Rogers may refer to:
KENNY ROGERS: 20 Greatest Hits Of Kenny Rogers
Best of Kenny Rogers
JIM ROGERS - Sell Everything & Run For Your Lives
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler [Original Video-Edit] 1978
Best Songs Of KENNY ROGERS (Full Album HD) || KENNY ROGERS's Greatest Hits
kenny rogers - lucille
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Be Yourself Full Episode
Dr. Adrian Rogers - Como controlar sus pensamientos (Parte 1)
Adrian Rogers: How to Handle Stress
Kenny Rogers - Live By Request - full concert
Kenny Rogers Best Of The Greatest Hits Compile by Djeasy
Detective Matt Gibson chases the psychotic Detective Mark Hoffman while Jigsaw's widow Jill Tuck tries to kill him as assigned by her husband. However he escapes and Jill meets Gibson and offers to sign an affidavit listing the murders committed by Hoffman. In return, she requests protection. Meanwhile, the prominent Jigsaw survivor and leader of a support group Bobby Dagen is abducted with his wife and friends and forced to play a mortal game to save himself and his beloved wife.
Keywords: 3-d, 3-dimensional, 3d-in-title, 3d-sequel-to-2d-film, 8-track, arm-ripped-off, bar, bare-chested-male, bear-trap, blindfolded
The Traps Come Alive
In Mind-Blowing 3D
In Heart-Pounding 3D
In eye-popping 3D
Hoffman: You wanna know the only thing that's wrong with killing you, Jill? I can only do it once.
Bobby: These are my scars... 'cause our minds will heal, but these scars will never go away. These scars shan't be a symbol of shame... they should be worn as a badge of courage.
Dr. Gordon: Bravo! To be able to sustain such a traumatic experience and, uh... and yet find a positive in that grizzly act. It's a remarkable feat, indeed. Remarkable... if not a little perverse.
Gibson: [talking to Jill] It's a safe house Jill! Safe. House. [Walks out of the room]::Secretary: We just got this. Hoffman knows she's here.::Gibson: Damn it!
Jigsaw: Congratulations Dr. Gordon... you survived
Dr. Gordon: [final line] Game over.
Jigsaw: Hello Dr. Gordon. You are perhaps my greatest asset. Without you, my work over the last few years would not have been possible. That having been said I have a request. Watch over Jill, and should anything happen to her, I want you to act immediately on my behalf. In return for that, I will keep no more secrets from you. I've shown you a lot of places, but there is one that will be perhaps the most meaningful to you.
Hoffman: Hello, Gibson. Been a long time. What I want is simple. Give me Jill Tuck. You're protecting her despite the fact that she had direct knowledge throughout, which makes her complicit in every death. I'll make you a deal. Give her to me, the game stops, no one else dies. If not, everyone dies and you'll be to blame. Make your choice. The clock's ticking.
Jigsaw: Hello, Bobby. I want to play a game. You have amassed wealth, fame and notoriety based on your story of survival. Many have aided in your cause. Few know the truth. You are a liar. You and I both know you have never been in a trap, nor have you ever been tested. Today, these lies will come full circle and you will learn if you truly have what it takes to call yourself a survivor. The cage you find yourself in will symbolize your rebirth. Within the next sixty minutes, you must stay on the path of learning and traverse a series of obstacles to obtain access to your wife, who you have also deceived. If you fail to reach her before the clock runs out, she will die. Live or die, Bobby. Make your choice.
Dr. Gordon: I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say how grateful we are to be a part of your... "promotional... DVD." [claps mockingly]
In 1968, the Ford auto factory in Dagenham was one of the largest single private employers in the United Kingdom. In addition to the thousands of male employees, there are also 187 underpaid women machinists who primarily assemble the car seat upholstery in poor working conditions. Dissatisfied, the women, represented by the shop steward and Rita O'Grady, work with union rep Albert Passingham for a better deal. However, Rita learns that there is a larger issue in this dispute considering that women are paid an appalling fraction of the men's wages for the same work across the board on the sole basis of their sex. Refusing to tolerate this inequality any longer, O'Grady leads a strike by her fellow machinists for equal pay for equal work. What follows would test the patience of all involved in a grinding labour and political struggle that ultimately would advance the cause of women's rights around the world.
Keywords: 1960s, 31-year-old, ambulance, apartment-building, apology, archive-footage, assembly-line, auto-industry, automobile-factory, banner
1968. It's a man's world. But not for long...
Dagenham, England, 1968. An ordinary woman fights for equal pay and achieves something extraordinary.
Barbara Castle: I am what is known as a fiery redhead. Now, I hate to make this a matter of appearance and go all womanly on you, but there you have it. And me standing up like this is in fact just that redheaded fieriness leaping to the fore. Credence? I will give credence to their cause. My god! Their cause already has credence. It is equal pay. Equal pay is common justice, and if you two weren't such a pair of egotistical, chauvinistic, bigoted dunderheads, you would realise that. Oh, my office is run by incompetents and I am sick of being patronised, spoken down to, and generally treated as if I was the May Queen. Set up the meeting!
Rita O'Grady: All right, um, everybody out!
