Sesame Street is an American children's television series created by Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morrisett. The program is known for its educational content, and creativity communicated through the use of Jim Henson's Muppets, animation, short films, humor, and cultural references. The series premiered on National Educational Television (NET) stations on November 10, 1969 to positive reviews, some controversy, and high ratings.
The show has undergone significant changes throughout its history. The format of Sesame Street consists of a combination of commercial television production elements and educational techniques which have evolved to reflect the changes in American culture and the audience's viewing habits. With the creation of Sesame Street, producers and writers of a children's television show used, for the first time, educational goals and a curriculum to shape its content. It was also the first time a show's educational effects on young children were studied, and the first time both summative and formative research were reflected in a television show's content.
I like to sing, sing in the shower. Ah-ha!
As the water falls, I let my voice ring loud and clear.
I like to sing, sing in the shower. Ah-ha!
'Cause I love the way that my singin sounds in here.
And as I sing I imagine I'm upon the sand,
Imagine that I'm singing with a great big band.
My records are playing on the radio.
And I'm going to be the star of a great big show!
That's why I sing, sing in my bathtub. la-la.
As I soak myself, I let my voice ring loud and clear.
I like to sing, la la, sing in my bathtub.
'Cause I love the way that my voice sounds in here.
And as I sing I imagine what I want to be.
Like a singing sailor on a stormy sea.
Or a crooning cowboy on an open plain.
I can even imagine that I'm singin in the rain!
That's why I sing, sing in my mudbath.
As I squish around, I put my lovely voice in gear.
That's why I sing, huh-huh-huh, sing in my mudbath.
'Cause I love the way that my singing sounds in here.
Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh.
And as I sing I imagine that this is a swamp.
And it's even better than the city dump.
The crocodiles are restless, and you hear a screech.
And up comes Oscar, the king of muddy beach!
Big Bird:
That's why I sing, sing in my birdbath.
As the water falls, I just belt it loud and clear.
I like to sing, sing in my birdbath.
And I take a bath every time it rains out here.
And as I sing I imagine I'm a surfin ace.
I'm riding my surfboard in a surfing race.
The waves are getting restless, I'm about to fall.
So I turn into a plane and fly away from it all!
That's why I sing, sing in the ___________. La-la!
As the water falls, I let my voice ring loud and clear!
That's why I sing, sing in the __________. La-la!
'Cause I love the way that my singing sounds in here!
La-la! La-la-la-la. La-la-la-la-la-la.
Oh yes we love the way that our voices sound in here!
It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen
I wish I knew exactly what I mean
It starts out like an "A" word as anyone can see
But somewhere in the middle it gets awful "QR" to me
If I ever find out just what this word can mean
I'll be the smartest bird the world has ever seen!
It might be kind of an elephant
Or a funny kind of kazoo
Or strange, exotic turtle
You never see in a zoo
Or maybe a kind of a doggie
Or particular shade of blue
Or maybe a pretty flower
Naah, not with a name like that, Uh uh!
It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen
I wish I knew exactly what I mean
It starts out like an "A" word as anyone can see
But somewhere in the middle it gets awful "QR" to me
If I ever find out just what this word can mean
Guy Smiley: Hi, this is Guy Smiley, and this here is Adrian. (Adrian is a cute, orange, lady muppet, he hugs her)
Adrian: (giggle) Hello!
Guy: Adrian starts with the letter A, just like the alphabet. Here's a song about the way I feel about her.
(Guy and Adrian start walking past a row of alphabet blocks. As he sings, he tosses each block to the ground.)
Guy: (sings) A, you're adorable
B, you're so beautiful
C, you're a cutie full of charms
D, you're a darling
And E, you're exciting
And F, you're a feather in my arms
Adrian: (giggles) A feather-that tickles!
Guy: G, you look good to me
H, you're so heavenly
I, you're the one I idolize
J, we're like Jack and Jill
K, you're so kissable
L is the love light in your eyes
M, N, O, P, I could go on all day
Q, R, S, T, alphabetically speaking, you're okay
U made my life complete
V means you're very sweet
W, X, Y, Z
It's fun to wander through the alphabet with you
To tell you what you mean to me
(Just then Cookie Monster marches up, demanding--)
Cookie Monster: Where's my blocks?!
Adrian: EEEEEEKKK!!!!!!
(She runs off, leaving Guy looking very embarassed. As he begins the second half, he starts hurriedly picking up blocks. Each time, Cookie Monster grabs it away and eats it in that ab-ab way of his.)
Guy: (speaks, the tune still playing) Well, here's A ... and B ... C ... D ... and E ... and F ... Gee! ... H ...
Cookie Monster: I! Where's I?
Guy: Here's I! ... and J ... and K ... and here's L .... M, N, O, P, I could go on all day--
CM: Do! Do! (ab-ab-ab)
Guy: (hurriedly now) Q, R, S, T,--alphabetically speaking, you're okay--U! V! W X Y Z! It's fun to wander through! The alphabet with you! And tell you what you mean to me! (Runs off)
Cookie Monster: (just before he eats the last block) Bye bye!
Above it all, I love to fly
Above it all, there in the sky
The world below, above was I
I was above it all!
Below, some folks slept in a house
Below those folks, there crept a mouse
Below the mouse, the beetle sat
Below is not where I was at
Above it all, I love to fly
Above it all, there in the sky
The world below, above was I
I was above it all!
Below, some dudes went for a sail
Below those dudes, there swam a whale
Below the whale, a submarine
Below is not where I was seen
Above it all, I love to fly
Above it all, there in the sky
The world below, above was I
I was above it all!
And then one day, I heard a sound
Came from above, turned me around
To my surprise, I saw a dove!
I was below, he was above!
Above the dove, clouds were in flight
Above the clouds, sun shining bright
I asked the dove, "is something wrong?"
"Oh, no," he said, "just change your song."
Above it all, I love to fly
Below it too, there in the sky
Above it now, below am I
Above, below it all!
(Above, below it all! )
Above, below it all!
(Above, below it all! )
Above, below it all!
(Above, below it all! )
At last I know it all!
(At last I know it all! )
Neurotic Man: Oh, no, what do I do now?!
Maria: Hello?
Neurotic Man: Oh, thanks for coming back, I have another problem!
Maria: Another problem?
Neurotic Man: Yeah!
Maria: What is it this time?
Neurotic Man: Look! Everything! It's all abierto!
Can't get my window to keep out the snow, 'cause it's abierto (abierto)
Can't keep warm when the cold wind blows, my coat's abierto (abierto)
Folks keep arriving, I don't know whom
All day long they come into my room
They go to the closet and they take my broom, my door's abierto (abierto)
It's horrible! Arrrgggh!
Can't put this book back on the shelf 'cause it's abierto (abierto)
Can't chew my food, can't feed myself, my mouth's abierto (abierto)
My chickens ran away without a peep
My horse was something I couldn't keep
The same can be said for my flock of sheep, my barn's abierto (abierto)
It's horrible! Can you help me out fellas?
'Abierto' is the word that got me mopin'
Maria: 'Abierto' is the Spanish word for 'open'
Neurotic Man: My eyes never let me sleep at night, they stay abierto (abierto)
My hamper can't keep my dirty laundry out of sight 'cause it's abierto (abierto)
My milk all went sour and my cheese went bad
I lost all the ice cream that I ever had
'Cause my fridge is abierto and that makes me mad, 'cause it's abierto (abierto)
Abierto (abierto), I hate abierto (abierto), abierto (abierto), abierto!
Ya see my problem? Everything's abierto!
Maria: Yes, I can see that, everything is open.
Neurotic Man: Can ya fix it? Huh? Can ya?
Maria: I think I can fix this situation.
Neurotic Man: Oh, good, good, good, you're a genius!
Maria: Sure. What you need is this ... (opens her toolbox and pulls out the word 'cerrado')
Neurotic Man: Cerrado?
Maria: Cerrado! Everything is abierto, which is the Spanish word for 'open', and this is 'cerrado', which is the Spanish word for 'closed'. Cerrado! (everything he sang about now closes)
Neurotic Man: Wow, unreal! Cerrado. You're the best fixer in the whole world.
Maria: Sure, nothing to it. Glad to help.
Okay, all you cats 'n kiddies, it's time for a little addition! Can you dig it?! Here we go! Now ...
Adding is putting together, hmmm
Adding is just what you do
If I have one cookie and you have one cookie
Together they add up to two
One cookie and one cookie makes two cookies
One and one is two
That's two, whoo!
Yeah, outta sight!
Adding is putting together, hmmm
And I'm sure you will agree, yeah
If you have two cookies and I have one cookie
Together they add up to three
Two cookies and one cookie make three cookies
Two and one is three, oh!
Dig it! Hmm-hmm
Adding is putting together, hmmm
Adding is making it more
If you have three cookies, add one more cookie
This time the answer is four
Three cookies and one cookie make four cookies
Three and one is four, whoo!
Cookie Monster: Hey, cookies! Hey, what you doing?
Hippie: Singing about addition.
Cookie Monster: Why you not sing about subtraction?
Hippie: Subtraction?
Cookie Monster: Yeah, sure. I'll show you.
Subtracting is taking away from, hohooh
Subtraction is my kind of fun (now listen, see)
When you have four cookies and I see four cookies
I subtract them and leave you with none (haha, now see this)
Four cookies minus four cookies is no cookies, ha
And now my song is done
And so are the cookies! (sounds of Cookie Monster eating)
Both: Oh yeah!!!!
Hippie: Outta sight!
Cookie Monster: Yeah!
When you've got a cold in your nose
And you stop to sniffle and blow
Don't let your sneeze get away from you
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-choo!
Keep it to yourself, it's easy to do
Carry tissue when you go
On a bus out to a show
Don't let your cold get away from you
Whether you're at home or school
Don't forget this simple rule
Don't give your cold to someone else
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-choo!
Now every time you have to sneeze
Cover your nose, please
Waylon Jennings: So you are the bird on the run, huh?
Big Bird: Oh, yeah! And I can't wait to get back to my real home on Sesame Street! I figure I can walk back there in, oh, about, uh, three hours.
Jennings: Three hours? More like three weeks, buddy.
Big Bird: Three weeks? Oh, no! I’ll never get home.
Jennings: Sure you will. You just gotta keep going. Pick up your feet and follow your beak.
Big Bird: Oh, I don't know.
Jennings: Listen to me, son.
I found out a long time ago
You gotta learn to say 'yes' when life says 'no'
Don't dwell on the bad times once they're past
That kind of thinking gets you nowhere fast
'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you hang on tight and just make up your mind
Once you set your heart to movin' on
Son, there ain't no road too long
(Gordon, Olivia, and Cookie Monster are in a yellow Volkswagen, looking for Big Bird. Gordon is driving. They're all singing, unless it says otherwise.)
Gordon: Don't look back; don't you turn around!
Olivia: Just keep your eye on where you're bound!
Gordon and Olivia: And you're bound to get from here to there
'Cause a dream can take you anywhere!
Cookie Monster (spoken): Oh! Take me to cookies!
Super Grover: 'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you hang on tight and just make up your mind
Count von Count: And once you set your heart to moving on, hut, hut
Then there is no road too long!
(Spoken) And you can count the telephone poles! One telephone pole, two telephone poles, three telephone poles, four telephone poles!
(Oscar is driving Maria and Telly in his Sloppy Jalopy. Maria is looking at a road map.)
Maria: Oscar, this isn't Route 12!
Oscar : Picky, picky, picky.
Telly: Oh, no!
Maria (as the Sloppy Jalopy lurches down a rolling field): Oh, oh!
Oscar: I never promised you a rose garden!
(Ernie is piloting Bert in an airplane as they look for Big Bird)
Ernie: Oh, we're gonna find him all right, Bert!
Bert: Yeah.
Ernie: Hey, you remember what color he is?
Bert: What?
Ernie: He's yellow!
Bert: Ernie!
(Ernie laughs and flies right over the truck without seeing Big Bird!)
Big Bird: 'Cause there ain't no mountain you can't climb
If you hang on tight and just make up your mind!
And once you set your heart to movin' on
Yeah, there ain't no road too long
Jennings: Ain't no mountain you can't climb!
Big Bird (spoken): That's right!
Jennings: If you hang on tight and just make up your mind!
Big Bird (spoken): Uh huh!
Jennings: Once you set your heart to movin' on!
Big Bird (spoken): Sing it!
Jennings: There ain't no road too long!
There ain't no road too long!
Big Bird: There ain't no road too long!
Jennings: No, there ain't no road too long!
Big Bird (spoken): You're right! If I just keep on going, everything will turn out fine.
An adventure is something we promise is going to excite you
An adventure is something as thrilling as it can be
Adventures make wonderful stories and so we invite you, yeah
To hear about something that happened to my friends and me.
(Hah-ah-ah-ah-ah. Hah-ah-ah-ah-ahhh. Oh! )
(Spoken) Here we go!
Took off in Elmo's jet
(His jet)
A ride we won't forget
(Won't forget)
And bailed out just below a huge tall mountain
We climbed for hours and hours
(And hours)
Then found some spooky towers
(Spooky towers)
Inside we helped a fellow with his counting
We swear to you
Our story's true
We had an adventure today
We had an adventure
Oh, what a thrill
Say what you will
It really happened to us just this way
We opened up the door
(Opened up a door)
And saw a dinosaur
(Uh-oh! A dinosaur)
He was chasing Ernie but that boy got lucky
Quick thinking saved the day
(Saved the day)
We scared that beast away
(Get Back! )
With just a squeak or two from rubber duckie
Repeat chorus
(Go! Go! Go! Go!... continues under next verse)
With the help of a map that I carry in my pocket
We found our way aboard a trashcan rocket. OW!
Went further out of space than any other singers
And landed on Saturn with some honkers and dingers
We made it back home with the help of Super Grover
Hey, that was some adventure. Too bad it's over
Repeat chorus
Fades out
(Another suggestion for the previously missing line
That now reads "And landed on Saturn..." was this):
Are ya ready? Here we go...
Come on and do a dance with me
It's just a little step or two
I'll teach you how
We'll start right now
It's a very simple dance to do
First clap your hands, (clap clap clap)
Then stomp your feet (stomp stomp stomp)
It's a very simple dance to do
(music speeds up slightly) Wait I forgot to tell you
There's another little step or two
Turn around (whee)
And touch your toes (groan)
It's a very simple dance to do
Clap your hands, (clap clap clap)
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp stomp)
Turn around (whee)
And touch your toes (groan)
It's a very simple dance to do
(music speeds up again) Wait I forgot to tell you
There's another little step or two
Pull your ears (ouch ouch ouch)
And flap your arms (flap flap flap)
It's a very simple dance to do
Now clap your hands, (clap clap clap)
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp stomp)
Turn around (whee)
Touch your toes (groan)
Pull your ears (ouch ouch ouch)
Flap your arms (flap flap flap)
It's a very simple dance to do
(music is really fast now!) Wait I forgot to tell you
There's another step and then we're through
Stretch up high (ahhhh!)
And all fall down (ooooooh!)
It's a very simple dance to do
Clap your hands, (clap clap clap)
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp stomp)
Turn around (whee)
Touch your toes (groan)
Pull your ears (ouch ouch ouch)
Flap your arms (flap flap flap)
Stretch up high (ahhhhhh!)
And all fall down (ooooooooh!)
It's a very simple dance to do
Clap your hands, (clap clap clap)
Stomp your feet (stomp stomp stomp)
Turn around (whee)
Touch your toes (groan)
Pull your ears (ouch ouch ouch)
Flap your arms (flap flap flap)
Stretch up high (ahhhhhh!)
And all fall down (ooooooooh!)
It's a very simple dance to do
(mass confusion as the music and the instructions become far too fast to follow, then a very-tired sounding Bob sings...)
It's a .... very .... simple .... dance .... to do.
This is a song without a reason a song without a rhyme
A song you sing because you feel like singing do do do do
Well you don't need rhyme or reason to sing a happy song
do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
This is a song without a reason a song without a rhyme
A song that you can sing or hum or whistle do do do do
Well you don't need rhyme or reason to sing a happy song
do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
You can sing it high or low
You can sing it fast or slow
It doesn't matter . . . .
do do do do do do do do do do
This is a song without a reason a song without a rhyme
A song that doesn't even have an ending do do do do
La la la la la la la (etc.)
Ernie: There's a brand new dance
And it's got a reggae beat
You do it in the bath
While you wash your hands and feet
Get in the tub
Hold your duckie in your lap
Tap your toes while you scrub
In the water from the tap
All: And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck
Rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck
Ernie: Come on everybody try
(Do de rubber duck!)
Don't be left high and dry
(Yeah do de rubber duck!)
As you keep on getting wetter
(Do de rubber duck!)
You'll be feeling so much better
(Do de rubber duck!)
You'll be left without a care
(When you do de rubber duck!)
And you can even wash your hair
(While you do de rubber duck!)
It will have a healthy sheen
(If you do de rubber duck!)
Yeah you'll be squeaky clean
(When you do de rubber duck!)
All: And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck
Rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck
Telly: Don't get soap in your eye
(When you do de rubber duck!)
'Cause that'll make you cry
(When you do de rubber duck!)
Oscar: Hey all you grouches sing
(Now do de rubber duck!)
Yeah make the bathtub ring
(Do de rubber duck!)
Ernie: Everybody knows
(How to do de rubber duck!)
Scrub your flippers and your toes
(Do de rubber duck!)
The Count: And while you wash away your troubles
(Do de rubber duck!)
Don't forget to count the bubbles
One, two, three, four!
All: Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck
Rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck
Biff: All around the woild
(Dey do de rubber duck!)
Whenever folks get soiled
(Dey do de rubber duck!)
Guy Smiley: Watch 'em splishin' and a-splashin'
(Do de rubber duck!)
It's the very latest fashion!
(Do de rubber duck!)
Gladys the Cow: Take at least one bath a day
(Do de rubber duck!)
And you'll moooove those germs away
(Do de rubber duck!)
Hoots the Owl: Come and be a bathtime bopper!
(Do de rubber duck!)
Don't pull out the stopper!
(Do de rubber duck!)
All: Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck
Rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck
One more time!
And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck
Rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck,
Duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck
I remember back when I was very small
There used to be this light switch in the hall
I was much too short to reach it so I couldn't turn on the light
My mom would have to turn it off at bedtime ev'ry night
And of course my dad could reach it and my sister could reach it too
But somehow I was just too small and what was I to do?
Well time went by and I just grew and grew
And I was tall enough - yes I was tall enough
I could stretch and reach the light switch in the hall enough
And I must have turned it on and off a hundred times a day 'cause I was
Tall enough
Momma kept a sack of birdseed on a shelf
That everyone could reach except myself
I would stand up on my tip toes but I wouldn't quite reach the sack
It's not much fun to be too short to get yourself a snack
And of course my dad could reach it and my sister could reach it too
But somehow I was just too small and what was I to do?
Well time went by and I just grew and grew
And I was tall enough
I could stretch and reach that shelf up on the wall enough
And I bet I must have had a hundred snacks that happy day 'cause I was
Tall enough
So if you can't reach the shelf up on the wall
Well no one can when they are young and small
'Cause everyone starts out little and then ev'ryone grows and grows
It's something very simple, something ev'rybody knows yes
Your dad was really little once your sister was little too
And even I was little once and then I grew and grew
And right now you're just tall enough for you
Oh yes you're tall enough - exactly tall enough
Exactly far enough and thin enough and small enough
And although you're growing taller in your very special way
Still you are tall enough today
Yes you're tall enough
Well, my Mama had a baby
And that baby's here to stay
Someday our baby maybe
Finally big enough to play
For now, I'm fetchin' diapers
For now, I'm helping out
I help feed him and I wipe him
When that food comes flying out
And it's me who knows how
'Cause I'm the big one now
I hug him and I squeeze him
And I help him learn to talk
I try hard not to tease her
While she's learning how to walk
I help to read him stories
I help pick up his toys
I teach her to play peek-a-boo
And I teach her to make noise
And it's me who knows how
'Cause I'm the big one now
I love my little sister
The sharing and caring
I love to choose the teeny little
Clothes that she'll be wearing
I love my little brother
There ain't nothing to it
Well, sometimes it's a dirty job
But someone's got to do it
Well, my Mama brought a baby home
To join our family
And together every day we're all
As happy as can be
That baby's gotten bigger
That kid is really fun
And I'm so proud that I'm allowed
To be the grown-up one
It's me who knows how
'Cause I'm the big one now
Yes, it's me who knows how
'Cause I'm the big one now
Yeah, that's me
Background voices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S,
T, U, V,
W, X, Y, Z!
Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Let me take you to the
Alphabet jungle
Follow me from A to Z
Little girl: A is swinging like an ape
B gives a big bad roar
C is swimming by a crocodile
Wait, there's a whole lot more!
D takes a dive
E's getting splashed
By an elephant and his trunk
F and G stepped into quicksand
Now they're really sunk!
