1757 1774 AD Turkey Mustafa III silver para coin 4
Hatice Sultan (daughter of Mustafa III)
Milad-e-Mustafa - III
Mustafa III - 26th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire
Leonardo Diaz Soler, Mustafa @ III Mini FC Bielsko-Biała (Maska)
Who Is Beyhan Sultan (daughter of Mustafa III)?
Sultan III.Mustafa Han ve Laleli Baba Hz.
Groovy Historian : Podcast on history of Sultan Mustafa III (Ottoman Empire)
xHoHo: Specialist III - Battlefield 3 Montage by Mustafa
AHLÂK III - A - Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
Mazungumzo na Mhe. Balozi Mustafa Nyang'anyi Pt III
Mustafa Effortless "Voice" - SPOKEN YOUNIVERSE III
The Life And Death Of Sultan Selim III
Aziza Mustafa-Zadeh (Live in Vienna, October 2nd 2009) -III- "Shamans"
1757 1774 AD Turkey Mustafa III silver para coin 4
Hatice Sultan (daughter of Mustafa III)
Milad-e-Mustafa - III
Mustafa III - 26th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire
Leonardo Diaz Soler, Mustafa @ III Mini FC Bielsko-Biała (Maska)
Who Is Beyhan Sultan (daughter of Mustafa III)?
Sultan III.Mustafa Han ve Laleli Baba Hz.
Groovy Historian : Podcast on history of Sultan Mustafa III (Ottoman Empire)
xHoHo: Specialist III - Battlefield 3 Montage by Mustafa
AHLÂK III - A - Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
Mazungumzo na Mhe. Balozi Mustafa Nyang'anyi Pt III
Mustafa Effortless "Voice" - SPOKEN YOUNIVERSE III
The Life And Death Of Sultan Selim III
Aziza Mustafa-Zadeh (Live in Vienna, October 2nd 2009) -III- "Shamans"
AHLÂK III - C - Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
AHLÂK III - B - Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
MAXIFIT/MEJIRO WORMER III - Mustafa el Shimmy vs Dieu Merci Mawete
(C133) Cumartesi Sohbetleri - Çanakkale Savaşı'nda Mustafa Kemal'in Rolü, K. Mısıroğlu, 25.04.2015
Mustapha Bakbou @ Festival Gnaoua 2011 (III)
Dr.Mustafa Karataş, Doktorum Programında VelaShape III uygulamasını anlattı
Hafıza Teknikleriyle III Mustafa ve Islahatları
Mazungumzo na Mhe. Balozi Mustafa Nyang'anyi Pt II
Selim III - The 28th Sultan Of The Ottoman Empire
mahfil 2012 gulam e mustafa bharoke cheema wazirabad part III
Hamara Aqeeda Part III,speech by Muhaddith-e Kabeer Allama Zia ul Mustafa saheb Qadri Razvi
AHLÂK II - A - Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
Eritrean Jeberti: Issue of Ethnicity - Part III (3)
AHLÂK II - B- Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
Zât-ı pâk-i Mustafa'ya âşıkım... Mehmet Kemiksiz
Marvin Hagler vs Mustafa Hamsho II 19-10-1984
Skeptics with a K: Episode #041
Medieval II Total War: The Turks Part 3 "Sultan Mustafa, Holy Warrior"
AHLÂK II - D - Mustafa İslamoğlu - Vahyin Penceresinden - Hilâl Tv
Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (Wii U) - All Cutscenes HD
Sultan Abdülaziz - Mustafa Armağan | Tarih Aynası
Paralel Yapı Yasadışı Örgüt Bahanesiyle Binlerce Kişiyi Dinlemiş - Mustafa ŞENTOP
Azmate Mustafa By Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi {Part - II}
88 III mustafa ıslahatları
Mustafa Summer Training Regimen Part III - Cone dribbling
Who Is Sultan Mustafa II Ghazi?
Sultan III Mustafa Han ve Laleli Baba Hz - Minyatürlerle Osmanlı
Zanaida, Act II, Scene 5: III. Aria: Ah! L'impresa scellerata (Mustafa)
Mustafa Demirci - III.İkinci Bölüm (Allahümme Salli, Dua)
26 - III. Mustafa
The Life And Death Of Sultan Mustafa III
The Life And Death Of Sultan Mustafa II Ghazi
Mustafa ARIKAN - Exogenesis Symphony III Redemption (Cover)
Thou hath created religion.
A seed of intolerance sown in the human heart.
The most noxious convictions.
Thou hath created gods.
Skulls piled to build churches.
Suffering in the name of.
Never ask a satyr the sense of life.
Nobody can answer thy why.
If living is suffering, hide its meaning.
Thou hath gone so far in the road of madness.
After two thousand years, living in tears.
Sowing the Evil in Our Hearts.
Thou hath created laws.
To rule thy unjust world.
Then I created thy chaos.
Thou hath created political science.
The principles of moral enslavement.
Then I created thy irreverence.
Sowing the Evil in Our Hearts.
Sowers of martyrdom and pain.
Golden castles ruin in rain.
The ten commandments are insane.
Sowers of schism and disgrace.
Priests have no faith.
World fall down in disgrace.
Never ask a satyr the sense of life.
I doubt that any god has created this wonderful world.
There isn't any evidence of gods living in the sky.
