Marcus Tullius Cicero ( /ˈsɪsɨroʊ/; Classical Latin: [ˈkɪkɛroː]; January 3, 106 BC – December 7, 43 BC; sometimes anglicized as Tully), was a Roman philosopher, statesman, lawyer, orator, political theorist, Roman consul and constitutionalist. He came from a wealthy municipal family of the equestrian order, and is widely considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists.
He introduced the Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary (with neologisms such as humanitas, qualitas, quantitas, and essentia) distinguishing himself as a linguist, translator, and philosopher.
Petrarch's rediscovery of Cicero's letters is often credited for initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. According to Polish historian Tadeusz Zieliński, "Renaissance was above all things a revival of Cicero, and only after him and through him of the rest of Classical antiquity." The peak of Cicero's authority and prestige came during the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, and his impact on leading Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, David Hume, and Montesquieu was substantial. His works rank among the most influential in European culture, and today still constitute one of the most important bodies of primary material for the writing and revision of Roman history, especially the last days of the Roman Republic.
Cícero - Canções de Apartamento (Vídeo Menu)
Cícero - A Praia | Álbum Completo [2015]
Cd Completo: Cicero Nogueira - O Advogado das Causas Perdidas
Cícero - Tempo de Pipa
Cícero - Sábado - Álbum Completo - 2013
Cicero - Pelo Interfone
Cicero - A Praia
Roger Cicero: "Wenn Es Morgen Schon Zu Ende Wär'" (offizielles Video)
Cicero Calls the Gay Hotline - Skyrim Prank Call
Skyrim: Everybody Loves Cicero!
Cícero - Açúcar ou adoçante? (clipe oficial)
Cicero e Paulinho Moska - Tempo de Pipa
Roger Cicero - Zieh die Schuh aus (Offizielles Video)
The early life of the Roman ruler Julius Caesar (up to the age 33) as told in three working prisons: Pollsmoor in Cape Town (South Africa), Cardiff Prison in Wales (United Kingdom) and the Brotherhood Lodge Penitentiary in Alberta (Canada). The cast contains a small group of superb professional actors, led by Sir 'Derek Jacobi' (qv) and 'John Kani' (qv), together with hundreds of prisoners, some taking leading parts, together forming an unrivalled ensemble telling the tumultuous story of one of history's foremost personalities. Young Julius Caesar. His Rome is a prison. In order to survive he seduces, he borrows, he kills. But Rome's fat cats will back him only so far. The drug dealers, the pirates and the gangs all want his blood... The prisoner who finally at the age of 51 becomes "dictator in perpetuity".
The early life of the Roman ruler Julius Caesar (up to the age 33) as told in three working prisons: Pollsmoor in Cape Town (South Africa), Cardiff Prison in Wales (United Kingdom) and the Brotherhood Lodge Penitentiary in Alberta (Canada). The cast contains a small group of superb professional actors, led by Sir 'Derek Jacobi' (qv) and 'John Kani' (qv), together with hundreds of prisoners, some taking leading parts, together forming an unrivalled ensemble telling the tumultuous story of one of history's foremost personalities. Young Julius Caesar. His Rome is a prison. In order to survive he seduces, he borrows, he kills. But Rome's fat cats will back him only so far. The drug dealers, the pirates and the gangs all want his blood... The prisoner who finally at the age of 51 becomes "dictator in perpetuity".
This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last rays of light fade, the town is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires bent on an uninterrupted orgy of destruction. Only the small town's husband-and-wife Sheriff team stand between the survivors and certain destruction.
Keywords: 2000s, airport, alaska, alzheimer's-disease, arson, asthma, attic, axe, axe-murder, bait
They're Coming!
[after getting shot in the arm by Eben]::The Stranger: You shithead.
The Stranger: They didn't take me.::Sheriff Eben Oleson: Who did they take?::The Stranger: [upset] They didn't take me!
Marlow: [speaking in vampire language] We should have come here ages ago.
The Stranger: Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff. So sweet. So helpless against what is coming.::Stella Oleson: He's just trying to freak us out.::Jake Oleson: It's working.::Sheriff Eben Oleson: We have more important things to think about. I'll check on Gus.::The Stranger: Check on Gus. Board the windows. Try to hide. They're coming. This time they're gonna take me with them... honor me. Yeah. For all that I have done.::Sheriff Eben Oleson: They? Who are they?
Sheriff Eben Oleson: Hell of a day.::The Stranger: Just you wait.
The Stranger: No whiskey. No rum.::Lucy Ikos: Alcohol's illegal this month. Folks have hard enough time in the dark without booze making it worse.::The Stranger: Well forget about... the liquor, Lucy. Just bring me a bowl of raw hamburger.::Lucy Ikos: You can only get meat two ways around here - frozen or burned.::[the Stranger grabs Lucy's hand]::The Stranger: You don't bring me what I want to eat. What I want to drink.::Sheriff Eben Oleson: That's enough, pal. Leave the lady be.::[the Stranger releases Lucy, and Eben sits down next to him at the counter]::Sheriff Eben Oleson: Hey, what do you say the two of us go outside and have a little talk, huh?::The Stranger: Now what's wrong, with a man, who want a little fresh meat?::Sheriff Eben Oleson: Come on. You and me. Let's go. I'm taking you outside.::[the Stranger suddenly gets up and faces him]::The Stranger: I would like to see that.
Sheriff Eben Oleson: [yelling to distract the vampires] Come on, motherfuckers!
Marlow: [speaking in vampire language] That which can be broken must be broken.
[after tearing into someone's throat]::Little Girl Vampire: I'm done playing with this one. You want to play with me now?
Jake Oleson: I saw them feeding on Grandma Helen. They're like, vampires, you know?::Stella Oleson: Vampires don't exist, Jake.
The story is set in Rome around 44 B.C., just after the assassination of Julius Caesar. Octavius, aged 17, who was named heir by Caesar, is challenged by Marc Anthony. A civil war ensues, ending in a showdown between Octavius and Marc Anthony.
Keywords: 1st-century-b.c., ancient-rome, arena, assassination, betrayal, emperor, gladiator, hand-to-hand-combat, julius-caesar, rivalry
Lust, Power and the Epic Battle for Rome
Cicero: He names his nephew.::Camane: Octavius.::Cicero: He's just a boy.::Camane: So was Caesar once.::Cicero: Caesar was a boy, yes. But not every boy is a Caesar.
Camane: Witness the birth of a civil war. An empire is dawning. An empire built on the rage of the mob. It is the mob who will determine the next ruler of Rome.
[Of Caesar]::Cassius: Who ever thought a God would hold so much blood?
[Caesar is dying]::Caesar: Protect him, protect my successor.::Tyrannus: Antony?::Caesar: No. Not Antony. Octavius. My sister's boy. He will save the dream of Rome, Tyrannus. Teach him to fight, teach him to rule.
Cicero: Reason has abandoned this place.
[to Brutus]::Caesar: And you, my child?
Servilia: We must look to the men who will re-build Rome.::Brutus: You mean Cassius and Antony?::Servilia: And you... why not you, my son?
[Antony's speech about Caesar]::Brutus: What is he doing?::Cassius: Oh this isn't about Caesar's rein; it's about Antony's!
[On hearing Octavius is Caesar's heir the mob chant his name]::Brutus: Octavius?::Cassius: It is not to Caesar to anoint his successor!::Brutus: They're calling his name...::Cassius: Do you think I can't hear?
Caesar: Look at you, Brutus... A model senator! The army wouldn't recognize you...::Brutus: I've fooled them all.
The Soul Queen of the Nile Who Ruled the World...The Black and the White!
A cast of 70 outstanding Hollywood players.
The Producer And Director Of The Cannes Film Festival AWARD WINNER, "The Secret Lives Of Romeo And Juliet", A.P. Stootsberry, Now Brings You That Great Classic Of The Nile...
The Most ADULT Motion Picture ever made in HOLLYWOOD!
In 54 B.C. Julius Caesar seeks to solidify his position in Rome by putting down a rebellion in Gaul led by a tribal chieftain named Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix has rallied many tribes to his cause, including one led by the beautiful Queen Asterix and others who'd once pledged allegiance to Rome. At first things go badly for the Romans, complicated by the fact that Vercingetorix has captured and tortured a centurion named Claudius Valerius who's in love with Caesar's ward, Publia, who has also fallen into the hands of Vercingetorix. Eventually a great battle pitting Caesar against the rebellious Gaul decides the fate of all concerned.
Keywords: ambush, ancient-rome, archery, arrow-in-chest, arrow-through-neck, bare-chested-male, bare-chested-male-bondage, bare-chested-male-fighting, battle, battlefield
Vercingetorix: [to Publia, referring to Claudius Valerian] If you're interested in him, you can either save him or watch him die by slow torture.
Vercingetorix: You're beautiful, Asterix. Too beautiful for the horrors of the battlefield.
Cícero - Canções de Apartamento (Vídeo Menu)
Cícero - A Praia | Álbum Completo [2015]
Cd Completo: Cicero Nogueira - O Advogado das Causas Perdidas
Cícero - Tempo de Pipa
Cícero - Sábado - Álbum Completo - 2013
Cicero - Pelo Interfone
Cicero - A Praia
Roger Cicero: "Wenn Es Morgen Schon Zu Ende Wär'" (offizielles Video)
Cicero Calls the Gay Hotline - Skyrim Prank Call
Skyrim: Everybody Loves Cicero!
Cícero - Açúcar ou adoçante? (clipe oficial)
Cicero e Paulinho Moska - Tempo de Pipa
Roger Cicero - Zieh die Schuh aus (Offizielles Video)
Roger Cicero: "In Diesem Moment" (offizielles Video)
IF CICERO WERE A CHICK - Skyrim Mods - Week 177
Was weißt du schon von mir - Roger Cicero + Lyrics
Eugen Cicero Trio - Live at the Subway in Köln
Roger Cicero - Du bist mein Sommer (official video)
Roger Cicero - Ich atme ein (Offizielles Video)
cicero nogueira aquele crente
Skyrim Followers ~ Cicero Oils Mother
Eugen Cicero - Swinging Bach [Video]
CICERO: Online History K-12 Interactive Textbook
The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10
Cicero: History Beyond The Textbook Tutorial
O Tempora! O Mores! Cicero's Catilinarian Orations A Student Edition with Historical Essays PDF
A History of Disbelief Epicurus,Lucretius,Aristotle,Cicero and Seneca
The Day the Priest Went Back Home
Coletiva de imprensa - Cicero (27/03/14)
SOLD!! HUD Underground Presents: 7090 Island Rd. Cicero, NY
Frank Cicero Presentation of his new book, "Relative Strangers"
Caesar, Cicero & Cleopara.
Coletiva de Imprensa do volante Cicero (22/10/13)
Coletiva de Imprensa do meia Cicero (01-05-2013)
The History of Climate Change Negotiations in 83 seconds
see what tomorrow brings - cicero blake - success 1963
On the Ends of Good and Evil Marcus Tullius CICERO audiobook
History of Julius Caesar - FULL Audio Book - by Jacob Abbott
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Syracuse North - Cicero, Cicero, Warners, NY, United States
Multiple Perspectives in History
Neymar e Cícero se enfrentam no tênis de mesa!
Open Firehouse event Saturday May 9: OPRF's New Home for History
Marcus Tullius Cicero: from On the Republic (Scipio's Dream)
Chicago History Museum Lowrider
Lessons from ancient social media: Tom Standage at TEDxOxbridge
Five Fingers - 1952 (Cicero) German Spy in The Britain Embassy at Ankara Turkey
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Cicero March (1966, Film Group)
Goodfellas - Paul "Paulie" Cicero (Paul Sorvino)
HORROR : Lista Di Film Da Vedere...
Cell Block Tango
La liceale, il diavolo e l'acquasanta - Gloria Guida, Lino Banfi [Film completo ITA]
St. Augustine, The Movie Part 1 ( English )
The Mobsmen - "Cicero Comet" (live)
Cicero British Spy Stock Shots - Eiffel Tower (1962)
Wedding Videos in New Hampshire
Greezy G - "It's a fiesta"(produced by Cicero on the beat) explict (Official Video)
Abe Linx, Tully Cicero, Boy Boy - Against All Odds
Citgo (Cicero & Jackson) - Poohey Da Great X J Wun
Chief - Count Your Blessings - Produced by Cicero On The Beat
Abe Linx & Tully Cicero "A Day In The Life" (Official Video) HD
Child 44 Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman Movie HD
CICERO -PAID (prod. by Cicero On Da Beat)
Dario lo Cicero, composer, historian, performer
Mobster - "Goodfella" Paul Vario
The H. V. Porter Films: An Introduction (1932 to 1936 IHSA Basketball Tournaments)
Joe Cicero starts movie at the McHenry Outdoor Theater
Skyrim For Pimps - Fün Tits' Journal (S1E09) Dark Brotherhood Walkthrough
Roger Cicero - Was immer auch kommt (Interview)
Roger Cicero: Ähähehähäh ist auch Musik! • Das komplette Interview
Roger Cicero im Interview: "In diesem Moment"
Giraffenaffen Hörspiele: Roger Cicero im Interview
Interview with Rick Cicero
Markus Lanz | 05.06.2014 | u.a. mit Heiner Geißler, Thomas Koschwitz, Roger Cicero [HD]
Cicero Interview: Frank A. Meyer über zu Guttenberg
Roger Cicero Interview
Roger Cicero - Interview - Montreux Jazz Festival 2010
CICERO Interview & clips
Smoothie, Kopfstand, los! "Backstage" bei Roger Cicero
Simone Cicero // dnsee interview @ FOI13
David Torrance interview with Cicero Group
Star105's Lisa Allen and Joe Cicero interview Munger Road director, Nick Smith
ROGER CICERO im Interview bei We Need To Talk: "If I Was A"
Roger Cicero im Interview mit dem Pfalz Echo
RSN Interview Kelly Cicero with Johannes Sassman and Thomas Ebster
ROGER CICERO im Interview bei We Need To Talk: "Entweder Oder"
ROGER CICERO im Interview bei We Need To Talk: "Mobile Check"
Noah Cicero
Roger Cicero im radio SAW Funkhaus
Ha, what, uh huh-uh huh-uh huh, what
Wreckshop, Wreckshop huh
Noke Deezy, D-Reezy
Came to Wreckshop, uh huh
Just to let you boys know that
Can't be stopped, uh huh
Just to let you boys know that
It's whatever whenever, wherever baby
You gotta have bread, if you want it all gravy
Country like jeah, but these cats can't fade me
Heard what I said, so don't try to play me
I came to Wreckshop, came to blow the spot
Like nitro I'm bout to blow, cause my flow hot
Since the days of P-A-T, I've been holding down the streets
Got a deal and got to eat, putting shoes on his feet
The Lex needs Spre's, let me defreeze
Music is to bleed, but the game getting sleeze
Why this broom in my hand, like I'm the sandman the stage, snatching mics out they hand
Now it's my time, gots to put it down
Even if it's night, I can make the sun shine
In this game I'm making hits, the Shop is the...
We the lottery pick, ain't no stopping this
Came to Wreckshop, uh huh
Just to let you boys know that
Gon turn it out (turn it out y'all)
Just to let you boys know that
[Noke D]
It's the Noke Deezy, man I'm off the heezy
I came here, to do my thug theezy
Please believe me, I wreck shop
Every damn hood, every city, every block
Got it on lock, muy caliente
Riding like Sensei, rolling on vientes
That's 20's, if you didn't know
My whole roll, sold with your...
