In international human rights law, a forced disappearance (or enforced disappearance) occurs when a person is secretly abducted or imprisoned by a state or political organization or by a third party with the authorization, support, or acquiescence of a state or political organization, followed by a refusal to acknowledge the person's fate and whereabouts, with the intent of placing the victim outside the protection of the law.
According to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which came into force on 1 July 2002, when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed at any civilian population, a "forced disappearance" qualifies as a crime against humanity and, thus, is not subject to a statute of limitations. On 20 December 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
Often forced disappearance implies murder. The victim in such a case is first abducted, then illegally detained, and often tortured; the victim is then killed and the body hidden. Typically, a murder will be surreptitious, with the corpse disposed of in such a way as to never be found, so that the person apparently vanishes. The party committing the murder has deniability, as there is no body to prove that the victim has actually died.
Read Music/Speak Spanish - Desaparecidos [Full Album]
Desaparecidos | Li Cakler
Desaparecidos - Payola ALBUM REVIEW
Desaparecidos - "City On The Hill"
Desaparecidos | 'Tanya Rider'
Discovery Channel] Desaparecidos T3x02
Lo que posiblemente sucedió con los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos
desaparecidos t3x02 [Documentales Interesantes]
Kat Corbett Interviews Desaparecidos at the KROQ Coachella House
Desaparecidos - "The Left is Right"
Desaparecidos | Maura Murray
Desaparecidos - "Backsell"
Desaparecidos - "The Underground Man"
Read Music/Speak Spanish - Desaparecidos [Full Album]
Desaparecidos | Li Cakler
Desaparecidos - Payola ALBUM REVIEW
Desaparecidos - "City On The Hill"
Desaparecidos | 'Tanya Rider'
Discovery Channel] Desaparecidos T3x02
Lo que posiblemente sucedió con los 43 estudiantes desaparecidos
desaparecidos t3x02 [Documentales Interesantes]
Kat Corbett Interviews Desaparecidos at the KROQ Coachella House
Desaparecidos - "The Left is Right"
Desaparecidos | Maura Murray
Desaparecidos - "Backsell"
Desaparecidos - "The Underground Man"
Jovens Desaparecidos - Durante a noite - 1x3 - id
Desaparecidos - "MariKKKopa"
5 aviones desaparecidos en extrañas circunstancias
Desaparecidos - Fiesta Loca (clip officiel)
"la memoria" Leon Gieco- tributo a todos los detenidos desaparecidos del mundo
Desaparecidos - Man And Wife, The Latter (Damaged Goods)
Desaparecidos Vs Walter Master J - Danser (Official Video)
Un hombre intenta secuestrar a una niña en un colegio
Asegura que Madeleine McCann murió el día de su desaparición
Una joven se presenta en la policía y asegura ser una niña secuestrada hace 18 años
Alarmante desaparición de personas
Its night but I can't stay asleep like you do, straight through till morning when you pour my coffee and say baby all that caffeine causes bad dreams where all your anxieties are unleashed. Well lately my days are much better I can't concentrate while I'm at work I just think and think until my head hurts of the payment plans I'm making. I just wanted to provide for you. But if you want to make a run for it my love I'd cover you and if you need money for bills my lover I could cover you cause I sold some shit I'm saving up we can get that house next to the park I'll get more hours at my dads shop yeah we'll plan or everything and well enroll in that middle class get a compact car full of discount tags if you're feeling trapped or too attached remember we wanted that and if you need money for bills this month my love I'd cover you and if you have to lie to everyone well I'd cover up for you cause we're growing older growing up just like our parents before us with your new job at he coffee shop we are ready for everything and we'll graduate that middle class get a nicer car full of shopping bags so if you're feeling sad kind of detached remember we wanted that just remember we wanted it yeah I sold some shit I'm saving up we can get that house next ot he park with the extra hours I picked up we will pay for everything.
What you learned what you read in their books all they offered what you saw when they told you to look a final offer well today we are giving birth to a new future yes today we are giving birth to our own future we will learn we will love we will work to change each other we will spread we will cover the earth like air and water tomorrow is blank well just fill it in with our little answers if we are stopped well just start again that is the new offer that's it that is our final one.
