Wednesday, August 19, 2015

America's Worst Humans

Dan Lipinski.

Wednesday Evening


What's Wrong With Slavery?

Fair question, bro.

How To Win Over Voters

This is a perfect pitch to an electorate which includes a nontrivial number of pensioners.
He seems like a decent enough bloke, like the ageing neighbour you share a smile with and feel nostalgic for. Forgive me, there is no need to be cruel about this dedicated pensioner, but there is every need to be extremely cautious that the Party’s old dear remains so and is not elevated to the role of its condemned executioner.

Corbyn certainly bring out the best in people.

They're Going To Let It Fail

With each passing day, the probability of the NE rail corridor collapsing goes up just a little bit.

Cuomo travels by limo, and Christie by helicopter. I do not think they understand that most people have to use other means of transportation.

America's Worst Humans

John Lott

Clear As Mud

Everybody involved is incompetent.

What you can and cannot bring to papal events

Actual information:
They open at 6 a.m. Saturday, September 26th. The good news is you will be able to bring provisions.

"Food, water is fine. Packages, I mean I'm being serious, packages, depending on what's in the package. But yea, food, water, all those kinds of things, sure," Nutter said.

So, you know, depending. Like whatevs.


I admit I find the wingnut extreme opposition to immigration puzzling. I mean, yah, I get it. It's a more respectable manifestation of racism, and I get racism. But as it's a respectable manifestation of racism, it's just a diversion from the real impulse. I get it, you hate brown people, and don't much care about (white) Scandinavian and Irish intruders in our midst. What I'm trying to say is... why is it so satisfying as a political issue when for most people it isn't the real issue?

Hump Day Morning

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday Evening


You Probably Aren't Doing Shit. Neither Am I.

I do this little blog, and occasional related activities, in part because I think that every now and then I flap my little butterfly wings and manage to influence the world a tiny bit. And I think I have! A few times. Just a tiny bit. Which is pretty good, really. So I always feel a bit guilty when I'm inclined to roll my eyes at the latest incarnation of "online activism." It isn't because I think no good can come of it, but the truth is that furiously typing away on a discussion board or the twitters probably isn't going to change the world. Neither is this sucky blog! I don't roll my eyes at the attempts or the desire. I roll my eyes when people are a bit too convinced that what they're doing is going to make a difference.


I'm certainly not one who thinks that the mythological Independent Voters need to be pandered to. They mostly don't exist, and to the extent that they do they aren't actually the people that NPR and the WaPo think they are. Still there are times when it's evident that a political campaign is talking to itself, internalizing a set of knowledge, assumptions, and inside jokes that the rest of the world just doesn't understand.

Yes I'm subtweeting.

Writing On The Wall

Burnham tries to make nice with Corbyn. Funny.

A big departure from the general Corbyn is Hitler and his supporters saying mean things about us is like the Bataan Death March rhetoric. Maybe someone wants a shadow cabinet job!

I really don't claim to know if Corbyn should win. I've just found the incompetence of his opponents (politicians and in the media) to be "hilarious." Maybe not ha ha hilarious, but you know.


It seems like years ago when he said that career ending thing about St. McCain (and, yes, it was horrible, but Trump fans are horrible).
The survey finds Trump with the support of 24% of Republican registered voters. His nearest competitor, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, stands 11 points behind at 13%. Just behind Bush, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson has 9%, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker 8%, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul 6%, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former tech CEO Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich all land at 5%, with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee rounding out the top 10 at 4%.

America's Worst Humans

Glenn Kessler

Who Was That Guy Again

I can never remember who Mitt Romney's running mate was. I have to google it every single time. I get that losing VP candidates don't always have a stellar career afterwards, but did anyone make as small a splash as Paul Ryan did?

Early Morning

Monday, August 17, 2015

Late Night

Rock on.