

Septambic keyer for use with wearable computing. using open source schematics and software.

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This project was pioneered by Spaceman Spiff at and Greg Priest-Dorman. Originally my first electronics project. I chose this for the wide range of skills that I need to develop to complete it.

My initial inspiration for this project came from this Interview with Greg Priest-Dorman.

I started working on this project in June of 2014. The hardest part was programming the Integrated Circuit. The soldering and other mechanical parts were very straightforward and easy to do.

If anyone else has working hardware and they would like to contribute feel freeto message me the fastest way for us to collaborate at the moment is probably tweeting me @getreversed to initiate contact.

I am anxiously looking forward into the future of opensource chording hardware and software.

  • 2 × 22pF ceramic capacitor
  • 2 × 100nF ceramic capacitor (decoupling)
  • 1 × 10uF electrolytic capacitor, min 10V
  • 1 × 2x3 pin header
  • 1 × USB connector I will be using a socket I have harvested from something else in order to maintain an easy adaptation in cable choice.
  • 2 × 3.6V zener diode, 500mw
  • 1 × Atmel ATmega168 (28-pin DIL)
  • 1 × 2.2 kOhm resistor
  • 1 × 4.7 kOhm resistor
  • 1 × 82 Ohm resistor

View all 13 components

  • Project Log #5

    Desreverteg08/27/2015 at 00:44 0 comments

    Most exciting project log yet!

    Bran McEvoy was generous enough to gift me a plastic switch assembly that is orders of magnitude more ergonomic and usable than anything I have ever made or encountered.

    This is a picture of the entire system.

    Circuit enclosure

    The enclosure was a standard sized Altoids mint tin I had on hand.

    I covered the bottom and edges in blue vinyl electrical tape to avoid shorting out the circuit.

    I then filed out a place for the usb cable.

    Finally I poked 14 holes near where each of my ground and positive leads would exit the enclosure.

    Connected Leads

    The positive and ground leads were attached to compatible spade connectors and attached to the switches. (this was made much easier by following Brian's good advice of labeling EVERYTHING.)

  • Log #4

    Desreverteg08/18/2015 at 09:45 1 comment

    Update on the current status of the project.

    I have fully dissassembled the spifchorder and I am in a brainstorming stage to get a really solid desktop chorder idea in my head.

    Some really great ideas were generated after a brainstorming session with Brian who is working on some really amazing chording projects right now.


    • Decide on a stable desktop enclosure
    • Find ideal placement of new microswitches
    • assemble and test

  • Plastic Enclosure

    Desreverteg05/30/2015 at 22:33 2 comments

    New enclosure made from a project box.

    This is how my hand rests on the keyer.This enclosure is by far the most comfortable enclosure I have made yet.

    This is the bottom of the device with the cover off.

    The three thumb switches are visible (the white one is equivalent to a "home row key" and is textured).

    This is where the index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers rest.

    The coiled cable pictured here is a makeshift USB cable I put together so I could make the keyer more modular.

  • working!

    Desreverteg03/27/2015 at 15:10 0 comments

    I managed to get the IC programmed and threw together a test rig for learning how to chord. I am glad to say that it is functioning. However there are still a few different things to improve upon/work out. The chorder seems to shut off after some amount of time it happens both while using it and when it is at rest (no keypresses).

    The next things I will be working on is getting it to stay operationally constant and improving on the ergonomics of it's use.

    It may be a little messy but it is at least semi-functional.

  • First entry

    Desreverteg03/25/2015 at 19:57 0 comments

    This is my fist log for this project, and my first log ever. I will start with saying before I assemble the circuit I am attempting to program the ATmega168P using a buspirate. Which for someone without any experience with AVR programming is proving rather difficult. I will update this project after a successful flash of the Spiffchorder software.

View all 5 project logs

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