Regenerative Culture, Earth-based Spirituality, and Permaculture

11892077_894549250631600_3343130612366556458_nIT’S FUNDED!  The Kickstarter Campaign to publish City of Refuge, the sequel to The Fifth Sacred Thing, has met its original goal!  Huge thanks to all of you who have supported the project!  And we have a week left to meet some crucial stretch goals.  Please help us spread the word!  Along with pledging–and you will get the book early if you do–here’s three things you can do:

  1. Send the link to the Kickstarter to three friends you think might be interested.
  2. Share our link on your social media and through your networks.

  1. Like our FacebookPage, and if you really like it, steal the banner for your own page.

Thanks so much, everyone!  Your support makes all my work possible.


The Empowerment Manual:Empowerment Manual cover
A Guide for Collaborative Groups
by Starhawk

FREE bonus chapter
The Five-Fold Path of Productive Meetings
Starhawk’s gift to you is this out-take from her latest book.

It happens over and over again—a group of people come together, fired up with passion to create change. They begin with huge inspiration and enthusiasm—and a year later, it’s all foundered in the mire of conflict. We could have changed the world ten times over—if we didn’t have to do it together with other people, those irritating, self-righteous, controlling, fluff-brained, clueless idiots who are our friends and allies.

We can do better. In her twelfth book, The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, Starhawk draws on four decades of experience in circles and collectives to show us how to foster connection, clear communication, and positive power in ourselves and our groups.

Earth Activist Training:

Another world is possible: learn the skills to design and create it:

Starhawk co-founded and co-teaches Earth Activist Training, teaching permaculture design with a grounding in spirit and a focus on organizing and activism.  Our two-week permaculture design certificate courses can change your life and change the world!

Learn how to heal soil and cleanse water, how to regenerate landscapes and plan urban neighborhoods that work for people.   Design human systems that mimic natural systems, using a minimum of energy and resources to create real abundance and social justice. Explore the strategies and organizing tools we need to make our visions real. Participatory, hands-on teaching with lots of ritual, games, projects, songs, and laughs along with an intensive curriculum in ecological design.

Earth Activist Training also stresses ‘social permaculture’ — the ecology of group dynamics, the design of human systems to embrace diversity, resolve conflicts and build functional, nurturing and creative groups.

EAT has a commitment to bring the skills and tools of permaculture to the groups most impacted by environmental and social injustice.  We have ongoing partnerships with inner-city groups with a focus on Bayview Hunters’ Point in San Francisco.  We offer Diversity Scholarships for people of color working in environmental and social justice, as well as activist scholarships and work trade.

Upcoming EAT courses:

August 15-30, Girona, Catalunya, Spain!

Special Appeal:

Help us counter ‘austerity’ in Spain!  Greece has been in the news, but Spain also suffers from the draconian policies of the IMF and the big banks with high unemployment and the siphoning of money from the poor and middle class.  One of the best counters is permaculture, teaching the skills of earth healing, ecosystem repair and ways to generate abundance while regenerating the environment!  We have more than ten unemployed potential students for our upcoming course in Spain–can you DONATE to help us bring them tools and skills for a new direction?


For more information (including some fantastic videos) and to register, go to the Earth Activist Training Website

Meet Starhawk and her co-teacher Charles Williams:

Starhawk’s Articles and Archives

Starhawk’s archives are found under Writing/Activism. We invite you to read her dispatches from many of the important social movements and mobilizations.