Through a white winter landscape
So cold of ice and snow
I ride with the wind
I ride with the storm
I am the chosen one
Leaded by the sign
Before the dawn breaks through
I have to reach my goal
I was born pagan
With purity in my blood
I fight against jesus
I fight against God
I am a pagan warrior
Chosen to tell the truth
In the lies of Jehova
People will drown eternally
As a son of Odin
As a brother to Thor
I live with pride
I live with honour
I am a heathen man
A man without no fear
The spirits of the ancient gods
I'm sitting upon my throne and watch
The killing of a holy priest
Laying on his knees and pray
But I only laugh
I am taking my crucifix
My power is now united
I raise my hand and give the sign
His death is finally completed
I shall heal this world
From all kinds of holiness
Christianity shall die
Jesus will never live again
All preachers shall die
By my hand
They will feel my malignity
When they suffer to death
Life of an evil kind
Minds filled with hate
Naked bodies dancing
In the light of the moon
Living in endless sin
Until the end
All those who don?t believe
The freezing air bites my skin
Riding in the light
Of the crystal fullmoon
The forest gather around me
A horde of wolves
Is following in my footsteps
I plough through the snow
The valley opens wide
I am expected
I am the
Messenger of the
Northern warrior host
They lighten their torches
And turns towards heaven
Summon in sviarnirs tongue
The human sacrifice is given
To almighty Odin
He gives us the sign
As the spear impales the body
[Music:Malmstrom / Lyrics:Malmstrom]
Chaos ruled once in time
No life could be found in this world
Set unnamed
No light, no darkness exist
Only a chronology hid and left in time
From this nothingness stars shined
Shined from a heaven on an obscured world
Sunrise and dusk brought forth life
From a crack in the ground
The first man arose, immortal
Time went by and the races grew strong
So strong that even the weak fell to oblivion
Might, intelligence, knowledge and ease
In ancient tales these words shaped his name
Mike is the name the races forgot
And with his wrath he?ll show immense power
So one day he went to where he was born
To prepare this worlds people for their day of doom
Fight with your honour, fight with the swedish steel
They who will crush you, crush them with swedish steel
The heart of your glory shines from the swedish steel
The victory has a banner which spells swedish steel
With five men in follow in leather they all dress
His conquest went to all corners of this earth
No one should elude their music of doom
A music for peoples true hymns disbelief
Mike the Metalist, his accompany him called
And with these he has cleaned the oblivious minds
Their music they all play on top level tenis the music
That once brought Mike his own life
In the castle of stone they all sit
In a circle around a sparkling fire
With beer streaming in their throats
With music of Metal
Their conquest of doom they remember
The tales are some told in mourn, some in delight
When the stories flow from mouth to mouth
At the end of all tales the Metalist stood up
To fill this castle with his wisdom
[Repeat chorus]
"Some of the races stood up for the storm
Proud of the sound when the metal horde tolled
Sad is the fact that most of the battle is an ocean of
Unfaithful desciples,
All men ain't made for Metal
But all Metal is made for men"
Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
A thousand shining spears
Beatings of the wardrums
Our horde is gathered
Ready for the battle
On the other side
Not far away
The battletroops
Of our enemies
It is freezing cold
The dawn is near
The magic red sun
Is beginning to rise
It is time for the battle
It is time for the war
We bend our bows
Let's hear the battleroar
The first sign goes
The arrows are on their way
Raising our shields
It's raining arrows
Over our heads
The battle is on
I love the war
We raise our swords
Listen to the great sound
The battleroar
I have my faith
I have my sword
Meeting in the middle
The clash of our hordes
Screams of pain across the field
Man to man, steel to steel
Bleeding warriors all over the field
Warm blood covering the snow
Sailing towards the golden dawn
The old gods are reborn
Sailing in the shores of thor
A burning ship in the night
Can you see the holy flames
My journey has just begun
Acting with no fear
Music:Magnusson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
Jormundgand lashes the ocean
The sun is darkened
Total devastation
The fires roar
And the stars falls from heaven
Yggdrasil tremble
And there is chaos
The master of the underworld