The impact of religious disorders has ruined the world.
Condemn any slavemaster who try to oppress the human mind.
No god has the power to create men.
Have men the power to create gods?.
Thou shalt bleed.
The end of all mysteries.
Not making new mysteries.
Sophism has distorted so many human minds.
The truth vanished in the mist of the dark.
Rebel against manipulators' gods' creation.
Hell was invented to sell.
Indulgence from Hell.
Years of abstention and intolerance.
Where's your reward?.
No god is worthy of my penitence.
the prologue at heaven the archangels, god and the devil
the choir of archangels sing harmonic verses in glory of god
but there's a dissonance among them
the devil is going to talk with god about his creatures from earth
who are searching ways over the human condition
god become startled and defends his creation:
"a good man knows by hear his certains way"
the devil asks him:"can you tell me one of those good men?"
godthinks:"my servant, faust"
the devil laughs scepitic and invites god to make a bet for faust's soul
the charlatan, the doctor faust, fatigued with theology and philosophy
a profound disgust with life and strong inclination towards death
he thinks commit suicide, but he finds another solution
the prohibited arts of damnable science may deliver him from his anguish of mind
in his gothic room looking the sign of cosmos
the doctor faust summons for the spirit of earth
he beats irritated on the magick book and contemplates
the sign of the spirit of earth
he pronounces the mysterious vocables to summon the spirit of earth
he lights a red flame and the spirit of earth appears on it
the spirit on red flame dialogues with faust and disappears
a damned dog with fiery eyes and a terrible mandible appears
f:"don't growl damned dog. what do you trace?"
d:"didn't you summon me?!?"
f:"who are you (spectre) to invade my house?!?"
d:"i'm mephistopheles. the spirit of earth. the devil"
the crucial moment arrived
mephistopheles promises the joy of life to faust
he doesn't hesitate and signs the pact
the apostasy is complete
f:"clouds accumulated above me. the full moon hides its brightness.
ardente rays move around my head. oh mephistopheles, spirit who I summoned,
my heart devotes itself for you. please, satisfy me and reveal me
all secrets of the universe which I don't know"
m: "hail doctor faust! I promise you unlimited wisdom and pleasure
you can usufruct entirely what was him promised for twenty years
but, after it, your soul will be mine"
mephistopheles and the doctor faust go to seek adventures
faust knew the pleasure by suffering of love and sin
after twenty years the pact is concluded
the servant gives himself to his new master
mephistopheles grasps him and tells him:"god could help you, if he wanted to"
Believed being this world.
The most wonderful of the worlds.
The will and it's illusions.
Culminate in illusions of disillusions.
If suffering doesn't take part of one's life.
He lives out of the edges of the mind.
Feel the pain cuts to the heart.
Living in this land is so hard.
Who did create this world of illusion?.
Who did create this world of suffering?.
Who did create this world of pain?.
Who did create this world of alienation?.
Enthroned in the supreme power of suffering.
Will be all suffering in vain?.
The flesh is so weak.
Who doesn't rejoice in pain?.
The spirit is willing.
Believed being the immortality the joy of the gods.
Reflection on impending death changed that thought.
The will is blind; it wishes what the eyes can't see.
Turning the will into suffering.
Death is the final plea.
Living the last days of the world's demise.
Nobody found the earthly paradise.
Who did create this world of illusion?.
Who did create this world of suffering?.
Who did create this world of pain?.
Who did create this world of alienation?.
The pale figure of the holy bastard.
Bleeds on the cross.
It is the root of all evil.
Feel its stink on the cross.
A false martyr paying for our sins.
I can't make any apology for the crucified.
Immortal enemy of the christians' dream.
What does the cross mean?.
It is just a pipedream.
I doubt miracles and words of salvation.
A wolf in sheep's skin.
Don't judge me for my sins.
It isn't worthy of my consternation.
Don't molest my brain.
Resurrect to die.
Suffer in my name.
It was blamed to die.
I've found hundreds of lies.
Reading the book of the liars.
Suffering and martyrdom are words.
I scratch out from my mind.
Open the gates of the graveyard.
Where corpses rest like layers.
In glorious flying thunder comes the courier of death.
Moor his black horse's tail.
Around my thin neck.
Let me fly beneath his wings.
I am dead.
Hangman's noose is not a prophecy.
Hangman's noose is the laughter of death.
Life is abundant in fantasy.
Giving birth to death.
Ending one's secret life.
Ending one's mortal existence.
Have no fear.
Heaven and Hell are here.
Let my few hairs blow in the burning wind.
Don't keep up one's appearance.
Oldness and youth are just a game.
Send a letter to the mortals saying as pleasant is the grave.
Hangman's noose is not a prophecy.
Hangman's noose is the laughter of death.
Life is abundant in fantasy.
Giving birth to death.
Ending one's secret life.
Ending one's mortal existence.
Mortal reason to abandon this life.
Full of horror at first sight.
Nobody escapes from this deathlike fate.
Till again I hear the wind through the gates.
Nameless graves rest emptiness.
Living beings dislike this vast sadness.
Dramatic vision of the procession of the dead.
Waiting for centuries the coming of the godsend.
To restore the temple and the faith in the land.
No turning his face, no forgiving the enemies.
People don't care, but the messiah's appearance is imminent.
Is he evil or good?.