I'm growing out my hair like it was when I was single it was longer than I'd know you I had no money then I had no worries then at all but with such a high standard of living I just feel like I'm dying I would start an argument but you can barely even talk but there is always good reason for your silence you have to take care of some business so I fix your plate and I stay out of the way and you will stay like that forever right in front of your computer you'll look up one day but you won't recognize me so now you want to change you read a letter from a lawyer want to take me out to dinner want to bury me under a mound of shopping bags like it would really make a difference or make up for your disinterest I'm a bill you pay I'm a contract you can't break and it is like I'm under water or on an endless escalator I just go up and up but I don't ever reach the top and it reads just like the bible twenty centuries of scandal, I guess it all depends on how you interpret it the word is love the word is loss the words are damaged goods that I what I am a lifetime gets chalked up to an experience coincidence we are chained to the events that s it
Well traffic's kind of bad
They're widening easy street to fit more suvs
They're planting baby trees to grow to shady peaks
A little shelter from the sun or the upper tax bracket
Here on the cul-de-sac we're not giving back until the community repents
Cause we can't afford to be generous
There's closing costs and a narrow margin
So go earn your degree and we'll take you out to lunch
You can work for us but you gotta eat em all up
Yeah one more mouth full and we will be happy then
Yeah one more mouth full and we will be happy then
Out west they're moving dirt to make a greater Omaha
Another franchise sold so there's even more restaurants per capita
And they all got a drive-thru yeah, who's got time to dine
Although the floors are clean, the color scheme it compliments me every time
So no one starves in this cattle town
The semis pass making squealing sounds
And its all you can eat and they will never get enough
They'll be feeding us, they'll be feeding on us
Just one more mouthful and they will be happy then
Yeah one more mouth full and we will be happy then
All those golden fields, lovely empty space
They're building drug stores now until none remains
I've been driving now for 100 blocks
Saw 50 Come and Go's, 60 parking lots.
Yeah one more mouthful and they will be happy then. WOO
Yeah one more mouth full and we will be happy then
Yeah one more, one more...
Just one more
Just one more
They say its murder on your folk career to make a rock record with the disappeared we'll let the police helicopters pull stereos out of the lake there is not an image that I must defend. There are no art forms now just capitalism so send the national guard to the mall of america and they can dress dead bodies up in tight designer jeans diesel prada it looks good it looks good yeah it does I'm gonna lie down with a common sound I'm gonna bury my blues so its never found I'm gonna learn to pay attention to the television sets and if my sadness needs a catalyst I'll just uncover my eyes so much stimulus. And at the shopping epicenter I have an agoraphobic fit so buy a fountain soda put some sugar on my tongue I'll wake up and write some songs with no soul with no soul
He hides in his suit like a snake in the grass his sales pitch fork tongue hissed now the wolves wear their name tags they are hunting in packs herding their prey up the aisles and back they're smiling their teeth are showing while the doctors and lawyers like vultures descend they swoop down to the scene of the car accident to pick the victims to pieces then there is the sly fox makes his money telescamming notch babies he says the end is near buy my policy I'll make you young again I'll make you young again take the cash from my hand hear the register sing and the roar of the lion logo on the screen he's hungry I should buy some popcorn so I exit the dark feeling blind in the sun and the bobcats look tired they ate their fill of asphalt because we need more parking with so many up at the pulpit rams and bugs the news cameras capture guerilla warfare eagles into buildings crash landed despair is all that there is now in a cubical cage that smells like a rat whose smile gets bigger along with your debt don't take it personal its just business
Is it the way you're speakin'
Is it because I'm peakin'
Twistin' your face, thumb in hand, but you
Gotta have your own space to play in
A collection of glass chickens
Oh Vernie, what a garden you have
Maybe its the snuff under your lip
Or maybe caramel cake covered in Christmas
Oh a flower you are to my land, but I
No I cannot deny the beauty
If I had a heart I would want it to be like Vernie's
Oh what a heart that she has
Roaming through the cupboard jar of
pickles never opened since 1983
Peanuts in a pile and Elvis down the aisle
Singing gallantly
I wish I could be
A little more like Vernie
Oh, I wanna be
I wanna be a little more like Vernie
And so we dress to kid ourselves into thinking that we have nothing left
Why can't we just shut up and breathe in the moment?
