
Discount Universe 'distraught' after Miley Cyrus' VMA costume rip off

Jenna Clarke 7:27 PM   Australian designers Discount Universe have called out Miley Cyrus for ripping off their trademark designs for her costumes are the MTV Video Music Awards.

Collette Dinnigan's secret rocky relationship with fashion

Jenna Clarke 6:40 PM   Collette Dinnigan will be the first designer exhibited inside the Powerhouse Museum's permanent Centre for Fashion, which will open up an archive of 30,000 garments to the public.


Maggie Alderson 6:16 PM   Quiet and confident sophistication is the name of the game.


The female genital makeover – another word for misogyny?

Paula Goodyer     Google the world 'labiaplasty' and you enter a whole new world of marketing to women – selling the genital makeover.

Curvy thighs, big breasts and a world of unrealistic expectations

Stephanie Wood   A study claiming to better understand unrealistic standards of beauty is not all it seems to be.


Covergirl launches Star Wars makeup line

Mary Ward   Now's your chance to be a Star Wars beauty as Covergirl cashes in. Mary Ward reports.


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Alcohol – the forgotten factor in weight gain

Paula Goodyer   Whether it's a large latte, a fruit smoothie or a couple of margaritas, it's easy to forget liquids have kilojoules.

Pete Evans can test paleo diet claims when he gets sick

Sam de Brito   Claims paleo diet can "reverse" or "help manage" illness may deter desperate people from seeking medical help.

Home & Style

The most common furniture stains will make you want to spew

You might want to get up from the couch. Those mysterious stains on the sofa have just been named.

How to grow an edible vertical garden this winter

Loren Smith   Horizontally challenged? Grow vertically.

What diseases can you catch from a toilet seat?

Donald McNeil   People really do fear toilet seats. One 1991 British survey of 528 women at an OB/GYN clinic found that 85 per cent said they crouched over public toilets while urinating, and 12 per cent papered the seat. Only 2 per cent sat all the way down.


About last night: This disease is hurting my sex life

Maureen Matthews 1:07 PM   Coming to terms with Peyronie's disease.

A nap a day could save your life, research suggests

Laura Donnelly   Research suggests a daily nap could reduce blood pressure and stave off heart attacks.

It's a Strange World, After All

Christopher Shea   Banksy has done it again with his anti-Disney mock theme park Dismaland, which opened last weekend in southwest England.