Are the scriptures lies?.
Will he rule this world?.
Our world of illusion.
As David's chariots, he destroys our enemies.
By peace, he also shall destroy many countries.
Jerusalem is again the center of the world.
Now the avenger of god can rule the world.
Is he evil or good?.
Are the scriptures lies?.
Will he rule this world?.
Our world of illusion.
Now those who dwell upon Earth shall worship the ruler.
If your name is in the book of life, erase it.
Join the temple of domination.
Free of the persecution.
We conquer the Promised Land.
Among us, he lives.
Feast in the enemies' blood.
Their blood is our wine.
Among us, he lives.
A new era begins.
The long awaited messiah prophesies.
Although your acts reflect as evil you are.
A river separates the living world from the dead world.
I'm the one who ferries the souls onto underworld.
Mention river's name in vain... Drink the water from
Dare to cross Styx The stormy river of hate.
A sad mood runs along the river and through the woods.
Open the tomb of the mysteries of Dante's fantasy?.
Drown in Acheron. The river of woe.
Drown in Cocytus. The river of lamentation.
Beyond the Rivers of Hades.
Sail into the water of doom.
Beyond the Rivers of Hades.
Vanish in the spooky gloom.
Scourged by infernal flames.
the ambitions in life.
Vice still burns.
Suffering is the price for my sacrifice.
Remembrance returns.
Drown in Lethe. the river of forgetfulness.
Drown in Phlegethon. the river of fire.
there are two ways according to the laws of the universe
one starts when the another ends
one is limited and the another is unlimited
you just know the second passing through the first
now between the sword and the cross
we shall meet it with courage
sed lex. dura lex
a friend of mine
he died with a thousand of dreams in mind
to climb the stairs to heaven with honour to meet his imaginary god
a man who made never for himself and other people
is he worthy of a so wonderful end ?
the law of the return - the law of the laws
it has always warned us about our insanity
now listen to the sentence for our omission
hey! have a look as your corpse is so dirty
hey! have a look as your spirit is so weight
black was your past, is your present and wiil be your future
the earth rejects you
the heaven has closed its gates
prowl, carcass and spirit, through the darkness
and reflect about your sins
why must i pay for my faults now ?
i'm still alive. first, you should doom them
i'll be the last one
i don't wanna be an example for them
i don't wanna die on the cross
it's a fruit from that same old tree
contaminated and full of worms
the cure ? let's not talk about it
the fear of the unknown dismays them
sometimes the result comes late
but the consequences are worst
disincarnated still acting as a spiritless
which sentence is worst than this ?
the death of an immortal
Give The Human Devil His Due
attack fire against fire, when your enemies attack you
throw the first stone, before something hit you
you well know that the best defence is the attack
and shan't rest until hear the enemy's last breath
peace just will come, when you triumph over the last one
eye by eye
tooth by tooth
you shall retribute evil by evil
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
the one who has made more victims will be named the new god
sometimes, i've given love and haven't received anything back
you are confounding human feelings with merchandises
i've seen, all my life, the people doing thus
why don't you follow your own instinct of discernment?
but i've followed it!
the focus of tyranny and hate
more despotic than the megalomaniac god
but he isn't a god and he is lacking his strength
now he feels the shock of the negative discharge in his mind
now i am here submerged in this mud. i am the worst!
an old and useless trash full of wrinkles
face our destiny watch my sad example
the world of fatality that we are creating for our fellow beings
revive yourself as me
our greatest fault is the fear to admit our wrong
hindsight won't help me to recover the time i've lost
the doors are closing. wake up!
i must open your eyes to the truth
the chances are against us. stand up to
the man is born as a pure and wise animal,
but the society blinds him and taints him
if he become contrary to it, he'll suffer, like me, the consequences
threatened, imprisioned, tortured, humiliated, doomed, killed and
no god, no devil, no one can save us from the human justice
eye by eye
tooth by tooth
destroy the false conceptions which they've trained you
ashes to ashes
dust to dust
happily, for our luck, the sun rises for all
i'm black as the night
i'm black as the death
i'm black as the other side of the moon
i'm black as the darkness
i'm their shadows
i'm the pulse of their hearts
I pump blood through their bodies
I can feel their breathings
I can touch in their hearts
I can take possession of their souls
I can feel the fear in their eyes
i'm the black fallen angel of the plague
flies attack!!!
kill them all!!!
i'm the prince of demons
the lord of flies
i'm karma of the human beings
i'm a fever without cure
do you know what you say?
do you wanna die?
you will die!!!
in nomine deum nostri satanas
i'm not a fever
i'm the lord of flies!!!
the prince of demons
no fever... the lord!!!
no, i' don't agree with you
you will die!!!
a mind without religion
the superiority in flesh
without limitations or obstructions
the way for immortality
horror of the mysteries of the world
nor all questions have answers
believing without proof
the mankind's suffering
is god a mistake of man?
is man a mistake of god?
listen to me
I am the guardian of your sins
rebel against the church
the slaver
believing in everything that is imposed for you
the truth is invisible in your eyes
believing in everything that you don't see, play or hear
the abdication puts back your life and the penitence calls the death
years of abdication and penitence
where's your reward?
now it is so clear in my eyes
When I close my eyes.
A voice resounds in my mind.
Kill. Kill. Thou shalt kill.
