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Die Schmähung der edlen Propheten endete nie gut! Wahrlich, genauso war schon immer die Sunnah Allāhs, Des Segensreichen und Erhabenen mit den Gegnern des Gesandten – Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil – und den Feinden des Gesandten. Zuvor noch die Spötter und unter ihnen die Zyniker, gewiss steht ihnen Sein (Allāhs) gewaltiger Griff und Seine strenge Strafe zu, schon im Diesseits, ja noch vor dem Jenseits. Nun, wir verlassen uns dabei hoffnungsvoll auf die Aussage Allāhs, Des Segensreichen und Erhabenen: „Diejenigen, die ungläubig sind, wird immer wieder ein Verhängnis treffen für das, was sie gemacht haben, oder es wird in der Nähe ihrer Wohnstätten geschehen, bis Allāhs Versprechen eintrifft. Gewiss, Allāh bricht nicht, was Er versprochen hat. Man machte sich ja bereits über Gesandte vor dir lustig. Da gewährte Ich denen, die ungläubig waren, Aufschub; hierauf ergriff Ich sie. Wie war da Meine Bestrafung!“ [Qur’ān 13 : 31-32] Wahrlich, Allāh, Der Segensreiche und Erhabene gibt dem Übeltäter einen Aufschub, aber Er vergisst ihn nicht, Er gibt den satirischen Spöttern eine Frist, aber lässt sie nicht einfach davonkommen. Und wenn Er Seine Rache nimmt, dann ist diese mächtig und zu Recht! "Da gewährte Ich denen, die ungläubig waren, Aufschub;" So ließ Er ihnen ein wenig Aufschub, wonach Er, Der Segensreiche und Erhabene sie dann mit einer Strenge zu Sich nahm. Wer sich die Geschichte anschaut wird schnell erkennen, dass Allāh, Der Segensreiche und Erhabene die Feinde des Gesandten über kurz oder lang zu vielerlei Strafen herbeiholte. Das Gleiche gilt für die Spötter und unter ihnen die Zyniker. Und Allāh, Der Erhabene sagte zu Seinem Gesandten, während Er ihm die Ruhe verspüren ließ: „Wir genügen dir (als Schutz) vor den Spöttern,“ [Qur’ān 15 : 95]
Fifty thousand people from all walks of life & different parts of the globe gathered together under one roof. It was the power of la ilāha illa Allāh (There is no deity worthy of worship except Allāh) that united them all together. This one sentence is so powerful that it breaks all societal barriers and transcends all human differences and it unites us all under one great cause - to worship Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta'āla) without associating anything with Him! Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi's powerful speech on 'Islamophobia & The Power of la ilāha illa Allāh'!
Many people worship idols, others venerate the dead and many in our times live a hedonistic lifestyle and have taken their desires as a god besides Allāh (su...
This is a beautiful nasheed (Islamic song) about the 99 names of God (Allah) and it is sung by Hijjaz, a nasheed group. It took me more than a month to compl...
Poem Al-Sayr Ilallaah by Imaam al-Sa'dee translated by Abu Iyaad Follow on twitter @abuiyaadsp @aljuzajani.
Subhan'Allāh سبحان الله Ki Marfat by Abdul Mannan Rasikh Hafizuallah
"SUFI MENSAGEM DE LIBERDADE ESPIRITUAL" Ishq Allāh Ma'būd Allāh ◈ou◈ Ishq Allāh Mahbūb Lilla Allāh Allāh Allāh Allāh Ya Aman Ya Ab Ya Jamile Ya Shafi tradução: "Ame a Deus, o adorado Deus" ● "Deus é amor, amante e amado" Deus Deus Deus Deus Oh segurança! Oh pai! Oh beleza completa! Oh único mediador! esplanação: Amados de Deus, você pode pertencer a qualquer raça, casta, credo ou nação, ainda está tudo imparcial e amados por Deus. Você pode ser um crente ou um incrédulo no Ser Supremo, mas Ele não se importa. Sua misericórdia e graça flue através de todos os seus poderes, sem distinção de amigo ou inimigo. O sol, a lua e as estrelas dão luz, a mudança oportuna de estações promove a saúde e alegria, a chuva faz crescer o milho, frutas e flores, e na alternância do dia e da noite oferece a oportunidade para o trabalho e o descanso. Isto é divina! O maior princípio do sufismo é " Ishq Allāh Ma'būd Allāh" ou "Ishq Allāh Mahbūb Lilla" (Ame a Deus, o adorado Deus... ou... Deus é amor, amante e amado ) . Nas obras do Sufi Ruhaniat e nas Danças da Paz Universal, há uma longa história de usar a frase "Ishq allah mahbud lillah" ... mas essa frase pode ser um erro. Como um aparte, pode valer a pena notar que a frase "ishq Allāh ma'būd Allāh" literalmente diz " amar a Deus adorado Deus", uma declaração um tanto enigmática que Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan geralmente interpretou para seus alunos como "Deus é amor e Deus é o Bem-Amado", mas que de vez em quando ele poeticamente embelezava como Deus é amor, amante e amad " (agregando palavras que não aparecem na frase original nem em qualquer de suas outras interpretações da frase). E há também uma variação da frase que aparece apenas uma vez na imprensa : O Sufi diz: Ishk Allah, Mahboob Allah - Deus é amor e Amado." Essa variação da frase traz um ponto muito interessante. O ma'būd particípio passivo معبود é baseado naraiz ' -bd e significa literalmente "adorando, adorado", com um forte sentido de servidão, humildade e devoção. Em contraste, a mahbūb particípio passivo محبوب é baseado na raiz root h-b-b e, literalmente, significa "amado, querido", com um forte sentimento de carinho, honradez e preferência acima de qualquer outro. Assim, a palavra Mahbub realmente parece ser um melhor ajuste para a tradução da frase como "Deus é amor, Deus é amado". Onde é que a terminação " lillah " vem? Eu não sei... talvez alguém mudou a frase deliberadamente, ou talvez pode ter erroneamente recordado a "lillah", ou talvez pensaram que "lillah" era equivalente a "allah" o que explicaria por que nós temos, por exemplo, o termo incomum " fana-fi-lillah " em vez da a frase bem conhecida "fana fi allah" que ocorre pelo menos 40 vezes nos jornais esotéricos Ruhaniat existentes. Em seu livro Deserto Sabedoria ( pg 199) , Neil Douglas- Klotz oferece interpretações tanto para "ma'būd Allāh" e "ma'būd lillah", e descreve "ma'būd lillah" como "uma variação", mas ele não faz nenhum discernimento da qual a forma de frase é a transmissão espiritual pretendida. Mas tudo isso é de pouco importância diante do amor divino.
Video Source: Follow on Twitter: _______________________________________________ Whoever does not take a stance on the Speech of Allāh is an Innovator | Shaykh Rabī’ bin Hādī Al-Madkhalī Ahl Sunnah wal-Jamā'ah hold that the Qur'ān is the Speech of Allāh and it is not created. The following question directed to Shaykh Rabī' asks about the position to those people who do not take a stance on this important matter of 'Aqīdah (Creed). Question: Is it to be understood from the statements of Al-Imām Ahmad pertaining to the innovation of the one who does not take a position about the Qur’ān i.e. the Speech of Allāh, that in times of fitnah, no one’s statement are accepted if they are general, until he clarifies his statements and position? Answer: By Allāh, this stance is not general or unclear speech, rather this is clearly an innovation, why is he not taking a stance? Is this statement (pertaining to the Qur’ān being created) clear or apparent doubt? Questioner: But the question was: Ahmad declared these people to be innovators; do we declare the likes of these people to also be innovators? Shaykh Rabī’: Yes, we declare the likes of these people to be innovators in the religion, if a person refuses to take a stance, and says, “I do not know if the Qur’ān is created or uncreated”, this person is an innovator. (However, the ignorant person is not declared to be an innovator, until he is taught and then refuses the truth.) Nowadays, these people (i.e. who mention the people of innovation with praise), are diluting (watering down) the da’wah. A person can have countless major deviance and innovation, and the people still refer to him as “imām” or “Mujaddid” (one who has renewed affairs of the religion). There are no people more dangerous to Al-Islām than these type, who dilute and water down Al-Islām, the way of the pious predecessors. But if someone from the people of the Sunnah slips (and makes a slight mistake), they do not have any mercy on them. However, when the people of innovation fall into major destructive innovation there is no harm! This is from the great trials that have inflicted the youth of this Ummah during these times. This deception and trickery places forth a methodology by which to protect the people of innovation and their books. For example, the Manhaj of Al-Muwāzanāt (where an innovator’s so-called qualities are mentioned along with this deviance), this dangerous methodology is destructive to Al-Islām, its core and its branches. Furthermore, it is eventually leading to Al-Irjā (the belief that actions are not from Faith and that faith is not harmed by disobedience), placing forth principles by which to protect innovation and its people, while attacking the people of the Sunnah with falsehood.