H is hungry as a hippo
I is swatting flies
J and K are playing jumping jacks
Underneath the jungle skies
L is lounging by the river
M's melting from the heat
The letter N comes out at night
And dances to the jungle beat
O is riding on an ostrich
P leads a parrot parade
Q got crushed by a rhinoceros
And R is running away
The letter S is really scared
Because of what it sees:
A t-t-t-t-t-tarantula
Is crawling 'cross the T's!
The letter U's unusual
It likes to hang around
V points the way to the waterfall
Where the W's are sliding down
X marks the spot where a treasure chest
Of Y's lies patiently
And right behind that zebra
Is a snoring letter Z
Background voices: Alphabet jungle
Sometimes I look up at the stars and pretend
There's someone way out there who could be my friend
If only I somehow could make my way there
I'm sure there'd be lots of great things we could share
And though we'd be different as different can be
In some ways I bet they would be just like me
They'd show me new things like outer space birds
And teach me to say some neat outer space words
Yip-yip. Uh-huh.
Yip-yip. Uh-huh.
Then we could play 'Gribble', the most fun of all!
It's a game that they play with an outer space ball
We'd laugh and play space games for all it was worth
And when we got tired I'd fly back to Earth
And who knows? Maybe my friend will feel free
To take a trip sometime and come visit me.
Yip-yip. Uh-huh.
Yip-yip. Uh-huh.
Little girl: My L is lost, my letter L is lost!
Fairy: If you've lost your L look around you'll find him,
Just look patiently
There's a letter L in lots of places
Look around you'll see
There's an L in love and out on a limb
There's a letter L at sea, in a lifeboat, luckily
Little girl: My L is lost! My letter L is lost!
Fairy: Did you look on the ledge, by the lake, on the lawn,
Or was he lying by the ladder
Was he just lollygagging along?
There's a letter L in your lettuce
There's an L in the lap of luxury
There's an L in your own lap...
Little girl: There's an L in my lap!!!!!
My L is lost. My letter L is lost!
Fairy: If you've lost your L look around you'll find him,
Just look patiently
(fades off)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ten tiny turtles on the telephone
Talking to the grocery man
'We would like some lettuce,
Please send us ten heads please,
And ten sweet potatoes
And ten rutabagas with the dimples on their knees.
And send us 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ten eggplants over easy
That's one of our little jokes ( ha ha ha )
Ten leafy, leafy collard greens
And please make sure they're washed!
Light up our eyes
Brighten our lives
With ten banana squash.
We'll need ten cans of black-eyed peas
They give you good strong muscles
Ten of those tasty sprouts
The ones that they call brussels
We'd also like ten mangos
They're the favorite of our sister Gert
And one last thing
Please do include ten apples for dessert!
10! '
Happy to meet you
Happy to say hello
You're someone
I'd like to know
That's very clear to see
I'm happy to meet you
Glad that you
Wandered by
No need to be too shy
It's only you and me
And though we don't
Know each other well
Somehow it's not
Too soon to tell
Our friendship is
Gonna grow
Who knows how
Far it may go?
Oh, so happy
To meet you
And as the days go by
A possible you and I
Will meet and then
We'll say happy
To meet you
Again and again
Happy to meet you
Happy to say hello
You're someone
I'd like to know
That's very clear to me
I'm happy to meet you
Glad that you
Wandered by
No need to be too shy
It's only you and me
And though we don't
Know each other well
Somehow it's not
Too soon to tell
Our friendship is
Gonna grow
Who knows how
Far it may go?
Oh, so happy
To meet you
And as the days go by
A possible you and I
Will meet and then
We'll say happy
To meet you
Again and again
First your fingers snap
And then your toes start tappin'
Give your knees a slap
And let your hands start clappin'
Anything can happen when you're happy tappin' with Elmo
Don't need a map to find the King of Tappin'
I'm the reddish chap
The one whose arms are flappin'
People, it's a snap
So try some happy tappin' with Elmo
Happy's such a neat emotion
It'll give your feet a happy notion
If your toes get tired rub in some lotion
And they'll feel swell, so, come join Elmo
You'll be happy when you see me tappin'
Better make it snappy, don't get caught nappin'
Tell your mam and pappy that you're happy tappin' with Elmo
Happy tappin' with Elmo
Happy's such a neat emotion
It'll give your feet that happy notion
If your toes get tired rub in some lotion
And they'll feel swell, so, come join Elmo
You'll be happy when you see me tappin'
Better make it snappy, don't get caught nappin'
Tell your mam and pappy that you're happy tappin' with Elmo
Happy tappin' with Elmo
Narrator: A goat can feel happy
A goat can feel sad
A goat can feel wonderful
A goat can feel mad
Goat: Feel mad! Feel mad! Feel mad!
It ain't bad to feel mad
N: If someone pulled the hair on his chin
Would a goat say nothing, stand there and grin?
Goat: NO! I get mad! I get mad! I get mad!
It ain't bad to get mad
N: And what if someone gave him a fright
Would a goat laugh, 'Ha, ha, it's quite all right'?
Goat: NO! I get mad! I get mad! I get mad!
It ain't bad to get mad
N: And what if someone does something unkind
Would a goat pretend he doesn't mind?
Goat: NO! I get mad! I get mad! I get mad!
It ain't bad to get mad
N: And if a friend lets him down
Pig with ice cream cone: (snorting) Forgot to bring one for YOU.
N: Would a goat say, 'No matter, don't worry, I couldn't care less'?
Goat: NO! I get mad! I get mad! I get mad!
It ain't bad to get mad
N: And in the end most folks are glad
To find out what makes him mad
All: He gets mad, he gets mad, he gets mad.
It ain't bad to get mad!
Goat: Yeah!
Out of his secret garden somewhere in New Jersey comes your newest favorite super hero!
It is I, Captain Vegetable
With my carrot, and my celery
Eating crunchy vegetables is good for me
And they're good for you, so eat them too
For teeth so strong, your whole life long
Eat celery and carrots by the bunch
Three cheers for me, Captain Vegetable
Crunch, crunch, crunch!
My name is Andy
I love candy
And I eat it whenever I can
If it's handy
Gimme some candy
It's so good and sweet
The perfect treat
It's such a thrill
To eat my fill
And gobble till there's nothing on the plate
Candy is great, but wait!
Who are you, some kind of bad dream?
Do I look like a bad dream?
It is I, Captain Vegetable
With my carrot, and my celery
Eating crunchy vegetables is good for me
And they're good for you, so eat them too
For teeth so strong, your whole life long
Eat celery and carrots by the bunch
Three cheers for me, Captain Vegetable
Crunch, crunch, crunch!
My name is Eddie
I love spaghetti
So I eat it whenever I can
If it's ready
Gimme spaghetti
It's a lovely thing
It looks like string
It's such a thrill
To eat my fill
And gobble till there's nothing on the plate
Spaghetti is great, but wait!
What are you? Are you some kind of weirdo?
Do I look like a weirdo?
It is I, your newest super hero
It is I, Captain Vegetable
With my carrot, and my celery
Eating crunchy vegetables is good for me
And they're good for you, so eat them too
For teeth so strong, your whole life long
Eat celery and carrots by the bunch
Three cheers for me, Captain Vegetable
Gee, Captain Vegetable this is the best thing to come around since meatballs!
Three cheers for Captain Vegetable!
Three cheers for me Captain Vegetable
Crunch crunch crunch!
It's your birthday, and you're not here
And it makes me want to shed a grouchy tear
'Cause on your day of birth, worm
I wish you were on Earth, worm
Instead you're high above
The atmosphere
Oh what can you do when your pet
Is as far away as he can get?
He's not in New Jersey, he's not in Cancun
He's on his way back from a trip to the moon
And I wanna say 'Happy Birthday'
I wanna say it face to face
I wanna say 'Happy Birthday' to Slimey
But he's out there in space
Oh what's a grouch supposed to do
When he's feelin' this lonely and blue?
I'm feelin' too sad to be grouchy and mean
With me and the moon, and my worm in between
'Cause I wanna say 'Happy Birthday'
I wanna say it face to face
I wanna say 'Happy Birthday' to Slimey
But he's out there in space
Oh yeah
He's out there in space
Oh dear
are some days that seem
Right out of a dream
Just make you want to shout out really loud
I feel totally proud
Kids: Proud!
But this great day I feel
Is really for real
It's an okay day
It's my birthday
And I'm feeling
Really happy and proud
Kids: Happy! Happy!
Oh, everybody smilin'
Feelin' happy too
I'm with my family and friends
I hope this day never ends
Wishes do come true
I wish everyone could
Feel always this good
With the sun up above
And down here lots of love
Yes, I'm feelin'
Loving, happy and proud
(For the last verse, we see kids dressed in black starry jammies, the background totally black with hand-drawn white stars.)
All these memories I'll keep
As I go to sleep
I will fly up to Mars
And even touch the stars as I start dreaming
Sleepy, happy and proud
Sleepy, happy and proud
Happy feet, I've got those happy feet
Give them a low down beat
And they begin dancing
I've got those ten little tapping toes
And when they hear a tune
I can't control my dancing heels
To save my soul
Weary blues can't get into my shoes
Because my shoes refuse to ever grow weary
I keep cheerful on an earful of music sweet
'Cause I've got happ happ happy feet
Weary blues can't get in our shows
Because our shoes refuse to ever grow weary
We keep cheerful on an earful of music sweet
'Cause we've got happ happ happy
'Cause we've got happ happ happy feet
Scene: Wild-haired kid with big eyes walking back and forth next to the phone. Note, the words in quotes appear over his head.
Kid: 'Happy Birthday, Miss --' ... uh ... er ... nah! 'Why, hello there, Miss Jones, I ... ' er -- er, no, that's not right.
A friend enters, (two seconds of traffic sounds). Friend is bald, with BB eyes.
Friend: Came right over, what's cooking?
Kid: It's my teacher. It's her birthday and I want to call her up. I want to tell her something special.
Friend: How about 'Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to You'--
Kid frowns: Nah, everybody says that!
Friend: Welllll, how about 'Roses are red, Violets are blue'--
Kid scrunches up his face in disgust at this.
Kid: Nah, I wanna tell her something different! Something, I'll think of something!
(begins to carefully dial. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.)
Miss Jones answers, in a low, sensuous voice: Hello?
Kid: 'Happy birthday Miss Jones, you sure got nice--bones!'
Kid winces, CLICK.
Friend: Well, it was different all right.
Neurotic Man frantically looks around his kitchen, there's a knock on the door, he goes to open it. (but, if he could open the door, why couldn't he...? Oh, nevermind)
Maria: Hi.
Neurotic Man: Hi!
Maria: I'm Maria from the Fix-It Shop, you called me?
Neurotic Man: Yeah, come in, quick, I've got a real emergency here!
Maria: What's the problem?
Neurotic Man: What's the problem? What's the problem? I'll tell you what the problem is...
Can't get in the dresser to get my socks, 'cause it's cerrado (cerrado)
Can't wear my shoes, 'cause they're in that box and it's cerrado (cerrado)
Can't get my shirt, it's in that drawer
Can't get my pants, they're behind that door,
Can't get any new ones from the clothing store, 'cause it's cerrado (cerrado)
Ohh...aargh...can't reach in the cage to pet my bunny, it's cerrado (cerrado)
Can't go to the bank to get my money, it's cerrado (cerrado)
Can't get into this case to get my guitar
Can't get into the cupboard for a candy bar
Can't get chili peppers from the pepper jar, 'cause it's cerrado (cerrado)
It's horrible!
Cerrado is much much worse than I supposed
Maria: 'Cerrado' is the Spanish word for 'closed')
Can't get into that sack to get a potato, it's cerrado (cerrado)
Can't get into the fridge to get a tomato, it's cerrado (cerrado)
Can't get into the oven to get my roast
Can't get bread from the breadbox to make my toast
Yes the Spanish word that I hate the most is cerrado (cerrado)
Cerrado (cerrado) I hate cerrado! (cerrado)
Cerrado (cerrado) Cerrado!
My life's a mess! I can't do anything. Everything is cerrado!
Maria: Yes, I see that. Everything is closed.
Neurotic Man: Yes, yes, can you help me please? Can you fix it?
Maria: Well, of course I can, what you need (she opens her tool box and pulls out the word 'Abierto') is this...
Neurotic Man: Abierto?
Maria: Yes, certainly. Abierto is the Spanish word for 'open'. Abierto! (everything he sang about now opens, the roast flys out of the oven etc.)
Neurotic Man: Abierto! Wow!
A pig, wearing a farmer outfit and holding a banjo, is sitting under a tree. If you look carefully, you can see the outlines of six chickens in the leaves of the tree.
Pig: (singing) Oh, there are chickens in the trees,
There are chickens in the trees.
Won't you listen to me, please?
(briefly, the chickens flutter about in the branches)
There are chickens in the trees.
Rooster: (entering from the right) Excuse me, old pig. I couldn't help but overhear you. Would you mind singing that song again, please?
Pig: Why, not at all - ahem...
(sings) Oh there are chickens in the trees,
There are chickens in the trees.
Won't you listen to me, please?
(briefly, the chickens flutter about again)
There are chickens in the trees.
Rooster: You know, that's a very nice song, but you've got it quite, quite wrong. I happen to be a professional chicken and I know for a fact that chickens don't live in trees.
Pig: Hmmm ... is that so?
Rooster: Absolutely. The very idea is utterly ridiculous, quite ridiculous. Chickens in the trees, indeed. What will they think of next?
(storms off)
Pig: (standing) Okay, fellas. You heard what the rooster said. Everyone out of the tree.
(The chickens all drop out of the tree, and walk away, clucking and pecking)
There's a kind of talk that's goin' 'round
Hand Talk talking's all over town
You don't use words and you don't need lips
You can say it all with your fingertips
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Talking with your hands
Everybody's rocking when you're talking with your hands
Talking hands sure got a lot to say
Talking about 'go' and talking about 'stay'
Talking down low or way up high
They can say 'hello' and they can say 'goodbye'
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Talking with your hands
Everybody's rocking when you're talking with your hands
Everywhere you look there's talking hands
Talking with someone who understands
Hands talking Hand Talk all day long
Talking hands can talk, can sing this song
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Talking with your hands
Everybody's rocking when you're talking with your hands
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Hand Talk, Hand Talk
Talking with your hands
Everybody's rocking when you're talking with your hands
Talking with your hands
Talking with your hands
Talking with your hands
Hand Talk
Hammer: Hammer time!
Nails: Can't top this!
Hammer: Oh yeah
N: Can't top this!
H: Here with my friends
N: Can't top this!
H: Mr. Saw, Mr. Pliers, Mr. Screwdriver
N: Can't top this!
H: My my my
Name is Hammer and I'm here to say
I'm a tool that hammers night and day
With an awesome swing and chillin' blow
Can drive any nail where I want it to go
Can whack on walls, whack on wood
Knock things together and it makes you feel good
So you better step aside and watch me pound
Watch me hammer all these flat-heads down
N: Go Hammer! (repeats over and over until next verse)
H: Yeah, I'm gonna do my thing
Watch me move
'Cause I'm in full effect
N: Go!!!
H: Call me Hammer 'cause I'm way cool
When Hammer's on the scene I totally rule
Don't twist or pull like a pair of pliers
Don't screw things down like a sweet screwdriver
I'm a hammer, bustin' on any old nail
Gimmie lots of room, watch this home tool wail
You better step aside and watch me bang
You can't top this - It's a Hammer thing!
N: Go Hammer! (repeat over and over)
H: Oh yeah, like I said before
We are in full effect
And you can't top this
Like I said
Yeah, all of those other tools are way cool
But Hammer is the tool that totally rules!
You can't top this!
I know a tropical island
Where the Mango moon and Banana sun shine
And on this tropical island
There lives a cousin of mine
Sometimes he lives in the water
Sometimes he lives on the land
Sometimes he likes to go sun himself
On soft Caribbean sand
He's a Caribbean Amphibian
He likes to hop in the tropical sea
Caribbean Amphibian
A frog in a coconut tree
The flying fish and the turtles
They've seen him hop where the pineapple grows
He likes to see all the islands
So, island-hopping he goes
Sometimes he hops to Jamaica
Sometimes to Haiti he hops
Sometimes a warm Puerto Rican beach
Is where he finally stops
He's a Caribbean Amphibian
He likes to hop in the tropical sea
Caribbean Amphibian
A frog in a coconut tree
Sometimes he lives in the water
Sometimes he lives on the land
Sometimes he likes to play music in
An all-amphibian band
He's a Caribbean Amphibian
He likes to hop in the tropical sea
Caribbean Amphibian
A frog in a coconut tree
He's a Caribbean Amphibian
He likes to hop in the tropical sea
Caribbean Amphibian
A frog in a coconut tree
A frog in the coconut tree
Ribbet Ribbet!
Do you remember days not so very long ago
When the world was run by people twice your size?
And the days were full of laughter
And the nights were full of stars
And when you grew tired you could close your eyes
Yes the stars were there for wishing
And the wind was there for kites
And the morning sun was there for rise and shine
And even if the sniffles kept you
Home from school in bed
You couldn't hardly stay there after nine
And I wonder if the smell of morning's faded
What happened to the robin's song
That sparkled in the sky?
Where's all the water gone
That tumbled down a stream?
Will I ever catch another butterfly?
Do you remember campouts right in your own backyard?
Wondering how airplanes could fly
And the hours spent just playin'
With a funny rock you found
With crystal specks as blue as all the sky
And I wonder if the smell of morning's faded
What happened to the robin's song
That sparkled in the sky?
Where's all the water gone
That tumbled down a stream?
Will I ever catch another butterfly?
Now I watch my son, he's playin' with his toys
He's happy, I give him all I can
But I can't help feelin'
Just a little tingly inside
When I hear him say he wants to be a man
And I wonder if the smell of morning's faded
What happened to the robin's song
That sparkled in the sky?
Where's all the water gone
That tumbled down a stream?
Will I ever catch another butterfly?
Will I ever catch another butterfly?
We're the celery bunch
And we love to crunch (crunch!)
Celery, celery
Now you don't need a fork
And you don't need a spoon
You can munch on it all afternoon
Celery, celery
You can dip it in cheese or peanut butter
Eat it all day, go ask your mother
'What about celery, what about celery'
She'll tell you it's good for your digestive system
Fiber is good you know
And what we love
Most of all
Is that it's (crunch!)
We're the celery bunch
And we love to crunch (crunch!)
Celery, celery!
Was a time when I did not eat cereal oh no
(background singer monsters--- Oh No! )
I had never tasted it
Had never tried it sooo
Then one day my Dad said have some cereal with me
( with me! )
Cereal tastes really good and it's healthfull you'll see
I said I'll taste it, I'll give it a whirl
And now I am a cereal girl
I said I'll taste it, I'll give it a whirl
And now I am a cereal girl
First I tried cold cereal
with milk and it was hip
( So Hip! )
Then I tried hot cereal
and that was such a trip
Then I tried some cereal with fruit
Healthfully sweet
(Healthfully Sweet! )
Now for breakfast cereal's my favorite thing to eat
I'm glad I said I'll taste it, I'll give a whirl
'Cause now I am a cereal girl
I'm glad I said I'll taste it, I'll give a whirl
'Cause now I am a cereal girl
(Girl, Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
(Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
(Girl, Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
(Girl, She's A Cereal Girl)
repeat and fade.....
Version 1
(A room with a washing machine. As music starts, a man walks by with a laundry basket. A boy comes up, whacks the side of the machine so it starts running, then he sings)
Boy: When you're eating spaghetti
And it gets all over your shirt
Little boy: (coming in) When you're making mud pies
And you come home covered with dirt
Man: When you look like you live in a pig pen
And you don't even know why
All: (joined by a young lady, an older lady, and a lady with glasses)
When you look like guck from your head to your toes
Who knows what to do with those dirty clothes
Let's do the Wash!
Glasses Lady: It makes your clothes so clean
All: Let's do the Wash!
Little boy: Just put 'em in the washing machine!
All: I love to hear that soap and water slosh
Boy: So come on, baby
All: Let's do the Wash!
(All swing their heads round and round, imitating the action of the washing machine)
Young Lady: When you're skippin' rope
And the rope trips over your shoe
Glasses Lady: When you've got an ice cream cone
And it drips and it sticks like glue
Older Lady: When you just try to jump a puddle
And somehow it gets on you
All: I know a way that I bet we could
Get those dirty clothes lookin' good
Let's do the Wash!
Young Lady: It gets your clothes so clean
All: Let's do the Wash!
Man: Just put 'em in the washing machine
All: I love to hear that soap and water slosh
Older lady: So come on, baby
All: Let's do the Wash!
(head swinging dance again)
Let's do the Wash!
Glasses Lady: It makes your clothes so clean
All: Let's do the Wash!
Little Boy: Just put 'em in the washing machine
All: I love to hear that soap and water slosh
Boy: So come on, baby
All: Let's do the Wash!
