Galati from the air - Spring 2015
Filmat cu un Phantom 2 vision + V3. Unele cadre sunt facute cu telefonul.
Pentru acest clip am adunat material timp de vreo 3 luni, s-au strans aproximativ 30 GB de informatie.
Este dedicat tututor galatenilor, in special celor de departe.
Pentru a viziona si alte clipuri facute de mine, puteti vizita phantomfly.wordpress.com
Filmed with a Phantom 2 Vision + V3.
I've gathered footage for three
City of Galati (Romania) by Air
A couple of shots taken with my quadcopter Dji Phantom Vision+. I didn't realise how many cool looking places are in Galati till I started flying around and ...
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland (Official Video) (Intro album ROMANGLISH)
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland (Official Video) - (Intro album ROMANGLISH) □ THE BRIDGE COMMITTEE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The.Br...
STAND Up Comedy ROMÂNIA Bendeac Galați Februarie 2015
Stand-up comedy cu Mihai Bendeac la Galati!
Actorul Mihai Bendeac s-a reorientat catre stand-up comedy si ne aduce zambetul pe buze cu un show de zile mari!
Show exploziv de comedie cu toate show-urile lui Mihai Bendeac de stand-up comedy, enjoy!
Daca va placut abonativa si nu uitati sa dati like, Ma ajuta foarte mult.
Cum se danseaza pe manele in 2015 - Mihai Bendeac - StandUp Comedy
Anonymoose din Galați - Episodul 8 - Boca Loca
Galați-ar plăcea
Acesta este un scurt clip ce prezinta modul in care sportul pe care il practic, si anume parkour, m-a ajutat sa imi creez o alta perspectiva asupra orasului Galati. Mereu in cautare de ziduri mai inalte am ajuns sa descopar multe locatii uitate, abandonate. Acesta este un apel la doua personaje importante si anume: spiritul civic si cultura hiphop. Sper ca daca aceste locatii nu vor fi convertite
Filmari nunti Braila / Galati - Grupul folcloric Ciobanasul din Galați la nuntă la Brăila
Înregistrare live la restaurantul Red Sky - Jannastudio tel. 0741018951.
Anonymoose din Galați - Episodul 4 - Turnul Babel din Galați
O femeie de 78 de ani, din Galați a murit intoxicată cu fum, după ce o priză a făcut scurtcircu
Sfârşit tragic pentru o bătrână din Galaţi. Femeia a murit intoxicată după ce priza în care avea aparatele de încălzit a făcut scurtcircuit. Un bărbat care locuieşte deasupra era să-şi piardă şi el viaţa după ce fumul gros şi toxic i-a umplut şi lui apartamentul., Stiri, Antena 1, 17-11-2015
Zorile din Galați - Azi din nou m-am îmbătat
Azi din nou m-am îmbătat Strofa 1 : Azi din nou m-am îmbătat De bani m-am împrumutat Și pe toți aș vrea să-i beu Că-napoi îi dau tot eu (BIS) Refren : Doar o...
Anonymoose din Galați - Episodul 5 - Patriarhul Daniel e Antihristul
Duminică seara Alin și Florina Jivan| Nelu Chiriță | Speranța Galați Tv | 09-noiembrie-2014
Alin și Florina Jivan| Nelu Chiriță | Speranța Galați Tv | 09-noiembrie-2014
by Florin Gîlcanu
Petrecere romaneasca la Hangiu Priceput, Galați / Romanian style party at "Hangiu Priceput"
Hora 1 feb 2014
Tomis Junior - Colaj melodii de petrecere. (AUDIO HD SPIROS GALATI)
Toate drepturile de autor SpirosGalati Nu copiati si repostati acest material pentru ca va fi sters !!! ABONATI-VA PENTRU MAI MULTE NOUTATI !!!!! https://www...
Autobuzele DAF Berkhof 250 ale Transurb Galați, mergând spre terminalul de la gară - 14.04.2015
Autobuzele DAF Berkhof ale Transurb Galați (ex. Nijmegen), mergând spre terminalul de la gară - 14.04.2015
Corul Ortodoxia din Galați - concert la Biserica Sf. Mina din Galati
Concertul a avut loc în Dumnica a-5-a din Postul Mare la biserica Parohiei Sf. Mare Mucenic Mina din cartierul IC Frimu.
ANDRE - Lasă-mă papa la mare // Galați // Mix Music Evo Tour 2014
ANDRE (Andreea Bălan și Andreea Antonescu) - Lasă-mă papa la mare (După 15 ani... // Galați // 26.07.2014 // Mix Music Evo Tour 2014 Follow Andreea Antonescu...
