
Posted on Monday, August 10th, 2009 by aragorn 6 Comments Comments

My name is Aragorn! and I am a publisher who works usually works a day job. I write, I used to publish a magazine but now publish a paper, books, and attempt to share them. I do none of these projects alone (including the writing). I am part of many.

I also work on a few web projects. If you are interested in IT or anarchist publishing you might be interested in some of my posts.


  • YO! You dad is dating my mom! This might sound odd. But Dan and my mom, Jane, are taking a walk right now and I decided to look you up 😛

  • Hello Aragorn,

    I am Rutger Laurens den Hollander from Holland and I have an small ICT-company in Holland. We make websites, our name is Angry Nerds. I saw that you own the domain name http://www.angrynerds.com but that you do not use it a lot. Is it possible that I can buy this domain namen from you. It would means a lot for me.



  • Hi Aragorn!!

    I have read about your “A childʼs guide to nihilism”, and it sounds really nice, I would really like to have one to place it in my frame next to the bible, which I do not own and do not believe in, or give it away to my imaginary friends or things like that. However, is there any other way to purchase it (printed or digitally) than via littleblackcart, because shipping to Europe is so expensive (huh, I should pay more for UPS than for the artist?).


  • Hi. Are you the same Aragorn that I met at a gathering in Olympia almost twenty years ago? My name is Chris and I’m from LA. Back then I had a partner named Tony, and if you are that same Aragorn, you stayed with us once when you rode your bike down from the Bay Area. The reason for my getting in touch is I was wondering if it would be ok for me to reprint an old ATR pamphlet you gave me. It’s titled “Community? also known as another pamphlet destined for the trash.” There’s a gathering here in Los Angeles this August and I think the issues you and Eric brought up in that pamphlet are still particularly relevant to kids today. The contact info is, of course, way out of date. I can sub in new contact info if you’d still like to be contacted by anyone who reads it. Just let me know what email address you’d like to use. If I have the right person, I hope you’ve been well. If this is a case of mistaken identity, please excuse this rambling message.

  • Scott Demartini

    Hello Aragorn! Do you know what ever happened to all the old posts at anti-politics.net? I could be wrong, but were you not an admin for that site? I know the quality of the posts started to lessen quit a bit towards the end but there were some really cool exchanges on a variety of different topics at times (e.g. there was one about Spanish revolution that I think had Jason McQuinn debating, and also several with you and Lawrenc). Is there a way to pull up those old posts? I was excited to see Anarchy 101 at an lbc table but now I’m wondering, what about an anti-politics book? Cheers!

  • Hi Aragorn, apologies for contacting you via comments, I couldn’t find an email address.

    I’m the editor of ‘Britain’s 2nd Worst Anarchist Magazine'; Now or Never! It’s a humourous,counter-cultural, lefty rag with a punky sensibility.

    We’ve been out of print now for a couple of years and some of our regular contributors have fallen by the wayside. A new issue is coming out soon and we after some new contributors. Our content is pretty eclectic, so more or less anything will be considered so long as it broadly fits our ethos.

    It’s a non-profit affair and everyone provides their work for free. So no dosh on offer I’m afraid, although you will of course get a credit and a copy of the mag. If you like poorly produced punk music, we can probably throw in a couple of free CDs 😛

    If you’d like to submit something, please get in touch