Do the Wash!
Do the Wash!
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car
Listen to the motor go vroom, vroom, vroom
As we travel near and far
Vroom, vr-vroom, vr-vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vr-vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vr-vroom, vr-vroom,
Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,
Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car
Listen to the horn go beep, beep, beep
As we travel near and far
Beep, be-beep, be-beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, be-beep, be-beep, beep
Beep, be-beep, be-beep,
Beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car.
Windshield wipers go swish, swish, swish
As we travel near and far
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish, swish
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish,
Swish, swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car.
Listen to the people sing la, la la
As we travel near and far
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la.
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car.
Listen to the sounds we all can hear
As we travel near and far
Vroom, vr-vroom, vr-vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Beep, be-beep, be-beep, beep
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish,
Swish, swish, swish
La, la, la, la, la.
While lying in my bed, I heard the alarm bell ring
The bell woke me up quick as anything
I sure am glad the bell rang that way
Cause otherwise I might have stayed asleep all day
Oh the bells, listen to the bells
Ding a ling, hear them ring
Everybody listen to the bells
Eating breakfast with my brother, heard the telephone
(ding a ding ding dong ding a ding a ding dong)
It went ring ring a ding, it wouldn’t leave us alone
(ding a ding ding dong ding a ding a ding dong)
I picked up the receiver, and I said hello
It was Grandma want to take me to the picture show
Oh the bells, listen to the bells
Ding a ling, hear them ring
Everybody listen to the bells
I spent the day in school until the final bell
(ding a ding ding dong ding a ding a ding dong)
It said the school day was over and the week as well
(ding a ding ding dong ding a ding a ding dong)
If the bell hadn’t rang, what were we to do?
We’d stay in school all day and all the weekend too.
Oh the bells, listen to the bells
Ding a ling, hear them ring
Everybody listen to the bells
Eating dinner when the doorbell rang, who could it be?
(ding a ding ding dong ding a ding a ding dong)
It was Grandma and she brought a present just for me
(ding a ding ding dong ding a ding a ding dong)
If the doorbell hadn’t rang then how sad for all
Cause Grandma‘d still be standing out there in the hall
Oh the bells, listen to the bells
Ding a ling, hear them ring
Everybody listen to the bells
There’s the alarm bell bell and the telephone bell
and school bell bell and the doorbell as well
Oh the bells, listen to the bells
Ding a ling, hear them ring
Everybody listen to the bells
She loves numbers as much as me
And she’s a great counter, just wait, you’ll see
Whenever she can, she stops to shout
Counting the numbers, never leaving any out
She’s little miss, little miss, little miss count along
She loves to count while singing our song
Little miss, little miss, little miss count along
Come on and count with us, you can’t go wrong
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Let’s count them again
Let’s count them again
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
She’s little miss, little miss, little miss count along
She loves to count while singing our song
Little miss, little miss, little miss count along
Come on and count with us, you can’t go wrong
If I count flowers, or tall trees
If I count birds or bumble bees
One thing's for certain, you can bet
She’ll count right along, no sweat
She’s little miss, little miss, little miss count along
She loves to count while singing our song
Little miss, little miss, little miss count along
Come on and count with us, you can’t go wrong
Oh welcome, oh welcome to our little play
we're ever so glad that you joined us today
now, let's make a face, it's a great thing to do
we'll start with the parts for there are quite a few
Ernie: These are a part of the face it is true
Sometimes they're greenish or brown, black, or blue
You use them to see with, they call them your eyes
whatever the color, they look very nize
Prairie: Nize?
(Ernie giggles off the stage)
Harry: This is a nose, it's a thing that you smell with
It's a thing that a face always really looks swell with
Sometimes it's pointed and sometimes it's round
And sometimes it's worn on the face upside down
Prairie: No! It is not, now you cut that out, Harry.
Cookie: Me next?
Prairie: Yeah, you're next, Cookie.
Cookie: Oh! Me forgot what this picture of.
Prairie: It's a mouth
Cookie: Oh yeah
This is the part of the face me like best
A whole lot more fun than all of the rest
for smiling and frowning and laughing it neat thing
but me like a mouth best when it busy EATING!
Oh yeah like chocolate chip cookies and macaroni and . . .
Prairie: Cookie, out! Okay guys
Bert: You ready, Grover?
Grover: Yes I am, Bert.
Bert and Grover: Now here are two things that are really exciting
Bert: With them you can hear this nice verse we're reciting
For these parts of the face, let's give three loud cheers
Grover: For these are the things that we all call our . . .belly buttons
Bert: Ears! Ears! I told you ears! We rehearsed this!
Prairie: So now that you've seen all the parts of the face, let's put them together.
Let's put them in place.
No! That's not right!
Oh come on guys! Get it right.
Yeah! That's it!
Everyone: Yeah!
Prairie: We've made a nice face, and we hope you had fun.
Thank you for watching our play is now done.
Is it so hard
To understand I love U
'Cause no other letter
Looks and sounds like U do
Oh, I love your 'uh' sound
And have I ever told you
That I'd be upset
If you left the alphabet
That's why I hold U, hold U, like I do
U stand for understanding
For up and undemanding
And U stand for underwear
For ugly and unfair
And I don't know any letter
Who makes the 'uh' sound better
Than the letter U
I love the 'uh' sound, of the letter U
And I want the 'uh' sound, of the letter U
Oh, I need the 'uh' sound, of the letter U
That's why I ache, that's why I ache
I ache, I ache, just to hold U, hold U
Like I do
No one else begins uptown
No one starts up upside-down
No one else begins unable, uncertain or unstable
And no one else can spell-a
A neat word like umbrella
Like the way U do
Like the way U do
Nobody makes that 'uh' sound
Like the way U do
No, no, no, no
Give me that 'uh' sound, come on
Like the way U do
Like the way U do
Like the way U do
Let me tell you all a story 'bout a girl named Lonesome Joan
When she was three she thought she'd try to tie her shoe
Her Momma said, "I'll show you how!"
She pushed her Mom aside
"I'll do it alone," said Lonesome Joan
And her laces stayed untied
Oh, Lonesome Joan, Lonesome Joan
Felt she had to do everything alone
She said, "I don't need no help, I can do it by myself"
Oh, Lonesome, Lonesome Joan
Well, she got a little older -- thought she'd learn to read and write
Her teacher tried to help her
Joan yelled, "Get out of my sight!"
So she never learned to write her name or even read a book
And all alone she never learned to swim or skate or count or cook
Oh, Lonesome Joan, Lonesome Joan
Felt she had to do everything alone
She said, "I don't need no help, I can do it by myself"
Oh, Lonesome, Lonesome Joan
Well, time went by and Joan grew old as people sometimes will
When Joan was 81 years old, she met a girl named Lil
Lil said, "Joan, it's just ridiculous the things that you can't do!
Joan, you're an 80 year old woman -- Time you learn to tie your shoe!"
Oh, Lonesome, Lonesome Joan
You don't have to do everything alone
You can use a little help
Don't have to do it by yourself
Oh, Lonesome, Lonesome Joan
So Lil taught Joan to read and write and tie her shoe and more
And Joan lived to the happy age of a hundred and forty four
So be sure you learned a lesson
From that old girl, Lonesome Joan
When you're trying for the first time,
You don't have to try alone
Oh, Lonesome Joan, Lonesome Joan
You don't have to do everything alone
You can use a little help
Don't have to do it by yourself
Oh, Lonesome, Lonesome Joan
Oh, Lonesome, Lonesome Joan
Here's a little something
All of us can see each day
Now let's all take a look at it
Closer in every way
You'll see many things
That you'd never believe were there
So come and look a little closer
If you dare
Although there's so many tiny little parts
That your eyes can't see
You couldn't ever hope to guess
What it's gonna turn out to be
Is it round or flat, skinny, square
Or short or tall?
Close up it doesn't look like
What it is in any way at all
Did you guess what it is?
That's right!
I believe in little things
That you can hardly see
Like honeycomb and spider webs
And starfish in the sea
I believe in little things
Like icy drops of rain
That melt into the morning mist
When winds are warm again
I believe in little things
Like colors in the sky
And noticing the waves roll in
And how the flowers die
Knowing they'll be back again
Whenever it's July
I believe in little things
Like you and me
And just how big
Little things can be
Susan: [Go on, Gordon.]
Gordon: When skies are grey and days are dark
And life kinda gets you down
Don't sit, knit your brows and frown
Don't jump in the creek and drown
Reach out one time to find a friend
And then you will understand
That life's worth living
Living hand in hand
Susan: When you're feeling downhearted
When you're lower than dust
When you're feeling so downright mean
You could practically bust
When your friends have departed
And there isn't a good thing you can see
Reach out your hand, baby
You can lean on me
Both: The more you want me near you
The nearer I'll be
I'm reaching out to cheer you
And you can lean on me
The more the joy of giving
The greater the gift
So share the life you're living
And see your spirits lift
repeat first two verses overlapping each other
The more you want me near you
The nearer I'll be
I'm reaching out to cheer you
And you can lean on me
The more the joy of giving
The greater the gift
So share the life you're living
And see your spirits lift
It's beautiful to live your life
With people who understand
That life's worth living
Living hand in hand
Yes, life's worth living
Living hand in ...
Living, living, living hand in hand!
Hit it!
Oh, four
(1, 2, 3, 4)
We're gonna sing about four
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Four is the legs on an old easy chair
Four is the corners of a square
(1, 2, 3, 4, Little Jerry, tell us more)
Oh, four
We'll sing some more about four
Four are the legs on a spotted blue cow
Four people singing right now
(Four people singing right now)
Now Jerry's number one, he's a lot of fun.
Chrissy's number two, knows just what to do.
Richard's number three, as happy as can be.
And there's one more, Big Jeffy's number four.
Oh, four
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Not 3 or 7, but four
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Four are the wheels on a big city bus
Four people singing is us
(Four people singing is us)
Jerry: There are lots of things there are four of.
Chrissy: There are four paws on a dog
Richard: Yeah, and four sides on a rectangle
Jerry: And there's four of us singing -- there's me, Chrissy, Richard ...
(Resume singing)
And there's one more
Big Jeffy's number four
Oh, four
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Not 3 or 7, but four
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Four are the wheels on a big city bus
Four people singing is us
(Four people singing is us)
There isn't anymore
(Ooooh, aaaaahh)
This was our song about four ...
(1, 2, 3, 4, Little Jerry tell us more)
Jerry yelling:
There's four seasons in a year.
There are four strings on a bass or a ukelele.
And there's four quarters in a dollar
and four quarters in a football game or a basketball game--
let's hear it for four! Yay!
I have fur that's blue and fuzzy
You may not have fur that's blue and fuzzy
Still we like each other
I like gooey peanut butter
You may not like gooey peanut butter
Still we like each other
Mmmmmmm ....
We are friends
You and me
And it doesn't matter what we look like
Or if sometimes we don't agree
We are people who are different
People can be very very different
Still they can like each other
Hmmmm ....
You have your looks and likes
And I have mine
Still we like each other fine
Oh make believe that you are swimming in the deep blue sea
And there's no one else around
Your arms are really working and you're swimming real hard
And your feet can't touch the ground
Yeah you're really goin' at it and you're having a ball
And then you hear this sound..... BUZZ!
That means stop!
Now make believe that you're a monster and you're really mean
And you're jumping up and down
You're making monster noises and you're growling really loud
You're scaring everyone in town!
Yeah you're really bein' scary and you're having a ball
And then you hear this sound......BUZZ!
Now STOP! Don't move a muscle!
Now make believe that you're a birdie and you're flyin' high
You're way above the ground!
Your wings are really flappin' and you're goin' real good
And you're never comin' down
You're feelin just as happy as a birdie can feel
And then you hear this sound....Buzz!
Don't flap a wing, don't move a muscle
Just STOP!
Miss Hammy Swinette and her trashcan!
Sometimes it's hard to be a trashcan
When folks get piggier each day
They throw their trash down
They throw it all 'round
But no one's throwing it away
This is a park it ain't no pig sty
Why don't you lend a helping hand
And toss your trash in
This big old trash bin
'Cause after all it's just a can
Background pigs: Oink, oink, oink, oink
Stand by your can
Give it your trash to cling to
Make it the one you run to
With all your peels and wrappers
Stand by your can
And give it all your garbage
Don't make a mess-up if you land
Stand by your can
Oink, oink, oink, oink
Stand by your can
And give it all your garbage
Don't make a mess-up if you land
Stand by your can!
Trashcan: Oh Hammy, thanks for putting garbage back in my life!
Hammy: You deserve it darlin'
Rick & Bert: Stick out your hand and say hello
You might meet someone just like you who's really great to know
Rick: Now, mind you, I love the friends I've got
Bert: Oh, sure. But making a new one hits the spot
Rick: Howdy, I'm Rick, how are you, man?
Bert: Hello!
Rick: It's always swell to run across another oatmeal fan!
Bert: I'm Bert, and hey, meeting you is neat
Those shoes and socks do wonders for your feet!
(they're both wearing saddle shoes and argyle socks!)
Rick & Bert: Even if you're kind of shy, don't worry, it's okay
Come on, reach out and shake a hand and make a friend today!
Rick: Hi, I like pigeons, how 'bout you?
Bert: Wha- Wow! I don't believe this, you know, I love pigeons too!
Cowgirl & Blue guy in seats behind them: Me too!
Rick: What's shakin' neighbors, put 'er there!
Cowgirl & Blue guy: The pleasure's ours!
Bert: Gee thanks - (to Blue guy) I dig your hair! (he has Bert-hair!)
Blue guy: Oh!
All 4: Sometimes it might be hard to be the one who breaks the ice
But try it and you'll find that making friends is really nice
Everybody on the plane: SO, stick out your hand and say hello
You might meet someone just like you who's really great to know
Stewardess: How are ya?
Guy in back: What's new?
All: Hey, how ya doin'? Alright!
Cow: When I meet someone new, I feel like mooin'! MOOOOOOOOOO!
All: Yeah! Stick out your hand and say hello
Cowgirl: Hi!
All: You might meet someone just like you who's really great to know
It's wonderful to watch how friendships grow
When you stick out your hand and say
Isn't life grand today?
Stick out your hand and say hello!
(And then everybody on the plane laughs like Bert!)
Mom: (in doorway, to Gerald, who is in bed) Goodnight, dear.
Dad: (in doorway, too, to Gerald) Goodnight, Gerald. (and to the dog, on the floor beside the bed) Goodnight, Sparky.
Mom: (to Sparky) Goodnight, Sparky.
Gerald: Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. Goodnight, Sparky.
(Door closes and lights go out. Sparky jumps up and runs to the foot of the bed where he makes a huge shadow of an alligator on the wall)
Sparky: (singing) Imagine me an alligator! (chorus in background sings 'Alligator!')
Gerald: MOM! There's an alligator in my room!
Mom: (coming in; Sparky dashes back beside the bed) I don't see an alligator.
Gerald: Sure, it's not there now, but when you turn out the light, it's there!
Mom: Go to sleep, Gerald. It's just your imagination.
(Door closes and lights go out. Up jumps Sparky.)
Sparky: (singing) Sweet potato! (chorus: 'Alligator!') I was lookin' --
Gerald: MOM!!!!!
Mom & Dad: (opening door; Sparky of course returns to spot) What is it?!
Gerald: The alligator! It's back!
Mom: (leaving) Go to sleep, Gerald.
(Sparky resumes his song)
Sparky: (singing) And you came by for me to munch ya!
I'm afraid of gettin' thinner
Won't you please become my dinner --
Gerald: (peeking over the end of the bed) Sparky!!! It was you all the time!
(Sparky blushes and goes to sleep)
Mom: (from hallway) What is that singing?
Gerald: Oh, nothing, Mom. Just your imagination. (grins)
Splish, splash, Elmo took a little bath
Long about a Saturday night
A'rub-a-dub, just relaxing in his tub
Thinking everything was all right
Well, Elmo stepped out the tub
Put his feet on the floor
Then he wrapped a towel around him
And he opened the door
Splish, splash, Elmo got back in the bath
How was he to know there was a party going on
They was a'splishing and a'splashing
Reeling with the feeling
Moving and a'grooving
Rocking and a'rolling
Ba-bing, bang, Elmo saw the whole gang
Dancing on his living-room rug
That's right
Flip-flop, they were doing the bop
Elmo's friends had the dancing bug
There was Prairie Dawn with Betty Lou
My word, Big Bird was even there too
Splish, splash, forget about the bath
Elmo went and put his dancing shoes on
Someday, little children, someday soon
There's gonna be a lotta people, yeah
They're gonna be living on the moon
Yeah, living on the moon someday,
It might sound crazy, but it's true
You know who's gonna make it happen?
Well, it might be you, someday my little children
Living on the moon, someday my little children, yeah
It might be you, little children
Come someday, hey, hey, hey.
Come someday, hey, hey, hey.
Someday, little children, I hope it won't be long
People won't get sick no more, be always healthy, always strong
Yeah, people won't get sick no more
Sounds amazing, but it's true.
You know who's gonna see it happen?
Well, it might be you, someday my little children
Won't get sick no more, my little children, yeah
It might be you, little children
Come someday, hey, hey, hey.
Come someday, hey, hey, hey.
(Children sing this in the background throughout the last verse)
Come someday, come someday, ooohh
Someday, little children, in a world I'm dreaming of
There's gonna be a lotta people, yeah
Living in peace and love
Yeah living in peace and love someday
To last a hundred lifetimes through
You know who's gonna make it happen?
Well, it might be you, someday my little children
Living in peace and love, someday my little children, yeah
It might be you, little children
Come someday, hey, hey, hey.
Come someday, hey, hey, hey.
(part one)
The Spaceketeers, the Spaceketeers,
Yes, we're here, the Spaceketeers!
We'll take a trip
In our spaceship
And we'll sing this tune
As we fly up to the moon!
The Spaceketeers, the Spaceketeers,
Give three cheers for the Spaceketeers!
(part two)
The Spaceketeers, the Spaceketeers,
We took a trip (a trip!)
In our spaceship (yes we did!)
And we sang this tune,
As we flew up to the moon!
The Spaceketeers (the Spaceketeers!)
The Spaceketeers (that's us!)
Give three cheers for the Spaceketeers!
None of us are here
Some of us are here
Yeah, all of the people
And all of my friends
And all of my cousins
And all of my family
And all of my brothers
And all of my sisters
And all of the people are...
Well, some of my cousins
And some of my sisters
And some of the people
And some...
And some...
And none
Some of us are here
None of us are here
ALL of the monsters
And all the shaggy ones
All the furry ones
And all the hairy ones
All the scary ones
And all the funny ones
And all the monsters are...
Well, some of the shaggies
And some of the furries
And some of the monsters
And some
And some
And none
..'cept me
Somebody come and play
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come and smile the smiles
And sing the songs
It won't take long
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come and play
Somebody come and play my way
Somebody come and rhyme the rhymes
And laugh the laughs
It won't take time
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come with me and see the pleasure in the wind
Somebody see the time is getting late to begin
Somebody come and play
Somebody come and play today
Somebody come and be my friend
And watch the sun 'till it rains again
Each night when my castle is gloomy
And the werewolves start howling anew
And the cold mist creeps down from the mountains
My thoughts turn, my darling, to you
You're my Transylvania toot toot tootsie
My Transylvania toot toot tootsie turtle dove
My dearest, it's no wonder, you make me think of thunder
Of lightning storms, black cats, newts, toads and love
Be my Transylvania toot toot tootsie
By my toot toot truest tootsie of them all
And when the day is through, I will count the bats with you
(Ah! One, two, three, four)
That's my toot toot tootsie, Transylvania Love Call
Each night when the spiders start spinning
And the wolves start to frolic and play
And the fog rolls down over the swamplands
My darling, you can always hear me say
You're my Transylvania toot toot tootsie
My Transylvania toot toot tootsie turtle dove
You make me feel so eerie, I want to call you dearie
You make me think of cobwebs, squeaking doors and love
Be my Transylvania toot toot tootsie
Be my toot toot truest tootsie of them all
And when the day is through, I will count the bats with you
(Ah, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six)
That's my toot toot tootsie
I said my tootsie
Transylvania Love Call
(Raises his hand to knock, stops)
But, come to think of it, ol' buddy Herbert Birdsfoot usually takes a bath this time of day.
(raises, pause)
He may not like being bothered, you know, sitting in his warm tubby, having to go answer the door.
I know I wouldn't; I mean, there he is, sitting all nice and warm in his tubby, then have to get out, just because someone is pounding on the door. There he'd be standing, all wet and sudsy, just because I came over to borrow his vacuum cleaner.
He might be so mad, he wouldn't lend me his vacuum cleaner. He might think I wouldn't give it back. I would, but he might not think so.
(pause, Ernie is starting to get annoyed)
He might -- he might go around telling my friends not to lend me anything anymore. And then -- and then people wouldn't lend me anything anymore. They might not play with me, they might not even talk to me anymore.