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland | HipHopLive
Studio: Royal Studio / Inregistrari si creatie muzicala (http://www.royalmusic.ro)
Pentru programari: contact@royalmusic.ro | 0746.670.415
Inginer de sunet: Stefan Mihai Proca
Video: Dragos (Steadicam) Toporocianu
Montaj: HipHopLive
© Copyright HipHopLive. All rights reserved.
CSM Dunărea Galați - CSA Steaua București
Harlem Shake Galati
You can found us on fb: http://www.facebook.com/vLdTw http://www.facebook.com/eddytza.gabbytza http://www.facebook.com/danny.rmcf http://www.facebook.com/bog...
Caterincă la Pro TV Galați - noiembrie 2004
Probă la Balul Bobocilor Universității „Dunărea de Jos” Galați cu Mirabela Isac și Claudiu-Gilian Chircu.
Accident șoseaua dig Galați - Brăila
Accident șoseaua dig Galați - Brăila.
Galati from the air - Spring 2015
Filmat cu un Phantom 2 vision + V3. Unele cadre sunt facute cu telefonul.
Pentru acest clip am adunat material timp de vreo 3 luni, s-au strans aproximativ 30 G...
Filmat cu un Phantom 2 vision + V3. Unele cadre sunt facute cu telefonul.
Pentru acest clip am adunat material timp de vreo 3 luni, s-au strans aproximativ 30 GB de informatie.
Este dedicat tututor galatenilor, in special celor de departe.
Pentru a viziona si alte clipuri facute de mine, puteti vizita phantomfly.wordpress.com
Filmed with a Phantom 2 Vision + V3.
I've gathered footage for three months for this video. It summed up to about 30Gb of information.
It is dedicated to all the people of this city, especially the ones far away from home.
Feel free to visit phantomfly.wordpress.com for more of my videos.
Music © The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival Of Birds Transformation
I don't own anything
wn.com/Galati From The Air Spring 2015
Filmat cu un Phantom 2 vision + V3. Unele cadre sunt facute cu telefonul.
Pentru acest clip am adunat material timp de vreo 3 luni, s-au strans aproximativ 30 GB de informatie.
Este dedicat tututor galatenilor, in special celor de departe.
Pentru a viziona si alte clipuri facute de mine, puteti vizita phantomfly.wordpress.com
Filmed with a Phantom 2 Vision + V3.
I've gathered footage for three months for this video. It summed up to about 30Gb of information.
It is dedicated to all the people of this city, especially the ones far away from home.
Feel free to visit phantomfly.wordpress.com for more of my videos.
Music © The Cinematic Orchestra - Arrival Of Birds Transformation
I don't own anything
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 5373
City of Galati (Romania) by Air
A couple of shots taken with my quadcopter Dji Phantom Vision+. I didn't realise how many cool looking places are in Galati till I started flying around and ......
A couple of shots taken with my quadcopter Dji Phantom Vision+. I didn't realise how many cool looking places are in Galati till I started flying around and ...
wn.com/City Of Galati (Romania) By Air
A couple of shots taken with my quadcopter Dji Phantom Vision+. I didn't realise how many cool looking places are in Galati till I started flying around and ...
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland (Official Video) (Intro album ROMANGLISH)
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland (Official Video) - (Intro album ROMANGLISH) □ THE BRIDGE COMMITTEE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The.Br......
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland (Official Video) - (Intro album ROMANGLISH) □ THE BRIDGE COMMITTEE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The.Br...
wn.com/The Bridge Committee Galați Colț Cu Cleveland (Official Video) (Intro Album Romanglish)
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland (Official Video) - (Intro album ROMANGLISH) □ THE BRIDGE COMMITTEE Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/The.Br...
STAND Up Comedy ROMÂNIA Bendeac Galați Februarie 2015
Stand-up comedy cu Mihai Bendeac la Galati!
Actorul Mihai Bendeac s-a reorientat catre stand-up comedy si ne aduce zambetul pe buze cu un show de zile mari!
Stand-up comedy cu Mihai Bendeac la Galati!
Actorul Mihai Bendeac s-a reorientat catre stand-up comedy si ne aduce zambetul pe buze cu un show de zile mari!
Show exploziv de comedie cu toate show-urile lui Mihai Bendeac de stand-up comedy, enjoy!
Daca va placut abonativa si nu uitati sa dati like, Ma ajuta foarte mult.
