Luna most often refers to:
Luna may also refer to:
O Show da Luna! Asas Para Voar - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! Encaracolados - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! Luna-Sauro Rex - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! O Arco-Íris - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! O Amarelo que ficou verde - Episódio Completo
Zoé - Luna (MTV Unplugged)
Show da Luna, Doce Pão Doce! #Clipe Musical 19
O Show da Luna!
Clementino - Luna
O Show da Luna! Borboleta Luna - Episódio Completo
Billy Shadow isn't dead, he's not even sick.
Unable to connect with his father and the children at his new school, Lucas uses his imagination to escape, to cope with the linguistic and cultural differences. Luna shows the insuppressible human spirit of a little boy and his ability to see a better world from the one he is in.
Betrayed by the Necromongers and left for dead on a remote planet, Riddick learns to adapt to the harsh environment and rediscover his predatory instincts. When a more deadly threat appears on the horizon, he is forced to activate an emergency beacon attracting two ships: one filled with mercenaries, and another captained by a man with a personal vendetta against Riddick.
Keywords: alien, alien-planet, anti-hero, assault-rifle, attempted-rape, bare-chested-male, beating, betrayal, bitten-on-the-arm, blood
Rule the Dark
Survival Is His Revenge
[from trailer]::Riddick: You're not afraid of the dark, are you?
[from trailer]::Riddick: One down... Three down. You see where I'm going with this?
Riddick: Somewhere along the way I lost a step, got sloppy, dulled my own edge. Maybe I went and did the worst crime of all: I got civilized.
[stranded on an alien world]::Riddick: Don't know how many times I've been crossed off the list and left for dead. So this... this ain't nothing new.
[first lines]::Riddick: Betrayed again... shoulda seen it coming. Especially since the first time it happened was the day I was born.
Riddick: Can't blame Vaako for dangling Furya, home has a certain equity. But I do blame him for what came next. This guy, Krone, with the fucked up face? He was supposed to be our ride home. But instead of winding up on Fuyra, we wind up on some place called... not fuyra. Yet again, someone was trying to play me, so yet again, we play for blood...
Dahl: That was five seconds!::Riddick: I like to be a man of my word.
Riddick: [talking about her toenails' colour] It matches your nipples.
Riddick: And kid, leave God out of this. He wants no part of what happens next.
A young California surfer, Wayne Montgomery, gets framed on phony drug charges and thrown into a Peruvian political prison for communist dissidents in 1980. Wayne encounters a series of eccentric and dangerous characters in prison who compel him to grow up in a hurry and find a way to escape. Based on a true story.
Keywords: bullying, friendship-between-men, male-nudity, prison, surfer
One virtuous woman who now holds the "Sign of Marta" will journey to uncover her true destiny, transforming an ordinary woman into a legacy. It's more than good vs evil. It's more than love vs war. It's destiny vs fate.
It is the day of practical work amongst the students of CM1, but an unexpected hitch has occurred to disturb the class : a new student has arrived ! Everybody is curious to know where she comes from and who she is, especially Sebastian, who is secretly in love with her. But it is not going to be easy for him to approach Luna, as he is hard of hearing and he especially does not want her to know it!
Yusei is playing card games on motorcycles when a masked man appears and steals his Stardust Dragon. With the power of the Crimson Dragon, he travels back in time to where Jaden is being attacked by the same masked man. The masked man flees, Yusei decides to shun Jaden for the rest of the movie and they head off to Yugi Mutou's time. Yugi and his Grandpa are at the gayest spectacle in the world when they are suddenly attacked by dragons. Everyone but Yugi is killed, and Yugi tries to earn an Oscar before he is transported back in time to about five minutes before the attack. He is introduced to Yusei Fudo, the serious one with the voice that makes the fangirls swoon, and Jaden Yuki, the cute hyperactive one that people want to choke in his sleep. They decide to team up to take down the masked man, who's name is revealed to be Paradox. against all odds the three main characters win, through the power of homo, being main characters, freestyle time and hairy balls. They are about to leave to their respective times, when Jaden gives Yugi a spoiler and all three of them are sent to subspace.
Yusei Fudo: Jack.::Jack Atlas: [in extremely loud voice] Yusei!::Yusei Fudo: There's something you should know.::Jack Atlas: What is it, Yusei?::Yusei Fudo: Card games on motorcycles.::Jack Atlas: What?::Yusei Fudo: I said, card games on motorcycles.::Jack Atlas: I beg your pardon?::Jack Atlas: I said, card games on motorcycles!::Jack Atlas: What the hell is a motorcycle?::Yusei Fudo: You're kidding, right?::Jack Atlas: Hey, Crow! Do you have any idea what a motorcycle is?::Crow Hogan: Can't say that I do, Jack.::Jack Atlas: Yeah. We don't know what that is.::Yusei Fudo: But we ride them all the time. It's our trademark.::Jack Atlas: Why would we do that?::Yusei Fudo: So that we can play card games on them.::Jack Atlas: That sounds stupid.::Yusei Fudo: Jack, you're scaring me.::Jack Atlas: Come on, Crow! Let's go play a card game, while standing completely still...::Jack Atlas: [his voice becomes deeper with each word] On. The. GROUND.::Yusei Fudo: [slow-motion voice] NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!::Yusei Fudo: [Yusei wakes up in his sleeping bag] GAHUH! Oh, thank God.
Crow Hogan: Hey, isn't that Pegasus the creator of Duel Monsters? Yeah, and next to him is Yugi Moto, the King of Card Games!::Yusei Fudo: What the hell is wrong with his hair?::Jack Atlas: Yugi Moto? He was the greatest duelist who ever lived!::Yusei Fudo: It says here that he died a virgin and his last words were "Oh God, I've wasted my life".::Jack Atlas: The greatest duelist who ever lived. I love him.
Yusei Fudo: Wait. Look! It's him!::Jack Atlas: You found Waldo?::Yusei Fudo: It's the guy who stole my card!::Jack Atlas: Waldo stole your card?::Yusei Fudo: Jack.::Jack Atlas: Yusei!::Yusei Fudo: No.::Jack Atlas: 'Kay!
Yugi Moto: Now all we need to do is create a distraction.::Marik Ishtar: [on stage] Greeting, fools, it is I! Marik Ishtar! And I am here to enslave all of you with my- [gets blown up by a fireball] Ah!
Lyman Banner: Good luck everyone. I will be up here if you need an Asian guy. I'm Asian.
Paradox: Pwotagonists! I challenge you to a card game!::Yusei Fudo: You mean the thing that's going to destroy the world?::Paradox: Yes! That.::Yusei Fudo: Seems kind of hypocritical.
Yami Yugi: Hm. The entire world or card games. Tough choice.::Yusei Fudo: There is no choice. Without card games, this world isn't worth living in.
Cybernetic Ghost: And that is the story of how Jaden, Yugi and Yusei saved the world.::Seto Kaiba: So why wasn't I in the movie?::Cybernetic Ghost: What movie?::Seto Kaiba: The one you just described to me.::Cybernetic Ghost: Oh. Right. Um. You were not in the movie because you were never born.::Seto Kaiba: Yeah. Because I'm a robot, right?::Cybernetic Ghost: No. As it turns out, you do have a father. And it's me!::Seto Kaiba: Yeah. You're full of crap.::Cybernetic Ghost: I love you too, son.
3-D Announcer: We at Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged would like to apologize for the lack of 3D content in this movie. However, we would like to think this is totally justified since 3D is bullsh*t and adds absolutely nothing to the cinema experience. So please, enjoy your 2D movie, because it's cheaper and much less obnoxious.
Paradox: Very well, Yu-Gi-Oh Pwotagonists! Let's see how you like things, in the Mawific World!::Jaden Yuki: Actually, this isn't so bad!::Yusei Fudo: It's actually kind of pretty here.::Yami Yugi: Makes a nice change from the Shadow Realm, that's for sure.::Paradox: Stop that! It is suppose to be thweatening!::Yami Yugi: Look at all the pretty lights!::Paradox: Stop being impwessed by the Mawific World!
Luna is a quiet, transgendered woman who works at a bar in Kings Cross and lives in a small apartment with ex-street girl, Kelly. In the middle of a harsh world, where men are repulsed by her and loud mouthed queens mock her, Luna is stunned one night to encounter James, a friendly and attractive man, who treats her with respect and charm. Full of self-doubt, Luna tests this amiable stranger's attention and in doing so, places them both in danger. LUNA AND THE MOON is a whimsical and unusual tale of love caught in the spinning orbit of fate.
Keywords: gay, love, moon, queer, transgender
Can Luna find love as a young transgendered woman in Kings Cross?
In 1952, twenty-three year old medical student Ernesto Guevara de la Serna - Fuser to his friends and later better known as 'Ernesto Che Guevara' - one semester away from graduation, decides to postpone his last semester to accompany his twenty-nine year old biochemist friend 'Alberto Granado' - Mial to his friends - on his four month, 8,000 km long dream motorcycle trip throughout South America starting from their home in Buenos Aires. Their quest is to see things they've only read about in books about the continent on which they live, and to finish that quest on Alberto's thirtieth birthday on the other side of the continent in the Guajira Peninsula in Venezuela. Not all on this trip goes according to their rough plan due to a broken down motorbike, a continual lack of money (they often stretching the truth to gain the favor of a variety of strangers to help them), arguments between the two in their frequent isolation solely with each other, their raging libidos which sometimes get them into trouble, and dealing with Fuser's chronic asthma. But a chance encounter with a couple of Communists in the Chilean desert and an extended visit to the San Pablo Leper Colony in the Perúvian Amazon Basin among other things profoundly affects what each will want to do with his life and the bond each has with the other.
Keywords: 1950s, 1960s, aconcagua-argentina, adrenaline, airplane, amazon-river, anaconda-mining-company, andes-mountains, argentina, argentinian
Before he changed the world the world changed him
Let the world change you... and you can change the world
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world I never knew?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: You gotta fight for every breath and tell death to go to hell.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: What do we leave behind when we cross each frontier? Each moment seems split in two; melancholy for what was left behind and the excitement of entering a new land.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Are you talking to the motorcycle again?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Even though we are too insignificant to be spokesmen for such a noble cause, we believe, and this journey has only confirmed this belief, that the division of American into unstable and illusory nations is a complete fiction. We are one single mestizo race from Mexico to the Magellan Straits. And so, in an attempt to free ourselves from narrow minded provincialism, I propose a toast to Peru and to a united America.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: This isn't a tale of heroic feats. It's about two lives running parallel for a while, with common aspirations and similar dreams.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: What we had in common - our restlessness, our impassioned spirits, and a love for the open road.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Wandering around our America has changed me more than I thought. I am not me any more. At least I'm not the same me I was.
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: Me, I'm not the same me, at least not the same spiritual me.
Miner's Wife: Are you two looking for work?::Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: No, we aren't looking for work.::Miner's Wife: No?... Then why are you traveling?::Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: We travel just to travel.::Miner's Wife: Bless you... Blessed be your travels.
O Show da Luna! Asas Para Voar - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! Encaracolados - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! Luna-Sauro Rex - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! O Arco-Íris - Episódio Completo
O Show da Luna! O Amarelo que ficou verde - Episódio Completo
Zoé - Luna (MTV Unplugged)
Show da Luna, Doce Pão Doce! #Clipe Musical 19
O Show da Luna!
