Speaker Presentations

You will find links to all the #wcnkpg presentations below. We will add more when we have them!

Miljenko Rebernišak: Scaling WordPress with Amazon cloud

Jimmy Rosén: Open Source Entrepreneurship

Karin Taliga: Take the next step with git

Bernhard Kau: Beginner’s Guide to SASS

Marko Heijnen: Node.js to the rescue – Let Node.js do things when WordPress/PHP isn’t enough

Edmund Turbin: Working in Harmony – Optimize development and content workflows

Erik Bernskiold: High Converting Websites and Pages—What Do They Have In Common?

Christoffer Larsson: Building great things with the WordPress API

Franz Vitulli: Table tennis and meeting rooms: how to get things done in a co-working space

Hans-Helge Bürger: Boost Your Development with Vagrant / References and Links

Niklas Högefjord, Peter Elmered: The Woo Whisperer: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless E-Commerce Store

Milan Ivanovic: Using Sage WordPress starter theme

Olaf Lindström: Introduktion till WP-PAPI

Magnus Jahrl: Above and Beyond with WordPress

Stanislav Khromov: Content personalization and paywalls with WordPress and Varnish

Andreas Ek: Business challenges as a consultant for WordPress projects

Welcome to Our (final) Final Group of Speakers

Just a couple of days now until WordCamp Norrköping 2015! We’re so looking forward to this event.

We presented our final group of speakers a few days ago, but that doesn’t stop us. We got more! We have one session left where the speakers haven’t been presented.

In Above and Beyond with WordPress (presented in Swedish) we will have several speakers giving short case studies of interesting web projects where WordPress has been used.

Magnus Jahrl

Magnus has worked with web and e-commerce since the late 90 ‘s. There he has been working with both his own businesses, working with front end development, selling everything from complete e-commerce solutions to usability, and also helped others to launch their e-business.

Today Magnus works as eCommerce Manager at Securitas in Europe working mainly with WordPress and WooCommerce. The last 5 years, WordPress has been the tool that has been in focus, not only because it is convenient to work with or making it easy to get started with, but especially all the Open Source community around the platform.

Olaf Lindström

Olaf is a WordPress developer working at Knowit. He enjoys creating WordPress sites for larger clients and creating good workflows in WordPress development/management.

Do you have an interesting project to showcase?

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have an interesting project you’ve been working with. We still might have one spot left in the session.

Follow #wcnkpg on Twitter and Facebook for updates.


What to do in Norrköping?

So, youré going to Norrköping for this WordCamp, right? It will be awesome. But if you by some odd chance wanted to do something more besides eating, drinking and talking to like-minded people at the camp, here are some tips for you.

Tip #1: Check out art


My personal favourite in Norrköping is NP33. It is a gallery with some real cool stuff. The place is a 10 minute walk from the central station.

Visit http://www.np33.se/ for directions and see whats up right now.

Norrköpings Konstmuseum

Of course we have an art museum. It is also centrally located near the main street.

Visit http://www.norrkopingskonstmuseum.se/ for directions and see whats up right now.

Tip #2: Go fishing

If you are into fishing, you can do that right in the city centre in the river running trough the city. Salmon is planted every year and there are a bunch of sweet-water fish in there, too. Ivé personally seen people pulling out monster-fish out of the river, so you can most def catch something.

How? Go to the tourist office or visit http://www.cityfiskeinorrkoping.com/ and you can buy a fishing permit.

Tip #3: Walking around

If you’re into walking around Norrköping is great. Walking around the city “Promenaderna” and walking around the river are both great.

Tip #4: Nightlife

There are some cool places to get your groove on in Norrköping.


Kopparhammaren is a cool place. This is most probably where people will go after the official after-party.


Hugo is the alternative to Kopparhammaren. It is closer to the station.


Puls is where you go if you are a bit younger. Just next to Hugo!


Enjoy is a cool place to eat and a great place just to hang out. Not a nightclub really, but a good place to hang out.

Tip #4: Moar foods


Enoteket is real nice Italian food.  You will probably see this place weather you like it or not, since this is where the official afterparty will be hosted. Best pasta in town, no doubt. They also have around 40 different kinds of wine you can buy per glass.

Burgers and Bangers

For the burger enthusiast, Burgers and Bangers is awesome. Pretty popular place though so you might have to wait a while for a table – but be prepared to be amazed!

The Lamp Restaurant

Fancy-pants small dishes. A lot of different small dishes. Great quality.


Real nice atmosphere with a great view and great food.


Nice restaurant AND nightclub? This just keep getting better.


Any more tips for stuff to do? Give us some ideas in the comments!


New Gold sponsor: Angry Creative

Hey Jimmy, Could you introduce yourself in a few words?

I’m Jimmy Rosén. I work as a product owner at Angry Creative. That means that I help clients find and prioritise what creates the greatest value in web projects, and help a group of designers and developers dto eliver this value. My greatest hobby is a sport called Brazilian Jiu-jitsu which I have practised for 10 years now.

Could you tell us more what Angry Creative does?

We build social intranets, marketing websites, e-commerce and web applications using WordPress. A big part of our business is high-quality WordPress maintenance.

We work very hard at being a good fit for medium- and large-sized clients who want Enterprise-grade WordPress solutions, while still maintaining the great bang for the buck that you have in your average freelancer.

We have a maintenance offer that we have put a lot of time, effort and innovation behind and there’s simple noone that comes near us when talking quality of service measured by spent time (and thus cost). I’ll bet anyone a beer in the bar about that! 😉

How does WordPress contribute to what you do?

We wouldn’t be anything without WordPress, really. In the future I hope that we’ll be more people and that we can contribute more to the community. We can only afford to give back a certain %, but with more people that % equals more contribution.

