Jak 2 - Dude Reviews
Jak 2 - Dude Reviews
Jak 2 - Dude Reviews
Two years after the first Jak & Daxter, Naughty Dog already thought it was time to change things up drastically, and that they did!
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Jak & Daxter HD Collection - Jak II Cutscenes 1080p
Jak & Daxter HD Collection - Jak II Cutscenes 1080p
Jak & Daxter HD Collection - Jak II Cutscenes 1080p
Please Give Me a Like/Subscribe For More Gaming Cutscene Videos. I Platinumed This Game along with the rest on my GregoryAnimeFan on PSN Check Me Out.
This Is How You DON'T Play Jak II (Part 1)
This Is How You DON'T Play Jak II (Part 1)
This Is How You DON'T Play Jak II (Part 1)
Yep, it's gonna be a two-parter. Expect Part 2 to go up sometime this late afternoon--I'm rendering it now, even as this video uploads...
This Is How You DON'T Play Jak II (Part 2)
This Is How You DON'T Play Jak II (Part 2)
This Is How You DON'T Play Jak II (Part 2)
"FAILS AT" watermark download link: https://www.mediafire.com/?xjrwgzi9398u9j8 (PLEASE READ) Just a heads-up--one last important detail that needs to be said...
Jak II: Renegade Speedrun in 1:21:13.60
Jak II: Renegade Speedrun in 1:21:13.60
Jak II: Renegade Speedrun in 1:21:13.60
Finally i PB'ed in this game. I can definetly improve a lot in this run. Im getting closer to sub 1:20 -- www.twitch.tv/tharixer/c/3455975&utm;_campaign=archi...
Jak II: Renegade: Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Intro (Jak and Daxter HD Collection)
Jak II: Renegade: Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Intro (Jak and Daxter HD Collection)
Jak II: Renegade: Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Intro (Jak and Daxter HD Collection)
Please Like and Subscribe to show your support! The game begins with Jak and Daxter, the protagonists, and Samos, their guardian, watching as Keira, Samos' d...
Top 10 Most Difficult Jak II Missions
Top 10 Most Difficult Jak II Missions
Top 10 Most Difficult Jak II Missions
Another Top 10. This time I'm tearing apart the difficulty of Jak II by listing 10 of the HARDEST missions in the game. It's all opinion based, all I ask is ...
Jak II - EL FINAL - Parte 15
Jak II - EL FINAL - Parte 15
Jak II - EL FINAL - Parte 15
MI OTRO CANAL: http://www.youtube.com/user/Folagor03 Lista de reproducción: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL616F2547717542D4&feature;=mh_lolz.
Jak II (HD Collection) Walkthrough - Part 1
Jak II (HD Collection) Walkthrough - Part 1
Jak II (HD Collection) Walkthrough - Part 1
Jak II [2] HD Gameplay Playthrough Walkthrough Playlists: http://www.youtube.com/user/SpottinGames/videos?view=pl Walkthrough by Ryan (SpottinGames) on the P...
#AGDQ2015 Jak II (Any%) by Nitrofski
#AGDQ2015 Jak II (Any%) by Nitrofski
#AGDQ2015 Jak II (Any%) by Nitrofski
Run starts at 3:16
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Games Done Quick is a series of charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level play by speedrunners raising money for charity. Games Done Quick has teamed up with several charities in its five-year history, such as Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation.
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Jak II Renegade: Reborn Pumping Station Preview
Jak II Renegade: Reborn Pumping Station Preview
Jak II Renegade: Reborn Pumping Station Preview
An environmental preview of Pumping Station.
Music is "Dusk Wanderer" by yours truly: https://soundcloud.com/floordan/dusk-wanderer
Guia: Jak II - 286 Precursor Orbs - Parte 1
Guia: Jak II - 286 Precursor Orbs - Parte 1
Guia: Jak II - 286 Precursor Orbs - Parte 1
Guia: Jak II - 286 Precursor Orbs - Parte 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smwnEyaFOyM Guia: Jak II - 286 Precursor Orbs - Parte 3 - http://www.youtube.com...
Jak 2 - #01 - Prison Break
Jak 2 - #01 - Prison Break
Jak 2 - #01 - Prison Break
Yes, this is the beginning of my new Jak II walkthrough, this time named just Jak 2. The quality should be pretty much awesome this time, and this is the qua...
Jak II - Part 2: Trying to Make Friends
Jak II - Part 2: Trying to Make Friends
Jak II - Part 2: Trying to Make Friends
Okay so we're trying to settle into Haven City. If we're gonna be stuck here, we might as well get some connections. So we're doing more jobs, for more people. Man remember back when you could just share food with somebody and then you were friends? Such simpler times. You'd think that would work for Krew.