Mufti Hussain Kamani holds a class on Imam Al Ghazali's book The Beginning of Guidance (Bidayat al-Hidaya) Class # 23 Classes resumed as we started Part 3, “The Etiqutte of of Companionships with the Creator and with the Creation” (on page 128). Mufti Kamani open the class with a discussion on how etiquettes are equally as important as the previous two sections, which are Obedience and Refraining from Disobedience. Imam Ghazali opens the section with a reminder of how Allah is by your side every second of your life, regardless of whether you remember his presence. He further warns against not remembering Allah throughout the day, and stresses learning the manners to gain his companionship. He continues with numerous specific manners to implement, which include, but are not limited to, keeping the eyes downcast, remaining silent, fulfilling his command, and complete trust in the grace of Allah. Imam Ghazali concludes with pointing out that these should become your “distinguishing emblem” – meaning that these manners are the least that you can do for a friend who will never leave your side. Insha'Allah this class will be held once a week on Tuesday at Islamic Center of Chicago (ICC) 5933 N Lincoln Ave Chicago, IL 60659 (773) 989-9330 Follow Mufti Hussain Kamani for regular reminders and thoughts on his Facebook and Twitter. Twitter: Facebook:
Curse of Allāh II | Abu Mounisa | SALAFIMEDIAUK
Canale di Hamza Gigante: As-Salamu Alaykum! Condividete questo video il più possibile attraverso i vostri siti web, attraverso le vostre pagine e profili su Facebook, via e-mail, i vostri canali su youtube, ecc. Si prega di non cambiare nulla nel video, o aggiungere qualcosa ad esso, né tagliarlo! ISLAM La Vera Religione Per altri video clicca qui: Per iscriverti e tenerti aggiornato sui nuovi video clicca qui: Unisciti a noi su Facebook: Unisciti a noi su Twitter:
Imām Aḥmad zitierte in seinem Musnad-Werk einen Ḥadīṯ von Anas ibn Mālik, der sprach: „Der Prophet - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil! - pflegte Folgendes häufig zu sprechen: „O Du Wender der Herzen und der Blicke, festige mein Herz auf Deiner Religion.“ Wir sagten: „O Gesandter Allāhs, wir glauben an dich und an das, womit du zu uns gekommen bist, fürchtest du dich um uns? Er sagte: „Ja, denn die Herzen sind zwischen zwei Fingern Allāhs, Er wendet sie wie Er will.“ [Ḥasan: Musnad Aḥmad, Nr. 3/112.]
Gottesvorstellung im Christentum und Islam. Teil 2: Die "Arabischer Mondgott"-Theorie Teil 3: Juden und Christen sagen Allāh K.-H. Ohlig: „Christentum und Islam: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede“, in: Diakonia. Internationale Zeitschrift für die Praxis der Kirche 37, 2006, 242-247 (ISSN 0341-9592) H. Wehr: „Arabisches Wörterbuch für die Schriftsprache der Gegenwart“, Wiesbaden 1985 Ibn Rassoul: „Al-Qur`ān al-Karīm“, Köln 2000
Histoire courte sur Sahl ibn 'Abd Allāh al Tustārī extrait d'une conférence du frère Ismaïl Mounir au Havre. réalisé par Yassin B.( avec l'aimable autorisation de Islamotion TV 2014 ايمان موفي
Partie d'airsoft Dim 16/12/2012 "al-ǧihād fī sabīl Allāh" CQB font romeu (66) avec plusieurs équipes notamment la 11ieme Frappe, 11 de Pique et la ATAC11 Pou...
"Unique are the words of Almighty Allah, the Most High. Which of the favours of Allāh can we deny." ~ Mufti Zahid Hussain al-Qadri Like, Share, and don't forget to Subscribe! Follow us: Like our Page on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Our Website: To join Daily Islamic Stories groups on Whatsapp: +94772993786 To join Daily Islamic Stories groups on BBM: 29281AAD
Götzenkult in der "vorislamischen" Zeit. Teil 3: Juden und Christen sagen Allāh Teil 4: Christentum und Islam im Vergleich z.B. M. Lings: „Muhammad: Sein Leben nach den frühesten Quellen“, Kandern im Schwarzwald 2008 E. Bey: „Mohammed. Eine Biographie.“, Berlin 1932 Ibn Isḥāq: „as-sîra an-nabawiyya. Das Leben des Propheten. Aus dem Arabischen von Gernot Rotter.“, Kandern im Schwarzwald 1999 (für die Materie siehe Literaturverzeichnis)
May Allāh Subhānahū Wa Tacālā bless all of us and reward for our good efforts in the Mizan al-Hasanat.
noodls 2015-04-06pm ... Over an hour late, this is what Euston looks like, Allāh be with u all!! pic. twitter ... NEW:
London Evening Standard 2015-04-01Our beloved Messenger ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) taught ...
The Siasat Daily 2014-07-04... Grace of Allāh Subhanahū Wa Tacālā ... May Allāh Subhanahū Wa Tacālā bless and reward upon all of us.
noodls 2013-12-16... God. "Cognates of the name "Allāh" exist in other Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic.
Huffington Post 2013-10-24... Grace of Allāh Subhanahū Wa Tacālā ... May Allāh Subhanahū Wa Tacālā bless and reward upon all of us.
noodls 2013-10-04... of Jijiga a statue of Sayyīd Muhammad `Abd Allāh al-Hasan, the founder of the Pan-Somali movement.
Voa News 2013-09-24May Allāh Subhānahū Wa Tacālā bless all of us and place reward of our good efforts in the Mizan al-Hasanat.
noodls 2013-09-17May Allāh Subhānahū Wa Tacālā bless all of us and place reward of our good efforts in the Mizan al-Hasanat.
noodls 2013-09-06May this info reach you while you are in the best of Iman and health by the Grace of Allāh Subhānahū ...
noodls 2013-09-06May this info reach you while you are in the best of Iman and health by the Grace of Allāh Subhānahū ...
noodls 2013-09-06‘Marsa Allāh’, the ancient "God’s harbor" of wine ... named ‘Marsa Allāh’, namely "God’s harbor".
San Francisco Chronicle 2013-06-01It also says the magazine is "geared towards making the Muslim a mujāhid (jihadist) in Allāh’s path." ... Ask Pamela A Question ».
Business Insider 2013-05-06Allah (English pronunciation: /ˈælə/ or /ˈɑːlə/; Arabic: الله Allāh, IPA: [ʔɑlˈlɑː] ( listen), [ʔalˤˈlˤɑː]) is a word for God used mainly in the context of Islam. In Arabic, the word means simply "the God". It is used primarily by Muslims, and often, albeit not exclusively, used by Bahá'ís, Arabic-speaking Eastern Catholic Christians, Maltese Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Mizrahi Jews and Sikhs.
The term Allāh is derived from a contraction of the Arabic definite article al- "the" and ʾilāh "deity, god" to al-lāh meaning "the [sole] deity, God" (ὁ θεὸς μόνος, ho theos monos).Cognates of the name "Allāh" exist in other Semitic languages, including Hebrew and Aramaic.Biblical Hebrew mostly uses the plural form (but functional singular) Elohim. The corresponding Aramaic form is ʼĔlāhā ܐܠܗܐ in Biblical Aramaic and ʼAlâhâ ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ in Syriac as used by the Assyrian Church, both meaning simply "God". In the Sikh scriptures, Guru Granth Sahib, the term Allah (Punjabi: ਅਲਹੁ) is used 46 times respectively.[citation needed]
what can i do to show my love to you
i'd face erormous pain, run through the wind and rain
girl anything i'll do
the smile on your face is like a joy that can't be placed
it runs all over me, and takes a hold of me
don't let it fade away
'cause i keep thinkin' 'bout ya every night in every way
thinkin' to myself it might be too late
it's gonna be real hard, i hope that i can take it
i really don't know how i'm gonna make it
i can't go on
i can't go on without you
i can't go on without you
what can i say to tell ya that i'm sorry
the thing that i said can't be true oh lady
my mind wasn't thinkin' when i let you
walk out that door
'cause babe, babe i love you
and you know it
i'll try to find a way i can make it
a way to go on without you here
i'll time the hours till you come back
and count the days till you appear
it's gonna be real hard, i hope that i can take it
i really don't know how i'm gonna make it
i can't go on
i can't go on without you
i can't go on without you
i can't go on
i can't go on without you
i can't go on without you
now i agree that i never should have let you go
and if i hurt you then i'm sorry, i didn't know
i'll try to be a better man, the one you care for
and if that's not enough just tell me i'll give you more
so smoothly lay back is what i'm gonna do
'cause baby i can't go on without you
i can't go on
i can't go on without you
i can't go on without you
i can't go on
i can't go on i need to feel your love
i can't go on
i need to feel your love
just as simple as holding your hand
can't go on
i can't go on
i can't go on without you
i can't go on without you
i can't go on
i can't go on without you
i can't go on
girl you wanna sex me
girl, why don't you let
you really turn me on
i think we could swing it
girl that's why i'm sayin'
baby you're the bomb
well it was just the other day
i was walkin' down the street
and i saw you standin' by yourself
you were looking so cute in your black daisy dukes
thought ya probably had a man or two
but then you stepped to me and asked me my name
i gave ya my number and time we could meet
then i watched that booty swingin' as you walked away
i knew it was on cause
oh baby you're the bomb
ya baby you're the bomb
i went to pick you up-you were lookin' so tuff
in your tight black mini skirt
your curves were jumpin' out-i had to close my mouth
'cause baby you're a piece of work
and then i took you to the club-we turned the party out
i wanna take you home-do some sexin' on the couch
now you gotta let me know
if this thing is really on
i'm sprung on you baby
'cause baby you're the bomb
girl you wanna sex me
girl, why don't you let
you really turn me on
i think we could swing it
girl that's why i'm sayin'
baby you're the bomb
ooo baby you're the bomb
i wanna make love to ya baby
and i'm about to explode
come on let's get it on
wanna do ya all night long
you got it goin' on
oo baby you're the bomb
baby you're the bomb
baby you're the bomb
baby you're the bomb
you really turn me on
baby you're the bomb
baby you're the bomb
baby you're the bomb
swing it girl let's
girl you wanna sex me
girl, why don't you let
you really turn me on
i think we could swing it
girl that's why i'm sayin'
baby you're the bomb
ooo baby you're the bomb
you really turn me on
girl you wanna sex me
girl, why don't you let
you really turn me on
i think we could swing it
girl that's why i'm sayin'
baby you're the bomb
ooo baby you're the bomb
girl you wanna sex me
girl, why don't you let
you really turn me on
i think we could swing it
girl that's why i'm sayin'
baby you're the bomb
so many times i looked and found
my dreams around, come tumbling down
and there you were,
holding out your hand (holding out your hand)
when there was rain
you were the sun
you are my life when life was done
so this i say to you
baby from my heart
from my heart (from my heart) (from my heart)
every day you'll see (every day you'll see)
how i try and be (how i try and be)
a better man for you (a better man for you)
by the things i'll do (by the things i'll do)
a better man you'll say
has come to you today
i'll try and be a better man
and when lovers come my way
i'll just smile and politely say
that this heart of mine
it only beats for you (only beats for you)
though in the past i've let you down
there's no more tears i'll be around
now and forever, my wandering days are through
i want you, i want you, i want you