You were born to kill.
This is the time to face my fate.
Knives, guns and mace.
My arsenal is ready to kill.
Cross my way and you will feel.
Fall onto your knees.
Beg for mercy.
Dare to face the Beast.
Fall onto your knees.
Beg for mercy.
Dare to face the beast.
An angel told me details of my affair.
I am the spark to begin the warfare.
I was born in lust and sin.
Just follow my human instinct.
Blood is the wealth to buy my freedom.
Now I shall get my weapons.
The hate that was hidden in my soul.
It comes to reality out of control.
Then the beast rose from his throne.
Enthroned in a mountain of bones.
Slaughtering the ones who were born.
From the same womb.
Desolated plains.
Life no longer exists.
Savagery and pain.
When the black angel come search my soul
My prayers must be heard for some god
Among the sky, earth or sea
My sick heart has lost its will to live
I'm at death's door
But my life is beyond my death
I saw a skeleton in a dark shroud
Armed with a scythe
This is personification of death
For the life and for the death
Forever I'm alive
Tormentum Aeternum
But something is wrong
I'm dying
My prayers were heard for a God
He spoke in low tone the following words
"Exurgente mortius at ad me vinient,
ego sum, te peto et videre queo"
After this torment
I'm alive again
No sooner said than done
Incubus comes form the inferno
With a dissolute and malign plan
To conquest a pretty and young nun
Her sensual and wonderful body
It will be use to shelter the new being
The Antichrist's era approximates
The kingly preares to the diabolic copultation
He'll get her for 7 nights
There's no choice to the virgin
She'll give the birth to the Antichrist
After nine months
From a sacred wonb the child was born
The new being cries in ecstasy
And his father laughes with satisfaction
The womb of the wench was sliced and burned
The Antichrist will live in doiminious of Inferno
There's no choice to the virgin
She'll give the birth to the Antichrist
Afraid to walk the streets
In the coldness all alone
The blackness of the night
Engulfs your flesh and bones
Hoping for relief
From the fear you feel inside
Losing all perspective
Of reality in the night
Running from shadows
Blinded by fear
The horror of nightfall
Is ever so near
I slowly surround you
As terror sets in
Are you afraid of the night
I see the fright in your eyes
As you turn and run
But is your mind playing tricks
On a body so very young
Feeling as if no one cares
The fear runs down your spine
But I know I'll never rest
Until I know you're mine
Afraid to walk the streets
In the coldness all alone
The blackness of the night
Engulfs your flesh and bones
Feeling as if no one cares
The fear runs down your spine
But I know I'll never rest
Until I know you're mine
I know you're mine
Too late to hide
Too late to save your life
When arrive the doomsday
The Serpent arises between thunders and storms
Declaring an epoch of suffering
The making supplicates for jehova's troops
Now it is the time to annihilate all the mortals
The Serpent's army casts its spell
The death has come
You can't escape from our lethal spell
A day of eternal night
Intense eruptions and earthquakes
Mystic eclipses at sky
Armaggedon is near
The Serpent of 7 heads, 10 horns and 7 diadems
Leads a third of the army
Demons ride within the clouds killing his adversaries
at firmament
O Evil Ascension Returns
A blasphemy of our lord
Hades shelteres the last survivors of the bloodshed
It wasn't enough the effort of jehova
The Original Serpent killed the archangel emmanuel
jehova and his impotent angels
They were smashed by astute Demons
The Dark Kingdom prevails to eternity
The return of sinister bestiality terrifies all the
A thundering voice announces a new empire
Where only the evil and the eternal pleasure reign
Sacrificial death rites
Some corpses burn on the hellish bonfire
The reapers of evil look for the remains
Of all those who died in vain
Only the evil is real
Come see the magnificence of Satan's Reign
Destroyed our dream
The castle of sand
The evolution of the nature
Broken our spell
What a hell
The legion come to sight on the horizon
The fire in our hearts is burning
The axes rise
In an angry tone
The human spirit shouts
We are why for leather and metal
We are warriors ready to fight
We are why for leather and metal
We are gods in every cold night
Cowards, stand up to fight
Thou hast the right
Write thy own fate
Listen to the cry of the dead
Justice is echoing on the air
The moon is the only witness
The fire in our hearts is burning
The axes rise
In an angry tone
The human spirit shouts
We are why for leather and metal
We are warriors ready to fight
We are why for leather and metal
From hallucinations, thou hath been born.
Bright like a falling star.
Born from men's rib or from men's dream.
Come out second universe's being.
You don't have my consent to taste my feast.
I will resist.
Born from men's dreams.
As a serpent twisting in delight.
Be enchanted with my tricks.
You won't resist.
Born from men's dreams.
Man's dream daughter seduces me and refuses me.
I am just one more character in thy game.
I don't know if I am living a nightmare or just a dream.
Come ahead untamable being.
O Mother Witch.
Every night on pagan rites.
Thou hath been a delight for my eyes.
O Mother Lust who gave birth to my desires.
Thou hath put my semen burning as fire.
