Bristol i/ˈbrɪstəl/ is a city, unitary authority area and ceremonial county in South West England, with an estimated population of 433,100 for the unitary authority in 2009, and a surrounding Larger Urban Zone (LUZ) with an estimated 1,070,000 residents in 2007. It is England's sixth and the United Kingdom's eighth most populous city, one of the group of English Core Cities and the most populous city in South West England.
Historically within Gloucestershire, the city received a Royal Charter in 1155 and was granted County status in 1373. From the 13th century, for half a millennium, it ranked amongst the top three English cities after London, alongside York and Norwich, on the basis of tax receipts, until the rapid rise of Liverpool, Birmingham and Manchester during the Industrial Revolution in the latter part of the 18th century. It borders the counties of Somerset and Gloucestershire, and is also located near the historic cities of Bath to the south east and Gloucester to the north. The city is built around the River Avon, and it also has a short coastline on the Severn Estuary, which flows into the Bristol Channel.
Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin (born October 18, 1990) is the second child and oldest daughter of former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd.
After Bristol Palin became a single mother at age 18, she began to publicly advocate teenage pregnancy prevention, and is now a paid speaker on the subject of teen pregnancy.
She competed in the fall 2010 season of Dancing with the Stars, where she received lower scores from the judges than some other contestants but was voted through week after week by fans. She reached the finals, finishing in third place.
Palin was born and raised in Wasilla, Alaska. She was named "Bristol" after the Bristol Inn where her mother Sarah was employed; Bristol, Connecticut, the headquarters city of ESPN, where her mother Sarah hoped to work as a sportscaster; and the Bristol Bay area of Alaska, where her father Todd grew up.
Beginning in 2005, Bristol attended Juneau-Douglas High School and began dating Levi Johnston. In 2008, she briefly lived in Anchorage with her aunt and uncle and attended West Anchorage High School. She returned to Wasilla, where she graduated from Wasilla High School in May 2009.
Donald John Trump, Sr. (born June 14, 1946) is an American business magnate, television personality and author. He is the chairman and president of The Trump Organization and the founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Trump's extravagant lifestyle, outspoken manner and role on the NBC reality show The Apprentice have made him a well-known celebrity who was No. 17 on the 2011 Forbes Celebrity 100 list. He is well-known as a real-estate developer who amassed vast hotel, casino, and other real-estate properties, in the New York City area and around the world.
Trump is the son of Fred Trump, a wealthy New York City real-estate developer. He worked for his father's firm, Elizabeth Trump & Son, while attending the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and in 1968 officially joined the company. He was given control of the company in 1971 and renamed it The Trump Organization.
In 2010, Trump expressed an interest in becoming a candidate for President of the United States in the 2012 election. In May 2011, he announced he would not be a candidate, but a few weeks later he said he had not completely ruled out the possibility. In December 2011, Trump was suggested as a possible Vice Presidential selection by Michele Bachmann. Bachmann has since suspended her presidential campaign.
Welcome To Bristol
BRISTOL - Roads - Video
Mediks - Original Selecta (Bristol City Hack Music Video)
Bristol City Blazikens vs Newcastle Nidokings| UCL Week 3 | Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Sheffield Wednesday 2 Bristol City 0 | 2015/16 Sky Bet Championship
Highlights: Sheffield Wednesday 2-0 Bristol City
Visit Bristol....a British Gem of a City !
Sounds Of The West - Straight Outa Bristol (Wild Bunch/Massive Attack/Tricky/Postishead)
Real Scenes: Bristol
Bristol Fighter: The Coolest Car You've Never Heard Of - XCAR
CASTILLA Y LEÓN EN EL MUNDO - Bristol, Reino Unido
Bristol with Marcus and Zoe
EF Bristol, England - UK - Info Video
Bristol, la capital de la música en el Reino Unido
In New York, Alvin Sanders is a small-time thief who's just been hauled in for stealing a bunch of prawns (shrimp) from a local restaurant. He ends up in a cell with John Jaster, one half of a high-tech criminal team that's just stolen $42,000,000 worth of gold from the Federal Reserve. Realizing that he could die at any moment from his worsening heart condition, Jaster tells Alvin to relay a cryptic message to his wife about the whereabouts of the hidden gold. Alvin doesn't know exactly what the message means, and Edgar Clenteen, the U.S. Treasury investigator working the case, hopes it will lead to the gold or Jaster's partner Bristol, but it does neither. Eighteen months later, Jaster is dead, and both Clenteen and Bristol are still looking for that gold. Clenteen decides to secretly plant a tracking device in Alvin's jaw, release him from prison, and then let the word out that he knows where the gold is hidden. Knowing that Bristol is probably watching their every move, Clenteen hopes Alvin will act as the bait that'll lure Bristol in. To the dismay of Clenteen and his colleagues, agents Wooly, Blum, Boyle, and Walsh, who are tracking Alvin's every word and move, Alvin immediately gets into trouble, although he decides to go straight once he learns that while he was in prison, his girlfriend Lisa Hill gave birth to their son. Even so, run-ins with his criminal brother, Stevie Sanders and Stevie's two partners, Ramundo and Julio, puts Alvin in danger of being locked up again, which threatens to mess up Clenteen's plan. What will happen when Alvin realizes that he's being used as bait to nail Bristol?
