- published: 11 May 2011
- views: 4601936
SFN may refer to:
Sfn feat Aurelie - Double Face ( CLIP OFFICIEL HD)
SFN - Me laisse pas CLIP OFFICIEL
SFN - Fouled Nest/Demo
SFN - Estrutura do Sistema Financeiro Nacional
CPA 10 - Aula 01- Funções Básicas do Sistema Financeiro Nacional SFN
New clip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzsgBQQmV5 Sfn feat Aurelie - Double Face ( CLIP OFFICIEL HD) Copyright © 2011 Directed by Street Scores and Shark Prod Son en téléchargement légal ici : http://pepitastore.com/member.php?uid=119778 FACEBOOK : Street Scores : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Street-Scores/221856024493839 Sfn : https://www.facebook.com/Sfnofficiel Beatmaker Gary (Gameprod) : http://www.facebook.com/garygameprod Twitter : http://twitter.com/TounsStreetS
SFN qui rend hommage à sa grand-mère dans le morceau '' AZIZA '' (AZIZA signifiant grand-mère) Clip réalisé par Noon assisté de Rabah Bouceffa Enregistré et mixé : HoTtrack Paciflow Styliste : Kubilay Genius Suivez SFN sur Facebook ---- Facebook/Sfnofficiel Suivez l'équipe Noonz ---- Youtube ---- TEAMNOONZ
Réalisation : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Street-Scores/221856024493839 ( Touns Tounsi ) Sfn : https://www.facebook.com/Sfnofficiel
Sfn jeune artiste bruxellois, il revient avec son nouveau morceau " JE GARDE LA TÊTE HAUTE " Production : Noonz Réalisation : Noureddine ZERRAD Vous pouvez télécharger le morceau pour vos baladeurs. Bonne écoute. www.noonz.be/Sfn/Sfn-Style-New_Song-Sfn-Garde_la_T_te_haute_.mp3 sfn-style.skyrock.com www.noonz.be
Aula de Sistema Financeiro Nacional para concurso bancários (Banco do Brasil, Caixa, BASA, Banco Central, BANESTES, BANRISUL)
Adquira nosso curso completo: https://go.hotmart.com/K5609021U?src=youtubedescrip O Sistema Financeiro Nacional do Brasil, também conhecido simplesmente como SFN teve sua origem ainda no início do século XVI com a chegada da corte portuguesa ao país e a criação do mais antigo órgão, o Banco do Brasil. Com o passar dos anos, outros bancos públicos e privados foram surgindo e também foi criada a “Caixa Econômica”. Após o término da segunda guerra mundial ocorre então um grande progresso nos sistemas financeiros mundiais com a criação de importantes instituições como o FMI (Fundo Monetário Internacional) e o Banco Mundial. Quase que simultaneamente ocorria no Brasil a criação da SUMOC (Superintendência da Moeda e do Crédito) que futuramente cede lugar ao BACEN. Outros fatores de extr...
Artiste : SFN Monteur/cameraman/réalisateur : Joakeem Carmans Instrumental : Jade Beats Mixé et enregistré : HoTtrack par Paciflow Page officielle de SFN : https://www.facebook.com/Sfnofficiel?fref=ts
Uh yeah, Forgive me lord
Uh, Cmon, Yeah, Uh
Listen to me
This is the prayer of a hard weight heavy
I'm in a sea of depression, Please lord, Let my ship stay steady
Cause I ain't ready, To be devoured by the mouth of death
My cup of faith runs full, Now half-ounce's left
So I count my breaths and hold my own
Hopin satan ain't stole my throne
I know, All too well, What it's like to be young and poor
When everyday is as dark as the one before
And I just wanna be like you
Step out onto the surface of this water lord, And then run to shore
Would you meet me at the bank of the sea?
For a hug, Be as anxious as me?
I gotta know, Cause everyday is a fight to win
When you're surrounded by triflin men
Sometimes I feel I'm worth nothin more than just my mic and pen
I need you in my life again