Clementino - Luna
O Show da Luna! Borboleta Luna - Episódio Completo
[SK텔레콤_LUNA] 누군가를 미치게 만들려면 이정도는 돼야 한다(60s ver.)
O Show da Luna! Cadê os Marcianos? - Episódio Completo
Miss Mary - Luna (cu versuri)
Contesto todas las dudas sobre mi libro (Luna de Plutón) | #lunadepluton Angel David Revilla
Ana Gabriel - Luna
¿Nos controlan desde la Luna creando una realidad virtual?
Il Falso Sbarco Sulla Luna doc completare
Bombay Bicycle Club - Luna
Espiando a Prestico con Silvina Luna
I see you comin down
Your life is flashin before ya
I see you comin round
You're talking over and over
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
I see you comin down
Too bad there's nothing left over
I don't know what you mean
You're talkin over and over
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
I see you wakin up
And now the day is upon ya
The party's over now
You're talkin over and over
You know I tried to please ya
all of a sudden
the girl of my dreams
she never asks
she always screams
do you see her face
in a puddle at my feet
as i bend down
to kiss the street
and i'll come runnin' to her
and i'll come runnin' to her
her sleep is troubled
her face will twitch
she wakes up angry
and i'm bewitched
her smile is forced
she's always late
but she's not sorry
and i capitulate
and i'll come runnin' to her
and i'll come runnin' to her
all of a sudden
the girl of my dreams
she never asks
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Dile que ella es mi reina,
Que es la que mas quiero en esta tierra
Y que su amor se adueñado de mi
Dile que ella es mi reina,
Que es la que mas quiero en esta tierra
Y que su amor se adueñado de mi
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Ahí ven escucha amor
Es que el romantic style
Ya no puede escribir no puede ni cantar
Desde que tu no estas mi vida quiere terminar
Es q no soy de hierro no soy de metal
Todo en mi te extraña
No puede aguantar
Desde que tu no estas mi vida quiere terminar
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Are you going to the disco hey?
Are you hoping that you'll all get laid?
When there are interstellar clouds on the Sussex Downs
Were you hoping that you might get paid?
But on the way did you get waylaid?
And now tomorrow keeps coming
Tomorrow keeps coming today
Again and again and again
Again and again and again
Again and again and again
Tomorrow keeps coming today
Tomorrow keeps coming today
Tomorrow keeps coming today
Again and again and again
Luna was a strange girl, she was pretty mad
When we felt sorry for ourselves she'd say it's not so bad
Even the galaxies weep for the suns and the stars they'll never be
We all laughed but we also felt quite sad
So hey now, just put the fucking record on and tell my why
Oh, hey now, just put the fucking kettle on and tell me how
A Ballardian nightmare erupted and now we all share
One thought, one love and one idea
If you want it, you can have it all
If you're needy come to me
If you like to, you can take it
It's not really complicated, oh
If you want it, you can have it all
If you're needy come to me
If you like to, you can take it
It's not really complicated, it's not really complicated
Oh, oh, but these aren't the answers
These are not the answers for you or me
I thought we had a deal
But tomorrow keeps coming today
Again and again and again
Again and again and again
Again and again and again
Tomorrow, go forth
Tomorrow, go forth
Tomorrow, go forth
Tomorrow, go forth
Go forth Luna
So go forth, go forth Luna
Otra vez ya son las 10: 00
Otra vez el cielo duerme
Otra vez en la ventana
le hablaré a la luna sobre ti
Lo hare...
Y le diré... que todo el tiempo estoy pensando en ti
Y le enviaré... mi corazón tatuado en un papel
Otra vez ya son las 10: 00
Otra vez el cielo duerme
Otra vez en la ventana
le hablaré a la luna sobre ti
Lo hare...
Y le diré... que todo el tiempo estoy pensando en ti
Y le enviaré... mi corazón tatuado en un papel
Y le diré... que todo el tiempo estoy pensando en ti
Depression sets in
Moonlight Darkness
When we rest our heads
Others come out like:
Rats, roaches and parasites
Looking to mop every bit of moonlight in sight
Lost in the shadows
My light grows dim
When they rest their gluttent bellies
Expand digesting their meal
(Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul)
Luna tu
cuantos son los cantos que escuchaste ya
cuantas las palabras dichas para ti
que han surcado el cielo solo por gozar
una noche el puerto de tu soledad
Los amantes se refugian en tu luz
sumas los suspiros desde tu balcon
y enredas los hilos de nuestra pasion
luna que me miras ahora escuchame
(only you can hear my soul)
Luna tu,
sabes el secreto de la eternidad
y el misterio que hay detras de la verdad
guiame que a ti mi corazon te oye
me siento perdido y no se.
No se que hay amores
que destruyen corazones
como un fuego que todo lo puede abrazar
Luna tu,
alumbrando el cielo y su inmensidad
en tu cara oculta que misterio habra
todos escondemos siempre algun perfil
Somos corazones bajo el temporal
angeles de barro que deshace el mar
sueños que el otoño desvanecera
hijos de esta tierra envuelta por tu luz
hijos que en la noche vuelven a dudar
Que hay amores
que destruyen corazones
como el fuego que todo lo puede abrazar
Pero hay amores
dueños de nuestras pasiones
que es la fuerza que al mundo
siempre hara girar
Es un arte, ver su cuerpo como se acerca,
me despierto otra ves, sin corazón ni cabeza,
apaga hoy estas en mi ser,
que con esos labios caigo lento,
apaga hoy estas en mi ser,
con su cintura me encuentro.
Descubro hoy lo que hace de mí,
sabe tender muy bien esa trampa,
que me ha amarrado así.
Luna, que con su piel me cubra,
cuando tu cara luna, que no se vaya, al amanecer, no,
luna que se quede en mi cuna,
cuando tu luz se esfuma,
y que no vaya, desaparecer, no.
Devorarte, he corrido atrás de cada huella,
hoy la sigo otra ves, estoy tan loco por ella,
apaga hoy estas en mi ser,
que con esos ojos caigo lento,
apaga hoy estas en mi ser,
que me esta quemando el pensamiento.
Descubro hoy lo que hace de mí,
sabe tender muy bien esa trampa,
que me ha arrastrado aquí,
y me ha amarrado así.
Luna, que con su piel me cubra,
cuando tu cara luna, que no se vaya, al amanecer, no,
Luna, que con su piel me cubra,
cuando tu cara luna, que no se vaya, al amanecer, no,
luna que se quede en mi cuna,
cuando tu luz se esfuma,
In rented tuxedos the guests will arrive,
Smiling and smoking, chewing and choking.
Women in their favorite shoes, dark disturbing thoughts,
All of them together making trips to the bathroom.
Black eyed Susans and chilled potatoes,
High balls and low, a pinch in the punch.
Invisible to mirrors you fly around the room,
Tell me the password and then I bring you fire?.
So get up off the floor and play with me some more.
Come down to my side and tell me green-eyed lies.
We'll find a magic spell to turn this muck to gold.
Well promises don't grow on trees.
Playing the weedgee board in front of the fire,
It told me to do unspeakable things.
Mixed in a cocktail of muddled emotions,
Slinky and winky, stinky and drinky.
They made me dance, they made me sing,
The boring little bible, a dreary dibble dabble.
The bustle and vanity, the hustle and insanity,
Clowning and towning, drowning and frowning.
Tell me stories on my birthday
Buy me gifts on Halloween
She's pretending not know me
But I know where she's been
Change your name and change
Your number
I'm gonna find you anyhow
I have been through all your things
Asking when and how and why
I spend too much time in airplanes
Eating peanuts
And getting high
Don't know why I can't stop smiling
C'est une poupée qui fait non, non, non, non
Toute la journée elle fait non, non, non, non
Elle est, elle est tell'ment jolie
Que j'en rêve la nuit
C'est une poupée qui fait non, non, non, non
Toute la journée elle fait non, non, non, non
Personne ne lui a jamais appris
Qu'on pouvait dire oui
Sans même écouter elle fait non, non, non, non
Sans me regarder elle fait non, non, non, non
Pourtant je donnerais ma vie
Pour qu'elle dise oui
Mais c'est une poupée qui fait non, non, non, non
Toute la journée elle fait non, non, non, non
Personne ne lui a jamais appris
Time bends and slows
And I know that you're mine and then
Solely roll on through the night
Time, time
On through the night
Time, time
Each day goes so fast
The summer is now past
I'm standin' in garbage
And solely roll on through the night
Time, time
On through the night
Time, time
Time, time, time
When you were mine, mine, mine
All through the time, time, time
Vous avez lu l'histoire de jesse james
Comment il vicut comment il est mort
Ca vous a plus hein vous en d'mandez encore
Et bien ecoutez l'histoire de bonnie and clyde
Alors voila clyde a une petite amie
Elle est belle et son prinom c'est bonnie
A eux deux ils forment le gang barrow
Leurs noms bonnie parker et clyde barrow
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Moi lorsque j'ai connu clyde autrefois
C'itait un gars loyal honnjte et droit
Il faut croire que c'est la sociiti
Qui m'a difinitivement abnmi
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Qu'est c' qu'on a pas icrit sur elle et moi
On pritend que nous tuons de sang froid
C'e'st pas drol' mais on est bien obligi
De fair' tair' celui qui s'met ' gueuler
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Chaqu'fois qu'un polic'man se fait buter
Qu'un garage ou qu'un' banque
Se fait braquer pour la polic'
Ca ne fait pas d'myster
C'est signi clyde barrow bonnie parker
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Maint'nant chaq'fois qu'on essaie d'se ranger
De s'installer tranquill's dans un meubli
Dans lees trois jours voil' le tac tac tac
Des mitraillett's qui revienn't ' l'attaqu'
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
Un de ces quatr' nous tomberons ensemble
Moi j'm'en fous
C'est pour Bonnie que je tremble
Qu'elle importanc' qu'ils me fassent la peau
Moi bonnie je tremble pour clyde barrow
Bonnie and clyde
Bonnie and clyde
D'tout' fagon ils n'pouvaient plus s'en sortir
La seule solution c'itait mourir
Mais plus d'un les a suivis en enfer
Quand sont morts barrow et bonnie parker
Bonnie and clyde
Sneakin' a kiss
On the fire escape
A little game of pup tent
With a blanket and a broom
My mind is taking photographs
Of every little thing
Exhibit number 2 ...