Then we undress and please ourselves
at least that's what we were taught to think
is this really worth it?
so they crashed those planes and we all woke up from the dream
the plot twisted...can it be straightened?
well, give me the pen..
I will write the first sentence
so should we just move on or just wait for something to happen?
well then nothing happens
waiting is just fear of change
you so scared of change you can feel it
so you think you can change the way things are?
well, give me the pen and I'll write the first sentence
it wont be a thesis or a blank question
it will be a song and will start out with "and so we dress"
once the shoe has dropped it will never stop
the future has been scripted
can it be revised?
give me the pen and I'll write the first sentence...
the man at the bank said oh lets not talk percentage you work a fourteen hour day and still have two mortgages you asked the start for aid and they gave you an ad campaign that didn't help so you took your family and joined in the urban sprawl now you can't see the stars as well but you're near the mall you don't know where you stand no more in line at some convenient store that is way too long you used to work your land fed thousands of mouth now you ear their shit for the money now you emptied your heart to fill your bank account well I should talk I'm just the same you can buy my records down at the corporate chain I tell myself I shouldn't be ashamed but I am so adolescence made her an activist now she is the one who does all the lecturing those assholes got their eighteen holes you should have told them to dig one more your dream is dead she won't eat their food or wear their clothes she always wants to know where her money goes but will shell it out for filling up her nose so run it up i'll run my mouth but never mind the shit that I sing about because I'd sell myself to buy a fucking house twelve thousand square foot four car garage tennis court and swimming pool in the back yard I know it can seem like a lot but that is why I pay someone to clean it up we'll gonna clean it up my big house
are you listening?
hear the money talk
said the screeching hawks
to the hand of god
when the colours change
hear the teachers say
no ones safe
say no ones safe
theres no more time
now youve stolen it
you cant give it back
every coronor
will be playing taps
and the rich willl weep
like they did before
say we want more
say we want more
they wont take it laying down
you better get ready fast
fuck war, i said fuck gas masks
slay, rape, kill now its too late
we dont want to but we have to
uniform, uniform squad
i wanna fight in the war
i wanna fight in the war
i wanna fight in the war
i want it
whos up for making some more
whos up for making some more
whos up for making some more
blood money
slay, rape, kill now its too late
we dont want to but we have to
uniform, uniform squad
i wanna fight in the war
whos up for making some more
whos up for making some more
su madre pregunta que paso
fue a ver a su novia pasadas
las die
desperte al sentir disparos
mi hijo anoche no llego
madre no preguntes
que paso lo se
testigos no habran me olvidaran
sigue la misma historia
el dia a dia
sangre que corre
muertos por sida
guerra mundial se clona
diecisiete primaveras
iba a la universidad
no se buscaba nunca
un problema que alguien
diga donde esta
me hacias falta y tu
no estabas dios
rezos fueron poco gritos
locos planes suenos rotos
a plomo y sangre olian otros
familia como nosotros
salio a la esquina
quien lo vio
mi amigo desaparecio
no dejo ni la sombra
el culpable sabe de que
hablo yo
anoche escuche varias
butum batam butum bete
y eso es muy normal bebe
la concienca de hoy en dia
esta al reves
la gente no sabe donde
cono mete el pie
y ademas para los criminales
una cena de buen provecho
y aunque salgan por el techo
con las palabras
que he dicho del dicho al hecho
hay un buen trecho y prosigo
en nombre de mi amigo muerto
que ya saben como fueron
lo detuvieron, arrestaron
las ropas le quitaron fusilaron
las pruebas quemaron
lo mismo le occurio
a mi vecino de diez anos
que sus organos no encontraron
oye, que fatiga los quemaron,
e torturaron
otro mas de los caidos