Together with the chaos forces
Attacks the gods world
Riding over Bifrost
The bridge to Asgard
Heimdall blows the Gjallarhorn
The final battle
Is all over us
The forces meets to fight
The sun has died
So has the stars
The heaven bursts
The earth is engulfed
Music:Olsson, Magnusson, Malmstrom / Lyrics:Jarrebring
The beast of the North
Roars of thunder
The beast of the North
Back from the depths
He is here to conquer
He is here to reign
He is here to slay
He is here to stay
The beast of the North
Is coming to take you
The beast of the north
Is coming to rape you
A more brave warrior
Has never been seen
Led by anger and hate
He fights without fear
Until the last man
[Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring]
Vi foro till Lindisfarne
Satte skrack i guds barn
Vi var havets vargar
Skracken lyste i deras ogon
Hvite Krist kunde inte hjalpa
Heligt blod fargade marken
Dom kralade for det
Hedniska svardet
[Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring]
Rakade man kommo till ranrike
De talte om frid
De grepos stundom av religiosa man
Och hangdes upp i heliga asktrad
De som predikade den kristna laran
De fingo pilar i sig
Och gavos at odins faglar
En del slogs ihjal
En del blevo tralar
Och lato haret vaxa
Missnojda med Jehova
Svikna av sin herre
Vi ar har for att segra
Vi skall ateruppbygga
Vart vikingarike
Ingen skall kunna ta
Var hedniska heder
Ranrike skall besta
Nu och i evighet
Lat oss hoja vara svard
Behind the horns I stand
My dear friend, take my hand
I'll lead you from the light
Into the darkest night
Only one way to follow
Through pain, suffering and sorrow
Dressed in black and leather we are
Inverted crucifix and pentagram star
No books filled with lies
Open our misleaded minds
We can only live for ourselves
Can't believe all that tales
Together we'll find reality
The only way to immortality
Souls of evil will show our way
A blaze in my heart
Like in a forest unknown
Darkness rules in there
You are the... one
Demon lord
Falling from grace
We rule this world
Eternal Darkness
Is finally here
Praise the master of hell
Our time is here
Show us thy way
Lucifer in my eye
Lucifer in my heart
Thy kingdom come
[Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring]
Vid den stora sten
Dar offer en gang gavs
Star jag nu
Med en bila i min hand
Krafterna finns kvar
Jag faller pa kna
Sanker mitt huvud
Natten ar ljus och ljum
Ensam har jag vandrat
For att na mitt mal
Manen bleknar
Solen fargar himlen eldrod
De forsta stralarna
Nar min sargade kropp
Nattens skuggor flyr
Jag slar min trumma i en fast takt
Pa elden framfor mig ligger magiska orter
Roken stiger langsamt
Mot de morknande skyar
Faglarna tystnar, solen gar i moln, aterigen faller morkret
Runt stenen hojer sig ett skimmer, min amulett borjar gloda
Jag faller i extas, platsens krafter overfors till mig
En strimma i det svarta molntacket, slapper igenom en strimma ljus
Den lyser upp offerkullen, silhuetten av en varg
Avspeglar sig mot himlen, roken avtar, skyarna skingras
Aterigen hors backens porlande, aterigen hors faglarna
En korp vacker mig ur min dvala, jag atervander till jordelivet
Efter en resa
I en annan dimension
Eldens glod slocknar
Jag reser mig upp
Mina knan ar vata
Av grasets dagg
Jag borjar sakta
Att ga pa stigen
Som leder mig djupt in i skogen
Jag lamnar den sten
Dar offer en gang gavs
Music:Magnusson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
Darkness is fading
The mystic dawn is near
Our horde is ready
The final war is here
Armed to the teeth
Battleaxes and swords
Crossbows and spears
Armed to the teeth
Nothing has changed for a thousand years
But now the final moment is hear
Within the deepest holes of the abyss
New swords are made for our warrior host
Morning has broken
Blood will be spilled
Fire and destruction
It will be the end
We lighten our tourches
And turn towards heaven
We pray for a sign
Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
Riding across the darkened sky
With my ravens flying above
Seeing things not known to mankind
I'm on my way to the reich of death
On my left I see a world
Here rules the fire and the light
On my right is another world
Here rules the darkness and the ice
In the nine worlds of sorrow
In the nine worlds of death
Rules the mighty mistress of Hel
Music:Magnusson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
Hung in a tree far above
Bleeding for a heathen spear
Sacrificed to Hangatyr
The wolfs howl, the ravens flee
Screams of anguish
Writhe in despair and fear
Their hopes of an arrival
To the land beyond the ocean
A life on the knees