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Jak II: Renegade - All Boss Fights
Jak II: Renegade - All Boss Fights
Jak II: Renegade - All Boss Fights
Leave a 'LIKE' if you enjoyed! - or if you think Krew is really hot! http://www.twitch.tv/bey0ndelite https://twitter.com/iBeyondElite.
Jak II: Renegade (HD remake) Part 36 (Finale) - FINAL BOSS: Metal Head Leader
Jak II: Renegade (HD remake) Part 36 (Finale) - FINAL BOSS: Metal Head Leader
Jak II: Renegade (HD remake) Part 36 (Finale) - FINAL BOSS: Metal Head Leader
Time to end this. KOR. COME AT ME BRO! ____ Thanks for watching! I hope you had as much fun watching this let's play as I did making it! Feel free to subscri...
Pop Fiction: Season 4: Episode 40: Jak II: Glitch World
Pop Fiction: Season 4: Episode 40: Jak II: Glitch World
Pop Fiction: Season 4: Episode 40: Jak II: Glitch World
Is there a hidden level in Jak and Daxter's second adventure? Original episode that aired in November 2013. Pop Fiction: http://popfiction.gametrailers.com P...
Jak 2 Renegade Cutscenes German 1080p
Jak 2 Renegade Cutscenes German 1080p
Jak 2 Renegade Cutscenes German 1080p
Alle Cutscenes (Szenen) von Jak 2 Renegade von der The Jak and Daxter Trilogy in 1080p und von mir in deutsch synchronisiert :) Viel Spaß beim Angucken und würde mich über einen like und ein Abbo freuen ;)
Hier nochmal ein kräftiges Dankeschön an ManULash für's Aufnehmen der 87. Szene "Die Tür Öffnet Sich", ohne dessen Mithilfe die Szenen nicht komplett gewesen wären :)
The cutscenes from Jak 2 (european title: Jak 2 Renegade) from The Jak and Daxter HD Collection (european title: The Ja
Jak II : Hors-la-loi | Episode 1 | Walkthrough FR
Jak II : Hors-la-loi | Episode 1 | Walkthrough FR
Jak II : Hors-la-loi | Episode 1 | Walkthrough FR
Notre page FB : http://www.facebook.com/pages/ShokoTeam/108292929300475 Premier épisode de ce nouveau walkthrough !
Jak II El Renegado - Parte 1 - Español
Jak II El Renegado - Parte 1 - Español
Jak II El Renegado - Parte 1 - Español
[PS3] The Jak and Daxter II El Renegado Trilogy - Parte 1 - Español.
Jak II and Jak 3 Precursor Orb Glitch Trophy Guide
Jak II and Jak 3 Precursor Orb Glitch Trophy Guide
Jak II and Jak 3 Precursor Orb Glitch Trophy Guide
Jak and Daxter TPL(ironically not in this video) is my favorite game of all time and in honor of the Jak Collection's release on PSVita, I decided to go back and show how I got my platinum by getting these precursor orb trophies through an easy glitch. This will get you The Collector, The Collectivist, The Collectionator!, eventually Done Done Done, The Orbiter of Faith, The Orbiter of Taste, The Orbiter of Record, and eventually Fait Accompli.
Dark Ego - Part 1 (DSP vs Jak II)
Dark Ego - Part 1 (DSP vs Jak II)
Dark Ego - Part 1 (DSP vs Jak II)
I blew my creative load with the opening to Ground Gears so I asked our subscribers to make some art that you would find at the beginning of a Phil playthrough. In order:
-Edward18, http://warahi.deviantart.com/
-TheSuperiorArtist10,000, https://www.youtube.com/user/Tjohnson101Films
-Razz415, who wants to plug "Plant Milkweed to Save the Monarch Butterfly"
-Zatlovie, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPzhlKJqodgnCXeB7b_3mQ
-Donut449, https://www.youtube.com/user/DonutLetsPlay17
Thank you guys!
To kill time in between Phil's failings, we played "Would You Rather?". Now you can learn something about us (and let me know if this is
Jak II Renegade - Bonus Episode - Minigames and Secrets
Jak II Renegade - Bonus Episode - Minigames and Secrets
Jak II Renegade - Bonus Episode - Minigames and Secrets
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The bonus, and therefore final, episode of my "Jak II Renegade" Let's Play series.
I finish off the remaining stuff we had to do and showcase any and all secrets we unlocked.