Keywords: animated-title-sequence, audio-surveillance, bare-chested-male-bondage, betrayal, bomb, booby-trap, boxing, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, brooklyn-bridge, brother-brother-relationship
Alvin Sanders is going to help the Feds catch a killer. He just doesn't know it yet.
Julio: [Slamming Alvin against Ramundo's car] Your brother fucked us!::Ramundo: What the fuck are you doing? This is my fucking car man! This is my baby.::Julio: Sorry. [Slamming Alvin against the wall] Your brother fucked us!::Ramundo: So, Stevie's fucking my girl right?::Alvin: Well I think that's a point you're going to have to take with Stevie.::Julio: Well maybe Stevie isn't around to make a...point with anyone.::Ramundo: What the fuck are you saying?::Julio: I'm saying that Stevie didn't show.::Ramundo: Well just say it! Stop being so fucking complex!::Julio: I'm not complex, you're complex!::Alvin: Listen guys, do I have to be around for this?::Julio, Ramundo: Shut up!
[Bristol is nearly hit by a truck]::Trucker: You fucking nuts?::Bristol: No.::[shoots the trucker]::Bristol: I'm fine. Thanks for your concern.
[first lines]::Supervisor: Gentlemen, we owe a quarterly. Vault 23, encryption download.::Guard: Loaded.::Supervisor: Level five. Sonic, please.::Guard: Stable.::Supervisor: Motion?::Guard: Stable.::Supervisor: Status check, please.::Guard: All secure.::Supervisor: Excellent. Carry on, gentlemen.
Agent Wooly: We checked them all. We checked the monkey house, the reptile house, the giraffe house. We even checked the outhouse.
Edgar Clenteen: Citadel 4 is the same system we use to safeguard our nuclear missile launch facilities. This guy took it apart like he was hot-wiring a Toyota.
Senator: Mr. Clenteen, exactly how many laws are we breaking here?::Edgar Clenteen: You don't want to know.
Edgar Clenteen: A wolf will starve itself to death rather than make a mistake. You have to lay down a scent that smells real from far away. And the bait has to be fresh and untouched by human hands. Make no mistake about it, we are hunting a wolf.
Edgar Clenteen: When he's served his purpose, when he draws our man out of the shadows, well, you know what happens to bait...
Stevie Sanders: Alvin, you're an ex-con, man. You just got out the penitentiary. You got 26 dollars in your pocket, 25 of it is mine!
Alvin: So I'm bouncing from toy to toy like I'm some sort of drunk dude. Mom's smiling. My father's smiling. It's all good, right? Then around 8:30, cops show up. Take the toys, take my father. But for about two and a half hours I had a very, very happy childhood.
Of Kith and Kin: The Trials and Triumphs of African American family life focuses on Paris, whose stories help students understand the family life of African American slaves during the eighteenth century. We watch a group of slave children learn the songs and rhythms of Africa that relate to the work of the plantation. We are guests at a traditional jumpin' the broom wedding ceremony and learn the sense of hope and fear that accompanies these unofficial marriages. Of Kith and Kin approaches slavery from the slaves' perspective and illustrates the role individuals and families played in a society that recognized the rights of neither.
Keywords: african, african-american, colonial-america, electronics, family-relationships, field, game, independent-film, slave, slavery
Dr Sloan suspects that his flame of long ago, famous heart surgeon Dr Rachel Walters, has murdered US Senator Cabot on the occasion of a guest operation at the community hospital. After a long investigation, Sloan and fellow detectives Dr Bentley and Dr Parker discover her motive: Years ago, Cabot had caused a hit-and-run accident that put her daughter into coma. But how did Dr Walters manage to pass the deadly bacteria on to the senator in front of TV cameras?