every day you'll see (every day you'll see)
how i try and be (how i try and be)
a better man for you (a better man for you)
by the things i'll do (by the things i'll do)
a better man you'll say
has come to you today
i'll try and be a better man
so let me hold you close to me
let me prove this love is real (it's so real)
i'll make up for all the times you've cried
let me take you in my arms
i'll erase all the hurt i see
come and feel the love i have
inside, inside, inside, inside
and every day you'll see (every day)
how i try and be (how i try and be)
a better man for you (a better man for you)
by the things i'll do (by the things i'll do)
a better man you'll say
has come to you today
i'll try and be a better
try and be a better
try and be a better
try and be a better man
oooh, tonight i wanna turn the lights down low
turn the slow jams on the radio
i wanna feel your body next to mine
so let's slow down and baby take you time
'cause when i look into your eyes
always makes my nature rise-oh baby
wanna get you in the mood
'cause tonight we're gonna groove-oh baby
makin' love untill we're breathless
come over here i wanna make you hot
kiss you up and down until you say stop
touch all the little places that you like
girl you know i wanna take you higher
i wanna fill you up
till you say you've had enough- oh baby
i wanna hear you moan
call my name out all night long-oh baby
makin' love until we're breathless
makin' love until we're breathless
you know there's not a sound around
so come on we can break it down
baby don't say stop
girl you know we're hot
lady won't you leave me breathless
tonight we're just gonna kick it and just flow
break it down and let our passion go
tonight i wanna make sweet love to you
girl that's all i wanna do
makin' love until we're breathless
makin' love until we're breathless
i know there's not a soul around
so come on can we break it down
baby don't say stop
girl you know we're hot
baby won't you leave me breathless
tonight we're gonna kick it and just stroll
break it down and let our passion show
tonight i wanna make sweet love to you
girl that's all i wanna do
makin' love until we're breathless
makin' love until we're breathless
so you say he let you on, you'll never give your heart
your heart is feeling hurt and confused
you say you did the givin' more than gettin'
all he did was take and left you feelin' so used
i won't love and leave your heart filled with doubt
i'm for real, that's not what i'm all about
i'll love you down, down to the last drop and down
baby i won't stop, and when you've had enough
i'll just stop and start over again
what kind of fool would steal your love like that
he wasn't what he seemed, he schemed and lied
from the start
but baby don't you chalk it up, you've gotta give it one
more chance
these words come straight from my heart
i'll erase the hurt deep inside
you'll forget the tears you've cried
i'll love you down, down to the last drop and down
baby i won't stop, and when you've had enough
i'll just stop and start over again
i'll be everything you need and more
i'll give you all the love you missed before
trust in me
time to put the past behind you
just look up and love will find you
look and see
i won't love and leave your heart filled with doubt
girl i'm for real, that's not what i'm all about
i'll love you down, down to the last drop and down
baby i won't stop, and when you've had enough
i'll just stop and start over again
yes i will baby
i'll love you down, down to the last drop and down
baby i won't stop, and when you've had enough
i'll just stop and start over again
i'll love you down, down to the last drop and down
baby i won't stop, and when you've had enough
i'll just stop and start over again
hay there lady
i couldn't help but see you across the room
i wanted to go and talk to you
but you had something else to do
that's why i waited a little longer
before i tried to make my move
'cause girl i have nothing to prove
i just want to be with you ya baby
that's why i'm
here if you're ready
i'm not gonna waste my time
a love like this is hard to find
i can't get you off of my mind
and girl i'm not afraid to let my feelings show
i just wanna get you all alone
and maybe i could take you home
and we could chill for a minute
and get to know eachother a little bit more
turn off the lights and close the door
no one could ever love you more
that's why i'm here
and i'm not gonna waste my time (here if your ready)
a love like this is hard to find (here if your ready)
and i can't get you off my mind
baby if you want me
don't be afraid to tell me
if you want to get together
then let your feelings show
girl, you know sometimes you confuse me
i don't know if you wanna be
together or just friends
but you gotta let me know something
'cause i'm not gonna keep
waiting around for ya
and girl, if you want me
you gotta let me know
or you gotta let your feelings show
baby i'm here (i'm here if your ready)
i'm not gonna waste my time
love like this is hard to find (i'm here if your ready)
i can't get you off of my mind
here if your ready
baby, i'm here if you ready
i'm not gonna waste my time
a love like this is hard to find (i'm here if your ready)
i can't get you off my mind
here if your ready
girl, i know that there are times
when i don't listen to you
and maybe know it seems that i am untrue
but give me one more chance
and i'll prove my love to you
and oh girl i'll do anything
to be back with you
i'll show affection and anything you choose
and i'll do all this to prove that i love you
i do love you
and girl you know i'll love you and i care
and if you ever need me i will always be there
i'm missin' all the love (all the love)
that you and i shared
and oh girl (oh girl)
you and i should never be apart
so can we try it again
and make a brand new start
you know i love with all my heart
cause baby i love you
i do love you
now i lay me down to sleep
your not by my side
my pillow soakin' wet
from all the tears that i cried
when i look in your eyes
i don't see me any more
so can we try it one more time
before you walk out that door
and oh, oh girl (oh girl)
i'm sorry i didn't understand
that all you wanted
was a sensitive man
so i'll do all that i can
to show you i love you
baby i do love you
you know girl
i love you so much
i just can't understand how come
why, things can work out for us
if i could only tell you right how i feel
i know everything between you and me
would be all right
know i love you baby
you know girl
i love you so much
i just can't understand how come
things can work out for us
it's gonna be alright now baby
i love you so much
i just can't understand how come
things can work out for us
you know girl
i love you so much
i just can't understand how come
things can work out for us
i need you with me, i want you with me
i just can't understand how come
things can work out for us
little rump shaker she can really shake and bake
she's got skillz
watch her slippin and a slidin' working booty left to right
she's got skillz
she can work it to the left
work it to the right
she wants to get a little freaky tonight
she's got the potion in the motion
to cure my illz
she's got skillz
she shammies up my jammies and she'll do me all night long
she's got skillz
in the mornin' when i'm yawnin' she gives me a sticky bun
she's got skillz
yum yum eat 'em up think i'm in luck because
she wants to lick me like a lollipop
she's got the potion in the motion
to cure my illz
she's got skillz
girl has it goin' on
she's got skillz
work her booty all night long
she's got skillz
makes me wanna scooby doo
she's got skillz
makes me want to zoom zoom zoom
she's got the potion in the motion
to cure my illz
she's got skillz
yum yum eat 'em up think i'm in luck because
she wants to lick me like a lollipop
she's got the potion in the motion
to cure my illz
she's got skillz
little rump shaker got the flavor that i like
she's got skillz
little cutie with that booty, think i'll take her home tonight
she's got skillz
as we stroll along together
holding hands walking all along
so in love are we two
that we don't know what to do
so in love (do so in love)
in a world of our own (do so in love)
as we walk by the sea together
under stars twinkling high above
so in love are we two
no one else but me and you
so in love (do so in love)
so much in love (do so in love)
so in love (do so in love)
so much in love (do so in love)
we stroll along together
i tell you, i need you oh so much
i love, i love you my darling
can you tell it in my touch
as we walk down the aisle together
we will vow to be together till we die
so in love are we two
just can't wait to say i do
so in love (do so in love)
in a world of our own
(do so in love) so in love
(do so in love) are you and i
(do so in love)
baby, i hope you realize
that you mean so much to me
you're everything i ever wanted in a woman
to touch, to feel your body close to me
and i just want to hold you in my arms forever
can you (i love you baby) tell it in my touch
as we walk down the aisle together
we will vow to be together till we die
so in love are we two
are we two just can't wait to say i do
so in love (do so in love)
are you and i (do so in love)
so in love (do so in love)
are you and i (do so in love)
(do so in love) so in love
(do so in love) so in love
(do so in love) so in love
(do so in love) so in love
something about you baby
that makes me wanna hug ya (hug ya) love ya (love ya)
something about you baby
that makes me wanna know ya (know ya) show ya
that i only wanna be with you
something about you baby
something about you baby
we just got off the phone
i went and wrote this song
'cause girl you inspire me
you left this kind of love
that's really let's me know
you're not the average lady
so baby i wanna tell you that i love you so
and that i'm different than the average joe
'cause girl you touch me in that special way
that's why i wanna tell ya that i'm here to stay
something about you baby
that makes me wanna hug ya (hug ya) love ya (love ya)
only wanna be
something about you baby
that makes me wanna get to know ya (know ya) show ya
that i only wanna be with you
something about you baby
something about you baby
oh, baby can't you see
i want you here with me
forever and a day (a day)
'cause girl you're so fine
you got me mezmorized
just by the way you carry yourself
so can i spend some time alone with you
and show you all the thing i wanna do
like take you out and have a real good time
'cause girl i can't get you off of my mind
something about you baby
that makes me wanna hug ya (hug ya) love ya (love ya)
only wanna be
something about you baby
that makes me wanna get to know ya (know ya) show ya
that i only wanna be with you
something about you baby
something about you baby
something about you baby
so can i spend some time alone with you
and tell you all the things i wanna do
like take you out and have a real good time
'cause girl i can't get you off of my mind
something about you baby
that makes me wanna hug ya (hug ya) love ya (love ya)
only wanna be
something about you baby
that makes me wanna get to know ya (know ya) show ya
that i only wanna be with you
something about you baby
something about you baby
something about you
only wanna be with you...
