The shahada (Arabic: الشهادة aš-šahādah audio (help·info)) (from the verb شهد šahida, “he witnessed”), means “to know and believe without suspicion, as if witnessed, testification”; it is the name of the Islamic creed. The shahada is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet. The declaration in its shortest form reads:
In Shia Islam, the creed is expanded with the addition of a phrase concerning Ali at the end:
The word shahādah is a noun stemming from the verb shahida, meaning “to observe, witness, or testify”; when used in legal terms, shahādah is a testimony to the occurrence of events, such as debt, adultery, or divorce. The shahādah can also be expressed in the dual form shahādatān (= "two testifyings"), which refers to dual act of observing or seeing and then the declaration of the observation. The two acts in Islam are observing or perceiving that there is no god but God and testifying or witnessing that Muhammad is the messenger of God. In a third meaning, shahādah can mean “martyrdom”, the shahid (“martyr”) demonstrating the ultimate expression of faith.
How to become a Muslim (How to recite the Shahada)
Emotional Shahada with Sh Yusuf Estes
2 Brothers take the Shahada after Jummah Prayer
I Said My Shahada!
Learn Salat's Arabic - Shahada - Video 5 -
4 Shahada's Because of Qur'an Recitation!!! || #Da'wahMenInBrazil
Shahada Trailer
How to say the Shahada in Arabic??
Shahada Irmã Cynthia Reverted to Islam
Crying Shahada. A christian take off his cross right away!
Converting to Islam, and becoming Muslim: Taking Shahada @ Islamic Foundation
More than 1500 People in Germany saying the Shahada !The Shahada is the Muslim declaration of Faith.
My Husband is Muslim! SHAHADA - John Fontain - The Deen Show - Street Da'wah
How to become a Muslim (How to recite the Shahada in arabic)
How to become a Muslim (How to recite the Shahada)
Emotional Shahada with Sh Yusuf Estes
2 Brothers take the Shahada after Jummah Prayer
I Said My Shahada!
Learn Salat's Arabic - Shahada - Video 5 -
4 Shahada's Because of Qur'an Recitation!!! || #Da'wahMenInBrazil
Shahada Trailer
How to say the Shahada in Arabic??
Shahada Irmã Cynthia Reverted to Islam
Crying Shahada. A christian take off his cross right away!
Converting to Islam, and becoming Muslim: Taking Shahada @ Islamic Foundation
More than 1500 People in Germany saying the Shahada !The Shahada is the Muslim declaration of Faith.
My Husband is Muslim! SHAHADA - John Fontain - The Deen Show - Street Da'wah
How to become a Muslim (How to recite the Shahada in arabic)
La shahada : un cadeau d'Allah ᴴᴰ | Nouman Ali Khan
What Is the Shahada?
Dr Patricia takes Shahada with Yusuf Estes and Dr Kazi
The Journey Of A Non Hijabi American Revert | Reflecting On Taking My Shahada
Shahada Event 2015
Allah Will Grant Them Shahada! - Thought Provoking
Shahada Step By Step Lesson (How To Covert To Islam)
Shahada van Niels
Kneel on sacred reeds and kiss the rising sun
A wild intemperate wind will rush
Among the works that you've begun
Set the skies aflame and dance within the fire
A sword, a word, a holy verse
The keys to all that you desire
Scorn to take the tainted cup
Life and light will wash away
Bear your tender spirit up
Hope and faith will wash away
Bury reason in the sand
Love and trust will wash away
Hide your face as they command
Heart and soul will wash away
Dine on brittle straws and bind your wounds with prayer
The promises of ancient prophets vanish in the desert air
Sow your fields with flesh put poison in your well
Entomb yourself while still alive condemn yourself to living hell
Scorn to take the tainted cup
Life and light will wash away
Bear your tender spirit up
Hope and faith will wash away
Bury reason in the sand
Love and trust will wash away
Hide your face as they command