Moving too fast, you need to slow down
City of Syrup, call it H-Town
What you lost, is what we found
Platinum songs, platinum bound
See I'm a platinum soul survivor
I'm a platinumlly, provider
I'm a platinum ghost rider
And I'ma always be a platinum street fighter
Came to Wreckshop, uh huh
Just to let you boys know that
We came to Wreckshop, until the Shop is wrecked
Surrounded by A-R 1-5's, and glocks and techs
It's Z-Reezy, D-Reezy and Noke Deezy
Sipping on something purple, blowing treezy believe me
Making it look easy, when I'm doing my thang
Whether Southwest red, or hoover blue in the game
Got our grind on, lying to fellas that's outta line
About to burn me the plex...chest with that iron
Feeling fine and lovely, even when it get ugly
I know I'ma make it, because the Lord is above me
Divine in the bench, and make me hard to hit
Hating me is like a habit, and it's hard to quit
I'll be chasing paper money, making maneuvers I'm mad with it
Acting like a fella, that ain't never had with it
I'm a soldier united for cash, worldwide
I do the body rock, and then I do the Southside
Came to Wreckshop, uh huh
Just to let you boys know that
Gon turn it out, uh huh
God I tried to be calm
But everywhere I go its like Veitnam
I tried to be Joseph McVay
But niggaz be bringing the killa back out in me everyday
The same niggaz,I broke bread wit and got feed wit me
Stood behind the trigga when the infared led hit me
In my cunfusion ain't no such thang as a friend
All I know,homocides are homies plotting trying to sniff out my endz
Like they a blood hound or a cuz hound
Fuck few dollars,them or they blood or cuz down
It'll be the same niggaz you be rollin wit and fucking wit hoes
That'll tell yo woman you unfaithful
Cuz you fucking wit hoes
Same nigga sit down to piss
Unable to stand up straight
They the reason real niggaz doing time upstate
Talkiing to 222 clips cuz they hustle is dead
The block is too hot fo em
So they snitchin to get they bread
It be the same one screaming that he down 4 life that'll come and lay you down tonight
Same nigga
I retaliated 4 wit 45's and K's
One that got me doing time today
No lie
Same nigga I done fed when they low on his bread
Same nigga trying to get between my lil mama legs
It be the same one you figure the closest to ya
So many murders, where the children play
And it's about, to make me lose my mind
We're running out of time, too many of my people dying
Day by day it's more impossible, to hold on
I'm going head up with the shadow of death, and getting stole on
Will I survive, is God gonna come and save me
I started out as a Christian, now look at how this world made me
I'm crazy, and I can't make it no better
Cause I can't stand none of my friends, my only love is for the cheddar
I remember, sipping on Tangaray and getting high
Down with eachother, long as we was barely getting by
We grown men, and all living in sin
Shooting a kite to my people, cause he in prison again
Letting him know that the streets ain't changed, still wicked
Plus I been burying so many motherfuckers, we bound to kick it
Up close and personal, cause niggaz be pushing my button
I handle my bidness, and exit they homes gangsta strutting
One deep, nobody's got my back
Motherfuckers just be hanging around me, because I rap
Trying to stab me in my back, and if they could they would
That's why I pack my twin bitches, cause I don't even feel safe in the hood
At least on lock, you know what the danger is and what's not
Free world you'll be evicted, when a coward bust shots
That's the life cycle, kick it with real niggaz
And never let the shife by you, because the devil is they idol
Man they tied up my nigga, and sawed off his head
The cold part about it, they ain't even take no bread
My nigga Grady took seven shots, and one bullet hit him twice
Although he's blessed, my nigga just can't leave the thug life
Where is the love - 2x
Nobody loves me, but I prefer to keep it like that
most friends are falsified trying to steal out your stack
So I keep my partnas to a minimum
even though I know half can't be trusted
The only feeling in the world might steal your girl
if I know flesh was lusted
Nigga now who was to blame for the pain cause f**king with me nigga
you get sprayed
Hardheaded that's like f**king a bitch with no condom
And knowing that hoe
got aids, better be smart, better keep your distance
Ain't got elements from loose leaf pages
I'm going off in the rage of furious chambers of twin gauges
My calico murders offending my
mind and my mind is so ready to click
Better freeze, better not breathe all I want is the money
you dead if you twitch, cause I'm a killa that's killing for cash
I show no car crash when I'm
stealing your stash
Don't fill in the streets because I'm too fast
But never revealing what's
under my mask
I'm making a dash, I jump in the Hoover and I smash
With a foot on the gas and then
I'm off in the night
A nigga was buried alive
But he really should of died dig him up his coffin
too tight
A nigga was showing a busta love, but now it's hunting for a busta season
And he can't
be the reason, to run in your crib and leave you bleeding
[Chorus - 4x]
The question
at hand is
Where's your motherf**king love
I'ma do like that boy Al D said
I'm showing love
to the ones that showed love back
F**k friends, so Mexican D, Grady
You know where your love
That's you
That talk about your homie behind his back,
But you always with him at every location he be at.
That's you
That be stealin from your momma,
Knowin she be the only one at your side, helpin you through your drama.
That's you
Sellin crack but can't make no profit,
Coz you smokin it up, and you just can't seem to stop it
That's you
That keep playin up without a rubber, don't wanna claim your baby, you naked headed lover, that's your babies mother
That's you
A woman that's so deceitful, smilin as you do evil, makin money to set up your own people
That's you
Throwin pussy at your homegirls husband every evenin, then try to convince her that he be cheatin
That's you
Hate a woman doin better than you are, so you slash her tires and bust all the windows out her car
That's you
That can't get over your ex-man, puttin the problems of your previous relationship on the next man
That's you
{Outta be ashamed of your self, coz the shell of a man playin games with your self
That's you
Makin the real women look fake, only hurtin yourself with the decions that you make
That's you} x2
That beats your kid, coz somebody said he done somethin, but you don't even go see if he did
That's you
Still living in your parents home, you got a good paying job but wont even pay for the phone
That's you
With that unattractive attitude, people don't wanna be around you coz you be ruinin they mood
That's you
That's thinkin somebody owe you somethin, and aint gon be satisfied until somebody show you somethin
That's you
Rollin your eyes, and poppin your neck, coz you were the high roller, but homie only want you for sex
That's you
Think you the shit because your body is tight, what you gon do if god decide to change that over night
That's you
That can't stay at womans place, hit a man, hopin he hit you back, so you can take his freedom away?
That's you
That enjoy makin people lives hard, but when trouble come around your way you go runnin to god
That's you
{Outta be ashamed of your self, coz the shell of a man playin games with your self
That's you
Makin the real women look fake, only hurtin yourself with the decions that you make
That's you} x2
That get up every night to go out and jack, but you reap what you sew, so don't get mad when it come back
That's you
That been out comittin all that crime, now you suicidal coz you gotta do all that time
That's you
Spendin all of your money on beer and blunts, and aint got nothin on your bills come the first of the month?
That's you
That don't care about how stupid your act, man I'm so glad I'm no longer livin my life like that
That's you
Tryin to fuck over people who work for you, even with all of that money aint no peace on earth for ya
That's you
Yea that's you that made your homeboys hate ya, can't go no where without a gun coz you're nervous by nature
That's you
That's in and out of jail on the same charge, get out and go do the same thing on the same boulevard
That's you
That's gonna end up in the funeral home, you bobbin your head but I know you can't stand this song
That's you
{Outta be ashamed of your self, coz the shell of a man playin games with your self
That's you
Makin the real women look fake, only hurtin yourself with the decions that you make
That I will squeeze triggas, thinking you gon play me
Nigga please nigga, get put in a G-R-A-V-E nigga
At ease nigga, you don't wanna be my enemy nigga
When I'm sipping drank, and smoking trees nigga
Fuck around and be a memory, nigga
Boo, guess who sneaking up from the rear
You niggaz hearts be pumping fear, but they don't pump none here
I never knew how to be scared, just how to handle my infrared
I love nothing, ain't my barber ride up fuck you in my head
This how I feel about, all of y'all
Disrespect me if you want, and all of y'all will fall
I use to be 165 in a city, where the skinny niggaz die
But now, I'm 220 with a 45
And I be set tripping, ready to wet niggaz and wet women
I stand alone me and my chrome, Southside representing
Don't need no motherfucking body, behind me
So when the law come looking for me, can't nobody find me
Mo' murder, bite em all like gasoline in my gat
So you get slid, like you got some vaseline on your back
This is an anybody killer, I ain't prejudice at all
Ever since my nigga set me up, to kick it with them laws
Bouts to put the smash on niggaz
Put the gas on, and put the match on niggaz, y'all must of forgot
How quick we flash on niggaz, blast on niggaz
Your ass gone nigga, you done fucked with the Lot
I gave you a chance to eat, but you chose to bite the hand that fed
You took your shit nigga, lay in your bed
Who'd ever thought this nigga, that was sat down at our table and fed
Would turn on the streets, and roll with the FED's
I loved this nigga, now I roll around
With a mask and a strap, and a grudge for this nigga
Let Me Ask You Something
Why You Spend All Your Time Talking About Me
Cause I'm Smokeing Drinking And Getting Paid
And Your Still Doing Bad Without Me
I Know You don't Want To See Me Shineing
I Know You Want To Have What I Got
But I've Been Hustleing
Handleing My Business
It's My Time Weather You Like It Or Not
Just Stay The Hell Out My Way
I'll Sacrafice My Freedom An'Day
Cause I Will Blow You Away
But Since Your The Reason I'm Getting Paid...
I Really Like To Thak You
Beacse Without Your H-A-T-E I Couldnt Be Me
I Like To Thank You
Your The Reason I Made It To The T-O-P
I Really Like To Thank You
Even Tho I'm Not On T.v I'm Just Another Cd
I Like To Thank You
Your The Reason My Bank Account About To O.D
I Really Like To Thank You
My Mind Is Made up
I'm Not Gunna Let You Talk Me Out Of My Game
Even Tho It Gets Harder During fourth Quater I've Gotta
Get To Get To Victory Man
I'm A Team Player When I Play
So Why My Team Got Something To Say
But They Aint Tlking Bout Nothing
They Bumping Man Cause MVP Is Mr...
Hope They don't Get Me Lane
If They Do I Got My 3 Point Range
Aint Nobody got To Chill For Me Man
Don't Go Nowhere Cause After The Game...
I'm A One Man Homie
I don't Need No Help My Nigga
Cause You A Busta How Could I Love Ya
The One I Trust Besides Myself And My Trigga
I Know You Haters Want To See Me Fall
But Unlike Yall I'm Still Standing Tall
Even Tho My Homeboys Use To Doubt Me
Now They Want To Out Me that's Why I Say Fuck All Yall
Cause I don't Want No Friends
The Love They Have Is Pretend
They didn't Know Me When I Went To The Pin
Now They Telling Everybody They My Next...
Thinking Of A Master Plan
Z-ro Can Get A Verse For (Why.?) Free Cause That Nigga My Man
We Playing Texas Hold Em Watch Me Show My Hand
He Come Home From Jail Fuck It Ima Throw Him A Grand
Now My Nigga Getting Tense So Things Going As Plan
We Blood Kings Of The South
You Better Check The South Man
So When You Need A Tight Verse Witch You Go Do
Call Libaro You Know My Number Fo
You Get In The Game And Act Like You Better Thatn Us
When We KNow The Truth You Aint Getting The Chedder Like Us
You Living A Lie
Swingers, and droppers, Southside
We're gonna ball baby, living so lavishly
And you know that I'll, grab and break
Wreckshopping all night long baby
Swing on 4's with me
[Verse 1]
Swing 4's with me, come roll with me
As the po-po, cause I'ma flow the tree
Make tracks stop, beating up the block
Ass end hop on the 4's and chop
Can't let these haters take what I got
Blue and frail, fresh out the shop
Some gone bop, the lighters gone light
That's why I keep glocks with infrared dots
No time to plex, got to push the lex
Keep them diamonds shining round my neck
Shots of chrome while I'm on the phone
Popping legs walking in my home
Walking through the doors, on marble floors
Chandeliers and studios
Got to pimp the pen, when I'm in the wind
And swanging 4's with optimos
[Hook - 2x]
Swang on 4's with me, and I like it
Shoes finest on my rims cause I swing on 4's
Swang on 4's with me, oooooh-oh-oh-oh-oh
Shoes finest on my rims cause I swing on 4's
Oooooooh I'm one swinger, with wood grain
All on my dash, when I pass I'm looking oh so clean
Oooooone in the chaaamber they must be
Out of their minds if they're trying to take my bitch from me
I won't be taken, releasing shots from my gun
Ain't the one to get took off my four
Cause I know these jackers be waiting
That's why I'm strapped at all times, I think you better let go
[Hook - 2x]
Bubble lights they shining bright, bull-guard in the turning lane
I'ma rock candy coat, then I'ma play with a remote working with wood grain
Z-Ro gone bleed the block not with the rocks, I bleed red like the flesh
It ain't no more hoops, just candy Coupes rings filed in the STS
Little young got a gun and beam, and I make you scream
I work too hard when I grind, for niggas that wanna take my shit
And niggas will get hit, I promise these fellas gone mind
If I got to pull my piece to make a hater retreat
Then I'ma focus on taking him out with red dots, they will smell
It in the wind 'fore they try to move in I'm busting in the parking lot
In a big body Dave & Taylor ain't no haunt day
Going the wrong way on the one way, screams falling
Like rain drops, they gonna try to take me one day
But I'm armed and dangerous, eliminated the plex
When it came to us unlike these muts
I ain't no bust, riding on 94's and the game to us
Realizing that there ain't no changing us, re-arranging us
Homicide be naming us, drunk too many 4's now there ain't no waking up
And ghetto hoes be paging us, and steady broads be claiming us
But I'ma hit my switch, drop the top and unlock my kid
Still watching, keep peeping
Still watching me yeah, keep peeping
They told me, if you feel me
Fuck a record label, and a negotiation they trying to deal me
They watching me to close, and trying to play me
Make a nigga Unibomb your block, everybody on me will be a Swayze
Patrick peep my hat trick, but I ain't an audition
Even though I've been known, to make people and guns come up missing
Witness, my disappearing act
Cause motherfuckers be tripping and sweating me, like I'm still selling crack
Or recognize my nigga Grady, out that P.U.D
All them other niggaz act like it, but he's my G
I sit and watch, as my home boys show me they fake love
I'm your partna, why I come second to bitches and drugs
So fuck balling with y'all, I ride out
When I'm rich, I still flip in the truck and slide out
Y'all done made a mistake, you should of never mixed my blood with Trae
Them Maab niggaz have arrived, Z-Ro, Boss and Jay
[Hook - 2x]
You must of made a mistake, you should of never mixed my blood with Ro
Them Maab niggaz have arrived, out the trunk with a fo'-fo'
Pissed off and agg'd, running round with a attitude
Repping the Dirty South, now where the fuck is your gratitude
Selfish son of a bitch, we deserve the throne
I can show you how to stunt, when I'm tipping the chrome
You don't wanna see me with that Mack, in front of your home
On the block in a drop, the same color as stone
Out of your league, and lately I've been out of my mind
I needed green as a team, so I got on the grind
S.U.C., and nigga I've been repping it raw
You rep it the wrong, and nigga I'll be breaking your jaw
I ain't fucking with you niggaz, who be fucking with laws
The same thang different day, y'all can kiss my balls
[Hook - 2x]
Next nigga hating S.L.A.B., getting whooped and tossed
Perpetrating like a G, when you knowing you soft
It's Jay'Ton I ain't playing, when I'm spitting my name
Double 12 gauge slugs, that'll fuck up your frame
You got me wrong, in this song got me speaking the truth
Hit the block with the glock, I'll show you my proof
They should of never mixed my blood, with the Ro and Trae
It's SK all day, Boss what you say
[Lil Boss Hogg]
Cop a sack cock the Lac, cut the corner
Cuff Khakis creased, please call a corner
Cut quarters and quarters, and kept it banging
Blue both fat laces, bandanas hanging
Bodies on extra tight, for the test a fight
Bring light, to a nigga tonight
Wife beater with a big heel, repping the set
It's going down, straight up
I'm steady balling, shot calling
I'm clowning em baby
Steady balling, tonight
We gon ride while we sipping and smoking
Steady balling, outta control
We gon swang, with the trunk open glowing