Cum se danseaza pe manele in 2015 - Mihai Bendeac - StandUp Comedy Cafe Deko. Raul Gheba (23 de ani), stand-up comediant, din Tulcea, a venit la .
wn.com/Stand Up Comedy România Bendeac Galați Februarie 2015
Stand-up comedy cu Mihai Bendeac la Galati!
Actorul Mihai Bendeac s-a reorientat catre stand-up comedy si ne aduce zambetul pe buze cu un show de zile mari!
Show exploziv de comedie cu toate show-urile lui Mihai Bendeac de stand-up comedy, enjoy!
Daca va placut abonativa si nu uitati sa dati like, Ma ajuta foarte mult.
Cum se danseaza pe manele in 2015 - Mihai Bendeac - StandUp Comedy Cafe Deko. Raul Gheba (23 de ani), stand-up comediant, din Tulcea, a venit la .
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 8
Galați-ar plăcea
Acesta este un scurt clip ce prezinta modul in care sportul pe care il practic, si anume parkour, m-a ajutat sa imi creez o alta perspectiva asupra orasului Gal...
Acesta este un scurt clip ce prezinta modul in care sportul pe care il practic, si anume parkour, m-a ajutat sa imi creez o alta perspectiva asupra orasului Galati. Mereu in cautare de ziduri mai inalte am ajuns sa descopar multe locatii uitate, abandonate. Acesta este un apel la doua personaje importante si anume: spiritul civic si cultura hiphop. Sper ca daca aceste locatii nu vor fi convertite in frumos de autoritetea locala poate hiphop-ul poate da culoare strazii..
@Lihaceanu Vlad https://www.facebook.com/vlad.lih
wn.com/Galați Ar Plăcea
Acesta este un scurt clip ce prezinta modul in care sportul pe care il practic, si anume parkour, m-a ajutat sa imi creez o alta perspectiva asupra orasului Galati. Mereu in cautare de ziduri mai inalte am ajuns sa descopar multe locatii uitate, abandonate. Acesta este un apel la doua personaje importante si anume: spiritul civic si cultura hiphop. Sper ca daca aceste locatii nu vor fi convertite in frumos de autoritetea locala poate hiphop-ul poate da culoare strazii..
@Lihaceanu Vlad https://www.facebook.com/vlad.lih
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 3048
O femeie de 78 de ani, din Galați a murit intoxicată cu fum, după ce o priză a făcut scurtcircu
Sfârşit tragic pentru o bătrână din Galaţi. Femeia a murit intoxicată după ce priza în care avea aparatele de încălzit a făcut scurtcircuit. Un bărbat care locu...
Sfârşit tragic pentru o bătrână din Galaţi. Femeia a murit intoxicată după ce priza în care avea aparatele de încălzit a făcut scurtcircuit. Un bărbat care locuieşte deasupra era să-şi piardă şi el viaţa după ce fumul gros şi toxic i-a umplut şi lui apartamentul., Stiri, Antena 1, 17-11-2015
wn.com/O Femeie De 78 De Ani, Din Galați A Murit Intoxicată Cu Fum, După Ce O Priză A Făcut Scurtcircu
Sfârşit tragic pentru o bătrână din Galaţi. Femeia a murit intoxicată după ce priza în care avea aparatele de încălzit a făcut scurtcircuit. Un bărbat care locuieşte deasupra era să-şi piardă şi el viaţa după ce fumul gros şi toxic i-a umplut şi lui apartamentul., Stiri, Antena 1, 17-11-2015
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 170
Zorile din Galați - Azi din nou m-am îmbătat
Azi din nou m-am îmbătat Strofa 1 : Azi din nou m-am îmbătat De bani m-am împrumutat Și pe toți aș vrea să-i beu Că-napoi îi dau tot eu (BIS) Refren : Doar o......
Azi din nou m-am îmbătat Strofa 1 : Azi din nou m-am îmbătat De bani m-am împrumutat Și pe toți aș vrea să-i beu Că-napoi îi dau tot eu (BIS) Refren : Doar o...
wn.com/Zorile Din Galați Azi Din Nou M Am Îmbătat
Azi din nou m-am îmbătat Strofa 1 : Azi din nou m-am îmbătat De bani m-am împrumutat Și pe toți aș vrea să-i beu Că-napoi îi dau tot eu (BIS) Refren : Doar o...
- published: 30 Jan 2013
- views: 677
author: Alex Best
by Florin Gîlcanu...
by Florin Gîlcanu
wn.com/Galati 2014
by Florin Gîlcanu
- published: 07 Aug 2014
- views: 1640
Tomis Junior - Colaj melodii de petrecere. (AUDIO HD SPIROS GALATI)
Toate drepturile de autor SpirosGalati Nu copiati si repostati acest material pentru ca va fi sters !!! ABONATI-VA PENTRU MAI MULTE NOUTATI !!!!! https://www......
