbrzych na starej fotografii Straßenbahnen in Waldenburg Zapraszam do obejrzenia innych filmów: ht...
http://www.mojwalbrzych.pl Wałbrzyskie tramwaje i miasto Wałbrzych na starej fotografii Straßenbahnen in Waldenburg Zapraszam do obejrzenia innych filmów: ht...
Przejazd w kabinie na odcinku Wałbrzych - Kłodzko Jedna z najładniejszych, jeśli nie najładniejsza linia w Polsce. W okolicach Nowej Rudy małe problemy z AF,...
Przejazd w kabinie na odcinku Wałbrzych - Kłodzko Jedna z najładniejszych, jeśli nie najładniejsza linia w Polsce. W okolicach Nowej Rudy małe problemy z AF,...
druga czesc hardcorowej wycieczki po europie www.hardcore2009.republika.pl.
Salon Skinologiczno - Kosmetyczny Dr Baumann Polska Wałbrzych.Masaż synchroniczny Ayurveda
Salon Skinologiczno - Kosmetyczny Dr Baumann Polska Wałbrzych.Masaż synchroniczny Ayurveda
Salon Skinologiczno - Kosmetyczny Dr Baumann Polska Wałbrzych.Masaż synchroniczny Ayurveda
Salon Skinologiczno - Kosmetyczny Dr Baumann Polska
Oddział w Wałbrzychu.
ul. Boya - Żeleńskiego 87 na Piaskowej Górze.
Tel. 74 664 71 86
NO ONE WILL PLAY LIKE GOAT - nts production.
me and ewelin somwhere on lanzarote(tak się bawi wałbrzych)
me and ewelin somwhere on lanzarote(tak się bawi wałbrzych)
me and ewelin somwhere on lanzarote(tak się bawi wałbrzych)
fajowe wakacje na wyspach kanaryjskich, a jakie widoki.
the one with the mikołajczak family visiting wałbrzych
the one with the mikołajczak family visiting wałbrzych
the one with the mikołajczak family visiting wałbrzych
Mikołajczak family visits Wałbrzych in the summer of 2003 while Jennifer is making her European debut in Poland, and the power is out.
Vlaky Tour de Poland 3.-6.7.2015 5.část [FullHD]
Vlaky Tour de Poland 3.-6.7.2015 5.část [FullHD]
Vlaky Tour de Poland 3.-6.7.2015 5.část [FullHD]
CZ: Pátá část z mé cesty do Polska. 5.část obsahuje stanici Hel. Trasa mé cesty: Jičín-Turnov-Železný Brod-Tanvald-Kořenov (Bus NAD)-(BUS NAD) Jakubszyce-Szklarska Poreba-Walbrzych-Wroclaw-Poznaň-Gdaňsk-Gdynia-Hel (Loď)-(Loď) Gdaňsk-Gdynia-Tzcew-Warszawa Centralna-metro-Warszawa Gdaňska-Warszawa Zachodnia-Warszawa Ochota-Warszawa Srodmiescie-Warszawa Wchodnia-Katowice-Bohumín-Pardubice-Hradec Králové-Jičín.
EN: The fifth part of my trip to Poland. Part 5 contains a station Hel. The route of my journey: Jicin-Turnov-Zelezny Brod-Tanvald-Korenov (Bus NAD) - (BUS NAD) Jakubszyce Szklarska Poreba-Walbrzych-Wroclaw-Poznan-Gdansk-Gdynia-Hel (ship)
Tour de Poland 3.-6.7.2015 16.část [FullHD]
Tour de Poland 3.-6.7.2015 16.část [FullHD]
Tour de Poland 3.-6.7.2015 16.část [FullHD]
CZ: Šestnáctá část z mé cesty do Polska. 16.část obsahuje stanici Zachodnia ve Varšavě. Trasa mé cesty: Jičín-Turnov-Železný Brod-Tanvald-Kořenov (Bus NAD)-(BUS NAD) Jakubszyce-Szklarska Poreba-Walbrzych-Wroclaw-Poznaň-Gdaňsk-Gdynia-Hel (Loď)-(Loď) Gdaňsk-Gdynia-Tzcew-Warszawa Centralna-metro-Warszawa Gdaňska-Warszawa Zachodnia-Warszawa Ochota-Warszawa Srodmiescie-Warszawa Wchodnia-Katowice-Bohumín-Pardubice-Hradec Králové-Jičín.
