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ABC Belarus on the release of official political prisoners and the upcoming elections (A-Radio)

September 7th, 2015

On August 22, the Belarusian president Lukashenko signed papers to release all official political prisoners in the country. This includes the three anarchists that were still imprisoned. As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we talked with Anarchist Black Cross Belarus about their release and the upcoming elections among other things.

For security reasons, this interview has been re-recorded using our own voices.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 5:18 min

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here:

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

London: Prison visits for International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (UK)

September 7th, 2015

International anarchist prisoner week: London Solidarity

To mark International Anarchist prisoner week last Saturday London ABC & friends visited two prisons in north London Holloway & Pentonville.





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Solidarity with Dariusz ‘Jus’ Brzeski – Hambach Forest Struggle (Germany)

September 7th, 2015

6 weeks ago our comrade Jus got taken from us at the eviction of Remi’s Tower, a huge barricade built in honour of Remi Fraisse, who got killed by the freakin cops.

The first 3 weeks Jus was on hunger strike and as a reaction to that the cops told him he did not have a lawyer registered (which he had) and put him in a isolation cell, where it is hard to sleep because they check every 15 minutes if you are not dead yet by turning the lights on and off. All the letters he receives now get checked and it takes about 2 to 4 weeks for them to get to him. He is in prison for 6 weeks and only had two visits. It is extremely difficult to arrange visits, because there has to be an interpreter at all times, and they want audio-visual surveillance. Also his phone privileges are restricted to only his lawyer (even though everyone else can call whoever the fuck they want) and even about that they are being assholes. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Critique of the Socialists defending Islam’ by Serkan Engin (Turkey)

September 5th, 2015

”The criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all critique.” Karl Marx

To take sides with Islamists in the name of democracy, to support the existence of Islamic sharia is to maintain its objectives to organize, strengthen and take power which, in case it succeeds, due to its intrinsic structure, due to the theology of Islam, will take all of your freedom from you, hang, imprison and exile. Just like what happened after the ”Islamic Revolution”.

Islam in itself is the enemy of democracy and freedom. You can see the concrete examples in countless incidents happening everyday in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somali and Nigeria. Never be deceived by the ignorant persons who tell you that ”It’s not what Islam really is”, because Islam is precisely that. The Islamic law sees stoning to death, homophobia, cutting off hands as punishment, pedophilia, women who have been taken prisoners as war booty being sex slaves, woman being a second rate person who solely exists to serve her husband as a commodity, necrophilia being legitimized based on Muhammad’s ”lying next to one of his wives” which implies that he raped the corpse, defending the right to have sexual intercourse within 6 hours from the moment of death based on the acts of Muhammad considered as ”tradition”, to kill the ones who it labels as ”heretic”, rape their women, extort their property and land as it’s right and duty; so anyway you cut it, Islam is a crime against humanity. And crime has nothing to do with freedom. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

HPG: 43 soldiers and 6 police killed in actions by guerrillas (Kurdistan, Turkey)

September 4th, 2015

Guerrillas affiliated to HPG (People’s Defense Forces) and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) continue their actions in response to the ongoing attacks and operations by Turkish military forces.

Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 5:00 PM

Guerrillas affiliated to HPG (People’s Defense Forces) and YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) continue their actions in response to the ongoing attacks and operations by Turkish military forces.

HPG Press Office reported that a total of 43 soldiers and 6 police were killed in actions by guerrillas.

According to the statement, guerrillas hold the road between Hakkari’s Yüksekova district and Geliyê Doskî area and the one between Mergê Zerê- Şıtaza and Oremar guard post since August 10.

Turkish army airdropped soldiers in Çelareşkê area at 10:00 on September 2 and started an operation in the area.

Responding to the military activity of Turkish troops, guerrillas hit from five sides the soldiers that attempted to enter Geliyê Doskî from Çelareşkê in three groups.

The action by guerrillas killed 10 soldiers in the first group, 5 in the second group and three in the third group. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

“Our Day Will Come” : In solidarity with Evi Statiri and CCF – Imprisoned Members Cell (Book)

September 2nd, 2015

This booklet is being re-edited to correct numerous errors in grammar and spelling. New version coming soon…

Attending to the solidarity call to Evi Statiri we share with you a book which speaks about what was triggered after the arrest of the fugitive Christos Xiros, the discovery of an escape plan by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell; the subsequent manhunt against comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulo and her detention with relatives and friends of CCF comrades, and finally, the hunger strike for over 30 days in which they put their lives at risk.

