The suspense surrounding the leading lady of actor Balakrishna's next film is finally over. It is none other than Trisha! Yes. The petite actress is all set to share screen space with Balayya for the first time ever. Apparently, Balayya himself called on Trisha to discuss the role after which director Satyadev, travelled to Chennai to narrate the script to the actress.
Trisha's mother Uma Krishnan confirmed the news on her behalf saying, "Trisha has a fabulous role in the movie. In fact, she has been waiting to get back to Telugu cinema with a powerful role. Whether it was Varsham, Athadu or Aadavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule... Trisha has always had great roles that made her a household name in Andhra Pradesh," says Uma refusing to divulge any more details about the film.
Trisha was supposed to act opposite Balayya in Legend, but things did not work out. "Well, Trisha has shared the screen with all the superstars of Telugu cinema — having acted with the likes of Chiranjeevi, Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, Prabhas, Venkatesh and Nagarjuna — except Balakrishna. She was supposed to act with him a couple of times earlier but things did not materialise. So she is very pleased that things fell into place this time," adds Uma.
Satyadev, a debutant, is directing the movie for which shooting is likely to begin in the second week of June.