(by now Ernie is really upset)
Why I -- I used to have a lot of friends around here -- before that rotten ol' Herbert Birdsfoot started shooting off his mouth!'
(pounds furiously on the door. HB answers it, fully dressed)
Herbert Birdsfoot: (pleasantly) 'Why hello, Ernie. How can I help you?'
Ernie: (furious) 'Oh yeah?! Well if that's the way you feel about it, you can just keep your rotten ol' vacuum cleaner, you--!!!'
(marches off, leaving Herbert very surprised)
See a tree grow through the sidewalk
An amazing thing to see
In the city, through the sidewalk
Grows a country kind of tree
And the leaves go green in summer
Make a cool and shady space
For the people who are passing
And the street's a better place
There is country in the city
Look around and you will see
Pigeons pecking on the pavement
Squirrel running up a tree
There is country in the city
For you and me
See the flowers in some windows
Marigolds and daffodils
Like a little piece of country
Sitting on a windowsill
Island floating in the traffic
Where the trees and flowers grow
Little forest on the rooftop
City farmers down below
There is country in the city
Parts with butterflies and bees
Little lakes with boats for rowing
Playgrounds with trees
There is country in the city
With some buildings in between
Find a country in your city
Keep it growing
And growing
Keep it green
We are a couple of grouches
Singing a wonderful song
Some of the notes are just perfect
But some of the notes are all wrong!
La la-la la-la-la
La la-la la-la-la
La la-la la-la-la la-la!
We are a couple of grouches
Singing a wonderful song
Proud if you say it is rotten
And happy if you sing along!
La la-la la-la-la
La la-la la-la-la
La la-la la-la-la la-la!
Lead Squirrel: Now we're gonna sing a song for you, about a bird we all know who doesn't fly. Right girls?
Other Squirrels: Right!
Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
Big Bird: I don't fly
Squirrelles: Big Bird doesn't fly
Big Bird: I don't fly, I just walk on by
Squirrelles: Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
He can hop
And he can skip right to the Fix-It Shop
He likes to roller-skate
But, my, oh my
Big Bird: I just can't fly
Squirrelles: Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
He can waddle with the best
And he can leap-frog right to his nest
He walks backwards easy as pie
But, my, oh my
Big Bird: I just don't fly
Squirrelles: Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
He knows how to chase
He comes first in a three-legged race
He'll even jitter-bug
But, I don't know why, he just don't fly
I don't know why
He just don't fly
Big Bird doesn't fly
No, no
Big Bird doesn't fly
Spoken: You're in great voice today, girls!
So, Big Bird, tell us, why don't you fly?
Others: Yeah, why?
Big Bird: I just haven't learned yet. But, you know, I've heard that some squirrels can fly.
Squirrelles: Really? Let's try it, girls! A-one, a-two, a-three ... (they jump up, trying to fly, then fall to the ground, giggling)
Big Bird: Must be some other kind of squirrel. Are you okay, girls?
Squirrelles: Yeah! We're fine!
Big Bird and Snuffy: Best friends, best friends
Buddies right to the end friends
Big Bird: I'll be the trumpet
Snuffy: I'll be the drum
Big Bird: I'm tan-tan-ta-rah!
Snuffy: I'm dum-dum-dum
(catching himself) Um, wait a minute, Bird
I want to be tan-tan-ta-rah
Big Bird: Sorry, next time!
Big Bird and Snuffy: We share the see-saw
We share the slide
Gabby and Miles: When we play hide and seek
Miles: I go seek
Gabby: And I go hide
But I always let you find me
Miles: That's true
Big Bird and Snuffy: Best friends, best friends
Buddies right to the end friends
Big Bird: Comrade!
Snuffy: Pal!
Gabby: Amigo!
Miles: Chum!
Baby Bear: I'm Tweedledee, and you're Tweedle-
Telly: Dum!
(catching himself) oh, whoa, wait a minute,
I wanna be Tweedledee!
Baby Bear: Too late ... I'm Tweedledee!
Telly: Aaaaagh ...
Gordon: And when it's cloudy
She makes me sunny
Susan: And when his jokes are bad
I always laugh
And tell him he's funny!
Baby Bear and Telly: He sleeps at my house
I sleep at his
Our Mommies always say -
Baby Bear: Gimmie a break!
Telly: Gee whiz!
Big Bird and Snuffy: Best friends, best friends
Buddies right to the end friends
Big Bird: Comrade!
Snuffy: Chum!
Susan: Pal o' mine!
Gordon: Partner!
Baby Bear: Croney!
Telly: Valentine!
Big Bird and Snuffy: We'll be friends forevermore
Even 'til we're eight or nine!
Big Bird and Snuffy, Snuffy and Big Bird
Big Bird and Snuffy, Snuffy and Big Bird
Best friends
Gabby and Miles: Best friends
Baby Bear and Telly: Best friends
Susan and Gordon: Best friends
A Honker: Honk! Honk!
A Dinger: Ding-ding-dong!
Big Bird and Snuffy: Snuffy and Big Bird!
There's someone that I care for
Gee, the one I need is you
A chum who's always there for me
If skies are grey or blue
Your precious little picture
Is a fixture in this frame
I love to sit and stare at it
And softly spell your name
D means you're delightful and delicious and so dear
U says I'm undone by what you do
C is for the cute way that you squeak into my ear
K is for the kick I get from you
I, I'll be there if you're in hot water
E you're extra-special to the end
Put them altogether, they spell DU-UUU-CKIE
Rubber duckie, I'm so lucky you're my friend
spoken: So rubber duckie, that's a great picture of you. (squeak, squeak)
Yeah, you like the song? (squeak, squeak)
D means you're delightful and delicious and so dear
U says I'm undone by what you do
C is for the cute way that you squeak into my ear
K is for the kick I get from you
I, I'll be there if you're in hot water
E you're extra-special to the end
Put them altogether, they spell DU-UUUUUUU-CKIE
Rubber duckie, I'm so lucky you're my friend
D, D, D, D
Daddy dear, oh daddy dear
Do dogs have dreams, do ducks have ears?
Do dragons dance, why do gophers dig holes?
Do gophers dress up in their dirty clothes?
D, D, D, D
Dogs dream of meat and their dreams are delicious
Ducks do have ears but they don't do the dishes
Gophers dig holes to hide their candy bars
Dragons don't dance and they don't smoke cigars
D, D, D, D
Daddy dear, oh daddy sweet
Do dandylions roar, do daisies have feet?
May I have a drink of water and a dish of tadpoles?
Daddy how deep is a doughnut hole?
D, D, D, D
If dandylions roar then your daddy is deaf
The daisies drank the water so the tadpoles left
Your eyes are droopy darling daughter and you're dizzy in the head
The toads are eating dinner so it's time to go to bed
Little dolly go to bed
Voice: In the early days of the West, the peaceful town of Sniddler's Gulch was threatened by one of the meanest desparados of all time, Cowboy X, a man who left his mark everywhere!
(Cowboy X comes riding into town with a branding iron in one hand marked with the letter X.)
Frightened Looking Man: It's Cowboy X!
Cowboy X: Letter X! Letter X! Yipee!!! (he stamps an X)
Voice: Cowboy X left X's everywhere - on the houses, on the streets, in the schoolhouse, X's on the horses, X's on the town hall, even on the good citizens of Sniddler's Gulch themselves!
Cowboy X: (in the distance) X! X! Yipeeee!
(Rides off, leaving a trail of X's)
Voice: The citizens finally decided that Cowboy X had to be stopped.
(Crowd noises)
Man 1: Throw him in jail!
Man 2: Run him out of town!
Little Boy: (crowd dies down) Wait, what if we just ASK Cowboy X to please stop marking up our town with X's?
Man 3: The kid's got an idea!
Man 4: It's so crazy it might work.
Woman: Here comes Cowboy X now.
Cowboy X: X! Woohoo! X! Yiiiiiipee -- X!
(Cowboy X screeches his horse to a halt and stamps an X on the boy's hat.)
Little Boy: Cowboy X, would you please stop marking X's all over our town?
Cowboy X: Why, sure ah'll stop! (laughs)
Town: Aaaaahhhhh!
Cowboy X: From now on, ah'll be known as Cowboy O! (horse neighs) Yiiiipeeeee!!!
(Rides off, leaving O's all over the place.)
Voice: And the citizens of Sniddler's Gulch lived happily ever, because they really weren't very smart!
Male Voiceover: Birds in the sky (an eagle flies)
Beasts on the land (a buffalo walks by)
Fish in the sea (closeup of a fish face)
And bugs in your hand (a hand holding a caterpiller)
It's the Sesame Street Creature Feature (an owl blinks)
(This part changes for each animal)
Male Voiceover: Today's creature is the pig
Female Voiceover: I'm a pink little porker
With a pink little snout
And a pretty little curly
Where my tail comes out
I've got pink little trotters
Four pink little feet
I'm a pretty pinkie piggy
And I'm piggy-wiggy sweet
I'm an oinkle-doinkle piggy
Sniffle-snuffle with my snout
Here's my nose, just like a shovel
Root and rut and rout about
I will scamper if you make me
I will scamper if I must
But I'm a pretty perky piggy
And I'll leave you in the dust
I'm the piggy-wiggy mommy
I'm the biggie-piggy sow
Think it's time to have a mud bath
Show those little piggies how
Buddy, mud is ruddy lovely
Ram my snout into the mud
Splatter flat into the mud bath
Mud is lovely, mud is good
Shove my nose into a bucket
Rimming full of luscious slops
Suck and slurp
And gulp and gobble in that bucket
Slops are tops
And when we're done with playing
In the mud so sweet and deep
The barn's a spot that's warm and dark
That's where we go to sleep
The barn is awful-strawful
Straw makes a lovely bed
I lie right beside my sisters
I sleep on my brother's head
A piglet's life is dreamy
Just as dreamy as it seems
I'm so cozy-rosey-dozy
Now it's time for piglet dreams (yawn)
Feel your fingers, feel your toes
Grab your elbow, pinch your nose
Touch your ankle, tap your knees
Give your chin a little squeeze
You'll feel something hard inside
And it can not be denied
What you feel seems hard as stone
And it's something called the bone
Oh there are bones, bones, bones, bones
Bones inside of you
Bones, bones, bones, bones
More than just a few
So many you can count them
Amazing but it's true
There are bones, bones, bones, bones
Bones inside of you
There are bones inside your hand
In your feet to help you stand
In your elbow and your heel
Lots of lovely bones to feel
Though your bones are hard to see
Still you have them just like me
They are not outside but in
Yes they're underneath your skin
Yes there are bones, bones, bones, bones
Bones inside of you
Bones, bones, bones, bones
More than just a few
So many you can count them
Amazing but it's true
There are bones, bones, bones, bones
Bones inside of you
Now, when you put all those bones together, you may come up with something we call a skeleton. Remember that word, it's one of my favourites. And now, boys and girls, I will tell you what happens if you didn't have any bones ...
If you had no bones at all
Then you couldn't run or crawl
And you couldn't stand up straight
Or eat dinner off your plate
Without bones we'd all fall down
Just like puddles on the ground
Just like melted ice-cream cones
If we didn't have our bones
Yes, there are bones, bones, bones, bones
Bones inside of you
Bones, bones, bones, bones
More than just a few
So many you can count them
Amazing but it's true
There are bones, bones, bones, bones
Bones inside of you
And now the most fun of all, I will count all the bones I can think of. The toe bone, that's one, the heel bone is two, the ankle bone is three, shin bone, four, knee bone, five, hip bone, six, rib bones that's seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven .... I love counting bones, ah, ah, ah, ah!
You pick yourself a berry
And you put it in a bucket
Pick yourself another
Plump and juicy and new
Pick yourself a handful
Too yummy for the bucket
Squoosh 'em in your mouth
Until it all turns blue
You've got blueberry mouth
Yummy blueberry mouth
Juicy blueberry mouth
Nothing so squooshy and sweet
Pick yourself a berry
Save it in a basket
Pick 'em in the sunshine
All golden and hot
Pick yourself a handful
Who cares about that basket
Chew 'em up and swallow 'emmmmm
What have you got
You've got blueberry mouth
Yummy blueberry mouth
Scrumptious blueberry mouth
Nothing so squooshy and sweet
Pick yourself a berry
For your basket or your bucket
Pick yourself a handful
Roll 'em 'round in your hand
Pick yourself a mouthful
Need no basket and no bucket
The pleasure that you've got
Is even sweeter than you'll find
Blueberry mouth
Yummy blueberry mouth
A scrumptious blueberry mouth
Nothing so squooshy and sweet
Blueberry mouth!
Me want a soft boiled cookie
And a glass of cookie juice on the side
Or for a change one morning
Me will have cookies scrambled or fried
It isn't hard each morning
To keep me satisfied
Just give me a soft-boiled cookie
And a glass of cookie juice on the side
Sometimes I have a bowl of some crunchy cereal
I'd even have some orange juice too
On other days my favorite is boiled eggs and toast
And sometimes a stack of pancakes is the breakfast I love most
I'd drink a glass of milk or a cup of cocoa
Or even have a cup of tea
So many things a fella can eat for breakfast
That's why breakfast is so much fun for me
When we're roamin' the streets and we see one car
We always add one and make it two
It don't matter why we like to add one and one
Out here it's the thing to do
Now some say that screaming one plus one all night
Means we're thoughtless, cruel, and bad
But kids like you and me baby, we were born to add
Yes, sir, we were!
As we keep on wandering we see two trash cans
So we add one and make it three
There's alot of us adders on the Jersey Shore
Out here it's the thing to be
Yeah, we'll keep on shoutin' one plus two
Even though it makes 'em mad
'Cuz kids like you and me baby, we were born to add
Baby we were born to add!
One and two and three police persons spring out of the shadows
Down the corner comes one more
And we scream into that city night, three plus one makes four!
Well, they seemed to think we're disturbin' the peace
But we won't let 'em make us sad
'Cuz kids like you and me baby, we were born to add
Baby we were born to add!
Baby we were born to add!
Add! Add! Add!
Baby we were born to add!
Add! Add! Add!
Baby we were born to add!
Oh, Add
Baby we were born to add!
Baby we were born to add!
Add, add, add, add, add!
We're three big kids
Tough as rocks
Meanest dudes on the whole block
So it may come as quite a shock
That when we're feeling sad and blue
We big kids cry boo-hoo!
Yes we do!
Yes we do!
We big kids cry boo-hoo
Boo-hoo, wah-wah, sob-sob, (sniff)
Boo-hoo, wah-wah, sob-sob, (sniff)
Boo-hoo, wah-wah, sob-sob, (sniff)
We can cry loud
We can cry low
And we want everyone to know
That when you're feeling down or misunderstood
A little cry can do you good!
Fill the air!
Chill your mood!
A little cry can do you good
Boo-hoo, wah-wah, sob-sob, (sniff)
Boo-hoo, wah-wah, sob-sob, (sniff)
Boo-hoo, wah-wah, sob-sob, (sniff)
A little cry can do you good!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a-oo doo-wah
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a-oo doo-wah
Oh, baby count up to nine for me
Oh, baby count up to nine for me
Oh, baby count up to nine for me today
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Oh, baby make the world fine for me
Oh, baby make the sun shine for me
Oh, baby count up to nine for me today
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
I know you can count up to seven
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
I know you can count up to eight
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
But you’ll count up to nine if you love me
I can hardly wait
Oh, baby count up to nine for me
1, 2, 3- this is divine for me
Oh, baby count up to nine for me today
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Count up to nine today
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a-oo, doo-wah
Well, you can count my tie (one tie)
Well, you can count my shirt (one shirt)
Well, you can count my eyes (one, two)
Oh my dessert (??) (one, two)
Well, I don't care what you choose
But you've got to count my blue suede shoes (gotta gotta)
That's one, two
Blue suede shoes (blue suede shoes)
Three, four, five
Baby, blue suede jive (blue suede jive)
Six, seven, eight
Blue suede's great (blue suede's great)
Nine, ten, eleven
Blue suede heaven (blue suede heaven)
I don't care what you choose
But you've got to count my blue suede shoes
That's one, two
Blue suede shoes (blue suede shoes)
Three, four, five
Baby, blue suede jive (blue suede jive)
Six, seven, eight
Blue suede's great (blue suede's great)
Nine, ten, eleven
Blue suede heaven (blue suede heaven)
Well, I don't care what you choose
But you've got to count my blue suede shoes
Oh yeah (oh yeah)
Eyes are nice, and so are lips
And also hair and finger tips
But dearer to my heart
Is my favorite body part
I love a big round nose
A nose to smell a rose
I love a nose that's cute
And sweet and small
A nose that helps you sneeze
A nose to give a little squeeze
Yes, I'm fond of almost any nose at all
Oh, I love a turned up nose
Just give me one of those
A nose to breathe the air
So clear and fine
To breathe and sneeze and smell
That's what a nose does well
I'm so glad to know my nose is mine
Big Bird: One little star, all alone in the sky
Do you ever get lonely as the twilight drifts by?
Olivia: One little star, in the darkening blue
Do you long for another just the way that I do?
Snuffleupugus: Sky begins to fill; darkness ends the day
Someone who I love is far away.
Olivia: One little star, reaching far through the night
Do you shine on my someone? Are we sharing your light?
Oh, one little star, shine on us both tonight.
Big Bird (speaking): Gee, I wish Olivia was here to sing me a lullaby,
and Snuffy was here, and we'd all be together.
I wonder what they're all doing tonight...
One little star (one little star)
Reaching far through the night (reaching far through the night)
Would you shine on my someone (shine on my someone)
So we're sharing your light? (please, share your light)
ALL: Oh, one little star, shine on us all tonight.
(Monsterpiece Theatre overture plays as we pan in on
Cookie Monster seated in his chair wearing his lovely red smoking jacket.)
Cookie Monster: Good evening,
and welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre.
Me Alistair Cookie. Tonight me proud to present,
"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".
Story of number one and his historic flight over cuckoo's
nest. Here now, "One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest".
(He picks up what looks like a script in a red school
binder and reads to himself as the scene changes to
three chickens behind some chicken-wire.
They stop pecking in the hay and look up as a number
three with little silver wings flies in and hovers above their heads.)
Chicken #1: Oooh, look girls, it's the handsome number three!
Chicken #2: Hey, flying my way?!
(The number three flies away off-screen.)
Chicken #3: Toodle-oo (not sure what she says here)!
(All three chickens look at the camera and go,
"Huh?" as the scene changes back to the studio and Cookie says ...)
Cookie Monster: Hey! Hold it,
stop! Sorry, that not "One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest".
No, that, umm ... (he checks his notes) .
.. let's see ... yeah, here.
That "Three Flew Over Chicken Coop",
story of handsome number three.
(checks his notes again) Let's see,
okay, here, here, here, here now, "One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest".
(Scene changes to two pigs snorting in the mud.
One looks up as the sound of something flying towards
them is heard off-screen.)
Pig #1: Sid?
Pig #2: Yeah, Henry?
Pig #1: Can a number four fly?
Pig #2: No, Henry.
(A number four with silver wings lands with a plop
in the mud beside them.)
Pig #1: I didn't think so.
(As Cookie starts to speak,
both pigs look at the camera. The scene changes back to the studio.)
Cookie Monster: Whoa! No good!
Me very sorry, that not "One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest"!
That ... ummm ... let me see .
... (checks his notes) ...
. that, yeah, here. That "Four Flew Over Pigsty,
Land In Mud", very messy story.
Now, let's try again or me get new job,
oh ho! Here we go, "One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest". Me hope.
(Scene is a tree with one cuckoo bird in a nest.)
Cuckoo Bird: Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.
(A number one with silver wings flies swiftly overhead.
The bird looks at the camera and says ...)
Cuckoo Bird: CuckOOO!
(Back to the studio.)
Cookie Monster: There you have it,
"One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest".
Finally! Very beautiful, very moving,
very silly. Join me next week for "Rocky 20",
story of ... twenty rocks,
very heavy stuff. (He tosses the binder over his shoulder.)
This Alistair Cookie, good evening.
(Cookie sits back, his chin lifted and his hands across
Sesame Street
My Favorite Letter
Cowboy #1: Now that we bought an "O", here's a letter you can have for free.
Cowboy #2: What's that?
Cowboy #1: The letter "P". My favorite letter.
Cowboy #2: Oh yeah? Why?
Cowboy #1: 'Cause of all the great food that begins with the letter "P".
(sung): There's peanuts, pears and popcorn.
There's pickles, peppers, peas.
There's pineapples and peaches,
and potatoes if you please.
There's pizza, pie, there's pancakes
and pudding as a treat. Puh-puh-puh-puh.
P is my favorite letter,
'Cause of all those foods to eat.
Cowboy #2: Well, I like the letter "P" too, 'cause all the animals in this neighborhood begin with the letter "P".