You're better off dead
Your life is fading
Take your last breath
Call upon the gods
Summon the king of the hanged
A last wish to enter the mighty halls
Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
All dressed up for battle we are
Holding our swords up high
On my shield the sign of Thor
For power and protection in war
I raise my skull to the skies
A sign on the horizon is given
My roots are near
The power fills my heart and soul
I have walked through fire
I have walked through ice
To reach this place
Where proud pagan men
Have stood long before me
It's a wonderful view
I'm summoning you
One eyed old man
With wisdom and strength
With powers of life and death
I'm summoning you
Music:Malmstrom / Lyrics:Malmstrom
Chaos ruled once in time
No life could be found in this world
Set unnamed
No light, no darkness exist
Only a chronology hid and left in time
From this nothingness stars shined
Shined from a heaven on an obscured world
Sunrise and dusk brought forth life
From a crack in the ground
The first man arose, immortal
Time went by and the races grew strong
So strong that even the weak fell to oblivion
Might, intelligence, knowledge and ease
In ancient tales these words shaped his name
Mike is the name the races forgot
And with his wrath he?ll show immense power
So one day he went to where he was born
To prepare this worlds people for their day of doom
Fight with your honour, fight with the swedish steel
They who will crush you, crush them with swedish steel
The heart of your glory shines from the swedish steel
The victory has a banner which spells swedish steel
With five men in follow in leather they all dress
His conquest went to all corners of this earth
No one should elude their music of doom
A music for peoples true hymns disbelief
Mike the Metalist, his accompany him called
And with these he has cleaned the oblivious minds
Their music they all play on top level tenis the music
That once brought Mike his own life
In the castle of stone they all sit
In a circle around a sparkling fire
With beer streaming in their throats
With music of Metal
Their conquest of doom they remember
The tales are some told in mourn, some in delight
When the stories flow from mouth to mouth
At the end of all tales the Metalist stood up
To fill this castle with his wisdom
[Repeat chorus]
"Some of the races stood up for the storm
Proud of the sound when the metal horde tolled
Sad is the fact that most of the battle is an ocean of
Unfaithful desciples,
All men ain't made for Metal
Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring
I'm finally here
At the edge of my life
Sacrificing myself to you
My body is frostbitten and wounded
Bleeding for the christian sword
I lay down my sword
And raise my knife
Summoning you
Take me to the place
Where death is just over night
Where christians never shall rule
My earthlife is over
But I'll live on
In thy mighty halls
A warmth is filling me
From inside
A fire in my heart
Bloodsmell fills the air
Warm blood on my hands
A fall on my knees
Never to rise again
In this feeble earthlife
I'm waiting for
Fazed by dreams they might haunt through
The reassuring moats of shade
Until the siren tempted me too
Beyond these guarded gates Ive wade
Over sea and over land
My eyes did expand
Into regions of air
Away from all care
I stood in the streams
Of heavens bright beams
Thawed in the light
And danced with my children in the night
Ive touched the bottom of the sea
And stolen Prana from the sky
Somewhere in between Ill be
Some days I drown some days I fly
Over sea and over land
My eyes did expand
Into regions of air
Away from all care
I stood in the streams
Of heavens bright beams
Thawed in the light
And danced on my songs
In a place that belongs
In my dark the blackness was so thick
It helped to find my way
Like a light that shines so bright
It forces you to stay
Guided by the ghost of despair
My house I've burned
I've wandered and I've roamed
Loneliness was like a teacher
For a crippled soul like mine
Silence was a tender polish
That made inner dungeons shine
Guided by the ghost of despair
My house I've burned
I've wandered and I've roamed
till I have turned
The ashes into home
With all the fear for the damage
Below the surface I
Uncorked the poison bottle
Drank it till the last drop
In each swallow I have died
Aided by unconditional
Love, I headed for
My battleground, I fought
And conquered all the places
Where inner rest was found
My house I've burned
I've wandered and I've roamed
till I have turned
Please be kind
To my sorrow
Tame your light
Upon the hollow
Where can I justify my mind?