Rita O'Grady: Look, I know you're not mentioning it because you're being polite and everything, but when we met in the corridor, well I was really upset, and I never usually use that type of language.::Lisa Hopkins: Don't you?::Rita O'Grady: No.::Lisa Hopkins: Well I called Mr Clarke a complete cock.
Lisa Hopkins: I'm Lisa Burnett, I'm 31 years old and I have a first class honours degree from one of the finest universities in the world, and my husband treats me like I'm a fool.
News Reporter 1: What if Mrs. Castle says "no deal"?::News Reporter 2: How will you cope then?::Rita O'Grady: Cope? How will we cope? We're women. Now, don't ask such stupid questions.
Eddie O'Grady: Christ, I like a drink, but I ain't out on the beer every night or screwin' other women, or... 'Ere, I've never once raised me hand to you. Ever. Or the kids.::Rita O'Grady: Christ.::Eddie O'Grady: What? Why are you looking like that?::Rita O'Grady: Right. You're a saint now, is that what you're tellin' me, Eddie? You're a bleedin' saint? 'Cause you give us an even break?::Eddie O'Grady: What are you saying?::Rita O'Grady: That is as it should be. Jesus, Eddie! What do you think this strike's all been about, eh? Oh yeah. Actually you're right. You don't go on the drink, do ya? You don't gamble, you join in with the kids, you don't knock us about. Oh, lucky me. For Christ's sake, Eddie, that's as it should be! You try and understand that. Rights, not privileges. It's that easy. It really bloody is.
Albert Passingham: This dispute's got nothing to do with what skill level you are. Ford decided to give you less money because they can. They're allowed to pay women a lower wage than men. All over the country women are getting less because they're women. You'll always come second. You'll always be fighting over the scraps from the top table, until you...::Rita O'Grady: Until we get equal pay, yeah.::Albert Passingham: Yeah.::Rita O'Grady: What I don't get is why it's so important to you.::Albert Passingham: I got brought up by my mum. Me and me brothers. She worked all her life. And she paid my aunt Lil to take care of us during the day. And it was hard, especially as she was getting less than half than what the blokes at the factory was getting, for doing the same work. And there was never any question that it could be any different. Not for her. Someone has got stop these exploiting bastards getting away with what they've been doing for years. And you can, you can, Rita, believe me.
Rita O'Grady: All those in favour of not only maintaining but increasing our current industrial action by going to an immediate all-out stoppage until we get the same rates of pay as the men! Well, why not? Cause that's what this is really about, innit? We're on the lowest rate of the entire bleeding factory despite the fact we got considerable skill. And there's only one possible reason for that. It's cause we're women. And in the workplace, women get paid less than men, no matter what skill they got! Which is why from now on, we got to demand a level playing field and rates of pay which reflect the job you do, not whether you got a dick or not! This strike is about one thing and one thing only! Fairness. Equal pay or nothing! All those in favour?::The Women: Yeah!::Rita O'Grady: Everybody out!
[Albert is being accused by his union of scuppering other negotiations with management by supporting the women's equal-pay strike]::Bartholomew: As a union we have to remember who comes first. The Communist Party. And Marx himself said "Men write their own history". That's "men", Albert.::Albert Passingham: But didn't he also say "Progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex"? Or was that a different Marx? That was Groucho, was it?::[Bartholomew is lost for words]::Albert Passingham: Equal pay across the board. You telling me that ain't worth fighting for? Of course it is, and you know it. I'll tell you something. This Rita has got a bigger set of balls than you three put together. And she ain't scared to lay 'em on the line, neither. And I for one am gonna help her. And if you are what you say you are, an organisation pledged to support its members, then you'll get off your lazy fat arses and you'll help her too. Good fucking evening.::[Albert walks out of the office]
[Rita gives an impromptu speech at the trade union conference]::Rita O'Grady: My best friend lost her husband recently. He was a gunner in the 50 Squadron in the RAF. Got shot down one time, on a raid to Essen. And even though he was badly injured, he managed to bail out. I asked him why he joined the RAF, and he said "Well, they've got the best women, haven't they?"::[audience laughs]::Rita O'Grady: And then he said "Well, you've got to do something, haven't you? You had to do something, that was a given. Cos it was a matter of principle. You had to stand up. You had to do what was right. Cos otherwise you wouldn't be able to look at yourself in the mirror." When did that change, eh? When did we, in this country, decide to stop fighting? I don't think we ever did. But you've got to back us up. You've got to stand up with us. *We* are the working classes - the men *and* the women. We're not separated by sex, but only by those who are willing to accept injustice and those like our friend George who are prepared to go into battle for what is right. And equal pay for women *is* right.
A crashed UFO and its reverse-engineered computer system take over the minds of soldiers at an air force base. The alien entity (in the guise of A.S.M.O.D.S., (Asmodeus), a strategic flight defense systems program for fighter jets) is discovered by tabloid reporter Frank McCall and D.O.D. Captain Harry Anders. They escape the base in a stolen F-19 and are taken to the Pentagon, where their story is met with understandable scepticism. An attempt by Asmodeus' minions to capture Frank & Harry for brainwashing convinces General Anheiser of their sincerity, and they return to the base and eventually face Asmodeus and its army of brainwashed soldiers.
