LaToya FergusonTài khoản được xác nhận


A Nasty Piece of Work (and prolific writer) | | | | Author 'An Encyclopedia of Women's Wrestling' | She/Her

Đã tham gia tháng 7 năm 2012
Sinh ngày 12 tháng 8


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  3. This has always been the case. We're just -- as this trending topic reminds us -- dumb.

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  4. Okay now... it's no Definitely, Maybe.

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  5. (She's got an Apple TV+ show coming up with Patricia Arquette, Matt Dillon, Brad Garrett, and Bernadette Peters. She and Peters are recurring.)

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  6. Honestly only clicked this (we've known they were back together, right?) to see if Christine Taylor is going to start consistently being in TV and movies again soon.

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  7. I've thought about this tweet non-stop for days.

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    what’s happening in texas is just…so, so horrible. it’s hard to even find the words for just how cruel and harmful and dangerous the rhetoric being spewed is. it feels completely insufficient to say: protect trans kids

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    23 thg 2
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  10. And of course... He was my FUCK Watch for the episode.

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  12. We've all heard of Desperately Seeking Susan. But what about... Soberly Deleting Tweets?

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  13. Remember "Return to Innocence"? We should return to that.

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  14. đã Tweet lại

    “Straight weddings are boring,” ~our server, earning her tip

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  15. Zoe Kravitz...please rail me.

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  18. We talk about which Succession (and Sopranos) characters the characters of The Originals are in this one. It's cool and fun and nice.

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  19. đã Tweet lại

    The gagging sounds are really the sexiest part of it all, if you ask me.

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  20. The amount of stress I felt scrolling through this list... And that's not even a criticism against this list!

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  21. Here's the thing... I need a second season of this show.

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