This book also contains a prologue by CCF- Imprisoned Members Cell.

We are interested that the experiences of CCF`s escape attempt and subsequent hunger strike could be transmitted as an expression of anarchic ability to build our offense in an autonomous way, as a part of our defense and dissemination of every indomitable and antagonist attitude against Power.

The most of the text were taken from the related anarchic webs.
Also, this book has a Spanish version, with translations made by us and other comrades.

Comrades interested in the edition of this book on their own territories, could write to our e-mail.

Without another word, we share this book with you.

Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras
, núcleo de agitación antiautoritaria.

Chile/ Septiembre 2015.

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Posted in Library |

Kuala Lumpur: Police raid anarchist space Rumah Api (Malaysia)

September 2nd, 2015

On 28th August (Friday), over a dozen police with automatic weapons and K-9 unit attacked Rumah Api (social center/house project in Kuala Lumpur) during a concert on that night. The police raided the house project and raid everybody during the concert and also trashed the living space of people who live there without any warrant or solid reason for the raid.

We all believe the raid were conducted due to the connection of Bersih 4 Rally which happen on the next days (29 and 30th) which is totally insane since the organizer of the concert, participants, and Rumah Api have little interest to join or even support the rally, due to our political stance on the issue of election and voting system.

The state use Rumah Api as the scapegoat of recent event of attack on banks and multinational corporations in KL for the past 2 years. So far, they found nothing to link us with that events. The police seize all the musical equipment at the concert hall, seize 2 computers of people who live there, one smart phone, artwork, and books belonging to people who live there. The police said they search the building for any weapons or explosives that can link us to terrorism. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Bristol: Direct action against estate agents – CJA trashed (UK)

September 2nd, 2015

Award giving in recognition of services to landlords and their rights.

We proudly presented bricks through windows of CJA estate agents in Southville on the night of 31st August. All windows smashed and the international squatter symbol painted on their wall. Because despite the ban on squatting houses everyone should have a decent home.

CJA have showed real resilience and single mindedness to make a stand for maximum profit regardless of the tough conditions faced by tenants everywhere. In a letter to Bristol landlords in March this year they encouraged landlords to hike their rents and cynically take advantage of the housing crisis. Because the crisis is for landlords and property developers another business opportunity. They then arrogantly ignored a campaign by a local community union to hold them to account. So we found another way to encourage them to see the costs of their actions. Thousands of us are trapped in overcrowded, over priced and chronically undermaintained and decaying rented houses. We constantly struggle to pay the rent under the ever present threat of eviction and homelessness. Gentrification and colonisation of our areas pushes rents ever higher and forces us further out. This is social cleansing and it is a very profitable business. For greedy landlords and estate agents like CJA, decent, affordable homes don’t come into their sums. It’s all about investment opportunities and ruthless profiteering. Meanwhile, there is a huge increase in homelessness and the hostels are full to bursting. We don’t have to take this.

Let’s fight for a world without landlords, where people’s homes are not for the profit of the rich.

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ATM Sabotage in Torreón for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (México)

September 2nd, 2015

From Contra-Info [+ pics] via It’s Going Down:

On August 30th, we sabotaged with paint an ATM bank, “Bancomer,” in response to the “International Week in solidarity with anarchist prisoners”, and also to commemorate the black memory of our comrade Sebastián Oversluij (Pelao angry). This act was performed also to the surprised looks of passers-by; before the futility of “the bodies of order.” This street is the most guarded by dogs of the state, not only by the steady pace of patrols from both police and military, but also from the presence of security guards from ITESM.

Ever so rabidly do we act; an act that demonstrates our hatred for their money, their economy, their social order … to their civilization. This act was not to protest any “improvement” for the “people.” This action was carried out by anarchic individuals in anti-social solidarity and complicity with our comrades in affinity who are kidnapped by the state; to bring the anarchic idea to it’s ultimate conclusion. Forward comrades, destroy all prisons! We will burn your civilization!

A strong embrace of solidarity to the companion Tamara Farias, vengeance arrived!

Comrade Sebastian Oversluij presente …!

Freedom for all anarchist prisoners

The ongoing war …

For anarchy!

Incendiary Cell for Earth Liberation – FAI/FRI

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Volos: Banner about the case of Evi Statiri (Greece)

September 2nd, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

In the morning of 02/09, we did the least we could do by hanging two banners in the city streets, seeking to send a sign of solidarity to the imprisoned Evi Statiri but also a sign of complicity in the face of the impending struggle about her release in case the six-month pre-trial detention is extended by the Court of Appeals on 03/09.