Keywords: alien, brainwashing, independent-film, men-in-black, military-base, reverse-engineering, tabloid-reporter, ufo, ufo-crash
The unknown should be left alone.
(1967) Tony Kendall, Brad Harris. Two Yanks are hired to protect a rich lady from a sinister underworld group. Lots of jungle thrills, martial arts, ancient temples, huge explosions, & even sci-fi elements. Watch for Harris' great karate fight inside a crumbling temple, surrounded by masked members of an ancient sect. A cross between James Bond and Indiana Jones. 16mm.
Keywords: agent, animal-in-title, asia, based-on-novel, ceylon, city, color-in-title, fbi, gangster, jungle
Matt Blaine and his son, Jim, and their men, rob John Dawson's bank, although Jim doesn't approve, even though Dawson jumped Matt's mining claim. Their accomplices double-cross them and the Blaines escape by canoe. They are followed and meet Royal Candian Mounted Policeman Bob McDonald, who helps them fight until all three men are wounded. Aided by Chinook, McDonald's dog, they escape but Matt dies. McDonald then sets out to prove that Dawson was the real culprit.
Keywords: 1890s, bank-robber, bank-robbery, bank-teller, banker, canada, canadian, canoe, claim-jumper, constable
SNARLING FURY! SAVAGE FURY! ...with CHINOOK the wonder dog of the untamed wilds!
RED-BLOODED ADVENTURE WITH THE RED-COATED HEROES OF THE NORTH...and the dog who snarled defiance at the most dangerous killers in the wilds!
From the Thrill-Dipped Pen of JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD - The rousing saga of a dog whose courage was as mighty as the untamed wilds he roamed!
An elderly British schoolmaster is upset when a new teacher comes to the school and is an immediate success with the boys. The older man thinks he isn't getting the respect he deserves.
Keywords: based-on-novel, school, teacher
In 1915, Atlantic City is a sleepy seaside resort, but Brad Taylor, son of a small hotel and vaudeville house proprietor, has big plans: he thinks it can be "the playground of the world." Brad's wheeling and dealing proves remarkably successful in attracting big enterprises and big shows, but brings him little success in personal relationships. Full of nostalgic songs and acts, some with the original artists.
Keywords: 1900s, 1920s, 1930s, armistice-day-1918, atlantic-city-new-jersey, atlantic-ocean, b-movie, barmaid, bartender, bathing-beauty
The spectacular, star-studded story of how the World's Playground began.
10 BIG SONG HITS including "By the Sea" - "I Ain't Got Nobody" - "Dark Town Strutters Ball" - "After You're Gone"
GAY AND GLORIOUS! LOVE'N FUN! At The WORLD'S PLAYGROUND! (original print ad - mostly caps)
KENNY ROGERS: 20 Greatest Hits Of Kenny Rogers
Best of Kenny Rogers
JIM ROGERS - Sell Everything & Run For Your Lives
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler [Original Video-Edit] 1978
Best Songs Of KENNY ROGERS (Full Album HD) || KENNY ROGERS's Greatest Hits
kenny rogers - lucille
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Be Yourself Full Episode
Dr. Adrian Rogers - Como controlar sus pensamientos (Parte 1)
Adrian Rogers: How to Handle Stress
Kenny Rogers - Live By Request - full concert
Kenny Rogers Best Of The Greatest Hits Compile by Djeasy
Kenny Rogers - Love Song
Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind | PBS Digital Studios
Jim Rogers: Turmoil Is Coming
Adrian Rogers: The Battle for Your Mind
Kenny Rogers & Lionel Richie - CMT Crossroads (Full Concert)
35 Facts About Mr. Fred Rogers - mental_floss on YouTube (Ep.2)
Adrian Rogers: Standing Firm in a Pagan World
Mr T vs Mr Rogers. Epic Rap Battles of History #13
Mister Rogers defending PBS to the US Senate
Compilation Chris Rogers - New Videos chrisrogersfilms #1 Trend
Stock Market Crash, The Fed Will Come To The Rescue Jim Rogers
Skye x Steve Rogers - Payback (READ DESCRIPTION)
Tiyon Rogers Jr Aka Lil J-Money Art Work Of MSU QB Dak Prescott
2012 Honda Accord Fayetteville AR Rogers, AR #5518351
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Full Movie
Homes for sale - 1222 South ROGERS Street, Clarksville, AR 72830
Commercial for sale - 1222 South ROGERS Street, Clarksville, AR 72830
Watch Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979)
2008 Chevrolet Malibu LT w/2LT Rogers, Blaine, Minneapolis, St Paul, MN m1094
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Season 2 : FULL Episode 1 - 13 FREE STREAMING HD QUALITY
Jim Rogers Insight for 2015 US Economy, Fed Money Printing, Gold Price Predictions
Marc Faber VS Jim Rogers : Conversation about 2015 CNBC [2015]
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Full episodes All seasons
2005 Buick Lesabre Custom Rogers, Blaine, Minneapolis, St Paul, MN m1095
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Season 2 : FULL Episode 1 - 13 *New tv series Full [HD]='