Where are the crippled of my kind?
Write me
Songs in the sky
Comfort from above
Feed my deny
And give me shelter
From the pain
Shining wise
On my shiver
and the rest I couldnt find
Glimmering eyes
Grey and silver
Reflecting colours of my mind
Write me
Songs in the sky
Comfort from above
Feed my deny
And give me shelter
As I close my eyes
I sense a creeping fear
'cause my demons are searching for me
I won't try to hide
Knowing they will find
No one else can set me free
I flounder
Drown by memories
I flounder
Sore and shore less seas
Though I'm not afraid
I fear the sea
cause of all its inner secrets
When I face it
Mirrors parts of me
I have to face my deepest scratches
I flounder
Drown by memories
I flounder
Sore and shoreless seas
The reason I'm alive
Lives inside a heart
For that love is morphine to me
I flounder
Drown by memories
I flounder
In her realm
I dwell
On senses that only drift there
Warming sun
Your noon is yet to come
In your light only I stare
Love, Im crawling home
Youre my fire
My angel of desire
In her reign
I gain
And still my shame to bare
Shining Star
So close, nearly bizarre
In stardust only I stare
Love, Im crawling home
Youre my fire
My angel of desire
West is sneaking upon you every day
And wants to steal your rays away
But I always see you shining
Clouds conspire they do
Theyve cursed this darkness upon you
Still I see you shine
Love, Im crawling home
Youre my fire
Day One in my journal's where it start from
A potion, for inner strength, that's the outcome
Cause my mental gets deep on individuals
Yet a feeble body to me is not a virtue
Cause the strength in my mind will not hurt you
I curse you like Yacub Ashou Alyu
If it's you cool, me I knew I'd name it one day
Then it struck like a hammer, call it Gamma Ray
I'm alienated like your dark skies
How I part tide of energies within let's bring it outside
Like a machine that's used to measure time
But will it measure mine?
Between this world and space there's a thin line
I'm like the brink of insanity, that's my reality
If David met you, you couldn't handle me
Day Two I'm makin progress, reporters get stressed
They couldn't stand the smell of human burnt flesh
I turn the innocent to grim reapers
I took a little baby rabbit and did experiment on meat eaters
I turn the skeptic into true believers
I turn the fighter into Rison, turn the breeders into non-breeders
So put that momma unborn baby girl, that's pure like the pearl
My scientific methods soon will shock the world
They try to label this as Top Secret, but if it's Top Secret
they only try to use it, when they need it
The project now is known as Governmental, well if it's Governmental
they'll go to any length to keep it confidential
Yet I know what's wrong I need me manner, but if I break
my code of silence would this mean the death of Dr. Banner?
But I can't hear to lose or any notion
Yet I wonder what would happen if I fucked around
and took the potion..
[growling noises, obvious Hulk mutation]
"David? David is that you??