Evi Statiri is held hostage for six months now, accused of being a member of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire only because of her relationship with G.Tsakalos and the emotional blow her imprisonment can inflict on CCF’s morale, which was not bent from the discovery of the escape plan and the arrest of anarchist A.Spyropoulou, trying to make them repent. The vengeful fury of the judicial mechanisms and particularly of the appellate magistrate E.Nikopoulos, who constantly rejects the bail applications of Evi despite the provision passed after the recent hunger strike of the CCF, does not stop there, as even after her release, the mother of G. and Ch.Tsakalos, A.Tsakalou, who was arrested along with Evi, finds herself in a special form of exile in Salamina, from where she is not allowed to leave.

Strength to E.Statiri, A.Tsakalou, the comrades of the Cell of imprisoned members of CCF and A.Spyropoulou

Zero tolerance for the judicial mafia and every form of authority

The war rages on…

Until the total destruction of every prison

Until total liberation

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Call in solidarity with Evi Statiri (Greece)

August 31st, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

On September 3, the Judicial Council is going to decide on the extension of the pre-trial detention of Evi Statiri.

In the context of the nationwide call for action and solidarity which has been organized by comrades for the 2nd of September, we invite all anarchist individualities, direct action cells and comrades to sabotage normality and to destroy the clock of power. To brake the silence with counter-info actions (posters, flyers, banners, slogans) and to end the immobility of passivity with actions and sabotage.

On September 2, let us challenge the world of organized apathy with hostile gestures of insubordination.





individualities tending towards chaos

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Attack against Turkish general consulate in Zurich (Switzerland)

August 31st, 2015

In the night of the 25.8. to the 26.8.2015, we attacked a car on the terrain of the Turkish general consulate at the Weinbergstrasse 65 in Zurich with an explosive device after the Turkish state launched a massive attack against progressive forces in the region with cover from the USA, NATO and the Barzani clan in Iraq in the past weeks. We are in solidarity with the struggle for a free Rojava and the struggle of the revolutionary movement in Turkey!

After a long period of a strategy of tension and the massacre in Suruc on July 20th (where more than 30 comrades from different political tendencies died and dozens were injured), the Turkish state has launched an open attack against the progressive movement. On the one hand, this represents continuity in the collaboration of the AKP with the “Islamic State” and in the struggle of the AKP against progressive forces. Since the city of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border was massively attacked by the “IS” in the fall of last year and the military contention around Kobane and the liberation of the city became international focal points for the revolutionary process, it has been shown time and time again how the Turkish state aids the gangs of “IS” while those fighting with the YPG/J are hindered. This was shown exemplary in the treatment of the wounded from Syria. While those supporting “IS” could be transported to Turkey withouth hindrance and didn’t have much to fear, fighters of the YPG/J had to be smuggled across the border and had to fear being arrested while in the hospital bed. Recently, six YPG/J fighters were even extradited to the Al-Nusra-Front by Turkey! Other examples are the refusal of a humanitarian corridor to Kobane for medicine or food, the documented shipments of weapons by the Turkish secret service MIT to the “IS” or the obvious acceptance of recruitment centres of the “IS” in Turkey. In this sense, the attack in Suruc on July 20th (while Kobane was attacked in parallel with car bombs) which was only possible with the support of the MIT and other security institutions of the Turkish state in this city was only the consistent continuation of AKP-politics against the movement.

On the other hand, this attack was of course also an escalation, a qualitative change in the attack against the revolutionary movement in the region. It wasn’t the first attack by “IS” against progressive forces in Turkey within the context of a strategy of tension (for example the bombs against events of the legal HDP or the sneaky attack against Kobane on June 25th from Turkish soil), but in it’s quality and goals targeting the solidarity explicitly, this attack was different to previous ones. This is also shown in the subsequent actions of the AKP government after this attack. The massacre of Suruc was the kick-off to a broad attack of the Turkish state against all revolutionary forces (prior to this attack, the state attacked the movement via “IS”, now it attacks openly).

This broad attack is presumably driven by (at least) two motivations. On the one hand, Erdogans speculates that in a climate of war and fear the AKP will gain the votes necessary to introduce a presidential system of their liking. On the other hand, it is certainly also the case that a chance was seen to try to halt the revolutionary process in the region. Beside the geo-strategisch importance of the region as it is, where it is in the interest of imperialist forces to have forces in power that favor them (like the Barzani clan in northern Iraq), the struggle for Kobane and then Rojava has reached a political dimension which must be a pain for those in power. Because the struggle there shows that a perspective is possible which stands outside of capitalist or imperial logic. It is important to not neglect this dimension when trying to evaluate the current situation.

