Karst topography is a geological formation shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite, but has also been documented for weathering resistant rocks, such as quartzite given the right conditions.
Due to subterranean drainage, there may be very limited surface water, even in the absence of any rivers and lakes. Many karst regions display distinctive surface features, with cenotes, sinkholes or dolines being the most common. However, distinctive karst surface features may be completely absent where the soluble rock is mantled, such as by glacial debris, or confined by a superimposed non-soluble rock strata. Some karst regions include thousands of caves, although evidence of caves large enough for human exploration is not a required characteristic of karst.
The international community has settled on karst, the German name for Kras, a region in Slovenia partially extending into Italy, where it is called "Carso" and where the first scientific research of a karst topography was made. The name has an Indo-European origin (from karra meaning "stone"), and in antiquity it was called "Carusardius" in Latin. The Slovene form grast is attested since 1177, and the Croatian kras since 1230.[citation needed].
Karst Landforms and Processes
Geography Video- Karst Topography
What is Karst?
Karst - Sóvár (Official Video 2012)
Karst in Ohio
GIDA - Karst - Trailer
Rene Karst - Supergave tijd
Het lied over mij - Rene Karst en Ploeff (officiële clip)
Natural Wonders of the Caribbean (2005) - Karst Landscapes
Erikah Karst - Als je maar gelooft in mij
13. Formaciones exteriores del karst
Kruipend door de supermarkt... Rene Karst
Golden Sun 2 "Agatio and Karst Battle Theme" Music Request
Karst, Slovenia: Dramatic Škocjan Cave
The fallen angel Azazel(Raw Leiba) has come to Earth at the behest of the Winter Faerie Queen(Debbie Rochon), and formed an alliance with the Greek god Hermes(Christopher Jason Bolton). Together they seek to resurrect Azazel's demigod children, the Nephilim, whose existence would destroy the world. A second fallen angel, Shemihazya(Sean-Michael Argo), has been summoned by the Summer Faerie Queen(Fiona Horne) to oppose the raising of the Nephilim. He aligns himself with the Greek goddess Hecate(Bekah Kelso), forcing her to help him in his quest by possessing the body of her lover. The Gods and Angels battle across modern city streets and the pristine forests of the spirit world, their struggle set against the backdrop of a civil war between the Queens of Faerie, as the forces of Winter seek to dominate the people of Summer.
Keywords: azazel, faerie, faerie-tale, fairy, fairy-tale, fallen-angel, greek, myth, occult, supernatural
It is raining in the city, and the gods are going to war.
Karst Landforms and Processes
Geography Video- Karst Topography
What is Karst?
Karst - Sóvár (Official Video 2012)
Karst in Ohio
GIDA - Karst - Trailer
Rene Karst - Supergave tijd
Het lied over mij - Rene Karst en Ploeff (officiële clip)
Natural Wonders of the Caribbean (2005) - Karst Landscapes
Erikah Karst - Als je maar gelooft in mij
13. Formaciones exteriores del karst
Kruipend door de supermarkt... Rene Karst
Golden Sun 2 "Agatio and Karst Battle Theme" Music Request
Karst, Slovenia: Dramatic Škocjan Cave
Karst-Rap - musikalische Einladung in den Südharz
Rene Karst - Soms zit het tegen, soms zit het mee
Golden Sun 2 - The Lost Age - Boss: Agatio and Karst
Duo Karst Ik stoa op wacht
Erikah Karst clip Ik zie jou (officiele clip)
Golden Sun Remastered: Agatio and Karst Theme
GW2 Malchor's Leap - Karst Plain Skill Point
Karsthochebene Steinernes Meer / Alpine Karst plateau Sea of Stones