2015 GMC Acadia Bentonville AR Rogers, AR #FJ241211
2007 Ford Fusion SE Rogers, Blaine, Minneapolis, St Paul, MN m1097
2005 Chevrolet Cobalt Minneapolis MN Rogers, MN #T12495A
840 Bradley Highway N, Rogers City, MI - $69,500
2011 Chevrolet Equinox LT w/2LT - Geoff Rogers Auto Plex ...
Land for sale 1 Rogers Gap Road Georgetown KY 40324 Rector Hayden, Realtors
Residential for sale - 5243 North Rogers Avenue, CHICAGO, IL 60630
The Very Best Of Stan Rogers (Entire Album)
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Growing Full Episode
Kenny Rogers greatest hits full album 2015 | The Biggest Songs of Kenny Rogers
Como tener la vida llena del Espiritu - Adrian Rogers
Mister Rogers - A Day at the Circus
Kenny Rogers Glastonbury 2013 Extended Version
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Pets Full Episode
The Jimmy Rogers All Stars - Blues Blues Blues - Non Stop Full Album, Mixed By Kostas A~171
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood When Things Get Broken Full Episode
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler 2 : The Adventure Continues (1983) [Full]
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Mad Feelings Full Episode
I take a look in the mirror
i see a face
i hardly recognize
a lack of self - esteem
fuels the flame
that burns my eyes
the love... that i rejected
the trust... that i disrespected
it hurts... down inside
scars run deep
yet still i try to hide
sticks and stones
can break your bones
but words can crush your heart
i never realized the value
till i took yours... apart!
ooooohh loss... true colors
ooooohh loss... true colors
ooooohh loss... true colors
ooooohh loss!
as i travel far and wide
all the people that i meet
some are very kind to me
while some look to defeat
but the ones that i am thankful for
are the one that did me wrong
they taught me an important lesson
on how to get along
you have to work to get along in life
causes nothing comes for free
the easy way won't work out
wake up and try to see
there's nothing you could say
that i would want to hear
maybe when you wisen up
sometime late next year
and when there's darkness
and the lights are dim
i have no fear
cause i know we will win
those stupid minds and stupid thoughts
will always find what we were taught
was never easy
all those stupid minds in easy ways
will be stuck on a ledge
we have the edge on ignorance
and so do you
if you think this makes sense
i'm sick and tired
i tell myself i've had enough
nobody's getting stronger
too much pressure...
' can't take it any longer
i try to keep my life together
but when i look to the other way
you try to steel my feelings away
you ask what's your problem
you say you really care
but when i really need you
you're not there
i'm not asking for your help
but i want you to understand
it's a thin line
between a fist and a helping hand
i'm sick and tired
i can't tell wrong from right
to simply point my fingers
would be a single sight
i'm searchin for the answers
that satisfy and fit
but why do you call yourself a brother
when you aren't proud of it
you ask what's your problem
you say you really care
but when i really need you
you're not there
i'm not asking for your help
but i want you to understand
it's a thin line
between a fist and a helping hand
i'm sick and tired
but i still have faith in me
it's the only way to get along
it's the only way to be !
lesson learned !
I have learned to live my life all alone
to trust no one except for my own
the truth i've learned to see
but i can't accept that it's meant to be
my will is strong
but could i be wrong
for whta i've been searching all along
the relegion of truth
to feel through experienced pain
the body takes much
before it drives your mind insane
my will is strong
but could i be wrong
for what i've been searching all along
chains that bound me
orders that used to be
my will is still strong
but i am wrong
... wrong... i am fucking wrong... wrong!
i prove myself wrong
denied reality for far too long
i shudder to think
but it's no surprise at all
i was living in the hope
of a feeling to be shared
that's all i've ever wanted
that's all i've ever dared
now things have changed
attitudes are dearranged
it seems that it's uncool
to say what you feel
once i believed
in respect, trust and loyality
this was what used to be
it always made sence to me
there's nothing left
the flame's gone in their eyes
no one seems to care
or is willing to share
just choose to ignore
and comfort in shallow lies
clutching at straws
drowning in their own disguise
once i believed
in respect, trust and loyality
this was what used to be
it always made sence to me
once i believed
in honor, faith and dignity
this was what used to be
but nothing makes sence to me
...makes sence to me
i look at you
i look at me
and hold back all i want to say
it's so hard to betray... yourself! hard hard hard to betray
once i believed
in me!
mind shut... you act unaware
chained down to addiction
pregnant... but you do not care
a monumentary pleasure
was what you've gained
an everlasting violation will remain
accused... of existence
sentenced... to life
innocence... no longer matters
guilty... as charged
deaf... blind... numb
born with a crippled heart
an emotionless human being
destined to fail right from the start
no hope of recovery
there's no cure
life will never last
that's for sure!
accused... of existence
sentenced... to life
innocence... no longer matters
guilty... as charged
what for
you hurt the one you should protect
what for
well my heart... my heart
is where it always has been
but my head... my thoughts
are somewhere in between
brothers in arms
that's what i thought we'll always be
will it doesn't matter to you
but it matters to me
i'd try for you
and never force you to explain
i'd lie for you
and shoulder the pain
i'd cry for you
and never feel the shame
i'd die for you
if the time ever came
you built up walls
burned down bridges
to never get hurt again
the cutting edge
where no one understands
no turning back... your own way
but your actions speaks so loud
you don't hear what you say
i'd try for you
and never force you to explain
i'd lie for you
and shoulder the pain
i'd cry for you
and never feel the shame
i'd die for you
if the time ever came
how 'bout you
how 'bout you you!