what would it take
to turn your heart my way
to move you with each word that i say
'cause i just want to learn
and i just want to know
i just want to hold you baby forever
chances like these are seldom and few
and this is one chance i'm not going to lose
so forgive my emotions for speaking out loud
but every time you're around i won't say
whatever you want
just say the words
i'd buy you the stars
for whatever they're worth
to spell out this love across the universe
i'll do whatever you want
you can swear upon this love
for whatever you want
just one kiss
would seal our fate
just one chance is all it takes
so open your soul
and let me in
it's up to you baby
to let this love begin
whatever you want
just say the words
i'd buy you the stars
for whatever they're worth
to spell out this love across the universe
i'll do whatever you want
you can swear upon this love
for whatever you want
you're the dream
i've been waiting for
in a world where dreams are fleeting
your love is a miracle
that my soul been needing
whatever you want
just say the words
i'd buy you the stars
for whatever they're worth
to spell out this love across the universe
i'll do whatever you want
you can swear upon this love
for whatever you want
whatever you want
just say the words
i'd buy you the stars
for whatever they're worth
to spell out this love across the universe
i'll do whatever you want
you can swear upon this love
for whatever you want
whatever you, whatever you want
whatever you, whatever you want
whatever you, whatever you want
for whatever you want
i've never felt this way before
girl everytime i see you
my heart hit the floor yea
so beautiful what can i say
you're my sunshine on a cloudy day
you have everything i need
and there is nothing more
that i could ever want
if your love is for sure
girl i wantcha all the time
i keep giving you all the signs
oh i just really need to know
if you want me baby let me know and
if you need me then you got to
let your love show
when you do what you do
i can't help loving you
girl you need to let me
what's goin' on? what's goin on?
i need to know what's on you mind
cuz you know i'd do anything
to make you mine
i wanna be the only one
to keep you feelin' good all the time
well you can tell me anything
and i will be alright
but girl just stop pretending
i can't live a lie
but, girl you put me on this high
and i hope you realize
that i only wanna be your man
if you want me baby let me know and
if you need me then you got to
let your love show
when you do what you do
i can't help loving you
girl you need to let me
what's goin' on? what's goin on?
if you want me baby let me know and
if you need me then you got to
let your love show
when you do what you do
i can't help loving you
girl you need to let me
what's goin' on? what's goin on?
if only you take this chance i promise you
i won't let you down
girl i (girl!), i could be there for you
if you want me
gotta tell me what's goin on
if you want me baby let me know and
if you need me then you got to
let your love show
when you do what you do
i can't help loving you
girl you need to let me
what's goin' on? what's goin on?
if you want me baby let me know and
if you need me then you got to
let your love show
when you do what you do
i can't help loving you
girl you need to let me
what's goin' on? what's goin on?
if you want me baby let me know and
if you need me then you got to
let your love show
when you do what you do
i can't help loving you
girl you need to let me
what's goin' on? what's goin on?
i hear the sound of you heart beating
don't say a word i know what you're feeling
just hold me close, don't be afraid
these arms won't let your heart break
just ask me girl - oh i surrender
i'll make love to you-so soft and tender
i promise you with every breath i take
these arms won't let your heart break
these eyes will worship you and adore you
these hands will love you every day
darlin' the only guarantee i can make
these arms won't let your heart break
your wish is my command i'm right here for you
just take my hand i'll love you like you want me to
one thing for sure make no mistakes
my arms won't let your heart break
these eyes will worship you and adore you (adore you)
these hands will love you every day (every day)
darlin' the only guarantee i can make
these arms won't let your heart break
these eyes will worship you and adore you
these hands will love you every day
darlin' the only guarantee i can make
these arms won't let your heart break
these eyes will worship you and adore you (adore you girl)
these hands will love you every day
darlin' the only guarantee i can make
these arms won't let your heart break
these arms won't let your heart break
1 - 4 the treble, 2 - 4 the bass
come on all-4-one, let's rock this place. . .
all-4-one is in the house, you better ask somebody
party time is in the air, the girls are gonna shake their bodies
so all u fellas gather round
pump your systems way up 4 the funky sound
here we go - here we go - here we go - on the radio
callin all the girlies out from maine 2 california
the roll call is a booty call cause we got something 4 ya
throw your hands up in the air
show the fellas that you really care
here we go - here we go - here we go - for ???
1 - 4 the treble, 2 - 4 the time
it's an all-4-one roll call, get in line
for the roll call - there's a party comin' through
roll call - and we're looking just for you
roll call - everybody's getting down
roll call - we're gonna party
all-4-one's coming to your town
the party's hot, the girls are fly, so fellas get your groove on
and if these sounds are what you like
nod your head and don't stop movin'
some people get up off the wall
cause it's time 4 the roll call
here we go - here we go - here we go - all-4-one show
1 - 4 the trible, 2 - 4 the time
it's an all-4-one roll call, get in line
roll call - there's a party comin' through
roll call - and we're looking just for you
roll call - everybody's getting down
roll call - let's party
all-4-one's coming to your town
roll call -- all the girls get on th phone
roll call - if you got skillz then let us know
roll call - girls just don't stand around
roll call - all-4-one party
all-4-one's coming to your town
this is station wgh - we rock well
104 on your radio dial
call us, let us know we got the livest city
hey, line up for the roll call - dallas,
hey, line up for the roll call - san diego
hey, line up for the roll call - kansas city
hey, line up for the roll call - atlanta
hey, line up for the roll call - new york
hey, line up for the roll call san francisco
hey, line up for the roll call - san jose
hey, line up for the roll call
all-4-one is in the house, gonna turn it out
all the fellas raise your hands, let me hear you shout
all the girlies in the place, let me hear you scream
it's an all-4-one party, it's a funky scene
all-4-one is in the house, gonna turn it out
all the fellas raise your hands, let me hear you shout
all the girlies in the place, let me hear you scream
it's an all-4-one party, it's a funky scene
all-4-one roll call time, all you girlies get in line
with a knick knack paddy whack we'll be getting down
when we roll in to your town
roll call - l.a., new york, san francisco
roll call - chicago, d.c., baltimore
roll call - atlanta, miami, detroit
roll call - virginia beach, dallas
roll call - houston, boston, seattle
roll call - cleveland, denver, oakland
roll call - philly, mobile, memphis
roll call - eart coast, west coast
roll call, there's a party coming through
roll call- and we're looking just for you
roll call, everybody's getting down
roll call, all-4-one is coming to your town
roll call, all the girls get on the floor
roll call, if you got skillz then let us know
roll call
roll call, there's a party coming through
roll call, and we're looking just for you
i've been meaning to tell you
that from far away,baby you caught my eye
you must be from heaven
cause the way you move
i can't deny that tonight i want to kiss you
ooh i can't resist you
everything gonna be alright-gonna be alright
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
that tonight you'll be mine
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
that tonight you'll be mine
just let me hold you
let me find away to show you what's in my heart
now and forever, just the two of us
and we'll never be apart
'cause tonight i wanna kiss ya, ooh, i can't resist ya
everything gonna be alright
gonna be alright
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
that tonight you'll be mine
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
that tonight you'll be mine
from the moment i saw you...
i knew you were the one for me
and know that we are together...
i don't want to set you free...