A piece of white chocolate
And if you want me to,
I'm gonna cry you a river tonight
And if you ask me to,
I'm gonna crawl right into your dreams
And did you know,
I feel a chokin' in the back of my throat
I see you walkin'
Walkin' on tippytoes
Swayin' like a sunflower
On a Spanish afternoon
My mind is taking photographs
Of every little thing
Exhibit number 8 ...
don't be late
You crept in
Underneath the radar
Living in a glass house
Sleeping on a glass bed
But my mind has taken photographs
Of every little thing
Honey turn around
i know your leavin's too long over due
for far too long i've had nothing new to show to you
goodbye dry eyes i watched your plane fade off west of the moon
it felt so strange to walk away alone
No Regrets
no tears goodbye
don't want you back
we'd only cry again
say goodbye again
the hours that were yours echo like empty rooms
thoughts we used to share i now keep alone
i woke last night and spoke to you
not thinkin' you were gone
it felt so strange to lie awake alone
No Regrets
no tears goodbye
don't want you back
we'd only cry again
say goodbye again
our freinds have tried to turn my nights to day
strange faces in your place can't keep the ghosts away
just beyond the darkest hour, just behind the door
it feels so strange to lead my life alone
No Regrets
no tears goodbye
don't want you back
we'd only cry again
Then I painted your face
On a twenty dollar bill
But it isn't legal tender
And I think about you still
And all the comfort in words
Provide no comfort
We can all go mad together
That's what friends are for
And at the sideshow by the seashore
The girls are dressed as mermaids
An electrical storm
Has caught us in a trap
Maybe if I yell at you
You'll trust in what I'm sayin'
But I'm keepin' all the secrets
I told you that we've been through this but
You know I told you that before
I try to find out where we missed but
I gets to be such a bore
Cause ever since that time I told you so
Well something gets my eye and it won't let go
And then the stories and words are here and gone
Well that's what you always say
I try to sit and talk with you but
You know how moods change all the time
I try to wait a week or two but
By then I'll probably change my mind
Cause ever since that time I told you so
Well something gets my eye and it won't let go
And then the stories and words are here and gone
Your pockets are full
Of stolen glasses
But what's the point?
You've had your fill
You've had your fill
You shed your skin
You're one of them
That somber fool
Escape while you can
Escape while you can
You're coming out of your shell
You've got a beautiful view
You're gonna shake it off
This is the place
That you were born
It's making a comeback
Since you've been gone
Since you've been gone
Don't waste your time
Learning kling-on
It ain't no use
Escape while you can
saranghae saranghae saranghae cheon beoneul malhaedo mojara
geuriwo geuriwo geuriun sunganmada deo geuriwo
bureugo bureugo bureumyeon jakkuman tteooreuneun eolgul
barago barago baramyeon eonjengan niga nae mam arajulkka
ojik neobakke moreuneun geureon naya neomaneul saranghae jul saram baro
neol mannan sesangi naegen gijeok gateun irira geureon geoya
ojik neomaneul wonhaneun geureon naya neomaneul jikyeo jul saramdo baro
ni gyeote neoman baraboneun geuge naya miryeonhan naya
ni eolgul geurida jamdeulmyeon kkumsogeseorado mannalkka
wonhago wonhago wonhamyeon eonjengan niga nae mam arajulkka
ojik neobakke moreuneun geureon naya neomaneul saranghae jul saram baro
neol mannan sesangi naegen gijeok gateun irira geureon geoya
ojik neomaneul wonhaneun geureon naya neomaneul jikyeo jul saramdo baro
ni gyeote neoman baraboneun geuge naya
nae maeumi malhajanha neoppunirago malhajanha
neoreul neoman saranghaneun ireon naya ige naya
ojik negeman deullyeo jul sarangyaegi
han sarammaneul saranghaetdan geureon yaegi
honjaman ganjikhae amudo moreuneun sarangi baro naya
ojik neol wihae bureuneun sarangnorae
ojik naegeman deullineun geureon norae
I told lies to your family concerning your whereabouts
They feel so sorry for me
I invented jealous stories, my imagination ran wild
I made myself so angry
The night that you insulted me I lay awake thinkin'
Clever things I could have said
My thoughts kept turning to Bobby Peru
How would he handle this one?
'S' is for sorry for all that I did
Now is the time to turn it all around
I know what's the matter, so why can't I fix it?
Forgive me please
I had lunch with an old girlfriend who knows all my faults
And pretends to want to help
She said I really don't mind your keeping secrets from me
But please don't keep them from yourself
Murder is bad, and suicide is sad
Why would a girl like that put her head in the oven?
You have your theories and I have one too
It's such a waste
'S' is for sorry for all that I did
Now is the time to turn it all around
I know what's matter, so why can't I fix it?
This feeling is eternal, for as long as it lasts
Now is the time to turn it all around
I know what's matter, I'm trying to fix it?
Forgive me please
'S' is for sorry for all that I did
Now is the time to turn it all around
I really don't mind you keeping secrets from me
Woman made of paper, understand me now
This time they got you by the ears
You might be nothin' or just a footprint
They've been watchin' you for years
It's a strange fascination
It's a bliss
It's a beggar's bliss
A double dance for twenty dollars
You may be crooked but not cheap
Go ahead and make a mistake
That's what you're made of
They've been watchin' you for years
It's a strange fascination
It's a bliss
It's a beggar's bliss
In the shadow of a candlestick your face appears
Quickly, now is the time, why are we waitin'?
Uptown, downtown I could care less
I've been watchin' you for years
It's a strange fascination
It's a bliss
Well she looked real cute
In her buffalo boots
She has a rosy future
In her juicy couture
Ladybug red
And strawberry pink
Made me stop and wonder
Made me have to think
There's a girl in Nolita
I really wanna snuckle
At the supermarket
I have to bite my knuckle
Mother of pearl
Thrilling my thrill
Mother of girl
I thought about it every day
While I was wondering in and out of the pink
You had to make another go
You were drowning in your wonderful drink
There's so much of madness here
So much that sinks
Act like you are, we're all in a terrible fable
What do you see
I'm running so fast
Gotta go where I need
Out on the road there
The devil knows what I see
Sometimes you gotta know
You gotta make it with a lot of the sane
Had to be another Joe
Drifting in and out of the way
So much I used to let by
Was so much like a kick in the head
Better be off and I better be able to see what's ahead
It's beautiful now
I tell myself I'm braver
Sorry somehow
In the tiny tiny hours
Between the evening and the day
We have placed our final bets
We have come out to play
Fancy drinks and a lucky toasts
I like this time the most
You're out all night, chasin' girlies
You're late to work and you go home earlies
Lookin' lost in Chinatown
Why are we hidin' from our friends?
Rushing 'round in taxi cabs
Is it time to make amends?
You'll get yours and I'll get mine
You can't be lucky all the time
You're out all night chasin' girlies
Well, she followed him from Phoenix out to Californ
And then she passed out on the bed
And all the little things he never even asked her for
She simply smiled and shook her head
Why can't we smile just like we used to?
Why don't you figure anymore?
Why has my sympathy now turned to malice?
It doesn't matter anymore
And now I realize I'm livin' like a trucker does
Although I haven't got the belly
And though she followed me to California all the way
I only wanna watch the tele
Why can't we smile just like we used to?
Why don't you figure anymore?
Why has my sympathy now turned to malice?
It doesn't matter anymore
He asked her please stop quotin' Rodney King
When in your postcards, can't understand it anymore
And if your gonna read your poetry aloud to me
I'll have to show you to the door
Why can't we smile just like we used to?
Why don't you figure anymore?
Why has my sympathy now turned to malice?
I wanna plug you in
I wanna get you things
Send you a pentagram
Feed you diazepam
I wanna play the game
I wanna live again
I wanna bend your spoons and make your
Silver shine
I'll wear a stylin' mustache
You'll wear a frozen smile
We'll run like Tamil Tigers
We'll drink the poison vial
I'm not the Jack of diamonds
I'm not the six of spades
I don't know what you thought
I'm not your astronaut
Because our surly stare
Is so revealing
Because your feet are bare
My eyes are peeling
Because your mistletoe
Because I gamble
Because I told you so
My eyes are scrambled
I saw that girl again today
Reading silly magazines
I saw that girl again today
Singing songs of bubblegum
I had my eyes peeled wide
Up and down the dirty side
I had my eyes peeled wide
I think about her all the time
And then you blew my mind
Always on my mind
You made an educated guess
You are an educated girl
It was a palace on wheels
And I was just a drunken fool
I had my eyes peeled wide
Up and down the dirty side
I got a head just like a beehive
I think about her all the time
Why must you be
I wanna plug you in
I wanna get you things
Send you a pentagram
Feed you diazepam
I wanna play the game
I wanna live again
I wanna bend your spoons and make your
Silver shine
I'll wear a stylin' mustache
You'll wear a frozen smile
We'll run like Tamil Tigers
We'll drink the poison vial
I'm not the Jack of diamonds
I'm not the six of spades
I don't know what you thought
I'm not your astronaut
Because our surly stare
Is so revealing
Because your feet are bare
My eyes are peeling
Because your mistletoe
Because I gamble
Because I told you so
Left my hotel in the city
Everythin' was clear and set
You were on your way and sittin' pretty
That was just a bait and switch
Say a prayer for you and me
Say a prayer tell me do you miss me
23 minutes in Brussels
Why can't they just leave us alone
Are we gonna to get into a tussle
Cannot take an airplane home
Say a prayer for you and me
Say a prayer tell me do you miss me
Say a prayer for you and me
Say a prayer tell me do you miss me
Say a prayer for you and me
Say a prayer tell me do you miss me
Say a prayer for you and me
cover my face with roses
cover me head to toe
i had to be drunk
just to look at your face
that was all right by me
how long will this go....
how long will this go....
how long will this go on
cover my face with roses
cover me head to toe
you wanted to give me
some friendly advice
that was alright by me
how long will this go....
how long will this go....
how long will this go on
cover my face with roses
cover me head to toe
they're throwin' a party
and you're not invited
that was alright by me
how long will this go....
how long will this go....
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Dile que ella es mi reina,
Que es la que mas quiero en esta tierra
Y que su amor se adueñado de mi
Dile que ella es mi reina,
Que es la que mas quiero en esta tierra
Y que su amor se adueñado de mi
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Ahí ven escucha amor
Es que el romantic style
Ya no puede escribir no puede ni cantar
Desde que tu no estas mi vida quiere terminar
Es q no soy de hierro no soy de metal
Todo en mi te extraña
No puede aguantar
Desde que tu no estas mi vida quiere terminar
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Por ella yo muero
Luna dile que la amo
Dile q la quiero
Y q en mis noches tristes
Luuuuuuna tu que la puedes ver , ve y cuentale
Que casi hoy soy de piedra y si ella no regresa
Me morir, sii me morire..
luna dile k yo tambien paso noches de desvelo por ella,y dile k hoy se fue me duele ver perder la vida por ella
(se repite)
Luuuuuuuna dime en que yo falle
Que no dije
Que no mostre
Que no calle
Ni perdona
Luuuuuuuna dime en que yo falle
Nunca fingi
Ni le menti
Hoy no esta aqui
Quiero morir
Luuuuuuna tu que la puedes ver , ve y cuentale
Que casi hoy soy de piedra y si ella no regresa
Me morir, sii me morire..
luna dile k yo tambien paso noches de desvelo por ella,y dile k hoy se fue me duele ver perder la vida por ella
(se repite)
Luuuuuuuna dime en que yo falle
Que no dije
Que no mostre
Que no calle
Ni perdona
Luuuuuuuna dime en que yo falle
Nunca fingi
Ni le menti
Hoy no esta aqui
Quiero morir
(Se repite todo otra vez)
Luuuna tu que la puedes ver ve y cuentale
Que casi hoy soy de piedra y si ella no regresa
Me morire siii me morire...
This is who we are (x2)
We are the unexpected
We .. free
We are the snow that falls in April
We are the seeds that no one thought would grow
We are visible for those who feel
We are that ingredient, that makes 'em addicted
We create our own patterns till you see them
This is who we are (x4)
We are the tunnels to other worlds
We are forever!
