30 Jul 2015

Jason Akermanis Of 2005 Racist 'Monkey' Fame Weighs In On Adam Goodes

By Chris Graham

You know how when you were young, and the night before Christmas morning seemed to drag on forever. That’s what it felt like waiting breathlessly for Jason Akermanis to tell us what he thinks about Adam Goodes. Chris Graham explains.

Finally, AFL legend Jason Akermanis has weighed into the Adam Goodes racism controversy.

Australians were forced to wait almost an entire, torturous week for Akermanis to air his opinions about the incessant racist booing of the Sydney Swans legend.

And so, without further delay, here it is: “Any stupid journalists who said that they're racist is kidding themselves," the Brownlow medallist and triple premiership winner told Fox Sports earlier today, apparently unaware of the interview with at least one member of the crowd removed from the game, who heckled Goodes that he should “go back to the zoo”.

Akermanis continues: “Adam Goodes has got to stop looking like a sook and stop making it about him in this sense, and also he should stop trying to play the victim.”

“I got booed and no-one ever said it was racist.”

Well yes, Akermanis did get booed a lot. But unlike Adam Goodes, Akermanis is white. So, you know. Not racist booing.

And also unlike Adam Goodes, Akermanis actually is a wanker whose footy and public career has been plagued by controversy.

It’s hard to know where to actually begin… maybe with his 2010 comments that gay footy players should “stay in the closet”. Or his drunken on-stage handstand after a grand final win, which saw him try to walk on his hands, only to tip over too far and crash off the stage into the audience.

The irony of Akermanis trying unsuccessfully to walk on his hands wasn’t lost on those who recalled Akermanis sparking a racial controversy of his own in April 2005, when he used his radio program (the Aker and Macca Show) on Brisbane’s 98.9 FM to describe his employers as “monkeys”.

In case you haven’t heard of them, 98.9FM is also known as ‘98.9FM Murri Country’ – it’s an Aboriginal community owned station run by the legendary Tiga Bayles.

Akermanis’ defence, as relayed to me in a phone interview at the time, was that using the term “monkeys” to describe Aboriginal people wasn’t racist. Why? Because Australians didn’t commonly use that term as a racial epithet.

Remarkably, that was pretty much the end of the national debate. There was no extended media outrage, not public shaming of Akermanis. Every one just moved on, and the matter was considered settled – you could, apparently, call blackfellas monkeys without being racist.

Of course, it was nonsense back then, and still is today - the whole Adam Goodes booing scandal is linked to Goodes calling out a 13-year-old girl at an AFL game for calling him an “ape”.

But, if you think about it, that actually represents progress.

The debate today is not about whether calling Goodes an ‘ape’ was racist. It’s about whether or not the 13-year-old who did it should have been held to account for her actions.

It’s taken us a decade, but at least now we don’t pretend we’re not being racist, when clearly we are…. Oh wait, scratch that.

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Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 17:19

Nice humurous article.

But can we get off the Adam Goodes hobby horse? Boooo.

New Matilda's run several articles on this. You, that is, YOU, are part of the media perpetuating it.

Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 17:38

I disagree chairmanmao. Although I worry for Adam Goodes, who many may have noticed hasn't  actually said anything all week, despite a lot of commentators telling him to stop spiking and making such a big fuss, it's the rest of us making a big fuss.

And rightly so. Out in the light, that's where this debate belongs.



This user is a New Matilda supporter. Bilal
Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 18:14

Keep the spotlight on the redneck racist morons and if they cannot learn that their ideas are crap, they should at least learn that to express them is as socially acceptable as farting in public.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Chris Graham
Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 18:22

Agree gents - it's an important public debate. You've obviously already worked it out ChairmanMao - that's a great thing :) But there's a lot of Australians who still haven't if social media is any guide.

Number 6
Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 19:36

@ChairmanMao: but not discussing the issue of racism simply perpetuates it by hiding it.

Meanwhile, Charlie Pickering nails the issue: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-07-30/charlie-pickering-weekly-adam-goodes-booing/6659532

Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 20:02

I have 'inconvenient' memories of past 'cheap shots'.

it has NOTHING to do with racism and NOBODY is entitled to dictate what constitutes racism.

next year there will be even more Indiginous players but no racism because the issue will have retired in the natural course of things.

Journalists who DON'T tow the line will be ostracised and shamed - they should be reporting facts NOT pushing a barrow.

the AFL used Adam as a totem but they didn't use him to formally introduce us to a 'war dance' during the formal Indiginous round......why not?.

The media, however are 'on a roll' wallowing in their self righteousness....they are also the problem.

Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 20:43

When 7.30 have a convicted racist on to talk about racism they have really scraped the bottom of the barrel.  I followed twitter advice to tune into margnbrook footy show on my second favourite channel NITV and listened to actual aboriginal people explain in clear language why calling aborigines monkeys and apes is so racist.

Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 21:49

This story get's sadder by the day. In my humble opinion, it is not about Goodes or Akermanis. It's about equality, recognition, dignity, respect. One man had the guts to express those values, on and off the field.

Didn't Akermanis celebrate his goals with a handstand? It was self celebratory, incognisant of respect for his team or his culture (arguable, other than a petri dish), or his club.

I understand we cheer our team, or a favourite player. I understand there are fair players and unfair players. Why is it the skin colours make one a celebration, and the other a denigration.

Grateful, Mr Graham. Take care

This user is a New Matilda supporter. bobbeeart
Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 22:01

Some folks are trying hard to hurt the indigenous people in this land ,instead of trying to give them a go , they in WA want to close the outback settlements ,instead of making them a better place to live , no one has really come up with a decent plan to give Aboriginals a place in this country , one that they can prosper and keep their traditions alive and still be a part of a modern world,it took the Europeans and western nations centuries to become what they now call civilised , but not enough to help bring help to others who need it, I wish I had the answer to it .They should be educating them and providing aid for them to utilize the resources that there are in the outback instead of giving away on lease to foreign companies who exploit it ,makes one annoyed !1

Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 22:30

Jason Akermanis, a legend?!  In his own mind maybe.

AKA as a could have been.

Aussie girl
Posted Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 22:47

Sick of Adam goodes attracting attention to himself ... if you want to be left alone stop opening your mouth and get on with the game. And i am sick of the racist word been used constantly people just dont like a smart arse ... any smart arse !!! Good on you Jason not afraid to speak the truth ...

Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 02:44

Heads up to Paul Sheehan over at Fairfax -there's your next "story," and one that you may not have to copy from your simpering and equally talentless mates, Miranda Divine and Andrew Bolt.

Number 6
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 08:31

@MJoanneS: Yes, 7.30 has now reached Peak Irony in having a racist assert that racism doesn't exist.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. aussiegreg
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 08:58

Let me see if I've got this right: Ackermanis and a number of other white dickheads get booed and that's non-racist booing. Goodes alone among 70-plus indigenous players gets booed and that's racist booing.

When the Barmy Army tried to unsettle Australia's cricketing stars with all sorts of slurs, most of them calculated to get the Anti-Discrimination Commission foaming at the mouth, we called that gamesmanship, and insisted our cricketing stars were unaffected. Well, Goodes has certainly been affected, he's taken a week off to sook. I'm guessing those supporters of opposing teams who booed him are feeling pretty pleased with themselves.

Once again, Political Correctness proves counter-productive, with one of the all-time greats of Aussie Rules considering retirement.

Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 09:19

Why does anyone listen to Akermanis? He's a fool no doubt still trying to find gays in the shower. He was an embarresment when he played and got worse when he left. He says nothing of any worth worth listening to.

Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 09:41

So you don't get out much aussiegreg? Remember Nicky Winmar, Michael Long, Maurice Rioli? Ever go to a game where they were playing? 

The point is that a bit of good natured barracking is part of game and can be fun. It can go too far though and, in the case of Adam Goodes, it has crossed the line. To suggest that there isn't a racist element in all of this is simply stupid.

Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 09:50

Here we go again, any chance to beat the "racism" drum & the media jump on it. If you are going to comment on this Matilda then please at least try to be accurate. 

!st error; you said Akermanis was unaware of an interview with one fan who made a racist comment when he stated the booing was not based on racism. Wow, one fan out of 40 000 was interviewed so that's what you base your evidence on? How ridiculous! Thank god science doesn't base results of medical trials on those sort of figures.

2nd eror; You, the media, sought out Akermanis's opinion and chose to publish it. Stop acting like you didn't want it, after all, it gives you more to write about. 

Stop diluting the seriousness of real racism by arguing that people who boo non white players must be racist. Be sure to let the group of aboriginal men sitting near me at the footy, who were booing Goodes, know that they are racists! You practise racism yourself Matilda, in your desperate attempt to look like you are the "protectors of the underdog"

Finally, perhaps you could earn some extra money as a psychic because you must be able to read peoples minds if you know why thousands of people were booing Goodes.

Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 10:09

@Nagaman  "NOBODY is entitled to dictate what constitutes racism".

I think the Federal anti-discrimination act has fairly beaten you to the punch there Nagaman by quite some years.

Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 12:04

Why didnt the ABC interviewer ask Bolt "If Racism doesn't exist how did you manage to be convicted of it?"