If tears are her favorite weapon.
while the night falls a gloomy mist covers the earth
the wild child will come to light
the holy symbols tremble and the glitter of joy is sad
the lord's son of evil soon will be among us
antichristus will come. the bells begin to ring solemnly
antichristus will come. the satanists wait for their deity
at midnight was born the prodigal son of evil
the satanists show to the wild child his new realm
he rejoices and promises the elixir of imortality to us
yhvh and jesus christ prepare to battle against antichristus
antichristus arrived. he chalenges his apponents to fight
antichristus arrived. yhvh and jesus christ hesitate face the invitation
yhvh commands his kerubs
jesus christ commands his angels
antichristus commands his demons
kerubs and angels attack and murder some demons from antichristus' battalion
he becomes furious and calls for the mighty gods of evil
lucifer sends unseen demons fulminate the angels
pazuzu blows and throws dust in the eyes of the kerubs
behemoth uses his brutal force against the kerubs
astaroth murders the last live kerubs
beelzebub sends a bunch of flies to molest the angels
asmodeus tramples the angels with his chariot of fire
moloch devours the remains of the angels and the kerubs
belial announces the victory of the realm of antichristus
look as the rust corrodes the golden palace of heaven
the rays become frozen in the hands of yhvh
jesus christ prowls alone in the vale of tears
antichristus salutes the mighty gods of evil
antichristus won. the bells ring solemnly
antichristus won. the evil deity says loudly:
There are two ways according to the laws of the universe
One starts when the another ends
One is limited and the another is unlimited
You just know the second passing through the first
Now between the sword and the cross
We shall meet it with courage
Sed Lex. Dura Lex
A friend of mine
He died with a thousand of dreams in mind
To climb the stairs to heaven with honour to meet his imaginary God
A man who made never for himself and other people
Is he worthy of a so wonderful end?
The law of the return - the law of the laws
It has always warned us about our insanity
Now listen to the sentence for our omision
Hey! Have a look as your corpse is so dirty
Hey! Have a look as your spirit is so weight
Black was your past, is your present and will be your future
The earth rejects you
The heaven has closed it's gates
Prowl, carcass and spirit, through the darkness
And reflect about your sins
Why must I pay for my faults now?
I'm still alive, first, you should doom them
I'll be the last one
I don't wanna be an example for them
I don't wanna die on the cross
It's a fruit from that same old tree
Contaminated and full of worms
The cure? Let's not talk about it
The fear of the unknown dismays them
Sometimes the result comes late
But the consequences are worst
Disincarnated still acting as a spiritless
Which sentence is worst than this?
i've suffered in the name of god
his words serve me as consolation
for a life of martyrdom and pain
i've lived like a slave of my god
o satanas save my soul
free me from this nightmare
i'll obey your laws
I won't underestimate your wisdom
now i'm going to break the ten commandements made on stone
and despise the seven words of christ
o satanas, now I want only serve thee
thou art my new lord who will instruct me
o satanas save my soul
free me from this nightmare
i'll obey your laws
Surrealistic visions of the new empire
The center of the world
To dominate the race, to control minds
To suffocate the mass
Limited intelligence, prejudices of all forms - the method
To create a subrace of feeble - minded - their goal
In name of God, retrocede thee noxious creature
I am the cancer growing in your entrails
Respect the holy laws of the supreme being
Supreme in your kingdom of fear and lie
Who art thou? Atheist, Satanist or what?
I'm the nightmare which you had never dreamed
I curse thee, in name of my Lord
Changing the course of the wiser men's dream from the past
A world without boundaries, without wars, without leaders
Creating a reality which only serve for yourselves
Destroyers for the black poor
Saviours for the white rich
Oh shut thy face, I've heard enough
The truth sounds like thunders on your ears
We are dying, our empire feel through
But the wounds still aren't healed up
We are victims, Lucifer deceived us...
Don't use it as a scapegoat to justify your crimes
I beg thy mercy for my excesses
Listen to the voice of one who you've hurted for centuries
Free from you - now we can breathe
Free from you - now we can think
Free from you - now we can dream
Free from you - now we can act
Triumph without blood
Victory without corpses
May we deal my defeat with thy victory to live together again?
It's a small world for me and you
All the heroes are dead, what doest thou wanna prove?