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
that tonight you'll be mine
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
that tonight you'll be mine
until you go, oh baby, until you go
let me hold you... all through the night
until you go, oh girl, i want you know
she touched the world with her smile
and paved the way so many times
the look in her always of love
sometimes at night i heard her in pain
though she'd never tell me
no trace of a ' - that's just how she was
and she was the sunshine of my morning
her cloud of love floating by
she looked up to the heavens one day
and heard him say
it's time to come home
it's time to come home
her love was always a blanket of joy
in world so cold
i knew i'd never be, be alone
and through the heart she held me tight
she said she believed in me
her gift was love and it kept me strong
and she was the sunshine of my morning
her cloud of love floating by
she looked up to the heavens one day
and heard him say
it's time to come home
i have to tell this vision to you
perhaps you know, perhaps it is true
love like this only comes once
and she was the sunshine of my morning
her cloud of love floating by
she looked up to the heavens one day
and heard him say
it's time
and she was the sunshine of my morning
her cloud of love floating by
she looked up to the heavens one day
and heard him say
it's time to come home
you and me have got a special thang
a love like ours could never be replaced
and all this time i've only been with you
'cause you have made all my dreams come true
you are the only love i know
and i'll never let you go
you are the sunshine in my life
and one day you'll be my wife
and all my friends wish they could be in love
with someone just like me
a love that's sent from up above
'cause everybody needs somebody to love
'cause everybody needs somebody to love
'cause everybody wants somebody to hug
'cause everybody needs somebody to kiss
someone just like you who's heaven sent
every guy should have a girl like you
someone so sweet that there's nothing
she won't do to make you smile
and brighten up your day
like call you up just to see if your ok
and every day when i see you turn
all my gray sky blue
you make me smile you make me sing
you make me do those crazy things
and baby you're the air that i breathe
and i'd die girl if you leave
'cause babygirl it'd be so cool if everybody
had someone like you
'cause everybody needs somebody to love
'cause everybody wants somebody to hug
'cause everybody needs somebody to kiss
someone just like you who's heaven sent
'cause everybody needs somebody to love
'cause everybody wants somebody to hug
'cause everybody needs somebody to kiss
someone just like you who's heaven sent
someone like you ho baby
someone like you yea yea
someone like you ho baby
someone like you yea yea
'cause everybody needs somebody to love
'cause everybody wants somebody to hug
'cause everybody needs somebody to kiss
someone just like you who's heaven sent
everybody everybody needs somebody needs somebody
everybody everybody needs somebody
someone just like you who's heaven sent
oh, i carry a photograph
girl of the way you used to be
love looking back at me, now it's just a memory
you were all laughter then
and you were my light when it was dark
how did we lose our way, how did we fall apart
'cause something in our kisses
said love would never end
and deep down you still feel it too
but you won't let me in
so when you smile like mona lisa
my heart falls to pieces
('cause) smiling just can't hide
all the sadness in your eyes
if i could only hold you
love you like i used to
but girl what can i do
when you smile like mona lisa
the way that i held you close
the way that you whispered my name
we made a work of art
know there's just an empty frame
all we had
baby we could have again
and deep down you still feel it too
but you won't let me in
so when you smile like mona lisa
my heart falls to pieces
('cause) smiling just can't hide
all the sadness in your eyes
if i could only hold you
love you like i used to
but girl what can i do
when you smile like mona lisa
so when you smile like mona lisa
my heart falls to pieces
('cause) smiling just can't hide
all the sadness in your eyes
if i could only hold you
love you like i used to
but girl what can i do
when you smile like mona lisa
i carry a photograph
girl of the way you used to be...
chestnuts roasting on an open fire,
jack frost nipping at your nose,
yuletide carols being sung by a choir
and folks dressed up like eskimos.
evrybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe
help to make the season bright
tiny tots with their eyes all aglow
will find it hard to sleep tonight
they know that santa's on his way,
he's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh
and every mother's child is gonna spy
to see if reindeers really know how to fly
and so i'm offering this simple phrase
to kids from one to ninety-two
altho' it's been said many times, many ways;
merry christmas to you
and so i'm offering this simple phrase
to kids from one to ninety-two
altho' it's been said many times, many ways;
merry christmas, merry christmas
merry christmas to you
silent night, holy night,
all is calm, all is bright,
round yon virgin mother and child.
holy infant so tender and mild.
sleep in heavenly peace,
sleep in heavenly peace
silent night, holy night,
shepards quake at the sight;
glories stream from heaven afar,
heavenly hosts sing alleluia,
christ the savior, is born
christ, the savior is born
christ, the savior is born
i've got a secret i've never told, it's kind of nasty
and kinda bold, it's all about you and i, doing our thing
and getting freaky all right (sang)
i really wanna touch ya and lay you down
massage your body down to the ground
i'll take my time, i'll go real slow
just tell me baby where you want me to go
i've got a secret
a secret about you
and it's all about the freaky things
that we're gonna do
there ain't nothing that can keep me from you
'cause when we're through i'll know it's true
you like the thing that i do
i always see you inside my dreams
we've got the lights down, we're doing things
you kiss me here, i kiss you there,
it's time to get down, and get freaky everywhere
so baby don't be shy it's only me
we'll have a real good time doing our thang
i know you'll like the way i feel
so come on baby let's just get with the feel
i've got a secret
a secret about you
and it's all about the freaky things
that we're gonna do
there ain't nothing that can keep me from you
'cause when we're through i'll know it's true
you like the thing that i do
i've got a secret
a secret about you
and it's all about the freaky things
that we're gonna do
there ain't nothing that can keep me from you
'cause when we're through i'll know it's true
you like the thing that i do
and it's all about the freaky things we're gonna do
one summer night
we fell in love
one summer night
i held you tight
you and i
under the moon of love (moon of love)
one summer night
i kissed your lips
one summer night
i held you close
you and i
under the moon of love
you kissed me oh so tenderly
and i knew this was love
and as i held you oh so close
i knew no one could ever take your place
oh one summer night
we fell in love
one summer night
i held you tight
you and i
under the moon of love (moon of love)
baby, i love you so much
when i hold you in my arms
i feel eternal love
i don't ever want to lose your love
i want our love to last forever
you kissed me oh so tenderly
and i knew this was love
and as i held you oh so close
i knew no one could ever take your place
oh one summer night
we fell in love
one summer night
i kissed your lips
you and i
under the moon of love
moon of love
one summer night
we fell in love
one summer night
i held you tight
you and i
under the moon of love (moon of love)
one summer night
i kissed your lips
one summer night
i held you close
you and i
under the moon of love
you kissed me oh so tenderly
and i knew this was love
and as i held you oh so close
i knew no one could ever take your place
oh one summer night
we fell in love
one summer night
i held you tight
you and i
under the moon of love (moon of love)
baby, i love you so much
when i hold you in my arms
i feel eternal love
i don't ever want to lose your love
i want our love to last forever
you kissed me oh so tenderly
and i knew this was love
and as i held you oh so close
i knew no one could ever take your place
oh one summer night
we fell in love
one summer night
i kissed your lips
you and i
under the moon of love
moon of love
from the very first moment that i looked in your eyes
baby what can i say i've been lost in a daze
i never thought i'd find a love like this till you came my way
though i hoped and i prayed that i'd find you someday
'cause you opened my heart
this precious gift of love
i'm thankful for you every day
i'm crazy over you, tell me what am i supposed to do
fallin' head right over heels, lose my mind when i'm with you
i've been walkin' on cloud nine, thinkin' about you all the time
i'm a fool in love oh yeah, ain't no doubt about it
never been more sure of anything in my life
you know i'll always be there i'm gonna love you forever baby
let's talk about tomorrow and the rest of our lives
till the end of time i'm gonna stand by your side
'cause you've opened up my heart
this precious gift of love
i'm thankful for you every day
i'm crazy over you, tell me what am i supposed to do
fallin' head right over heels, lose my mind when i'm with you
i've been walkin' on cloud nine, thinkin' about you all the time
i'm a fool in love oh yeah, ain't no doubt about it
no doubt, when your lips are touchin' mine
no doubt, when you look into my eyes
no doubt, i just wanna be with you
ain't no doubt
i'm crazy over you, tell me what am i supposed to do
fallin' head right over heels, lose my mind when i'm with you
i've been walkin' on cloud nine, thinkin' about you all the time
i'm a fool in love oh yeah, ain't no doubt about it
Come on
All-4-one keep it goin' on
On and on
Your word is one
All-4-one keep it goin' on
Come on
Every night
And we're feeling alright
We get down
Check the vibe
Come alive
Hangin' tight
With the fellows all night
Round and round
Show and groove
Always smooth
Back in the day
We got tight
So when we fight
It's ah-ight
Years ago
We said hello
Committed to a situation
That had a reputation of blood thicker than brothers
All-4-one keep it goin' on
On and on
Your word is one
All-4-one keep it goin' on
Come on
Understand and we cool
Man to man
Back me up
You're my ace
In the place
Face to face
Like family we stand
One for all
When one flows
We all flow
Back in the day
We got tight
So when we fight
It's ah-ight
Years ago
We said hello
Committed to a situation
That had a reputation of blood thicker than brothers
On and on and on and on
Don't stop come on
On and on and on and on
All-4-one keep it goin' on
On and on and on and on
Don't stop come on
On and on and on and on
All-4-one keep it goin' on
Come together
In harmony one one family
Sister, brother, you and me
Come together
In harmony one one family
Sister, brother, you and me
Wherever you go, whatever you do,
Whenever you need me
How can I say how much you've done for me
How much I have just knowing I had you
You touched my world
And I'll never be the same
You touched my heart
And know everything has changed
You are the one in this life I'll remember
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Wherever you are
My heart is with you
No matter how far I'll always be near
Whenever you need me
I will be right here
There'll always be a part of you with me
I hope there'll be a part of me with you
Oh baby just call my name
And I'll here you on the wind
Just close your eyes
And I'll find you once again
Just know I'm on your side and remember