all out war... what do you know
you only reap the love you saw
sometimes a memory
only sees what it wants to see
but probably one day
... one day... you'll look back
and realize what you'd become
all the time it was yourself
you were running from
i'd try for you
and never force you to explain
i'd lie for you
and shoulder the pain
i'd cry for you
and never feel the shame
i'd die for you
if the time ever came
how 'bout you!
below zero
i should have tried
but it was no use
i am one of the lonely
no one speaks to me
i am me... myself... the one and only
i looked the door and threw away the key
trapped in a room full of nothing
where it's getting hard to breathe
confronted with my anger
i seeked harmony
but i'm starring in disbelief
... staring
maybe it's just me
maybe i'm the one to blame
but since it happened
i never felt the same
you said something
you better shouldn't have said
you should have looked
in my face instead
reject... respect
reject... respect
i can't remember
the last time i have cried
but it hurts to see you gave me up
before you've even tried
i should have swallowed
i should have spit
i should have thrown it up
but i choked on it
reject... respect
reject... respect
i can't remember
the last time i have cried
but it hurts to see you gave me up
before you've even tried
i should have swallowed
i should have spit
i should have thrown it up
but i choked on it!
below zero!
resumption of the worst habit
where has your conscience gone
no respect or consideration
dropping those you leaned on
sorry... is that all you can say?
walking by as if nothing mattered
its not nearly important as you think
for the emotionally bruised and battered
...the ones you loved... retaliate!
low... how low
must one person sink
to be proud of such a way of life
collecting broken hearts and promise - rings
once again - you got away with it
are you happier now than youd been before?
this time you may have won the battle
but be assured youll loose the war!!!!
something to prove?
theres no real reason?
straining to see whats the hunting season?
turn the parts...upside down
never underestimate...disappointment unbound!!!!
...disappointment unbound!!!!
...youll loose the war!
those hours... those memories
the feelings that we shared
loyalty has become meaningless
in relation to what you've dared
in relation to what you've dared!
i needed someone to talk to
someone who had faith in me
now there's no one i can turn to
without risking my integrity
you got no soul
no respect for the other
you never cared
so why should i bother
why should i bother
i gave you all i had to give
couldn't give you all you needed
you cut me open
watched me as i bleeded
it's easy to forgive
but it's so hard to forget
it's easier to see how
trust becomes regret
it's never been like this
i've never felt like this before
my wounds are so deep
the pain i can't ignore
you've gone too far
too far for far too long
take your stand
we'll see if you'll come along
you played yourself foul
and i can't even wish you well
drop dead motherfucker
for the lies you tell
straight edge yelling - drugs selling
worthless piece of shit
how can you call yourself true hardcore
when you cant deal with it?
you walk around like (fucking/lord) scarface
five minor jerks at each hand
i guess theyre just too hight to get it
otherwise they would understand...that youre a
lowlife...hardcore wannabe
lowlife...thats what you are for me
there must have been better times
right now i cant remember a single one
all my feelings proved to be mistaken
i thought that we would get along
but youre (just) an oversized leech
draining a scene of its lifes blood
close your eyes - get lost
what you see is what you (ve) got
lowlife...hardcore wannabe
lowlife...thats what you are for me
lowlife...hardcore wannabe
lowlife...stay the fuck away from me
what you say and what you do
one way or the other comes back to you
i cant say that i have found a cure
but at least i know you...thats for sure fucking sell out!!!!!!!!
broken... shattered
memories on the ground
splinters... scattered
lost and never found
your eyes search for me - but i look away
your mouth speaks to me - but i won't hear the words you say
bring it back... BACK
the time is gone - the chance is over
didn't know the right words to say
it's like you threw me in a lifeline
but i chose to walk away
i wish... i would... have took it earlier
now i'm reaching for something out of sight
it feels like something in me died...
impossible - another start
to mend the bridge i decided to blow apart
desperate attempt
to define myself
in terms of what i have done
for others...desperate
i am stuck
gave all i had to give
i am stuck
when do i recieve?
when do i start to life for myself?
...when will i ever get it right
overcome - the imbalance
step by step - ill make it through
explatation of virtues
for far too long
every ounce of strength
cold as stone - infinitely strong
some say its never too late
well that might be the case sometimes
but the sad truth of its opportunity
wont accept the compromise
desperate attempt
to accept myself
in terms of what i have done
to others...desperate
i am stuck
why should i be true to you?
i am stuck
as usual i turn to you... i turn to you....
you pretend you're so hard punk
but just at a glance
you won't last a second
if given a chance
you say... you're so special
you say... you're so tough
wake up... figure it out
i say enough is enough
you betray other feelings
to get what you need
you're full of empty promises
that you'll never keep
you say... you're so special
you say... you're so tough
wake up... figure it out
i say enough is enough
don't tell yourself that it's okay
cause i'm fucking tired
of the games you play
you've become the one
the one you most despised
sad but true... in my eyes
enough is enough is enough is enough
is enough!