Nothing but things I'm seeing, nigga be chasing divid-ends
Pimping the pen, and I gotta keep a thermostat on my skin
And catch a cold, with the motherfucking ice I'm in
Big bubble lenses, at the front of the car
We in the club, running up a fat run at the bar
Puffing plex, anybody get a punch to the jaw
No soda water, got a pint doing it raw
And everyday, I put new shoes on my feet
Sugar brown ladies or red bones on my meat
I'ma skip with the rub or not, on my sheets
And ride with a big fo'-five, on my seat
Pulling out the yard, as I drop the top
Ready for the jackers, still gon cock the glock
Pulling up at the club, everybody still show love
But I'm still not gonna stop for bops
But I'ma stop for the drank, man po' me up
Hoping to nine seven point nine, blow me up
But these fellas be in it for the competition
Seem like, everybody wanna show me up
But nigga fuck the fame, cause I want the change
Like Lil' James, leaving stains on niggaz brain
I smoke and I lean, but still I maintain balling mayn
When the top down, I'ma drop the rest
On 8-3's, and bumper kit
Candy paint, looking wet to spit
Piece on my neck, read Screwed Up Click
Album silver, bubble head lights
Trunk gon knock, like lights of fire
At the intersection, I run the red lights
All my jewelry, is draped in ice
Crazy chain, piece and medallion
Pass the seat, or yellow stallion
Pretty brown eyes, and thick thighs
Half Chinese, mixed with Italian
Paid for, everything cash
My rear view, is in my dash
Got a pop spot, to hide my stash
Hide my trunk, see the baby gash
Mild dog, is super meals
Drop my top, feel the atmosphere
Tweety singing, loud and clear
In my cup, is Belvedere
Pockets full, of big face bills
Three story pad, in Beverly Hills
So much ice, you get the chills
In the studio, I shred the reals
Man no more struggling we bubbling, collecting with Breadwood
White golf against the click, we drop bullets and I'm ahead them
We ride on top of the ridge, like a wide stallion
Bezeltine around me neck, with the diamond medallion
Barley moving on swangas, and knocking off the side rolling
Gotta give it up to the Fat Pat, nigga cause we Southside holding
Rolling in luxury cars, sipping on bar, talking on cellulars
Receiving messages from Mars, nothing but rap stars
Anybody wanna fuck with us, fuck around and get flipped up and zipped up
In a six foot ziploc, cause I got a glock in my right hand
And I'ma flip, when I can't even act like he wanna trip
I said it like that and I'll say it again, matter fact push record and play
it again
With a bop digger then, Trae and Den in a Benz
And accepting all the dope trafficing
Got the dope in the trunk, and we backing in
So much money, gotta back track my ends
I got the glut opium, black cause I'm African
American, Guerilla Maab gon shine for life
But our motherfuckers, are dull like a butter knife
I put it on my balls and on my life, Z-Ro never been shife
Cat don't come around me, just let me ball
If I fall off my note, then let me fall
Needed help from God, did he get my call
Pulling out the lot, and he let me crawl
Like Mafio, by the year two triple O
I'ma come down, in a six double O
With green flow, mats on the flo'
Dear Lord, this is your boy Bam
Can't nobody do what you done done God
One of the ghetto graduates, three men in here
Ready to deliver, number one, all they internal sins
On pen and paper, and right now, they fin to let
You know how it is, it's a chance, God bless us
Allah, you number one
Well it's my return, and I've been gone for too long
I'm in a different state of mind, yeah Wood is in the zone
Demonstrate the arsenal head shots, with red dots and wet spots
Soaking shirts up, till my churf up with red spots
Bag of leaves and the chronic trees, South Texas ki's and let you weed
They jacking leaves for cake and cheese, I make the G's and you may believe
Shouldn't wish up on your clover leaf, wishing up on a star
Losing my memory behind a bar, all I want is drank out the jar
Locked in the Penn talking back to the guards, shooting the kite
Taking the back of my broad, pulling a candy Lac in my yard
Strapped up talking back to you boys, I'm armed alarmed and informed
And I'm hollin' on my own, for the rings to the pawn
Gotta pass up the coin, to the Tre where I was born
Wood, and I'm hot as a fire place, in a eskimo's house
You get the, you get the, you get the splinters in your mouth
Quinbrown my hardest hood close to downtown, round for round
And pound for pound, I'm making you bitch boys bow down
I've been waiting patiently
I wonder if a nigga's really blessed, cause I'm still here
Niggas steady, hating me
I wonder if a nigga's really blessed, cause I'm still here
I've been waiting patiently
I wonder if a nigga's really blessed, cause I'm still here
Why does he forsaken me
I wonder if a nigga's really blessed
It ain't my fault, my Lord please forgive me for static
But I had that line in my T.V., and being broke and don't have it
I'm playing a deadly game of chess, over rugers and vests
Ride on hollow tips when I'm spitting, still into the flesh
Thug wounds got me paranoid, tattooed and scarred
Running away from the fraud, hiding behind tint in the car
I'm blowing sweet after sweet, real niggas in her feel me
Surrand wrapping the duffle bag, swang bitching to bust me
I'm bout my paper, my Lord please don't let it be in vein
I got a son two little girls, and they got hustle in they vein
Kamikaze with an infrared, scoping my mind
Puffing on lime swinging on 20's, bumping low on the ground
Satellite shaking bitches, putting cameras on cords
Puff the yay and pass the weed, cause everybody love marijuana
I'ma slap for you nigga, two hundred fifty on concrete
Moved patiently and silently, you dialing nigga
I watch my life pass me by, in the blink of an eye
Another stick of fry, cause the regular weed no longer get me high
Popping extasy like Aspirin, come down a nigga block blasting
You don't wanna meet that reaper nigga, you hoes come off my cash man
I'm trying to keep it holy, this thug life keep calling my name
Every now and then I take a loss, but see that's all in the game
Look at what you did to me, I'm free but I'm still living on lie
Everyday it's one mo' murder, one mo' partna that drop
I wonder if the sun shines on the other side
Cause I bet my mama ain't seen a rainy day, since she died
I'm a living legend still in the flesh, automatic assault rifle and a vest
Cause my partnas try to put me to rest
So I treat my pistol like a queen, as I fiend for the green
And I never put anyone before my bitch, I'm jealous as I service my beam
A murdering team, forgive me for my sins O'Lord
But I'm trying to make it, cause this ghetto life is so hard
Ft. Slim Thug
Southside grooving party groovin'
Southside grooving party groovin'
From the from the south,
Southside grooving party groovin'.
From the from the south,
Southside grooving party groovin'.
84 vogues and can't be those... and start...
Drink... six I'll never and we don't move too fast...
We tolerate no disrespect in on about women we get...
... get you with... even... in... change them... miss me, miss me.
Southside grooving party groovin'
Southside grooving party groovin'
From the from the south,
Southside grooving party groovin'.
From the from the south,
Southside grooving party groovin'.
... looking from the south... them boys rock heavy with them diamonds in their mouth
Texas,... Oklahoma... boys can't reap it no...
We like the music louder, we like our... bigger
And I don't wanna skinny chick I like my dicker
Zippin on... like is a... for liquor
That's... the next time nigga... from the south
We just fly down south... and I'm out
What we're paid for our trip you're about to pay for your house
And we do no... and even less romance
And money close cars... we understand
This purple rolly up... and if it's purple... it up
You would never catch me... in the club
3000 dollars work for music in the...
We're coming down
Southern girl
That's all I need in my southern world
I work the... even though I'm in my house shoes
She see money emotion every time my mouth move
I'm searching executive... south too
Why... all of my rats under the couch too
When I'm... guess what I'm out to
It open up and don't close like the... do
You can get some of these...
'Cause if the way I'm hustling...
I used to move my little... to
Now somebody move it for me I'm a...
If you was a... abroad I would... somebody than talk to
She ain't ready but she loves the way I...
You're the... to the house too... football player with the...
Southern girl
That's all I need in my southern world
Yeah yeah southern girl yeah yeah yeah yeah
I am you got a home
Got a big... space... mine there were no...
Pick em up in the white roll with...
Used to rock... never been... now already talk to blue
... how to she ain' t the spirit think bout the...
I am... she always.the south talking so fool even with the school in Alabama
I'm talking... she from real... pullin in the... to the crib.
Southern girl
That's all I need in my southern world
Yeah yeah southern girl yeah yeah yeah yeah
I am you got a home
I used to be now I'm a grown man
... in my own land... the women invited to my home man
That ain't... home
She said... position... she I'ma... in my pocket...
She ain't stopping she regrets... main dropping
Then she ain't poppin... never time to... you could take all the...
She don't belong to... from the back... that's why she... she don't belong to...
Southside, the land of milk and honey baby
Real niggaz getting money baby, respect that
[Chorus: Z-Ro]
I'm so high, [weed in my lungs
Switchblades and guns, niggaz don't want none]
I'm so high, cause I got a sack of that shit
Flipping and tripping, 15's beating in the back of that bitch
I'm so high, [nigga that's what's up
I'm strolling the cut, Dickie suits and all black Chuck's]
I'm so high, I'm on a money making mission
Navigating a Expedition, side panels full of chickens
Money by the tons, weed in my lungs
Switchblades and guns, niggaz don't want none
This is the Thirty, the land of the birdy
Hustlers up early, getting they hands dirty
You heard me, yeah we get that do'
Sell out and resco', and then get some mo'
And also, we spit that amazing flow
Ask me what I'm hitting fo', I want ten a show
[Chorus: Z-Ro]
I'm so high, [weed in my lungs
Switchblades and guns, niggaz don't want none]
I'm so high, cause I got a sack of that shit
Flipping and tripping, 15's beating in the back of that bitch
I'm so high, [nigga that's what's up
I'm strolling the cut, Dickie suits and all black Chuck's]
I'm so high, I'm on a money making mission
Navigating a Expedition, side panels full of chickens
[Mr. 3-2]
I'm so high so gone, floating up in a zone
Discombobulated, I barely made it to my home
I'm known to po' up, and blow funky tobacca'
Packing a click-clacker, just in case somebody act up
Back up and give me space, cause I can't concentrate
If I ain't blowing sticky, or sipping some skee taste
Chasing that dollar bill, in this life that's too beautiful
Niggaz that got killed, they dreams'll be fulfilled
Still I can't cope, without finding some of that dope
On the hottest block of my town, hollin' fuck the po-po
On 4-4's I'm still swanging, banging up out the lot
Heated with plastic glocks, what you boys talking bout
It don't stop till I'm gone, and my heart stop beating
Until then I'm thugging, here bobbing and weaving
Beating and getting money, supporting my own habit
So bitch stay out my bidness, or I'ma let you have it
[Chorus: Z-Ro]
I'm so high, [weed in my lungs
Switchblades and guns, niggaz don't want none]
I'm so high, cause I got a sack of that shit
Flipping and tripping, 15's beating in the back of that bitch
I'm so high, [nigga that's what's up
I'm strolling the cut, Dickie suits and all black Chuck's]
I'm so high, I'm on a money making mission
Navigating a Expedition, side panels full of chickens
I'm out here slanging caine, trying to get major pay
Like razor blades I'll make a cut, any way I post up
I got the pyrex clicking, whipping these hoes up
Call me the come back kid, these fiends go nuts
Fo' years I done that bid, yeah I'm back on track
I re'd up, spend a stack on crack
I'm V'd up, you see the Lac on black rims
My styrofoam cup, filled up rolling bats off sacks
I'm on the grind, getting scratch all day
But the mack'll make em get back, I'm squeezing aiming at bald fades
Money longer than Snoop Dogg braids, that's what I'm after man
This residue, inside the glass for grams
Hit the pavement, then I stash the grands
I'm thinking of owning a big house, copping massive land
I done pulled the trigga once, and I'll blast again
I'm all for the do' I'm hauling the snow, I get it and go
[Chorus: Z-Ro]
I'm so high, [weed in my lungs
Switchblades and guns, niggaz don't want none]
I'm so high, cause I got a sack of that shit
Flipping and tripping, 15's beating in the back of that bitch
I'm so high, [nigga that's what's up
I'm strolling the cut, Dickie suits and all black Chuck's]
I'm so high, I'm on a money making mission
Now you might catch me bobbing my head, but you will not catch me dancing
You might catch me getting at a broad, but you will not catch me romancing
One of the finest emcees out of Houston Texas, from the South end
Where everyday one of my people, lays down in a coffin
Yeah it's a lot of playa haters, lip boxing homie
They don't wanna see me squeezing it, until the empty clips dropping homie
So accurate with my aim, you best repent for your sins
My gun cocking is a reminder, that your life is bad at ten
Though, I don't wanna hurt nobody
I will not hesitate, to put fo' in your body
Don't get it twisted, I don't be rapping about smacking fellas to sell c.d.'s
I'ma really lay my hands on somebody, forget a MP3
This is real life, secluded from society but this is still life
Trying to go from thinking about it, to definitely I will life
After I save myself, I'll be in a position where I can give life
Thanking Jesus, cause we wouldn't be here if he didn't give his life
[Hook: x2]
Ride all day, ride all night
Can't figure out to stay out of county, but to keep my head right
Got my name in candy blue letters, between my headlights
Z-Ro the Crooked the Mo City Don, he's all about bread right
I ride all day, just me and a fat sack
In case I'm spotted by jackers, I got my black backpack
With the black mack in it, give me fifty feet or have your hat dented
I just need a whole lot of, leave me alone
Bending corners in the Crentley, dripping paint on the streets
I'm getting paid, everytime I put my pain on a beat
Sitting on top of 22 inches, glassed up ain't nothing like the fast bucks
That's how I keep, good kush weed in a bone
These spreds longs, tend to act so-so
Just like a brother can't get no love, when his do' low
Me and my brothers, we do the best that we can
While trying to give y'all the world, but all we got is two hands
Tell me why when a hustler get locked up, or take a major loss
The same woman that was down like fo' flats, will tell him to step off
That's why I roll, solo
Hell naw you can't get in with me, cause I don't need no help smoking this do-do
[Hook x2]
These days, everytime I ride by
From shining so hard, I can be spotted by the blind eye
But I'm not capping, just informing y'all that I'm doing rather well from rapping
Although my records never made it gold, or made it platinum
But I got a lot of ice, a couple cars and a couple spots
I don't go to jail no mo', cause my payroll includes a couple cops
So am I riding dirty, I think y'all already know
Hydrolic stash spot, is a guarantee the laws gon let me go
I'ma keep on rolling around, and rolling up this good
Z-Ro in love with Mo City, and needs no help holding up his hood
Matter fact I'm one deep, till I see my grave
But I'm trying to stick around long enough, to see my daughter grown up and paid
Besides, I don't need nobody calling Sandra
Or Dorothy Mathews, about me and this bad news
That's why, I'ma hide behind the limosine tint
Dubya-dubya-dubya-dot, fuckallayall dot com
Run up if you want to nigga
[Intro: Z-Ro harmonizing]
Blues ain't the way that I lose
How I get gray hair
Take a bruisin the way I been bruised
And you'll see why I don't care
Respect my mind - cause I'll kill you nigga
Bitch I'll kill you niggaz, you better
Respect my mind - cause I'll kill you niggaz
Cause I will kill you nigga
Cause I don't wanna feel
Someone else's weapon... so
[Chorus: Z-Ro]
I load my AK, don't think I won't spray
You bitch niggaz gon' lay, you won't catch me runnin
When - I load my AK, don't think I won't spray
You bitch niggaz gon' lay, you won't catch me runnin
I become a soldier when it's war time
That's all I really know cause all I've had are hard times
And ain't nobody bendin down with me, I'm on my own
Duckin and dodgin infrareds aimin for my dome
I got enemies in every state, city and hood
Plus my relationship with my friends ain't no good
Therefore I roll with Katie cause she's a bad bitch
One squeeze ten motherfuckers bleed and need a casket
No need to reload, I promise I'ma drop 'em all
Screamin "Remember me?" as motherfuckers stop and fall
Ain't no remorse, ain't no love in my life cycle
Cause when your family out to get you it be twice as vital
I'm not tryin to be a statistic of a thug war
Call me ridiculous but I won't hesitate to slug for it
That's on my momma trust, nobody but friends to my kin
For the slightest disrespect I'ma commit another sin
When I...
