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other bodies All Issues
About borderlands Volume 12 Number 1, 2013


     Other Bodies: Other Lives; Other Deaths
     Editor: Jon Stratton


John Stratton
Other Bodies: Other Lives; Other Deaths


Derek R. Ford
Butler Goes to Work: A Political Economy of the Subject

Mark Munsterhjelm

The Political Economy of Hope and Authoritarian Liberalism
in Genetic Research

Rowan Savage
The Political Uses of Death-as-Finality in Genocide Denial:
The Stolen Generations and the Holocaust


















Lena Tan
Towards a new international relations? Imperialism, Eurocentrism and Difference
(Hobson, The Eurocentric Conception of World Politics; Suzuki, Civilization and Empire; Tickner and Blaney, Thinking International Relations Differently)

Stephen Joyce
Postcolonial Theories
(Jenni Ramone, Postcolonial Theories, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011)

Stephen D. Seely
The Ethics of Impossibility
(Mikko Tuhkanen, The American Optic: Psychoanalysis, Critical Race Theory and Richard Wright, Albany: State of New York University Press, 2009).