EN: The sixteen part of my trip to Poland. Part 16 contains station Zachodnia of Warsaw. The route of my journey: Jicin-Turnov-Zelezny Brod-Tanvald-Korenov (Bus NAD) - (BUS NAD) Jakubszyce Szklarska Poreba-Walbrzych-
Lanzarote Holiday Guide -- MyTravel
Lanzarote Holiday Guide -- MyTravel
Lanzarote Holiday Guide -- MyTravel
Taking a holiday to Lanzarote? The Lanzarote travel guide from MyTravel has all the information you need. Lanzarote has a volcanic landscape that can be foun...
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen (HD)
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen (HD)
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen (HD)
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen - Essen Tourism - Grugapark Botanical Garden Vacation
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Botanischer Garten Grugapark is a municipal botanical garden located in the Grugapark at Virchowstraße 167a, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is open daily; an admission fee is charged.
The garden was established in 1927 for recreation, teaching, and research. Parts of the garden were destroyed in World War II but gradually rebuilt and re-designed for the Essen Bundesgartenschau of 1965. Today its major sections are as follows:
Para más Información SUSCRIBETE! http://goo.gl/Cp6brD
La Playa de Punta Maroma da nombre a este precioso hotel situado en un lugar privilegiado del Caribe Mexicano. Sus arenas blancas la convierten en una de las playas más bonitas y reconocidas del mundo. Disfruta en primera persona de este paisaje paradisíaco: pasea, descansa, visita lugares inolvidables...
Experience the new Crackle Interface on Roku 3
Consumers can browse for something else in the newly created channel guide while continuing to watch what's currently playing. Rolling out exclusively on the Roku platform and a variety of other platforms throughout the summer, the innovative new design combines the curated experience of streaming programming on demand with the simplicity of a programmed TV experience.
Subscribe to Crackle for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/CrackleSub
Erzberg 2009, Manager on Tour, Enduro für Einsteiger
Erzberg 2009, Manager on Tour, Enduro für Einsteiger
Erzberg 2009, Manager on Tour, Enduro für Einsteiger
Abenteuer Erzberg
Erleben wir den legendären Erzberg, der Traum aller EndurofahrerInnen, einmal den Erzberg zu befahren, die Touren und das Training ist für Adventure-, GS-, Stelvio und alle anderen Strassen-Enduros zugeschnitten, für Fortgeschrittene und Hard-Enduro FahrerInnen gibt es eine eigene Gruppe mit Guide, weiters bieten wir kleine KTM Hard-Enduros zum Mieten an, mit erfahrenen Guides inkl. Mechaniker Service, Testmöglichkeiten neuer 2010er Modelle von KTM, geeignet für normale Strassen-Enduros.
Nächster Termin 28.-30. Mai 2010 Infos unter: www.manager-on-tour.at
TRIP IN POLAND Episode 2 (Wrocław)
TRIP IN POLAND Episode 2 (Wrocław)
TRIP IN POLAND Episode 2 (Wrocław)
This is the second episode of our trip. We still enjoyed Wrocław , but unfortunately we didn't record that 2 nice guy who have been with us. They helped a lo...
GTA 5 Online Boneyard Survival Wallbreach Glitch After 1.25/1.26 Patch
GTA 5 Online Boneyard Survival Wallbreach Glitch After 1.25/1.26 Patch
GTA 5 Online Boneyard Survival Wallbreach Glitch After 1.25/1.26 Patch
GTA 5 Online Gameplay in GTA 5 with funny GTA 5 Moments in GTA V.GTA 5 Online Boneyard Survival Wallbreach Glitch. This walbreach in "Boneyard Survival" can be pretty tough. Just put your back to the wall and look down with your gun and you will eventually glitch down. Make sure you kill most people in the Survival. You dont wanna die doing the glitch. This glitch can take sometime to do. This works as of 4/6/15 .My PSN SUNSKING
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Dib Games Shirts and other things to buy!