We are the long words
When everything is abbreviated
We are ears when nobody listens
He's a softly spoken tiger
In a sea of pussycats
A softly spoken tiger
Getting on the groove
Betty and veronica
Lord i miss them so
Forgot to mail those postcards
It was a long time ago
In a city of this size
We'll never meet again
No, no. no
Well the mind is a monkey
And honey so am i
Befuddled and befiddled
In the corner of your eye
And the rustler's getting loopy
On xycoline and booze
He's gonna meet you at the airport
1000 (Hiljadu) na cas
Ima jedno srce koje stanu je
Tu, tu samo tuguje
Ima jedna duša koja bolu je
Tu, tu sama stanuje
Hiljadu na cas, lazeš kao pas
Gledaš me k'o zver
Stvarno nije fer (2x)
Ne, ne, ne voliš me, ne voliš me
o Babe, ne kao pre (2x)
Niko tako lepo ne zna lagati
Ne, ne , Niko kao ti
Ali srce moje voli laganja
Da, da s'tvojih usana
1000 na cas....
Ne, ne, ne voliš me....
1000 na cas....
I got pills that make me cranky
I got pills that make me cry
I have crooked information
Tiny nightmares in the sky
Rest your head upon my pillow
Put my hand inside your bed
You can have it if you want it
If you'd like to take a chance
I can hypnotize a pancake
I can levitate the Pope
I can make your teacher crazy
'Cause it's all within my scope
Rest your head upon my pillow
Put my hand inside the bed
You can have it if you want it
If you'd like to take a chance
Teenage lightning in the basement
Teenage lightning in the night
Teenage lightning on my window
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I'd stare too long
I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Alison Andrews came up to see me
In a beautiful pea green coat
She took my pulse, she brought me pills
Wrapped up in a 5-dollar note
And hand in hand on the edge of the sand
we danced by the light of the moon
We drove away for a year and a day
To the land, where the bong tree grows
There in the wood a piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose
Hand in hand on the edge of the sand
Well according to the shadows
We should be getting home
And according to the shadows
We should be getting on
With your lucky lucky fingers
And your caterpillar eyes
I promise to be gentle
And I promise to be nice
Some love is short, some love is long
Sing to the ghosts of a dream gone wrong
A new style hit the city
A nueva bossa craze
Dance into the future
In the old fashioned ways
Perfect your dimensions
Teeth as white as mice
I promise to be gentle
And I promise to be nice
Some love is short, some love is long
Sing to the ghosts of a dream gone wrong
Some love is short, some love is long
Sing to the ghosts of a dream gone wrong
Some love is short, some love is long
Sing to the ghosts of a dream gone wrong
Some love is short, some love is long
Well they're swapping pharmaceuticals in Mussolini Park
And they're wigglin' and wobbilin' and dozin' in the dark
And it's winter in New Jersey and it's Christmas in New
With a giggle and a stare and a bottle and a fork
And Kristina took your photo with a needle and a spoon
But she said we got to hurry cos her dad will be home
And these superfreaky memories have put me in my place
But then my superfreaky memories are gone without a trace
Please excuse my eyes
Please excuse my hands
Please excuse my eyes
Put me in my place
In a dirty little room in a nasty little world
You were out of your mind you were throwin' up your hands
You were makin' crazy plans left a message on the mirror
And your mouth was making words but there was nobody
Now the gears are rolling by and you don't get any wiser
And the years are rolling on but you're going round and
And these superfreaky memories have put me in my place
Everybody's talkin' at me
I don't hear a word they're sayin'
Only the echoes of my mind
People stoppin', starin'
I can't see their faces
Only the shadows of their eyes
I'm goin' where the sun keeps shinin'
Through the pourin' rain
Goin' where the weather suits my clothes
Bankin' off of the northeast wind
Sailin' on summer breeze
Skippin' over the ocean like a stone
I'm goin' where the sun keeps shinin'
Through the pourin' rain
Goin' where the weather suits my clothes
Bankin' off of the northeast wind
Sailin' on summer breeze
Skippin' over the ocean like a stone
I won't let you leave my love behind
I won't let you leave
na naman
itong bumubulong
sa buhay
Bawat nakaw-tingin,
sinasalo lang ng hangin
Ang saya ng puso mo
Sa piling ng iba...
Ang kagaya ng buwan
Na laging mag-isa...
na naman
sinusuyo ng buhay ko
pinangtatawag ng pansin
mawawala lang sa hangin
ang saya ng puso ko
sa piling ng iba...
ang kagaya ng buwan
na laging mag-isa...
Oh oh ooooh oh...
Breaking down my will
Leave me cold and silent
Your absence of emotion
Take away the light
Drain the source of virtue
Misusing my devotion
Breaking down my dream
Tear my soul asunder
Our god is of erosion
(Templets?) of desception
You enslave the healing light
Nothing sacred in your heart
You consume my hope and air
(Templets?) of desception
Heap of dreams like truth and right
Nothing sacred in your heart
He engraves the deepest of despair
Breaking down my will
Leave me cold and silent
Your absence of emotion
Take away the light
Drain the source of virtue
Misusing my devotion
Breaking down my dream
Tear my soul asunder
Our god is of erosion
(Templets?) of desception
You enslave the healing light
Nothing sacred in your heart
You consume my hope and air
(Templets?) of desception
Heap of dreams like truth and right
Nothing sacred in your heart
Luna, tu que lo ves, dile cuanto le amo
Luna, tu que lo ves, dile cuanto lo extraño
Esta noche se que el esta
contemplándote igual que yo
a través de ti quiero darle un beso
tu que sabes de soledad
aconséjale por favor
de que vuelva convéncelo te ruego
Luna, tu que lo ves, dile cuanto es que sufro
Luna dile que vuelva porque ya es mucho
Tu que sabes en donde esta
acaríciale con mi amor
dile que es a quien yo mas, mas quiero
Tu que sabes por donde va
ilumínale con tu luz
su sendero porque quizás
no es bueno, no es bueno
quizás no es bueno
The day had fallen
To the nighttime world
The moon's light filled the sky
Its creatures made the music they make
A dense mist ascended from nowhere
Submerged within, strange woman in white
Together in darkness
For we are one.
We shall live on
Through the centuries to come.
It was her ghostly white face
Her death-cold breath
Fear sensed within my thoughts
Extended to me, plea of a brave new path
Void of human reflection
Submerged, I am no longer afraid
Once I could hear
And once I could see
Stripped of my soul, it's all part of me
I'd be a fool to carry on
I am the sunlight,
the strain on your throat,
an intense response,
I am your echo.
I am your feeling,
your focus,
I am your Luna,
you are my home.
Travel the sound.
Make your way back.
You are the lonely one,
but we're lonely with you.
We're with you.
Thicken our senses.
Lighten our eyes.
You remind us that there are answers,
they will come with time.
Thicken our senses.
Lighten our eyes.
You remind us that there are answers,
they will come with time.
I can't breathe in your stare.
I am affection and its effect,
The invisible barriers evaporate the goals you set,
I am not immune to your charm.
Travel the sound.
Make your way back.
You are the lonely one,
but we're lonely with you.
We're with you.
Thicken our senses.
Lighten our eyes.
You remind us that there are answers,
White light cut a scar in the sky, thin line of silver
The night was all clouded with dreams, wind made me shiver
Black and yellow pools of light, outside my window
The clouds are all silver and black, floating around me
Luna come into my eyes, Luna surround me
With black and yellow pools of light fall by my window
Luna come to me tonight, I am a prisoner
Luna glide down from the moon
Luna come to me tonight, I am a prisoner
Luna glide down from the moon
The clouds are all silver and black, floating around me
Luna come into my eyes, Luna surround me
With black and yellow pools of light fall by my window
Luna come to me tonight, I am a prisoner
A pair of hands, in circles, chase,
on his leather band they race.
Shut-eyed as the minutes pass by.
But numbers never mind,
he'll dream in black and white.
Seconds, minutes, hours unwind,
and will you ever find
the points that made the line,
all the moments in time?
Days and weeks and months to strike through
as pages turn with you
and letters make the news.
If you can face the world this time
and take it all with salt and stride,
then you'll never wonder why.
Colors in between blue and red and green,
these which never show without light.
A thousand sheep above,
but little more in sight.
What is it you're wanting tonight,
and will you ever find
the points that made the line,
all the moments in time?
What have you gotten yourself into?
The time has come to try
and measure all of the days of your life.
Nublado encanto, color soñado canta, olores viejos
aroma zanja el patio
Cancion cansada, la letra dice: "nada"
la luna baila y el viento cuenta un cuento
Baila la luna, maquilla el baile, baila la luna
Fiesta, piñata y ponche azul. Patio pantano
Otoño sigue huraño, carne del perro sarna
autista mira un cotillon
Esa luna esta cansada, cada noche un ciego le habla
Cuatro flores se hacen hombre
y la luna llora al mundo: EAHHHH!
La luna tuvo un hijo enfermo.
In un sogno o no, ma eravamo strani
La nostra notte viaggiava velocexx
E noi uomini, noi vinceremo
sara` quella sfera nelle nostre mani!
Terra, Terra, sono luci ed ombre
e` tutto strani, ci eravamo ingannatixx
Sole nei tuoi occhi, sei quasi come cieco
Ed hai visioni, cosa stai vivendo
Noi conquisteremo la luna
Noi conquisteremo la luna
Noi conquisteremo la luna
In un sogno o no, sei quasi come cieco
E noi uomini, noi vinceremo!
Noi.. noi.. noi vinceremo.. noi
Noi conquisteremo la luna
Noi conquisteremo la luna
Noi conquisteremo la luna
Noi conquisteremo la luna
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Saro`, saro`, saro`, saro`, saro`...
Il saore.. hahahahaha
e` un dittatore!
E vi schiaccero`
Come delle merde!
E vi schiaccero`
Come delle merde!
E vi schiaccero`
Come delle merde!
Come delle merde!
Come delle merde!
Avete bisogno di un dittatore!
La massa e` una merda!
Lo dicevo a me!
Il sangue, il sangue, il sangue, il sangue, il sangue, il sangue, il sangue
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Il sangue e` un dittatore
Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul
Luna tu
Quanti sono i canti che risuonano
Desideri che attraverso i secoli
Han solcato il cielo per raggiungerti
Porto per poeti che non scrivono
E che il loro senno spesso perdono
Tu accogli i sospiri di chi spasima
E regali un sogno ad ogni anima
Luna che mi guardi adesso ascoltami
Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul
Luna tu
Che conosci il tempo dell'eternitá
E il sentiero stretto della veritá
Fa piú luce dentro questo cuore mio
Questo cuore d’uomo che non sa, non sa
Che l’amore puó nascondere il dolore
Come un fuoco ti puó bruciare l’anima
Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul
Luna tu
Tu rischiari il cielo e la sua immensitá
E ci mostri solo la meta che vuoi
Come poi facciamo quasi sempre noi
Angeli di creta che non volano
Anime di carta che s'incendiano
Cuori come foglie che poi cadono
Sogni fatti d’aria che svaniscono
Figli della terra e figli tuoi, che sai
Che l’amore puó nascondere il dolore
Come un fuoco ti puó bruciare l’anima
Ma e con l’amore che respira il nostro cuore
E la forza che tutto muove e illumina! . . .