[Chorus] - 1/2
Tragedies happen in my world everytime I breathe
So I'm paranoid and trigger happy until I leave
I got a 357, a 45, and a gauge
But Ms. Katie put mo' motherfuckers on the front page
If I gotta pull a trigger I'ma shoot to kill
Not tryin to hurt ya, I'ma try to leave you stiff as steel
Cause I ain't tryin to watch my back when I'm out in public
So when I blast that's yo' ass you went out and dusted
But I'm not tryin to send the wrong message to the kids
I'm just sayin even if you young they'll stil split ya wig
And I'd be wrong if I told you to let a nigga do ya
I practice what I preach and ride with much more then a Ruger
I guess the Lord'll deal with me at the end of time
I'm not a killer but motherfuckers gon' respect my mind
That's on my mama trust, nobody but friends to my kin
For the slightest disrespect I'll put ya spirit in the wind
When I...
[Chorus] - 1/2
Come with me, ain't nothing changed I'm the same old G
Seem like it's my to shine, like the diamond cut in my grill
La da da da da, I'm real
You can catch me flipping, and sipping and smoking
Up in the turning lane, with the doors wide open
We serious bout our habits, we never be choking
Catch us chain smoking, and violently choking
Why don't you wanna light up the blunt, that's in your hand
I'll pat ya with the 4-4, that is for sure man
Ain't no more breaking a leaf, ain't nothing but that dro man
Mess around and get too tipsey, you'll be on the floor man
Popping up, until I feel about as strong as four man
We don't smoke rocks but they are over our hand
Remember back in the day, I use to be a poor man
Now I'm gifted and sipping daily, with jewelry frozen
[Hook - 2x]
[Lil' O]
Uh, they say I'm acting funny, they saying O's strange
They saying no don't come around, nigga O's changed
Man O tripping man what's going down in O's brain
Talking down on me, them niggas still ain't having no change
See I don't really talk it, I just live it
I don't say I'm gonna, I just get it
Give a playa the ball, he 'pose to run with it
But these niggas rapping gossip, like some dumb bitches
Like how he get that Benz, how he get that dough
Yeah I got some bread, but wanna get some more
See I went from grinding, all in front the liqour store
To a made man, I'm top knotch nigga role
And you could do it too, this should inspire you
To get ya change, get out the game and retire fool
Before these streets fuck around, and retire you
You saying O ain't real, you a liar fool
[Hook - 2x]
Mama say she hate game, but can't avoid mine
She know Vo' ain't giving shit to a hoe, but hard dick and hard times
I'm the homicidal Hitchcock
A sex addict and a weed fanatic, so tell me how could shit stop
Cause I'm real, ask Ro' I ask hoe how I spill
I spit rocks at my grill that's worth a mill, yeah a million bucks
My mouth piece armed with invisible sets and trillion cuts
This boy throwed, I thought they told you nigga Presidential code
You can see it, when I'm hauling in my load
My Escalade, all work no play
23 screens and eight 15's, that's tucked away
So you can, keep watching me and
I'ma pop this E man, after ecstasy the desert eagle
Playa don't hate me, hate the game
Ain't got time to be out here bullshitting, I'm out here trying to make some change
Please don't get it twisted, I'm a Mo City soldier I thought I told ya
Roll with us, or get your ass rolled over
See we all about our feddy, pulling up on chrome
Nigga for real ask G.I.N., or you can ask Chad Jones
Baby we Presidential playas showing up, all these hoes gon mind
Everyone of us diamond down, bitch and all them hoes gon shine
We living lovely sipping bubbly, all our cars are foreign
Ain't no jackers we barring, cause we ready for war'n
I'm the king like Tarzan, but minus swinging on a vine
We swanging on 84's, and chopping in a line
Houston Texas, the origin of baller's paradise
It's going down, I can smell it in the air tonight
So when you see us pulling up, plus looking like a million
Balling permanently but fakers change, like chamileon
[Chorus:] [2x]
They see a playa
They see a playa
They see a playa
They see a playa in the mix, so they jump on dick
[Big Don]
They see a playa in the mix, so they jump on dick
They see the kid and painted six, and the wrist frost bit
They see a nigga on the grind, and he just won't quit
I keep pumping and keep em jumping, on the tip of my dick
It's going down, baby
These hoe ass niggaz, trying to roach our shine baby
But I don't give a motherfuck, just pay me mine baby
And I'ma show you why we repping H-Town baby, where we grind on the daily
Just pay me, don't delay me I need stacks
Don't be tripping sideways, cause a 40 what I pack
Cause they see a nigga grinding, see a nigga shining
See a nigga elbows, bumper kit reclining
In the mix, I done moved crumbs to bricks
And everybody worldwide, know that Crest is the click
On some Presidential shit, when we hitting the stage
Get off dick we in the mix, just to get paid
[Chorus:] [2x]
They see a playa
They see a playa
They see a playa
They see a playa in the mix, so they jump on dick
They see a playa in the mix, and a broad under my arm
Got the bomb squad with me, and a glock up under my charm
Better recognize nigga, I cause bodily harm
I got a tommy gun, I call that bitch body-be-gone
See I'm a playa slash murderer, you know the name nigga
Straight out of Pud Park, bringing the flame nigga
The aim is superior, mack game flawless
I pull a bitch without even talking, I'm the rawest
I pull up in the Lac, with the woofers in the back
And the windows kinda cracked, sitting fat like a mack
With your broad on my lap, bout to take her to the trap
When her ass come back, I'ma be sitting on a stack
See that's how playas do it, dog the pimp game fluid
Some niggaz turn pop, but I'ma stay true to it
The pinky ring bluest, and the wardrobe sick
And that's the reason, why I got these niggaz bitch on my dick
[Chorus:] [2x]
They see a playa
They see a playa
They see a playa
Yo hey, yeah come here girl come on, uh..
[Hook - 2x]
Who wanna party party, these hoes acting naughty
They wanna get with it, or they wanna fuck somebody
And so you know how I do it, you better ask somebody
I pick winners, let me see you come in first place
I'm like the rabbit and turtle, see it's a long race
You get to shaking and moving, working and hurting
You slapping it up and you bruising, and girl it's curtains
Shake your booty, leave my hand
And dick print in her, and I go up in her
She get managed, like the Asian wanting Spanish
And you know I got to have it, put your mouth on me baby
Get to fucking, and baby girl can't manage
She can't stand, her ass bigger than the whole damn planet
She don't look to better, like Janet
But she'll do, and we'll do
It's just another day, a bitch in my bed
The same bitch, she be giving me head
And when the bitch, make a nigga just cum
Find out hoe, that you ain't the one
[Hook - 2x]
You wanna party party, see me act naughty naughty
And get me twisted off that Lime, Vodka and Bacardi
You wanna see me now, or you wanna see me later
Smoked out, in the back of your Navigator
So let's party party, young playa playa
I don't mean to stare, but what you swanging there
I like to get it crunk, I'm tal'n bout pulling stunts
Don't be shy break me off, in the front of the club
You know, you wanna fuck
You know, you wanna bust a nut
So come on baby, why don't you give me what you got
Break me off a stack, and you can see this pussy pop
And if you front, you get's no love
Cl'Che's looking for a thug
You with that ladi-dadi, but I'm a hottie hottie
Then Daz Dilinger said, you better ask somebody
[Hook - 2x]
Bitch you, ain't nothing but a greasy split
Open your pussy hole for me, don't tease me bitch
I'm put to put this log on you, from Michigan to Pamona
Long as I got a rubber, Z-Ro gon bone a broad a day
When I hit it, she gon injure her ankle like Hardaway
Doggy style, come out and come back from a yard away
Punish the panocha, I'm going south
Do that thang with your mouth, and I'll be hard all over
Look how they jock me, when I'm rocking the stage
On that X and I'ma hit it, like I'm cocking a gauge
I'm like em with hair down they back, or rocking the braids
They love my dick, and want me to stay in they cot for the day
But I got bidness to handle, and paper to chase
Finish sucking my dick, and then get your ass out my face
It ain't nothing personal, but I don't love you hoe
Niggas working 9 to 5 in this dirty game
But all my niggas gone survive in this dirty game
Because we pack a 45 in this dirty game
Everyday my mind is set on money making ways
Even kick in doors, I can't be broke in money making days
I can't get no job in a white man's world that's why I live so raw
I can't watch my children starve homeboy so watch me break the law
[Chorus - 2x]
Ramon noodles, t.v. dinners ain't no way to live
Rather be holding slab while grabbing grain rolling airport load for sive
In the streets of Houston Texas hustlers living in the cuts
On a mission chasing paper got no time for gold digging hoes get off my nuts
[Chorus - 2x]
I'm turning suicidal in my older age, this game'll freeze you to death
And eveyrday I face the coldest stage
Tell me does every nigga that's thugging got to struggle to bubble
And so I'm ready to laugh successfully you don't want no troule
Cause I'm living more rugged than rougher than the rockiest road
I'm paronoid for life, got to keep a glock in the load
Am I addicited to caine (watch that tooting line)
Could it be a nigga that's hard to locate is somebody you could find
Z-Ro, certified platinum on a million dollar paper chase
Pulling up next to the police and blowing this weed in they face
But they try to blow my high when I'm on this hyper toiliking weed
But I'm gonna slice skills with hands that'll make you vomet and bleed
Aunte be worrying about me so I'm trying to get her to smile
But I know she know I'm wanted dead or alive
Got to keep my mind on my money making maneuvers cause my hustle is strong
A lot of fools get lazy now they hustle is gone
But I'm a hustler for life
[Chorus - 2x]
[Z-Ro talking]
Nigga hell yeah, know what I'm saying
Bridgemont Texas baby coming straight at you
Motherfucking 199 motherfucking 7
For real we ain't even gone play with you nigga
We coming so motherfucking real
Bridge man hustlers on the corner selling cheese
Trying to stack g's, got to pay my motherfucking bills nigga
Can you understand me, I'ma forver be a hustling nigga
A hustler for real, I wouldn't even bullshit with you
I'm telling you for real niggas going down in this bitch
Bridgemore Entertainment, Afterlife Productions is coming down nigga
You can't feel us, you can't stop us fuck around and get, man hold up man
Man you fuck around and get mashed on for real we coming around this bitch
For self Bridgemont, we hustlers for life nigga, straight four for life nigga
Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep
Right now, For my next selection all you bitch ass niggaz and all you bitch ass bitches this ones dedicated to you cause yaw mutherfuckers aint shit i promise yaw aint shit
Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep.Yaw niggaz,dont have to
[Verse 1:]
Come around my way cause i dont need another fare wit a friend wit a trick up his sleeve actin like her really my potna but he's under my cheese im suffercated by the weak please leave let me breath
"remember"Yall Aint want me to hit the weed now im rappin you see me and tell me to hit the weed thankin you can get a v.i.p. pass and get in free but Joseph Mc Vey's enough company for me wanna kick it wit me cause i kick it wit the high class yaw didnt wanna kick it when i was down on my ass when im conerin bitches out Louis Vaton livin the point now them niggas tryna ruin my fun years livin the millinium im every bodys ton yaw niggas aint help me did it i did it for no one fuck showin love back i aint showin none
Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep.Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep.Yaw niggaz,dont have to
[Verse 2:]
Come to none of my shows or support my tapes casue wit or without your support ill still be staright the less niggas around me the betta i can consantrate when i caint thank straight i open up and just play it could be ya death day get besides your self we aint cool i thank u betta rewind ya self fo a semitary be were u gone find ya self so get ya feet and let the door close behind your self i dont need no friend i dont need no broad the only thing i need is the help of the good lord tryna kick it but mutherfuckers seem too hard im gone be keepin it real they gone be keepin it froad a hundred and fifty two percent are real wit me instead of runnin with the game i keep the steel wit me i can do bad one deep so i chill wit me
Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep.Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep.Yaw niggaz,dont have to
[Break Down:]
If you know a bitch ass nigga throw up ya handz
And if you know a bitch ass bitch throw up ya handz
If you know a bitch ass nigga throw up ya handz
And if you know a bitch ass bitch throw up ya handz
If you know a bitch ass nigga throw up ya handz
And if you know a bitch ass bitch throw up ya handz
If you know a bitch ass nigga throw up ya handz
And if you know a bitch ass bitch throw up ya handz
"Yaw niggaz aint gotta" Fuck wit me cause i can do bad just bein one deep. Yaw niggaz,dont have to fuck wit me, cause i can do bad just bein one deep.Yaw niggaz,dont have to
Man Z-Ro the crooked the mothafuckin Moe-city don
Yeah nigga I done hooked up with Rap-A-Lot
Knahimsayin I know y'all don't like that
But fuck y'all though feel me
[Verse 1: Z-Ro]
From mansions, to Hummers, resently I want it all
Like every other nigga that's twenty-six I wanna ball
That's why I get off my rump and I go and get it(go and get it)
So when my pockets lookin' low it's time to pay the suburbs
But this it I can't see my self at the bottom of the food chain
When a nigga hungry, and broke I go thru some mood swings
Lay it down motherfucker I got kids to feed
I was on the block when it moved slow, all Z-Ro needed was speed
Do I suffer from greed? I gotta get some cash quick
Cause I look back on my life a nigga ain't never had shit
50-packin get me thru the night, want get me but my profit
I gotta room but shit y'all them J's done kept on chopping
(??)on some big O's, keepin fiends lit (??)like pillows
I eat on the block, and sleep on the block, then I retreat on my block