Like porcupines and pigeons
And a "purr" in a pussycat
A panda and a parrot
And a pony you can pat
There's platypuses and penguins
A pig and a parakeet, puh-puh-puh-puh
"P" is my favorite letter
'Cause of the animals that I meet
Cowboys #1 and 2: puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh
Cowboy #3: I love the letter "P", because the names of my friends all begin with the letter "P".
Well, there's Paula, Paul, and Percy.
There's Peggy and there's Pearl.
There's Patrick, that's a boy's name.
There's Pamilla, that's a girl.
There's Pamela and Penny.
There's Patty and there's Pete. Puh-puh-puh-puh.
"P" is my favorite letter
'Cause of the kids living on my street.
Prairie Dawn: Since "K" is the next letter,
Herbert Birdsfoot will now recite his "K" poem.
So listen to the words that start with "K-uh".
Herb: I don't want to.
Oscar: Why not Herb?
Herb: Well, because everyone says it's silly.
All of the other Muppets: Oh no!
Grover: Oh, Herb, that's not true.
Herb: Yes, you'll all say it's silly.
Grover: Herb, we will not now.
Herb: You won't say it's silly?
All of the other Muppets: No!
Herb: Oh, OK
There once was a king from Kalamazoo
Who had a kicky kangaroo
Now the kindly kangaroo named Kay
Played a keen kazoo both night and day
'Twas the kind of kazoo that went koo-koo
Koo-Koo Koo-Koo went Kay's kazoo
And when the kindly king of Kalamazoo saw Kay the kangaroo's kazoo
He said right here in Kalamazoo, we'll build a zoo for a kangaroo
And so when you are passing through
Stop by and you can listen to
The Kalamazoo zoo's kangaroo play koo-koo-koo on her kazoo
Big Bird: I hate to say this Herb, but do you know what?
Herb: What?
I can't show how much I love you in a garden.
I can't show how much I love you at the zoo.
No, those places I just could not put my heart in,
No, those places somehow just would never do.
But if you'll meet me in the moonlight in the junkyard,
You'll find out just exactly what I mean.
'Cuz my love for you is bigger than the biggest pile of junk you've ever seen.
I cain't show how much I love you with a flower.
I cain't show how much I love you with a toy.
'Cuz things like that just do not have the power
To make a Grouch's heart fill up with joy.
You've got to meet me in the moonlight in the junkyard,
And you'll find out just exactly what i mean.
'Cuz my love for you is bigger than the biggest pile of junk you've ever seen.
Oh yea its bigger,
It's much much bigger
Than the biggest pile of junk
You've ever
In the garden of the Queen of Six
Is where the Queen gets her kicks
Walking on her path of bricks
Shaped into a number six
The Queen knows lots of magic tricks
Like making trees from candlesticks
One, two, three, four, five, six
Six birds, as you can see
Make six nests in each tree
One, two, three, four, five, six
Within these nests of twigs and sticks
Are six little hungry baby chicks
One, two, three, four, five, six
In the garden down below
Is where six magic flowers grow
One, two, three, four, five, six
Six little kittens play nearby
As the Queen sings a lullaby
One, two, three, four, five, six
The Queen makes up six little beds
And there the kittens lay their heads
One, two, three, four, five, six
And dream their dreams of magic tricks
That all end up with the number six
Sesame Street
The Tale Of Tom Tattertall Tuttletut
Herbert Birdsfoot: The next letter after "S" is "T".
"The Tale of Tom Tattertall Tuttletut."
Once upon a time, there was a queen who hated the letter "T".
Queen: I've never liked the horrid "tuh-tuh" sound. So I hereby rule that nothing beginning with the letter "T" will ever allowed in my kingdom.
Herbert Birdsfoot: So the people of the land tore down the towns and their towers, tossing out their trumpets and toys. And pretty soon, there wasn't anything in the kingdom that began with "T". Or so they thought, for one day, along came...
Tom: Me. Tom Tattertall Tuttletut. And I've got a truckful of turtles, tea, tuna, toads, teddy bears, and trash.
Queen: What did you say?
Man: Hi, your majesty. Do you want to buy a tuba or a ton of tomatoes?
Queen: Throw this man into the dungeon!
Tom: But why?
Queen: Because those are all "T" words. And nothing starting with "T" is allowed in my kingdom.
Tom: Untrue! There's lots of things beginning with "T" around here.
Queen: Like what?
Tom: Well, for one thing, there's the king over there.
Queen: What about him?
Tom: He's wearing trousers, and that's a terrific "T" word.
Queen: Uh, well, he always told me they were pants.
Tom: And then there's you, your majesty. You keep talkin' and talkin', tellin' me things by usin' your tongue and your teeth. And those are terrific "T" words, too!
Queen: Gracious! You're right. There's no way of getting away from the letter "T". Tom Tattertall Tuttletut, from now on, "T" words are welcome in my kingdom.
Tom: Terrific!
Herbert Birdsfoot: So the letter "T" was restored to the land, and so were the town's towers, the trumpets and the toys, which all goes to prove that you can't get away from the letter "T".
There's magic in the air this evening
Magic in the air
The world is at her best, you know
When people love and care
The promise of excitement is one the night will keep
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas
The world has got a smile today
The world has got a glow
There's no such thing as strangers
When a stranger says 'Hello'
And everyone is family, we're havin' so much fun
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas
'Tis the season to be jolly and joyous
With a burst of pleasure we feel it all right
It's a season when the saints can employ us
To spread the news about peace and to keep love alive
'Merry Christmas, so long!'
There's somethin' in the wind today that's good for everyone
Yes, faith is our hearts today, we're shinin' like the sun
And everyone can feel it, the feelin's runnin' deep
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas
After all there's only one more sleep till Christmas day
Susan: Don't shout grouchy Oscar don't shout
That's not what our singing's about
So if you can't take
The noise that we make
Go back to your trashcan and pout
All: Ooooh, ABC, 123, pigs in a tree
Don't ever sit on a woodpecker's knee
ABC, 123 fiddle-dum-dee-deee
Come on and sing-along with me
Bob: (Hey, I got one!)
Various voices urge him to share
Bob: A furry blue monster named Herry
Herry: (Hey, that's me!)
Bob: When asked 'Are you strong?' replied 'Very!'
Then just for a laugh
He tore 3 cars in half
Now I ask 'Is that necessary?'
All: Oooooh, ABC, 123, pigs in a tree
Don't ever sit on a woodpecker's knee
ABC, 123 fiddle-dum-dee-deee
Come on and sing-along with me
The Count: (Oh, I have one!)
85 bats hanging in the steeple
One bat flies in through the door
That makes 86 ...
(splash sound)
Ernie: (Sorry everybody, I have one!)
Bert: (Do you have a towel, Ernie?)
Ernie: (No, Bert, I have a verse.)
Bert: (Oh no.)
Ernie: (It goes like this.)
You all know our good buddy Bert
Bert: (oh no)
Ernie: Whose feelings are easily hurt
When his friends all play dressup, ol' Bert has to fess up
Bert: Yeah, I'm always the one in the skirt ...( and I don't like it...)
All: Ooooooh, ABC, 123, pigs in a tree
Don't ever sit on a woodpecker's knee
ABC, 123 fiddle-dum-dee-deee
Come on and sing-along with me
Bert: (Excuse me, I have one.) (various voices urge him on) (Yeah, you'll love it, it's really groovy. Ahem.)
There once was a man named McDowell
Who planted a tree with a trowel
Then he got in a shower, where he stayed for an hour
All: Ooooooh, ABC, 123, pigs in a tree
Don't ever sit on a woodpecker's knee
ABC, 123 fiddle-dum-dee-deee
Come on and sing-along with me
Come on and sing-along with me
At the end of the original record is heard this cute exchange:
Ernie: Okay, you can turn it over now.
Herry: Sure thing, Ernie.
(sound of piano crashing)
Ernie: Herry! Not the piano! The record! Turn over the record!
Herry (meekly): Sorry.
Sesame Street
Oscar's "B" Sandwich
Farley: So, so that's the letter A, Oscar.
Oscar: Right and luckily the next letter is B. So I am going to make a B sandwich.
Farley: A B sandwich?
Oscar: It's an old family recipe. Everything in the sandwich starts with the letter B.
You begin with some brown bread and Boston-baked beans
Add boxes of bacon and bits of blue jeans
Boiled boots, billiard balls, black berries too
Butterscotch, broccoli, and buckets of glue
Place barbecued buttons on top of it all
A bunch of bananas and a basketball
A beef burger burned till it's black, oh boy!
A big blob of bubble gum, eat and enjoy! Heh Heh Heh
Now I'll just toss in this rotten old belt, and a bag of birdseed,
and this beat up, brown, battered and busted old balloon
Place barbecued buttons on top of it all
A bunch of bananas and a basketball
A beef burger burned till it's black, oh boy!
It's a big "B" sandwich, eat and enjoy!
Umm-Umm-Umm-Umm (chewing sounds)
This is the last cookie roundup
Eat'em up cookie ya-yay
This is the last cookie roundup
Get along, little cookies, me eat you today
Looking for cookies
Me tell you the tale
Me looking for cookies
Me hot on the trail
Here, cookie!
Me loaded me knapsack
With cookies inside, yeah
In case me get hungry on
The long cookie ride oh...
This is the last cookie roundup
Yeah, eat'em up cookie, ya-yay
This is the last cookie roundup
Get along, little cookie, me eat you today
Not looking for silver
Me no look for gold, no
Me got to find cookies, oh
Before me explode, oh
The Grand Cookie Canyon
Was first place me look
But, me no find cookie
Just fish in a brook
(Here, cookie, cookie-- come to Cookie!)
This is the last cookie roundup
(Oh, cookies) eat'em up cookie, ya-yay
This the last cookie roundup
Get along, little cookies, me eat you today
Looking for cookies
Me not even find one, oh
Still looking for cookies
Me settle for crumbs, oh
So me headed homeward
Me tired, me beat
Oh, but you know what?
Me finally found cookies
You know where- on Sesame Street.
This is the last cookie roundup, yeah
Eat'em up cookie, ya-yay
This is the last cookie roundup
Get along little cookies, me eat you to...
Oh, cookies!
When I find I can't remember
What comes after
'A' and before 'C,'
My mother always whispers,
'Letter B.'
She told me 'B' starts
'Big' and 'bird' and
'Ball' and 'bat' and 'battery.'
Yes, buh-buh-buh-buh-buh means
Letter B.
Letter B, letter B, letter B, letter B.
She whispers 'Buh-buh-buh means Letter B.'
And when I feel downhearted,
Mother whispers
'B' words constantly,
Like 'bib,' 'Bob,' 'Bulb,' and 'bubble,'
Letter B.
Now in my hour of darkness
There's a sound I know will comfort me,
It's the buh-buh-buh-buh-buh of
Letter B.
Letter B, letter B, letter B, letter B.
My mother whispers 'B' words,
Letter B.
Letter B, letter B, letter B, letter B.
My mother whispers 'B' words,
Letter B.
Letter B, letter B, letter B, letter B.
Bless the 'buh-buh' sound of
Letter B.
The moon shines
High above the roof tops
High above the tree tops
Up above my head
The moon shines
Peeking through my window
Shining on the picture
Up above my head
In bed now
I'm safe beneath my tree tops
Safe beneath the roof tops
And the clouds so high
For the moon shines
Keeping watch above me
Lighting up my window
My tree, and my sky
(Ernie, a boy, and five other men talk to one another.)
Bert: All right, all right, all right, everybody. Settle down. Come on now. (clears his throat) Welcome to the weekly meeting of the National Association of 'W' Lovers. We are gathered here today to pay tribute to that great letter 'W' and the wondrous sound it makes....'Wuh!' Isn't that lovely? 'Wuh!' Yeah, it makes the heart pound faster. All right. Now if you all turn to page four in the manual, we will sing the club's song. All right, everybody, turn to page four. That's it. All right. Now is everybody ready? Here we go. (Music starts) I'll begin. You can join in later. Here we go.
Oh, what is the letter we love?
What sound are we extra fond of?
It's not any trouble
You know it's a 'W'
When you hear 'Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!'
Without this fine letter
You couldn't say 'wash'
Or 'witch,' 'wax,' or 'wiggle'
My gosh! Huh!
There wouldn't be 'wet,' 'warm,' or 'walrus'
Oh wow!
There wouldn't be 'wood'
Would there now? Uh-uh!
Without this great 'Wuh' sound
Well, 'wink' would be 'ink'
And 'week' would be 'eek'
Don't you see? Of course.
A fine word like 'waffle'
Would turn out just 'awful'
Oh, 'W's' grand as can be
(All right, everybody!)
(Ernie, the boy, and the five other men sing along with Bert.)
All: So what is the letter we love?
The sound that we're extra fond of?
It's not any trouble
You know it's a 'W'
When you hear 'Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!'
Bert: (One more time!)
All: When you hear 'Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!'
(Music ends)
Bert: Oh wow! That was wonderful!
Voice to Round Red Monster: 'Are you the monster that ate the television?'
Round Red Monster: 'Do I look like I ate a television?'
Voice to Tall Skinny Orange Monster: 'Are you the monster that ate the television?'
Tall Skinny Orange Monster: 'Do I look like I ate a television?'
Voice to Big Square Green Monster: 'Then you must be the monster that ate the television!'
Big Square Green Monster opens his mouth, reveals several seconds of TV, wherein a man winds up a toy bear who bangs its cymbals together--ting-tang-ting. The Big Square Green Monster closes his lips and grins.
Big Square Green Monster: 'I------like television!'
Once there lived a little monster
In a kingdom far away.
And a very strange thing happened
As he brushed his teeth one day.
As he squeezed his tube of toothpaste,
Deepest thunder shook the skies.
And suddenly a genie stood
Before his very eyes.
'I'm the genie of the toothpaste,'
Said the genie with a laugh.
'I've been trapped inside that toothpaste tube
For 3 weeks and a half.
You squeezed the tube and set me free
So here is what I'll do -
I'll let you have 3 wishes
And I'll make them all come true.'
'Oh boy!' exclaimed the monster,
'Wow! 3 wishes just for me!
Now let me think and then decide
What my first wish will be.'
Now my favorite thing is cookies,
Thought the monster with a grin.
But first I'll wish for something nice
To keep my cookies in.
I would like a million cookies,
But before I use that wish ...
'Hey, Genie,' said the monster,
'Will you please bring me a dish?'
'Will I ever!' said the genie,
'For your wish is my command.'
And instantly a dish appeared
Right in the monster's hand.
'Hey, I did it!' cried the genie.
'Wow! I haven't lost my touch!'
'It's a nice dish,' said the monster,
'But it won't hold very much.'
The monster thought of all the cookies
That he'd soon get with his wish.
And he knew a million cookies
Couldn't fit on one small dish.
He would need something much bigger.
So the monster said, 'Hey, Genie!
I would like a great big box ...
This plate is much too teeny!'
'You want a box? You've got it,'
Said the genie with a smirk.
And instantly a box appeared.
The monster cried, 'Nice work!'
But although the box was pretty big
And could hold lots of stuff -
Could it hold a million cookies ...?
It just wasn't big enough.
So the monster called the genie
And said, 'Boy, am I in luck!
Since you'll give me what I wish for ...
How about a great big truck?'
And right away a truck appeared
Before the monster's eyes.
'Fantastic!' cried the monster.
'It is just the perfect size!'
'It will hold a million cookies,
And I'll never have to worry.
And that is what I wish for!
Give me cookies now! Please hurry!'
'I am sorry,' said the genie,
'For though cookies are delicious,
I cannot give them to you
'Cause you've used up your 3 wishes.' (love that rhyme!)
'Oh, no!' exclaimed the monster.
'is it true? I just can't tell.
For although I'm good at eating things,
I do not count so well.'
'Let us count these things together,'
Said the genie, 'and you'll see -
The dish is 1, the box is 2,
And then the truck makes 3.'
'3 things! You're right,' the monster said,
'Now what am I to do?
I've used up my 3 wishes
And I'm very hungry, too!'
'Gee, that's too bad,' the genie said,
'But now my job's complete.'
'I'm so hungry,' said the monster,
'Oh, I need something to eat!'
'I'm sad your wish for cookies
Can't come true,' the genie said.
'That's okay,' replied the monster ...
' ... I'll just eat the truck instead!'
And as the monster ate the truck,
The genie disappeared,
Saying, 'I have seen a lot of things -
But boy ... is that guy weird!'
Some of us have feathers
Some of us have fins
Some of us are furry
And some of us have skins
We swim and hop and slither
And leap and soar and run
And we all live together
On a planet of the sun
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
We live in the desert
We live inside a tree
We live high in the mountains
Or deep beneath the sea
We live in tents and cabins
In houses just for one
And we all live together
On a planet of the sun
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
Floating down a river
Swinging through the trees
Climbing up a mountain
Going with the breeze
All of us can have a happy healthy place to be
If we can float and swim and climb in earthling harmony
We are all earthlings
We are all earthlings
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
Spinning around together
On a planet of the sun
Blue Monster: (to Green Monster) [Hey, you don't look like me!]
Green Monster: [And you don't look like me.]
Elmo: [He doesn't look like Elmo.]
Gray Monster: [Yes, we're all different, but we're the same, 'cause we are all monsters!]
(music starts, they all start dancing)
Blue: I am blue
Green: I am green
Elmo: I am red
Gray: I am gray
Blue: What's the difference, anyway?
All: We are all monsters!
Blue: I am fat
Green: I am thin
Elmo: I am short
Gray: I am tall
Elmo: Doesn't matter much at all
All: We are all monsters!
Blue: And we love to play together
Green: And we love to stay together
Elmo: To spend a day together
Gray: And we sing this song together
All: 'Cause we get along together
(all laugh and dance)
Blue: Different noses, ears and eyes-es
Green: Different colours, shapes and sizes
Elmo: We could all win beauty prizes
Gray: Yes, we're happy girls and guys-es
All: 'Cause we're together
We are all monsters!
(all laugh and dance and run around, then march up to the camera)
Gone fishin'
There's a sign upon your door
Gone fishin'
I ain't workin' anymore
There's a hoe out in the sun
Where you left a row half done
I said 'Hoe-in' ain't no fun'
You ain't got no ambition
Gone fishin' - by a shady, wady pool
Gone fishin' - man, you really play it cool
We don't wish to be annoyed, Mister John,
And Mister Floyd, we're fishin'
Instead of just a-wishin'
We're fishin' instead of just a-wishin'
Oh, yeah!
Maria: The dress! The dress - it's time to make the dress
It's gotta be the best, forget about the rest
I'm getting married! And today it's all about the dress!
Luis: The suit. The suit! I gotta rent the suit
Beginning my new life - adventure with a wife
I'm getting married! And today it's all about the suit!
M: It's gotta be perfect in so many ways
To start me off right in the rest of my days
Buttons and bows and things that are bright
Or lacy like clouds and silky and white
It's gotta fit right this dress that I'm buying
It can't be too tight cause I'm gonna be flying!
L: This is too small and it feels much too tight
This doesn't look great, this just isn't right
M: Measuring, cutting and tacking it down
Putting together this wonderful gown
Stitching it up on a sewing machine -
The very best dress that you've ever seen
It's gotta fit right this dress that I'm buying
It can't be too tight 'cause I'm gonna be flying!
L: This is too big and it feels much too loose
I wanna look sharp - this might fit a moose
M:The dress, the dress, it's time to try the dress
L: This is too loud and it looks kinda flashy
I gotta look good, I wanna be classy
M: The dress, the dress, I think I got the dress
This dress that I have bought, looks better than I thought
I'm getting married......married!
L: Hold on, that's it, I found the perfect fit
Just see the crease so straight
No groom has looked so great
I'm getting married
M: Married
L: Married
M: The dress, the dress, I know this is the dress
To start a whole new life, adventure as a wife
L: The suit, the suit, I know this is the suit
To start a whole new life, Maria as my wife
Both: The suit/dress is perfect in every way for my wedding day
The suit/dress!!
Take your brush and gently dip it
Be careful not to drip it
Wet paint
( background singing cows 'wet paint,wet paint')
Wet your roller then you roll it
Calmly cooly you control it
Wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint)
Red and green and yellow too
Purple pink and baby blue
Wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint )
You pour it in a bucket
You mush it all around
You take a mop and mop it
Oh you slather it and slop it
But be careful not to drop it
On the cold cold ground
Wet paint, wet paint
Wet paint, wet paint
Drippy, lumpy, gushy, gloppy
Smeary, smelly, slippy, sloppy
Wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint )
Squishy, squashy, muddy, mushy
Sticky, slimy, slurpy, slushy
Wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint )
Smear it, roll it, throw it, brush it
Squish it, splash it, crunch and crush it
Wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint )
You pour it in a bucket
You mush it all around
You take a mop and mop it
Oh you slather it and slop it
But be careful not to drop it
On the cold cold ground
Wet paint, wet paint
You know I'm crazy 'bout wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint )
Can't get enough of wet paint
( wet paint, wet paint )
Cookie: Hi everybody. Me so hungry for cookies me could scream. But we won't find cookies in park. Wait. What's that? Cowabunga! Wait, it no can be. It is! It's a cookie tree! Me no can believe this!
