
The Hacker Issue

September 2015 #20

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Bad News by Tyler Reinhard

The Key to the Abyss Is Turning

Placing bets on rising sea levels! Queen is super-richer than ever! Hipster funerals creates cemetery crisis! Luxury tanks for the classy war-criminal! Half of us have Diabetes! Radioactive waste collected during Fukushima cleanup washes back into floodwaters! Apple designed a Pencil!

Drippin clint heyer

“Yes, I’m a criminal.” Seven of the most infamous hackers who were arrested or otherwise punished for their curiosity and wit.

Nieto dickens mask mag hackers 35 web
Commie Bullshit
Ash web

This Week in ACAB by Ash Jegroo

No Charges Against Deputies Who Tasered Natasha McKenna to Death; Sheriff Releases Video of the Incident

Meanwhile, the police who shot Antonio Zambrano-Montes were also not indicted. In Greece, police attack refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

Dan web

Dan Knows Best by Dan Allegretto

Fall 2015 Trend Forecast

With this list you will literally be the coolest person this season.

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A year after the 43 students from Ayotzinapa disappeared, the Mexican government’s account of the attack is crumbling. Now, an independent report suggests all levels of law enforcement and the administration itself were responsible.

What Happened in Iguala?

by Stefan Norman

Zuck web
Ft1 web

Gross Misconduct by Fuck Theory

On Queer Privilege

How did queer go from celebrating difference to mocking everything that isn’t queer? Our new columnist Fuck Theory traces the roots of queer theory and where things went astray.


Bad News by Tyler Reinhard

In Some Cases, There Will Be Absolutely No Hope

Bad News Returns! Markets strangely volatile given stable society. Alaska losing 70 gigatons of ice to melting each year, tee hee. More guns sold to Americans last month than any other month on record!

Ash web

This Week in ACAB by Ash Jegroo

Police Officer Shoots His Own Car and Lies About It

Meanwhile, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton tries to revive the widely condemned Moynihan Report.

Hanna hurr

Letters by Hanna Hurr

Try Turning It off and Then on Again

This month, we turn to the Hacker for inspiration. We’ll reach our hand out of the vortex, hoping they’ll grab it, and forgive us for calling them nerds.


The Dropout Issue

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The Fling Issue

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The Alien Issue

Alien cover


The Madness Issue

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The Crossing Paths Issue

Jafe cover


The Hustle Issue

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