Antonio is a Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish first name. In the English language it is translated as Anthony, and has some female derivatives: Antonia, Antónia, Antonieta, Antonietta, and Antonella. It also has some male derivatives, such as Anthonio, Antonis, Antoñito, Antonino, Antonello, Tonio, Toño, Toñín, Tonino, Nantonio, Totò, Tó, Toni and Toñito. The Portuguese equivalent is António or Antônio. In old Portuguese the form Antão was also used. The Greek versions of the name are Antonios and Antonis (Αντώνης).
The name derives from Antonius, a well known Latin family name, probably of Etruscan origin. Antonius has been said to derive from the Ancient Greek God "Adonis". This, however, is quite unlikely, since the Greek letter "δ" (delta) is equivalent to the Latin letter "d" and there is no recorded transformation of "δ" or "d" to "nt". The Roman general Marcus Antonius held that the origin of the name was Anthon, son of Hercules. This myth, recorded by Plutarch, was probably created by Marcus Antonius himself, in order to claim divine parentage. The name was in use throughout the Roman world which, at its height, comprised the whole of the Mediterranean and much of Europe as well as the Near and Middle East. When the Roman Empire became Christian, the name continued in popularity because of the many great saints who bore the name. Later, the name was spread all around the world as Christianity was introduced into indigenous populations (e.g. the Far East, the Americas, and Sub-Saharan Africa).
Vico-c Tony Presidio
2 | 5 "la Marimorena" 20-07-2014: José Antonio Pérez Tapias compitió con Padro Sänchez...
Antonio Perez Henares dice muy clarito lo que la mayoria no se atreve a decir.flv
Homenaje a Antonio P. Pérez.
Matad al científico: José Antonio Pérez at TEDxZaragoza
Les Percussions de Strasbourg , Sounds in the grass by Marco Antonio Perez Ramirez
como se hace pre- militar. u.e.p juan antonio perez bonalde
Antonio Perez Gives a Product Review on the Beyond Self Hypnosis Program
Antonio Sánchez Trío
EBE12. Derecho a la ofensa. José Antonio Pérez (@mimesacojea)
Marco Antonio Perez Ruiz - Ha Resucitado
Poemas del Niágara,II El Río. Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde
Poema Flor, de Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde.
Vico-c Tony Presidio
2 | 5 "la Marimorena" 20-07-2014: José Antonio Pérez Tapias compitió con Padro Sänchez...
Antonio Perez Henares dice muy clarito lo que la mayoria no se atreve a decir.flv
Homenaje a Antonio P. Pérez.
Matad al científico: José Antonio Pérez at TEDxZaragoza
Les Percussions de Strasbourg , Sounds in the grass by Marco Antonio Perez Ramirez
como se hace pre- militar. u.e.p juan antonio perez bonalde
Antonio Perez Gives a Product Review on the Beyond Self Hypnosis Program
Antonio Sánchez Trío
EBE12. Derecho a la ofensa. José Antonio Pérez (@mimesacojea)
Marco Antonio Perez Ruiz - Ha Resucitado
Poemas del Niágara,II El Río. Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde
Poema Flor, de Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde.
Salvados: Entrevista a Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Antonio Perez Agusti Yo soy aquel
antonio jose puertas perez
Ganzuado Cerradura Tover por Antonio Zamora Perez
Arturo Pérez-Reverte e Iñaki Gabilondo
2011-07-16 Ponencia Perez Esclarin 1.mp4 (1ra. Parte)
Antonio Perez - Preludio Anna Magdalena
Antonio Perez:World Hypnosis Day
Paco de Lucia - Live at the Montreux Jazz Festival 2012 (HD)
La noche de Arturo Pérez-Reverte en FNAC
HNo. EDWIN A. PEREZ-Tema: Hoy ha llegado la salvacion e esta casa
C. Franck: Sinf. en re menor - Mov. I - Sinfónica de Galicia - Víctor Pablo Pérez, director
Davide Perez en d'Astorga - Ghislieri Choir & Consort - Giulio Prandi
hypnothoughts live jim wand interview
♂ Los PoweRanchers® Luis Pérez Meza "El Trovador del Campo" ♂
Antonio Aguilar Y Vicente Fernandez - Corridos De Caballos
Aire Agua Fuego Y Tierra III - Ecos Vitales [Full Album]
Segundo Concierto Lider de America Radio 1993
CONOCER A DIOS Samuel Pérez Millos Oct. 2013 1 de 4 ( Serie conocer a Dios)
Andrés Pérez, prensa, Enero 2002
La familia Pérez (1949)
Arturo Pérez-Reverte en L6N
David Lee Garza Y Los Musicales feat Jay Perez
street hypnosis exposed
Beethoven: Sinf. 9 - Mov. IV - Sinfónica de Galicia - Víctor Pablo Pérez, director
Panayam kay Dr. Juan Antonio Perez III ukol sa populasyon ng bansa umabot na sa 100 milyon
Poemas del Niágara; VII Hombre y Abismo. Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde P.
Canto del Niágara. I La Lira y El Arpa. Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde P.
Vuelta a la Patria I, Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde
Blanca Paloma (Fusión con Sikuriada) - Antonio Perez
Antonio Perez Agusti Volvera la paloma
Dedicated To Antonio "Tony" Carachurit Perez
Tientos/tangos (intermediate) Flamenco workshop in Bristol - Juan A. Perez
Lo Mejor De 1º De Cs Seccion "H" Liceo Juan Antonio Perez Bonalde
Homenaje a Antonio Nicanor Pena Perez (Papa Cano), mi adorado abuelo....
Copa Cinania - Alberto Perez vs Antonio Costas - 3Par-11-4
Amanda Perez & Gabriel Antonio - Candy Kisses Remix Lyrics