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Anthropology TV spoke with Vibhuti Ramachandran Ph.D. Student New York University to hear about her study into how sex workers in India identify themselves a...
Bradley Efron form the Standford University is delivering this year's Gibbs Lecture. JMM TV get an exclusive interview with Bradley to talk about his theme's...
The College's mission is to provide value for money for the taxpayer, legislature and industry in the state. They are continuously striving to increase the n...
The Department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras is dedicated to student education as well as innovative research. It conducts a variety of programs leading to Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees. It also carries out research in many frontier areas, which include experimental condensed matter physics, optical and laser physics, and various aspects of theoretical and computational physics in areas such as condensed and soft matter, non-linear and quantum dynamics, string theory and cosmology. This film provides an overview of some of the activities on teaching and research that are being conducted within the Physics Department at IIT Madras.
We do so by combining research of pure mathematics, theoretical and experimental physics, astronomy, and statistics. If you are a young talented researcher, you should think about joining Kavli IPMU. Our award-winning building is well designed for research activities. Researcher’s rooms are randomly assigned to physicists, mathematicians and astronomers. In Piazza Fujiwara, you can discuss among researchers at daily teatime. We have an excellent track record of our postdocs getting faculty positions afterwards. We provide meticulous support for life and logistics in English. Please come to Kavli IPMU and work with us.
Since it's inception in 1988, the goal of Quantum ICT Research Institute at Tamagawa University has been to understand the scientific foundations for realization of practical technology based on fundamental principles of quantum phenomena. While doing excellent work creating a physical cipher to protect ultra high bit rate optical communication network against cyber-attacks, the centre is also focused on the creation of a Quantum Radar Camera. With high level researchers and world renowned collaborators, the Institute is set to play a major role in the future of Quantum ICT.
Chapman University’s Institute for Quantum Studies is a research center focused on the foundational aspects of quantum theory. The Institute brings together many of the world’s leading theoretical physicists, several of whom are Nobel prize-winners. The Institute helps to foster major scientific breakthroughs by bringing together these experts, students, industry professionals, and government agencies in an environment conducive to creative interaction. This collaboration addresses both the deepest puzzles that confront our understanding of the universe and develops new, practical applications identified by many government agencies as critical. The Institute also engages in a variety of public outreach efforts.
The Mission-Oriented Seismic Research Program "M-OSRP) is a research program at the University of Houston sponsored by major oil and services companies in the petroleum industry. The goal is to address pressing, high priority seismic exploration and production problems whose solutions would have the most significant impact on our ability to locate and produce hydrocarbons.
UEC Tokyo enjoys international prestige in Optical Science, particularly in the areas of Laser Source Innovation, Cold Atoms, Frequency Synthesis, Quantum Optics, and High Intensity Laser. For instance, it’s the birth place of the ceramic laser. The pioneering work of laser cooling and trapping of metastable Ne atoms done here in 1988 led on to numerous recent works on ultracold atoms, including atom holography and Bose-Einstein Condensation. The Optical Science group has grown, and presently consists of members from the Institute for Laser Science, Department of Engineering Science, and Center for Photonic Innovations. It continues to be innovative and to explore new frontiers. Some recent highlights include Fiber-based quantum interface using tapered nanofibers, frequency-correlated photon pairs, an optical synthesizer, attosecond pulse generation, and analysis of attosecond phenomena.
Insights from quantum information science are revising our understanding of the microscopic workings of the world around us. The underlying quantum nature of our world is being revealed through new discoveries in quantum phenomena and information sciences. At the Berkeley Quantum Information and Computational Center, University of California at Berkeley, theoretical and experimental quantum information research is changing both our perceived fundamental limits on accessing and measuring the quantum world underlying our natural environment, and what is possible for computation within a quantum description of nature. Our center brings together researchers from diverse backgrounds to probe the realization and limitations to quantum computation, quantum measurement and control, and quantum metrology.
The Institute for theoretical physics is very active on a large spectrum of very interesting and hot topics in theoretical physics, from complex systems to solid state physics, from non-equilibrium physics to cosmology and particle physics, including the mathematical foundations of quantum physics. The activities in the Institute are well embedded in the Physics Department and well connected to the experimental groups and to the Mathematical Institute. We have young and engaged members, and even if we can look back to a glorious past, including names such as, Born, Heisenberg and Hilbert, to mention a few. We offer to students an outstanding supervision, exciting projects at the forefront of research and the local atmosphere of a small, but friendly and dynamic Institute and a traditional university town.
2014 MRS Medal Award Winner Mercouri G. Kanatzidis discusses his award-winning work and his talk presentation, titled “Advances in Thermoelectrics: From Single Phases to Hierarchical Nanostructures and Back.”
Biophysical Society TV was honored to interview Klaus Schulten, PhD, NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling & Bioinformatics, UIUC about his talk. We also ask Professor Schulten about the practical applications of his research and the debate over how biophysics is defined.
The Research Complex at Harwell (RCaH) is a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary laboratory located with a unique cluster of the UK large science facilities, including the national synchrotron, neutron and laser sources. Biophysicists work with cell biologists, chemists, engineers and even quantum physicists in a range of research themes, including advanced imaging with lasers, X-rays and electrons, dynamics of ultrafast processes and structural molecular biology. Specific target areas include membrane protein structure, antibiotic resistance and drug design, single molecule tracking in live cells, femtosecond spectroscopy in light sensitive proteins, chromosome imaging, computational methods and biomaterials development.
Biophysical Society TV talks to Harel Weinstein, DSc ,MD, Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University, about the range of challenges that biophysicists face and what resources the Biophysical Society offers to help researchers meet these challenges.
Mechanobiology has emerged at the interface of cell biology, physics, engineering and computational biology. Five years after its establishment, the Mechanobiology Institute (MBI) at the National University of Singapore is now at the forefront of this field. The MBI brings together researchers from distinct disciplines, each with unique expertise, and encourages collaboration through an open-lab concept. The provision of cutting edge microscopy and microfabrication technologies enable the research to progress unhindered. The success of this unique research model is now evident, with MBI’s research translating to technological innovations and major breakthroughs in wound healing, stem cell differentiation and cancer diagnostics.
The On to the Future program helps bring students who otherwise might not make it to the conference. GSA TV went to one of the OTF morning events to hear what they’ve made of the 2014 conference so far.
A Virus that Infects a Hyperthermophile Encapsidates A-Form DNA & the New & Notable Symposium: Biophysical Society TV talked to Frank DiMaio, PhD, University of Washington, about his exciting talk at the New & Notable Symposium
The Plasma Science and Technology Institute at UCLA consists of affiliated laboratories and research groups that investigate fundamental questions related to the fourth state of matter known as "plasma". Plasmas are found naturally throughout the universe, starting at 50 kilometers above the earth's surface. Numerous practical applications of plasmas exist and present research shows great promise for plasma-based fusion to become an environmentally benign source of limitless energy. The areas of study include basic plasma physics, fusion research, space plasmas, laser-plasma interactions, advanced accelerators, novel radiation sources, and plasma -materials processing. Diverse programs encompass experimentation, theory, and computer simulation.
2014 MRS David Turnbull Lectureship Award Winner Rodney S. Ruoff discusses the award and his award talk, titled “Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Carbon Nanostructures.”