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Does there exist an infinite number of positive integer triplets (x,y,z) with x < y < z such that:
x, y and z describe an arithmetic sequence, and:
Each of xy+1, yz+1 and zx+1 is a perfect square?

Give reasons for your answer.

(No Solution Yet, 0 Comments) Submitted on 2015-08-16 by K Sengupta   
Difficulty: 1 of 5 Bonus: A tribute to Clarice (in General) Rating: 4.10
Clarice Lispector, renowned brazilian writer and poetress, with simple phrases wrote a little masterpiece. The phrases (a version into English) she used are shown below, but not in order. Once you realized the proper order youīll find out the beauty of what she wrote because, if you read it downwards, itīs the end of a love affair, and if you read it upwards, itīs a confession of a great passion. Can you just rearrange the phrases below to achieve this? You canīt add anything and the punctuations already made belong to the phrases where they are. All the initials I capitalized deliberately to make it not too easy, but in the original only those who start a phrase are capitalized.
           I still want you, as I always did.
           I`m sure that
           I feel inside that
           I already forgot you!
           I`ll be lying if I say that
           And Iīll never use again the phrase
           Nothing was in vain.
           Sorry, but I must tell you the truth:
           You donīt mean anything to me.
           I love you!
           I couldnīt ever say that
           Itīs too late...
           I donīt love you anymore.
           I preserve a great love.
           I feel more and more that                      
(Solution Posted, 21 Comments) Submitted on 2005-09-08 by pcbouhid   
Difficulty: 3 of 5Positive Perfect Cube Sum (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-15 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 1 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Non-perfect Cube Root Sum (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-14 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 5 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Rooting for 2015 (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-14 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 3 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Arithmetic Product Puzzle (in Sequences)
Posted on 2015-08-13 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 1 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Eight efficient blacksmiths (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-13 by Ady TZIDON (No Solution Yet, 4 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Power and Divisibility Puzzle (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-12 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 6 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Wisecracks (in Word Problems)
Posted on 2015-08-12 by Ady TZIDON (No Solution Yet, 0 Comments)
Difficulty: 1 of 5Simpler probability problem? (in Probability)
Posted on 2015-08-11 by Jer (No Solution Yet, 14 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Ending in 5 (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-11 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 1 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Positive Integer and Power Puzzle (in Logic)
Posted on 2015-08-10 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 1 Comments)
Difficulty: 1 of 5Oddday (in Numbers)
Posted on 2015-08-10 by Ady TZIDON (No Solution Yet, 3 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Quadratic and Divisibility Puzzle (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-09 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 2 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Real Number Resolution (in Just Math)
Posted on 2015-08-08 by K Sengupta (No Solution Yet, 2 Comments)
Difficulty: 3 of 5Clever counting (in Numbers)
Posted on 2015-08-07 by Ady TZIDON (No Solution Yet, 6 Comments)

Recently Posted Solutions:
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Submitted By Ady TZIDON. Solution posted on 2015-08-14 23:08:58
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Submitted By Ady TZIDON. Solution posted on 2015-08-14 02:16:36
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Submitted By K Sengupta. Solution posted on 2015-08-08 04:54:59
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Submitted By Ady TZIDON. Solution posted on 2015-08-06 14:06:45
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