Goin out of town for birds about the piece on my block
Caught up in the game of chasing dough
I'm not mama's little boy no mo'
So next time you see me in public I'm on my grind
Starving I'm just tryna get fed
So I gotta get up and go get this bread
And I'm about to be a million, about to lose my mind
Catch me if you can is my vision of me screamin'
So I chase e'm like the law until my jewelry is gleamin(*brake*)
[Spice 1:]
We don't fuck around, we hit a nigga up with them desert eagles
187 hero Z-Ro, and Fetty Chico
Blooow, I'm a jedi in these ghetto star wars
Now watch your shoes when you stepping, Maybach with the mink floors
Mr. Bossilinie, cut two eye holes in the beanie
But I'm as quickly as pistols, never personal mayn believe me
Throwing boat loads like Bolo, in Enter the Dragon
Walking the ground pants sagging, hit niggaz with black talons
Ghetto smiling, niggaz ain't seen me in a while'n
I'm just trying to survive, just trying to stay alive'n
Bossed out like Boss Hogg, keep bitches in Daisie Dukes
Put slugs in niggaz, why they trying to put up they dukes
So I ain't trying to worry bout, what if they shoot
I pull the super soaker out, and wet up they coupe bloow
Nine to five, I'm staying alive staying alive
It's a full time job, just trying to survive trying to survive
Nine to five, I'm staying alive staying alive
It's a full time job, just trying to surviiiiive
Fuck a nigga fuck a bitch, I'm just concerned about my scratch
And if my trap running low, it's time to whip up another batch
Bag it up and take it to the block, I can't forget my gat
Just in case one of these bitch ass niggaz, decide to jack
Not bragging or nothing, but these hands I gotta lay you flat
Like a tension reliever, you gon stretch out and then relax
Seem like the mo' realer I keep it, the mo' I get stabbed in my back
Y'all niggaz don't see Joseph McVey, y'all niggaz just see a rap
Y'all niggaz don't know how many times, I done went without food
Without shelter without clothing, real poverty is mind blowing
Sleeping outside, can fuck with your pride
In most cases its a decision, whether you gon roll over or ride
Not to mention the pop-po's pull us over, when we standing still
I promise I'll pop this mo'fucker, if I could grab the steel
Be digging these ditches, and dodging bullets from nine to five
It's a bunch of niggas upset with me, cause I don't visit no mo'
They think that I'm capping, but I'm just cuz I'm in a fo' do'
Fully loaded Chrysler 300, sitting on grown men
Plus I'm covered by VS-1 diamonds, from pimping my pen
I could remember when, they use to laugh at me in class
Cause of my eyes are incursion, corduroy britches man that's all I had
Cause of my bifocal glasses, they use to call me fo' eyes
And egg-head but now I'm a grown gangsta, receiving FED bread
Ain't no telling what I'ma do, if somebody test me
I'ma yell in town by motherfuckers, your best bet is not to sweat me
On the edge sit on the edge of the bed, with a infrared in my paw
It's time to pay back everybody I owe, if you scared call the law
Cause I ain't gon never stop, coming after your coward ass
Run up on you at the intersection, bitch I'm bout to blast
All you rappers, dissing Z-Ro in your songs
Bitch I'ma for real life head bust, I'm coming to see you fuck a song
Now I don't owe nobody nothing, but lately niggas and bitches
Been attempting to get close to me, flipping the access to my riches
But can't you see this tattoo on my arm, say one deep
That mean it's nobody with me, when I'm 'woke or when I'm sleep
I ain't never been the type, to hang with a lot of niggas
Plus my attitude is rude, so I'ma be done shot a nigga
Please let me keep my cool, until I get paid
Then it be fucked up if I miss my chance, at a million in my grave
I'm the king of the ghetto, because I'm still here
You can purchase drugs or pussy, or you can get killed here
City streets, they'll eat you alive if you ain't got no street sense
You better call an audible, 'fore you meet up with the defense
The jackers the killas, the crooked ass cops
I refuse to become a statistic, bro I got my glock
So before you run up on me homie, for an autograph
And I will murder, ever bumber clot run
Keep my hand, on my gun whoa
I don't think they want the beef, cause these type of problems ain't fin to go away
These friends I'm packing with me, remind ya don't ever fuck with Trae
And if these bitches get up in you, ain't no need to pray
Cause praying with this pain, will have you praying they take you away
I still post up, and let niggaz know I don't bar a thang
I'm gangstafied motherfucker, talk down and watch I make it rain
And it ain't nothing that can stop it, I promise you that
I put that on the Truth, my brothers and Mr. Fat Pat
Now if they really want it, these niggaz gon have to get it
I'm trying to put something on your mind, just so you don't forget it
My M16, will be the reason niggaz take a loss
When I get it out, just watch how fast this bitch'll rearrange your house
The shit I got, will make the laws back up and get the SWAT
But even what they got, will give it up cause these bullets be hot
I'm like original roster, who wanna run with me
Cause what I'm bringing out, don't think they wanna fuck with me
I keep a heater, but I'm known for my murder 16's
Killer speaker killer beats, so I murder 16's
So they M16's, tote a M16
I call it my bodyguard, cause they instance mean
In the streets of the city, it ain't no love
Them boys'll fuck you quick, without no glove
I'm riding, in haters road blocks
Them jackers don't stop, they'll blaze your whole spot
So a nigga on spot, with the gauges on cock
And them Orville Redenbach glocks, is on pop
So P.O.P., I will P-O-P
'Fore I let another mother-mother, squeeze on me
In the H to the T-X, you better pray or be X'd
They don't play you'll be next, you better raise your protection
Yes son, and just to see another day it's a blessing
So I keep a weapon, my
Is it me glock 40, bump-bump-bump-bump nope
Is it me 45, bump-bump-bump-bump nope
Is it me 3-57, bump-bump-bump-bump nope
Me M16, taping off the murder scene
Inhaling potent doja, with muddy cup of codeine
Me people don't even play me close, cause them don't know me
Me don't want no company, me kick it with me lonely
And will murder anyone of you snitches, run up on me
But my grandmother didn't raise a killer, she raised up a Christian
But the fact that I was already down, and people kept kicking
Made me crazy, that's why I got no love for nobody lately
And I told y'all once before, none of my weapons have a safety
Ru-run up on me once, I'ma beat your ass down
Ru-run up on me twice, I'ma heat your ass down
Place you in another dimension, nobody can see you now
Z-Ro, Heavy Rotation, yeah
I've been running the streets 24 years (look at me)
I made it but I'm wanted most of my peers (look at me)
I keep a heater in case I run across my beef (look at me)
And I'm so full it hurt my mouth when I speak (look at me)
I'm rapping but I'm still working the corner (look at me)
Hustling everyday selling work and marijuana (look at me)
I keep a vest on, I keep my chest on (look at me)
With a real groupie when pull out a press on (look at me)
I might dress prepped up but I still do crime (look at me)
I'm a geurilla can't you tell it when I rhyme (look at me)
I don't need no soda, straight out the paint bottle
And I don't care if you don't like it cause I ain't your role model
[Chorus - 2x]
Tell me where your hood and I'ma tell you where mine
But don't be beefing when you come around a g on his grind
Smoking nothing but pine, need no drama on my mind
Pump your breaks, bet not disrespect the stop sign
I'm out that Mo City where they don't bar none (look at me)
I never leave the pad without packing a gun (look at me)
I don't be set tripping any one of y'all can get it (look at me)
I'ma take you out if you interrupt the flow of digits (look at me)
I produce hits but radio won't play my song (look at me)
I keep a record cause all that hating made me strong (look at me)
I must confess that I be looking for trouble (look at me)
When I make a million I'll be looking to double (look at me)
Nothing but pen pimping and smoking that pine (look at me)
I'm like the law cause all these boys gone mind (look at me)
I don't need no soda, straight out the paint bottle
And I don't care if you don't like it cause I ain't your role model
[Chorus - 2x]
I'm addicted to putting my hands on cash (look at me)
I'm that little sodier that don't need a soldier rag (look at me)
It's self explanatory to escallade to jag (look at me)
I started off with hardens off in sperate bags (look at me)
Now I'm on top of the world and ain't no falling (look at me)
Got to tell them back back somebody keep on calling
All in, with six screens in my load
R.I.P. to F-A-T P-A-T Southside for sho (look at me)
I'ma navigate this big ride body lac (look at me)
I'm ghetto fabulous, I got hooks, beats and sacks (look at me)
I don't need no soda, straight out the paint bottle
And I would love life, not trying to leave this earth so much
If I could be like Jesus, I'd have a reason to live
The way I dodge bullets, it's like it ain't the season to live
If I could be like the Lord, then my problems wouldn't matter
No mo' head busting my guns, they brains wouldn't splatter
When they run up on me, cause I be turning the other cheek
But I be thinking like a devil, and packing my heat
If I could be like Jesus, I wouldn't running from death
Taking precaution with a vest, fuck getting one in my chest
If I could be like Jesus, I wouldn't hate my foes
Since I'm not a 3-49, plus eight my foes
If I could be like Jesus, I wouldn't cry so hard
I can't seem to please anybody, yet I try so hard
If I could be like Jesus, then I would teach, they tell me
That I'm learning to be like him, cause they can feel him when I speak
[Hook - 2x]
Sometimes I dream (sometimes I dream)
That he is me (he is me)
Like Jesus, if I could be like Jesus
(I wanna be, I wanna be like Jesus) yeeah
[Black Mike]
If I could avoid the sleepless nights, and be like Christ
I'd write the book what Mike is like, the wrong and the right
The day and the night, the weak that are dying the strong that fight
The difference in the black and the white, the crack and the pipe
The fiends on the block, that dream of the rock
And it ain't seeming to stop, because the beaming is hot
And it's not what I expected, the glock keeps me protected
The best, cause the bullets be hot when they injected
I can't avoid satan hardest, it seems I try
I can't sleep it hurts, even in my dreams I cry
It gets deep, when you hearing your name spoken in vein
Press ships get torn apart, the windows broken is pain
I know it's a shame, the way I'm steady smoking this Jane
It's getting hard for me to focus my brain, hoping it change
I'm going deranged, something's always trying to deceive us
And if I could change, I would wanna be like Jesus
[Hook - 2x]
If I could be like Jesus, then I'd stay off of the drugs
But I be tripping on how my body, bounce off of the slugs
Forgive me for my sins, cause I'm just trying to stay alive
Can't trust nobody but weed smoke, my only friend is a dime
If I could be like the savior, then I would save something
Blast something up, in somebody something who made something
G-O-D, that's God Over Disrespecting
And God Over the Devil, from all that holy chin checking
I'm trying to be down with you, I hope you can feel me
I don't love head busting, but niggaz be trying to kill me
And I don't wanna die, that's why I try to stay strapped
Cause ain't no telling where I'm going, if I get put on my back
If I could be like anybody, it's you my Lord
Cause in any situation, you know what to do my Lord
My attitude is rude, but I ain't meaning no harm
im from tha south i got them diamonds in my mouth.
Z-ro(screwed up click)
im from tha south i got them diamonds in my mouth.
(i got them diamonds in my mouth)
(this how we do it down south)
hold up a minute im the king of tha ghetto.
holdin tha rap game like wood grain cant let go.
you niggaz aint neva seen me im on anotha level.
stay ready to dig a grave keep a gun and a shovel.
saw me in tha rear view now you wonderin where i went.
ima get you if i owe you visit your residents.
laid the merk game down and tell them i hit the fence.
they tell me to keep my mouth closed,
so they cant see the shinin.
cant get with Z-ro cuz all you see was diamonds.
im cold like a deep freezer with bags of ice in it.
my 357 pretty but aint nothin nice in it.
to many bitches and not enough rubba.
got so many of my real niggaz unda tha gutta.
watch a nigga full of life lights closed like shuttaz.
god damn stayin healthy is hard as a mutha fucka.
(paul wall)
i got diamonds all, in my mouth, in my grill, and in my jaw.
platnium teeth and princess cuts my mouth simila to a disco ball.
im pall wall my smile is blindin.
my ice is shinin like a schandaler.
i tend to brush my teeth with windex just so the glass house mouth shine clear.
i got mo carrots than vegtable soup.
im a texas icon tha peoples champ.
put on yo shades when i comend to approach
my mouth is like a lemonde like a lamp.
we got gold grills and platinum and ice.
cuz thats how it is in the lone star state.
with a cup full of bar and a candy car.
and we jammin on a robe3rt davis great tape.
(lil flip)
eva since 1999 i had diamonds in my grill.
you just rappin that aint platinum you need to chill.
cuz you embarressen texas nigga you aint trill.
nigga you been on my dick way befo you got yo deal.
these rappers finally get some fame and think they got it locked.
afta yo album flop.
nigga you gone be on ?
my gear clean from my earing to my pinky rang.
if you aint spend thirty.
boy tuck in yo peace and chain.
Bloka Bloka Bloka thats how my gun go.
if im lookin at you bitch you betta run hoe.
i used to do baguettes but know im VS1's thought.
princess cuts straight up and down johnny done knows.
i got loud ice just like paul wall.
shinin down south brighter than all yall.
when its time to get your jewlery done who do yall call.
cuz you fellaz aint shinin at all.
check me out.
on tha first and fifthteenth im somthin like a pimp.
even with a suspended license im still fixin to flip.
aint no limit to this cash.
aint nothin i cant get.
five duce for you cuz.
i aint nothin like a crip.
ride with a revolver i dont fuck with clips.
these roach ass niggaz tryin to make me bust my chips.
but im not a bank, i dont even trust my bitch.
im from tha south and i got them diamonds in my mouth.