Toate drepturile de autor SpirosGalati Nu copiati si repostati acest material pentru ca va fi sters !!! ABONATI-VA PENTRU MAI MULTE NOUTATI !!!!! https://www...
wn.com/Tomis Junior Colaj Melodii De Petrecere. (Audio Hd Spiros Galati)
Toate drepturile de autor SpirosGalati Nu copiati si repostati acest material pentru ca va fi sters !!! ABONATI-VA PENTRU MAI MULTE NOUTATI !!!!! https://www...
Autobuzele DAF Berkhof 250 ale Transurb Galați, mergând spre terminalul de la gară - 14.04.2015
Autobuzele DAF Berkhof ale Transurb Galați (ex. Nijmegen), mergând spre terminalul de la gară - 14.04.2015...
Autobuzele DAF Berkhof ale Transurb Galați (ex. Nijmegen), mergând spre terminalul de la gară - 14.04.2015
wn.com/Autobuzele Daf Berkhof 250 Ale Transurb Galați, Mergând Spre Terminalul De La Gară 14.04.2015
Autobuzele DAF Berkhof ale Transurb Galați (ex. Nijmegen), mergând spre terminalul de la gară - 14.04.2015
- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 88
Corul Ortodoxia din Galați - concert la Biserica Sf. Mina din Galati
Concertul a avut loc în Dumnica a-5-a din Postul Mare la biserica Parohiei Sf. Mare Mucenic Mina din cartierul IC Frimu....
Concertul a avut loc în Dumnica a-5-a din Postul Mare la biserica Parohiei Sf. Mare Mucenic Mina din cartierul IC Frimu.
wn.com/Corul Ortodoxia Din Galați Concert La Biserica Sf. Mina Din Galati
Concertul a avut loc în Dumnica a-5-a din Postul Mare la biserica Parohiei Sf. Mare Mucenic Mina din cartierul IC Frimu.
ANDRE - Lasă-mă papa la mare // Galați // Mix Music Evo Tour 2014
ANDRE (Andreea Bălan și Andreea Antonescu) - Lasă-mă papa la mare (După 15 ani... // Galați // 26.07.2014 // Mix Music Evo Tour 2014 Follow Andreea Antonescu......
ANDRE (Andreea Bălan și Andreea Antonescu) - Lasă-mă papa la mare (După 15 ani... // Galați // 26.07.2014 // Mix Music Evo Tour 2014 Follow Andreea Antonescu...
wn.com/Andre Lasă Mă Papa La Mare Galați Mix Music Evo Tour 2014
ANDRE (Andreea Bălan și Andreea Antonescu) - Lasă-mă papa la mare (După 15 ani... // Galați // 26.07.2014 // Mix Music Evo Tour 2014 Follow Andreea Antonescu...
The Bridge Committee - Galați colț cu Cleveland | HipHopLive
Studio: Royal Studio / Inregistrari si creatie m...
Studio: Royal Studio / Inregistrari si creatie muzicala (http://www.royalmusic.ro)
Pentru programari: contact@royalmusic.ro | 0746.670.415
Inginer de sunet: Stefan Mihai Proca
Video: Dragos (Steadicam) Toporocianu
Montaj: HipHopLive
© Copyright HipHopLive. All rights reserved.
wn.com/The Bridge Committee Galați Colț Cu Cleveland | Hiphoplive
Studio: Royal Studio / Inregistrari si creatie muzicala (http://www.royalmusic.ro)
Pentru programari: contact@royalmusic.ro | 0746.670.415
Inginer de sunet: Stefan Mihai Proca
Video: Dragos (Steadicam) Toporocianu
Montaj: HipHopLive
© Copyright HipHopLive. All rights reserved.
- published: 14 Apr 2015
- views: 647
Harlem Shake Galati
You can found us on fb: http://www.facebook.com/vLdTw http://www.facebook.com/eddytza.gabbytza http://www.facebook.com/danny.rmcf http://www.facebook.com/bog......
You can found us on fb: http://www.facebook.com/vLdTw http://www.facebook.com/eddytza.gabbytza http://www.facebook.com/danny.rmcf http://www.facebook.com/bog...
wn.com/Harlem Shake Galati
You can found us on fb: http://www.facebook.com/vLdTw http://www.facebook.com/eddytza.gabbytza http://www.facebook.com/danny.rmcf http://www.facebook.com/bog...
- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 2994
author: unmated
Caterincă la Pro TV Galați - noiembrie 2004
Probă la Balul Bobocilor Universității „Dunărea de Jos” Galați cu Mirabela Isac și Claudiu-Gilian Chircu....
Probă la Balul Bobocilor Universității „Dunărea de Jos” Galați cu Mirabela Isac și Claudiu-Gilian Chircu.
wn.com/Caterincă La Pro Tv Galați Noiembrie 2004
Probă la Balul Bobocilor Universității „Dunărea de Jos” Galați cu Mirabela Isac și Claudiu-Gilian Chircu.
- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 89
Accident șoseaua dig Galați - Brăila
Accident șoseaua dig Galați - Brăila....
Accident șoseaua dig Galați - Brăila.
wn.com/Accident Șoseaua Dig Galați Brăila
Accident șoseaua dig Galați - Brăila.
- published: 25 Feb 2011
- views: 4937
author: Relu G
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
galati, romania Manchester Newcastle Chelsea Watford Everton Aston Villa Middlesbrough West Ham Portsmouth Fulham Bolton Wigan Blackburn Manchester Tottenham...
Shannon Galati's STA Travel Video
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Galati, 25 years old born and raised in beautiful Southern California. In my 25 years of life, I have had th...
Easy Tips and Exercises to Reduce Jet Lag
Holiday travel often means long stressful days, cramped seating and poor meal choices which can lead to what many describe as jet lag. For both you and your ...
PFT Family - Ep. 2 - Trip To Galati
Parkour & Freerunning Tecuci - Episod 2 - Trip To Galati 25.08.2012 O excursie cu prietenii la Galati . Au participat : Florentin Hriscu , Bogdan Hriscu , Ad...
City Break: Galati, Kotor, Oslo (mar 2015)
City Break: imagini si informatii despre vreme, cost bilet avion, cost cazare si cost masa in orasele: Galati, Kotor, Oslo.
Digi24, 13 martie 2015
InGeRuL Trip to Galati 2009 | Bogdan Hriscu
My Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/bogdan.hriscu?ref=ts Facebook Fan Page : http://www.facebook.com/BogdanH.ro?ref=ts&fref;=ts Blog : http://ingerul-parkou...
Galati dupa 1990 (part. a 1-a)
Asociatia pentru Renasterea Galatiului
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015
Spectacol de Craciun F.E.F.S. Galati 2011
Spectacol al Facultatii de Educatie Fizica Si Sport Galati organizat cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna .16.12.2011 Demonstratii de baschet,fotbal,volei si hand...
Spectacol Macin , 1 iunie 2015, Trupa Marili Party Center Galati
Spectacol Personaje Disney, Animatie pentru copii
Detalii: 0746.589.060
Damen Shipyards Galati PSV 3300 Ship LAUNCH 24 06 2015
8 yr old RB- Caiden Galati
Saptamana asiatica la Galati - sensei Lucian Ionita
Reportaje a Gina Galati desde Medellin,
GRAN HERMANO DE LA OPERA,presenta la entrevista a la soprano americana,Gina Galati,quien cantara Rosina del Barbero de Sevilla,en el Teatro Metropolitano de Medellin,los dias 18 19 de julio,EMISION ESPECIAL DESDE MEDELLIN.
Galati Romania 2015. Trecerea cu Bacul
Jocurile Olimpice 2009 Galati
Jocurile Olimpice 2009 Galati.
Galati, orasul meu (06)
in colaborare cu Blocul Tiglina
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015
NEWS FEATURE How Romania polices the eastern border of the EU
Romanian-Moldova border, near Galati
1. Border sign at Galati crossing reading "Romania EU"
2. Cars queuing to cross the border
3. Moldavian car being checked
4. Romanian officer checking passports and car documents
5. Close up of Moldavians' passports being checked
6. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Moldavian mother of two boys, no name given, vox pop:
"We came here for a better life, to
Romania Travel
Romania Mare Chisinau,Bucurest,Cahul,Galati,Soroca,Iasi etc
a tourist guide in Libya, Leptis Magna
our state certified guide in Leptis Magna, Libya, january 2010.
Ubrella: SICSA MMI Summer School
A presentation by Jonathan Haber, Adriano Galati, Christian Olms and Kasia Warpas on their Ubrella project as part of the SICSA MMI summer school held in the...
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel...