I shall free the last birds from the cage
Damned be thy existence and who have created thee
Your senseless words sounds like a joke for me
But, I still cans save thy soul, just give me all thy wealths
in a night within the woods from saint-jean d'angely
philip IV and clement V meet to cinspire
against the knights templar ambition, avarice and luxury
the templars become rich in order to purchase the world
the knights templars reder divine honors to a head of goat a monstrous idol
the grand master of templars, jacques de molay,
rides on his horse to the temple
they are the templars in their ceremony of reception
they give obscene kisses on the back parts of their grand master
spit blood upon the image of christ and deny god's holy scriptures
and the holy ghost's splendour
they adore a brazen head with carbuncles for eyes
that is the symbol of the bearded idol
a demon on form of goat
the baphometic goat
"we do pacts with our bearded idol and
have intercourse with female demons
we sin against the father by falsehood
and against the son and the holy ghost by hatred and debauchery
we were jesuits who failed
we hate the roman catholic doctrine
we were accused of heresy
we perished in flames of inquisition"
in flames, the grand master cited the king and pope to appear
in that same year in god's tribunal
they'll be save by their idol
the monstrous goat baphomet is present in god's tribunal
the king and pope, who died in that same year, tremble face baphomet and god
baphomet saves jaques de molay and his companions from the flames of redemption
the king and pope fall dowm desastrously from heaven's tribunal
to the depths of endless abyss
the knights templar pay homage to their idol
terrible. evil. baphometic goat
our enemies will suffer eternally
terrible. evil. baphometic goat
we are the mighty knights of hell
terrible. evil. baphometic goat
baphomet greets us with obscene gestures
terrible. evil. baphometic goat
in amazing and cold nightfall
among megalithic monuments
a neophyte is initiated in pagan religion
the ritual of initiation of the novice
to become member of the satanic cult
it will be made by a highpriestess
he'll be conceived in the coven
he shall deny his baptism
and the creator of the earth and heaven
an obedient kiss in satan's anus
it will be his real proof of fidelity
to the old followers of the satanic cult
the highpriestess calls the gods
from north, south, east and west
to present themselves in the ceremony
now she puts a bandage in the eyes
of the novice and moors his hands to back
and together enter in the diabolical circle
he promises obedience at the cult for all his life
the highpriestess presents the neophyte
to the prince of darkness
but an obedient kiss in satan's anus
it will be his real proof of fidelity
to the old followers of the satanic cult
the oath
i deny jehovah and all other religions
i offend, blaspheme and provoke them with all my disgust
i have faith at the demon
my devotion and offer my sacrifice for him
i solemnly vote and promise all my descent to the devil
i swear at the demon provoke so much insanity
around the world as much as possible
i swear in devil's name never reveal the black arts
and if i break this oath
i want that all my power come against myself
osculum obscenum
after the devilish oath
he practices the osculum obscenum
and choose a maiden
alone in this room without light
i don't know, if it is day or night
they've drugged me day after day
my friends are the phantoms of my nightmares
but i will try to solve this problem
someone shall hear my pitiful cries
wrapped in this endless silence
if you are hearing my plea
please, bring me the key
open that door - take me out from this place
save me - if you may not do it, i'll commit suicide
i think that's the only way to escape from this
none from heaven has heard me
i've turned my back to them
if someone anywhere help me
i will pawn him my considerable love know-how
this is my only wealth which i can barter for my freedom
illusion - this is one of the many drugs i've used
imagination - it is the way to survive in this
horrible and empty place
am i dreaming or becoming crazy?
a source of light is growing
from the corner of the ceiling
that is coming to me
i'm trembling with fear
the apparition scares me
does that bring me something
to rescue me from this desolated isle?
if it is a dream, i hope don't awake
i'll face the unknown
to return to the world
to recover my sanity
to see again my parents
to meet again my friends
be as the destiny likes
"i'm the moon.
the key which will open that door for you
my messenger azaradel will teach you a moonick spell
now, close your eyes, sleep and dream
reveal him your occult desire"
"at midnight. when the moon be full
face her and whispper the following words:
"as thou influencest the tide and men's mind,
open the doors of the destiny for me
as thy face shinest in the dark
my desires shall realize"
matter and spirit are incompatible
i don't know if it'll accomplish
but, who knows?"
every door is opening
the spell became true
he is free to fly high
higher than his dreams
bright as a star
the loneliness torn me into pieces
but thou hast helped me
now i am here to fulfil my promise
now, you close your eyes. why?
As the earth has seen the sunlight coming and going (clear and dark)
I've seen my idols coming, I've seen my idols going
One more great gain (my happiness)
One more bitter loss (my sadness)
My losses were always, unhappily, greater than my gains
Lost in this maze
So many pathways to be followed
What's the best solution for a senseless life?
A terrible thing is a man who dies no accomplishing his goal
But the worst is one who lives without it
I hope to get something to fill this void in me
How can I occupy my mind and relieve my life from suffering and anguish
Loneliness and disgust. Martydom and guilty?
What a shame. What a human waste.
Don't say that it's lack of own love
Senseless life of perception
That's the way of living which I've chosen for me
Conjuring the dead and adoring their images
Reality and fantasy confound themselves in my mind
They've nevers told me what to do
Creatures of stone.
Gods, Angels and Saints
They've don't move and tell me nothing either
I would like to materialize all my dreams and adore them
If there are dreams that are worth a life
There are lifes that aren't worth a dream
Christ knew that the human race likes to adore the dead
They were needing a so called God
Thinking of the immortality he died to
Be adored, be contemplated, become an Idol
Candles, crosses, statues and the bible
They haven't God sense for me any more
I'll break all of those chains
Which have hindered me for all of those years
Will god comprehend me?
Please tell me
Will my idols comprehend me?
Help me!
Now, I guess, I'm my own God
Nobody tells me what I shall think and do
Will I be able to walk with my own legs?
During my existence, I've made nothing for myself
If they punish me...