On a mission fishing for feddy, ready to make a knot
I'm use to having less, and I just can't deal with the stress
And it seems like everywhere I go, another nigga wanna test
Brother don't disrespect yourself and get yourself up in a, vine
Cause I'm a maniac with a mac, and a black back-pack
Smoking up on the urban fat sack, I'm trying to keep from going off
But niggas be trying to make me starve, when I need groceries in my house
Wicked niggas say they be friends, but end up trying to kill your friends
Always turn to foes, that's saying it's over millions
Dealing with dirty niggas on a daily basis
Don't really wanna fuck with em, but see they baby faces
I gotta survive
[Chorus - 2x]
Let me live my life, nigga don't fuck with me
To deal out these deeds, then you die
And when it's my time hope I don't, cry
Living in the ghetto, day by day
I'm bumping trying to make a profit, cause I gotta get my pay
You better, keep watching me and
Pretty soon, you'll see man
That I'm a real rich nigga from the Houston streets
Fried out licking, looking for something to eat
I'm on a mission, whipping birds like they stole something
Pain, it make me wanna roll something
I'm a soldier, and I'm outta my mind
Voice mail beeping for days, cause I'm out on the grind
Guess my daddy didn't love me, cause he turned his back
Therefor the streets is my people, a nigga learned like that
And I haaaad to get up, and bleed the block
And it don't stop
[Chorus - 2x]
My nigga Herman Fisher doing fed time
I remember like it was yesterday, it made the headlines, damn
I had to start all over, but it didn't matter cause I was a soldier
Walking around with a king size chip on my shoulder
Missing my mama while I Iay down, on benches to sleep
Snatching purses and hopping fences just to eat
Still I maintain, I'm still in the same game chasing paper
Bitch niggas be up in my business, like oops I'm erasing haters
I'm S.U.C. for life, KMJ until I'm finished
Like Popeye from the ghetto, but a nigga don't need no spinach
All I need is my Nina when I be flipping birds
Z-Ro, king of the ghettoooooo
Once upon a time, not long ago
There was a hustling motherfucker, with a cold ass flow
Everytime he hit the studio, his beeper go off
He left the beef to get his cheese, by selling people that raw
With a pistol on his right side, and one in his back
I-10 again and again, from running that crack
Girlfriend kept complaining, cause he never at home
So he told her deal with it bitch, or get the fuck on
It was money over bitches, on his mind
Plus all of his partnas, thought that he would never shine
The number be 15 and 5, up in the kitchen
He could do it straight up, or he could do it with a whipping
But then came a drought, and then he put his first album out
Decided to do it full time, cause record stores kept selling out
Still in the game, cocaine on top of the brain
From the studio to the streets, Z-Ro is everything
[Hook - 2x]
King of the ghetto, I'm sitting on my throne
Got a red light, sitting on my chrome
Ridgemont Texas, representing
With a taper fade, sitting on my dome
I mash niggaz, and I trash niggaz
When it come down, to the cash nigga
Beat that ass, in a flash nigga
Pistol play, and I'ma blast nigga
Gangstafied, from Goderhead
All day long, I chase my bread
But on the low, I don't fuck with FED's
Cause a snitch nigga, get dressed in red
Shut up bitch, she look so lie
But they don't know, she'll take your life
Not giving a fuck, or get fucked up
And end up dead, with your dick in the sky
Go my way, we gon have fun
Instead of happiness, we have done
About our business, corrupting our kidneys
All that codeine, weed and drugs
Either ligalo with a glock, and my mask on
I gotta go get it, cause I got an appetite
Down to run up in your residence, and blast on sight
It's for the paper it's for the bread, it's for the feddy
Seventeen stash spots, between the Dodge and the Chevy
Fuck the whole wide world, it's just me and my songs
Constantly moving on, to find a better place to call home
Keep running, but always look where you going
Whether it's sunny or snowing, them people'll kick your do' in
They keep coming, I had to gather up my rocks
And relocate blocks, and set up my shop away from the cops
Cause I'm a hustler, slash all that
With plenty Christian in the background, for fall backs
That mean I got a plan, B-C and D-E-F-G excetera
Z-Ro running game, two thousand two steps ahead of you
Keep running
Keep on running
[Mr. Drastic]
I'm on a whole nother level, now I'm running for the devil
When I finally get the shovel, I'ma bury him mayn
Bringing true to the game, so I'm putting God first
No burden I can't handle, I done been through the worst
Now it's time for the better, me and Ro getting setter
Drop the top in rainy weather, and I'm loving it mayn
From the cradle to the grave, no more being a slave
When you see me best believe me, I be off of the chain
Gripping the grain doing the thang, with Gene and Day
Screaming my name, before I go on I make em pay
Business first, making sure my money is straight
I'm loving the hate, because it's keeping food on the plate
It's later and Ro, yeah you know we running the show
Getting the do', rapper slash CEO
Wherever I go, I always be the number one stunning
So you better keep on running
[Hook - 2x]
Everyday is a struggle, so I gotta get up and get it
I'm dodging the federalies, trying to stack my mill ticket
It's wicked up in these streets, if you don't work you don't eat
That's why my eyes are wide open, never falling asleep
I roll O-N-E deep, cause I don't need no niggas
They hold you down everytime, when you trying to stack figgas
I'm clutching chrome plated triggas, that's keeping these bitches running
Faster than Forest Gump, that twist and turn when they coming
I been a hustler for a hustler, was even thinking of hustling
And sold every kinda drug, and that's the end of discussion
I'm not trusting nan nigga, nan bitch or friend
Because they all turn fraud, in the god damn end
I'm dropping rhymes and wreckes, and my sixteens is cold
No baking soda it's over, I'm mixing O-N-E do'
When it's finally wrapped in plastic, then shipped to the stores
Gotta make sure these words are understandable
Cause it's a motherfucking shame, all these short
Comings in the game, hoe ass niggas, hoe ass bitches
Know I'm saying
I'm still King of the Ghetto, ain't a damn thang changed
Still sip out the prescription bottle, with hydro on my brain
It help a nigga make it through the drama, swear to God
I be feeling like busting heads, and relocate to the Bahamas
But I don't wanna be a runaway, I love my block
But I can't seem to put my gun away, friends be killing friends
So I don't make no ends, with nobody I know
Cause if nobody gets nervous, then nobody's gotta go
That's the G-Code, and I will busting simply, then I will reload
Sick of all of this gun bumping, from you people
Turning a Christian into someone who is evil, Z-Ro
Motherfuckers all up in my business, broadcasting my life
Presidential Records suing Z-Ro, and his pockets ain't right
Why they wanna spread rumors, bout Ro Dog
Turn me to a menace to society like O-Dog
It's a shaa-aa-ame, the way they fuck around with my mind
It's a shaa-aa-ame, the way they try to hurt me
It's a shaa-aa-ame, the way they got me walking round with my nine
Raised on game, a soldier that's showing no mercy
When I wake up, I be wishing to find another way to make a living
Baking a cake, back in the kitchen got my palms itching
Scratch that with a fat stack, of Benjamin Franklin, y'all better
Back back trying to get my stack, I got a black mack in a black backpack
I know you jealous niggas, hate me cause I shine
They know I be rolling one deep, trying to follow behind
I gotta handle my business, by myself cause I'm alone
Really nothing to live fo', no more wife no more kids at home
Ain't that a shame, I'm losing everything I love
When they fuck up its okay, but when it's me they hold a grudge
You think I ain't know, you was fucking over Z-Ro
With Lil' Shannon around the time, your vehicle was repoed
My love for you was that of a mother, one I never had
I know we could never be again, I'm forever sad
But a hustler, gotta keep hustling
Until then, I-10 drug smuggling
Sometimes I be wondering, if I'm ever gon make it
Ducking and dodging poverty, am I ever gon shake it
Every nigga I deal with, keeps saying they down
Why my money be funny, everytime it be coming round
I told him tell em 25 hundred, he told em three thousand
Making me miss out on money, Sam gon witness me clowning
When you give a nigga a inch, they try to take the whole ruler
After my inches, nothing but the forty-four ruger
Who am I, Z-Ro the Crooked I'm not a hoe
But instead of busting your head, I'ma go on and let you go
I'ma receive my blessing, better believe my weapon
Is a first, from the basic instructions before leaving earth
The bible, and if we follow it properly its survival
We gotta listen sometimes, even though we wanna all shine
And glisten sometimes, remember we on a heavenly mission sometimes
One love to my motherfucking soldier niggas
J-Pimp, my nigga Rice aka sliding up under something
[Hook - 2x]
I hate you bitch, I hate you bitch
I hate you bitch, I never thought I'd say
Too many years, I done paid the price
Why you gotta put all this, drama in my life
And day after day, I'm on the grind for you
Living lavish drape you in karats, what I'm trying to do
But Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm, just a man
Trying to do all I can, but you act like you can't understand
Well I done sacrificed, and I done swallowed my pride
On the wrong road, trying to follow my pride
I was daddy for a while, though I've got no seed
But the kids, are my H-E-A-R-T
I've been dealing with a lot, so I've been losing my mind
Straight up acting before I think, barely using my mind
My freedom is on the line, and my sanity's gone
You picked a fine time to leave me, now this house ain't a home
I had no problem being faithful, I loved you so much I hate you
Because you left me, when I needed you the most
So now a bitch, is how I rate you
My female friends, making you wonder
Guilt got you feeling suspicious, from when you was creeping on me
On the under, but even still I held my head
Five kids and I fed em all, with moldy bread and spreads
Them was my motherfuckers, treated em like sisters and brothers
But somehow I fell out of place, fucking with they punk ass mother
I apologize, I wish I can turn back the hands of time
Wishing we could pillow fight, just one more time
But Ms. Ronda, wanna put them laws in my life
Although I'm happy, I never pictured you not at all in my life
Solo that's how I kick it, the rest of my days
But I wanna thank you for making possible, some of the
[Hook - 2x]
I hate you bitch, I hate you bitch
I hate you bitch, I never thought I'd say
Too many years, I done paid the price
Why you gotta put all this, drama in my life
And day after day, I'm on the grind for you
Living lavish drape you in karats, what I'm trying to do
But Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm, just a man
Trying to do all I can, but you act like you can't understand
Well I done sacrificed, and I done swallowed my pride
On the wrong road, trying to follow my pride
I was daddy for a while, though I've got no seed
But the kids, are my H-E-A-R-T
I've been dealing with a lot, so I've been losing my mind
Straight up acting before I think, barely using my mind
My freedom is on the line, and my sanity's gone
You picked a fine time to leave me, now this house ain't a home
I had no problem being faithful, I loved you so much I hate you
Because you left me, when I needed you the most
So now a bitch, is how I rate you
My female friends, making you wonder
Guilt got you feeling suspicious, from when you was creeping on me
On the under, but even still I held my head
Five kids and I fed em all, with moldy bread and spreads
Them was my motherfuckers, treated em like sisters and brothers
But somehow I fell out of place, fucking with they punk ass mother
I apologize, I wish I can turn back the hands of time
Wishing we could pillow fight, just one more time
But Ms. Ronda, wanna put them laws in my life
Although I'm happy, I never pictured you not at all in my life
Solo that's how I kick it, the rest of my days
we ain't gon sweat
(hook - 2x)
i hate you bitch, i hate you bitch
i hate you bitch, i never thought i'd say
too many years, i done paid the price
why you gotta put all this drama in my life
day after day i'm on the grind for you
living lavish drape you in karats, what i'm trying to do
but i'm just a man
trying to do all i can, but you act like you can't understand
well I done sacrificed, and i done swallowed my pride
on the wrong road, trying to follow my pride
i was daddy for a while, though i've got no seed
but the kids are my h-e-a-r-t
i've been dealing with a lot, so i've been losing my mind
straight up acting before i think, barely using my mind
my freedom is on the line, and my sanity's gone
you picked a fine time to leave me, now this house ain't a home
i had no problem being faithful, i loved you so much i hate you
because you left me, when i needed you the most
so now a bitch is how i rate you
my female friends, making you wonder
guilt got you feeling suspicious, from when you was creeping on me
on the under, but even still i held my head
five kids and i fed em all, with moldy bread and spreads
them was my motherfuckers, treated em like sisters and brothers
but somehow i fell out of place, fucking with they punk ass mother
i apologize, i wish i can turn back the hands of time
wishing we could pillow fight, just one more time
but ms. ronda, wanna put them laws in my life
although I'm happy, i never pictured you not at all in my life
solo that's how i kick it the rest of my days
but i wanna thank you for making possible, some of the best of my days
i've dried my eyes, now and all they can see is the greed
you can have that jury, broke ass motherfuckers the 7th scene
(hook - 2x)
too many years i done paid the price
why you gotta put all this drama in my life
and day after day i'm on the grind for you
living lavish drape you in karats, what i'm trying to do
but i'm just a man
trying to do all I can, but you act like you can't understand
well i done sacrificed, and i done swallowed my pride
on the wrong road, trying to follow my pride
i was daddy for a while, though i've got no seed
but the kids, are my h-e-a-r-t
i've been dealing with a lot, so i've been losing my mind
straight up acting before i think, barely using my mind
I promise to god aint got no paper to leave yall motherfuckers must be out yall mind and I really don't give a fuck if it b family or friend I aint givin up one god damn dime I'm leaving all yall bitches behind, I'm leaving all yall bitches behind, that's right.Z-ro da croocked king of the ghetto, n da Mo city Don dats a hell of a man.n he aint trying to buy no wolf tickets either homie so aint no use in sellin them damn right a hell of a huslte aint goin to get you nothing but sum hell of a grands.dope feelin like money in my handsss.Money over Bitches I know you understand.that's right, that's right
I'm doing just fine homie I don't need no help especially when it comes to spending my wealth
I'm doing just fine I'm one deep because I love myself, n see jealousy is bad for my health
I'm doing just fine without you in my life my life, without you in my life, my life, without you in my life, my life, all about da cash all of yall can kiss my ass
I'm still a gangstaa,, pussy niggas better stay out my way.frown on my face I'm holding my hk, n I'm used to seein bitches everyday, still a gangstaaa pussy niggas better stay out my way.n ima be a real nigga untill I'm in da grave n da whole world wanna kno jsut what I got to say...
SUC untill I D-I-E,, dats alll I ever will be, ima keep holding it down n doing this damn thing for my town none of these bitches aint gonna come around and it's gonna be like dat till I'm in da ground, that's right
I'm doing just fine homie I don't need no help especially when it comes to spending my wealth
I'm doing just fine I'm one deep because I love myself, n see jealousy is bad for my health
I'm doing just fine without you in my life my life, without you in my life, my life, without you in my life, my life, all about da cash all of yall can kiss my ass
I used to have a luv jones for this chick name lisa, my luv jones is for da mastercard n da visa, aint no luv in my heart homie it's cold like keisha, nine ounces in da dark panel n a couple more in da speaker.ticket down in texas aint gonna give em a reason, being in jail is easy only a couple of seasons.I'm trying to stack my paper taller than a great dane, joseph wayne make vain saving no bitches cause he aint got a cake mann.Bitch you aint smoking my weed for free don't offer me none of your raggidy booty that aint nothing to me
And while yall getting getting sum head I'm getting getting sum bread and while yall fellas relaxing I'll be getting getting ahead
Screwed Up Click untill die that I'm so High I don't think I can drive, that's why I'm riding shotgun wit my shotgun, one nigga disrespect n get your whole block done.