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
wn.com/Galati Travel Guide Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
Galati Travel Guide: Tour, Map, History, Weather
- published: 08 Aug 2014
- views: 2
galati, romania Manchester Newcastle Chelsea Watford Everton Aston Villa Middlesbrough West Ham Portsmouth Fulham Bolton Wigan Blackburn Manchester Tottenham......
galati, romania Manchester Newcastle Chelsea Watford Everton Aston Villa Middlesbrough West Ham Portsmouth Fulham Bolton Wigan Blackburn Manchester Tottenham...
galati, romania Manchester Newcastle Chelsea Watford Everton Aston Villa Middlesbrough West Ham Portsmouth Fulham Bolton Wigan Blackburn Manchester Tottenham...
Shannon Galati's STA Travel Video
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Galati, 25 years old born and raised in beautiful Southern California. In my 25 years of life, I have had th......
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Galati, 25 years old born and raised in beautiful Southern California. In my 25 years of life, I have had th...
wn.com/Shannon Galati's Sta Travel Video
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Galati, 25 years old born and raised in beautiful Southern California. In my 25 years of life, I have had th...
Easy Tips and Exercises to Reduce Jet Lag
Holiday travel often means long stressful days, cramped seating and poor meal choices which can lead to what many describe as jet lag. For both you and your ......
Holiday travel often means long stressful days, cramped seating and poor meal choices which can lead to what many describe as jet lag. For both you and your ...
wn.com/Easy Tips And Exercises To Reduce Jet Lag
Holiday travel often means long stressful days, cramped seating and poor meal choices which can lead to what many describe as jet lag. For both you and your ...
- published: 19 Nov 2008
- views: 10229
author: ACEfitness
PFT Family - Ep. 2 - Trip To Galati
Parkour & Freerunning Tecuci - Episod 2 - Trip To Galati 25.08.2012 O excursie cu prietenii la Galati . Au participat : Florentin Hriscu , Bogdan Hriscu , Ad......
Parkour & Freerunning Tecuci - Episod 2 - Trip To Galati 25.08.2012 O excursie cu prietenii la Galati . Au participat : Florentin Hriscu , Bogdan Hriscu , Ad...
wn.com/Pft Family Ep. 2 Trip To Galati
Parkour & Freerunning Tecuci - Episod 2 - Trip To Galati 25.08.2012 O excursie cu prietenii la Galati . Au participat : Florentin Hriscu , Bogdan Hriscu , Ad...
City Break: Galati, Kotor, Oslo (mar 2015)
City Break: imagini si informatii despre vreme, cost bilet avion, cost cazare si cost masa in orasele: Galati, Kotor, Oslo.
Digi24, 13 martie 2015...
City Break: imagini si informatii despre vreme, cost bilet avion, cost cazare si cost masa in orasele: Galati, Kotor, Oslo.
Digi24, 13 martie 2015
wn.com/City Break Galati, Kotor, Oslo (Mar 2015)
City Break: imagini si informatii despre vreme, cost bilet avion, cost cazare si cost masa in orasele: Galati, Kotor, Oslo.
Digi24, 13 martie 2015
- published: 13 Mar 2015
- views: 8
InGeRuL Trip to Galati 2009 | Bogdan Hriscu
My Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/bogdan.hriscu?ref=ts Facebook Fan Page : http://www.facebook.com/BogdanH.ro?ref=ts&fref;=ts Blog : http://ingerul-parkou......
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wn.com/Ingerul Trip To Galati 2009 | Bogdan Hriscu
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Galati dupa 1990 (part. a 1-a)
Asociatia pentru Renasterea Galatiului
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015...
Asociatia pentru Renasterea Galatiului
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015
wn.com/Galati Dupa 1990 (Part. A 1 A)
Asociatia pentru Renasterea Galatiului
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015
- published: 18 May 2015
- views: 266
Spectacol de Craciun F.E.F.S. Galati 2011
Spectacol al Facultatii de Educatie Fizica Si Sport Galati organizat cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna .16.12.2011 Demonstratii de baschet,fotbal,volei si hand......
Spectacol al Facultatii de Educatie Fizica Si Sport Galati organizat cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna .16.12.2011 Demonstratii de baschet,fotbal,volei si hand...
wn.com/Spectacol De Craciun F.E.F.S. Galati 2011
Spectacol al Facultatii de Educatie Fizica Si Sport Galati organizat cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna .16.12.2011 Demonstratii de baschet,fotbal,volei si hand...
Spectacol Macin , 1 iunie 2015, Trupa Marili Party Center Galati
Spectacol Personaje Disney, Animatie pentru copii
Detalii: 0746.589.060...
Spectacol Personaje Disney, Animatie pentru copii
Detalii: 0746.589.060
wn.com/Spectacol Macin , 1 Iunie 2015, Trupa Marili Party Center Galati
Spectacol Personaje Disney, Animatie pentru copii
Detalii: 0746.589.060
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 216
Reportaje a Gina Galati desde Medellin,
GRAN HERMANO DE LA OPERA,presenta la entrevista a la soprano americana,Gina Galati,quien cantara Rosina del Barbero de Sevilla,en el Teatro Metropolitano de Med...
GRAN HERMANO DE LA OPERA,presenta la entrevista a la soprano americana,Gina Galati,quien cantara Rosina del Barbero de Sevilla,en el Teatro Metropolitano de Medellin,los dias 18 19 de julio,EMISION ESPECIAL DESDE MEDELLIN.
wn.com/Reportaje A Gina Galati Desde Medellin,
GRAN HERMANO DE LA OPERA,presenta la entrevista a la soprano americana,Gina Galati,quien cantara Rosina del Barbero de Sevilla,en el Teatro Metropolitano de Medellin,los dias 18 19 de julio,EMISION ESPECIAL DESDE MEDELLIN.
- published: 17 Jul 2014
- views: 52
Galati, orasul meu (06)
in colaborare cu Blocul Tiglina
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015...
in colaborare cu Blocul Tiglina
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015
wn.com/Galati, Orasul Meu (06)
in colaborare cu Blocul Tiglina
Produced by: Buzle Catalin (galati)Romania - 2015
- published: 02 Jun 2015
- views: 16
NEWS FEATURE How Romania polices the eastern border of the EU
Romanian-Moldova border, near Galati
1. Border sign at Galati crossing reading "Romania EU"
2. Cars queuing to cross the border
3. Moldavian car be...
Romanian-Moldova border, near Galati
1. Border sign at Galati crossing reading "Romania EU"
2. Cars queuing to cross the border
3. Moldavian car being checked
4. Romanian officer checking passports and car documents
5. Close up of Moldavians' passports being checked
6. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Moldavian mother of two boys, no name given, vox pop:
"We came here for a better life, to raise our children. We have no jobs, we have nothing."
7. Two children in car
8. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Little boy, one of the Moldavian children, no name given, vox pop:
"It is much better here in Galati."
9. Passports being checked by electronic device
10. Moldavian passport being stamped
11. Various of customs officer checking Moldavian car, under and inside
12. Various of customs sniffer dog checking truck
13. Moldavian man unloading boxes with apples from car
14. Cutaway of apple boxes
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Stefan Schneider, security expert, Frontex (European Union independent border security body)
"There are two main problems. The first problem is the smuggling of cigarettes, any kind of car, or truck. And the other thing is that Moldavians can obtain their visa for free, from Romania, so they enter the state of Romania here at the eastern border legally, but afterwards they change their documents to counterfeit documents and try to go on to western European countries."
16. Various of the Danube River in the city of Galati
17. Various of Moldavians carrying and displaying merchandise on the street in Galati
18. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Maria, Moldavian woman, no last name given, vox pop:
"I worked for 36 years as a teacher, and I cannot sell my products at home."
19. Various of products in the market
20. Mid of plastic bags on hook at market stall reading "Romania-Europa"
Cahul, Moldova
21. Mid of sign reading: Cahul
22. Woman carrying her bags to the bus
23. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Tamara, Moldavian woman, no last name given:
"We have a very low living standard, we have almost nothing, no money, so I have to leave my children and my house behind, and leave the country to work."
24. Tamara kissing her friend goodbye
25. Tamara waving through bus window
26. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Katia, Tamara's daughter, no last name given
"Mother just left for Moscow, to work for us, to support us. We have no father so she has to leave us alone and go to work."
28. Bus passing by
29. Katia and her little sister waving goodbye
Home to some 300-thousand people, the eastern Romanian city of Galati, on the banks of the Danube River, is also close to one of the most sensitive European Union borders in eastern Europe.
Located 250 kilometres from the Romanian capital Bucharest, near the border with Moldova, many Moldavians regularly cross into Galati in search of a better future.
"We came here for a better life, to raise our children. We have no jobs, we have nothing," said a Moldavian mother of two at the Romanian border.
While her papers were being checked by Romanian police, her two young sons leaned out of the window of their family car.
"It is much better here in Galati," one of her little boys said.
Situated between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova was once part of Romania until it was annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, and gained independence with the 1991 Soviet collapse.
It is one of the poorest countries in Europe and has a high unemployment rate.
Facing widespread poverty at home, Moldavians cross the border to either find work in EU countries or in Russia, or to sell their products in towns along the Romanian border.