I'm afraid
If that void grows again
I'll regret and die
trois-echelles, charles ix's magician, was accused of witchery by inquisitors
he confessed to the king that he given himself over to a demon
who enable him to perform prodigies
he asked to the king: "am I forgaven?"
the king forgave him for his misdeeds
but if he had a relapse
the king promised his cure on the gallows
he did a relapse and was hanged in due course
he swore to the king avenge by the uncontrollable power of black magick
a malign disease will abate king charles ix
the years were going and now the king is on his dying bed praying against death
on the twenty eighth day of may fifteen seventy four
near the dying hour, the king consults necromancers about his disease
he said:"remedy or magic either will be able to cure me!"
the necromancers examined charles ix and were troubled with him
they think the king was bewitched by a malign work (goetia)
only the bloody ceremony can reveal the cause of disease
but there's hardly chance to king can recover
the necromancers perform a ceremony at midnight in the presence of the king
a young jew is brought all dressed of body linen prepared to communion
on an altar in which the image of satan treads on a crucifix
a necromancer consecrates two black and white hosts
the white host is given to the jew
after he is thrown at stairs from the altar and is decaptated by necromancer
now his head is placed upon the black host on the paten
the demon is invoked to answer through jew's head
the necromancer asks to charles ix to put a question mentally to the head
a moment of panic and expectation
the dead lips agitate and say:"vim patior"
finally the answer is given also mentally to the king who falls to back
and shouts:"remove this head from here now!"
on the following day at dying hour, the king repeats those words said
by him in the ceremony
in the hands of death, he sweats blood and dies
My black book of demon's doctrine
Writing in latin on fine paper and bound in leather
My diabolic parchment with some cabalistic symbols,
Magic circles and sortileges
My precious book which I use to do my exhortations and
A variety of black magick rites
To satisfy my excitations and carnal pleasures
Immoral book of conspiracy with satan
Two candles of human fat illuminate my altar
The great omnipotent goat sits on the pentagram
In my left hand a magick sword of black handle
And on the table a golden chalice with blood
My satanic ritual is beginning
In my prophane ceremony of submission to the evil
I perform it dressed as the devil
My disciples devote themselves to terror, joy and sensuality
I prepare the hosts of communion with flour, excrements,
Pus and blood of menstruation
They use it as artificial anus and vagina
They copulate it ferociously
Shouting that they're sodomizing jesus and deflorating the virgin
I recite the words of spell
From my black book of a lost time
A sacrifice to the omnipotent
My satanic ritual has just begun
Crumbing the consecrated host
And blaspheming yhvh
Mandrake root, juice of aconite and unholy water are my artifacts
Profanation and bestiality
By the face of the unholy majesty and
By the beasts in front of the throne
I conjure them
Oh princes and demons of darkness
Lucifer, bacchus, sucubus,
Astarte, incubus and belphegor
I summon you!
He is the wicked man of shaven head
The personification of evil
Never again will appear a man like him
He is proud of himself and his disciples contemplate him
I'm the master therion. 666. the great beast. the iniquous. the satanist
Listen to me singing my satanic hymns with my ordo templi orientis
The imperfect man searching for the perfect evil
Do what you wilt. it shall be the whole of the law
A toad croaks crucified at my altar.a woman writhes chained on my lord's table
I sodomise women and animals in my ceremonies. my tortures and sacrifices are
To glorify the evil. an animal sacrifice is good but a human sacrifice is best
Sacrifices, degradation, obscenity, wickedness, deification, rituals, drugs
I'm the devil
Pervesity, mockey, sex, debauchery, evocations, sorcery, spells
I'm the perpetual
When thou startest to shine in the east
Early in the morning
My eyes sparkle like diamonds with great anxiety to see thee
Then thou risest wonderfully
My eyes flow that holy human water. the nectar of the gods
In thy reverence
Please, don't think that my tears are snares to catch thee
I do would like to imprision thee in a bottle
To have the pleasure of contemplate thee every morning
To live my last days under thy care
The mindless ones try to profane thee
They are caught in the web of ignorance
Whose the net of threads they will never be able to get rid of
For the joy of few thou hastn't degenerated
Becoming our vice, our food, our water,
Our blood, our hope, ourselves
Turn thy face to earth, cast us a merciful look,
Enlighten these poor children lost in this vale of misery
Thy worshippers chant in adoration
Thou art immortal
Imagine if the women were like thee
Thou art immortal
Perhaps the earth could be a good place to live
Thou art immortal
Who created thee was with the dirty hands
Thou art immortal
Of blood, milk, sugar and oil
Thou art immortal
Thou art red meaning blood and life
Thou art immortal
Thou art white meaning pureness
Thou art immortal
Thou art sweet meaning goodness
Thou art immortal
Thou art black meaning the occult
I neither wanna put thee to sleep with my song
Nor catch thee in the bottle
I love thee and want thee free
Freedom is the essence of our eternal love
We know the secret of immortality
Please, never leave me alone in this dark and sorrowful world
O great magickal agent of my dreams
Who inspirest me and enlightenest me
Rise up, express thy internal and external attributes
Be red, white, sweet and black
I wouldn't hesitate in choose thee the most beautiful
Among the goddesses
Why does religion need the darkness to shine?.
Does fear feed the Devil or the human mind?.
There's no god above us or below us.
Deny Jesus Christ and wake out it's followers.
Some mysteries is beyond men's comprehension.
Enigmatic questions dwell in our imagination.
Knowledge has sunk beneath the sands of stupidity.
How can anyone promise the immortality?.
Do you believe that a god created this world?.
Do you believe that suffering means salvation?.
Do you believe that humankind is inferior?.
Do you believe that we are a perfect creation?.
The key of world's creation is beyond humankind's alienation.
Those religious buildings obstruct the sight.
The key of world's creation is beyond humankind's alienation.
Those religious buildings obstruct the light.
Do you believe that we were born from the dust?.
