DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 13 [42], intro: "Mother of the year" (14dec79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 13 [42], intro: "Mother of the year" (14dec79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 13 [42], intro: "Mother of the year" (14dec79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Mama anului" ep. 13, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 13, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 12 [41], intro: "Ellie, saves the day" (30nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 12 [41], intro: "Ellie, saves the day" (30nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 12 [41], intro: "Ellie, saves the day" (30nov79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Ellie, scapă turma" ep. 12, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 12, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com...
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 11 [40], intro: "The heiress" (23nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 11 [40], intro: "The heiress" (23nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 11 [40], intro: "The heiress" (23nov79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Moştenitoarea" ep. 11, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 11, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 9 [38], intro: "Mastectomy, part 1" (16nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 9 [38], intro: "Mastectomy, part 1" (16nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 9 [38], intro: "Mastectomy, part 1" (16nov79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Mastectomie, partea a 1-a" ep. 9, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 9, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripo...
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 10 [39], intro: "Mastectomy, part 2" (16nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 10 [39], intro: "Mastectomy, part 2" (16nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 10 [39], intro: "Mastectomy, part 2" (16nov79, CBS Tv)
intro, Mastectomie, partea a 2-a" ep. 10, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 10, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripo...
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 7 [36], intro: "The lost child" (2nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 7 [36], intro: "The lost child" (2nov79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 7 [36], intro: "The lost child" (2nov79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Copilul pierdut" ep. 7, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 7, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 6 [35], intro: "The dove hunt" (26oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 6 [35], intro: "The dove hunt" (26oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 6 [35], intro: "The dove hunt" (26oct79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Vânătoare de porumbei" ep. 6, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 6, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 5 [34], intro: "The Kristin affair" (19oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 5 [34], intro: "The Kristin affair" (19oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 5 [34], intro: "The Kristin affair" (19oct79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Aventura sentimentală a lui Kristin" ep. 5, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 5, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRom...
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 2 [31], previous: "Whatever happened to baby John?, part. 2" (28sep79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 2 [31], previous: "Whatever happened to baby John?, part. 2" (28sep79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 2 [31], previous: "Whatever happened to baby John?, part. 2" (28sep79, CBS Tv)
anterior, ,,Ce s-a întâmplat cu bebeluşul John?, p. 2" ep. 2, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 2, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClub...
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 4 [33], intro: "Secrets" (12oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 4 [33], intro: "Secrets" (12oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 4 [33], intro: "Secrets" (12oct79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Secrete" ep. 4, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 4, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 3 [32], intro: "The silent killer" (5oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 3 [32], intro: "The silent killer" (5oct79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 3 [32], intro: "The silent killer" (5oct79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Criminalul silenţios" ep. 3, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 3, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 1 [30], intro: "Whatever happened to baby John?, part 1" (21sep79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 1 [30], intro: "Whatever happened to baby John?, part 1" (21sep79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 1 [30], intro: "Whatever happened to baby John?, part 1" (21sep79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Ce s-a întâmplat cu bebeluşul John?, p. 1" ep. 1, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 1, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDal...
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 24 [29], previous: "John Ewing III, part 2" (6apr79 CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 24 [29], previous: "John Ewing III, part 2" (6apr79 CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 24 [29], previous: "John Ewing III, part 2" (6apr79 CBS Tv)
anterior, ,,John Ewing al III-lea, partea a 2-a" ep. 24, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 24, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDall...
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 23 [28], intro: "John Ewing III, part 1" (23mar79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 23 [28], intro: "John Ewing III, part 1" (23mar79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 23 [28], intro: "John Ewing III, part 1" (23mar79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,John Ewing al III-lea, partea a 1-a" ep. 23, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 23, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasR...
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 22 [27], intro: "The outsiders" (16mar79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 22 [27], intro: "The outsiders" (16mar79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 22 [27], intro: "The outsiders" (16mar79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Intruşii" ep. 22, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 22, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 21 [26], intro: "Royal marriage" (9mar79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 21 [26], intro: "Royal marriage" (9mar79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 21 [26], intro: "Royal marriage" (9mar79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Căsătorie regală" ep. 21, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 21, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 20 [25], intro: "Call girl" (23feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 20 [25], intro: "Call girl" (23feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 20 [25], intro: "Call girl" (23feb79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Fată de companie" ep. 20, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 20, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 19 [24], intro: "Sue Ellen's sister" (16feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 19 [24], intro: "Sue Ellen's sister" (16feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 2, ep. 19 [24], intro: "Sue Ellen's sister" (16feb79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Sora lui Sue Ellen" ep. 19, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 19, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - season 2, ep. 18 [23], previous: "The red file, part 2" (9feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - season 2, ep. 18 [23], previous: "The red file, part 2" (9feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - season 2, ep. 18 [23], previous: "The red file, part 2" (9feb79, CBS Tv)
anterior, ,,Dosarul roşu, partea a 2-a" ep. 18, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 18, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania...
DALLAS - season 2, ep. 17 [22], intro&next;: "The red file, part 1" (2feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - season 2, ep. 17 [22], intro&next;: "The red file, part 1" (2feb79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - season 2, ep. 17 [22], intro&next;: "The red file, part 1" (2feb79, CBS Tv)
intro & viitor, ,,Dosarul roşu, partea a 1-a" ep. 17, sezon 2 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 17, season 2 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasR...
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 15 [44], intro: "Love and marriage" (21dec79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 15 [44], intro: "Love and marriage" (21dec79, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 15 [44], intro: "Love and marriage" (21dec79, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Iubire şi căsătorie" ep. 15, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 15, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com.
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 25 [54], intro: "A house divided" (21mar80, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 25 [54], intro: "A house divided" (21mar80, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 25 [54], intro: "A house divided" (21mar80, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,O casă divizată " ep. 24, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 24, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 24 [53], intro: "The wheeler dealer" (14mar80, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 24 [53], intro: "The wheeler dealer" (14mar80, CBS Tv)
DALLAS - s. 3, ep. 24 [53], intro: "The wheeler dealer" (14mar80, CBS Tv)
intro, ,,Oportunistul" ep. 24, sezon 3 din DALLAS, difuzat de CBS Tv ep. 24, season 3 of DALLAS, aired by CBS Tv http://FanClubDallasRomania.tripod.com/