otra espina otro dolor
otro madre sin un hijo
arbol que fruto no dio
diecisiete primaveras
iba a la universidad
no se buscaba nunca
un problema que alguien
diga donde esta
a los presidentes asesinos
a los responsables
de desaparecidos
pa' los que trafican con ninos
el culpable sabe de que hablo yo
yo yo yo se
que mi canon de palabras
le faltaron canallas
para derribar en esta batalla
pero la historia se encargara
de cortar sus garras
hijos de asesinos
ya ves lo que he vivido
sin rastro para poner flores
en mi tumba
a mi madre le han dejado
quien pagado me mata no sabe
que arrebata un alma
into corduroys or jeans, chinos or capris
sweater vest no sleeves, oxford underneath or whatever you think
whatever is gonna make you want me
c'mon and dress me
I'll be your mannequin
make me attractive, so sexy and thin
I will stand still, pose me, in any position
and when people pass by the window, I'll be adored by them
I want to be one of the boys from the catalogues that you flip through
you'll point and say "He's the one"
(lick your finger turn the page slick gloss over images)
and you waste no time deciding
you grab the credit card, call, start ordering
but what's new for fall by spring means nothing
I want to undress you in your walk-in closet
after you try on one of your new outfits
I know that six months later you won't be caught dead in it
but for that moment you're there with your shape hanging everywhere
Stand up,
Come on,
Right Now.
I wanna be your sunshine, so right, tonight.
We really ought to stand up,
Come on, Right now,
Lets get it started,
Fiesta Loca, Fiesta Loca.
Being out, all night, lets go.
Baby tell me, do you wanna?
A night to remember.
You've got me burnin'
You've got me burnin' up.
You give me fever.
Going on all night,
I won't play with fire
God can only know, here we are again.
It's the point of no return,
I've got a dirty mind.
Come get me baby, But now.
Stand up,
Come on,
Right Now.
I wanna be your sunshine, so right, tonight.
We really ought to stand up,
Come on, Right now,
Lets get it started,
Fiesta Loca, Fiesta Loca,
Fiesta Loca, Fiesta Loca,
Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta...
Going on all night,
I won't play with fire
God can only know, here we are again.
It's the point of no return,
I've got a dirty mind.
Come get me baby, But now.
Stand up,
Come on,
Right Now.
I wanna be your sunshine, so right, tonight.
We really ought to stand up,
Come on, Right now,
Lets get it started,
Fiesta Loca, Fiesta Loca,
Fiesta Loca, Fiesta Loca,
Fiesta Loca, Fiesta Loca.
Stand up
Right now
I wanna be your sunshine survive tonight
We really are in
Stand up
Right Now
Let's get started
Fiesta Loca
Fiesta Loca
Hey Now
..... and Passion
Let me tell what do you wanna
But now to remember, you've got me burn it up
You've got me burn it up
You give me fever
Hold on you tonight
I'll wait you higher
Only lonely now
Here we are again
I'ts more you go ..... I've got determined
Hey give me baby
Now power
Stand up
Right now
I wanna be your sunshine survive tonight
We really are in
Stand up
Right Now
Let's get started
Fiesta Loca
Fiesta Loca
Fiesta loca
Don't wanna follow you, follow you, follow you!
Baby! Baby!
Baby, we can do it and I want it tonight
Put your arms around me
And we'll be so fine
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
To stay with you
Until the end of time (2x)
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
'Cause I want you right now
In my life!
Oh, Oh! Yeah!
Follow! Oh! Oah!
Baby, we can do it and I want it tonight
Put your arms around me
And we'll be so fine
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
To stay with you
Until the end of time (2x)
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
'Cause I want you right now
In my life!
Follow you baby!
Don't wanna follow you, follow you, follow you!
Baby! Baby!
I want to, I want to!
Baby, we can do it and I want it tonight
Put your arms around me
And we'll be so fine
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
To stay with you
Until the end of time (2x)
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
'Cause I want you right now
In my life!
Yeah! A-ha! Hey! Yeah!
I want to!