My.. that's the worst I've seen him.." [SIGH]
"Dr. Banner is no longer in the pressure chamber.
He has metamorphisized into some.. extrordinary creature!"
Extra..ordinary YES
Hulk, dominate, watch crime shape
Break, newsmen, who give chase
Erase obliterate, need more space
He intrude on, Hulk territory
Now see man in, him own news territory
Glory be Hulk, made to destroy
Enjoy destruction, one whole convoy
Doctor need me, him weak, and feeble
Hulk destroy him, me blessed, with evil
intentions dipped in, the walls, they fall
Hulk eliminate, barricades all
Chains don't hold him, they wrap, me mangle
Strangle bad man, then snap, him ankle
Thank you David, for use, of Gamma
Rays Hulk medicine to last all days
Me crazed, posessive, want, whole body
David Banner's mind, green skin for everybody
Now you see me, Hulk no stranger
It be smart, you to me, not anger
Hulk posess, outer strength of a He-Man
Crush machinery, a bomb and a mad clip
Lives through explosion, him powered by attitude
Hulk keep growing, me am a bad dude
To move Earth shatterer him must keep pace
But Doctor want cure, him must have faith
To escape be free Dr. Banner must travel
When the angels song stops feeling right
And their presence becomes silent
You feel there is no place to hide
Protecting less then you from violence
Time bewitches the hourglass
And ices up your mind
All that moves resembles past
Reflections of the scars you wouldn't find
In that hour of dark
Between Jackel and Hyde
You can bury it deep
When that fear is your guide
Clear the dungeons in your mind
Though an agony ride
Leave your demons behind
A banners cry has toughed your sight
You try your best to focus
Temporarily cast out from light
While trying not to show it
Time bewitches the hourglass
And ices up your mind
All that moves resembles past
Reflections of the scars you wouldn't find
In that hour of dark
Between Jackel and Hyde
You can bury it deep
When that fear is your guide
Clear the dungeons in your mind
Though an agony ride
Leave your demons behind
Depths ahead of you
Shadows behind whom
Torturing your present
Violate your essence
Step beyond the edge release
In that hour of dark
Between Jackel and Hyde
You can bury it deep
When that fear is your guide
Clear the dungeons in your mind
Though an agony ride
Leave your demons behind
A voice connects your secret place
You recognize the timber
And need to fight the fear to gaze
In shadow land and meet her
Time bewitches the hourglass
And ices up your mind
All that moves resembles past
Reflections of the scars you wouldn't find
In that hour of dark
Between Jackel and Hyde
You can bury it deep
When that fear is your guide
Clear the dungeons in your mind
Though an agony ride
Weeping willow
Oh flower in disguise
Your saddened leaves
Me twig of sorrow
You stand where others would sink
In swamps without a name
Moods of sadness
You are able to tame
Dont you feel the strength I see within you?
A little would be fine
Hidden treasure
Your beauty is beloved
No harm will overcome
This pleasure
You lighten the heavens for us
Your own hands blocking your sight
And wonder why darkness
Rules over light
Dont you feel the strength I see within you?
A little would be fine
Pigeon fly,
Return the twig the message we long for.
Mountains high,
Were almost there, a new world for you and I.