Chorus: Only you can hear my soul, only you can hear my soul
The little girl, the black fields
Never had a way to deal with her old man
Now you need her, you could try it
You could burst up through the floorboards
And maybe then....
I got a cold master and she's gonna tell you
She's gonna break my back with a bit of
amusement, oh man
We're holding hands
So, if the words get in the way
Hold the silence but just don't stay there
You're in the sand
When everything comes crying to you
Way bye bye, goodbye to holding hands
You've got to sell it over and I'm gonna buy you
I got a television with so many lines to bet on
She hasn't come home
Bobby, I'm still at home
I've got a cold master and she's gonna tell you
She's goona break my back with a bit of
amusement, oh man
Can we make amends?
High speed train
French cocaine
Comfort Station
Show and tell
Tell me something good
Striped ties
Denim suit
Dirty windshield
Snakeskin boot
Tell me somthing nice
You are a Star-Sprangled Man
You are a Star-Sprangled Man
Steven Sprouse
Chairman mouse
Chow yun fat
Geronimo pratt
Tell me something good
Unknown treasures
Unknown tricks
Unknown pleasures
I feel six
Tell me something nice
You are a Star-Sprangled Man
We were brown and we were down
We were black and we were slack
We are digging us a hole
There is nothing in this bowl
On the way, to Kansas C.
Who are we supposed to be?
It's raining rain, it's raining snow
Tell me where you wanna go
I don't want to take your call
I refuse to climb your wall
I don't want to ride your bus
I am tired of all of us
On the way, to Kansas C.
Who are we supposed to be?
It's raining rain, It's raining snow
Selepas kau pergi
Tinggallah disini ku sendiri
Kumerasakan sesuatu
Yang t’lah hilang di dalam hidupku
Dalam lubuk hatimu
Ku yakin kaupun sebenarnya tak
Inginkan lepas dariku
Tahukah kau kini ku terluka
Bantu aku membencimu
Ku terlalu mencintaimu
Dirimu begitu…
Berati untukku…
Kau telah mencinta
Dan dicintai kekasihmu
Ini tak adil bagiku
Hilanglah damba tinggallah hampa
Lupakanku dalam tidurmu
Yang pernah mencintaimu
Kau memang tercipta
Bukanlah untukku
Selepas kau pergi
Tinggallah disini ku sendiri
Kumerasakan sesuatu
Yang t’lah hilang di dalam hidupku
When I look out my window,
Many sights to see.
And when I look in my window,
So many different people to be
That it's strange, so strange.
You've got to pick up every stitch,
You've got to pick up every stitch,
You've got to pick up every stitch,
Mm, must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch, yeah,
Must be the season of the witch.
When I look over my shoulder,
What do you think I see ?
Some other cat looking over
His shoulder at me
And he's strange, sure he's strange.
You've got to pick up every stitch,
You've got to pick up every stitch,
Beatniks are out to make it rich,
Oh no, must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch, yeah,
Must be the season of the witch.
You've got to pick up every stitch,
The rabbits running in the ditch,
Beatniks are out to make it rich,
Oh no, must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch.
When I look.
When I look out my window,
What do you think I see ?
And when I look in my window,
So many different people to be
It's strange, sure it's strange.
You've got to pick up every stitch,
You've got to pick up every stitch,
The rabbits running in the ditch,
Oh no, must be the season of the witch,
Must be the season of the witch, yeah,
Must be the season of the witch.
Lookin for another chance
For someone else to be
Lookin for another place
To ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Waitin for the ships to sail
Looking for an end
Ridin for another time
To ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Souvenirs, soft and sweet
Clap your hands and tap your feet
Ring your bells and paint your toes
Rainbow babe
Aquavit, in plastic cups
Feathered drums and lipstick butts
RIng your bells and paint your toes
Rainbow babe
Midnight fell, at 12 o'clock
And your lips, said ticker tock
Two and two, makes twenty two
no blind spots in the leopard's eyes
could ever hope to jeopardize
the lives of lambs
the shepherd cries
an afterlife for a silverfish
eternal dust, less ticklish
than a clean room
a houseguest's wish
he lies on his side
is he trying to hide
in fact it's the earth
which he's known since birth
face worker, a serpentine miner
a roof falls, an underliner
of leaf structure
Dog day romance, key lime pie
Valium sunset, hazy sky
Motel Bambi
Where has all the sunshine gone?
Mystic rattlers, 8 eyed spy
Hong Kong garden, Spanish fly
Motel Bambi
Where has all the sunshine gone?
We don't belong here
We can't compete
We don't belong, anymore
I like flowers, I like sex
Cover all the mirrors
I think I'm gonna cry
It's Tuesday morning
Where have all the good times gone?
Taxi drivers, yellow hands
Cosmic dancers, on golden sands
Motel Bambi
Tell me where the good times have gone
We don't belong here
We can't complete
Seventeen dreams for you
They'll all be gone tomorrow
Pull me a face
And say something witchy
It's time to get out of your bed
Some people talk like babies
Others say nothin' at all
Give me a slug
From the wonderful jug
It's time to get out of your head
Well we're travelin' light
Gonna speed through the night
Only now you recall
It means nothing at all
You were stuck in a dream
And you wanted to scream
But it's nothing at all
No it's nothin'
Don't wanna go to class
Said they could kiss you goodbye
You've got no choice
Feel like Christopher Boyce
Time to get out of your bed
Words you don't understand
Are all makin' sense tonight
It's hard to think straight
When you're feelin' so great
Only wanna get out of your head
Well we're travelin' light
Gonna speed through the night
Only now you recall
It means nothing at all
You were stuck in a dream
And you wanted to scream
But it's nothing at all
No it's nothing at all
Well we're travelin' light
Gonna speed through the night
But it's nothing at all
What moonsongs
Do you sing your babies?
What sunshine do you bring?
Who belongs
Who decides who's crazy
Who rights wrongs where others cling?
I'll sing for you
If you want me to
I'll give to you
And it's a chance I'll have to take
And it's a chance I'll have to break
I go along
Just because I'm lazy
I go along to be with you
And those moonsongs
That you sing your babies
Will be the songs to see you through
I'll hear your song
If you want me to
I'll sing along
And it's a chance I'll have to take
And it's a chance I'll have to break
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
So in love
I'm in love with you
With you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
So in love
I'm in love with you
I'm so in love
I'm in love with you
I wanna help you understand
I wanna see you if I can
I'm loaded up and weighted down
and I'm surrounded by demons
it's fantastic
because your eyes make me weak
and your lips make me dizzy
and i want you to see
just how good it can be
in ancient Greece there was a man
lived in a barrel, he had a plan
my life is small, and getting smaller
and I'm surrounded by demons
Entiendo que no puedo suplicarle una vez mas
Pero nada se detiene
Solo vivo para ti
Dame solo un beso que me alcance hasta morir
Como un vicio que me duele
Quiero mirarte a los ojos
No me abandones mas
Que tiendo a recuperarme
En la cuna de tus crateres
Se abre la tierra
Y se alzan los mares
Al compas del volcan
Y cuando te me acercas
Se acelera mi motor
Me das fiebre
Me hago fuego y me vulevo a consumir
Dame solo un beso que me alcance hasta morir como un vicio que me duele
Quiero mirarte a los ojos
No me abandones mas
Que tiendo a recuperarme
En la cuna de tus crateres
Se abre la tierra
Y se alzan los mares
Your electronic billet doux
It left me scrambling for a clue
North of north dakota
East of easter egg
I made a promise to the hills
Your purple mouth says snicker smack
I'm turning 'round i'm turning back
Cindy tastes of barbecue
Cindy tastes like cream
Lost in a dream
I don't know which way to go
A-let me say, if you are all that you seem
Then, baby, I'm movin' way too slow
I've been fooled before
Wouldn't like to get my love
Caught in the slammin' door
How about some information, please?
Straight up, now tell me
Do you really wanna love me forever
Oh, oh, oh
Or am I caught in a hit-and-run?
Straight up, now tell me
Is it gonna be you and me together
Oh, oh, oh
Or are you just havin' fun?
Time's standing still
Waiting for some small clue
A-let me tell you now, I keep getting chills
When I think your love is true
I've been fooled before
Wouldn't like to get my love
Caught in the slammin' door
How about some information, please?
(Repeat chorus)
(Bridge 1:)
You are so hard to read
You play hide-and-seek
With your true intentions
If you're only playin' games
I'll just have to say
A b-b-b-bye, b-b-b-bye
(Bridge 2:)
Do, do you love me?
(Do, do you love me, baby?)
Do, do you love me?
(Do, do you love me? A-hey, baby)
Do, do you love me?
(Do, do you love me, baby?)
Do, do you love me?
(Do, do you love me?)
A-tell me, baby
I've been a fool before
Wouldn't like to get my love
Caught in the slammin' door
Are you more than hot for me
Or am I a page in your history book?
I don't mean to make demands
But the word and the deed
Go hand in hand
Only you can hear my soul Only you can hear my
Luna tu Quanti sono i canti che risuonano
Desideri che attraverso i secoli Han solcato il cielo per raggiungerti
Porto per poeti che non
scrivono E che il loro senno spesso perdono Tu
accogli i sospiri di chi spasima E regali un
sogno ad ogni anima Luna che mi guardi adesso
Only you can hear my soul
Luna tu Che conosci il tempo
dell'eternità E il sentiero stretto della
verità Fà più luce dentro
questo cuore mio Questo cuore d'uomo che non sa,
non sa Che l'amore può nascondere il
dolore Come un fuoco ti può bruciare
Luna tu Tu rischiari il cielo e la sua
immensità E ci mostri solo la metà
che vuoi Come poi facciamo quasi sempre noi
Angeli di creta che non volano Anime di carta che
si incendiano Cuori come foglie che poi cadono
Sogni fatti d'aria che svaniscono Figli della
terra e figli tuoi che sai
Che l'amore può nascondere il dolore Come
un fuoco ti può bruciare l'anima Ma
è con l'amore che respira il nostro cuore
È la forza che tutto muove e illumina
Only you can hear my soul Alba lux, diva mea,
diva es silentissima Only you can hear my soul
I wanna help you understand
I wanna see you if I can
I'm loaded up and weighted down
and I'm surrounded by demons
it's fantastic
because your eyes make me weak
and your lips make me dizzy
and i want you to see
just how good it can be
in ancient Greece there was a man
lived in a barrel, he had a plan
my life is small, and getting smaller
and I'm surrounded by demons
it's fantastic...
