Australian Services Union


Authorised by Robert Potter, Australian Services Union, 116 Queensberry St Carlton South, Victoria

Đã tham gia tháng 10 năm 2009


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  1. 27 thg 8

    Women need: 1) Super paid on parental leave 2) The $450 threshold on super to be removed 3) Super to be increased to 12% as promised. Women DON'T need: 1) To be told to improve their financial education The Government needs to act, not educate.

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  2. 25 thg 8

    We will continue to push the government to ensure all relevant social and community services degrees are included in the Professional Pathway Social Work. (3/3)

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  3. 25 thg 8

    Today, the government listened to our members & we've won our Stop the Fee Hike campaign! Thanks to every ASU member who spoke to their MP, signed a petition & took action to make sure frontline, essential workers in social & community services are respected and valued. (2/3)

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  4. 25 thg 8

    ASU WIN! ASU members have been campaigning since June to stop the fee hike on social & community services degrees since the Government announced a fee hike of 113%. Last night ASU members met with over 40 politicians to explain why increasing fees was a bad idea. (1/3)

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    These ads will be playing across Australia from tonight. Working people have kept our country going during the pandemic. We have sacrificed much. We expect every decision Fed parliament makes to support these heroes, not to hurt them.

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    Workers have carried Australia through the pandemic. Support our hidden heroes.

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  7. đã Tweet lại

    Covid19 is spreading amongst disability support workers. There is high rates of casualisation & they work across multiple homes supporting ppl who are very vulnerable to the virus. They need paid pandemic leave now

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  8. 20 thg 8

    Qantas is pocketing a $124mil profit despite still owing 6000 workers $1500-2000 payments from 2018. Aviation workers are already struggling through the COVID crisis, with many living in financial hardship & able to work. So why won't Qantas pay up to the people who need it most?

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  9. 19 thg 8

    This we are taking the pledge calling on the Aus Government to provide vital support to low-income nations so they too can protect people from COVID-19. Take the pledge:

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    19 thg 8

    Shout out to members providing library services throughout . We're With coronavirus lockdowns many libraries (and librarians) have been more fabulous than ever |

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  11. 12 thg 8

    Too many jobs have been lost already. Too many jobs still hang in the balance. , when are you going to step up and support aviation workers?

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  12. đã Tweet lại
    11 thg 8

    Another victory chocked up against this mob — with has won pretty much every application in FWC & Federal court against their substandard agreements

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  13. 11 thg 8

    The Nationals have come around to our view that social & community services degrees should have fee reductions, not hikes, to recognise the need to significantly grow the workforce to meet our community’s needs. Help us get the government over the line:

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  14. 11 thg 8

    And it is an important win for all workers in the Aviation industry, protecting our hard won wages and conditions across the industry.

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  15. 11 thg 8

    Aviation workers are doing it tough and deserve a better deal than what Swissport tried to give them. This is a great win for Swissport employees who deserve the same pay and conditions as their colleagues at other ground handlers and airlines. (2/3)

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  16. 11 thg 8

    The ASU has had a major victory for Aerocare/Swissport aviation workers today, with the FWC agreeing with us that the substandard Aerocare Agreement should never have been approved. We’ve said from the beginning this agreement is not fair for workers. (1/3)

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  17. 11 thg 8

    Jan works in leisure at Hume City Council in Victoria. She is just one of many who's job is at risk unless JobKeeper covers local government employees. Call on Frydenberg to save jobs & ensure communities have something to return to once this is all over:

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  18. 8 thg 8

    Every Australian worker needs to be protected against Covid-19. Economic strain should not be preventing people from taking necessary time off work to isolate, quarantine or recover. This is why we need Paid Pandemic Leave NOW! ?

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  19. 7 thg 8

    Given the number of unemployed people needing to reskill and the high demand for social and community services now really the time to be putting an enormous fee hike on SACS degrees?? It's time to stop the fee hike!

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    5 thg 8

    It's clear things aren't just going to snap-back. With borders still closed we will see more of these headlines unless the government does more to support the aviation industry. Email Morrison and Frydenberg to let them know we need AviationKeeper now!

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