My point is not to deny its racism, or to give comfort to Devine or Bolt but to stop the media obsession that fuels this stupid saga. Its ugly, horrible and moronic - that's where the lowest common denominator is in our culture - where the footy crowd acting en masse.

Alternate worship and demonizing of celebrities is what's going on, combined witht the hot word of Racism.

People boo because you stand out from the crowd. Because of his race and comments on race, and war dance goodes stands out from the crowd.

The more attention paid to Goodes, who doesn't appear to want it, gives the arch conservatives the opportunity to milk the culture war aspect of this issue for all its worth. The only good thing is that between this issue and Bronwyn Bishop, Tony Abbot has effectively gone in to hiding!

Let's get over this issue and move on.


Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 13:51

Spot on Chairman Mao!

The nearly identical group-think opinion(s) from all the rabid rightwing ratbag commentators at precisely the same time makes me think they all got the same 'talking points' memo entitled ;

"WE MUST  Must do all we can to get Bronwyn the LEANER  off the front pages....."

AND Phony Tony finally breaks his silence but manages to pretty much stay on the fence with some bland statement about deserving respect.  

He knows he can't upset his ignorant base!



Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 13:54

So called "Aussie Girl" seems to be having some difficulty looking herself in the mirror and grasping that she's a racist.

Perhaps such awareness (even as its caused her to lash out) is a start- a first step on the path to becoming a better person.


Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 14:05

Bodyline and now Booing.The  laws & treatment of our First Nation People  historically has caused a division that Sports people are now addressing. It  is time for this healing.Like  the controversy in our  cricket  ,this confict  or storm in AFL  mirrors or brings out  the different thinking  that exists in our  society  - still reinforced in schools and homes  that ignores Aboriginal culture, language and lore.

Few sporting events have caused such an international storm as the 1932-33 Ashes series which, at its nadir, not only threatened the tour itself but also political relations between the United Kingdom and Australia. In the end the series was completed, but not without incident, but the scars lingered on for generations. Australians were  not to be counted as second rate by the British.

Thankyou Adam. for making  this social  stand 

DICWGFNQ member  trying to reduce the incarcertion rate of First Nation people

Sam G
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 14:24

 We need to support Adam Goodes for as long as it takes to stop this garbage .

If that means keeping it on the front page for as long as it takes then so be it  .

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Bilal
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 16:30

I love the way the rednecks describe themselves in "patriotic" terms, Aussie this and that or "patriot" this or that.. Those who seek to divide our multicultural inclusive democracy on ethnic or religious grounds are traitors to this country. They delude themselves that they are "patriots" like the neo-nazis with swastika tattoos reclaiming Australia for the white supremacists. We lost many good people fighting the nazi filth last time  and we will certainly not let them rise again.

Andrew Dumas
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 17:31

Wow, the LNP white power trolls are out in force today. What I find truly disgusting is the amount of you using 'aussie' in front of your name like that makes you some kind of patriot. And yet every single one of you 'aussies' felt a need to make bigoted comments.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. aussiegreg
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 18:12

I have failed miserably many times in the past to justify my use of my venerable Internet handle "aussiegreg", but since refusal to learn from past mistakes is one of my defining character traits, I'll just quote one of those past attempts on these boards:

"I continue to use my aussiegreg handle in cyberspace with a mixture of irony and sentiment, the latter stemming from my having acquired it as a gift from the dirt-poor staff at a budget hotel in Kathmandu at the turn of the millennium who needed to distinguish me from an English Greg who was also in residence. Well, their version was "Mr Australian Greg", and while I persuaded them to contract "Australian" to "Aussie", they resolutely refused to drop the honorific (or to call Mr English Greg "Pommy Greg"). Koi baht naheen!

The ironic use reflects my habit of mocking jingoistic nationalism wherever I find it – now there is an Australian characteristic to be proud of!"

This user is a New Matilda supporter. MattQ
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 19:48

Love what racists like 'aussie girl' get 'tired' of.

Aussie girl most First Nationals would love to have your problems, you being all 'tired' of behaviour that doesn't affect you in the slightest..

They're 'tired' of racism which affects them EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES, and most here place their right to be 'tired' of racism over your right to be 'tired' of Goode's 'tired'-ness of it.

Your only crime, apart from racism, is low socio-economic status. This is not your fault (and you should find out who's it is, and join us in bringing them down), but your racist behaviour is.

Try harder at being 'tired' of something that affects all of us non-1%-ers.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. aussiegreg
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 21:31


As I've also mentioned a few times on these boards, I am just about as dinky-di as a 60-something whitefella can get in this country, being a sixth-generation Australian through three of my four grandparents, but I've always considered patriotism to be the last refuge of the scoundrel.