How will WordPress fit in your future business?

WordPress will continue to be the core of our business. The auto-update feature has forced lots of people to think again about weather they need maintenance or not, since it has made lots of sites explode unexpectedly. Stuff like that forces corporations to take action and actually hire someone who manages their website for them. And if you can do great management, you most likely will get the next project. And the next..

What are your hopes for the WordPress community?

I would like to see more people coming to the events! They are the foundation of our shared knowledge and communication. I grow each time I visit an event. Open Source attracts such cool people, and with a good vibe about what we do we can do pretty much anything. I would love to see more Swedish people actually contribution to core and not just talking about it. Maybe something awesome will happen at the contribution day?

What opportunities are you hoping for at this WordCamp?

I plan to persuade some developers and perhaps a designer to come work for us. Also, I might be spotted in the bar drinking free drinks.

Presenting Gold Sponsor: Internetstiftelsen


Hey Pernilla, Could you introduce yourself in a few words?

Pernilla Rydmark

Pernilla Rydmark

I work at IIS (The Internet Foundation in Sweden) and we are responsible for the internet’s Swedish top-level domain .se. We love the Internet!

I’m operating the Internet Fund which through financing external projects promote the internet’s development. IIS has run the fund for over 10 years and more than 300 projects have benefitted from it.

Could you tell us more what IIS / Internetstiftelsen does?

We are responsible for the top-level domains .se and .nu, including the registration of domain names, and the administration and technical maintenance of the national domain-name registry.
A share of the fee that IIS charges for domain name registration is invested in projects that promote the positive development of the internet in Sweden in various ways. Our ultimate objective is for everyone to be able to harness the internet’s potential.

How does WordPress contribute to what you do?

Almost all the web sites in our organization run on WordPress and has done so for the last 5 years. We have about 15 websites running.

How will WordPress fit in your future business?

There is only a bright future for the use of WordPress. It’s easy to use and to manage and we love the fact that it’s open source. There is no reason to change that.

What are your hopes for the WordPress community?

I think the WordPress community is doing great. Since I’m no developer I do hope that developers around the world will continue improving the software so people like me can benefit from it.
We promote the use of WordPress in our school competition Webbstjärnan (the Web Star) where students from the age of 7 to 18 learn how to create websites of their school projects. The fact that it is so easy to get started and easy to understand is one of WordPress biggest advantages. I do hope it will stay this easy.

What opportunities are you hoping for at this WordCamp?

I hope to learn some new tricks and meet some nice people. It would also be great if I could find some new projects to support.

Welcome to Our Final Group of Speakers

WordCamp Norrköping is right around the corner! Our schedule is shaping up and will be announced shortly. In the meantime, we’re excited to present our final speakers!

Peter Elmered

The Woo Whisperer: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless E-Commerce Store
Peter is a web developer and e-commerce consultant at Angry Creative in Norrköping, Sweden, where he creates advanced customised websites and e-commerce solutions using WordPress and WooCommerce. He’s very active in the Swedish WordPress community and loves to help other people and contribute with open source code, both in his own projects and other community projects such as WooCommerce.

Niklas Högefjord

The Woo Whisperer: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless E-Commerce Store
Niklas is a web developer and WordPress addict from Sweden. He is the founder of Krokedil, a WordPress agency focusing on WooCommerce related solutions. Niklas is also organizing the Arvika WordPress Meetup Group, probably one of the smallest WP meetup groups in the world.

Stanislav Khromov

Content personalization and paywalls with WordPress and Varnish
Stanislav is a long-time WordPress developer with a passion for web performance and digital journalism. He has worked with everything from individuals and small companies to large publishing houses. Currently, he works in the WordPress team at Aftonbladet (Schibsted Media Group), the largest news publication in Sweden.

Erik Bernskiold

High Converting Websites and Pages—What Do They Have In Common?
Erik is the Managing Director of Bernskiold Media, a boutique web consultancy. Every day he works with clients around the globe to build viable web solutions to reach real business goals, where his passion lies. Erik combines his over ten years of professional experience in web development with his academic and professional knowledge of economics and psychology to deliver highly tailored and effective solutions that simply put enables businesses to make more money from their websites.

We still have some tickets left! Get yours here.

Follow #wcnkpg on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

Announcing More Speakers for WordCamp Norrköping

In two weeks, we will welcome you all to Norrköping for Sweden’s biggest WordPress conference! Here is our next group of speakers for this exciting event.

Erik Johansson

Social Intranet on WordPress and BuddyPress. How to compete with SharePoint
Erik works as “Lead Architect for Mobile and Open Source Solutions” at Avantime Group, a Stockholm-based web consultant firm. In his role, he sees a lot of business cases, customer software architectures and infrastructures, frameworks that gives possibilities and so on and uses all these experiences to bring better solutions and architectures to the group’s customers.

Edmund Turbin

Working in Harmony – Optimize development and content workflows
Edmund is a London-based Solutions Engineer at WP Engine originally from New York.  He has professional experience as web developer and has been advocating the benefits of content management systems for over 10 years. He has worked with numerous proprietary and open source CMS platforms at media, publishing and advertising companies and has a passion for front end development and development workflows.  Follow him on twitter: @spicecadet.

Hans-Helge Bürger

Boost Your Development with Vagrant
Hans-Helge is a german master student at TU Berlin and is doing his masters in computer science. In University he deals with Machine Learning and Data Science methods to do some data wrangling. Besides university, Hans-Helge is an active member of the germanophone WordPress community and helps organizing WordCamp Berlin.

Not signed up yet? Don’t forget to buy your ticket here!

Be sure to follow #wcnkpg on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates!