In the workshop was an oven that archaeologists think might have been used to make bronze objects.The excavation of that and a second ancient shop started in May near a necropolis in the Herculaneum port area. Archaeologists are puzzling over what kind of business the second shop did ... tomb of an adult, complete with funerary vases ... Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum were ancient Roman towns....
NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered an unexpected mineral in a rock sample on Mars, a finding that suggests the red planet hosted explosive volcanoes during its evolution. The Mars Science Laboratory rover, Curiosity, has been exploring sedimentary rocks within Gale Crater since landing in August 2012... ‘On Earth, tridymite is formed at high temperatures in an explosive process called silicic volcanism ... ....
Court in central London hears witness recall being beaten and seeing companions shot dead during Mau Mau insurgency. @owenbowcott. Nelson Njao Munyaka witnessed two companions being shot dead by British soldiers; he carried their corpses to a white settler’s farm in Kenya’s Rift Valley. Both victims had taken the Mau Mau oath and been trying to escape ...Related. UK to compensate Kenya's Mau Mau torture victims ... Twitter ... ....
BAGHDAD — A senior Iraqi commander declared that the city of Fallujah was "fully liberated" from Islamic State group militants on Sunday, after a more than monthlong military operation. Iraqi troops have entered the northwestern al-Julan neighborhood, the last area of Fallujah to remain under IS control, the head of the counterterrorism forces in the operation, Lt. Gen. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi, told The Associated Press... figures ... ___ ... ....
(CNN)The referendum vote to quit the European Union has left the United Kingdom a more divided society than ever before. In fifty years reporting politics I have never encountered such shock and anger. the morning the result was announced my phone was red hot, mostly with younger friends convinced the older generation had, through indulging their prejudices, sold them down the river ... It's Brexit ... by Donald Trump. Read More ... future ... ....
(Source. Abengoa SA) The work by the lecturer Marcaida López, entitled "Art and science in the Spanish Baroque. Natural history, collectionism and visual culture" explores the relationship between scientific knowledge and culture in the Spanish Baroque period ... The second edition of the prize was won by LuisMéndez Rodríguez for his work The adventure of Jerónimo Köler, Seville 1533, which was recently published at the end of 2013 ... Tel....