Baby, we can do it and I want it tonight
Put your arms around me
And we'll be so fine
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
To stay with you
Until the end of time (2x)
Searching for a way
It's on my mind
'Cause I want you right now
In my life!
london, paris, munich, rome, ibiza, new york, miami, rio
ibiza, ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza
stand up sunshine
sweety so sweet take me high and higher
that guy in the line
that night goes on and on
that night goes on and on
the power
london, paris, munich, rome, ibiza, new york, miami, rio
ibiza, ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza
power rythm
that time has come
this is the tribute
this is the master plan
time out in the night
viva la revolution
power rythm
london, paris, munich, rome, ibiza, new york, miami, rio
ibiza, ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza ibiza
ibiza ibiza
He hides in his suit like
Like a snake in the grass
his sales pitch fork tongue hissed
The wolves wear their name tags, they're hunting in
herding their prey up the aisles and back, they're
their teeth are showing
And the doctors and lawyers like vultures descend
swoop down to the scene of the car accident
to pick the
victims to pieces
then there's the sly silver fox makes his money
telescamming notch babies
he says the end is near
buy my policy
I'll make you young again
I'll make you young again
{they'll} go and charge full-circle
so we can't experience pain
take the cash from my hand, hear the register sing
and the roar of the lion logo on the screen
he's hungry
I should buy some popcorn
so I exit the dark feeling blind in the sun
and the bobcats look tired, they ate their fill of
'cause we need more parking
with so many rams and bugs
the news cameras
capture guerilla warfare, eagles into buildings
crash landed despair is all that there is now
in a cubical cage that smells like a rat
whose smile gets bigger along with your debt
I want to pledge allegiance to the country where I live
I don't want to be ashamed to be American
but opportunity
no it don't exist
it's the opiate
of the populace
we need some harder shit now
the truth's getting around
and each public school is a halfway house
where the huddled masses sober up and up
enough? There's not enough
to fatten the cows and feed all of us.
It's just a rationing of luck
what can't be bought gets raffled off.
oh god good god shed greed on thee,
your shining sea turned a dirty green
from the industry
off the shores of New Jersey
I got a letter from the army so I think that I'll enlist
I'm not brave or proud of nothing I just want to kill something
too bad that nowadays you just point and click
swing low satellite, hot white chariot
in the computer's blue glare
the bombs burst in the air
there was a city once now nothing's there
our freedom comes at their expense
it makes sense does it?
Dollars and cents
they're stretching barbed wire across the picket fence
that's surrounding your housing development
in case you lack the confidence
oh god my god give strength to thee
these amber waves purple majesty is nothing but
backdrops for Disney
look up close it's superimposed
on a blank blue screen yea its fantasy
fucking magical
the dream floats like a chemical
through each snapped synapse
our television past that is beautiful
no more
(Monty Powell/Reed Nielsen)
I hear you just got married
Had a month long honeymoon
And you were all smiles at the wedding
And you cried when you kissed the groom
I got no invitation
I guess the mailman didn't bring it to me
But I see the whole thing in slow motion
Every night as I try to sleep
My buddy John said you looked real pretty
And you acted like you were in love
He said the preacher asked for objections
And he tought about standing up
I told John he must've been crazy
'Cause you were just about to say I do
He just gave me a wink and said all he could think
Is it could've been me with you
It could have been me standing there with you
It could have been me and my dreams coming true
But those dreams move on if you wait too long
It took me till now to see it could have been me
I don't guess I ever told you
That I went out and bought you a ring
I even carried it around in my pocket
Waiting to say the right thing
I pulled it out the other day
But the diamond had lost it's shine
Well I know how it feels 'cause my eyes grow dim
When I think you could've been mine
It could have been me standing there with you
It could have been me and my dreams coming true
But those dreams move on if you wait too long
It took me till now to see it could have been me
Oh I called her just in time to be too late
You know those dreams move on if you wait too long
It took me till now to see (it could've been me)
It could have been me standing there with you
It could have been me and my dreams coming true
But those dreams move on if you wait too long
It took me till now to see it could have been me
It could have been me...