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Wherever you are
My heart is with you
No matter how far I'll always be near
Whenever you need me
I will be right here
And when the wind touches you
It will touch me too
And the same star you see
Will be the one that shines on me
I'll be here when you need me
I'll be here any time
Baby I'm on your side so remember
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Wherever you are
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
Wherever you are
My heart is with you
No matter how far I'll always be near
Whenever you need me
I will be right here
I will be right here
I will be right here
Holding you here in my arms
Your heart is beating fast
And you want me to tell you
Just how long our love will last
look in my eyes, hear what I
I'll be the one who won't walk away
I cross my heart
Pledge to you, all my love
To have and to hold
From this moment on
Just as long as the stars shine above
I will be true, I promise you
I cross my heart
If I had just one wish
I'd make your dreams come true
'cause I have everything I need
When I'm loving you
Put your hand in my hand
I want you to know
I'll stand by your side and never let go
I cross my heart
Pledge to you, all my love
To have and to hold
From this moment on
Just as long as the stars shine above
I will be true, I promise you
I cross my heart
I cross my heart
Pledge to you, all my love
To have and to hold
From this moment on
Just as long as the stars shine through
I will be true, I promise you
I cross my heart
I will be true, I promise you
I cross my heart
you look so loney just standing there
hurting from love
you smile but cannot hide the pain of losing too much
i know your heart's been hurt so many times
and you don't want to fall in love again
let me dry each tear you cry
i'll show you how to love again
just take my hand and we'll fly away
chase all our dreams
just close your eyes and let me take you
to places you've never seen
i know your heart's been hurt so many times
and you don't want to fall in love again
let me dry each tear you cry
i'll show you how to love again
so when you're feeling strange, afraid or insecure
let me be the one to take your hand
and leave you safe and warm
i know what you're thinking
that you've heard it all before
and if you don't believe i mean what i say
then baby walk out that door
i know your heart's been hurt so many times
and you don't want to fall in love again
let me dry each tear you cry
i'll show you how to love again
i know your heart's been hurt so many times
and you don't want to fall in love again
let me dry each tear you cry
i'll show you how to love again
hurt so many times
and you don't want to fall in love again
let me dry each tear you cry
i'll show you how to love again
let me dry each tear you cry
how to love again
hurt too many times
and you don't want to fall in love again
let me dry each tear you cry
i'll show you how to love again
fear no more for i bring you tidings of joy
may this time in your heart never fade away
for i know how long you've waited
just to see the savior
precious son of davidis born to save
for i know how long you've waited
just to see the savior
precious son of davidis born to save
jesus loves me this i know
he gave his life to let me know
how ever far that i may stray
he's only just a friend
jesus loves me i can say
he watches me both night and day
he show's his love
in many ways
and to him this is why i pray
jesus loves me he's my friend
he's been with me through thick and thin
and i sing this song to praise his name
for blessing me time and time again
jesus loves me this i sing
he blessed me with my family
a love so strong, a love so deep
that i only could here today
yes, jesus loves me
yes, jesus loves me
yes, jesus loves me
for the bible tell's me so
lord we dedicate
our heart's and our lives
our lives and song to (thank you father) me
baby - i think i've finally found - the girl of my dreams
and lady - i just need to know - if you feel the same about me
'cause no one's ever touched me quite the way you do
you've got me thinkin' 'bout you day and night
and i've just got to know if it's the same for you
do you wanna spend 4-ever by my side?
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
i love you baby
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
oh girl - when i feel your heart - beating so close to mine
i feel so helpless - i must be falling in love
cause i want you all of the time
girl - you know that i will never let you down
you know i'll always be here 4 you
i promise you that i will never play around
i swear i'm always gonna be faithful and true
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
said i love you baby
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
and lady you will always be
the only girl i want in my life
and there is only one place that i'd rather be
and that's forever and ever by your side
i wanna be your man
who cares for you
who loves you
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one in all my dreams
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be
think you're the one only one, one for me
you're the girl of my dreams
think you're the one only one, one for me
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
think you're the one for me
and you'll always be the one that i love
i wanted to talk to you - pick up the phone
i don't want to be alone
said i need someone to hold on tight
get ready for this magical ride
helplessly i'm falling so deep
what am i supposed to do
love's too big a word, baby to hold inside
i tried and tried, but i just can't find the love
love is more than just another 4-letter word
can't fight the feeling, no matter what you do
love is more than just another 4-letter word
if you're not careful, it's gonna get you too
today were together - tomorrow we're apart
this how our daily life goes
it really doesn't matter, baby, what's going on
we're still in love - everyone knows
if i need a helping hand i can count on you
mornin' noon or evenin' time - it's always the same
you'll always be there - i can count on you
love is more than just another 4-letter word
can't fight the feeling no matter what you do
love is more than just another 4-letter word
if you're not careful, it's gonna get you too
love is more than just another 4-letter word
can't fight the feeling no matter what you do
love is more than just another 4-letter word
if you're not careful, it's gonna get you too
i wanted to talk to you - pick up the phone
i don't want to be alone
said i need someone to hold on tight
get ready for this magical ride
helplessly i'm falling so deep
what am i supposed to do
love's too big a word, baby to hold inside
i tried and tried, but i just can't find the love
love is more than just another 4-letter word
love is more than just another 4-letter word
love is more than just another 4-letter word
love is more than just another 4-letter word
if you've been hurt and you feel you can't go on, the pain
in your heart is much too strong, it's been there too long-
it's time to let go and to find you someone new,
someone who really cares and will always be there for you
one who will hold you tight morning noon and night,
gently kiss your lips under candle light, give you all you need
love you endlessly for life
if you're looking for love and romance, someone who cares
and understands, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
baby i'm your man and girl i'll treat you right, hold you tight,
and make sweet love all through the night,
i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
now he promised you he would never let you down, but when
you needed love, there never was- just could not be found-
he played with your heart, just like it was a game, but girl
never, never again just let me in, girl things will never be
the same, girl i'll hold you tight, morning noon and night-
gently kiss your lips under candle light, give you all you need,
love you endlessly for life
if you're looking for love and romance, someone who cares
and understands, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
baby i'm your man and girl i'll treat you right, hold you tight,
and make sweet love all through the night,
i'm your man, i'm your man, baby i'm your, your man
girl i'll never let you down, and when you need love
i'll always be around, to satisfy your every desire
over and over again
if you're looking for love and romance, someone who cares
and understands, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
baby i'm your man and girl i'll treat you right, hold you tight,
and make sweet love all through the night,
i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
if you're looking for love and romance, someone who cares
and understands, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
baby i'm your man and girl i'll treat you right, hold you tight,
and make sweet love all through the night,
i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man, i'm your man
i know i was wrong
for treating you the way i did (the way i did)
i have so much on my mind
i didn't know where you fit in (where you fit in)
and if i could do it all over again (again)
i'll never treat you that way
(i'll never treat you that way again)
i apologize for the pain that i caused
and i just wanna say (i just wanna say)
i'm sorry (i'm sorry)
so sorry (so sorry)
for treating you the way i did (i didn't mean it baby)
i'm sorry (i'm sorry)
so sorry (so sorry)
for leaving you the way i did
when i close my eyes
i think of how it used to be (used to be)
that's when i realized
just how much you mean to me (you mean to me)
a second chance is all that i need (i need)
to change what's wrong and make it right
(to change what's wrong and make it right)
a fool i was to let you slip away (away)
when i know i need you in my life (need you in my life)
i'm sorry (i'm sorry)
so sorry (so sorry)
for treating you the way i did
(i didn't mean to hurt you baby)
i'm sorry (i'm sorry)
so sorry (so sorry)
for leaving you the way i did
and i know everytime (everytime)
everytime i treated you unkind (so unkind)
you still gave your best to me (to me)
i'll do anything to get you back in to my life
i need to hold you again (hold you)
kiss you again (kiss you)
make love to you (love you)
and i'll do it again (to you)
listen to me (listen to me)
i'm down on my knees (down on my knees)
can we start over again (can we start over)
i'm sorry (i'm sorry)
so sorry (so sorry)
for treating you the way i did
(i didn't mean to hurt you baby)
i'm sorry (i'm sorry)
so sorry (so so sorry)
for leaving you the way i did
you gotta believe me when i say that
i'm sorry (so sorry)
so sorry
for treating you (for treating you the way i did)
i'll never never never hurt you again
i'm sorry (so sorry)
for leaving you ( for leaving you the way i did)
i'm sorry baby
i know i was a fool to let you leave my side
and let the most important thing slip slowly by my eyes
won't make the same mistake twice
i counted every minute since we've been apart
i want so bad to tell you girl what's in my heart
i want to touch you baby and hold you again
give me one more chance to show you
another chance to kiss and hold you
and let you know - how much i care
and if you need someone to love you
girl, you know who you can run too
and you know i'll always be there
baby i'm here 4 you if you change your mind
and i promise you it will be better this time
baby i'm here 4 you won't you let me try
and i swear that i, i'll be here for you
when i wake up in the morning
want you here with me
want to wrap my arms around wanna feel
you breathe with me
just we like we used to be
you never miss your water
'til your well runs dry
and i'm so thirsty
i don't think that i
can make it. . .
