Serialism/Atonality Composition on Guitar
Some people love this stuff!" Here's to them who wanted to see me do another piece.
It's rare I do this but here it is.
I am stunned at how many views I get for this atonal/serialism music. Some great comments and some hateful ones. I studied it in college so don't blame me. I found it rather fascinating and capable of describing certain moods, emotions, feelings, scenes, images etc., that "popular" harmonies and melodies MAY struggle doing so.
The notes for the tone row are listed at the end of the video for those who wish to know. I even have the sheet music/tabs available for this one if you dare to try it.
Ask me.
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: Some listeners will not be pleased with the dissonant sounds this strict method of composition requires. It is not "random" notes.
I pick the set of 12 notes and must play them in that order.
Chords use three or four note clusters of the
12 tone row notes. In one area I hint ever so slightly at tonality but then it is torn to bits by a single note following these brief hints.
THE PHOTOS! The images are from my late great friend Harv
Kahn. I basically took what some may consider some of the "not-so-good" images (although some are very artistic as I look at them again and again and have a better eye for art these days after watching so many photography documentaries) well I think the images match the music appropriately enough.
Imagine nice, beautiful "sunny day" pictures with the music and it does not work as well for me. If you want to see his "great images" go on flickyr and type in
VIDEO: At the middle of this video I do play it live for you on classical guitar. I tilted the camera angle to add to the dissonant feel. I hope you like the fruits of my thoughts as I woke up early one august morning and the opening rhythm and notes came to me quickly. It took a few hours to complete.
Thanks so much for listening and being open-minded. I know this is not for everybody. To those who hate it, just listen to my other videos with pure consonance in them.
Well at the time of this writing it is August 25 2014, and
I am going to take a step back for a few weeks or so to think about things.
The music in this video also depicts the tragic news I received by one of my former student's parents and the passing of their child (
Clinton) who was only about 21. I was very, very saddened by this report. I always hoped that nobody I taught guitar would ever have an accident or something tragic happen to them. To all of the former students I wish them the very best and in a time of need or distress they can call on me.
I'll be there.
The last time I saw him, he was fishing down by the canal here and we talked for a while and he thanked me for being his guitar teacher and then he said "Ah, let me give you a hug man." I was surprised and told him that meant a lot to me. That was the last time I seen him. So I need a little time to reflect and to realize that life is more precious than I can imagine and so short . I also have been too busy and overwhelmed. Mom has been in and out of the nursing home twice and their needing me at times. But my music, photography and friends help get me through the hard times in life, so I will keep going for you and me.
Sincerely and
Musically Yours,
Ray Tutaj Jr.