For Sponsorships or Endorsements: https://famebit.com/u/DibGames
Jadą kibice na mecz Pogoni w pełnej asyście wozów policyjnych.
GoPro Hero 4 - Testing 4k
GoPro Hero 4 - Testing 4k
GoPro Hero 4 - Testing 4k
GoPro Hero 4 - Testing 4k
Homeless no aeroporto de Calgary!
Homeless no aeroporto de Calgary!
Homeless no aeroporto de Calgary!
Madrugada, todo mundo MORTOOO! Mas ainda conseguiamos dar risadas!
Argentina Tourism
Argentina Tourism
Argentina Tourism
this is a fire edit of Argentina just for Micah
Taking a holiday to Lanzarote? The Lanzarote travel guide from MyTravel has all the information you need. Lanzarote has a volcanic landscape that can be foun...
Taking a holiday to Lanzarote? The Lanzarote travel guide from MyTravel has all the information you need. Lanzarote has a volcanic landscape that can be foun...
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen - Essen Tourism - Grugapark Botanical Garden Vacation
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Botanischer Garten Grugapark is a municipal botanical garden located in the Grugapark at Virchowstraße 167a, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is open daily; an admission fee is charged.
The garden was established in 1927 for recreation, teaching, and research. Parts of the garden were destroyed in World War II but gradually rebuilt and re-designed for the Essen Bundesgartenschau of 1965. Today its major sections are as follows:
Alpinum - mountain plants from the Caucasus, the Carpathians, and the Apennines, including gentians, alpine violets, asters, and pine trees, as well as Taiwania.
Asia section - dove tree, Japanese elm, and Asian hydrangeas, maples, and walnut trees.
Climbing plants - self-described as Germany's largest collection of climbing plants, including clematis, honeysuckle, climbing hydrangea, wolfberry, and wild vines.
Conifers (planted 1927) - self-described as one of Europe's largest collections, including
native conifers, araucaria, thuja, ginkgos, sequoia, dawn redwood, and the oldest cryptomeria group in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Forest valley - American sweet gums, pin oaks, bald cypresses, and a meadow with wild herbs.
Herb garden - medicinal herb garden in a medieval style.
Mediterranean orangery (built 1987) - acacias, bay laurels, date palms, fig trees, and lemon and orange trees.
Rhododendron valley - 500 rhododendron species and cultivars.
Rose garden (planted 1927) - rose cultivars and water lily pond.
Sensory garden - primarily roses and herbs.
Shrubbery (planted 1964) - several thousand shrubs from Asia, the Americas, and Europe, as well as cowslip, delphinium, Carpathian harebell, heuchera, lupin, red hot pokers, primrose, and giant rhubarb.
Westphalian cottage garden (circa 1925) - medicinal and culinary herbs and local vegetables representative of a Westphalian farmer's garden.
Wetlands - bald cypress, bamboos, reeds, willows, etc.
The garden also includes three greenhouses, built in 1985, for its tropical rainforest collection, succulents, and primeval plants from Australia and tropical South East Asia. Other features of interest include a bonsai garden, a scenic pond (the Magarethensee), and a Ronald McDonald House designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser in 2005.
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen - Essen Tourism - Grugapark Botanical Garden Vacation
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Botanischer Garten Grugapark is a municipal botanical garden located in the Grugapark at Virchowstraße 167a, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is open daily; an admission fee is charged.
The garden was established in 1927 for recreation, teaching, and research. Parts of the garden were destroyed in World War II but gradually rebuilt and re-designed for the Essen Bundesgartenschau of 1965. Today its major sections are as follows:
Alpinum - mountain plants from the Caucasus, the Carpathians, and the Apennines, including gentians, alpine violets, asters, and pine trees, as well as Taiwania.
Asia section - dove tree, Japanese elm, and Asian hydrangeas, maples, and walnut trees.
Climbing plants - self-described as Germany's largest collection of climbing plants, including clematis, honeysuckle, climbing hydrangea, wolfberry, and wild vines.
Conifers (planted 1927) - self-described as one of Europe's largest collections, including
native conifers, araucaria, thuja, ginkgos, sequoia, dawn redwood, and the oldest cryptomeria group in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Forest valley - American sweet gums, pin oaks, bald cypresses, and a meadow with wild herbs.