Youre my super nova in life
But still youre hiding
Shining day and night
Like a priceless treasure
You can make me feel I can fly
And still youre hidden
Treasure, lighten my life
I sense this slumber oh you gloomy spirit
Though no one ever understood
You gave us time and now you steel it
The days you rip are gone for good
There is nothing in life
Or in things you want to be
If you'll never strife
Against futile reality
Are these not my hands oh dulling spirit
That I also see in dreams
You know that I can do it, you see it
When I float in your daily streams
There is nothing in life
Or in things you want to be
If you'll never strife
Against futile reality
Were these not my days
In which I was God
Mysterious ways
To things who are not
What they seem to be
A virtual dance
Where reality flee
Will I download my powers
Oh companion in the haze
I know you'll be there
When my pale bones decay to dust
So I'll celebrate my days
And search for rain so I'll strain
And sing my songs until Ill rest
We are creators of you lack of spirit
Cash on the nail we pay
The minute is your monetary unit
When were broke we fade away
There is nothing in life
Or in things you want to be
If you'll never strife
Danced with me destiny
Twisted to higher ground
On this mountain I see
All the things that are around
I sense bloom and shatter
Hear rhyme and song
All those things dont matter
For youre the only one I long
My eyes are blinded
For all but you
See me through
When its raining down
It wont bother me
For I have found
The one and only I can see
My eyes are blinded
For all but you
See me through
My eyes are blinded
For all but you
Never thought too much
About the light that makes the shadow
Darkness in my world
Have I missed the beauty I know?
Never felt too much
About desire before
While my hands can touch
They are fists no more
Light is an open eye
Horizons drift
Still notice the firefly
Cherish that gift
Always saw too much
Of my shoelaces and dirt
Silence in my world
Have I blurred the music I heard?
Never felt too much
About desire before
While my hands can touch
They are fists no more
Light is an open eye
Horizons drift
Still notice the firefly
Side by side you and I
Weve come this far in life
Towards a time that was confined
Inside our little Paradise
You cannot hold me responsible
You cannot always responsible
I cannot hold myself responsible
I cannot always responsible
Take me to the place I am dreaming of
According to my believe awaits absolution
Meet me, somewhere, sometime in your consciousness
I confront you all. Does this paradise exist?
Alone I took my chance to realize
A fantasy that takes me high in the sky
Misunderstood thanks to my open mind
About a paradise
Free me from the curse that is haunting me
Im calling from a daydream. Means this more liberty?
Alone I took my chance to realize
A fantasy that takes me high in the sky
Misunderstood thanks to my open mind
About my paradise
Listen, those who wait contemplate.
Change their ways and face pain,
Brought to life by mistake
Free me from clouds that hangs over me
Take me away from streams leading me.
Am I raised on this soil?
That rages spits and boils
Of confused and angry men
Defending stolen land
I refuse to sail on lies
In this icing Paradise
Were stumble through night
Wont guide me through this rain
Reflecting noises
Aware of this inner lame
Heaven seems to shrink in beauty
When silence falls upon
My heart I long for you
Keeper of that force so strong
Fragile and warm
In perfect fail well be
Shade me,
From afterburning clime
Altering altars
This madness isnt mine
Heaven seems to shrink in beauty
When silence falls upon
My heart I long for you
Keeper of that force so strong
Fragile and warm
In perfect fail well be
Please guide me through this rain
Do you hear the words I say
For I long
That you understand me some day
Windmills to fight
Until I see the light
Forgive me my love
For it crosses slightly
Transparent borders
And destroy the inner me
One eyed man
There is more than you can see
You can't see the depths of me
Windmills to fight
Until I reach the night
Forgive me my love
For it crosses slightly
Transparent borders
And destroy the inner me
Do you remember the rain
On the night you let me fall
Do you see my gain
That I have risen after all
With love and support
From bleeding hearted medicals
It is all the same
Came to me
In your final hour
I tasted fear
For eternal power
I sense
Its all right for you
I dont know who
You are
Why you wished to visit
Me, in my shelter
Looking for whats not mine to give
Tell me more spirit in pain
Mystery on its way
Is your body slain
Under the arc of a weather stain boards
Ancient goblins, and warlords
Come out of the ground, not making a sound
The smell of death is all around
And the night when the cold wind blows, no one cares,
nobody knows
I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetary
I don't want to live my life again
I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetary
I don't want to live my life again
Follow Victor to the sacred place
This ain't a dream, I can't escape
Molars and fangs, the clicking of bones
Spirits moaning among the tombstones
And the night, when the moon is bright
Someone cries, something ain't right
I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetary
I don't want to live my life again
I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetary
I don't want to live my life again
The moon is full, the air is still
All of a sudden I feel a chill
Victor is grinning, flesh rotting away
Skeletons dance, I curse this day
And the night when the wolves cry out
Listen close and you can hear me shout
I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetary
I don't want to live my life again
I don't want to be buried in a pet cemetary
I don't want to live my life again
Swarm through the night... Into blackened skies... Out
of the evening mist...
