Empedocles (pronounced: /ɛmˈpɛdəkliːz/; Ancient Greek: Ἐμπεδοκλῆς; Empedoklēs; Ancient Greek: [empedoklɛ̂ːs]; ca. 490–430 BC) was a Greek pre-Socratic philosopher and a citizen of Agrigentum, a Greek city in Sicily. Empedocles' philosophy is best known for being the originator of the cosmogenic theory of the four Classical elements. He also proposed powers called Love and Strife which would act as forces to bring about the mixture and separation of the elements. These physical speculations were part of a history of the universe which also dealt with the origin and development of life. Influenced by the Pythagoreans, he supported the doctrine of reincarnation. Empedocles is generally considered the last Greek philosopher to record his ideas in verse. Some of his work survives, more than in the case of any other Presocratic philosopher. Empedocles' death was mythologized by ancient writers, and has been the subject of a number of literary treatments.
Empedocles was born, c. 490 BC, at Agrigentum (Acragas) in Sicily to a distinguished family. Very little is known about his life. His father Meto seems to have been instrumental in overthrowing the tyrant of Agrigentum, presumably Thrasydaeus in 470 BC. Empedocles continued the democratic tradition of his house by helping to overthrow the succeeding oligarchic government. He is said to have been magnanimous in his support of the poor; severe in persecuting the overbearing conduct of the aristocrats; and he even declined the sovereignty of the city when it was offered to him.
Introduction to Empedocles
Three Minute Philosophy: Empedocles
Philosophy 5 EMPEDOCLES
Empédocles - Filosofía - Educatina
filosofo empedocles
Filosofo Empedocles
Filosofia01 Aula019 Empedocles
Empedocles 4 Elementos o Raices
Empedocles de Agrigento
El experimento del ladron de aire de Empedocles.
12 Episodes - Philosophers discuss the 'beginning of the world', the universe, and the inter-action of the Human Soul within.
Through the eyes of the Nrrator and ancient Philosophers of the time, we are taken on a dramatic journey through history; recounting the incredible and exciting dramas, ceremonies, games, and chariot races of the Ancient Greek OLYMPIAD; the Olympic Games of the 5th Century BC.
Keywords: ancient-greece, blessed, docudrama, olympics, philosophy, unizarre
OLYMPIAD - The Drama of the Olympic Games of the 5th century BC.
Unseen Forces (2004) is a hilarious sequence of vignettes from the history of science to Sagan's music. Sidestepping any expectations of high falutin' experimental art video in favor of slapstick narrative, these wryly subtitled re-enactments of important historical breakthroughs come off as a weird hybrid of Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" and Led Zeppelin's "The Song Remains the Same". Commencing with a turtlenecked Carl Sagan lookalike invoking the sun, Junell's film proceeds to romp anachronistically across history in a playful homage to "Cosmos": The Big Bang is restaged by a flashlight-wielding modern dance troupe (played by real life astronomy buffs recruited online), whose cosmic choreography goes largely unnoticed by their glib, uncomprehending audience. The Greek Rationalist discovery that air is a substance is refigured as a gay pick up technique in an ice cream parlour, with Matmos' M. C. Schmidt and Drew Daniel playing Empedocles and Pausanias. In the final scene, married couple Blevin Blectum and J Lesser re-enact the courtship of the Curies and their discovery of radiation as a Jerry Lewis-style tragicomedy.
Keywords: cosmos, logic, reason, science
Introduction to Empedocles
Three Minute Philosophy: Empedocles
Philosophy 5 EMPEDOCLES
Empédocles - Filosofía - Educatina
filosofo empedocles
Filosofo Empedocles
Filosofia01 Aula019 Empedocles
Empedocles 4 Elementos o Raices
Empedocles de Agrigento
El experimento del ladron de aire de Empedocles.
Love of Empedocles
The X-Files: "Empedocles" (Promo Spot)
Ep.4 Εμπεδοκλής - "Animated...Φιλόσοφοι" Official / Empedocles - "Animated Philosophers" Official
EMPEDOCLES Act 1 Scene 1
EMPEDOCLES Act 3 Scene 4
Empedocles of Agrigento, "On Nature" (fragm. 4)
LAVA - Empedocles
Empedocles the Cosmogenic Philosopher
Empedocles live @ Vierwerk release party | 08 aug 2003
Peter Kingsley: Complete Interview
BackCreekDaddy Presents INTERVIEWS-4.wmv
Finding Reality Through Your Senses - Peter Kingsley
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Philosophy- Empedocles & Pythagoras
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Camping Bedlam
EMPEDOCLES Act 3 Scene 1
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Interview with Eritrean migrants that crossed Libya/sahara dessert part 4
The X-Files: Season 8 (TV Spots)
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