Herb garden - medicinal herb garden in a medieval style.
Mediterranean orangery (built 1987) - acacias, bay laurels, date palms, fig trees, and lemon and orange trees.
Rhododendron valley - 500 rhododendron species and cultivars.
Rose garden (planted 1927) - rose cultivars and water lily pond.
Sensory garden - primarily roses and herbs.
Shrubbery (planted 1964) - several thousand shrubs from Asia, the Americas, and Europe, as well as cowslip, delphinium, Carpathian harebell, heuchera, lupin, red hot pokers, primrose, and giant rhubarb.
Westphalian cottage garden (circa 1925) - medicinal and culinary herbs and local vegetables representative of a Westphalian farmer's garden.
Wetlands - bald cypress, bamboos, reeds, willows, etc.
The garden also includes three greenhouses, built in 1985, for its tropical rainforest collection, succulents, and primeval plants from Australia and tropical South East Asia. Other features of interest include a bonsai garden, a scenic pond (the Magarethensee), and a Ronald McDonald House designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser in 2005.
Para más Información SUSCRIBETE! http://goo.gl/Cp6brD
La Playa de Punta Maroma da nombre a este precioso hotel situado en un lugar privilegiado del Caribe Mexicano. Sus arenas blancas la convierten en una de las playas más bonitas y reconocidas del mundo. Disfruta en primera persona de este paisaje paradisíaco: pasea, descansa, visita lugares inolvidables...
Para más Información SUSCRIBETE! http://goo.gl/Cp6brD
La Playa de Punta Maroma da nombre a este precioso hotel situado en un lugar privilegiado del Caribe Mexicano. Sus arenas blancas la convierten en una de las playas más bonitas y reconocidas del mundo. Disfruta en primera persona de este paisaje paradisíaco: pasea, descansa, visita lugares inolvidables...
Experience the new Crackle Interface on Roku 3
Consumers can browse for something else in the newly created channel guide while continuing to watch what's currently playing. Rolling out exclusively on the Roku platform and a variety of other platforms throughout the summer, the innovative new design combines the curated experience of streaming programming on demand with the simplicity of a programmed TV experience.
Subscribe to Crackle for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/CrackleSub
Experience the new Crackle Interface on Roku 3
Consumers can browse for something else in the newly created channel guide while continuing to watch what's currently playing. Rolling out exclusively on the Roku platform and a variety of other platforms throughout the summer, the innovative new design combines the curated experience of streaming programming on demand with the simplicity of a programmed TV experience.
Subscribe to Crackle for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/CrackleSub
published:04 Jun 2015
Erzberg 2009, Manager on Tour, Enduro für Einsteiger
Abenteuer Erzberg
Erleben wir den legendären Erzberg, der Traum aller EndurofahrerInnen, einmal den Erzberg zu befahren, die Touren und das Training ist für Adventure-, GS-, Stelvio und alle anderen Strassen-Enduros zugeschnitten, für Fortgeschrittene und Hard-Enduro FahrerInnen gibt es eine eigene Gruppe mit Guide, weiters bieten wir kleine KTM Hard-Enduros zum Mieten an, mit erfahrenen Guides inkl. Mechaniker Service, Testmöglichkeiten neuer 2010er Modelle von KTM, geeignet für normale Strassen-Enduros.
Nächster Termin 28.-30. Mai 2010 Infos unter: www.manager-on-tour.at
Abenteuer Erzberg
Erleben wir den legendären Erzberg, der Traum aller EndurofahrerInnen, einmal den Erzberg zu befahren, die Touren und das Training ist für Adventure-, GS-, Stelvio und alle anderen Strassen-Enduros zugeschnitten, für Fortgeschrittene und Hard-Enduro FahrerInnen gibt es eine eigene Gruppe mit Guide, weiters bieten wir kleine KTM Hard-Enduros zum Mieten an, mit erfahrenen Guides inkl. Mechaniker Service, Testmöglichkeiten neuer 2010er Modelle von KTM, geeignet für normale Strassen-Enduros.