Spawned throughout the sins and the suffering, into
hungering for blood of the weak
Concealed oppresive urge, through underworld he's bound
to seek
Uprising fallen king, dethroned by the ones who'll
Vengeance thrown upon them, injected by his seed
Rise - Satan... Spread your wings... Out of the evening
Out from the pits of the underworld, out from dominions
of coal
Out from abysmal spheres of whirling souls - rise above
Out from ancient subterranean chambers of below
Out from wherein purgatorium glows - rise above
Rise above!
Retribute - seal the fate, plunge through the nocturnal
Ascendance of unholiness, malice now awake
Fear him, you crucified one, bow your head and crawl
No time left for mercy... Soon the night shall fall
Rise - Satan... Spread your wings... Out of the evening
Out from the pits of the underworld, out from dominions
of coal
Out from abysmal spheres of whirling souls - rise above
Out from ancient subterranean chambers of below
Out from wherein purgatorium glows - rise above
[6-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
Coronation of the beast
Havoc upon earth unleashed
Father, dark one, master - arise... Into where your
kingdom lies...
Swarm through the night... Into the blackened skies...
The mist of restless spirits lies thick here in
under... Below...
A cavern clad in the fog of souls - in agony they howl
A breeze of ashes sweeps through my face, tonight I'll
ride these winds
For this is the price... The price I'll pay for all my
The gate stands open before me and so I'll fall into
this domain,
and with a smile I'm now up to be purified by endless
The caress of flames enlightens me... No, this is
nothing i fear...
No! I was born for burning and finally I'm here!
Engulfed in hellfire
Within this burning empire I'll find my deepest desire
Engulfed in hellfire
Engulfed in hellfire
Within this burning empire I'll find my deepest desire
Engulfed in hellfire
In exctasy and laughter I am scorched again and again
Perished inside this inferno, my blasphemies weren't in
If the soul's eternal... And forever to be... I am not
quite sure,
but so I hope 'cause of this hell I just want more and
Engulfed in hellfire
Within this burning empire I'll find my deepest desire
Whilst darkness chases the light away...
As twilight swallows the sun...
I'm struck by the sweet remembrance of all the lives
that I shall ever shun
Where shadows are cast amongst the tombs,
where daylight's now long gone - I swear to the pale
white grinning moon that this is where I belong
A landscape clad in countless graves, a landscape I
call home,
though the lifelessness I'm ought to never be alone
The epitaphs that surounds me has nothing but
so it is with pride I rest with the deceased
In havoc I welcome you all
I'll rise as others fall
The oath of the dead I have sworn, and forever to be
the forlorn...
By the distant chimes of funerals, the sound which I
Even after ages of burials, I still long for more
Carried by the wings of doom, on sepulchral winds I
Searching every corner... Or wherever life may hide
The soil that withers beneath my feet shall take me all
the way to the point where even oblivion will decay
This silent path will bring me to the very threshold of
that gate,
that I shall plunge out through with the burning
That will seal your fate
No more shall the sound of heartbeats plague the ground
on which I stand,
as I now silence another breath with the touch of my
bare hands
And so I'll stalk all known as living, hunt them like a
Until the day all lies cold on the funeral hearse
[6-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
I am he who grasp your souls at night,
harvesting the fields of life with the cold touch of my
I am your final breath... The reaper of your flesh...
As in this world I am known as death
In havoc I welcome you all
I'll rise as others fall
The oath of the dead I have sworn, and forever to be
the forlorn...
Twilight... Slay the sunset flame...