I'm doing just fine homie I don't need no help especially when it comes to spending my wealth
I'm doing just fine I'm one deep because I love myself, n see jealousy is bad for my health
I'm doing just fine without you in my life my life, without you in my life, my life, without you in my life, my life, all about da cash all of yall can kiss my ass
Why don't you come and take a ride with me
Around the tooooo-own
On the low, we could be going dooo-own baby
Hey there little mama
Why don't you come and take a ride with me
We could smoke us a poooo-ound
Hit the Telly, and can and gon cloooo-own baby
Well uh excuse me miss, I don't wanna take up your time
And this ain't none of that kitty game, with the same old pick up line
I'ma get straight to the point, you are as lovely as a rose
Though I'm not into one night stands, I'm eager to see you out your clothes
Please don't take it the wrong way, I'm just spectating
But I won't lie, and say I'm not thinking about sex making
It was on my mind real strong, but I don't wanna rush
We can remain friends, for a real long time
By then I'd know, if I've been dealing with a strong mind
Either business brain, the drugged up and gone mind
But that's irrelevant, I'm speaking for the present baby
Tell your girls you gon holla, jump in my Intrepid baby
Unless they wanna come, and kick it with my homies
If not, me and you could kick it and leave em all lonely
I got a lot of women on my phone, trying to lay with me
But just for tonight, I want yourself to come and stay with me
Papa was a rolling stone, and he still rolling
I guess that's why, I leave a lot of pussy holes swollen
I must of got it from my dad, this macking in me
Plus all the ladies, love this big dick I'm packing with me
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hit and run, anytime
You make time for me, then you can come and sit and give me some
Trying to handcuff me, you moving too quick
If you a hustler (if you a hustler)
Niggas be playing with this thang, but you all about your change
They can't touch us (they can't touch us)
24/7 all day, and in business
But on the low, 5-0 ain't gon witness it
I'm in the alley with them quarters and halfs up in my hand
Thinking of a master plan, I can
Hustle all night, to the early morn', I can
Flip and serving rappers, serve his dome
And if a nigga plotting on me, I disturb his home
And then straight up fore' they even, as I swerve his dome
Get your paper hustling up in these city streets
Don't forget to spending 10 thousand dollas on c.d.s
And if you rapping ain't no handouts in this industry
Whatever you can take your time
Get your paper hustling up in these city streets
Don't forget to spending 10 thousand dollas on c.d.s
And if you rapping ain't no handouts in this industry
Don't let it take over your mind
I use to set up shop bout six o'clock
In the morning on my grind
Powder packs and crack and nerve sacks
Out of the ghetto was on my mind
Needed to relocate with the thought of location, keeping it on the low
Cause when niggas beep you all the time
It seems they act friends, just to get your dough
But it ain't no raw to me
I ride with the armory, the AR 1-5
Collecting my digits and spinning my tires
No time for conversation, I gotta ride
Back to my safe place, stash spot for the waste plate
Cause I'm a go getter, if the game escapes
Balling was the picture, cause there was no hitter
Niggas is sinning major
Nothing but home runs when I swing my bat
But some of these niggas be playing crooked
So I can't forget to bring my gat
And when it's all said and done
I'ma redo my walls with platinum placks
At the Source Awards, with a granddaddy
Couple of drinks, straight like that
I'ma get my paper, hustling up in this rap game
I'm moving my units, I'm moving my heart it's all for stacks man
And once I get it, it ain't gon be no turning back
Fuck the boomerang affect, making motherfuckers hate me
From a distance, hopping fences in an instant
Trying to get away from the long arm of the law
Jepordize my benjamins, I will be forced to put some harm on your jaw
My attitude be raising it's amazing, I'm not locked for man slaughter
Because I love my plastic princess, and I can't keep my hands off her
She be right next to my nuts, everytime I deal with hoes and crews
Send my bitch to fucking suck it bitch, before I know they move
Is that gangster enough for you baby, Ro gotta get his dough bro
I got the diamonds in my mouth
Hold up a minute, I'm the King of the Ghetto
Holding the rap game, like wood grain can't let go
You niggaz'll never see me, I'm on another level
Stay ready to dig a grave, keep a gun and a shovel
And pouring gas too, if there evidence
Saw me in the rear view, now you wonder where I went
I'ma get you if I owe ya, visit ya residence
Lay the merk game down, and then I'ma hit the fence
Better keep my mouth closed, so they can't see the shining
They think it was Z-Ro, cause all they seen was diamonds
I'm cold as a deep freeze, with bags of ice in it
My 3-57 pretty, but ain't nothing nice in it
Too many bitches, and not enough rubbers
Got so many, all my real niggaz under the gutter
Watch a nigga full of life, light close like shutters
God damn, staying healthy is hard as a mo'fucker
[Hook - 4x]
[Paul Wall]
I got diamonds all in my mouth, in my grill and in my jaws
Platinum teeth and princess cuts, my mouth is similar to a disco ball
I'm Paul Wall my smile is blinding, my ice is shining like a chandelier
I tend to brush my teeth with Windex, just so the glass house mouth shine clear
I got mo' karats invested with soup, I'm a Texas icon a People's Champ
Put on your shades when I commits to approach, my mouth is eliminating like a lamp
It got gold grills and platinum and ice, cause that's how it is in the Lone Star State
With a cup full of bar in a candy car, and we jamming on a Robert Davis Grey Tape
[Hook - 4x]
[Lil' Flip]
Ever since 1999, I had diamonds in my grill
You just rapping that ain't platinum, homie you need to chill
Cause you embarrassing Texas, nigga you ain't trill
Nigga you been on my dick, way befo' you got your deal
These rappers finally get some fame, and think they got it locked
After your album flop, nigga you gon be on Koch
My gear clean, from my ear rings to my pinky ring
If you ain't spend thirty, tuck in your piece and chain (Southside)
[Hook - 4x]
Blucka-blucka-blucka, that's how my gun go
If I'm looking agitated, bitch you better run hoe
I use to do the baguettes, but now I'm VS-1's though
Princess cuts straight up and down, Johnny done those
I got loud ice, just like Paul Wall
Shining down South, brighter than all y'all
When it's time to get your jewelry done who do y'all call
Cause you fellas ain't shining at all, check me out
On the first and fifteenth, I'm some'ing like a pimp
Even with a suspended license, still finna flip
Ain't no limit to this cash, ain't nothing I can't get
Five deuce Hoover cause, ain't nothing like a Crip
Ride with a Revolve', I don't fuck with clips
These roach ass niggaz, trying to make me bust my chips
But I'm not a bank, I don't even trust my bitch
I'm from the South, and I got diamonds in my mouth
[Hook - 3x]
This for my gangstas, my gangstas
For my gangstas, my G's
This for my gangstas
Hell naw you can't hit my weed, cause to me smoking is like breathing
So a nigga stay smoking and flipping, in a Intrepid when I'm bleeding
The block it can't stop, I gotta keep paper stacking
Mo'fuckers be whispering, there go Z-Ro and I can't wait to jack him
But, I got news for ya
They gon be picking out a suit and shoes for ya, cause I'm bout to get rude with ya
They better mind, cause I'll whoop me a woman ass nigga real quick
Plus I got niggaz on the Southwest and the Southeast, my click is real thick
But I be rolling solo, place to place like a hobo
Full time entertainer, I left my block to make fa sho do'
I'ma keep these hoods on fire, get rotation like tires
Gotta show love to my people, cause they are my album buyers
I'ma rep for the real niggaz and the real bitches, that's struggling all day
Fuck going to class, parlay all day in the hallway
They got me fucked up, for no reason at all
Everybody get that feddy, it's the season to ball
This one for my gangstas, rolling on 4's
Sipping promethazyne, and blowing on dro
Trying to make it in this game, play hard when we play
Gaurunteed to clear the whole boulevard, when we spray
This one for my gangsta bitches, that keep it real
Everyday they case paper, in they purse pack a steel
Trying to make it in this game, play hard when we play
And they down to shake that ass, when a real nigga say
Gangstas, G's
How many of us have niggaz, that's down in the streets
From fighting eachother, to hustling on the late night and grinding brothers
Trying to bake a cake right, ready to shake them haters
Burning up the dead line, grandpa did them get out's
From hitting stangs on pages, to I-10 skating blazing
This game like a razor, hell I ain't no fazing
Sitting on leather creation, left on the wheel ride on the steel
Thet Government will kill us here, glossing and flossing all day in Devilles
God forgive us influence the kids, to hop on the blocks and do what we did
But now in reverse, this how the ghetto world spins
Sitting back in foreign cars, with the screens falling
Purple juice is how we ride and play, let's ride today
T-shirts with starches on, cause we G's anyway
Yep, this is for my ballers that ain't worried bout nothing
On swangas and robbers, straight leathers
This one for my niggaz, that be bleeding the block until the block dry
Empty clips off at the police, everytime they pass by
Even every bitch I know, is thuggish ruggish and thoed
No reason at all, ready to run up on a motherfucker and unload
Fuck that MTV shit, this the real world
So bitch that go in her purse, is gon get the steel girl
Mussilini and that Z-Ro, getting money describes our ego
Fuck with us lose your life, it'll be waiting six feet be low
This one for my gangstas, rolling on 4's and 3's
Or anything that's chromey, stacking G's
Bucking boys up like a rhino, this one for my youngster 5-O
Gotta put it in perspective, or let that King of Da Ghetto nod though
I'm bout to break this here, how much change we gon make this here
Come on Ro we gon make this clear, the world gon love this gangsta shit
Coast to coast them boys gon feel, living laid with a house on hill
Presidential millennium, on the real on the real
Gangstas G's, (gangstas)
This for my gangstas, my gangstas
For my gangstas, my G's
The sun gone shine
Dj Screw, Fat Mafio, and Gator are gone
I want to be strong but lately the pain won't leave me alone
For myself, crawl down and get away from this drama
No understanding by my father can't even talk to my mama
Got the world on my shoulders and it's too heavy to hold
Thinking suicide, but that won't be too good for my soul
Started out as a christian but sinning took over my mind
Time after time just for show that I resort to the crime
Where my real niggas at, the ones I helped in the past
Now that I'm doing bad and I ain't got no cash to make me laugh
I done got you where I want but holler if I roll
They want to know how many big faces a Mo City don fold
Want to jack me when I'm through and do my niggas for life
It's deja vue for me to be face to face with triggers tonight
I know your bad movs are swift really soon I'll be gone
Now try to cover up together just want some love before I'm gone
Still thinking of best free, no better person on the planet
Steady be driving away people I love and I can't understand it
God damn it how can I love without loving myself
Having visions of me pulling the trigger slugging myself
I done went from rags to riches, riches to rags now I'm stuck
Plus my boo is acting nautios because I'm bout to truck
And I ain't did nothing, when I grab something and start dumping
Ain't got no time for pussy just pimping a pen and bumping
On the hottest block, making sure the bills stay paid
Pick it up and drop it now flossing until I'm down in the grave
When it happen let it happen cause I won't bust back
Retaliation from busters trying to get they nuts back
I take it like a man, knowing I gave this life my all
No more hooks, no more verses this is my final curtain call
(Chorus: Bettye Sterling)
After the rain, after the rain
I still feel the pain, feel the pain
My final curtain call, asking y'all
Let me pray for my dogs, all of y'all
Living a thug life in blood it's like hell at home
So many cops around my hood it's like jail at home
But still I roam, on the block, with a pocket full of sweets
So much sales, so much smoke I got to get lifted out my feet
Cause if I wasn't some of y'all niggas would be dead round here
And pull par, we give you hot lead round here
And niggas scared round here, cause I'm a natural born killer
Ridgemont gorilla give you more chills than thrillers
I'm bone hard, you better open up your chest at will
The only investment that I receive was a talented deal
This life is real, and it ain't having no mercy man
So you still struggle seem like a nigga be thirsty for pain
I'm going insane, but to maintain it's really the key
But it's hard to do that when these hoe niggas is pressuring me
It ain't no lecture in me, I'm gone remain a g
I promise to god aint got no paper to lend yall motherfuckers must be out yall mind and I really don't give a f--k if it b family or friend I aint givin up one god damn dime I'm leaving all yall bit*hes behind, I'm leaving all yall bit*hes behind, that's right.Z-ro da croocked king of the ghetto, n da Mo city Don dats a hell of a man.n he aint trying to buy no wolf tickets either homie so aint no use in sellin them damn right a hell of a huslte aint goin to get you nothing but sum hell of a grands.dope feelin like money in my handsss.Money over b-----s I know you understand.that's right, that's right
I'm doing just fine homie I don't need no help especially when it comes to spending my wealth
I'm doing just fine I'm one deep because I love myself, n see jealousy is bad for my health
I'm doing just fine without you in my life my life, without you in my life, my life, without you in my life, my life, all about da cash all of yall can kiss my a-s
I'm still a gangstaa,, pussy niggas better stay out my way.frown on my face I'm holding my hk, n I'm used to seein bit*hes everyday, still a gangstaaa pussy niggas better stay out my way.n ima be a real n---a until I'm in da grave n da whole world wanna kno just what I got to say...
SUC until I D-I-E,, dats all I ever will be, ima keep holding it down n doing this damn thing for my town none of these bit*hes aint gonna come around and it's gonna be like dat till I'm in da ground, that's right
I'm doing just fine homie I don't need no help especially when it comes to spending my wealth
I'm doing just fine I'm one deep because I love myself, n see jealousy is bad for my health
I'm doing just fine without you in my life my life, without you in my life, my life, without you in my life, my life, all about da cash all of yall can kiss my a-s
I used to have a luv jones for this chick name lisa, my luv jones is for da mastercard n da visa, aint no luv in my heart homie it's cold like keisha, nine ounces in da dark panel n a couple more in da speaker.ticket down in texas aint gonna give em a reason, being in jail is easy only a couple of seasons.I'm trying to stack my paper taller than a great dane, joseph wayne make vain saving no bit*hes cause he aint got a cake mann.b---h you aint smoking my weed for free don't offer me none of your raggidy booty that aint nothing to me
And while yall getting getting sum head I'm getting getting sum bread and while yall fellas relaxing I'll be getting getting ahead
Screwed Up Click until die that I'm so High I don't think I can drive, that's why I'm riding shotgun wit my shotgun, one n---a disrespect n get your whole block done.