pride yourself
open minded... that what you say
just fashion styled spirits
altering the straight edge way
you're just like those
who you try to stand apart
ignorant... but mighty brave
no matter how stupid you misbehave
brother against brother
that's the way it is
no how things should be
i don't suit you
well just let me be
i never called myself straight edge
i never called myself straight edge
don't need a movement to be me
i know where i'm from
i know to whom i can belong
one thing... you fail to see
you don't even know me
brother against brother
that's the way it is
not how things should be
you think you have to act different
just to belong to the hood
you will never get it
you'll never be understood
you call yourself my brother
but i'm searching for what's true
friends like you are many
and real brothers are few
you reached the outer limits
you missed the things you tried to achieve
but i think you never tried
you didn't really believe
step back... be true to yourself
you cannot be something that you are not
it doesn't really matter what you're trying to be
it's what you are... not what you're tellin' me
do you see what i see
do you hear what i hear
do you fell what i feel
do you ever care
i... beg to differ!
beg to differ!
my quest is simple
a desire im trying to feed
ever since aware of myself
consciousness - just being there to bleed
eyesore for others - since the day i was born
i feel the guilt for being me
i feel the shame for being bron
i feel the engine
ive already begun to feel dead
if notfor the people that surround
i would drift away or fall apart
dissolve my being without a sound
the engine...the core..the focus of my world
occupying, fueling...uncoupling my two selfs to be heard
i know nobody
im known by none
non being
nothing to anyone
i have no passions
i have no friends
i need the engine repent only repent my only sin!!!!
im only me
the body
the engine!!!
tear down the body
dismantle my inner structure
destroy the shell that contains my soul soul...
become the engine
i just try to belong in a world
i think is wrong
increasing depression growing fear
generations too deaf to hear
i close my eyes and try to understand
but i dont like what im seeing
i just cant comprehend - prove you!
how could i have acted so foolish
to rush the head first
u hope things could be different
its even getting worse
looking down ashamed to understand
reality aint how it should be
mans his own worst enemy
try for yourself - to be!
prove you
prove yourself
prove yourself wrong
When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your hegifs
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
want to control it
one more try is all it takes
similar ending?
another friendly face
now that i've found you
...i lost it all again
sizing up my desperation
to call someone a friend
in the wound of compromise
what is a word worth
when trust is lost
no one's business but my own
solitude at any cost
i crossed the line again
but now i'm older
instead of faithful dreaming
i grew colder!
...and justice shall be served...
what's in the future?
what lies behind?
the imperfect solution...
in the wound of compromise the wound of...........
done it once - done it twice
i set myself up believing the advice
convincing me that it's not as bad as it seems
but i can't come up with worse fakes... by no means
you don't remember who
you don't remember where
useless excuses - it's obvious you were never there
punks like your kind are really pissing me off
after one year of your endurance
nothing productive remains... FUCK OFF!!!
...... hypocritical scum...
don't ask me to understand
i'm out of patience - don't care to comprehend
righteous talk - leading nowhere
to accept no apologies rightnow isn't it unfair
live your trendy life
don't tell me how to live mine
you don't know what it means to be true
you're just a waste of time
...... time after time
if this is what it means
to be political correct
i'm proud that i can say
that i ain't going out like that
if this is what it takes
to be politically correct
I REJECT!!!!!!!!
fed up... frustrated
can't understand the reason why
you shut yourself out
you're blind to everything inside
you drag yourself down
you flee from faith you need
betrayal as drugs tell you to
how can you believe this is true
...slap in the face boy...
you don't find the answers
to your questions in a pipe
tuning out from all what's happening
makes you believe the hype
it's nice to laugh
but it's hard to be the joke
drowning deep in disillusion
watching your life go up in smoke
time's u... time's up to get a grip man
wise up... it's time to give a damn
depressive feeling... head down to low
nothing to give... nothing to show
down and out... no place to go
all this for nothing... all this for show
time's up... time's up to get a grip man
wise up... it's up to you to give a damn
without a second thought
i would choose the path i am now walking on
without any doubts or regrets
i think this is the place where i belong
times have changed and so have i
so why should i give in before ive even tried
and so
another page is turned in the filthy book of entertainment
as nobody learns a simple thing
and open minds only enforce restraint
so ill do whats right for me
even if for you its wrong
so much for the reason that ill still be here...
a) ...when youre gone
b) ...when youre longtime gone
and now its time
to set the record straight
to see how i can rely on all the people that surround
to figure out if its a new beginning
or only the same old story with just a different sound?
clutching pictures randomly
something helpful to find my way
resurrect - some precious memories
confidence - to reappear someday
.....someday.....when theres no divide ideals deserting me...
lost - in the system of my own confessions
its logic versus exclusionary concessions
im running out of answers
back against a selfbuild wall
asking for a new direction
but i refuse to let someone hear my call one - someone - no one - someone...
someones help to find my way
some suggestions - just one for today
something pure to call my own
surprise... surprise - the backward syndrom
im too damn honest
cant pretend that everythings alright
maybe someday... when theres no divide!!
when - theres - no - divide!!!!
when - theres - no - divide!!!!
i begin to think you really don't care
your final result i can't really bear
will we live in this urban hell
do we have to wait till there's none to tell
everyday i try... to set things straight
everyday i try... to communicate
everyday i must... compensate
my lack of belief!
