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Breaking News...

New Chants CD - first samples!
March for Climate Leadership
Thousands March for Black Lives Matter
Teens Tree-Climbing Workshop
RQ Tarot Compendium
Archives - Starhawk's RQ articles

Reclaiming CDs - samples and online ordering
Also available via iTunes

RQ Online Features

Photo features of the Pagan Cluster, Clown Anarchy, Pagan Fest, Spiral Dance history, and much more!
Activist Features
RQ Videos
Aspecting the Divine - RQ feature
Labyrinth Magic
RQ Archives - back issues and more
Witchcamp Chantbook
Elements Chants
Spiral Dance and Reclaiming History
Marija Gimbutas - Signs Out of Time
Reclaiming Books and Music - words, sounds, reviews
Lots more web features!
These features are updated often - bookmark the site and check back often!

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Complete RQ Archives - first disk now available!

The first ten-issue disk of RQ's collected back issues is now available for just $25!

Our first disk is packed with great reading and dozens of bonus files. Our first disk covers issues 60-69, which include both the original Reclaiming Newsletter and the later magazine. The issues include articles by many of the best-known Reclaiming teachers and writers from the early years of the tradition.

You can order a copy of our first disk for $25 - just $2.50 per back issue, not to mention all the bonus files. Or you can pre-order all 100+ issues for just $175.

Either way - you are helping preserve our history and make it available to readers today!

Click here for more info on the Reclaiming Archives!

New RQ on the Way!

RQ #103 is in production. Thanks to the wonders of digital publishing, we'll post sections as they are complete, with the full issue appearing toward the end of the year.

Two sections are now available in draft format:

RQ 103 Features Section - Pearl Pentacle theme section, plus Spirit Maps and Communicating Nonviolently.

RQ 103 Reviews Section - Mini-reviews on all aspects of culture, plus a feature review on trance and London House music.

Our Activism section will be published in early Fall, and the complete issue by late 2014.

RQ Issue 102 is also available online as a downloadable PDF (along with several previous issues). Read it onscreen, or easily print pages for off-screen reading.

The theme section of RQ#102 focuses on Fire in all its aspects. Other features include the Wisconsin capitol occupation, Starhawk's reflections on change in Egypt, an Imbolc ritual in Kildare, and much more. Over 70 pages, including the latest edition of the Revolutionary Pagan Workers Vanguard satire page.

The current RQ is free to all readers. But - if you like what you see, please donate! We need your support to continue publishing.

RQ's Reclaiming Archives

Meanwhile, we are hard at work on RQ's Reclaiming Archives!

As part of the international festivities marking RQ's recently-published 100th issue, we began re-releasing all of our back issues - along with an amazing collection of special features - all as user-friendly PDFs.

You'll be able to see every back issue exactly as it appeared. And you'll be able to print any pages you want for off-screen reading. Indexes will make it possible to trace a favorite topic or author through the years, and to discover hidden gems in the back volumes.

In addition to the nearly 100 back issues, RQ is assembling a collection of Bonus Features, ranging from witchcamp photos to reflective essays to Spiral Dance programs. There's no telling what might turn up.

Reader Support Urgently Needed

RQ urgently needs your support to continue publishing our magazine and to produce the RQ Archives.

Supporting RQ means longterm benefits for the entire Reclaiming community. Please give generously now!

You can also support RQ by buying Reclaiming CDs

You can donate to the magazine or the Archives Project online or mail your contribution, along with your mailing address, to RQ, PO Box 14404, San Francisco CA 94114. - All RQ, All the Time!

This website carries literally hundreds of stories, and is regularly updated. See the site index for easy browsing.

Reclaiming's mission is to combine Earth-based spirituality with political, social, and ecological action.

Reclaiming Quarterly is dedicated to this goal: "Magical Activism." From the street protests to the wilds of Witchcamp, from spiritual reflection to frontline direct action, RQ is there with photographs and first-hand reports. brings Reclaiming-style magic to the web. Our site aims to be a complete online magazine, continually updated, with all our archives instantly available. Find out about the latest grassroots activism, how to build a labyrinth, what's going on at the various Witchcamps, order Reclaimng music CDs, and much more.

An easy way to start browsing the site is to visit the site index and choose a feature. Many of the features have links to other features in the left column.

Already we have hundreds of stories and features online, and more are being posted every month. If you have ideas how to improve our coverage, design, or accessibility, please email us!

Reclaiming Quarterly is produced by a volunteer cell based in San Francisco, with correspondents in over 20 communities across North America and Europe.

Subscribe or donate now!

RQ is supported by subscriptions and advertising. Your donations make our magazine possible.

RQ relies on reader subscriptions and donations to continue publishing. Your contribution can make the difference! Click here to support RQ.

Ordering Reclaiming Music and Chant CDs is a great way to support Reclaiming's work.
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