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identities in the contact zone All Issues
About borderlands Volume 9 Number 1, 2010


       Identities in the Contact Zone
        Editors: Jon Stratton and Vijay Devadas


Jon Stratton and Vijay Devadas
Identities in the Contact Zone


Darryl Leroux
The Spectacle of Champlain: Commemorating Québec

Judy Rohrer
Mestiza, Hapa Haole, and Oceanic Borderspaces:
Genealogical rearticulations of whiteness in Hawai‘i

Jordana Silverstein
We’re dealing with how do we live and work with this memory and
hat are we supposed to do about it’: Making use of Jewish liminality

Steve Mickler
Illiberal and Unmodern: Conservative columnists on
Indigenous self-determination in Australia and Canada

Hamish Morgan
From Wiluna to Kalgoorlie with GB (Georgina Brown)
Death, life and community













Frank Garrett
The Gift of the Mother
(Lisa Guenther, The Gift of the Other: Levinas and the Politics of
, Albany: State University
of New York Press, 2006.

Tony Barta
Genocide and Colonialism from New and Old Perspectives
(A. Dirk Moses ed. Empire, Colony, Genocide: Conquest,
Occupation, and Subaltern Resistance in World History
, New York:
Berghahn, 2008.
John Docker, The Origins of Violence: Religion, History and
, Sydney: UNSW Press, 2008.
Robert Kenny, The Lamb Enters the Dreaming: Nathaniel Pepper and
the Ruptured World
, Melbourne: Scribe, 2007.)