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Een oproep aan allen die een nieuwe en betere wereld nastreven

Een oproep van Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Vandana Shiva, en circa 40 anderen.

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Membership numbers

Over the year 2014, we had a net growth of 242 members. In 2013, this was 470 members.The strong decrease in growth numbers should be a cause for concern. Actually, I think it is even worse than these numbers already suggest. The net growth…

Some thoughts on the anti-racism struggle and white privilege

Starting last year an issue that was rarely discussed at this level was brought into the public. Black Pete, the servant of Saint Nicolas with a less than politically correct appearance accompanies him during the Saint Nicolas or Sinterklaas…

Russell Brand wants you to join the revolution

Russell Brand, who – next to being a well-known English comedian – attracted world-wide attention by his explanation why he was not voting during an interview by Newsnight host Jeremy Paxman in 2013, has a new book out: Revolution.…

Newest Projects

Blockupy Frankfurt NL (completed)

Er komt een Europese actie dag in Frankfurt om de Europese Centrale Bank te blokkeren van 16 tot 19 mei. Misschien is het leuk om hier aan mee te doen, en op deze manier elkaar een beetje te leren kennen.…

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South Holland, Netherlands

Founded: 21st Jan 2015


North Holland, Netherlands

Founded: 8th Feb 2014


North Brabant, Netherlands

Founded: 25th Oct 2013


Provincie Limburg, Netherlands

Founded: 29th Sep 2013

Latest News

Second death from police raids in Tangier in two months, Migrants Rise Up

    News from No Borders Morocco Originally posted on December 5, 2013 by beatingborders Reposted here because it got no attention in the international news media.   The 4th of December was a day that will be remembered by many…

Vluchtelingen in detentiecentrum Rotterdam mishandeld?

Blijkens het verslag van deelnemers aan een solidariteitsdemonstratie zijn vluchtelingen in detentiecentrum Rotterdam, waarschijnlijk in hongerstaking, op donderdag 16 mei ernstig mishandeld. Zie dit bericht van Deportatieverzet. De berichten…

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