In this sense, it is only consistent when the USA and the NATO approves of the airstrikes by Turkey against Qandil or the attacks by the police and military against cities and neighborhoods with a strong presence of revolutionary forces. Not only because they were allowed the use of the airfield Incirlik in Turkey, but also because it would fit their agenda if Rojava were governed by forces like the Barzani clan, who have proven in their history to be loyal to imperialist forces.

Despite or maybe even because of the growing complexity of the conflict in the region, the fundamentals shall not be forgotten. The movement in Rojava is an emancipatory moment with an incredible power, it is not the time to stand aside but to support this path in solidarity. The same is valid for the revolutionary forces in Turkey whose strengthening has been helped by the experiences in the struggle around Gezi-Park and now by the inspiration from Rojava. Confronted with the attacks against them by the Turkish state which also consist of executing militants, we must of course support them.

International solidarity is practical and not dependent on seasonal fluctuation but driven by the necessity of actions because of political reference points and principals. We don’t stand here today and there tomorrow, but at the side of the revolutionary forces fighting for a society with socialist elements. There exist different forms of international solidarity, one was the support of the defense of Kobane through massive pressure from the streets of Europe, others are the support of the military struggle (as in the context of the International Freedom Brigade) or in the reconstruction of the destroyed cities (as was the campaign targeted on July 20th in Suruc, carried by the federation of socialist youth groups and bringing together different forces). Finally it can be a contribution to push forward the revolutionary process here and connect it to the revolutionary process there to advance together.

Solidarity and power to all fighters for a free Rojava!
Solidarity and power to all fighting for a revolutionary perspective!

For a revolutionary perspective

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Melbourne: Banner in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (Australia)

August 31st, 2015

Melbourne, Australia: In the early hours of Sunday, August 30th we attached a banner to a fence outside the Richmond railway station in inner-city Melbourne as a minimum expression of our participation in this year’s International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.


- some anarchists

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Banner in solidarity with anarchist prisoners (Poland)

August 28th, 2015

Inter Arma received:

Call for international solidarity with anarchist prisoners of war!

Fire to the prisons!

Honor to the Prison Cells!

Honor for all anarchistic freedom fighters in custody!

For the world without cages for all living beings!

Freedom is an revolutionary act! Act of strike!

Long live Black Praxis!

Kielce, Poland 27.08.2015

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Santiago: Coordinated incendiary attacks against telecommunications infrastructure by FAI-IRF (Chile)

August 28th, 2015

I. “This instant that won’t be forgotten
So empty when thrown back by the shadows
So empty when rejected by clocks
This wretched moment taken by my tenderness
Stripped naked, naked of the blood of the wings
Robbed of eyes to remember the angst of yesteryear
Of lips to scoop up the juice of the violence
Lost in the tolling of frozen belfries.”

In the current context of recent state reforms that have resulted in increased sentences for the possession and use of incendiary devices and/or explosives, coupled with the many cases of imprisonments related to insurrectionist violence (bombings, burning of buses and incendiary actions by encapuchados outside universities), one might be made to think that there is no longer any space for offensive actions against Dominion and it’s normality, the perfect excuse for those who have always found justifications for postponing their own revolt against the existent.

However, the long history of revolts, rebellions and conspiracies shows us that the systems of domination have always been and always will be vulnerable, and that it is always possible to find space for revolt and direct attack against the structures, symbols, institutions and representatives of oppression. Read the rest of this entry »

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State and Media Intoxication in the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (Spain)

August 28th, 2015

The Spanish Interior Minister of State fears an anarchist attack against prison officials this week.

From contramadriz via freeonline; in the context of the official report, the anarchist comrades F.Solar and M.Caballero were also referenced.

Spain: A digital media site of disinformation has “uncovered” a Prisons Circular recently distributed to its workers demanding extreme measures to protect themselves against possible suspicious packages received between 23 and August 30th. The reason for this is the “discovery” by the Information Service of the paramilitary Civil Guard of the international call for solidarity with anarchist prisoners from 23 to 30 August.

According to these coppers, the poster ismuch more aggressive than the last year’s In fact, you can read the legend “fire to the prisons and jailers”, which leads them to conclude that the “main objective of the anarchist movement” at the moment are Prison Officers “or any persons related to the facilities of the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions”. All because someone added “and the Jailors” to the traditional “Fire to The Prisons” slogan. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Gaza: Demonstrations and ‘International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners’ (Palestine)

August 26th, 2015

This Monday 24th of August, as every Monday, the families of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have gathered at the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza City. Tens of people joined them in order to show their support, denounce the conditions that the prisoners suffer and to demand the freedom of all the Palestinians kidnapped by the occupation.

