There are two types of radio networks currently in use around the world: the one-to-many broadcast network commonly used for public information and mass media entertainment; and the two-way type used more commonly for public safety and public services such as police, fire, taxicabs, and delivery services. Many of the same components and much of the same basic technology applies to both.
The Two-way type of radio network shares many of the same technologies and components as the Broadcast type radio network but is generally set up with fixed broadcast points (transmitters) with co-located receivers and mobile receivers/transmitters or Tran-ceivers. In this way both the fixed and mobile radio units can communicate with each other over broad geographic regions ranging in size from small single cities to entire states/provinces or countries. There are many ways in which multiple fixed transmit/receive sites can be interconnected to achieve the range of coverage required by the jurisdiction or authority implementing the system: conventional wireless links in numerous frequency bands, fibre-optic links, or micro-wave links. In all of these cases the signals are typically backhauled to a central switch of some type where the radio message is processed and resent (repeated) to all transmitter sites where it is required to be heard.
Lawrence T. Nichols is a professor of sociology in the Division of Sociology and Anthropology at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia. Dr. Nichols is renowned for his scholarly research. He serves as editor of The American Sociologist, a peer-reviewed journal that examines the history, current status, and future prospects of the discipline of sociology. Dr. Nichols also has a great rapport with students.[citation needed] His teaching method makes extensive use of categorization of concepts. He is credited with establishing criminology concentration at West Virginia University. Dr. Nichols was born in Chicago, Illinois, on December 21, 1947. He received an AB (1969) and MA (1973) from St. Louis University and a Ph.D. from Boston College in 1985.
One of his particular claims to fame is the postulation, with Anthony F. Buono, of the Stockholder–stakeholder model of corporate social responsibility in the seminal work, "Stockholder and Stakeholder Interpretation of Business' Social Role".
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Reto, you're a technical whizz
Masturbating with computers for a legion of kids
You're a solid state
A micro chip and desinger tape
Oh Reto
Where did you come from?
With transistors and a keyboard
You're a virtual gun
Is there something wrong?
The bigger wired robot
Is done using it's probe
When life's behind the screen
Of an agoraphobe
Oh Reto
Artificail life
A new computer and a brand new wife
Oh Reto
Can you process this?
A girlfriend in a coma having cyber sex?
Gamble it away with computer chips
Oh no
Knowing where we're going
(Where do we go?)
Oh Reto
Are you future smart?
Fiber optic cyber cloptic digital heart
Can you cyper me?
Eight zero two eleven B
oh Reto
It's a Stripped down world
Like muriactic acid in a toilet bowl
It's an S.O.S
We're microwaving signals like a scienetist
Our bit rate is shrinking to non exsistance
Oh no
Knowing where we're going
(Where do we go?)