Keywords: bacteria, sequel
This movie is based only on the testimony of Harold Kauffman. Who was known around New York as a small time thief, and Rat! Most of the facts were white washed to make Harold look good. When in fact he turned states evidence after getting caught driving drunk and the FBI threaten to send him back to jail! He worked for the king of the garbage industry "Chuck Macaluso" in New Jersey. He has been part of the witness protection program for over 16 years.
Keywords: based-on-true-story
After a long journey, Philip arrives at the Usher mansion seeking his loved one, Madeline. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Madeline and her brother Roderick Usher have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become catatonic. That evening, Roderick tells his guest of an old Usher family curse: any time there has been more than one Usher child, all of the siblings have gone insane and died horrible deaths. As the days wear on, the effects of the curse reach their terrifying climax.
Keywords: 19th-century, accidental-death, b-movie, based-on-story, blood, brother-sister-relationship, buried-alive, butler, catalepsy, catatonia
Edgar Allan Poe's overwhelming tale of EVIL & TORMENT
I heard her first feeble movements in the coffin... we had put her living in the tomb!
The House of Usher is no more - and the place whereon it stood is as if - it had never been.
He buried her alive... to save his soul!
Edgar Allan Poe's demonic tale of The Ungodly... The Evil House of Usher
Roderick Usher: I suggest you leave, Mr. Winthrop. No? Then perish with us.
Philip Winthrop: You have murdered your sister, Mr. Usher, and I intend to see that you hang for it.::Roderick Usher: Arrange it quickly then. The old house crumbles.
Roderick Usher: See to the crypt, will you?
Roderick Usher: Did you know that I could hear the scratching of her fingernails on the casket lid?
Roderick Usher: [shouting] Be done.::Philip Winthrop: What?::Roderick Usher: I think I rave.::Philip Winthrop: You said be done.
Philip Winthrop: [as the house starts to rumble] Don't you think that crack in the wall should be repaired?::Roderick Usher: For future generations of Ushers?::Philip Winthrop: For Madeline's safety.::Philip Winthrop: While I was riding here I noticed a singular lack of vegetation, is there something wrong with the soil?::Roderick Usher: The soil?::Madeline Usher: Roderick please!::Roderick Usher: [looking at Madeline] As you wish.
Roderick Usher: Madeline and I are like figures of fine glass. The slightest touch and we may shatter. Both of us suffer from a morbid acuteness of the senses. Mine is the worst for having existed the longer, but both of us are afflicted with it. Any sort of food more exotic then the most pallid mash is unendurable to my taste buds. Any sort of garment other then the softest, is agony to my flesh. My eyes are tormented by all but the faintest illumination. Odors assail me constantly, and as I've said, sounds of any degree whatsoever inspire me with terror.
Philip Winthrop: How long have you been with the Ushers?::Bristol: Sixty years, sir.::Philip Winthrop: Sixty years?::Bristol: Since I was a boy.::Philip Winthrop: Why, then this house is just as much yours as it is Mr. Usher's.::Bristol: And Miss Madeline, sir.
Philip Winthrop: [as the house starts to rumble] How long has that been going on?::Bristol: So long I'm hardly aware of it anymore. It's just the settling of the house.::Philip Winthrop: That settling could cause this entire structure to collapse. That doesn't worry you?::Bristol: Oh no, sir. If the house dies, I shall die with it.
Philip Winthrop: Is there no end to your horrors?::Roderick Usher: No. None whatever.
Welcome To Bristol
BRISTOL - Roads - Video
Mediks - Original Selecta (Bristol City Hack Music Video)
Bristol City Blazikens vs Newcastle Nidokings| UCL Week 3 | Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Sheffield Wednesday 2 Bristol City 0 | 2015/16 Sky Bet Championship
Highlights: Sheffield Wednesday 2-0 Bristol City
Visit Bristol....a British Gem of a City !
Sounds Of The West - Straight Outa Bristol (Wild Bunch/Massive Attack/Tricky/Postishead)
Real Scenes: Bristol
Bristol Fighter: The Coolest Car You've Never Heard Of - XCAR
CASTILLA Y LEÓN EN EL MUNDO - Bristol, Reino Unido
Bristol with Marcus and Zoe
EF Bristol, England - UK - Info Video
Bristol, la capital de la música en el Reino Unido
Power Rangers Hot Air Balloons Debut at Bristol International Balloon Fiesta
Carlos Carvalhal and Owls celebrations following win over Bristol City
Variations Of The Bristol Accent - A Tour Around The City
City Center - Bristol
Abstinence-Only Advocate Bristol Palin Is Pregnant Again
Bristol Highlights - NASCAR 2015 Sprint Cup
Bristol Palin Has a Message for the GOP About Donald Trump
Championship Final 2nd leg - Worcester Warriors - Bristol 27.05.2015
Greene King IPA Championship Final 1st leg - Bristol - Worcester Warriors 20.05.2015
Patchway, Bristol Travel Guide
British Cities: Bristol
Discover Bristol
Bristol Travel Guide - JoGuru.Com
Bristol Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by
Visit Britain Podcast - Bristol
Kelty Travel: The Bristol Duffel
Terry's Gert Lush Guide to Bristol DVD TRAILER 2!