I wrote a poem on a dog biscuit
And your dog refused to look at it
So I got drunk and looked at the Empire State Building
It was no bigger than a nickel
And if it don't improve
Then I have to move
I never thought that I would end up here
Maybe I should just change my style
But I feel alright when you smile
I stayed at home on the Fourth of July
And I pulled the shades so I didn't have to see the sky
And I decided to have a Bed In
But I forgot to invite anybody
And when I fell asleep
The neighbors had a peep
I never thought that I would end up here
Maybe I should just change my style
But I feel alright when you smile
Your electronic billet doux
It left me scrambling for a clue
North of north dakota
East of easter egg
I made a promise to the hills
Your purple mouth says snicker smack
I'm turning 'round i'm turning back
Cindy tastes of barbecue
Cindy tastes like cream
I made a promise to the hills
Everybody's talkin' at me
I don't hear a word they're sayin'
Only the echoes of my mind
People stoppin', starin'
I can't see their faces
Only the shadows of their eyes
I'm goin' where the sun keeps shinin'
Through the pourin' rain
Goin' where the weather suits my clothes
Bankin' off of the northeast wind
Sailin' on summer breeze
Skippin' over the ocean like a stone
I'm goin' where the sun keeps shinin'
Through the pourin' rain
Goin' where the weather suits my clothes
Bankin' off of the northeast wind
Sailin' on summer breeze
Skippin' over the ocean like a stone
I won't let you leave my love behind
I won't let you leave
I won't let you leave my love behind
Well the week is to short
But the days is so long
Livin' with sick people
Makes me feel so strong
And as the sun peaks in
On an afternoon drunk
All the green green bottles
But it won't last forever
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee hey, oh
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee hey
Well if the war is over
And the monsters have won
If the war is over
I'm gonna have some fun
And as the sun peaks in
On an afternoon drunk
All the green green bottles
But it won't last forever
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee he, oh
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee hey
Well the week is to short
But the days is so long
Livin' with sick people
Makes me feel so strong
And as the sun peaks in
On an afternoon drunk
All the green green bottles
But it won't last forever
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee hey, oh
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee hey
Well if the war is over
And the monsters have won
If the war is over
I'm gonna have some fun
And as the sun peaks in
On an afternoon drunk
All the green green bottles
But it won't last forever
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee he, oh
Nim-nee nim-nee nim-nee ah
It's true you're lazy
You're tired and crazy
And you know there's something more
But you can't give it a name
Someone's selling all your heroes
And they seem so tame
You heard it all before
And said your case was tragic
You heard it all before
And now they say it's magic
You need time off
For good behavior
And you know there's something else
But you can't give a name
Someone's selling all your heroes
And it seems such a shame
You heard it all before
And said your case was tragic
You heard it all before
And now they say it's magic
You heard it all before
And said your case was tragic
You heard it all before
When candles light themselves
And the air turns creamy
Why not take a photograph?
You look so dreamy
Then stand in the blackness
Smile at the tinkling
Blinded by lovedust
What did I see?
A million, a billion, a trillion stars
A million, a billion star
I’m bad with faces
And worse with names
But the last glove is happy
Its all the same
I set a trap for you
But I’m the one who’s all caught up
Blinded by lovedust
This is what I saw
A million, a billion, a trillion stars
A million a billion stars
A million, a billion, a trillion stars
Honey, bunny, come on
it's time to put the diamonds on
in the bathroom on the plane, on the bus and
on the train
I'll write your name
in Malibu
inside Italian magazines
in my wishes and my dreams
on the walls and on the streets,
in the sand and on the beach
I'll write your name
in Malibu
you will call me Robespierre
put the powder in your hair
moonman light, this crooked sky
Where is he going?
What has he done?
What's to become of him
I wrote a speech to my dad
Twenty-one pages long
He twisted my jokes and swallowed their meanings
I lay awake counting one, two and three,
It's alright, it's alright
I fell asleep
Counting eight, ten and four
it's okay
A twelve year old math wiz
Came to me in my sleep
He knew all the answers
Which he kept to himself
He said I'd hate to be you
When the big day comes
The look on your face
oh, oh, oh
oh baby you can walk
you can talk just like me
you can walk/talk just like me
you can look
tell me what you see
you can look
you won't see nothin' like me
oh, oh, oh
oh baby you can walk
you can talk just like me
little girl you can walk/talk just like me
if that's what's you wan't to do
and you can look
you walk in circles around me
but first, i'll walk in circles around you
round we go
round the world we go
aye aye aye aye......
you can walk girl
you walk in circles around me
but first...
sitting in your kitchen
sucking ice cubes
thinking we all understand
thinking we all understand
sitting in your kitchen
sucking ice cubes
when it all comes rushing back
when it all comes rushing back
remember, remember, remember
rolling on the carpet
and pretending
wishing we could get away
wishing we could get away
standing in you closet
and remembering
and it all comes rushing back
and it all comes rushing back
Things I did
Haunt me still
Follow me around
Like they know the way
Things she said
Linger on
Hanging in the air
And they will not go away
I thought I knew her game
I miss her just the same
Thought I knew
What to do
She broke my window pane
But she said I couldn't prove
I look at my dog
We're both confused
I love September best
And I feel like I should move
I thought I knew her game
Luna de todas las noches Ilumíname esta noche Dime si ella es la reina Y la dueña de todo mi amor Luna
lunita lunera Luna llena luna perla Dime si ella es la reina Y la dueña de todo mi amor Y dime si ella es
de mi voz la piel Y dime si ella es mi razón de ser Luna de tantos amores Luna viva luna hermosa Dime si
ella es la reina Y la dueña de todo mi amor Luna de noches en grima Luna de la nochecita Dime si ella es
la reina Y la dueña de todo mi amor Y dime si ella es de mi voz la piel Y dime si ella es mi razón de ser
Yo te doy todo mi amor Luna de mi corazón Yo te doy todo mi amor Si tú me lo cuentas todo Luna yo todo te
doy Luna de mi corazón Yo te doy todo mi amor Si tú me lo cuentas todo Luna luna lunita lunera
Cascabelera bendita seas Vení alumbra este andaluz Que viene cargando esta cruz Y dime de una vez si es
ella la que yo quiero Luna luna lunita lunera Dime todos tus secretos Y dime si ella es de mi voz la piel
Y dime si ella es mi razón de ser Yo te doy todo mi amor Luna de mi corazón Yo te doy todo mi amor Si tú
you spent the night
in a steel hotel
where the birds whistled
where the birds whistled
you have to wonder
what's goin' on
and maybe this time
you're overdrawn
this time around
the pressure's on
you hope for happiness
your hand are scarred
i've seen your girl
you think she's cute
don't make her crazy
don't make her sad
the sky is painted
deep shade of blue
i hope for happiness
this time around
the pressure's on
you hope for happiness
in hollywood i hear they have a discoteque for dogs
and summer camp where you can send your cabbage patch dolls
if you would point up at the skyline
others will look too
you could walk on down the street smilin' to yourself
it's hard to get things done
with everybody playin' dumb
it's hard to get along
to get along with you
my nextdoor neighbor paints all night
and sleeps the day away
he visits funerals when he can
and crashes parties too
my upstairs neighbor drinks too much
he's stinking up the stairwell
he cleans his gun
it's down the hatch
heres to all of us
it's hard to get things done
with everybody playin' dumb
it's hard to get along
to get along with you
???????? is all day long
and sitting eating popcorn
the pictures splash into your eyes
and you don't understand
your expression never changes
as if that could protect you
your sitting in the darkness now
waiting for the end
it's hard to get things done
with everybody playin' dumb
it's hard to get along
(oh oh oh, yeah yeah yeah)
It's gettin warm already
We're goin for a ride
I love the Motel 6's
I'm feelin pacified
Forget about your parents
They never cared a bit
Leave the doctors behind you
sweet obscenity
bring her back to me
lost in her perfume
think i'm gonna sue
sweet obscenity
didn't i know it
didn't i call her name
stale cigarettes
crumble in your fingers
caught with a drink in my hand
edging to the door
sweet obscenity
didn't i know it
didn't i call her name
tiger lily girl
standin' cross-eyed in the corner
tiger lily girl
standin toungue tied in the corner
somethin' in her eye
tells that i should try
somethin' she might say
tells right away
somethin' in her eye
didn't i know it
didn't i call her name
tiger lily girl
standin' cross-eyed in the corner
tiger lily girl
In your eyes I have beheld the mother
In your eyes my own have crossed the sea
A tide of thought of you forming to heaven
In that blessed place where your eyes gaze on me
Am I dreaming you?
Or are you dreaming me?
Could I be dreaming you?
Could I be the fool, for you are all I see
Could I be the fool, for you are all I see
Could I be the fool, for you are all I see
In the night you've entered my temple (entered my temple)
I have heard you whispering the signs (Whispering the signs)
I know that I have held you before
We will always walk the deserts seas entwined
Am I dreaming you?
Or are you dreaming me?
Could I be dreaming you?
Could I be the fool, for you are all I see
Am I dreaming you?
Or are you dreaming me?
Could I be dreaming you?
What moonsongs
Do you sing your babies?
What sunshine do you bring?
Who belongs
Who decides who's crazy
Who rights wrongs where others cling?
I'll sing for you
If you want me to
I'll give to you
And it's a chance I'll have to take
And it's a chance I'll have to break
I go along
Just because I'm lazy
I go along to be with you
And those moonsongs
That you sing your babies
Will be the songs to see you through
I'll hear your song
If you want me to
I'll sing along
And it's a chance I'll have to take
And it's a chance I'll have to break
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
So in love
I'm in love with you
With you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
So in love
I'm in love with you
I'm so in love
we'll your face is flushed
and your eyes are closin'
and your girldfriend has just walked out
and you're gettin' no respect
and you sold your favourite records
and you sold mine too
and you haven't got a nickle
and you havent got a clue
are you comin' back
are you comin' back
back into the fold
back into the fold
well, you knoww i ain't no mystic
but i'm wrapped up in your life
and i won't ask silly questions
'cause i can't stand the lies
are you comin' back
are you comin' back
back into the fold
back into the fold
are you comin' back
the speed that you're takin'
is slowin' you down
you said you were leavin'
but you're stickin' around
i 'member you fallin'
fallin' flat on your face
bloodstains on snowflakes
what a terrible place
do you feel this pleasure
so quit yer complaining
can't wait forever
so get on with it please
thanks for a flame
that will never expire
can't wait forever
get on with it please
i'm tired of talkin'
i'll know what they'll say to me
you don't know the difference between work and play
i say thanks for the flame that will never expire
you can't wait forever
Así, dulce y viva, la noche invita a jugar
bajo la luna, luna, luna, llena de amor te adormecerás
los dos, las estrellas y el tiempo no continuará
toma la luna, luna, luna y dale color
finalmente te desnudaré, te acariciaré y no acabará
porque la luna, luna, luna brilla mejor
La mañana pinta una sonrisa y una inspiración
mírame y después improvisa, bésame el corazón
no digas nada, déjate llevar, que lo que suceda mañana,
mañana será
Por ti, por tus ojos, me vuelvo loco y mágico
porque la luna, luna, luna sabe quien soy
déjame soñarte solo a ti, solamente a ti
sentimiento mio, bajo la luna, luna, luna pasa la vida
La mañana pinta una sonrisa y una inspiración
adivíname pitonisa el as del amor
no digas nada, déjate llevar, que lo que suceda mañana,
mañana será
You can never give
The finger to the blind
Sometimes I act so stupid
But you never seem to mind
That's no way to be
Laughing at the deaf
I know that I repeat myself
When I got nothing left
But you know
Hidden thoughts
Poison life, poison life
Yeah you know
Hidden feelings
You steal from yourself
Soho has the boots
Noho's got the crack
New England has the foliage
But I'm not goin back
You tell me that I'm good
I know that I was bad
You made me feel so guilty
I can't remember what I had
But you know
Hidden thoughts
Poison life, poison life
Yeah you know
Hidden feelings
I lost my tongue
When I saw your new friends
Please take me home
To the place it will end
I felt to sick
Had to smile, had to smile
Please take me home
To the place I belong
I saw my room
Looked so soft all about
I felt so sick
No point in screamin
Cause I'm only dreamin
That you came to pieces
And I came in peace
You're always loaded
Your life has imploded
Nine weeks of hell, man
But I'm feelin swell
And in my dreams I slash your tires
And in my dreams I set these fires
And all your fears, it's nothing new
And all your tears, they won't help you
You're always posin
And I was imposin
But I turned the tables
And I'm feeling fine
You're always loaded
Your life has imploded
Nine weeks of hell, man
But I'm feelin swell
And in my dreams I slash your tires
And in my dreams I set these fires
And all your fears, it's nothing new
And all your tears, they won't help you
And all your fears, it's nothing new
a sleepin' pill
has made you ill
and caused you to regress
you're losin' touch
with simple pleasures
your life is gettin' dull
your telephone neurosis
it's killin' all us
your friends are gettin' famous
but that's not who have to call
you're havin' trouble wakin' up
you want things to be perfect
you're always at the window
well he fell from the skies
with a sense he devised
and he dropped out of school
with his evil sunglasses
and the desert he crossed
was a picture to see
roll in the sand
he had it all in his hand
you're gonna live forever
we can see you roll in the sand
he was a bungling thief
turning fiction to fact
and back at the hill
they want him to act
rollercoaster, bumper car
ghosts down at the wax museum
stinking drunk just like a bum
rollercoaster (give me um)?