Look it is a cookie tree!
Weirdest thing me ever see!
Cookies sitting there like peaches
Oh, but too high for me to reach
Uh, what me going to do? Oh wait! Here comes Herry! Maybe he help me get cookies from tree!
We'll do it together, do it together
That'll be great!
We have fun, and get things done
When we cooperate
C: Hi Herry.
H: Hiya Cookie!
C: Oh, Herry me got problem.
H: Oh, what's wrong?
C: Do you see that cookie tree?
Cookies hanging there for me
But me no can reach so high
Hey, gimme boost and we both try
H: Sure, hop on my shoulders. That way you can reach the cookies.
C: Yeah yeah!
Both: We'll do it together, do it together
That'll be great
We have fun and get things done when we cooperate
H: OK Cookie get on my shoulders. Be careful.
C: Oh, me no can reach. Cookies still over my head. Me stretch!
H: Hey quit jumping on my shoulders!
C: Me want cookies!!!!! (He's a nut!)
H: WHOA!!!!!!!
Grover: Hello everybodeeee! Cookie, you fell down, why did you do that?
C+H: Do you see that cookie tree? Cookies hanging there for free. But we can't reach up so high. Maybe you can help us try.
Grover: Ah. Well, I can stand on your shoulders. Maybe then you can get the cookies.
C+H: Yeah yeah!
All: We'll do it together, do it together
That'll be great
We have fun and get things done when we cooperate
H: OK Cookie, up on my shoulders.
C: Now Grover, you get on top of me.
Me can taste those cookies!!!!!!
G: OK, do not get excited! I Grover will see to it. Ok now I can reach the branch. I am shaking the cookie branch and here come the cookies!
C: Oh boy oh boy!
H: Hey be careful............!!!!!!
C: Oh, me fell down. But me have all these tree grown cookies. Me eat them now!!!!
G: Wait , wait just a second.
H: Yeah, wait a minute!
C: Wait? Why wait?
G+H: Well......
Do you see that cookie tree?
We both helped you didn't we?
But our job is not complete.
Not until we help you eat!
C: You mean you want to eat cookies too?
G+H: Sure!
C: Oh, why not? Plenty for everybody!
All: We do it together, do it together.
That'll be great!
We have fun....
C: And say yum yum!
All: When we cooperate!
C: Ah cookies!!!!
H: This one isn't ripe.
G: And this one has a pit...
H: Help me peel this one....
Build, little weaver bird
Build, little weaver bird
Build, little weaver bird
Happy [?] 'cross the sky
Raindrops fall, weaver bird
[Something]s fly
[Something something something else]
To keep your babies dry
Build, little weaver bird
Build, little weaver bird
Build, little weaver bird
Happy [?] 'cross the sky
Build your house so high
Build your house soo hiiigh
Do-oo do-do doo-do-do
Do-oo do-do doo
[La, La, La, La, La, La. Oh hello there. This is your old pal Grover here.
Oh I am so glad you are here. I was just here all by myself you know.
Oh, but that's okay. I can do lots of things when I'm alone.]
What do I do when I'm alone?
Well, sometimes I sing a little song.
La, La, La, La, La, La.
That is the song I sing.
What do I do when I'm alone?
Well, sometimes I do a little dance.
I jump and I hop, hop, hop.
That is my little dance.
And sometimes when I'm all alone,
I pretend that I can fly.
And I touch all the clouds and
I wave to the birdies as they pass by.
But, sometimes when I am all alone,
Well sometimes I feel a little sad.
'Cause there's no one to share my song,
No one to fly with me.
So, sometimes when I am all alone,
I think of how happy I would be
If I wasn't alone and you were here with me.
[You know there are lots of things you can do when you're alone.
Yeah, you can write yourself a little poem. Or throw a ball up against a wall.
Yeah, yeah, lots of things but you know what...
I think that lots of times it is nicer to be with somebody else than all alone by yourself.]
So, sometimes when I am all alone,
I think of how happy I would be
If I wasn't alone and you were here with me.
(And you are here with me, so I am not alone and I am happy.)
What do you do with a pet?
You hug him
But don't slug him
You squeeze him
But don't tease him
You love him
But don't shove him
You give him water to drink
Sometimes a bath in the sink
You give him food to eat
And sometimes a treat
You walk with him
And you talk with him
Run with him
Have fun with him
But what do you ALWAYS do with a pet?
You pet him!
(David is standing by a bench with a 'Wet Paint' sign. Gordon enters.)
David: Wet paint.
(Gordon sits on bench.)
David: Never sit where you see 'Wet Paint.'
'Cause if you do, you might say, 'Yipes!'
When your brand new clothes are covered with stripes!
(Gordon gets up and finds paint stripes on his clothes.)
David: Wet paint!
It's so sloppy!
Wet paint!
It's so gloppy!
Wet paint!
Stay away from wet paint.
(David walks over to Maria, who is standing by a lamp-post with a 'Wet Paint' sign.)
David: Wet paint!
Never touch where you see 'Wet Paint.'
(Maria touches lamp-post, then stops and pulls away her hand, which is now covered with paint.)
David: 'Cause if you do, please understand,
You'll have gunky paint all over your hand!
Wet paint!
It's so sticky!
Wet paint!
Really icky!
Wet paint!
Stay away from wet paint.
(I don't remember most of the words to the last verse, except that Gordon and Maria cover David with paint and hang a 'Wet Paint' sign on him.)
Gordon and Maria: And we'll hang a 'Wet Paint' sign on you!
Wet paint!
Wet paint!
Wet paint!
Stay away from wet paint!
Wet paint!
Cats have kittens
Doggies have pups
Horses have pretty foals
And sheep have lambs
Cows have calves
And I bet you didn't know
That elephants have calves, too
Lions and leopards have cubs
Which is the proper thing for them to do
Peacocks have chicks
Deer have fawns
Ducks have ducklings
Often paddling round on lawns
Pigs have piglets and in case ya didn't know
I've another fact for you
Goats have kids
Like people have kids
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!
Another version:
Three of these things belong together
Three of these things are kind of the same
Can you guess which one of these doesn't belong here?
Now it's time to play our game (time to play our game).
Bonus Version
Three of these kids belong together
Three of these kids are kind of the same
But one of these kids is doing his (her) own thing
Now it's time to play our game
It's time to play our game.
Well an octopus' life isn't easy
I want to tell you why
Too many arms to wave hello with
Too many to wave good-bye
Oh no, no, no
I just don't know which arms to use
I've got the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 blues
I took a fish on a date to the movies
She said, 'Honey put your arms around me tight'
I said, 'By the time I put all my arms around you
Gonna be sometime next Wednesday night!'
Oh no, no, no
Life is just full of tough news
I've got the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 blues
I've got trouble with my girlfriend among other things
She's an octopus and she says to me,
'Honey, please buy me 8 diamond rings!'
Oh no, no, no
Life is full of tough news
I've got the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 blues
I said the 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 blues
The octopus blues
Oh, what a fabulous party
My, what a swanky soiree
Yes, anybody who's anyone
Is gathered at the table today
I'm sitting next to the Hostess
Right next to Flippy the Chimp
He's next to Princess von Toaster-head
And she's sitting next to a Blimp
Next comes the Bowling Pin Heiress
Next to the family from Voop
They're next to somebody no one knows
Who stuck his nose in the soup!
He's next to Doctor Del Gatto
Next to Penelope Bone
Next to a famous Astrologist
Who talks on a cellular phone
Next comes Prime Minister Hoo-ha
Next to a talented flea
She's sitting next to the Hostess
The Hostess is next to me!
I like your eyes
I like your nose
I like your mouth
Your ears, your hands, your toes
I like your face
It's really you
I like the things you say and do
There's not a single soul
Who sees the skies
The way you see them
Through your eyes
And aren't you glad
You should be glad
There's no one, no one
Exactly like you
*crowd cheering*
Big Bird: Hi everybody, it's me, Big Bird. Well, I'm back and I've decided to stand right here and keep barking until Mr. Snuffleupagus finds me. BARK BARK ARF ARF.
Gordon: Ah come on now, Big Bird, hey, Big Bird, cut it out, will ya? There's no such thing as a Snuffleupagus ...
Mr. Hooper: That's telling him.
Gordon: He's just an imaginary friend of yours ...
Big Bird: No, Mr.Snuffleupagus is real, and I'm gonna keep barking 'til he comes .. (Big Bird continues barking)
Gordon: All right, Big Bird, if you're gonna stand there and bark, then we are just going to find this .. imaginary Snuffleupagus .. c'mon everybody .. let's go ..
Big Bird: Gosh, everybody's gone .. I'm all alone ... Well I'd better keep barking anyway ..
(Snuffy music starts as Big Bird barks.)
Big Bird: Hey Everybody! Look who's coming .. it's Mr.Snuffleupagus! You heard me barking ..
Snuffy: Oh hello, Bird..
Big Bird: You heard me barking..
Snuffy: Yes, oh dear .. look at all those kids .. Hi, kids..
Kids: HI!
Big Bird: Oh, Mr.Snuffleupagus, you'll finally going to get to meet my other friends, I'll go get them.. Gordon! Susan!
Snuffy: Well, Bird has gone. I wonder if any of his friends will ever get to see me.
Snuffy sings:
Nobody seems to see me
Though I stand here night and noon
I guess I'll just go back to my house
And make believe I'm the moon
Nobody seems to hear me
When I try to talk and sing
I guess I'll just go back to my house
And make believe I'm Spring
Everybody opens up their heart
To the moon and the Spring
And I know why
Everybody opens up their heart
To familiar things
But strange things make them shy
And afraid sometimes
Nobody seems to want me
Though I wish on stars above
I guess I'll just go back to my house
And make believe I'm love
And make believe I'm love
Everybody opens up their heart
To the moon and the Spring
And I know why
Everybody opens up their heart
To familiar things
But strange things make them shy
And afraid sometimes
Nobody seems to want me
Though I wish on stars above
I guess I'll just go back to my house
And make believe I'm love
And make believe I'm love
(Kids cheer)
Snuffy: Well, I guess Bird couldn't find his friends.. I have to go home to my cave now. I'll see you later, bye bye..
(Snuffy music starts)
Big Bird: Bob! Maria! C'mon c'mon.. Mr.Snuffleupagus is right here!
(Snuffy music fades)
Bob: What is it, Big Bird..
Big Bird: Oh.. he's gone..
Maria: Of course, he's gone, Big Bird, he's only in your imagination..
(Snuffy music fades in, kids scream)
Bob: No, you've pulled that trick on us so many times, Big Bird, we're not going to fall for it anymore, Big Bird..
Big Bird: Oh Bob! Wait! Look look! Look behind you! He's here! Turn around!
Maria: Oh come on, Big Bird, not again..
Big Bird: Maria.. C'mon.. look look..
(Snuffy music fades)
Bob: No, we're just not gonna fall for it again, Big Bird..
Big Bird: Ahh.. well don't bother turning around now.. cause he's gone.
Bob: I'm sure..
(David, Gordon, Susan and Mr.Hooper come from offstage)
Gordon: What's going on?
David: Yeah, what's going on, Big Bird..
Susan: What's all the commotion?
Big Bird: Everybody missed the Snuffleupagus. (they groan) He was right here and Bob and Maria didn't even turn around to look at him..
Mr.Hooper: Well.. the Snuffleupagus.. (general agreement between the adults)
Big Bird: Hey, you saw him, didn't you kids? (Kids cheer)
While looking at my feet, at a crack in the sidewalk
An old tin can by the side of the road
I nearly missed a rainbow
I nearly missed a sunset
I nearly missed a shooting star going by
While studying a brand new hole in my sneaker
Finding a quarter and an old bus token
I nearly missed a rainbow
I nearly missed a sunset
I nearly missed a shooting star going by.
Looking down at the ground means you
Know where you're going
No head-up-in-the-clouds to lead you astray
But you can't ever have any kind of dream
That way
While looking at my feet, at a crack in the sidewalk
An old tin can by the side of the road
I nearly missed that rainbow
Don't want to miss that sunset
I wouldn't miss that shooting start going by
Passing me by
Going right by
No matter what you look like
No matter what your name
No matter the house you live in
In some ways everybody's the same
You shiver when it's cold out
Feel warm when the sun gets hot
When you're happy you laugh and you giggle
When you're sad you cry a lot
No matter what
No matter big or tiny
Or eyes of brown or blue
No matter the shape of the nose on your face
Some things are true about you, yeah
You shiver when it's cold out
Feel warm when the sun gets hot
When you're happy you laugh and you giggle
When you're sad you cry a lot
No matter what
Skin of brown or yellow
Bodies short or tall
When it comes to feelings
What your body looks like doesn't matter at all
Your hair is loose and wavy
Or else in rows real tight
Gold as the pretty pretty sunshine
Or black as the beautiful night, still
You shiver when it's cold out
Feel warm when the sun gets hot
When you're happy you laugh and you giggle
When you're sad you cry a lot
You shiver when it's cold out
Feel warm when the sun gets hot
When you're happy you laugh and you giggle
When you're sad you cry a lot
And that's true no matter who
No matter what
Bert: (spoken)
Oh boy. Oh boy. It’s one o’clock.
The little hand’s on the one, and the big hand’s on the twelve.
You know what I say to myself every day at one o’clock?
I say to myself, Bert, it’s one o’clock now - time for one of the most exciting things I do everyday.
It’s time for my nap.
Oh, it’s time for a nap now
Time for resting my head
Yes, it’s time for a nap now
Nice and comfy in bed
Feel my eyes getting drowsy
Time for counting some sheep
It’s such a perfect time to get some sleep
Ernie: Hi there, Bert. Hey, I’ve got a great idea for what we can do now, Bert.
Bert: Please don’t bother me now, Ernie
Ernie: How would you like to play some ball, Bert?
Wouldn’t you like to go outside?
Wouldn’t you like to play a game of hide and seek?
You seek, I’ll hide
(No thanks, Ernie)
Maybe a run around the block, Bert
Really, it’s such a lovely day
And such a perfect time for us to go out and play
Come on, are you ready?
Bert: I’d really rather not
Ernie: Well, why not, Bert?
(They sing their parts overlapping)
You sure you don’t want to come outside?
I’m sleepy
Okay, byebye
I nearly missed a rainbow
I nearly missed a sunset
I nearly missed a shooting star
I nearly missed a rainbow
I nearly missed a sunset
I nearly missed a shooting star going by
While lookin' at my feet, at a crack in the sidewalk
An old tin can by the side of the road
I nearly missed a rainbow
I nearly missed a sunset
I nearly missed a shooting star going by
While studying a brand new hole in my sneaker
And finding a quarter and an old bus token
I nearly missed a rainbow
I nearly missed a sunset
I nearly missed a shooting star going by
Looking down at the ground means you know where you're going
No head up in the clouds to lead you astray
But you can't ever have any kind of dream that way
Looking down at the ground means you know where you're going
No head up in the clouds to lead you astray
But you can't ever have any kind of dream that way
While looking at my feet at a crack in the sidewalk
An old tin can by the side of the road
I nearly missed a rainbow
Elmo nearly missed a sunset
I would've missed a shooting star going by
I nearly missed a rainbow
Don't want to miss that sunset
I wouldn't miss a shooting start going by
Passing me by
Passing me by
(Clementine is standing on a ranch porch, a triangle-bell hanging next to her, as she says...)
Clementine: Whenever I see this here triangle-bell, it reminds me of my old home where I grew up, The Triangle Ranch. And it makes me feel like singing, so I will.
I once had a home
A triangular home
With three sides and three corners to boot
(we now see a lovely triangle-shaped house as she remembers)
It was straight, it was neat
And it looked kinda sweet
Yes, you might even say it was cute
(Two cowboys join her on the porch)
All: My triangle home
Clementine: How I miss it to bits every day
One corner to eat
One corner to sleep
And one corner to sit in and play
(she walks out to a garden, where we see triangles marked on sticks being tended by more cowboys)
And out in the yard
We all worked mighty hard
A'tending our triangle crop
We planted the seeds
We pulled out all the weeds
(a cowboy pulls out one marked with a rectangle and throws it over his shoulder)
And watered their small pointy tops
All: My triangle home
Clementine: Where the triangles grew all the day
Just climbing as high
As an elephant's eye
In their three-sided triangle way
(now she's swaying behind a fence with the other cowboys, in front are cows shaped like triangles!)
When it seems to be there's
Only circles and squares
Then I long for my triangle home
Where out on the range
Looking just a might strange
The triangle-doggies did roam
All: My triangle home
Where the corners and sides are all free
Cowboy #1: No shape is so fine
Cowboy #2: As the one with three lines
All: In a triangle home, yesiree
In a triangle home, yessiree
Yippee! Wooohoooo!
Clementine: Oh, well, no sense dreaming about the past, it's time for supper, come and get it everybody!
(she rings the triangle-bell and the cowboys all come running to the table. They stop and stare at their plates.)
Cowboy #1: What? Triangle fritters again?
Cowboy #2: We had this last night!
Cowboy #1: Don't you know how to fix anything else?!
Clementine: Oh, quit your grumbling and eat your triangles, they're good for ya.
(They all grumble and settle in, one says, 'Has anybody got any ketchup?')
Announcer: Nancy the nanny goat lived north of Nantucket.
(A bird pops out of the top of the N.)
Announcer: Nancy had a pet, a nice nightingale.
Nightingale: I am a nightingale!
(Scene changes to inside the N and we find Nancy in front of a mirror putting on her napkin.)
Announcer: Now, Nancy was a nincompoop because around her neck she wore a narrow napkin!
(Switch to a close-up of a clock which pulls back to show a town hall-type building where the clock is located. A sign on the side of the road in front of the building says 'Nanny goat farm'. We see the N roll by.)
Announcer: One night in November at 9:09 she got a notion to visit a nutty Nanny Goat farm.
(The background is covered with goats and the words appear in balloons superimposed over them. The N rolls by with the nightingale being pulled behind it on a leash.)
Announcer: Numbskull! Nitwit! Nincompoop! Were some of the nasty names the other nanny goats called her as she sat nibbling on her nails.
(She's now seated on top of the N nibbling away. The N pulls to a stop next to the granny nanny goat who is seated in a chair and knitting.)
Announcer: The granny nanny goat noticed Nancy and said, 'Nancy, don't be a ninny! Never nibble on your nails!'
(We now see a letter N shaking.)
Announcer: Nancy became nervous.
(Back to Nancy on top of the N taking off her napkin and pulling a necklace out of the top of the N.)
Announcer: She took off the narrow napkin and put on a nifty necklace.
(A bird flies by with a sign reading 'noodles' dragging behind him.)
Announcer: Instead of nibbling on her nails she started to notice noodles.
(Back to granny nanny goat who stops knitting and looks over at Nancy offscreen. We then cut to a full shot of the N as Nancy pops out of various openings and says the letter N in speech balloons. The nightingale pops out as well but he's speechless :-)
Announcer: Granny nanny goat noticed Nancy and said, 'Nanny goats who nibble on their nails and notice noodles are nutty!'
(Nancy skids to a stop from running into the scene and the letter N draws itself next to her.)
Announcer: This story of Nancy the nanny goat was brought to you by the letter N.
Well I've seen a lot of letters and it seems to me
There's something real special 'bout the letter 'Z'
But boy we're sick of singing 'bout zippers and zoos
There ain't enough 'Z' words
Got the ZZ Blues
You can stick with 'zebra' 'cause it's tried and true
Maybe mention 'zither' just for something new
But once you've shown them 'zebra', 'zither', 'zippers' and 'zoos'
You're almost out of 'Z' words
Got the ZZ Blues
Time to write a song about Zanzibar
C'mon and sing along about Zanibar
Guess I could be wrong about Zanzibar
Going zingy with the ZZ Blues
We're zooming back to zipper 'cause it's still the best
Zipping back to zebra and we need a rest
Gettin' tired of thinking
Yeah we've paid our dues
There ain't enough Z words
Got the ZZ Blues
(band starts falling asleep while still rocking!)
Only band I ever worked with to fall asleep and keep playing the blues!
Guess I might as well join 'em
and cop some Zs myself!
(ends with band asleep but the music still going!)
Sesame Street
Four Furry Friends
Herry (SPOKEN): Hey, Oscar, Cookie, Grover! It's time to sing the song about the letter that comes after "E"!
Oscar: I don't wanna do this icky, crummy, lovey-dovey old F song!
Cookie: C'mon lets all sing together.
Herry: All those words that start with the letter F!
All: (sing)
Four furry friends. Frolicking fellows.
On Friday afternoon. (afternoon)
4 furry friends, frankly affectionate,
They sing the future soon. (future soon)
Faithful, fearless, friends for forever.
Fabulous, fun, family.
4 furry friends, faithful together.