"I worked for 36 years as a teacher, and I cannot sell my products at home," said Maria, a Moldavian woman selling goods in Galati.
Nonetheless, Romania has tight border controls.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/190479c0acff22eb436d908e0e4d723b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/News Feature How Romania Polices The Eastern Border Of The Eu
Romanian-Moldova border, near Galati
1. Border sign at Galati crossing reading "Romania EU"
2. Cars queuing to cross the border
3. Moldavian car being checked
4. Romanian officer checking passports and car documents
5. Close up of Moldavians' passports being checked
6. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Moldavian mother of two boys, no name given, vox pop:
"We came here for a better life, to raise our children. We have no jobs, we have nothing."
7. Two children in car
8. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Little boy, one of the Moldavian children, no name given, vox pop:
"It is much better here in Galati."
9. Passports being checked by electronic device
10. Moldavian passport being stamped
11. Various of customs officer checking Moldavian car, under and inside
12. Various of customs sniffer dog checking truck
13. Moldavian man unloading boxes with apples from car
14. Cutaway of apple boxes
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Stefan Schneider, security expert, Frontex (European Union independent border security body)
"There are two main problems. The first problem is the smuggling of cigarettes, any kind of car, or truck. And the other thing is that Moldavians can obtain their visa for free, from Romania, so they enter the state of Romania here at the eastern border legally, but afterwards they change their documents to counterfeit documents and try to go on to western European countries."
16. Various of the Danube River in the city of Galati
17. Various of Moldavians carrying and displaying merchandise on the street in Galati
18. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Maria, Moldavian woman, no last name given, vox pop:
"I worked for 36 years as a teacher, and I cannot sell my products at home."
19. Various of products in the market
20. Mid of plastic bags on hook at market stall reading "Romania-Europa"
Cahul, Moldova
21. Mid of sign reading: Cahul
22. Woman carrying her bags to the bus
23. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Tamara, Moldavian woman, no last name given:
"We have a very low living standard, we have almost nothing, no money, so I have to leave my children and my house behind, and leave the country to work."
24. Tamara kissing her friend goodbye
25. Tamara waving through bus window
26. SOUNDBITE: (Romanian) Katia, Tamara's daughter, no last name given
"Mother just left for Moscow, to work for us, to support us. We have no father so she has to leave us alone and go to work."
28. Bus passing by
29. Katia and her little sister waving goodbye
Home to some 300-thousand people, the eastern Romanian city of Galati, on the banks of the Danube River, is also close to one of the most sensitive European Union borders in eastern Europe.
Located 250 kilometres from the Romanian capital Bucharest, near the border with Moldova, many Moldavians regularly cross into Galati in search of a better future.
"We came here for a better life, to raise our children. We have no jobs, we have nothing," said a Moldavian mother of two at the Romanian border.
While her papers were being checked by Romanian police, her two young sons leaned out of the window of their family car.
"It is much better here in Galati," one of her little boys said.
Situated between Romania and Ukraine, Moldova was once part of Romania until it was annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940, and gained independence with the 1991 Soviet collapse.
It is one of the poorest countries in Europe and has a high unemployment rate.
Facing widespread poverty at home, Moldavians cross the border to either find work in EU countries or in Russia, or to sell their products in towns along the Romanian border.
"I worked for 36 years as a teacher, and I cannot sell my products at home," said Maria, a Moldavian woman selling goods in Galati.
Nonetheless, Romania has tight border controls.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/190479c0acff22eb436d908e0e4d723b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Romania Travel
Romania Mare Chisinau,Bucurest,Cahul,Galati,Soroca,Iasi etc...
Romania Mare Chisinau,Bucurest,Cahul,Galati,Soroca,Iasi etc
wn.com/Romania Travel
Romania Mare Chisinau,Bucurest,Cahul,Galati,Soroca,Iasi etc
- published: 27 Jan 2010
- views: 78
a tourist guide in Libya, Leptis Magna
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our state certified guide in Leptis Magna, Libya, january 2010.
wn.com/A Tourist Guide In Libya, Leptis Magna
our state certified guide in Leptis Magna, Libya, january 2010.
Ubrella: SICSA MMI Summer School
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A presentation by Jonathan Haber, Adriano Galati, Christian Olms and Kasia Warpas on their Ubrella project as part of the SICSA MMI summer school held in the...
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A presentation by Jonathan Haber, Adriano Galati, Christian Olms and Kasia Warpas on their Ubrella project as part of the SICSA MMI summer school held in the...