cyclone at the house of freaks
(neighbors) hotdogs on the boardwalk?
rollercoaster, bumper car
twinkle twinkle little star
rollercoaster, bumper car
ghosts down at the wax museum
stinking drunk just like a bum
rollercoaster (get me up)?
--various b-sides, etc...--
"Indian Summer" (Beat Happening)
Breakfast in cemetery
Boy tastin wild cherry
Touch girl, apple blossom
Just a boy playin possum
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
What is that cheerful sound?
Rain fallin on the ground
We'll wear a jolly crown
Buckle up, we're wayward bound
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
Motorbike to cemetery
Picnic on wild berries
French toast with molasses
Croquet and Baked Alaskas
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
Cover me with rain
Walk me down the lane
I'll drink from your drain
We will never change
No matter what they say
"Egg Nog"
(insert quirky instrumental)
"Ride Into The Sun" (The Velvet Underground)
Lookin for another chance
For someone else to be
Lookin for another place
To ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Waitin for the ships to sail
Looking for an end
Ridin for another time
To ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
"That's What You Always Say" (The Dream Syndicate)
I told you that we've been through this but
You know I told you that before
I try to find out where we missed but
I gets to be such a bore
Cause ever since that time I told you so
Well something gets my eye and it won't let go
And then the stories and words are here and gone
Well that's what you always say
I try to sit and talk with you but
You know how moods change all the time
I try to wait a week or two but
By then I'll probably change my mind
Cause ever since that time I told you so
Well something gets my eye and it won't let go
And then the stories and words are here and gone
Well that's what you always say
Luna Lunapark
You can never give
The finger to the blind
Sometimes I act so stupid
But you never seem to mind
That's no way to be
Laughing at the deaf
I know that I repeat myself
When I got nothing left
But you know
Hidden thoughts
Poison life, poison life
Yeah you know
Hidden feelings
You steal from yourself
Soho has the boots
Noho's got the crack
New England has the foliage
But I'm not goin back
You tell me that I'm good
I know that I was bad
You made me feel so guilty
I can't remember what I had
But you know
Hidden thoughts
Poison life, poison life
Yeah you know
Hidden feelings
You steal from yourself
I see you comin down
Your life is flashin before ya
I see you comin round
You're talking over and over
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
I see you comin down
Too bad there's nothing left over
I don't know what you mean
You're talkin over and over
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
I see you wakin up
And now the day is upon ya
The party's over now
You're talkin over and over
You know I tried to please ya
You're under anesthesia
"Slash your tires"
No point in screamin
Cause I'm only dreamin
That you came to pieces
And I came in peace
You're always loaded
Your life has imploded
Nine weeks of hell, man
But I'm feelin swell
And in my dreams I slash your tires
And in my dreams I set these fires
And all your fears, it's nothing new
And all your tears, they won't help you
You're always posin
And I was imposin
But I turned the tables
And I'm feeling fine
You're always loaded
Your life has imploded
Nine weeks of hell, man
But I'm feelin swell
And in my dreams I slash your tires
And in my dreams I set these fires
And all your fears, it's nothing new
And all your tears, they won't help you
And all your fears, it's nothing new
And all your tears, they won't help you
"Crazy People"
All kinds of crazy people
Police and senators too
All the crazy people
Couldn't hold a candle to you
Say goodbye
I can't satisfy
All your dreams
All my nasty habits
Are walkin further away
All my nasty habits
I'm feelin better each day
Say goodbye
I can't satisfy
All your hopes
Time bends and slows ....
.... and I
Know that you're mine and then
Solely roll on through the night
Time, time
On through the night
Time, time
Each day goes so fast
The summer is now past
I'm standin in garbage
And solely roll on through the night
Time, time
On through the night
Time, time
Time, time, time
When you were mine, mine, mine
All through the time, time, time
When you were mine, mine, mine
I lost my tongue
When I saw your new friends
Please take me home
To the place it will end
I felt to sick
Had to smile, had to smile
Please take me home
To the place I belong
I saw my room
Looked so soft all about
I felt so sick
Had to smile, had to smile
"I Can't Wait"
Maybe I was bad as the ones I hate
Maybe I was dumb, but I can't wait
Maybe what you said is not so cool
Maybe what you did is just too cruel
I can't tell what it takes
I can't wait for today
Scary lookin guys walk down my street
Scary lookin suits I don't wanna meet
Maybe I was bad as the ones I hate
Maybe I was dumb, but I can't wait
I can't tell what it takes
I can't wait for today
I can't tell what it takes
I can't tell what it takes
I can't wait for today
I can't wait for today
"Hey Sister"
Hey sister, hey sister
Things move all alone
You know that I
Can't stand what you do
And it won't be too long
Hey soldier, hey soldier
Things die on their own
You know that I
Can't stand what you do
And it won't be too long
And I'm sure that it won't be too long
And I'm tired of pretending I'm wrong
"I Want Everything"
Hey girl, sweet thing
I want everything
You love me too
And I want you
Well I think I'm gonna
Jump right through your window
And I think I'm gonna
Jump into your life
Cause you got me in a bad situation
And I want you
Well the TV says that
Love is all around us
And the astronauts
Can feel it far away
But it's got me in a bad situation
And I want you
Yeah I think I'm gonna
Take a short vacation
And I think we're gonna
Have to start anew
Cause you got me in a bad situation
And I want you
"Time To Quit"
(oh oh oh, yeah yeah yeah)
It's gettin warm already
We're goin for a ride
I love the Motel 6's
I'm feelin pacified
Forget about your parents
They never cared a bit
Leave the doctors behind you
I think it's time to quit
Goodbye baby
Bye bye honey
Goodbye baby
Bye bye
Three years in this town
And I want to leave town
The clubs have all shut down
And I have been dressed down
Goodbye baby
Bye bye honey
Goodbye baby
Bye bye
I'm leavin tonight
And I'm drivin all night
You know I been thinkin
The city is shrinkin
"We're Both Confused"
Things I did
Haunt me still
Follow me around
Like they know the way
Things she said
Linger on
Hanging in the air
And they will not go away
I thought I knew her game
I miss her just the same
Thought I knew
What to do
She broke my window pane
But she said I couldn't prove
I look at my dog
We're both confused
I love September best
And I feel like I should move
I thought I knew her game
I miss her just the same
Loose joints, loose joints
Symphonic Vaseline
Loose joints, loose joints
Say esactly what you mean
Daddy run through the forest
See the goblins all around
Daddy run through the forest
Daddy doesn't make a sound
Sexy long sweater dresses
Choclate knee-high leather boots
Maybe tonight will be the night
I can see your Fuzzy Wuzzy
Say goodbye to the frogs
Say goodbye to the lake
Say goodbye to the chit-chat
White light cut a scar in the sky
Thin line of silver
The nigh t was all clouded with dreams
Wind made me shiver
Black and yellow pools of light
Outside my window
Luna come to me tonight
I am a prisoner
Luna glide down from the moon
The clouds are all silver and black
Floating aro und me
Luna come into my eyes
Luna surround me
With black and yellow pools of light
Fall by my window
Luna come to me tonight
I am a prisoner
Luna glide down from the moon
The clouds are all silver and black
Floating around me
Luna come into my eyes
Luna surround me
With black and yellow pools of light
Fall by my window
Luna come to me tonight
I am a prisoner
Luna glide down from the moon
It's no fun, it's no fun
Reading fortune cookies to yourself
Are you a fox or a hedgehog?
Do you care anymore?
Wastin' time, wastin' time
Wastin' time all the while
I don't know what you're sayin'
But I hate it anyway
A celebrity friendship
And another fashion victim
He's annoying, she's a liar
I don't know how she picked him
Wastin' time, wastin' time
Wastin' time all the while
I don't know what you're sayin'
But I hate it anyway
Can you make time for me
Would you make time for me?
I will wait patiently
Guarda sus palabras
esconde todo abajo de un disfraz
no te dice la verdad
dibuja lo normal
y todos somos sus colores
Guarda sus preguntas
es indiferente a lo demas
no te quiere demostrar
te puedes retirar.
Quieres escucharme... luna!!!
ven a decirme mas
ya no alcanzo la razon
de mi confusion
tu puedes decirmelo todo.
Guarda emociones
dice que es mejor hasta el final
para nunca olvidar
recuerda lo normal
y todos somos su memoria.
Guarda todo el tiempo
es una odisea sin final
no se puede controlar
te puede olvidar.
Quieres escucharme luna
ven a decirme mas
ya no alcanzo a la razon de mi confusion
tu puedes decirmelo... luna!!!
ven a decirme mas
ya no alcanzo a la razon de mi confusion
tu puedes decirmelo
ven a decirmelo todo.
Maybe I was bad as the ones I hate
Maybe I was dumb but I can't wait
Maybe what you said is not so cool
Maybe what you did is just too cruel
I can't tell what it takes
I can't wait for today
Scary lookin' guys, walk down my street
Scary lookin' suits, I don't wanna meet
Maybe I was bad as the ones I hate
Maybe I was dumb but I can't wait
I can't tell what it takes
I can't wait for today
I can't tell what it takes
I can't tell what it takes
Make a wish
Woke up today and I tried to breath instead I suffocate in lies of dreams you're never what you seem to
pretend to be inside myself I feel the need to be... your martyr, whore the ex that you should never trust the
seven deadly sins which you will not discuss my lovely creature is quickly losing all his charms and he'll be
left with nothing and no one in his arms
Tell me what you want from me I'll rub it till it bleeds tell me what you want from me I'll give it what it
needs tell me what you want from me I'll rub it till it bleeds tell me what you want from me I'll give you what
you need... I'll give it
In violent sleep I dreamed of you tried to forgive the things I knew this romeo so innocent has crucified his
juliet while angels kept me safe you fucked away my faith I'm in this purgatory state but it's too late selfish
I attempt to keep it selfless I destroy the secret no longer tortured I'm the creep who scars herself to sleep
Repeat chorus
She'll here it when she sleeps... when he sleeps
Now lay me down to sleep, code I know but I can't keep if blood could crawl I'd spill it all just to escape
form me can you feel my pain? can you feel my pain? can you feel my pain? CAN YOU FEEL MY PAIN? feel it... are
you scared? SCARED OF ME? cause I don't sleep and you don't sleep YOU DON'T SLEEP WITH ME!