In a new proof of their solidarity with the oppressed people of the world, the Palestinian former prisoners have shown their support to all the Anarchist prisoners jailed around the world, during the second “International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners”, 23-30 August 2015. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anarchist comrade Eric G. King out of isolation – Solidarity shirts available! (USA)

August 26th, 2015

Eric G. King is a vegan anarchist comrade who is facing life imprisonment for a night time attack with molotovs against a government building in Kansas City. He is currently being held in the Corrections Corporation of America’s Leavenworth Detention Center.

Support Eric King T-Shirts are Here!

We’re excited to announce that the Eric King support t-shirts are in! Show your solidarity by ordering one today! We’re asking for a $20 donation per shirt. All proceeds go to EK’s support, including commissary and phone calls.

To order a shirt, donate online at and then email us at erickingsupportcrew(A)riseup.net with your shirt size (S, M, L, XL) and mailing address. You can also email us to get a mailing address for donations by check or money order.

In other good news, EK is out of solitary confinement! He now has greater access to recreation, is able to be social once more, and has been reunited with a friend who is also serving time there. Send him a letter or card to help him celebrate this change in his conditions and to let him know he’s not forgotten!

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

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Police station attacked by United Anarchist Attack in Taksim – 20 July 2015 (Turkey)

August 26th, 2015


On 20 July 2015, the day the Suruç (Pirsus) massacre happened, thousands of protestors who were outraged against the massacre took to the Taksim streets and were attacked intensely by police. After the police attack, there were some clashes with police.

United Anarchist Attack militants who lost their anarchist comrades in Suruç massacre, attacked the police station in Cihangir during these clashes. They smashed the windows of police station and police cars in front of building with stones and sticks. After this publishing, United Anarchist Attack declared that they will not forget comrades Medali, Vatan, Alper, Evrim and Serhat and they’ll always remind them to everyone.

More photos on sosyal savas.

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Santiago: Breves palabras arengando ante el llamamiento internacional en solidaridad con lxs presxs anarquistas (Chile)

August 26th, 2015

La solidaridad anárquica, activa y combativa es el llamado abierto hacia lxs compas de acción para intensificar el conflicto contra este orden social. La realidad actual en las prisiones para nuestrxs hermanxs no es de sumisión y arrepentimiento, si no todo lo contrario; de solidaridad, memoria y lucha constante. Son muchos lxs compas que transitan firmes por ellas desde hace varios años, por lo mismo nuestro camino de guerra contra el Poder es también un guiño cómplice hacia nuestrxs hermanxs.

Un mínimo gesto de acción como es levantar barricadas llenando de propaganda el sector obstaculizado es dejarle claro a quienes transitan por ahí -como a la policía- que hay sujetxs que no olvidan a lxs presxs y la lucha misma. Lo hemos dejado claro en algunas acciones: [8/1], [3/3], [26/4] entre otras. Nuestra opción es clara y apostamos porfiadamente por ella, nadie lo puede ocultar, ni lo puede negar.

Ante esta Semana Internacional con lxs Presxs Anarquistas hay que prepararse, no puede pasar desapercibida para ningún/a compañerx antiautoritarix, ni menos para los ojos del Poder, la apuesta esta clarísima, más claro echarle agua… Palabra y Acción!!!!!

Saludamos a lxs prisionerxs anárquicxs y subversivxs que no niegan sus vínculos y se mantienen en pie de guerra contra el Estado-Kárcel-Kapital:

-Marcelo Villarroel, Freddy Fuentevilla, Juan Aliste, Carlos Gutiérrez
-Alejandro Astorga, René Sanhueza
-Hans Niemeyer Salinas
-Alfredo Canales Moreno
-Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores, Enrique Guzmán
-Javier Pino, Natalia Collado
-Sergio Álvarez, Ignacio Muñoz
-Alberto Olivares Fuenzalida
-Tamara Sol Farías Vergara
-Camila Sanhueza, Juan González [Iquique]
-Mónica Caballero, Francisco Solar [España]

¡¡¡¡¡Fuerza compañerxs: La lucha continúa!!!!!
¡¡¡¡¡A multiplicar y potenciar el ataque anarquista contra el Poder!!!!!

Atte: Algunxs Anarquistas por la Solidaridad Revolucionaria.


via contrainfo

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