May dawn be forever drowning within your nocturnal cold
Shatter the seal of heaven and behold the bleeding sky
As fragile wings are burning, let the darkness snatch
their souls before they die
Moonlight... Spread your icy chilling glare...
Lit the northern freezing stormwinds, swirling, whining
in despair
Cloak the highest mountain, cover the deepest of seas
Surround every verdant forest, supress all those of the
living breed... Eternally
World annihilation...
Searing tears of weeping gods, just like rain from the
skies above
Withering to ash as they reach the ground, a soil as
dead... As dead as the past
[4-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
[6-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
Daylight... No longer will it shine...
Extinct by the vast obscurity, absorbed by the now
endless night
Silenced, dethroned, perished... Put out are the rays
of the sun
...But for the new-born king, Luna, the consuming...
The extinction... Has just begun
World annihilation...
Blackened hordes arise! With shadow wings to cross the
Betrayers of the lord, obscured and dwelling forlorn
Master - inhale the fumes... Grasp their devius call
Satan - speak the words, their serpent tounges screams
for war
The utter bringer of darkness...
Kneel before the storm, bow before the one with horns
Ancient tales of the holocaust, the great fall of man
Once foretold by the split-tounged... Now it is at hand
One by one they all fall slained, thrown into the deep
sea of red
Season of the split-tounged - the harvest of the dead
[6-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
Chasm of old, opens wide as brimstone blows
Funerals wind sweeps throughout the world, emerging
from the abyssic depths below
Evil - the conquering, consuming of earth
Father - speak the worlds, command the world to...
...Burn ...To mourn, torn... Reformed, ...Again ...And
...Blood is stained ...Life is drained ...In his name
Ancient tales of the holocaust, the great fall of man
Once foretold by the split-tounged... Now it is at hand
One by one they all fall slained, thrown into the deep
sea of red
Season of the split-tounged - the harvest of the dead
Out from ashes, a dark realm's unfold
Foretold by the split-tounged ...Now to behold
Death has been spread, all blood is shed
World wide war!
Revelation conspiracy, a retribution malign
The consequence of divinity has now burst into inpurity
Bury the days of the orthodox, entomb the lies of the
Impale the icons of holy faith, disarm the light -
invert day into night
Ten commandments ablaze, behold their temples fall
within the burning, dying reign
Declaration, set the palest of dove in flames - world
wide war
World wide war
Children of the realm above - inhale the ashes of your
Embrace the fate, sink into the black, absorb the
slumber of your destiny
Ten commandments ablaze, behold their temples fall
within the burning, dying reign
Blasphemy, clad the world with obscurity, infernally,
enter nocturnal supremacy, eternally, infinity, arise -
The white flag's rising, but all in vain, outnumbered
frontlines pushed back and drained
The sound of retreat drenched in bloodcurling screams,
forever shattered are those peaceful dreams
Now, taste the victory, an era i darkness enthroned
Triumph engraved in pitch-black soil, his glory
interred with the guts of all angels beyond
[6-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
World wide war
A growing blackness sweeps throughout the night as the
darkness rises above
A sphere of obscurity is closing in, behold the dawn of
what'll swallow all the light
Winds greet this nocturnal sacrifice and quench the last
rays of the sun
Carry the screams of the horrified, enfold the damned and
caress their pale skin off the flesh...
The omega rising - emptiness untill eternity ends
The omega rising - apocalyptic grand extinction of man
[6-string shriek: Jens Rydén]
Future lost within tranquillity, disolved into infinity
Ahead lies aeons of oblivion, a world in dwell for all
Flames shall bring this devourment, scorching the
landscapes into dust
Firestorms will embrace the universe, condemned to burn
within the holocaustal purgatory glow..
In the flames fortold...
Brought herein by winds and flames, now enveiled by doom
The world clad in pernicious black, soon silence is
Now hear the sound of our fall
The omega rising - emptiness untill eternity ends