there is a chance for a change
end the reign of the sick and deranged
violence not words... we can't let it be
open up... you're just to blind to see
deanna carter
He was working through college
On my grandpa's farm
I was thirstin' for knowledge
And he had a car
Yeah, I was caught somewhere
Between a woman and a child
One restless summer
We found love growin' wild
On the banks on the river
On a well beaten path
It's funny how those memories they last
Like strawberry wine, seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
The first taste of love, oh bittersweet
The green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
Well, I still remember
When thirty was old
My biggest fear was September
When he had to go
A few cards and letters
And one long distance call
We drifted away like the leaves in the fall
But year after year
I come back to this place
Just to remember the taste
Strawberry wine, seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
The first taste of love, oh bittersweet
The green on the vine
Like strawberry Wine
The fields have grown over now
Years since they've seen a plow
There's nothin' time hasn't touched
Is it really him or the loss of my innocence
I've been missin' so much
Strawberry wine, seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
The first taste of love, oh bittersweet
The green on the vine
Like strawberry wine, seventeen
The hot July moon saw everything
The first taste of love, oh bittersweet
The green on the vine
Like strawberry wine
strawberry wine
I never had all the answers
I never had enough time
But I sure had all the reasons
Why you weren't what I wanted to find
I never laid all my cards out
You just wanted to play
The king he waited on my doorstep
While the joker and me went on our way
Maybe I was much too selfish
But baby you're still on my mind
Now I'm grown and all alone
And wishing I was with you tonight
'Cause I can guarantee
Things are sweeter in Tennessee
These days everything is all business
Never in a place for too long
And there's no lack of arms around me
But I still wonder if somewhere I went wrong
And I'd wish on every star in the
Southern sky
For that man and our life
If I did not think that
Yes, I guarantee
Do you want to run away together
I would say it was your best line ever
Too bad I fell for it
And I walked alone
Waiting for you to come along
Take my tortured heart by the hand
And write me off
Do you know I cry
Do you know I die
Do you know I cry
And it's not the good kind
You forced me to become strong
When I just craved being weak
And you think you know
And I would like to think so
But do you know that when you go
I fall apart
I'm tired of hiding
Behind these lying eyes
I'm tired of this smile
That even I don't recognize
I want to paint my face
And pretend that I am someone else
Sometimes I get so fed up
I don't even want to look at myself
But people have problems that are worse than mine
I don't want you to think I'm complaining all the time
And I hate the way you look at me I have to say
I wish I could start over
I am slowly falling apart
I wish you'd take a walk in my shoes for a start
You might think it's easy being me
You just stand still, look pretty
Sometimes I find myself shaking
In the middle of the night
And then it hits me and I can't
Even believe this is my life
But people have problems that are worse than mine
I don't want you to think I'm complaining all the time
And I wish that everyone would go and shut their mouths
You never give up
I can't believe anything you say
And it must be my luck
'Cause no one else gets treated this way
And I wanna know
What goes on in that head of yours
Yeah, I wanna know
'Cause I don't think I can take much more
You must be sick or something
I can't take another day
Is falling down
But will the sun come out again?
I never speak up
I just try and stay out of the way
But I have messed up
'Cause that's all I hear you say
And I wanna know
What on earth makes you act like this
Yeah, I wanna know
'Cause I don't think I can take this shit
This concrete road used to just be dirt
We'd drive out here after work
Every Friday night when I was eighteen
This parking lot used to be a field
I parked here in my Oldsmobile
Long before the Sonic and the Walgreens
Not no more
Not no more
My, oh my
Look how the time flies
Look how the world changes
In the blink of an eye
My, oh my
Look how the years have flown
Turning around before you know it
Up and gone
Oh my, oh my, oh my
Times have changed and so have I
I once was young and starry-eyed
Now I have these bittersweet memories
Songs were long and gas was cheap
No cell phones and water was free
Daddy paid and I never had to worry
Oh my, oh my, my, my
Oh my, oh my, oh my
You let me in
'Cause after all
It seemed like the right thing to do
I closed my eyes
And let you fall
I wonder what you could possibly know
About breaking down that I don't
It's been awhile
Since I begged for
Anything but now I want more
So lay me down
I'm lonely
You don't understand me
And you'd never even try to
I hear you say
It's not the same
I'm sorry
It's something I just can't explain
So shut your mouth
And hold me close
We both know
It's better than being alone
I don't mind
Killing time
As long as I can't see it in your eyes
If wanting you's so wrong then I'm wrong
I'll admit it
Time after time you'll realize
Why do they make it hard to love you?
Why can't they even start to try?
'Cause now I feel a bridge is burning
And all the smoke is in my eyes
I realize I never let them know me
I always wanted to be right
Took a mistake to really show me
Exactly what they were like
I've been wrong but I've been changing
I've been wondering what to do
Here I am alone and waiting
For you
Why do I try and make them happy?
Why am I always playing nice?