I'm doing just fine homie I don't need no help especially when it comes to spending my wealth
I'm doing just fine I'm one deep because I love myself, n see jealousy is bad for my health
I'm doing just fine without you in my life my life, without you in my life, my life, without you in my life, my life, all about da cash all of yall can kiss my a-s
Fuck your badge, I wish all of you bitches would die slow
I'm just trying to survive hoe, and feed my family
And I ain't killed nobody, but still rough is how they handle me
I ride one deep, suspended license and all
My middle finger out the window, screaming fuck the law
I know what you protect and serve, not a god damn thang
But give a nigga five years, for lessing the crowd mayn
They got to feel me Devin, tell me why they do us that way
The got me searching for the doja, in a newbie ass tre
So I can cope with it, not trying to travel up and smoke with it
My kinfolk in the maximum security, for no bidness
Sick of I'm missing you, so here's what I'm fin to do
Buy me hunting for badges, fuck a ditch I'ma dig a few
The odds are against us, because we black
So keep your heat in a stash spot, and always be strapped
Mr. officer, crooked officer
Make a nigga wanna blow the badge, off of ya
We been living hard, so it won't be soft for ya
Fiending to see your blood, until you cough it up
Mr. officer, crooked officer
We just trying to feed, our sons and daughters sir
We been struggling to make it, in America too long
All we wanna do is live our life, and be left alone
Illegal search 45 minutes, what the fuck you looking for
I roll on 24's, so the Dopeman is what they get me for
And that's a shame, a nigga can't ride nice
Without getting harassed, and facing 25 to life
I wish I could make a citizen's arrest
Knock the busters in the hole, and blow the badges up off of they chest
Controlled substance on the ground, and it just had to be mine
Fucking with me about weed, and they look blacker than mine
Block to block corner to corner, looking at the devil
Making my brothers think, they got nine lives
They was so gangsta, until Lucifer got 'em caught up in a drive by
Lil' kids, witness father and uncles pass on
Then they grow up, to get they blast on
Everybody saying, that the black community is out control
Even in the suburbs, brains get blown
They blame rap, for the murder rate
But people go to the movies, and see murder for seven dollars then they imitate
What they done seen, on Terminator 1 through 3
Swarchengger's the Governor, we get L-I-F-E
Innocent victims, get a free ride to the grave
People that work hard get robbed, for every penny they save
It's like it ain't gon ever change, this world we live in cold
I hit my Hypnotic, then I continue to roll
[Hook x2: Tanya Herron]
La-la-la-la-la-la-la, as we con-tinue to roll
Can't even ride, through the hood no mo'
Without police pulling us over, looking for ounces of do'
Just cause I'm black, and got diamonds on my gold teeth
Ain't enough evidence, to say I sold a quarter ki
But even still, that's the way it is
And the main reason homes are broken, and baby mamas shed tears
And have to raise, they kids one deep
In and out of relationships, looking for a man so people pardon creeps
But what I see, is just a soul trying to survive
The main reason why d-boys, hustle with twenties and dimes
Lil' mama I feel your pain, trying to get ahead
Don't let that be the reason, with 24 hour open legs
I know life, is hard nosed
Will we ever get our forty acres and our mule, only God knows
Ain't no love seem like it ain't gon ever change, this world we live in is cold
Hit my gin and juice, and then I continue to roll
[Hook x2]
Ain't no love in the sex no mo', I see Bloods killing Bloods
And cuz killing cuz, I remember when it was
La familia, when we threw the sign
But brothers don't keep it gangsta, when brothers be doing time I ain't lying
That's why everybody, be on they own
Talking to they partna baby mama, on they mobile phone
Hood ain't hood, it don't matter where you living
Somebody from your hood, will try to make you take their place in prison
Ask my partna Griffin, why they be snitching and telling
Watching your pocket getting jealous, cause they mail ain't swelling
Before you know it you a felon, waiting on a release
Thinking revenge, cause a friend got you took off the streets
And then they wonder, why I roll solo
When I'm in the hood, don't consider Z-Ro as your homie no mo'
Let Ro go loc seem like it ain't gon ever change, this world we live in is cold
[Dougie D]
Trying to feel my inside soul, cause a angel told me it's cold
But ain't no way I can fold, with a pair unless this damn swoll
Cause where a nigga was raised, don't nobody play games
Its like your life is the sweets, and reality's the flame
So why the fuck you trying to torture, with that dip in the middle
Its like I'm swallowing mighty bites, while you be nibbling on skittles
Cause this city we in, it ain't no such thing as friends
And once it comes down to paper, you down to bump off your kin
You think I'm lying, what thoughts be in my head as I walk around
So now you know when you see me, why my face is quick to chalk a frown
Cause I don't trust nobody, no not a god damn song
So now you know I'm a hog, from high to a deep level of cold
Thinking why niggas let me broke in this city of Houston
But ain't no stopping bam, I'ma keep my ego to boosting
Cause I got a bunch of fans that love me, and bitches that jock
I got killas in my click, and I keep thugs on my block
[Chorus 1 - 2x]
I'm just letting you know don't test me, I'm with the chrome
I'm still in my ghetto peel, I'm more than your average nigga
From that Mo, lookin out the house with a bed with a bullet in the way
That hit your spine, and now you crying, cause you realize
That your dick can't even get hard
Who the hell could it be, peeping on me
T to the R to the motherfucking A-E
Killas that like me trucks with a bust, better duck
Who the fuck running up, so nigga what, 'fore I leave my star full of that heat
Gotta watch my back, 'fore I be alone that shit is gon fall, and the while
Back me up, to the sides shaky grin, gotta know get enough for them
(Hyascopy 12x)
I can't leave drank alone got me feenin (feeling feeling good feeling like a boss cuz I'm flipping through the hood)
I can't leave drank aloneee... Got a nigguhh feenin
(Aint even goin to lie this drank gots me feeling
Like I'm walking on the sky )
Verse 1
Yall would think that with 3 felony cases
I would leave drank alone
I'm still out on bond
And ima keep dranking till all the drank is gone
Damn right I'm high as the sky be
Over g4 and g5 that's where I be
And then it's back to reality
Cuz I could heare the sirens
Woot woot damn hpd right behind me
I got a little weed and a pint and a half
But thanks to don I got a stash spot
And since my doctor wrote me this prescription
Aint no body got to burn my ass out
Still rolling in that three double o
With my name in my girl on top of fours
And I'm in love with mary jane and codine
I don't love these hoes
I can remember my first couple I was so in love
So when I wake up in the morning
Before I brush my teeth I'm pouring up
Lil momma you a dime pice
But I'll fuck you up if you touch my cup
Cuz it aint cheap like it used to be
And this one cost 350 bucks
Me and dj screw poured up a pint
On my twenty second birthday
And that day was a monday
But a nigga didn't wake up until thursday
I handle my business
So I think I deserve to get throwed
So ima walk baby now just like my nigga big moe
(Hyascopy 12x)
I can't leave drank alone
It got a nigga feenin
(Feeling feeling good
Feeling like a boss cuz I'm flipping through the hood)
I can't leave drank alone
It got a nigga feenin
(Aint even goin to lie this drank gots me feeling
Like I'm walking on the sky)
Verse2 Lil O
Sippin on the speed tapes
Heading to the weed place
This boys think they ball baby
They should see what we weight
Some pints of that drank
Sips of the dro
Cups all muddy
Told your bitch to hit it slow
Tops down on 59
You know I'm tippin slow
I could hear HAWK sayin
Mayne your trippin o
Slow your ass down mayne
But me I'm like fuck it
I got money in my pocket and
Tonight it's going down
Cuz you know I like sipping
On that purple stuff
Purple kush in my bong
Till the purple cross
And the babies in the city
Wont flirt with us
Five kilos ima take
To put in work for us
With some down side busters
We gon stay pouring up
Ask about O mayne
I stay showing up
If I sell 2 million
I got to foward it up
If you wanna ride with money
Then you better ride with us
Cuz we be sippin on big drank daily
Yelling to the haters fuck you daily
Lil o and ro we don't play G
For real
(Hyascopy 12x)
I can't leave drank alone
It got me feenin
(Feeling feeling good
Feeling like a boss cuz I'm flipping trough the hood)
I can't leave drank alone
It got a nigga feenin
(Aint even goin to lie this drank gots me feeling
Everytime I was in jail and the judge didn't let me make bail
The prosecutor gave me my time and laughed in my face
Cuz he knows I'm goin from first to last place
So I'm making out another commissary list
Stamped envelopes, and soups, oatmeal, and tuna fish
Soda, candy, kool offs, coffee as close to codine as I can get it
Hoping this weekend I get another visit
But I aint stressin, I'm just countin down weeks
Poppin muscle relaxers so I'm always sleep
The warden wants the co's to catch me slippin
But they aint trippin, so they bringin me burgers and barbeque chicken
Some of them love me, some of them they can't stand me
Probably cuz I'm rich and in the world I ride kandy
They think they put me through hell, But I can't tell
It don't matter what they do as long as they BRING MY MAIL
Bring my maaaaaaaaillllll
Bring my mail
My mail (my mail)
You can bring my maaaaaaillllll
Bring my mail (my mail, my mail, my mail...)
Aint nothing on the tv but jerry springer, And a sexy guard in the picket
But the windows are tinted so you can't barely see her
I really hope they call reck in a sec
Otherwise workout a little bit and try to get a channel check
Certain officers try to give me a hard time
And the g.I.'s watching trying to catch me throwing up gang signs
For no reason at all they constantly harass me
Trying to get me to lose my temper so they can gas me
It's funny, cuz I got so much pride they can't take none of it from me
They just mad cuz they aint makin enough money
And still gotta work on holidays all day and night
Taking is out on me cuz I'm in all white
But it's alright I just lay back
When I get out I love to see their faces when I peel out in my may back
Meanwhile I can't even tell I'm in jail
Cuz I'm doing swell
Yall can kiss my ass on the way to bring my mail
I'm usually out eating for the holidays, But instead
I'll be sharing meat packs and noodles with my cellys and we spread
The tattoo guns runnin, And homies getting hit up
Drinking hooch till we fall off and it's hard to get up
But there's always one that wanna ruin it
You know the one that's always pointing fingers, He the one that be doin it
Running off at the mouth but aint man enough to repeat it to the rank
So they taking both the tv's out the tank
No necessities either but we can wash our own clothes
But somebody gonna get shit if we don't get to watch the superbowl
I don't even look at television in the world
So I'm good, I'll write a rap or write a couple of girls
Or read me a book and put some fat on my brain
Before I come back to prison they have to murder me mayne
My in and out the jail house has to stop
But in the meantime I need to see how many new pictures I got
I pledge allegiance to the soldiers, the ones who had to leave they family
Overseas facing death everyday, missing they family
Knowing that everybody that's going, ain't coming back
My roll dog, took his last stand in Iraq
Watching his mama collapse, cause she can't take the news
And it's sad to say, but a lot of mothers gon walk in Mrs. Johnson's shoes
So my condolences, goes out to the grieving
Lord give me the strength, so I can make it through this evening
What is this world coming to, locking up brothers is a sport
Beat us till we bleed because we breathe, still we lose in court
Mad at me because I'm black, take it up with my maker
You can't question creativity of the life, giver and taker
I guess, you gon have to deal with me
Why you wondering if I wanna rob you, why not find a way to come and chill with me
I ain't nothing but people, I'm just like you
Nothing greater or nothing less, I'm just like you
[Hook: Tanya Herron]
We are one, shoulder to shoulder
We stand, no promises
No demands, all of us know it
Life is a battlefield
[Tanya Herron:]
We're losing our souls, temptation takes hold
Why do we live, life this way
We must take control, of our mind and our souls
Before the death, over face
Cause if we just surrender, and trust in our faith
We'll all come together, the world will be safe
I'm on a mission, to heal my people
Republicans ain't even trying to feel my people, we starving for real
Little babies dying of thirst, plus they starving for meals
The main reason, why these teenagers be robbing they peers
America, look at what it's come to
Sunday morning ain't no youngsters in the church house, we running the streets acting a fool
Need to get some Jesus, in our life
That's the main reason, why we be dealing with so much shife
Straight up kicking it with the devil, and we don't even know it
Crooked cops hate our guts, and everytime they get a chance they gon show it
My life is a battlefield, cause I strive to survive
Daily busting, trying to lay me in my grave before my time
I can take it, cause I dish it out
I love my people but I'm paranoid, walk up on me my pistol I'ma whip it out
Can't trust nobody, from my friends to my kins
If I can get up and go get mine, you can get up and get your ends
It ain't hard, just man plot and strategize
If you focused on your goal, you just might reach it 'fore you die
So I'm focusing just like you, cause I'm just like you
My mama use to tell me, bout these
Broke hoaching ass niggaz, in these streets
So many people, wanna see me fall
And then they wonder, why my attitude is fuck em all
You still running up, better peep my attitude
Cause I don't give a fuck about, you or the next dude
Hitting the block top down, waving the boulevard
Run on side of my Range, and your feet get scarred
I ain't never leave the house, without me packing a gun
And I ain't never leave the block, without collecting my funds
A lot of niggaz wanna hate, but they ain't fading us
So everytime I show my teeth, I shine like the sun
Breaking the game, and niggaz wanna hate my fame
And take my change, but never will they get my change
I'm quick to aim, and leave a red dot on your brain
You heard the bang, and niggaz gon respect the name
I'm telling you dog, my mama use to tell me y'all
Don't be fake, fraud keeping me behind the wall
But never ever will I let a, motherfucker block me
I'ma run through that bitch, hit up and don't fall
So it's best to vacate, for your sake
The Maab up in this bitch, and I'ma regulate
Disrespect me and mine, I'ma retaliate
They don't really wanna go to war, with a heavyweight
Dirty South veteran, Dirty Third glider
Underground, wrecking a nigga till they retire
For my T. Jones, I'ma set it on fire
Busting they neck and back, like they Khia
[Hook - 2x]
Dorothy Marie McVey, this your son
I've been on top of my cash, till the last of my funds
Even though I haven't seen you, since I was six
I know you keep me with a weapon, when I'm out in the mix
You use to tell me, to never talk back and respect
Now that I'm grown, a nigga be cashing chin checks
I'm a guerilla, with a motherfucking attitude
And whether broke or pain, I'ma be in a bad mood
This is low life, motherfuckers can't go nowhere to roll lights
Struggling to make it, cause this industry is so shife
Niggaz'll take your name, and break your name
And try to give you ten percent, of the change
But, my mama use to tell me about these
Broke hoaching, ass niggaz in these streets
So I'ma be busting, a .50 caliber
Retaliation with bitches, until they stacking up
I know, Z-Ro don't wanna go to the county jail no mo'
But I know, you don't wanna be doing that
It's either that or the graveyard Ro, because I'm a killa
And so many people, wanna see a nigga fall
Want me at the table, if they don't want me to eat it all
Multiplications on my digits come up over some time
3-57 in my spine, they can't hold me like Kobe Bryant
Powered up, popping tulips and clovers and stop signs
Taylor made Gucci looking like a million bucks
Neck full of gold baggets and trillion cuts
I reside on cuts cause having money is a must
Give me the issue or get touched the scuffling up
Fuck with the raw like a cut, cause I hit too hard
Radio stations don't play cause I spit too hard
I know they hate me everyday, and I ain't quit so far
But if you cross the line, ak is gone hit your car
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the throwdest of them all
Cause you know my name it's Z-Ro the crooked
Z-Ro the Mo City don it ain't over it just begun
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the throwdest of them all
Cause you know my name it's Z-Ro represent the third coast
Let my coedine settle and have a toast
I'm a geurilla that's after the scrilla, I cop glocks
I'm the top knotch, body armored like Shaq done blocked shots
Dropping cops cause they crooked, I'm the loud now
Posted on the corner selling raw now
Looking for them people keep an open eye
And if I see the jackers never hesitate I got to open fire
Act just like a live wire, retalliation is a must
Rock and buy these bezzels and then bust
Geniva watch telling me it's time to ball
Get in the line until I make it to the front and then it's time to fall
But if I ever fall off, just fall back behind the scene
To accept it, catch me up and sit calm and big screens
When I roll I roll one deep, I never stop wrecking these H-Town streets
And ain't nobody holding me down I'm a roll, I'm rolling
If you didn't know Southside still holding, folding
Big lemon faces, got real money cause I catch cases
Sipping on ski tastes, and I'ma lean in private or public places
Milicated refreshness, keep my mind at ease
Trying to reach another level keep me climbing trees
Coming smoke out my nose, bald faded minus before
Keep it gangsta, got groupie hoes striking a pose
But see they ain't getting chose, or catch me tipping my dogs
I need a independent thug chick, launder money and drug shit
I'm the boss hog, ain't nobody hogging me over harder
Man, same everyday, wake up, gotta get it
Trying to get it baby
It's the same everyday, everyday is the same
Running up and down the block, chasing change
And off a million faces, there be a seven year case
So we gotta be careful, when we slang
It's the same everyday, I gotta get up and get it
Trying to keep the lights on, and avoid getting evicted
Cause the landlord tripping, want me out of the house
Thinking it's nothing but that hard, coming out of the house
And it is I can't get a job, cause I'm an ex convict
All day I sell crack, not with but the bomb shit
My spot hotter, than a motherfucking stove
But if I can't recognize, your face shop close
I got uppers, downers, whatever you need
I got them wholesales, for niggas that wanna be
And when the drought come in, Z-Ro gon go to the stash
I'm in and out of season hustling, addicted to cash
I don't hustle for the fame, I don't hustle for the shine
Cause that's where a alot of motherfuckers, be doing time
Not me, I gotta stay free
Cause if I'm locked up, can't nobody pay me
[Hook - 2x]
Gotta feel me mama, I ain't trying to balla
I ain't gotta follow, plus I'm on the hunt for the dolla
Going through the drama, daily
Cause you realize, that the street pays me
What lately you been giving in, to the sinning of your kid
In and in women friends, getting trained in your den
Yep since daddy left, and granddaddy left
I been left with the stress, of the shelf
At the age of sixteen, my judgment was afreered
And for my 18th birthday, they sent the blue wern
I mean the blue warrant, my past pride's current
While my attitude's a middle finger, they don't know what I've endured
It's hell riding candy no license, uninsured
Pulled over to the curb, where's the weed and the syrup
But I'm staying on my note, yep perfecting is with time
Since I'm a boss hap, I use paper, pen in mine
[Hook - 2x]
We got rich white guys on heroine, snorting
We go to jail for stones, but they can leagallize abortion
Extortion, money laundering and inbroan
Who the hell gon do time for jobs, lost at World Com
This year America's fucked up, D-Black and Jono got time
I'm grabbing a phone, it cost a dime
I'm bout to put this land in line, y'all don't
Feel going, y'all feel bills and crime
So here's my mind, plus a toilet for a dookie
Seven C sale, Mussilini best boochie
Ignorance is bliss, so you better call Calvin
Shit I can't duck fly, for the whole damn album
My life is a near, and turbulence is here
Body full of wounds, I think them folks got the spill
The land of the lost, but I'm lost in this land