As for Nazism, my father used his Communist Party contacts within the Commonwealth Public Service to get out of serving in the Armed Forces so he could continue to serve the Party, which in 1939, 1940 and 1941 meant effectively serving the Nazis, who had entered into a secret alliance with Stalin's Russia, agreeing to carve up Europe between them.

While working to frustrate Australia's war effort on Party orders, my father considered himself the ultimate Patriot, fighting for the real Australia, the proletarian Australia, and for a world ruled by a proletarian dictatorship until it could be transformed into a classless and communist society. 

I'm guessing most of the posters on these boards would happily work with Nazis again if they thought it could deliver their ideological utopia, which is much the same one my father dreamed of creating.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. aussiegreg
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 21:47


I don't get out much, but it wouldn't do me any good, having lived all my life outside the Aussie Rules states. The last time I went to a game was at the MCG in 1980, way before the great names you mention were playing.

Not that I notice people's colour much, unless they make a big thing of it – I dream of a colourblind society, and I like to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. 

I'm sure there's a racist element in all of this, but I find it hard to separate it from the gamesmanship, especially when indigenous barrackers who support opposing teams are booing Goodes. And barrackers are like predators: show any weakness, show them that their gamesmanship is working to put you off your game, and the pack will turn on you with renewed ferocity and growing numbers.

If Goodes ever comes back from his sook, I reckon the supporters of his opponents will welcome his every touch with 10 times the booing we have heard to date!

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Jane E
Posted Friday, July 31, 2015 - 23:09

According to Beatle John Lennon (deceased due to gunfire at close range), "Woman is the nigger of the world."

I'm very sorry that Adam Goodes is feeling under-respected, I'm also still somewhat amazed that anyone should name and shame an unenfranchised girl (ie she doesn't get to vote because she's too young) on national television.

I read a few years back from WHO or Oxfam or some such org, that about two-thirds of the world's work was then done by women. And they didn't make proportionate wages by a long shot. In fact most of their work was done for free. I won't go into the layers of corruption, coercion and threats that accompanied the accumulation of wealth by those who did not earn it. I leave it to your imaginations, and there are enough hints in the media from time to time, of women sold into slavery, for body parts, and so on.

The point I am making is that being female is a great way to get exploited, tortured, trafficked, etc. Even those, and not only men, of one's own race, some are happy to treat others as property, goods, tradeable objects, and so on, with no respect to that person's personage.

To me, those are the symptoms of racism, and of sexism, and of discrimination generally. Yelling and booing and name calling is more in the symptom set of selfishness, thoughtlessness, ignorance and adolescent hormones, which, in men continue for much longer than they do in women.



This user is a New Matilda supporter. hannahs dad
Posted Sunday, August 2, 2015 - 10:05

My thanks to Ben Eltham for his press complaint re Bolt.

Well done.

Posted Sunday, August 2, 2015 - 15:00

I say keep the discourse on the topic going. Maybe one day then you might become a beautiful people who are part of a beautiful society worthy of the beautiful country you live in. Some of redknecks comments here reveal the ugly. Put the demons to the sword once and for all.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. MattQ
Posted Monday, August 3, 2015 - 08:07

Brilliantly put, Jane E, and no doubt related in cause. Racism and sexism and caste-ism stem from unmet needs for status and to define, control and dominate others. Illigitimate yet undeniably human drives, happily attenuated by general education, a relatively stable, low-trauma childhood, and a viable path to reasonable self-fulfillment as an adult. Yay.

Posted Monday, August 3, 2015 - 10:43

Imagine, crapmatilda, aussiegirl, aussiegreg and other bigots.....that since the day you were born, you were ridiculed, denigrated & criticised, as were your family and extended family. You were told you were lazy, stupid and were ALWAYS bludging off the government.

And even when you had worked hard and been successful, still the abuse continued. You go to work and you're referred to as an ape, a drunkard, were the butt of jokes.....and when you asked the perpetrators to stop, they laughed & booed and called you a sook.

An aboriginal man on Saturday morning's Today Show articulated the above and gave an example of when we he was about 18. He was already making good money as an elite player in his chosen sport. He bought a new car and drove it around to his mates' place. He and a few aboriginal friends were standing aound the car. Within about 10 minutes, police cars rolled up, lights flashing and without hesitation the men were placed on the ground, hand-cuffed and locked up for the night. Just because of that car, which was legally purchased with his own hard-earned money.

The man said he had numerous other examples of similar treatment that had demonstrated to him that there is a terrible scourge of racism in this country. It's something that non-aboriginals could not possibly understand because they have never lived it.