Nächster Termin 28.-30. Mai 2010 Infos unter: www.manager-on-tour.at
This is the second episode of our trip. We still enjoyed Wrocław , but unfortunately we didn't record that 2 nice guy who have been with us. They helped a lo...
This is the second episode of our trip. We still enjoyed Wrocław , but unfortunately we didn't record that 2 nice guy who have been with us. They helped a lo...
GTA 5 Online Gameplay in GTA 5 with funny GTA 5 Moments in GTA V.GTA 5 Online Boneyard Survival Wallbreach Glitch. This walbreach in "Boneyard Survival" can be pretty tough. Just put your back to the wall and look down with your gun and you will eventually glitch down. Make sure you kill most people in the Survival. You dont wanna die doing the glitch. This glitch can take sometime to do. This works as of 4/6/15 .My PSN SUNSKING
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Dib Games Shirts and other things to buy!
For Sponsorships or Endorsements: https://famebit.com/u/DibGames
Thank you for 4K Subscribers when i HIT 5,000 Subscribers i will be giving away a" NEW Video Game"PS4 or XBOX ONE that i will go out and purchase myself and then i will do a raffle like thing and one lucky person will win a NEW GAME and Dibgames T-shirt! Also Dont just Sub for a New Video Game/Shirt that's being a Crab.
If you are reading this you are a Human or a Robot or a Cat. So Dibcorn Games AKA Dibgames is all about gaming with comedy. Gaming Comedy now a days is so PG13 dont believe me? Watch the big gaming Youtubers and you will find out fast! I am trying to make YouTube get out of the hypnosis of PG 13 Comedy. I bring Raw in the face comedy that's all Improv. I mean right off the head, no scripts or anything in my videos. Bringing you real comedy with great gaming. My goal is to make you the viewers smile and laugh!
For Sponsorships or Endorsements: https://famebit.com/u/DibGames
Music - Tobu - Colors
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Grand Theft Auto Online, more commonly known as GTA Online, consists of open world sessions based in the same map as GTA V. Sessions are limited to 16 players on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and expanded to 30 players (with 2 extra spaces for viewers) on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC) Players may travel around and interact with the map at will and can take part in many gameplay activities, including assaults on local gangs, robbing armored trucks, and challenging other players to Impromptu Races. Several of these open world activities are unique to the multiplayer mode of the game, while others are shared with GTA V. Players can also purchase property, vehicles, clothing, aircraft, masks and weapons for their character. Aside from the free roam aspect, GTA Online also includes several localized, more traditional multiplayer game modes known as Jobs that are played in separate sessions independent from the larger open world; players partaking in these jobs will not be visible to and cannot interact with players occupying the open world, even if they inhabit the same location at the same time. These jobs include deathmatches, races, sports activities and horde-like survival games. Lastly, players can also undertake co-operative missions for various crime boss characters, most of whom also make appearances in GTA V's story. The number of players involved and the size of the area available to them in these game modes varies depending on the activity and mode itself. As players progress and increase the rank of their character, more items and jobs will be unlocked for them to purchase and play. Also included in GTA Online is the Content Creator, a development tool that allows players to create and publish their own races, deathmatches, and other competitive gamemodes
GTA 5 Online Gameplay in GTA 5 with funny GTA 5 Moments in GTA V.GTA 5 Online Boneyard Survival Wallbreach Glitch. This walbreach in "Boneyard Survival" can be pretty tough. Just put your back to the wall and look down with your gun and you will eventually glitch down. Make sure you kill most people in the Survival. You dont wanna die doing the glitch. This glitch can take sometime to do. This works as of 4/6/15 .My PSN SUNSKING
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Dib Games Shirts and other things to buy!
For Sponsorships or Endorsements: https://famebit.com/u/DibGames
Thank you for 4K Subscribers when i HIT 5,000 Subscribers i will be giving away a" NEW Video Game"PS4 or XBOX ONE that i will go out and purchase myself and then i will do a raffle like thing and one lucky person will win a NEW GAME and Dibgames T-shirt! Also Dont just Sub for a New Video Game/Shirt that's being a Crab.