Fun-filled, and forever free. (ever free)
Herry (SPOKEN): F is the letter that brings us together.
F is fun. F is famous.
And together our friendship will forge forward.
Thanks to that fantastic letter F.
All (SING): Four furry friends, faithful together.
Fun-filled, and forever free. (Ever free!)
Oscar: I've got a new dance called The No-No-No!
You can do it fast or do it slow
Just shake your head and away you go
You're doin' the dance called The No-No-No!
Oh, no no no, no no no no
No no no no no no no
Just shake your head and go go go
You're doin' the dance called The No-No-No!
Shake your head to the left and right
Shake no no with all your might
Shake it high or shake it low
Doin' the dance called The No-No-No!
Oh, no no no, no no no no
No no no no no no no
Just shake your head and go go go
You're doin' the dance called The No-No-No!
Elmo: Now if someone says, 'Please dance with me,'
The answer is easy as it can be
Just shake your head and oh oh oh
You'll be doin' a dance called The No-No-No!
Both: Oh, no no no, no no no no
No no no no no no no
Just shake your head and go go go
You're doin' the dance called The No-No-No!
Oh, no no no, no no no no
No no no no no no no
Just shake your head and go go go
You're doin' the dance called The No-No-No!
I said, doin' the dance
Called The No-No-No!
I cry in the morning
I cry at night
I cry-cry-cry when I get uptight
I cry for my bottle
I cry for my doll
I cry-eye-eye til they hear me call
Oh my
How I can cry
I wish I could speak, but I gotta shriek
If I wanna stay warm and fed and dry, I cry
I cry for my blanket
I cry for fun
I cry-cry-cry when I'm all undone
I cry for my rattle
I cry for my snake
I cry 'til it's more than you can take
Oh my!
How I can cry
I wish I could talk, but I gotta squawk
If I wanna stay warm, and fed and dry, I cry
I cry when I need some sympathy
I cry 'cause it always works for me
I cry when I need a little help
I cry and scream and push and yelp and cry
I cry for attention
I cry for food
I cry when I'm coming all unglued
I cry for a cookie
I cry for some juice
I cry 'cause I feel like cuttin' loose
Oh my
How I can cry
I wish I could speak, but I gotta shriek
If I wanna stay warm and fed and dry, I cry
Rosita: Every morning when I wake up
There's just one feeling I feel
I hear the birds and I see the sun
I can't believe it's for real
I feel so happy
So very, very happy
I'm the happiest monster you'll ever see
There's no one as happy as me
(spoken) Rosita: Oh, Hi Elmo!
Elmo: Hi Rosita!
Rosita: I'm so happy today!
Elmo: Elmo's even happier than Rosita
(sung) Every day when the sun comes up
It's time to laugh and to play
There's just one feeling in Elmo's heart
And Elmo's happy to say
Elmo feels happy (laughs)
So very, very happy
Just the happiest monster you'll ever see
As happy as happy can be!
(spoken/sung)Elmo: Elmo's the happiest
Rosita: No, I am happiest
Elmo: Elmo's the happiest
Rosita: Rosita is happiest
Please don't say you're the happiest
'Cause there's no one more happy than me
I am the happiest
Elmo: No, Elmo's the happiest
Rosita: Rosita is the happiest
Elmo: Elmo's the happiest
Please don't say Rosita's the happiest
Elmo's happy as happy can be
(they growl at each other)
Rosita: Wait a minute, Elmo
Elmo: What?
Rosita: If we don't be careful, we're gonna be the angriest and then we won't be happy anymore.
Elmo: Oh, Rosita's right, that would not be good
Rosita: Listen,
Take two monsters like you and me
There's not a happier pair
Elmo: And the favourite feeling we love to feel
Is a feeling two can share!
Together: We feel so happy
So very, very happy
We're the happiest monsters you'll ever see
There's no one as happy as we
(joined by the sun hanging in the background)
We feel so happy
So very, very happy
We're the happiest monsters you'll ever see
There's no one as happy as happy as happy as
Sun: Oh, yeah
R & E: And me!
(all laugh)
(He's got to be clean
He's got to be clean, ahhhh!)
I wash my hands whenever I eat
And in the bath I wash my ears,
My elbows and feet
I gotta to be clean!
I gotta be clean!
It's healthy and keen!
I gotta be clean!
Yes sir!
I start each day
By brushing my teeth (brush, brush)
Gettin' the plaque and stuff off
The smile underneath
I gotta be clean (clean)
And I floss in between (tween)
Like a tree must be green (green)
I gotta be clean (he's got to be clean!)
Each day's a fight
With the forces of dirt (dirt, dirt, dirt)
Battling the smudge
And the smear and the squirt (squirt, squirt, squirt)
What do I do when spaghetti's all over my shirt? (shirt, shirt, shirt)
(Does he just wear it and wear it and wear it for weeks?)
(Not Bert)
I wash it, THEN I wear it!
I may be sad
I may be beat
I may be cross or tired or mad
But I'll always be neat
I gotta be clean (he's got to be clean)
Like all pigeons I've seen
Or a fresh nectarine
Or some laundry's that's been
Through a washing machine
I gotta be clean!
Hey! Who took the soap?
I can't think of anything that's dumber
To a grouch, Christmas is a bummer!
Beaming faces everywhere, happiness is in the air
I'm telling you, it isn't fair!
I hate Christmas!
People loaded with good will, giving presents, what a thrill
That slushy nonsense makes me ill
I hate Christmas!
I'd rather have a holiday like normal grouches do
Instead of getting presents, they take presents back from you
Heh heh
Here comes Santa, girls and boys
So, who needs that big red noise!
I'll tell him where to put his toys
I hate Christmas!
(spoken): And if you want the truth, I ain't so crazy about Thanksgiving or Labor Day either!
Christmas carols to be sung, decorations to be hung
Oh, yeah? Well, I stick out my tongue!
I hate Christmas!
Christmas bells play loud and strong
Hurts my ears, all that ding dong
Besides it goes on much too long
I hate Christmas!
I'd rather have a holiday with a lot less joy and flash
With a lot less cheerful smiling, and a lot more dirty trash, yeah!
Christmas Day is almost here
When it's over, then I cheer
I'm glad it's only once a year
I hate Christmas!
Announcer's voice: Ladies and gentlemen and sardines, Miss Ethel Mermaid!
I get no kick out of A
B, C and D are just letters to me
And E makes me endlessly blue
But I get a kick (she kicks a fish with her tail, as she does in each verse)
Out of U
I get no fun from an F
G, H and I merely cause me to sigh
And J really makes me boo-hoo
But I get a kick
Out of U
K, L, M, N
O, P, Q, R, S
Are nothing once you've seen them
'Though T and V don't appeal to me
I'm nuts for what's between them
W gives me no thrill
X, Y and Z are not my cup of tea
They just tell me the alphabet's through
But I get a kick
Out of U
All the fish: K, L, M, N
O, P, Q, R, S
Are nothing once you've seen them
Solo Fish: 'Though T and V don't appeal to her
She's nuts for what's between them
Ethel: W gives me no thrill
X, Y and Z are not my cup of tea
They just tell me the alphabet's through
But I get a kick
A really big kick
I get a kick
Out of U
(background doggie singers in brackets)
What do I do when I'm out in the yard
And can't find where I buried my bone
How do I feel when my dog's life is hard
I feel sad but I'm not all alone
Oh I get by with a little yelp from my friends
Oh I get by with a little woof from my friends
Yes I get by with a bow-wow from my friends
Boy I get mad when I get in a fight
With an itchy old flea and I lose
And what do I do when I'm still not alright
Even after I chew on some shoes
Oh I get by with a little yelp from my friends
Oh I get by with a little woof from my friends
Yes I get by with a bow-wow from my friends
(When you're sad we're behind ya)
Ooooh, where can that bone be?
(When you're mad we'll confide ya)
I can't believe I lost to a flea!
What do you do when you're sad or afraid
Or you're lonely or angry or down
Can't fetch a stick 'cause your owner's away
And there ain't no dog yummies around
Oh I get by with a little yelp from my friends
Oh I get by with a little woof from my friends
Yes I get by with a bow-wow from my friends
I was lying in my bed on a quiet night
Went down to the kitchen to get myself a bite
I reached for the light as I walked in the door
But I tripped and knocked a big old pot
Down on the floor
And then I heard my dog bark
I heard my dog bark
I heard my dog bark
Standing in the dark, I heard my dog bark
Well, he barked so loud that he woke up my cat
I’ll bet you know the next thing I heard after that
I heard my cat meow
I heard my cat meow
I heard my cat meow
And standing in the dark, I heard my dog bark
Well, the barking and meowing made my ears say ouch
It woke up my pet horse who sleeps on the couch
I heard my horse neigh
I heard my horse neigh
I heard my cat meow
And standing in the dark, I heard my dog bark.
Well, the noise was so loud that it hurt my head
It woke up my pet lion who sleeps on my bed
I heard my lion roar
I heard my lion roar
I heard my horse neigh
I heard my cat meow
And standing in the dark, I heard my dog bark
It was the loudest noise that there ever was
It woke up my pet bumblebee and he began to buzz
I heard my bee buzz
I heard my lion roar
I heard my horse neigh
I heard my cat meow
And standing in the dark, I heard my dog bark
I put them all to bed all around the house
Soon it was quiet, quiet as a mouse
But then my pet mouse snuck out of his drawer
And he tripped and knocked a big ol’ pot on the floor
I heard my dog bark
I heard my dog bark
I heard my dog bark
While standing in the dark, I heard my dog bark
I just adore four
The number for me
You can't deplore four
It's less than five, more than three
You can have four doors
Or four dinosaurs
Four janitors
Or even four grocery stores
I just adore four
The number sublime
I love to draw four
It's just an angle and a line
I can't get sore for it's plain you see
I just adore four
The number for me
Ah, yes, I used to fret a lot and fidget
Until I met that dazzling digit
And now you see a brand new me for
I found a number I can be for
And count 1, 2, 3, for (or 4)
(Three male muppets in tuxedos join him)
Men: I just adore four
The number for me
You can't deplore four
It's less than five, more than three
Big Bird: You can have four floors
Or four army corps
Men: Four dresser drawers
Big Bird: Or even four crashing bores
I just adore four
The number sublime
I love to draw four
It's just an angle and a line
I can't get sore for it's plain you see
I just adore four
The number ...
Men: 1, 2, 3 ...
I have a chair
Gets me from here to there
Takes me most anywhere
That any two feet could take me
I have a chair
Helps me to get around
Gets me to where I'm bound
Just as fast as shoes could make me
Oh, faster than shoes
And my chair goes forward
Or it can go back
I can make it spin
Or race down a track
We can fly a kite
While I hold the string
'Cause me and my chair can do
Most anything
We're quite a pair
We glide on air
We're quite a pair
Me and my chair
Me and my chair
Dum dum dee dooo
Dooo dooo
I have a little plant
I always give her water
'Cause you see
She really loves her water
And she says
(ding, ding) (sounds like a triangle)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
Even though I never hear it
But she says
(ding, ding)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
I have a little plant
I put her in the sunlight
'Cause you see
She really loves the sunlight
And she says
(ding, ding)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
Even though I never hear it
Still she says
(ding, ding)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
She'll never give me flowers
Or cuddle like a pet
She'll never give me pretty fruit to eat
What you see is what you get
I have a little plant
I guess I'll keep on caring
'Cause you see
She really likes my caring
And she says
(ding, ding)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
Even though I'll never hear it
Still she says
(ding, ding)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
I can tell it very clearly
When she says
(ding, ding)
'Thank you'
(ding, ding)
To me
Well, she would if she could talk.
Wouldn't you little plant?
(ding, ding)
(ding, ding)
You're welcome.
(ding, ding)
Well, that's easy for you to say.
(ding, ding)
Hey, later.
Ernie: Do you like me?
Am I okay?
Do you like me?
If you do please say,
That you like me,
Just this way.
I want to hear it from you.
Bert: (Oh, Ernie.)
Ernie: (No, really, Bert.)
Ernie: Do you like me?
Do you think I'm swell?
Do you like me?
You know me well,
If you like me.
Won't you tell?
I want to hear it from you.
We always have a super time,
When we play and sing a song.
But I wonder if you still like me,
Even when I do things wrong?
Bert: (Oh, Ernie.)
Bert: Yes, I like you.
Ernie: (Really?)
Bert: That is right.
Oh I like you.
Ernie: (Oh good!)
Bert: Can you turn out the light?
I like you.
Now can we say good night?
Ernie: (Good night!)
Bert: Now that you've heard it from me.
Ernie: (Oh gee, thanks Bert. I think I can sleep now.)
Bert: (Ahh, that's good. Good night.)
Ernie: (Goodnight! (pause) Oh, but, ah, Bert?)
Bert: (Ernie, what?)
Ernie: (I like you, too, Bert.)
Bert: (Oh ... (mutter))
Every time I feel alone
And slightly blue
That's when I begin to think
It's what I'd like to start to do
And though it may not be the kind of thing
That's quite your cup of tea
I recommend you pay attention
To the little dance you're gonna see
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Dancing a little smidgeon of
The kind of ballet
Sweeps me away
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
People may smile but
I don't mind
They'll never understand
The kind of fun I find
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon everyday
People may smile, but
I don't mind!
They'll never understand
The kind of fun I find
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon
Doin' the (coo, coo) pigeon everyday
You know I love the trail I'm on
And the friends who ride with me
The country that we're passing through
Is a paradise to see, a haven for my spirit
The homeland of my dreams
My heart flies through the wilderness
And on an eagle's wings
And oh I love the waterfall
And the way the river sings
From snow-capped peaks both proud and tall
Through forests deep and green
The highway of the mountains
The lifeblood of the land
I can hear my mother speak to me
And hold my father's hand
Durango Mountain caballero
Take me for a ride
On the backbone of this mighty land
The Continental Divide
To the place where earth and heaven
Meet the mountains and the sky
In the heart of Colorado, Rocky Mountain High
And oh I love the campfire
And the circle that I'm in
The stories and the laughter
They should never, ever end
Forever in my memory
Forever in my song
On a San Juan mountain trail ride
I'll carry you along
(spoken): Okay, you guys ready?
(Kids: Yeah!)
Good. You! Up on your feet! I'm gonna tell you about my uncles. You know how they all love to dance, and they all have their own different style. Check it out...
(starts dancing and singing)
You oughta meet my Uncle Clyde
His dance goes from side to side
(dances side to side)
Now you dance like my Uncle Clyde
(all dance side to side)
You oughta meet my Uncle Jack
His dance goes from front to back
(dances front to back)
Now you dance like my Uncle Jack
(all dance front to back)
You oughta meet my Uncle Joe
His dance goes very slow
Now you dance like my Uncle Joe
(all dance slow)
You oughta meet my Uncle Pete
His dance calls for flyin' feet
(jumping, kicking dance)
Now you dance like my Uncle Pete
(all do jumping, kicking dance)
You oughta meet my Uncle Izzy
His dance always makes him dizzy
Now you dance like my Uncle Izzy
(all spin around)
Uncle Clyde, side to side
Uncle Jack, front to back
Uncle Joe, very slow
Uncle Pete, flyin' feet
Uncle Izzy, made him dizzy
You oughta meet Aunt Sarah Brown
She danced like us
And then
(all fall down)
I believe in miracles and I can tell you why
Once a year the street I live on sparkles like the sky
All hung with lights for Christmas
Twinkling ev'rywhere
The world turns bright for Christmas
And if that isn't a true blue miracle
I don't know what one is
I believe in miracles
I know because I've seen
Once a year the place I walk is filled with trees of green
And pine cone smells of Christmas
Floating thru the air
To jingle bells of Christmas
And if that isn't a true blue miracle
I don't know what one is
But the greatest wonder of them all
Is not what's happening around you, it's the way
You start to be
Yes the greatest wonder of them all is how your
Heart is filled with love
You start to light up like a Christmas tree
Feelings feel so wonderful
You have to let them show
Maybe that's why ev'ryone begins to get a glow
And fill their hearts with Christmas
Spirit they can share
That's the best part of Christmas
And if that isn't a true blue miracle
I don't know what one is
And if that isn't a true blue miracle,
I don't know what one is
Ernie: Bert? Hey, Bert? Bert?
Bert: Ernie, what is it? I'm trying to sleep.
Ernie: Hey, Bert, did you ever think about all the things you like?
Bert: Well sure, Ernie, but not now, huh?
Ernie: Yeah but, just tell me something you like, Bert.
Bert: Ernie, I'm trying to sleep.
Ernie: Oh come on, Bert, just one. Just name one thing that you like okay? Name just one.
Bert: Alright, Ernie, I'll try.
I like paper clips
Ernie: Paper clips?
Bert: Paper clips!
I like bottle caps
Ernie: Bottle caps
Bert: Bottle caps!
I love pigeons, yeah
Ernie: Pigeons?
Bert: Love pigeons, oh, yes I do
Ernie: Well, Bert, you know
I don't really like any of those things
But I like you
Bert: Aw, Ernie
Ernie: I like playing jokes
Bert: Playing jokes.
Ernie: Playing jokes!
Love my rubber duck
Bert: Rubber duck.
Ernie: Rubber duckie!
Ernie: I like bubble gum
Bert: Bubble gum.
Ernie: Bubble gum! Yes I do
Bert: Well now, Ernie
I'm not crazy 'bout any of those things
But I like you
Ernie: I like to lie awake
In bed at night and talk to you
Bert: Yeah, I know
I like to say goodnight and go to sleep
Ernie: I like to go and see the big hippopotamus in the zoo
Bert: Hey, Ernie, you know what?
Ernie: What, Bert?
Bert: I like that, too!
Ernie: I like jelly beans
Bert: Jelly beans?
Ernie: Jelly beans!
Bert: I like lentil soup
Ernie: Lentil soup?
Bert: Yeah!
I like a marching band
Ernie: I like a music box
Both: Yes I do
Ernie: But though I don't always like everything
Bert: That I like
Both: Still I like you
Bert: Though I'm not too crazy about your rubber duckie
Ernie: Though I don't love pigeons
Both: Still we're awfully lucky
1st chorus: Voice No. 1
2nd chorus: Voice No. 2
3rd chorus: Voice No. 3
4th chorus: 1st, 2nd and 3rd voices sing simultaneously
(NOTE: Sounds to me like the last verses are sung in a round, corrections are welcome)
Voice No. 1 : I got my gear in my pack
I got my pack on my back
Today's the day I'm going camping
Just got the go-ahead sign
The weather's gonna be fine
Today's the day I'm going camping
I'm gonna pitch me a tent
Won't have to pay any rent
It looks like ev'rything is 'A O.K.'
As far as I can see
I think it's gonna be a perfect camping day
Voice No. 2: The trees and animals
And clear blue skies
A waterfall comes tumbling right before my eyes
Birds that fly
Above a mountain stream
It's absolutely perfect better than a dream
Peace and quiet
Where the good Lord smiled
Fields and fields of flowers growing wild
This is
Just where I belong I'm a mother Nature's child
Voice No. 3: It's time to hit the trail
To hit the hill and dale
Oh, I love hiking in the mountains
It's great to reach the snow
And see the world below
Oh, I love hiking in the mountains
Each time we stop to eat
We get to rest our feet
And we'll make it if we take slow
'Cause the best way to climb
Is one step at a time and hiking is the only way to go
I got my gear in my pack
The trees and animals
It's time to hit the trail
I got my pack on my back
and clear blue skies
To hit the hill and dale
Today's the day I'm going camping
A waterfall comes tumbling right before my eyes
Oh, I love hiking in the mountains
Just got the go-ahead sign
Birds that fly
It's great to reach the snow
The weather's gonna be fine
Above a mountain stream
And see the world below
Today's the day I'm goin' camping
It's absolutely perfect, better than a dream
Oh, I love hiking in the mountains
I'm gonna pitch me a tent
Peace and quiet
Each time we stop to eat
Won't have to pay any rent
Where the good Lord smiled
We get to rest our feet
It looks like ev'rything is 'A-O. K.'
Fields and fields of flowers growing wild
And we'll make it if we take it slow
As far as I can see
This is
'Cause the best way to climb
I think it's gonna be
Just where I belong
Is one step at a time
A perfect camping day
I'm a Mother Nature's child
And hiking is the only way to go
Jill told Bill
That it was lots of fun to cook
Bill told Jill
That she could bait a real fishhook
So they made ooey gooey
Chocolate cake
Sticky licky
Sugar top
And they gobbled it and giggled
And they sat by the river
And they fished in the water
And they talked
As the squirmy wormies wiggled
Glad to have a friend like you
Fair, and fun and skippin' free
Glad to have a friend like you
And glad to just be me
Pearl told Earl
That they could do a secret code
Earl told Pearl
There was free ice cream when it snowed
So they sent funny letters
Which contained mystery messages
And nobody knew just how they made it
And they raised up the window
And they scooped all the snow together
Put milk and sugar in and ate it
Glad to have a friend like you
Fair, and fun and skippin' free
Glad to have a friend like you
And glad to just be me
Peg told Greg
She liked to make things out of chairs
Greg told Peg
Sometimes he still hugged teddy bears
So they sneaked in the living room
And piled all the pillows up
And made it a rocket ship
To fly in
And the bears were their girls and boys
And they were the astronauts
Who lived on the moon
With one pet lion
Glad to have a friend like you
Fair, and fun and skippin' free
Glad to have a friend like you
And glad to just be me
Both: Toyland, Toyland, beautiful girl and boy land ...