Hotel Le Bristol - 5 Star Luxury Hotel - Paris Video Production Travel Film
The Hotel Bristol, Sorrento, Italy - Unravel Travel TV
SunnyBrook Bristol Bay 3204 RE Travel Trailer
Kelty Bristol Duffel Bag - Small 40L
Bristol Stage @ ECHO
Sorrento - Hotel Bristol
My Travel Diary! | Milton Keynes to Bristol return!
BRISTOL || Europe Travel Vlog
Travel UK: Brandon Hill, Bristol
Guide to Ashton Gate: Travel Information
BBC Coast1 02 of 12 Exmouth to Bristol
Visit Bristol - Bristol Highlights
YGTV Gibraltar News Video: Gibraltar - Bristol easyJet Route Announced at World Travel Market
2015 Dodge Journey 15C1095 - Bristol CT
2014 Nissan Sentra 14N1170 - Bristol CT
Flying to Palma, Mallorca from Bristol airport
2005 Chrysler 300 17687A - Bristol CT
2003 Ford Ranger 27389A - Bristol TN
Luxury makeover and photo experiences in Clifton, Bristol
2008 Pontiac Solstice 26957M - Bristol TN
Abie Danters Waltzer Bristol Balloon 2015
Bristol balloon fiesta night glow 2015
Balloon glow & Fireworks- Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2015
Abie Danter's Waltzer Offride @ Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2015
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2015 Night Glow And Fireworks Part 1/2
Bristol Balloon Fiesta 2015 Night Glow And Fireworks Part 2/2
405 Bristol St., Roanoke, 76262
At bristol yay
Residential for sale - 6593 BRISTOL Drive, West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Daniel Wellington Bristol Rose Men`s Quartz Watch with White Dial Analogue Displ (Top List)
Residential for sale - 8302 Bristol Court, Rowlett, TX 75089
Bristol balloon fiesta
Bristol Balloon Festival 2015
Night glow Bristol International Balloon Fiesta
Sheffield Wednesday vs Bristol City 2-0 Full Highlights Championship 2015
2015 Nissan NV200 15N0456 - Bristol CT
"The Magic of Believing" By Claude Bristol
Bristol City Blazikens vs Long Island Regirockies | UCL Week 4 | Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
United Championship League Week 4 | Long Island RegiRockies v Bristol City Blazikens
2014 Food City 500 at Bristol Motor Speedway - NASCAR Sprint Cup Series
2015 NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals Final Eliminations from Bristol Part 1 of 7 (60fps)
2015 NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals Final Eliminations from Bristol Part 5 of 7 (60fps)
2015 NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals Final Eliminations from Bristol Part 7 of 7 (60fps)
The Bristol Brabazon. 1987 Documentary
Yes - Like It Is: Yes at the Bristol Hippodrome
Question Time in Bristol - 09/04/2015
JME, Jammer, Shorty, Jaykae, D Double E & More @ Eskimo Dance, Bristol | Full Set
The 10 Greatest Bristol Moments
2014 UNOH 200 at Bristol Motor Speedway - NASCAR Camping World Truck Series [HD]
Bristol Balloon Festival 2013 - Nightglow
2013 NSCS Bristol Food City 500
2015 Food City 500 Bristol Dale Jr In-car Onboard
Los Puros Criollos Capítulo 1 - Almanaque Bristol (Temporada 2)
On the bus back from Bristol, we talked about death
And we talked about a friend that I'd spent some time
Once or twice a year
We got to your house, all cold and out of breath
Your child was asleep
We sat down and you offered us a beer
You said : "Do you know what happened today ?"
And I said : "No"
He was family to millions
All over the evening news
But I tend to keep away from the press, the TV and the
I like to keep my mind clean
When I can I always choose
To focus on what's here and
Not know what the world wants me to know
You said : "Would you want some tea or another drink ?"
And I said : "No"
We'd had sun in Bristol and
Fun with friends in London
And an awesome time as usual on tops of hills
In Leeds
We listened to Fred Neil
It sounded dark with the loudness on
You whispered to me
People whisper when a baby sleeps
You said : "Will you need an extra blanket ?"