Do you believe that a god could die on the cross?.
Do you believe that Satan's home is below us?.
Do you believe that nazarene's hang was a bitter loss?.
The key of world's creation is beyond humankind's alienation.
Those religious buildings obstruct the sight.
The key of world's creation is beyond humankind's alienation.
Those religious buildings obstruct the light.
Living according to own vision.
Believe in the word of reason.
No mental or spiritual oppression.
cross your fingers, hold breath
the omen is approaching
knock on wood, shut up your mouth
a misfortune will happen
don't walking under a ladder, close your eyes
the bad luck follows you
avoid a black cat, take a shelter
you are in danger!
wizards foresee my dark future
witches predict my misfortune
priests ask me to pray
I pledged my life!
damned mongers of the destiny
they amuse with my innocence
how can I disbelieve of them?
if they have my destiny in their hands
crossed my fingers, held my breath
I lost my faith
knocked on wood, shut up my mouth
I lost my honor
didn't walking under a ladder, closed my eyes
I lost my dignity
avoided a black cat, took shelter
I lost all my hope
wizards foresee my dark future
witches predict my misfortune
priests ask me to pray
I pledged my life!
damned mongers of the destiny
they amuse with my innocence
how can I disbelieve of them?
if they have my destiny in their hands
false superstitions torment my mind
Wrath from burning beings.
Disfigured in evil sins.
Fascinating disgust flesh.
Splendor with hellish regrets.
Burn thee with thy internal fire.
Rejoice thee with thy internal desire.
Bloodstained. Forever.
Blindfold and don't see the world.
Shut up and don't say a word.
Lost the evidence of the senses.
Utter nonsense.
Nonsensical desires on fire.
Lost the evidence of the senses.
Utter nonsense.
Nonsensical words of the world.
Ungodly by scorned tears.
Hypocrisy deny fears.
Unseen mutant soul.
Savage for wild console.
Burn thee with thy internal fire.
Rejoice thee with thy internal desire.
Bloodstained. Forever.
Blindfold and don't see the world.
Shut up and don't say a word.
Terrifying vision of the world.
No combining words.
Offense against the principle.
Breaking the rules of reason.
Under the world of sanity.
Superstitions remained for centuries.
Journey into men' fears.
The darkest hallucinations of the middle ages.
Still burns in the witches' hearts.
Soothsayers foresee misfortune.
In crystal balls of lies.
Holy scriptures predict a holy war.
Safeguard of Armageddon.
Cross your fingers.
Knock on the wood.
Don't walk under a ladder.
Avoid a black cat.
Make safe the life.
Damned mongers of fate.
Cursed me in disgrace.
Amuse with my credulity.
Command over my destiny.
Fear of the dark makes one see.
Things that the reason doubts.
Irrational fear of the unknown.
Ignorance is as sacred as lies.
A shade is reflecting in the evil eyes.
Someone is falling in misfortune.
Crucifixes and holy water.
May fate save me from it's wrath?.
Break the crystal ball to break that spell.
Surrounded by rules that limit their thoughts.
Chained to obsolete conceptions regarding this world.
Victim of own malicious tricks and faults.
Inferior ones consent upon superior ones' words.
To whom it may concern.
I abominate gods.
To whom it may concern.
I abominate remorse.
The free spirit flies above men's doctrines and cages.
The free spirit flies with own values and sense.
Constructing and destroying.
Changing and reevaluating.
Men's doctrines and sense.
Destroying and constructing.
Changing and reevaluating.
There are no limits in his sense.
Strongmen decline to worship idols and gods.
They refuse the judeo-christian morality.
Inclination for forbidden questions and notes.
Conscience for truths that have remained in obscurity.
I compare pragmatism to cages.
Humankind confined in cages.
Distortion of the truth.
Decadence of the values.
Christian morality.
It is the weak ones' stupidity.
The free spirit flies.
So high.
Like eagles' eye.
The free spirit flies.
So high.
cursed to prowl in this world
prisoners of the world
creeping like worms in the desert
blind by the wills
the ambition restrains the human condition
we have had more downs than ups in life
tormented by all afflictings that hurts our minds
we face the sun and do our last...
who did create this world of ignorance?
who did create this world of suffering?
who did create this world of hate?
who did create this world of alienation?
enthroned in the human misery
it runs in our veins
it feeds our flesh
who doesn't rejoice in pain?
waiting for centuries for the coming of the godsend.
to restore the temple and the faith in the land.
no turning his face and no forgiving the enemies.
people don't care, but the new messiah's appearance is
is he evil or good?
the scriptures don't lie
he will rule the world
this world of illusions
as david's chariots, he destroys our enemies
by peace he also shall destroy many countries
jerusalem is again the center of the world
now the people of god can rule the world
is he evil or good?
the scriptures don't lie
he will rule the world
this world of illusions
now those who dwell upon earth shall worship the ruler
if your name is in the book of life, erase it!
join the temple of domination
free of the persecution
we conquer the promised land
(among us, he lives)
feast in the enemies' blood
their blood is our wine
(among us, he lives)
a new era begins
the long-waited messiah prophases
although your acts reflect as evil you are.
we are those from the empty birthplace and undead flock
we are those who the arrival the stars foresee and dread
we are those with the heart forged by black coal
and let intact the glorious goal of satan's soul..