Tell me what you want from me I'll rub it till it bleeds tell me what you want from me I'll give it what it
needs tell me what you want from me I? rub it till it bleeds tell me what you want from me
I'll be your little creep tell me what you want from me I'll rub you till you bleed what the fuck do you want
from me I'm just a little creep tell me what you want from me I'm happy when you bleed tell me what you want
Is there a doctor in the house
In the house of pancakes
You got a banana split
Lately it's been happy hour
All day long
Sip it slowly and leave the olive
She is very fond of you
You stand accused
Of smoking English cigarettes
That's a provocation
If ever one was
Brother number one
Brother number two
Why are you fighting
What are you gonna do
And at the weekly meeting
Of anonymous cads
You shuffle your feet
And whistle out aloud
Listen to what they're saying
What a load of crap
You ain't no Cary Grant
[s³owa: Daniel Potasz; muzyka: Daniel Potasz, Maja Konarska, Marcin Bors]
Oddech lekki jak wiatr
jak szczêœcie wezbrane
patrzê na wasze oblicza spragnione
wierzê ¿e wiêcej mogê
ni¿ on wam dajê
nie proszê
ja ¿¹dam
wzywam ciê g³oœno klnê
tak jakby zasn¹³
i obudziæ wiêcej nie chcia³ siê
Za promieñ uczuæ
za marzeñ horyzont
wychylam siê
aby rêce wam ogrzaæ
przyci¹gn¹æ do siebie
(jak owoc dojrza³y
zabraæ od niego
zostaæ nim)
Sêdzi¹ cierpieñ zostaje
przychodz¹ oczy sp³akane
by znaleŸæ siebie
zgubiony ci¹g zdarzeñ
Jako cz³owiek radziæ mog³am
a jako Bóg bez rady zosta³am
jako Bóg
jak i on
przegra³am tak jak i on
jakbym zasnê³a
i obudziæ wiêcej nie chcia³a
His silver sun is shining bright at night
To enlighten his way from dusk 'til dawn
The Goddes of all stars
Dressed in her cold black dress
Her rays of light - alike a rose's thorn
Melting her eyes with fire and heat
Ere daylight's disguise her beauty conceals
Goddes of the dark, please shine on me
Let my eyes touch and let them see
What the night can reveal
Still I adore you a lot, from above
Mistress of darkness divine
Whispers "carpe noctem" with a heavenly shine
To see her in a way she is not
up on the roof
it's almost dawn
see the water towers
look so forlorn
they've got no reason
to feel that way
night turn to day
let's get away
it's another day
let's get away
it's another day
we'll go somewhere
we've never been
time's runnin' out
we'll start again
what's round the bend
i just can't say
night turn to day
let's get away
it's another day
let's get away
Goodbye baby
Bye bye honey
Goodbye baby
Bye bye
Three years in this town
And I want to leave town
The clubs have all shut down
And I have been dressed down
Goodbye baby
Bye bye honey
Goodbye baby
Bye bye
I'm leavin tonight
And I'm drivin all night
You know I been thinkin
i've seen her face
in those scented magazines
all is forgivin'
i love her still
and we're home, home
goin' home
the chrysler building
was talkin' to the empire state
the twin towers
were talkin' to each other
sayin' all is forgivin'
i love you still
and we're home, home
goin' home
what she saw in him
nobody knew
it's a mystery
what she saw in him
nobody could tell
now it's history
all is forgivin'
i love her still
and we're home, home
goin' home
and we're home, home
goin' home
and we're home, home
Lookin for another chance
For someone else to be
Lookin for another place
To ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Waitin for the ships to sail
Looking for an end
Ridin for another time
To ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Ride into the sun
Breakfast in cemetery
Boy tastin wild cherry
Touch girl, apple blossom
Just a boy playin possum
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
What is that cheerful sound?
Rain fallin on the ground
We'll wear a jolly crown
Buckle up, we're wayward bound
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
Motorbike to cemetery
Picnic on wild berries
French toast with molasses
Croquet and Baked Alaskas
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
We'll come back for Indian Summer
And go our seperate ways
Cover me with rain
Walk me down the lane
I'll drink from your drain
We will never change
Hey girl, sweet thing
I want everything
You love me too
And I want you
Well I think I'm gonna
Jump right through your window
And I think I'm gonna
Jump into your life
Cause you got me in a bad situation
And I want you
Well the TV says that
Love is all around us
And the astronauts
Can feel it far away
But it's got me in a bad situation
And I want you
Yeah I think I'm gonna
Take a short vacation
And I think we're gonna
Have to start anew
Cause you got me in a bad situation
i went to your street
at seven in the mornin'
and while you were asleep
i read your newspaper
i saw you out walkin'
out walkin' with your father
pretendin' not to see me
pretendin' to be a family
i know you tried, baby
i know you tried
i know you tried to go on
saw a metal object
lyin' in the street
and when we turned away
it stood itself up
you circled the island
in a chevy caprice
you stuck out your tongue
and your nose began to bleed
i know you tried, baby
i know you tried
i know you tried to go on
i know you tried, baby
i know you tried
Close your eyes
With me into the night
You'll see the moon
With whitefull skin like yours
Touch my soul
And read what I forgot
Remembering things
That I never regret
And when our pride
Is pierced from within
Luna will cry
Now I do know why
And when our love
Is pierced from within...
Tu que la puedes ver
Ve y cuentale
Que casi hoy soy de piedra
Y si ella no regresa me moriré
Si, me moriré
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Dime en que yo fallé
Que no dije, que no encontré
Que no callé, y perdoné
Dime en que yo fallé
Nunca fingí
Ni le mentí
Hoy no esta aquí
Quiero morír
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Dime en que yo fallé
Que no dije, que no encontré
Que no callé, y perdoné
Dime en que yo fallé
Nunca finjí
Ni le mentí
Hoy no esta aquí
Quiero morír
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Tu que la puedes ver
Ve y cuentale
Que casi hoy soy de piedra
Y si ella no regresa me moriré
Si, me moriré
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Luna dile que yo también
Paso noches de
Desvelo por ella
Y dile que hoy que se fue
Me duele perder la vida por ella
Dime en que yo fallé
Dime en que
La vida por ella
give me an answer
wrap it up
up to the top and back
freakin' and peakin'
loosin' touch
can't tell the wrong from wright
out on the streets
sugar in the streets
thinkin' we'd talk without speakin'
she was pointing at me
but i was pointing at you
can't tell the wrong from wright
gotta keep movin'
movin' on
before it gets too much
she was pointing at me
but i was pointing at you
All kinds of crazy people
Police and senators too
All the crazy people
Couldn't hold a candle to you
Say goodbye
I can't satisfy
All your dreams
All my nasty habits
Are walkin further away
All my nasty habits
I'm feelin better each day
Say goodbye
I can't satisfy
Oh they hide it in their beds, they grow it in their sheds
They serve it up in cups from overseas
In the gardens in the trees
And if we're kicking up a fuss, it's only cause we must
Let the world begin to understand
Begin to understand
And so we're running down our street, arms stretched out to the sky
Antennas for the poison and the lies
The delinquency of time
Separated by a wall they had us build and raise
I'm waiting for the call... I can't wait
Luna, they're coming down now
And it was always on the cards
Luna, the doors are open
And you will have to start taking sides
Luna, the doors are open
Luna menguante contigo se van,
las fuerzas que imparte el sol me dan,
luna menguante oculta entre nubes,
hasta que te marches no pienso salir,
de esta locura,
que viene y se va,
si es un espejismo,
es demasiado real.
Luna menguante me he vuelto a perder,
esperaré a que alguien me encuentre al amanacer,
luna menguante,
amante y traidora,
escondes la llave de mi porvernir,
de esta locura,
que viene y se va,
si es un espejismo,
es demasiado real.
Que fácil resulta,
echarle la culpa a luna,
de lo que me ocurra,
lo que me preocupa,
si de eso se ocupa,
uno mismo y ya está.
Que fácil resulta,
echarle la culpa a luna,
de lo que me ocurra,
lo que me preocupa,
si de eso se ocupa,
uno mismo y ya está.
Romantic style in the world,
!I Love You ! Que Viva El Amor !!
Nai nai nai nai
Y este es Nigga .!!!
luna dile que la amo , dile que la quiero. !!
nai nainai..
y que mis noches tristes, por ella yo muero
luna dile que la amo , dile que la quiero. !!
dile que la quiero..
y que mis noches tristes, por ella yo muero
DILE .. dile que ella es mi reina
que es lo que mas querre
en esta tierra
y que su amor se a adueñado de mi ..(2x)
luna dile que la amo , dile que la quiero. !!
dile que la quiero ..
y que mis noches tristes, por ella yo muero
luna dile que la amo , dile que la quiero. !!
dile que la quiero..
y que mis noches tristes, por ella yo muero
hay duende.
Escucha amor es que el romantic style
ya no puede escribir no puede ni cantar
desde que tu no estas
mi vida quiere terminar...!!!!
esque no soy de hierro no soy de metal
todo en mi te extraña no puede aguantar
desde que tu no estas
mi vida quiere terminar ...!!!!!
luna dile que la amo , dile que la quiero. !!
y que mis noches tristes, por ella yo muero
( bis )
nai nai nai roamtic style .... es Nigga .!!!
Luna dile .. Romantic style in the word
mas flow ...
Hey sister, hey sister
Things move all alone
You know that I
Can't stand what you do
And it won't be too long
Hey soldier, hey soldier
Things die on their own
You know that I
Can't stand what you do
And it won't be too long
And I'm sure that it won't be too long
Bleed no reflection
Upon the waters that you fear
Make things happen
Accept no resignation
For some life has been cruel
You have set the mood
Thinking about you... Luna
Lay the serpent's egg
In this world of make believe
And make things real
My seed of a lunacy
Was a sign made to resist
A mood set from birth
Thinking about you... Luna
Show me your moon burns
Take me as the moon burns
The freezing moon
Making things real for me
The killing Moon
Making things happen for me
Luna - all above
Wound of light in the enemy skies
Make things happen for me
On the eve of self destruction
On the eve of all can be...Thinking about you
sweet obscenity
bring her back to me
lost in her perfume
think i'm gonna sue
sweet obscenity
didn't i know it
didn't i call her name
stale cigarettes
crumble in your fingers
caught with a drink in my hand
edging to the door
sweet obscenity
didn't i know it
didn't i call her name
tiger lily girl
standin' cross-eyed in the corner
tiger lily girl
standin toungue tied in the corner
somethin' in her eye
tells that i should try
somethin' she might say
tells right away
somethin' in her eye
didn't i know it
didn't i call her name
tiger lily girl
standin' cross-eyed in the corner
tiger lily girl