It isn't easy trying to tell you
Got my headlights shining
Down an old dirt road
Smoke my cigarettes
I should quit I know
The radio's playing
Old country songs
Someone's leaving, someone's cheating
On and on
I think I might like
The quiet nights
Of this empty life
'Cause someday maybe
Somebody will love me like I need
And someday I won't have to prove
'Cause somebody will see
all my worth but until then
I'll do just fine on my own
With my cigarettes
And this old dirt road
See I left another
Good man tonight
I wonder if he'll miss me
Lord knows I tried
But I think that maybe
The thing that I did wrong
Was put up with his bullshit
For far too long
I think I might like
The quiet nights
Of this empty life
I ain't gonna sleep
I ain't gonna dream
About the things that I used to need
I ain't gonna cry
Or go on living lies
She'd rather be with the wrong man than no man at all
A couple of skipped heart beats and she's ready to fall.
She's intelligent, intuitive, with common sense until it comes to men
Here comes her next fiasco and here we go again
Different truck, same loser
Different face, same shooter
A leaver, a boozer
A cheater, a user
If theres one in fifty miles, he'll end up on her couch
Same route, no future
Different truck, same loser
He'll break her heart and she'll cry "where have all the good ones gone?"
Then overlook an angel to take the devil home
If he's arrogent, co-dependent, baggage ridden, short on cash, she's in
You can bet yourself you'll get a call to meet her new boyfriend
Different truck, same loser
Different face, same shooter
A leaver, a boozer
A cheater, a user
If theres one in fifty miles, he'll end up on her couch
Same route, no future
Different truck, same loser (loser)
Different truck, same loser
Different face, same shooter
A leaver, a boozer
A cheater, a user
If theres one in fifty miles, he'll end up on our bus
Same route, no future
Different truck, same loser
Same route, no future
Sometimes I imagine the world without you
But most time I'm just so happy that I ever found you
Its a complicated web
That you weave inside my head
So much pleasure with such pain
We always always stay the same
I'm feeling the way you cross my mind
And you save me in the knick of time
I'm riding the highs I'm digging the lows
'cause at least I feel alive
I never faced so many emotional days
But my life is good I'm feeling you
I'm feeling you
You go and then I can finally breath in
'cause baby I know in the end you're never leaving
Well we rarely ever sane
I drive you crazy and you do the same
But your fire fills my soul
And it warms me up like no one knows
She took a double barrel twelve guage buck shot to her alarm clock
She'll kill that George Strait baby blue with one shot
She was a cussin' and a screamin' off the wrong side of the bed
Madder than hell with him in her head
Whole trailer park knew the radio had done it again.
Ah damn that radio for playin' their song
Stirrin' up a memory she thought was gone
God knows that old DJ don't know what he's done
Ah damn that radio for playin' their song
Well she fired up the Chevy and she tour it up and down the rural rout
Rippin' on two wheels 'round the courthouse
She was mad at George and WKXY
But she was lookin' for the sucker that had lefter the cry
Everybody in town was runnin' for a place to hide
Ah damn that radio for playin' their song
Stirrin' up a memory she thought was gone
God knows that old DJ don't know what he's done
Ah damn that radio for playin' their song
Down at the station, Lord, the phones ring all day long
Whole town callin' beggin' please don't play that song
Now the preacher was preachin' in the spirit of jubilation
To a sunny day happy face weddin' congregation
He read 'til death do us part' straight outta the word
Then a chevy flew by and just flipped him the bird
He said 'father forgive her'
As the bride ran shakin' her fist
(Get 'em bitch!)
Ah damn that radio for playin' their song
Stirrin' up a memory she thought was gone
God knows that old DJ don't know what he's done
Ah damn that radio for playin' their song
Stirrin' up a memory she thought was gone
God knows that old DJ don't know what he's done
Ah damn that radio
Damn that radio
Somewhere in the country
There's a place
Where nobody knows your name
When I'm feeling lonely there's a train
That helps me run away
I know my mother
She always told me
The road would get cold
I never listened
Always forgettin'
The way back home
Somewhere in the city
There's a face
That makes it hard to stay
He never listened to me
When I'd say
That things would never change
The way back home
The way back home
I never listened
Always forgettin'
The way back home
Well you stole my heart
And I'll get it back
But look me in the eye babe
Tell me why you love me like that
Well I've walked this world
Five times or more
And after all this walking babe
You still got me crawlin' on the floor
Crawlin on the floor
And I know this world keeps on turning
Keeps me yearning and yearning
How can you turn and walk away?
Pretending everything's okay?
How can you turn your back?
Tell me why you love me like that?
Why you love me like that?
Well I thought you'd listen
But I'm shattered like broken glass
Well I thought that we'd be different babe
Yeah, I thought that we would last
I thought that we would last
And I know this world keeps on spinning
Every minute you're in it
Love me or leave me baby but don't lead me on
With loving like yours believe me I'm better off
I'm better off alone
Well I was your gypsy
Throwing diamonds at your feet
Drifted ‘round you like a satellite
Gave you everything you need
Everything you need
And I know this world keeps on turning
Keeps me yearning and yearning
How can you just break away?
Why can't you find the words to say?
Love is something you work at
Tell me why you love me like that?
Why you love me like that?
when you see me in the street you may think i'm a poo bag
but i am actually a sivalized rocker
i am a hachet!(oh ye ye ye)
you betta watch it!
when i see you in the street you remind me of a tramp!
but acctually in real life your a pain in my heart
i am a hachet!(oh ye ye ye)
you better watch it!
i am a hachet(oh ye ye ye)
you better watch it