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Emily Achtenberg
Rebel Currents
September 3, 2015

The government’s recent attack on four research NGOs highlights the need for continuing debate around Bolivia’s extractivist development model. 

Kate Swanson, Rebecca Torres, Amy Thompson, Sarah Blue, & Óscar Misael Hernández Hernández
August 27, 2015

Outsourcing immigration enforcement to Mexico allows the Obama administration to ignore continued child migration and avoid providing asylum to Central American youth.

Dan La Botz
August 20, 2015

Teachers fight on virtually alone: a militant minority whose interests seem selfish to some and whose tactics seem violent to others. Yet a great many teachers feel they fight not only for themselves, but for their union, their communities, and for Mexican democracy.

Carlos Marichal
August 18, 2015

Puerto Rico’s debt crisis will likely lead to the privatization of public enterprises including the electrical power authority and the water agency. The proposed solution reflects the application of neoliberal policies as if they were magic recipes for resolving a most complex situation.

Orion Cruz
August 13, 2015

In addition to reducing violence, the renewed ceasefire between FARC and the Colombian government will likely diminish environmental destruction.

Gabriela Valdivia & Scott A. Sellwood
August 7, 2015

In Oaxaca, indigenous peoples interrupt the land enclosures of renewable resources.

Mark Schuller
July 28, 2015

A century after the U.S. military invasion of Haiti in 1915, a U.N. "stabilization mission" continues to compromise the nation's political and economic sovereignty.

Steve Johnston
Border Wars
July 26, 2015

Defendant Steve Johnston's moving court testimony details the immigration policy's disastrous human toll.

by Quintijn Kat
July 24, 2015

Replicating Plan Colombia's failed approach, a Washington aid program for Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador combines neoliberal economic reforms with military aid. 