Imagine - because that's as close it gets for you and me.

I shed a tear listening to him.

By the way that man was Anthony Mundine. 

PS: Jason Akermanis was sacked by both AFL clubs he played for because he was an arsehole. His name is tainted in the AFL and he is unlikely to ever get another job in the AFL 'industry'. He can only dream of the esteem that Adam Goodes has within the sport.

Voice in the Wi...
Posted Monday, August 3, 2015 - 11:10

Jane E

I agree in part with some of your sentiment but the girl who called Adam Goodes an ape 2 years ago was not named and shamed by him or anyone else. Her family was in contact with media outlets and spoke to joirnalists independently. Adam Goodes actually said and did very little at the time other than requesting thqt she be removed from the stadium by security as per AFL antiracism policy.

Despite not being able to vote, this girl made a choice to call Mr Goodes an ape. Ther are lots of things she could have called him that would not have seen her evicted, but she chose to use terminology steeped in the rhetoric of social darwinism.

If my child called another adult by a derogatory name they could reasonably expect some negative consequences, both from my displeasure, as well as from the adult they had said this to. She may not have known how significant her words were but that shouldn't mean she should not recieve consequences commensurate with her actions.

Upon finding out that the girl was only 13yo(the day following the incident), Mr Goodes publicly stated that the girl should be treated with respect and understanding.

Adam Goodes speaks out about racial inequality. Booing escalated after he performed a cultural dance on the football field. Social media makes it clear that many people are uncomfortable with all of these things. There are no other adequate explanations for the escalation in the booing of Mr Goodes.

It is not merely the ordinary thoughtlessness and ignorance experienced in the world of football. It is based on Adam Goodes Aboriginality clashing with the range of safe, orthodox interpretations of Aboriginality that many non Aboriginal Australians are comfortable with.

Scale and intensity do not define racism, sexism or other form of oppression. Racism can be subtle or even invisible to anyone other than those at which it is aimed. It can also exist, as sexism does, below the threshhold of conscious thought, but oppressive nonetheless.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. aussiegreg
Posted Monday, August 3, 2015 - 18:26


As a bigot I am of course incapable of imagining what anyone else's life might be like, and one of the merits of my failing memory is that I am forgetting a lifetime of being ridiculed, denigrated and criticised. Sadly, I still remember most of the times I was physically beaten by bullies – in fact I was consulting an ENT specialist just last week about having my thrice-broken nose fixed so I can breathe properly through it again. Various other bones in my body, broken by the boots of bullies when I was a boy, still hurt like some war wound when the winter chill sets in.

And I still remember the extraordinarily painful tongue-lashing I copped from a fellow bigot who until then I had counted as a friend: the late Burnum Burnum.

He had allowed me to believe he was an initiated elder of his tribe (as we whitefellas called the Aboriginal Nations in those more ignorant days), and I was publicly humiliated by someone from Kempsey who knew better in a public meeting here in Canberra in the early 1980s. When I confronted Burnum Burnum about this, he laughed like the proverbial drain, and said I was just another typical middle-class whitefella, my brain addled by romantic delusions of aboriginal spirituality, especially the delusion that initiation mattered to one's spiritual experience.

We may have fallen out at that moment, and I deeply regret my stupid pride in allowing such an incident to spoil such a friendship, but I still hold Burnum Burnum up as a more skilful advocate for his people than you and your ilk (and indeed Adam Goodes) – he used the kind of humour that makes the point tellingly without simply antagonising those whose ignorance of these matters is not a crime. Nothing, IMHO, did more for promoting the cause of Aboriginal land rights than Burnum Burnum planting the Aboriginal flag on the White Cliffs of Dover in 1988 and claiming England for the Aboriginal Nations.

Aussie girl
Posted Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 13:53

Jexpat, now who's being racist ??? You, i am aloud my views, for your information no other aboriginal football player screams attention as googes,he thinks he is better than anyone one else, and why , because he is a footballer and an aboriginal !!! He is no better than i or any other person black or white.And just to make a point today i was the victim of racial abuse from a part aboriginal women who as i worked went off the handle crying self pity and angry about the way in which aboriginals are treated, i disagreed with her as is my right i was then threatened that she would have someone kill me and burn the shop down she called me the c word and called me racist , and for what ??? Having a difficult opinion, that is my right !! I end up having to call the police in fear of my life..... my point , i am not a racist what ever you think that is , if someone is a dickhead it doesn't matter what color they are...

Aussie girl
Posted Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 14:05

MattQ your funny ha ha . Believe what you like i respect your view so respect mine and move on thanks