Thank you bronze sponsors

Every sponsor matters and we wish to thank all of our bronze sponsors for helping WordCamp Croatia become a reality. Continue reading Thank you bronze sponsors

Thank you silver sponsors

WordCamp Croatia wishes to thank all of the silver sponsors for their contribution that helps bring WordCamp Croatia to life. Continue reading Thank you silver sponsors

Rijeka – our partner city

We want to host WordCamp Croatia in different city every year. Hosting WordCamp Croatia should be a boost for local WordPress community in each city and by partnering with the city authorities there should be benefits not only for the community but for the citizens as well.

Rijeka will host our first WordCamp Croatia and we asked the Mayor of Rijeka mr. Vojko Obersnel couple of questions about what WordCamp means for Rijeka and even the next big Rijeka project – redesign of the city portal which will be on WordPress and will be open sourced to the community. Continue reading Rijeka – our partner city

Jetpack – our global outstanding sponsor

Every WordCamp couldn’t be organized without the help of our awesome sponsors. One of the sponsors is Jetpack, a global brand that many WordPress users use to make their WordPress installations better. Thanks Jetpack once again for helping not only WordCamp Croatia but all the WordCamps and communities all over the world. Continue reading Jetpack – our global outstanding sponsor

Register for Contributor day

WordCamp Croatia Contributor day will happen on Sunday and will be held in Rijeka City hall, Korzo 16 (here’s a link to the map) starting at 10 AM.

We have 2 working groups. First will work on localization issues. People will learn how they can help localize WordPress to Croatian language, including themes, plugins, Codex and more. The other (advanced) group will learn how they can contribute to WordPress core, themes, plugins and more.

After Contributor day ends (at 2 PM) we recommend you grab some lunch and get back at 4 PM for a Walking tour of Rijeka (it is free and guided in English).

Register for Contributor day and Walking tour of Rijeka.

Jeste li spremni za radionice o WordPressu?

Ostala su nam još dva dana do same konferencije WordCamp Croatia te još dan do prvih radionica. Kako je najavljeno u rasporedu, u petak su planirane tri besplatne radionice i već sada mogu reći da je zanimanje za njih izvan svih naših očekivanja. Sada možemo i najaviti da će se radionice održati na Odjelu za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Ulica Radmile Matejčić 2 (za one koji ne znaju gdje se to nalazi evo linka).

Inače, za sve radionice preporučujemo da ponesete svoj laptop i bilježnicu, kako biste mogli voditi bilješke. WiFi je osiguran u učionicama, a prema učionicama gdje će se održavati predavanja, uputiti će vas naši volonteri i volonterke. Continue reading Jeste li spremni za radionice o WordPressu?

WordCamp Croatia Visual Identity

Agilo digital agency is honored to have been given the opportunity to develop visual identity for this year’s WordCamp Croatia.

Our main inspiration for the event branding was a marten the symbol of Croatia. It’s body forms the ‘W’ letter, creating an illustrative and simplified WordCamp trademarked logo.

Continue reading WordCamp Croatia Visual Identity

Convertiv – our platinum sponsor

Convertiv, a Boston based company is strongly connected with the Croatian WordPress community and is a proud platinum sponsor of WordCamp Croatia. We talked with them to see how they started, what they do in WordPress and what they expect from WordCamp Croatia. Continue reading Convertiv – our platinum sponsor

Something worth visiting – Peek&Poke – a computer history museum

So, you decided to come to Rijeka for the first WordCamp Croatia. You already bought your tickets, reserved your stay and now you’re searching for something you can do while in Rijeka. Search no more, if you are a computer fan then you should definitely visit a unique museum of computer history – Peek&Poke. Continue reading Something worth visiting – Peek&Poke – a computer history museum

Neuralab – our gold sponsor

Neuralab is a digital agency from Zagreb, Croatia and a proud sponsor of WordCamp Croatia. Thank you Neuralab for making WordCamp Croatia happen. Read their thought on the beginnings, WordPress, WordCamp Croatia and – first internet television in Croatia. Continue reading Neuralab – our gold sponsor