If you are reading this you are a Human or a Robot or a Cat. So Dibcorn Games AKA Dibgames is all about gaming with comedy. Gaming Comedy now a days is so PG13 dont believe me? Watch the big gaming Youtubers and you will find out fast! I am trying to make YouTube get out of the hypnosis of PG 13 Comedy. I bring Raw in the face comedy that's all Improv. I mean right off the head, no scripts or anything in my videos. Bringing you real comedy with great gaming. My goal is to make you the viewers smile and laugh!
For Sponsorships or Endorsements: https://famebit.com/u/DibGames
Music - Tobu - Colors
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Grand Theft Auto Online, more commonly known as GTA Online, consists of open world sessions based in the same map as GTA V. Sessions are limited to 16 players on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and expanded to 30 players (with 2 extra spaces for viewers) on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC) Players may travel around and interact with the map at will and can take part in many gameplay activities, including assaults on local gangs, robbing armored trucks, and challenging other players to Impromptu Races. Several of these open world activities are unique to the multiplayer mode of the game, while others are shared with GTA V. Players can also purchase property, vehicles, clothing, aircraft, masks and weapons for their character. Aside from the free roam aspect, GTA Online also includes several localized, more traditional multiplayer game modes known as Jobs that are played in separate sessions independent from the larger open world; players partaking in these jobs will not be visible to and cannot interact with players occupying the open world, even if they inhabit the same location at the same time. These jobs include deathmatches, races, sports activities and horde-like survival games. Lastly, players can also undertake co-operative missions for various crime boss characters, most of whom also make appearances in GTA V's story. The number of players involved and the size of the area available to them in these game modes varies depending on the activity and mode itself. As players progress and increase the rank of their character, more items and jobs will be unlocked for them to purchase and play. Also included in GTA Online is the Content Creator, a development tool that allows players to create and publish their own races, deathmatches, and other competitive gamemodes
Piosenka napisana z głębokim pozytywnym uczuciem dla tego Miasta. Wałbrzych się zmienia: p...
published:17 Jul 2015
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
Wałbrzych - A ja kocham to Miasto
published:17 Jul 2015
Piosenka napisana z głębokim pozytywnym uczuciem dla tego Miasta. Wałbrzych się zmienia: pięknieje, jest bardziej przyjazny, bezpieczny. Warto robić wiele by młodzi ludzie nie wyjeżdżali z tego miasta. Warto tu zostać i żyć jak w wielu miastach Polski i Europy.
Piosenkę w wykonaniu wokalnym oraz podkład muzyczny do jej samodzielnego śpiewania (książeczka z nutami) można zakupić: Salon Muzyczny "NIKODEM", ul. Główna 9/16 58-309 Wałbrzych tel. 74-840-28-28 e-mail: muzycznywalbrzych@gmail.com
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Zainteresowanych tematem ,,Davida" odsyłam na stronę http://riese.cba.pl/kwk.php , gdzie ...
published:09 Feb 2015
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
Sztolnia ,,David" Wałbrzych-Konradów
published:09 Feb 2015
Zainteresowanych tematem ,,Davida" odsyłam na stronę http://riese.cba.pl/kwk.php , gdzie zobaczyć można pełną eksploracje starych wyrobisk. SAMODZIELNE ZWIEDZANIE OBIEKTU GROZI ŚMIERCIĄ!!!!
Walbrzych Moje Miasto - Arystokracja Bialego Kamienia 1
Szara codzienna rzeczywistość. Rodzi się pytanie, jak wiele trzeba od życia aby być szczęś...
Szara codzienna rzeczywistość. Rodzi się pytanie, jak wiele trzeba od życia aby być szczęśliwym w Wałbrzychu.
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje...
published:28 Aug 2015
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
published:28 Aug 2015
Telewizja Wałbrzych - "Złoty pociąg" istnieje
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sesnacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)...
published:27 Aug 2015
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sensacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
published:27 Aug 2015
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Dobre strony sesnacji (Roman Szełemej o złotym pociągu)
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji...
published:20 Aug 2015
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
published:20 Aug 2015
Telewizja Wałbrzych - Pociąg do sensacji
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
Polonya'nın Walbrzych kenti son günlerde efsanevi "Nazi altınları" ile gündemde.
published:01 Sep 2015
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
"Altın yüklü Nazi treni" Polonya'nın Walbrzych kentine turist çekmeye devam ediyor
published:01 Sep 2015
Polonya'nın Walbrzych kenti son günlerde efsanevi "Nazi altınları" ile gündemde.
Nazilerin İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nda altın yüklü bir treni kentteki Ksiaz Şatosu'nun altına sakladıkları öne sürülüyor.
Bu iddialar, hazine meraklılarını ve çok sayıda turisti kente çekiyor. Özellikle son radar görüntülerinde şatonun altında bir trenin saklanmış olabileceğine dair açıklamalar yabancı basının da ilgisini çekti:
"İyi bir polisiye hikayenin tüm elementlerini barındırıyor. Çünkü bu bir macera. İşin iç…
İLGILI HABERLER: http://tr.euronews.com/2015/09/01/altin-yuklu-nazi-treni-polonya-nin-walbrzych-kentine-turist-cekmeye-devam-ediyor
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Taking a holiday to Lanzarote? The Lanzarote travel guide from MyTravel has all the information you need. Lanzarote has a volcanic landscape that can be foun...
Grugapark Botanical Garden in Essen - Essen Tourism - Grugapark Botanical Garden Vacation
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube
The Botanischer Garten Grugapark is a municipal botanical garden located in the Grugapark at Virchowstraße 167a, Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is open daily; an admission fee is charged.
The garden was established in 1927 for recreation, teaching, and research. Parts of the garden were destroyed in World War II but gradually rebuilt and re-designed for the Essen Bundesgartenschau of 1965. Today its major sections are as follows:
Alpinum - mountain plants from the Caucasus, the Carpathians, and the Apennines, including gentians, alpine violets, asters, and pine trees, as well as Taiwania.
Asia section - dove tree, Japanese elm, and Asian hydrangeas, maples, and walnut trees.
Climbing plants - self-described as Germany's largest collection of climbing plants, including clematis, honeysuckle, climbing hydrangea, wolfberry, and wild vines.
Conifers (planted 1927) - self-described as one of Europe's largest collections, including
native conifers, araucaria, thuja, ginkgos, sequoia, dawn redwood, and the oldest cryptomeria group in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Forest valley - American sweet gums, pin oaks, bald cypresses, and a meadow with wild herbs.
Herb garden - medicinal herb garden in a medieval style.
Mediterranean orangery (built 1987) - acacias, bay laurels, date palms, fig trees, and lemon and orange trees.
Rhododendron valley - 500 rhododendron species and cultivars.
Rose garden (planted 1927) - rose cultivars and water lily pond.
Sensory garden - primarily roses and herbs.
Shrubbery (planted 1964) - several thousand shrubs from Asia, the Americas, and Europe, as well as cowslip, delphinium, Carpathian harebell, heuchera, lupin, red hot pokers, primrose, and giant rhubarb.
Westphalian cottage garden (circa 1925) - medicinal and culinary herbs and local vegetables representative of a Westphalian farmer's garden.
Wetlands - bald cypress, bamboos, reeds, willows, etc.
The garden also includes three greenhouses, built in 1985, for its tropical rainforest collection, succulents, and primeval plants from Australia and tropical South East Asia. Other features of interest include a bonsai garden, a scenic pond (the Magarethensee), and a Ronald McDonald House designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser in 2005.
Para más Información SUSCRIBETE! http://goo.gl/Cp6brD
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Records obtained by the Guardian show Kim Davis has been divorced three times before she ‘surrendered’ her life to religion four years ago. Sorry, your browser is unable to play this video. Please install Adobe Flash™ and try again. Alternatively upgrade to a modern browser ... Records obtained by the Guardian show Davis has been divorced three times before she “surrendered” her life to religion, which she said happened four years ago ... ....
CoreBot infant could grow to painful teenager. IBM threat researcher Limor Kessem has found a new modular malware credential stealer that could become a significant enterprise threat.... ....
San Francisco, Sep 2 (IANS) Google revealed its new logo, which keeps the red, blue, yellow and green colours of the tech giant's original logo but changes the lettering to a simpler, rounded "ProductSans" font. Until now, the firm has used a serif typeface for its logo for more than 16 years ... All of the companies will be overseen by Alphabet, whose CEO will be Google co-founder Larry Page. ....
As European countries grapple with record numbers of desperate refugees and migrants clamoring to enter Europe, the continent's cherished system of borderless travel is increasingly at risk, officials and analysts say ... "If Europe does not take steps as a whole, the current situation is worrying for free movement at the heart of the EU," Matthieu Tardis, a migration expert based in Paris, told AFP ... We must not forget that." ... Tweet ....
photo: AP / RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post via AP, Pool, File
More than a month before James Holmes' rampage on a Colorado movie theater, the head of his neuroscience graduate program called a campus police officer with alarming information. Holmes had told his psychiatrist that he wanted to kill people to make up for his failure in science. The call, never previously disclosed, came just after the psychiatrist expressed similar concerns to the same University of Colorado campus police officer ... 8....
The potential discovery has drawn hordes of treasure seekers to look for the loot in the hilly forests around the town of Walbrzych, near the Czech border ... The nation's gold frenzy was triggered when two men approached officials in Walbrzych, saying they found rail wagons potentially loaded with military equipment, valuables and "precious ......
Polish authorities have blocked off a wooded area near a railroad track after scores of treasure hunters swarmed southwest Poland looking for an alleged Nazi gold train. The Walbrzych area is experiencing a gold rush after two men informed authorities that they have found a Nazi train with armaments and valuables that reportedly went missing in the spring of 1945 while fleeing the Red Army.... ....
The Polish army, including an explosives unit, will join scores of treasure hunters in the search for the rumored Nazi gold train apparently buried somewhere below Walbrzych.... ....
The area surrounding the alleged location of a train full of looted Nazi gold and priceless artwork has gone up in flames as Polish authorities struggled to dampen the hysteria surrounding the possible discovery ... Where is this happening?. Along the Wroclaw-Walbrzych train line in western Poland ... At the end of WWII, as the Red Army advanced, the Nazis reportedly sent a train filled with goods looted from Wroclaw to Walbrzych ... READ ALSO ... ....
Defence ministry says it will send technical equipment to region of lower Silesia to establish whether train exists ... “The army is acting at the request of the governor of the region concerned.” . Related ... The lore is fuelled by a massive network of secret underground tunnels near Walbrzych – including around the massive Ksiaz castle – that Nazi Germany built and where legend has it the Third Reich hid looted valuables. ....
Vimeo. . ...The castleWalbrzych ... The spokesman for Defense Ministry, JacekSonta, confirms that Siemoniak has offered help to send experts to examine the ground beneath the castle Walbrzych ... Thus, should the track section between Wroclaw and Walbrzych examined with GPR, which is also used to search for mines ... ....
The city of Walbrzych and its surrounding wooded hills are experiencing a gold rush after two men, a Pole and a German, informed the authorities through their lawyers that they have found a Nazi train with armaments and valuables that reportedly went missing in the spring of 1945... that wind their way from Walbrzych to Wroclaw. ....
The city of Walbrzych and its surrounding wooded hills are experiencing a gold rush after two men, a Pole and a German, informed authorities through their lawyers that they have found a Nazi train with armaments and valuables that reportedly went missing in the spring of 1945 while fleeing the Red Army... "Half of Walbrzych's residents and other people are going treasure hunting or just for walks to see the site....
A tunnel beneath Ksiaz castle in Walbrzych, one of the underground passages built by the Nazis during World War II and where treasure hunters claim to have located a missing Third Reich train laden with gold and valuables. A tunnel beneath Ksiaz castle in Walbrzych, one of the underground passages built by the Nazis during World War II and where ......
The city of Walbrzych and its surrounding wooded hills are experiencing a gold rush after two men, a Pole and a German, informed authorities through their lawyers that they had found a Nazi train with armaments and valuables that reportedly went missing in the spring of 1945 while fleeing the Red Army... The alleged site is somewhere between the 61th and the 65th kilometre of the tracks that wind their way between Walbrzych and Wroclaw....
The potential discovery has drawn hordes of treasure seekers to look for the loot in the hilly forests around the town of Walbrzych, near the Czech border ... The nation's gold frenzy was triggered when two men approached officials in Walbrzych, saying they found rail wagons potentially loaded with military equipment, valuables and "precious ......