give me one more chance
give me one more chance to show you
another chance to kiss and hold you
and let you know how much i care
and if you need someone to love you
girl, you know where you can run to
so you know i'll always be there
baby i'm here 4 you if you change your mind
and i promise you it will be better this time
baby i'm here 4 you won't you let me try
and i swear that i, i'll be here for you
if you change your mind
and i promise you it will be better this time
baby i'm here 4 you won't you let me try
and i swear that i, i'll be here for you
too many times i treated you unkind
now i have to wonder what
the hell was going through my mind
i had a good thing, i let it go
i guess i was afraid to let my true feelings show
now things have changed because i'm not the same
i've been a different man ever since you went away
and baby if you come back i swear i'll always be true
and i just want you to know i'm here for you
give me one more chance to show you
another chance to kiss and hold you
show you how much i care
and if you need someone to love you
girl, you know where you can run to
so you know i'll always be there
give me one more chance to show you
another chance to kiss and hold you
i want a sweet love like you
and if you need someone to love you
girl, you know where you can run to
oh baby...
hang all the mistletoe
i'm gonna get to know you better
this christmas
and as i trim the tree
how fun it's gonna together
oh, this christmas
the fire side is blazing bright
and were carolin' through the night
and this christmas
will be, a very special christmas for me
presents and cards are here
my world is filled with cheer and you
ya, this christmas
and as i look around
your eyes out-shine the town
they do
ya, this christmas
fire side is blazing bright
and were carolin' through the night
and this christmas
will be a very special christmas
for me
oh, fire side is blazing bright
and were carolin' through the night
and this christmas
will be, a very special christmas for me
hang all the mistle toe
i'm gonna get to know you better
ya, this christmas
and as i trim the tree
how fun it's gonna be together
o, this christmas
oh, the fire side is blazing bright
and were carolin' through the night
and this christmas
will be, a very special christmas for me
this christmas, this christmas
this christmas, this christmas
this christmas, this christmas
this christmas, this christmas
the fire side is blazing bright
this christmas
caroling all through the night
this christmas
come be with me tonight
this christmas
don't ask me how it could be
sometimes it's hard to believe
that in my lifetime i could find that someone
who can make me complete
you are the air that i breathe
i'd surely die if you leave
'cause i have never felt this way ' bout any girl like i feel for you
so this is what i'm gonna do
i'm giving you my heart forever
every beat of my heart says it's true
i know we'll always be together forever
you lovin' me - me lovin' you
and i'm giving you my heart to you
you are so special to me
your love is all that i need
and i'm gonna spend the rest of my life
loving you faithfully
this love i feel is so strong
with you my heart's found a home
'cause no one in this world could ever love me so tenderly
so you can best believe
i'm giving you my heart forever
every beat of my heart says it's true
my love for you won't fade no never
you lovin' me - me lovin' you
and i'm giving you my heart to you
and when i'm holding you close to me
i know all of my dreams have come true
wanna let you know how i feel
girl my love is for real
and i just wanna give it to you
i'm giving you my heart forever
every beat of my heart says it's true
i know we'll always be together forever
you lovin' me - me lovin' you
and i'm giving you my heart to you to you
and when i'm holding you close to me
i know all of my dreams have come true
wanna let you know how i feel
girl my love is for real
and i just wanna give it to you
i'm giving you my heart forever
every beat of my heart says it's true
my love for you won't fade no never
you lovin' me - me lovin' you
and i'm giving you my heart to you
i'm giving you my heart forever
every beat of my heart says it's true
i know we'll always be together forever
you lovin' me - me lovin' you
and i'm giving you my heart to you
to you and i'm giving my heart to you
could this be magic
my dear, my heart's all aglow
could this be magic
loving you so
could this be magic
my dear, having your love
my prayers were answered
so far from above
i thought that it could be
just a memory
to linger, my heart in pain
but to my surprise
i opened up my eyes
and i'm with you here in my arms again
could this be magic
my dear, having your love
my prayers were answered
so far from above
could this be magic
have your love
if this is magic
then magic is mine
i thought that it would be
just a memory
to linger, my heart in pain
but to my surprise
i opened up my eyes
and i'm with you here in my arms again
could this be magic
my dear having your love
if this is magic
then magic is mine
could this be magic
then magic is mine
blue is a color - that i'm seeing for the very first time
in the skies - in your eyes
every time we're together and you put your little hand in mine
blue is a feeling - that i'm never gonna have again
can't be blue - i've got you
and lady in you i've found a lover and a friend
whenever i'm with you - color me happy
whenever we touch - color me hot
you color my world in
colors of love - shades of emotion
at the end of the rainbow
we found everlasting love and devotion
red are the roses - that you're holding in your hand
when you need - tender lovin'
pretty lady you know i'm your man
red is the color - of the passion that i feel for you
when it's hot - burnin' up
sexy lady you know i'm so in love with you
whenever i'm with you - color me happy
whenever we touch - color me hot
you color my world in
colors of love - shades of emotion
at the end of the rainbow
we found everlasting love and devotion
colors of love, colors of love
colors of love, colors of love
it happens every time that i'm with you
black and white turns into color - you're not like any other
and when you touch me girl you know it's true
that i'm fallling so in love with you
colors of love, colors of love
colors of love, colors of love
girl all i see is you and me
happy together for eternity
little girl, i love you so much
colors of love, colors of love
colors of love, colors of love
red as a passion, blue as the sky's
so many feeling's when i look in your eyes
colors of love, colors of love
colors of love, colors of love
colors of love, colors of love
colors of love, colors of love
when a star is born
they possess a gift or two
one of them is this
to make your dreams come true
when you wish upon a star
makes no difference who you are
any thing your heart desires
will come to you
if your heart is in your dreams
no request is too extreme
when you wish upon a star
as dreamers do
fate is kind
she brings to those who love
the sweet fulfillment of
their secret longings
like a bolt out of the blue
fate steps in and sees you through
when you wish upon a star
your dream comes true
fate is kind
she brings to those who love
the sweet fulfillment of
their secret longings
like a bolt out of the blue
fate steps in and sees you through
when you wish upon a star
your dream comes true
we wish you a merry christmas
we wish you a merry christmas
we wish you a merry christmas
and a happy new year
good tidings we bring
to you and your kin
good tidings for christmas
and a happy new year
we wish you a merry christmas
we wish you a merry christmas
we wish you a merry christmas
and a happy new year
and have yourself a merry little christmas,
have yourself a merry little christmas night
the first noel the angels did say,
was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay,
in fields where they lay keeping their sheep
on a cold winter's night that was so deep,
noel, noel, noel, noel,
born is the king of israel
they looked up and saw a star
shining in the east beyond them afar
and to the earth it gave great light
and so it continued both day and night
noel, noel, noel, noel,
born is the king of israel
this star true light to the northwest
over bethlehem it took it's rest
and there it did stop and stay
right over the place where jesus lay
noel, noel, noel, noel,
born is the king of israel
noel, noel, noel, noel,
born is the king of israel
i just came back from a lovely trip along the milky way
i stopped off at the north pole to spend the holiday
i called on old dear santa claus to see what i could see
he took me to his workshop and told his plans to me
now santa is a busy man - he has no time to play
he's got millions of stockings to fill on christmas day
you better write your letter now and mail it right away
because he's getting ready - his reindeers and his sleigh
you better watch out, you better not cry
you better not pout, i'm telling you why
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
he's making a list and checking it twice
he's gonna find out who's naughty or nice
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake
he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake
oh, you better watch out, you better not cry
you better not pout, i'm telling you why
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
little tin horns, little toy drums
rooty toot toots and rummy tum tums
curly head dolls that coddle and coo
elephants, boats and kiddie cars too
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
the kids in girl and boyland will have a jubilee
they're gonna build a toyland all around the christmas tree
so you better watch out, you better not cry
you better not pout, i'm telling you why
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
santa claus is coming to town
o come all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant,
o come ye, o come ye to bethlehem;
come and behold him,
born the king of angels;
o come let us adore him,
o come let us adore him,
o come let us adore him,
christ the lord
sing choirs of angels,
o sing in exultation,
sing all ye citizens
from heaven above
(angels we have heard on high)
singing glory to god
in the highest glory
o come let us adore him,
o come let us adore him,
o come let us adore him,
christ the lord
in excelcis deo
christ the lord
long time ago in bethlehem
so the holy bible say
mary's boy child jesus christ
was born on christmas day
hark now hear the angels sing
a new king born today
and man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
trumpets sound and angels sing
listen what they say
that man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
while shepherds watch their flock by night
they see a bright new shining star
then hear a choir sing
the music seemed to come from afar
now joseph and his wife mary
come to bethleham that night
then find no place to born the child
not a single room was in sight
hark now hear the angels sing
a new king born today
and man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
trumpets sound and angels sing
listen what they say
that man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
by and by they find a little nook
in a stable all forlorn
and in a manger cold and dark
mary's little boy was born
long time ago in bethlehem
so the holy bible say
mary's boy child jesus christ
was born on christmas day
hark now hear the angels sing
a new king born today
and man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
trumpets sound and angels sing
listen what they say
that man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
hark now hear the angels sing
listen what they say
that man will live forevermore
because of christmas day
rudolph the red nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows
all of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names
they never let poor rudolph
join in any reindeer games
then one foggy christmas eve
santa came to say
rudolph with your nose so bright
won't you guide my sleigh tonight
then how the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee
rudolph the red nosed reindeer
you'll go down in history
then one foggy christmas eve
santa came to say
rudolph with your nose so bright
won't you guide my sleigh tonight
then how the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee
rudolph the red nosed reindeer
you'll go down in history
frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
with a corncob pipe and a button nose
and two eyes made out of coal
frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say
he was made of snow but the children know
how he came to life one day
there must have been some magic in
that old silk hat they found
for when they placed it on his head
he began to dance around
frosty the snowman
was alive as he could be
and the children say he could laugh and play
just the same as you and me
frosty the snowman knew the sun was hot that day
so he said let's run and we'll have some fun
now before i melt away
down to the village with a broomstick in his hand
running here and there all around the square
saying catch me if you can
he led them down the streets of town
right to the traffic cop
and they only paused a moment when
they heard him holler "stop!"
frosty the snowman had to hurry on his way
but he waved good-bye saying don't you cry
i'll be back again someday
thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump,
look at frosty go
thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump,
over the hills of snow
i've been gone away from home for too long
and it's drivin' me crazy
'cause i'm missin my baby
i call her on the phone every day
just to say
even though we're apart
baby you're always in my heart
i can't wait to see my baby
smilin' right at me
i just wanna kiss her
ooo, i really miss her
and everything will be fine with me
once i get to see
my baby baby at christmas time
i just can't wait to spend
christmas with my baby
just seeing you again
holding you so gently
we're playing in the snow
just havin' a great day
i wanna be with you for christmas
now that christmas time is here
filled with cheer
my heart is beating so fast
i don't know if i can last
excitement's building up in me
i'm shaking
i've got a present for you
and girl you'll get it soon
i can't wait to see
my baby smiling right at me
i just wanna kiss her
ooo, i really miss her
and everything will be fine with me
once i get to see
my baby baby at christmas time
and i just can't wait to spend
christmas with my baby
just seein' you again
holding you so gently
sittin' by the fireplace
just havin' a great day
i wanna be with you for christmas
i just can't wait to spend
christmas with my baby
with you in my arms again
holding you so gently
let's decorate the christmas tree
just havin' a great day
i wanna be with you for christmas
i just can't wait to spend
just seeing you again
we're playing in the snow
i wanna be with you for christmas
i just can't wait to spend
christmas with my baby
just seeing you again
holding you so gently
we're playing in the snow
just havin' a great day
i wanna be with you for christmas...
i just can't wait to spend
christmas with my baby
kissing under mistletoe
christmas with my baby
playing in the snow
christmas with my baby
i wanna be with you for christmas
i want to be with you baby
christmas with my baby
playin in the snow
christmas with my baby
kissing under mistletoe
christmas with my baby
i wanna be with you for christmas
christmas, christmas
christmas with my baby
christmas, holding you so gently
playin' in the snow
just havin' a great day
i wanna be with you for christmas
Sober company to find,
As you walk into a lice
Just the token of divine,
To everyone around your life
On the surface you won't believe
What's creeping up inside
Just a lie, but I can see that
Somethings wrong today
Open up the chains,
Just leave me, I'm ok
Won't think to sleep tonight
To keep an open line
To see you again
To see my only friends
You know that I will try
To keep you alive
(To keep you alive)
Memories past will fade away,
But what I don't know
Is whatever took his place
As in a concept thing to do with me
Impossible to take is that
Everyone who makes
Is a face of falling,
Look out at the end
Open up the chains,
Just leave me, I'm ok
Won't think to sleep tonight
To keep an open line
To see you again
To see my only friends
You know that I will try
To keep you alive
Could it bleed it, stab it away
Take a bow we're trashing in his hand
Open up the chains
Your life will change
It will change
Open up the chains
Just leave me, I'm ok
Won't think to sleep tonight
To keep an open line
To see you again
To see my only friends
You know that I will try
Baby, baby, baby
From the day I saw you
I really really want to catch your eye
There's something special 'bout you
I must really like you
Cause not a lotta guys are worth my time
Ooo baby, baby, baby
It's gettin kind of crazy
Cause you are takin over my mind
And it feels like oooooo
But you don't know my name
And I swear it feels like ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
Oh baby baby baby
I see us on our first date
You're doin everything that makes me smile
And when we had our first kiss
It happened on a Thursday
Ooooo it set my soul on fire
Ooo baby baby baby
I can't wait for the first time
My imagination's runnin wild
It feels like ooooo
You don't know my name
And I swear it baby, it feels like oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
"I'm sayin, he don't even know what he's doin' to me
Got me feelin' all crazy inside
I'm feelin like"
Owww! Ooooo Oooooo
Doin more than I've ever done for anyone's attention
Take notice of what's in front of you
Cause did I mention you're 'bout to miss a good thing
And you'll never know how good it feels to have all of my affection
And you'll never get a chance to experience my lovin'
Cause my lovin' feels like ooooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know
And I swear it feels like oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
Will you ever know it, no no no no no
Will you ever know it?
"I'm gonna have to just go ahead and call this boy.
Hello? Can I speak to -- to Michael?
Oh hey, how you doin?
Uh, I feel kinda silly doin' this,
But um, this is the waitress from the coffee house on 39th and Lennox
You know, the one with the braids?
Yeah, well I see you on Wednesdays all the time
You come in every Wednesday on your lunch break, I think
And you always order the special, with the hot chocolate
And my manager be tripping and stuff
Talking bout we gotta use water
But I always use some milk and cream for you
Cause I think you're kinda sweet.
Anyway you always got on some fly blue suit
'n your cufflinks are shining all bright
So, whatchu do? Oh, word? Yeah, that's interesting
Look man, I mean I don't wanna waste your time but
I know girls don't usually do this,
But I was wondering if maybe we could get together
Outside the restaurant one day
Cause I do look a lot different outside my work clothes
I mean we could just go across the street to the park right here
Wait, hold up, my cell phone's breakin up, hold up
Can you hear me now? Yeah
So, what day did you say?
Oh yeah, Thursday's perfect, man:."
And it feels like oooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
Baby Baby I swear it's like oooooo
You don't know my name, no no no
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
And it feels like oooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
And I swear on my mother and father it feels like
Oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo
Oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo
Oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo
You don't know my name
Baby, baby, baby
From the day I saw you
I really really want to catch your eye
There's something special 'bout you
I must really like you
Cause not a lotta guys are worth my time
Ooo baby, baby, baby
It's gettin kind of crazy
Cause you are takin over my mind
And it feels like oooooo
But you don't know my name
And I swear it feels like ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
Oh baby baby baby
I see us on our first date
You're doin everything that makes me smile
And when we had our first kiss
It happened on a Thursday
Ooooo it set my soul on fire
Ooo baby baby baby
I can't wait for the first time
My imagination's runnin wild
It feels like ooooo
You don't know my name
And I swear it baby, it feels like oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
"I'm sayin, he don't even know what he's doin' to me
Got me feelin' all crazy inside
I'm feelin like"
Owww! Ooooo Oooooo
Doin more than I've ever done for anyone's attention
Take notice of what's in front of you
Cause did I mention you're 'bout to miss a good thing
And you'll never know how good it feels to have all of my affection
And you'll never get a chance to experience my lovin'
Cause my lovin' feels like ooooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know
And I swear it feels like oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
Will you ever know it, no no no no no
Will you ever know it?
"I'm gonna have to just go ahead and call this boy.
Hello? Can I speak to -- to Michael?
Oh hey, how you doin?
Uh, I feel kinda silly doin' this,
But um, this is the waitress from the coffee house on 39th and Lennox
You know, the one with the braids?
Yeah, well I see you on Wednesdays all the time
You come in every Wednesday on your lunch break, I think
And you always order the special, with the hot chocolate
And my manager be tripping and stuff
Talking bout we gotta use water
But I always use some milk and cream for you
Cause I think you're kinda sweet.
Anyway you always got on some fly blue suit
'n your cufflinks are shining all bright
So, whatchu do? Oh, word? Yeah, that's interesting
Look man, I mean I don't wanna waste your time but
I know girls don't usually do this,
But I was wondering if maybe we could get together
Outside the restaurant one day
Cause I do look a lot different outside my work clothes
I mean we could just go across the street to the park right here
Wait, hold up, my cell phone's breakin up, hold up
Can you hear me now? Yeah
So, what day did you say?
Oh yeah, Thursday's perfect, man:."
And it feels like oooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
Baby Baby I swear it's like oooooo
You don't know my name, no no no
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
And it feels like oooo
You don't know my name
(round and round and round we go, will you ever know)
And I swear on my mother and father it feels like
Oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo
Oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo
Oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo
You don't know my name