(a few bars of carnival music)
Shirley Jones: They're closing up Girl Land. Some say it's a shame.
It used to be busy, then nobody came.
And other folks tell you they're glad that it's done,
'Cause Girl Land was never much fun ...
(more carnival music playing through next verse)
Jack Cassidy: Welcome to Girl Land, my good little girls!
Admission's a wink and a toss of your curls.
There's fun for all, from eight to eighty.
You go in a girl, and you come out a lady!
Shirley Jones: They're closing down Girl Land. Some say it's a crime
To be losing the trees you're forbidden to climb.
And other folks say it was always a bore
To wait for a boy who would open the door
To the funhouse ...
(still more carnival music playing through next verse)
Jack Cassidy: Wonderful Girl Land, the island of joys,
Where good little girls pick up after the boys!
So come on in. Look about.
You go in a girl ... and you never get out! (wicked laugh)
Shirley Jones: They're boarding up Girl Land. Some say it's too bad.
They try to remember some fun that they had.
And other folks say it was no fun at all,
Being a girl in Girl Land.
And soon, in a park that was Girl Land before,
You'll do what you like and you'll be who you are,
As you wander in and wander out
And pretty soon forget all about ...
Jack Cassidy: Girl Land, Girl Land, beautiful Girl Land ...
(carnival music plays slower, sounding run-down, and finally stops)
Get to know about
Throw away the doubt
(2 missing lines)
Nice things grow with you
Don't you know it's true?
Be afraid, your heart is closed
And your hand's in your pocket
or your glove..
..So, reach
As I remember it, it starts off in a pretty cluttered park, with papers and stuff lying around. There was some type of harpsichord music in the background. Then the janitor comes on with a wastebasket, and also one of those sticks with a nail at the end. Sets the wastebasket down. Looks at the park, picks up a paper with the stick, and tosses the paper in the trash. He comes up and looks at the camera, with a sort of grin on his face, then points his index finger as if to say 'Just a second,' turns around, picks up some more trash, and tosses that in. He repeats the actions, with looking at the camera and picking up the trash, until he gets all the trash picked up. Then, looking pleased with himself, he takes off, and that part's over.
After they show another skit (insert your favorite letter/number skit here,) they come back to the park, with different harpsichord music. An old man comes up with a newspaper, sits on the edge of the wastebasket, looks at the paper for a few seconds, then balls it up and tosses it on the ground, and walks off. There's a closeup of the paper. Then, the music changes to a faster-pace tune, and the little girl runs up. She sees the paper, there's another closeup of it, then a closeup of her, she sticks out her tongue, you hear someone say 'Yeech!' She picks up the paper, tosses it in the trash basket, then runs off. The music ends, and she repeats 'Yeech!' And then the skit's over.
Herry Monster: Hi, we're here with our friend, Garth Brooks!
Assorted Monsters: Garth Brooks! Yeah! All right!
Herry: We're gonna sing a song together!
Assorted Monsters: Sing! Yeah!
Garth Brooks: Maybe we should start singing then, okay?
Assorted Monsters: Yeah! All right!
(they all start singing different songs loudly)
Garth Brooks: Whoa, whoa! No, no, no! I'm talking about all of us singing the same song, okay? Like, I'll lead and you'll follow kind of thing.
Assorted Monsters: All right, yeah.
Garth Brooks: Listen, it goes like this.
(music starts)
I'll sing a song
You'll sing along
I will lead
And you will follow
Like a game
Herry Monster (spoken): I get it, like follow the leader!
Garth Brooks: It's just the same
And together we'll make music
Assorted Monsters (spoken): All right, how do we play?
Garth Brooks (spoken): Well, it's simple, I'll sing and you guys copy.
Assorted Monsters (spoken): Copy! Copy! Okay!
Garth Brooks: Whoa, whoa
Monsters: Whoa, whoa
Garth Brooks: Laaa, laaa
Monsters: Laaa, laaa
Garth Brooks: Oh boy!
Monsters: Oh boy!
Garth Brooks: Ha, ha!
Monsters: Ha, ha!
Garth Brooks: Sing real high
Monsters: Sing real high
Garth Brooks: Way down low
Monsters: Way down low
All: And together we'll make music
Herry (spoken): Music, this is fun, I get it!
Monsters: You'll sing a song
Garth Brooks: I'll sing a song
Monsters: We'll sing along
Garth Brooks: You'll sing along
Monsters: You will lead
Garth Brooks: I will lead
Monsters: And I will follow
Garth Brooks: And you'll follow
I'll say 'oooo'
Monsters: You'll say 'ooooo'
Garth Brooks: You'll sing it too
Monsters: We'll sing it too
All: And together we'll make music
Garth Brooks: (spoken) Yeah! Now I don't know if you guys noticed but on that last time you guys were like kinda the leaders on this thing.
Assorted Monsters: (spoken) Leaders! Yeah!
Herry Monster: (spoken) Hey, this is great! Would you sing *anything* we sing?
Garth Brooks: (spoken) Well, sure, yeah, hey, why not?
Assorted Monsters: (spoken and overlapping Garth) Pretty please? Yeah!
Herry Monster: (spoken) Oh, boy, here we go!
Monsters: Whoa, whoa
Garth Brooks: Whoa, whoa
Monsters: Boom schacka-lack
Garth Brooks: Boom schacka-lack
Monsters: Sing, sing
Garth Brooks: Sing, sing
Monsters: Wokka-wokka-wok
Garth Brooks: Wokka-wokka-wok
Monsters: Sing real fast
Garth Brooks: Sing real fast
Monsters: Sing so slow
Garth Brooks: Sing so slow
All: Together we'll make music
Garth Brooks: Together
Monsters: Together
Garth Brooks: Together
All: We'll make music
Herry Monster (spoken to Garth): You do a mean boom-schacka-lack!
Purple Monster (spoken): I preferred his wokka-wokka-wokka!
(While the monsters all congratulate him he says, 'What can I say?' and buffs his nails on his shirt.)
Ernie: 'Hey Bert, it's--'
Bert: '-Aak-Eek-Aak!--'
Ernie: '--time for our checker game.' (Ernie looks apologetic.)
Bert: 'Oh Ernie, you scared me! I thought you weren't here.'
Ernie: 'Well maybe I'm not then.'
Bert: 'What do you mean?'
Ernie: 'You're usually right about most things, Bert.'
Bert: (modest) 'Welllllllll ...'
Ernie: 'And if you think I'm not here ... then maybe I'm not!'
Bert: 'Good! If you're not here, Ernie, then I can go back to reading my book.'
(Bert does go read for about two seconds, as Ernie starts to get worried.)
Ernie: 'But the question is ... If I'm not here ...'
Bert: (to himself) 'Oh no ...'
Ernie: (worried) '... then ... Where Am I?'
Bert: 'It's going to be one of those days.'
(Ernie gets a pair of binoculars and looks out the window with them)
Bert: 'Ernie ... (irritated) Ernie, what are you doing?'
Ernie: 'I'm looking for me, Bert! (pause) I thought I might be out taking a walk on Sesame Street, but I don't see me anywhere. (pause) Then if I'm not out on Sesame Street ---- I must be Lost!!'
Bert: 'I don't believe this.'
Ernie: 'I'm lost! (he's really upset by now) Out there, all alone, wandering through some spooky forest, or down some lonesome road ... This is terrible! (starts to cry) I'll never see me again!'
Bert: 'Ernie!'
Ernie: (sniff) 'I miss me!'
Bert: 'Ernie, will you stop that! Now, I can prove to you that You Are Here. Now, get our hand mirror. (Ernie picks it up.) Now, what's that?'
Ernie: 'Oh, it's a mirror.'
Bert: 'No, no, I mean look inside!'
Ernie: (looks in the mirror) 'I see ... me, Bert! That's me in the mirror, Bert!'
Bert: 'Right! And if you see yourself in the mirror , that means--'
Ernie: 'That means I must be Here! Gee, thanks, Bert! (smiles at the reflection) I missed me! (Ernie then goes back to Bert, tapping him on the shoulder as before) Hey Bert. it's time--'
Bert: 'Aak-Eek-Aak!'
Ernie: ' ... for our checker game! I'm here!'
Bert: (angry) 'Ernie, we can not play checkers!'
Ernie: 'Why not, Bert? I'm here!'
Bert: (angry) 'That's right, you're here, Ernie! BUT I'M NOT!' (marches out and slams door, leaving Ernie rather surprised.)
Ernie: Ho, Bert, I got my bar of soap. (Exits)
Bert: Oh, I bet he's gonna wash something.
Ernie (re-entering with something else): Ho, Bert, I got my fluffy towel. (Exits)
Bert: Oh, he's probably gonna wash his face.
Ernie (re-entering with yet another thing): Ho, Bert, I got my little ... (Squeaks the something and exits)
Bert: Rubber Duckie. Oh, he's gonna take a bath in his tubby.
Ernie (re-entering with another something): Ho, Bert, I got my flashlight. (Exits)
Bert: Flashlight?
Ernie (re-entering with still another something): Ho, Bert, I got my umbrella. (Exits)
Ernie (re-entering with ANOTHER thing!): Ho, Bert, I got your bowling ball. (Starts to exit)
Bert: Ernie, stop, stop!
Ernie (coming over): Uh, yes, Bert?
Bert: Ernie, put that bowling ball down, please. (Ernie does so) Now, Ernie, tell me ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Ernie: Well, I was just gonna take a bath, Bert ...
Bert: Yeah, yeah, I saw you come by here with your soap and your towel and your Rubber Duckie, so I thought you were gonna take a bath.
Ernie: Well, I am, Bert ...
Bert: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ... well then, why do you need your flashlight, your umbrella, and my bowling ball to take a bath?
Ernie: Well, I took the flashlight in case a fuse blows and all the lights go out, and I don't want Rubber Duckie to be afraid of the dark ...
Bert: Uh-huh.
Ernie: ... and I took the umbrella in case it starts to rains in the bathroom, and I don't want Rubber Duckie to get wet ... not from above, you know; he likes to get wet from sitting in the water ...
Bert: Uh-huh.
Ernie: ... and I took the bowling ball because ... well, you never know when somebody's gonna come along ...
Bert (finishing sentence with him): ... and ask to borrow your bowling ball. Ernie, that's it. You can not use my bowling ball. You just can't. Uh-uh. No. (Shakes his head)
Ernie (crestfallen): Well, gee, Bert ... I guess I'll have to take a bath without your bowling ball. (Sadly leaves)
Bert: Uh-huh. Sure, Ernie. (Hears offscreen splashing) Oh boy, this I gotta see! (Exits. Scene changes to bathroom, where Ernie is merrily splashing about in the tubby, holding the umbrella open over him.) Ernie, do you know how silly you look sitting in that bathtub?
Ernie: Well, better safe than sorry. Right, Rubber Duckie? (Squeaks Rubber Duckie. Suddenly, the room goes dark.) Ooh! We blew a fuse, and all the lights went out! But don't worry, Rubber Duckie. I got my flashlight right here. (Turns it on, shining light around. Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder rolls, and it starts raining.)
Bert: What was that?
Ernie: Oh, it's starting to rain!
Bert: In the bathroom!
Ernie: But don't worry, Rubber Duckie. We got my umbrella to keep the rain from getting on us!
Bert: I don't believe this.
(Thunder rolls, and then a knock comes at bathroom door.)
Ernie: Come in!
Male Muppet (entering): Say, fellas, I got a tournament tonight, and I was wondering if I could borrow ...
Bert: Yeah, I'll go get my bowling ball. (Leaves)
(drum roll)
Announcer: Ernie Presents The Letter A
Ernie: And now we will study the letter A. Now, one word that begins with A, is apple. And this is an apple.
Cookie Monster: And this is Cookie Monster.
Ernie: Cookie Monster! What are you doing here?
Cookie Monster: Oh just hanging around.
Ernie: Hmmm .. well, do you know what to do with an apple?
Cookie Monster: Sure! Yum Yum Yum (devours apple) You eat it!
Ernie: You ate my apple!
Cookie Monster: Of course.
Ernie: *sigh*
Bert: 'Look at this mess! Ernie, don't you think it's time to put all these toys away?'
Ernie: (looks up from the fire engine) 'Well yes, but I didn't get all the toys out.'
Bert: 'Yes, but you got most of the toys out.'
Ernie: 'Wellllll, how about I put most of the toys away?'
Bert: 'Fine. You put most of the toys away, and I'll pick up the rest.' (leaves)
Ernie: 'Okay .... Let's see, how about I put away all the fire engines?
(picks up the engine and starts to leave, stops)
But there's still a lot of toys left. How about I put away all the big toys? Is this a big toy? This? This?
(He starts to examine all the other toys, which are all rather small, until--)
Here's a big toy! The fire engine! Okay!
(again starts to leave, stops)
But there's still a lot of toys left. Let's see, how about I put away all the red toys? How about that? Let's see, is this a red toy? How about this?
(picks up toy dog)
Kind of pinkish maybe, but ...
(keeps looking through toys, none of which are red, until--)
Here's a red toy! The fire engine!
(again starts to leave, but--)
But's there's still a lot of toys left. Hmm ... how about ... I know! How about all the toys with wheels? How about that? Let's see, wheels? This thing have wheels?
(picks up toy horse)
Horse have wheels?
(throws it down, continues until--)
The fire engine! See the wheels? Okay!
(same as before, stops)
But's there's still a lot of toys left. Hmm ... how about ladders? How about all the toys with ladders?
(again he searches through the pile of toys)
This have ladders? This? The fire engine! The fire engine has ladders! Okay! Yes I'm certainly putting away a lot of toys.'
(picks up the engine, starts off. Bert comes in, sees the remaining toys)
Bert: 'Ernie--ERNIE! I thought you told me you were going to put most of the toys away!'
Ernie: 'I am, Bert. I'm putting away all the fire engines,--'
Bert: 'Yeah?'
Ernie: '--all the big toys,--'
Bert: 'Yeah?'
Ernie: '--all the red toys,--'
Bert: 'Ye--' (he suddenly realizes)
Ernie: '--all the toys with wheels, and all the toys with ladders. Yessir, I'm really putting away the toys.'
(Ernie marches off, leaving Bert groaning amidst the huge pile of toys still left.)
Bert (rolls over and sits up in bed): Ernie?
Ernie: Yes, Bert?
Bert: Oh, Ernie, what are you doing with those cookies in bed, huh?
Ernie: Oh, the cookies? Well, I was just hungry, Bert, so I thought I'd have a few cookies before I went to sleep.
Bert: Ernie, Ernie, don't eat those cookies while you're in your bed, huh?
Ernie: Why not, Bert?
Bert: Because you'll get crumbs in the sheets, that's why.
Ernie: Gee, Bert, I'll get crumbs in the sheets? (He lifts the blanket to look for crumbs in the sheets.)
Bert: Yeah, Ernie, and if there are crumbs in the sheets, they'll get in your pajamas.
Ernie: Oooo, crumbs in my pajamas, Bert?
Bert: Yeah, yeah, Ernie, and if you get crumbs in your pajamas, they'll make you itch. You know that.
Ernie: Oh, I don't like to itch, Bert.
Bert: No, and if you itch, you won't be able to sleep, Ernie. So don't do it, okay? Good night. (Goes back to sleep.)
Ernie: Oh, gee, if I eat the cookies in bed, I'll get crumbs in my sheets. (A crumb falls into his sheets.) And if I get crumbs in the sheets, I'll get crumbs in my pajamas. (Feels a crumb in his pajamas.) And if I get crumbs in my pajamas, I'll itch! (Scratches himself.) And I won't be able to sleep! (Gets up, carrying the plate of cookies.) Oh, Bert, thank you so much for stopping me from eating cookies in my bed!
Bert: Alright, Ernie. Just ... just go to bed, though, okay?
Ernie: Okay. And I'm never going to eat cookies in my bed again!
Bert: Okay, good. (Ernie starts getting into Bert's bed with the cookies) Ernie? What are you doing?
Ernie: I'm gonna eat cookies in your bed, Bert. Move over. (Begins eating them as Bert sighs loudly.)
Bert: 'Ahhhh....ahhhh....'
Ernie: 'Hey Bert, what's wrong?'
Bert: 'I think I'm going to sneeze.'
Ernie: 'Bert, you can't sneeze, you don't have a hanky. You can't sneeze without a hanky.'
Bert: 'I know, can you go get one, Ernie? Please hurry!'
Ernie: 'Wait right there. (he runs off, returns with a large hanky) Okay you can sneeze now.'
Bert: 'Ahh, ahhh, just hold it right there, Ernie.'
Ernie: 'Just sneeze any way you want to.'
Bert: 'Hold it that way, aaaahhhh, AAAhhhhh, I can feel it coming, AAAAAHHHH, It's going to be a big one--AAACCCCCHHHHOOOOoooo!!! (Bert buries his nose in the hanky, but when he lifts his head, his nose is still in Ernie's hand!) (nasally) That's better! Thanks, Ernie.'
Ernie: 'Uh, Bert? (taps him on the shoulder, shows him his nose.) This here's your nose. Looks like you sneezed your nose off.'
Bert: (nasal) 'Rats! (pause) Ernie, can you keep this quiet? Draw the drapes and...(softly) and put my nose back on!'
Ernie: 'Why of course, kehehehe! That's what friends are for, aren't they, kehehehe?! They put their friends' noses back on!'
Bert: (nasal) 'Ernie, cut the clowning, and just put my nose back on!'
Ernie: 'Okay, okay.' (Bert bends down, Ernie sticks it way over on the right side of his face, then starts laughing again)
Bert: 'Ernie, what are you doing? That's not where my nose goes!'
Ernie: 'Kehehehe! You should see where your nose is, Bert, kehehehe!'
Bert: 'I can see it, yeah, out of my left eye I can see it! C'mon, Ernie, you know where it goes!'
Ernie: 'Okay, just a minute.' (Ernie pulls Bert's nose off and then sticks it above Bert's eyebrows, starts laughing again.)
Bert: 'Is that your idea of where my nose goes? You know where it belongs!'
Ernie: 'Kehehehe, it looks pretty funny right where it is, kehehehe!'
Bert: 'Ho-ho. C'mon, Ernie, you know what to do, do it right!' (Bert bends down again, and Ernie moves Bert's nose down below Bert's chin, then laughes some more)
Ernie: 'Kehehehe! You should see where it is now!'
Bert: 'ERNIE! C'mon now, quit clowning around, do it right!'
Ernie: 'Okay, hang on. (Ernie finally puts Bert's nose where it belongs) There!'
Bert: 'Thanks, Ern. (pause) Oh no!'
Ernie: 'What's the matter?'
Bert: 'I think I'm going to sneeze again!'
(Ernie walks in with a cooking pot and plops it on Bert's head)
Ernie: Here Bert, try this on!
Bert: Hey, hey, Ernie, what are you doing? Get that pot off my head! Why?
Ernie: Well haa, ya see Bert, a little while ago, I dropped and broke the cookie jar.
Bert: Oh, Ernie, you didn't!
Ernie: Mmm hmmm.
Bert: Oh well, all right, so you broke the cookie jar, but what's it gotta do with that pot there, huh?
Ernie: Well you see, I had to put the cookies somewhere...
Bert: Yeah?
Ernie: Bert, um... just a second. I... I... I'll show you, Bert.
Bert: (looks at camera) I don't understand.
Ernie: (brings in sugar bowl full of cookies) See, I broke the cookie jar and so I had to put the cookies in the sugar bowl, see? (takes a taste of one)
Bert: Well... yeah, Ernie, but ... but if you put the cookies in the sugar bowl, then where'd ya put the sugar?
Ernie: Well, I'll show you, Bert! (famous Ernie hmm) Hmm hmm hmm (leaves with bowl and Bert looks at camera)
Bert: Yeah, show me. (does the famous head tilt)
Ernie: Ok, well you see, I put the sugar in the flower pot here.
Bert: In the flower pot?! Oh great ... just great. Well WHERE'D you put the flower that was growing there, huh?
Ernie: Oh I'll show you, Bert! (takes away the pot)
Bert: Ya gonna show me again ... I don't get this.
Ernie: (brings in milk bottle and flower) Ya see, I had to plant this flower here into this milk bottle, see ... nicely planted, I watered it and everything.
Bert: (Looking very stunned) (Ernie looks straight into camera all proud, shaking his head about his nose) ERNIE!!!! (Shaking head)
Ernie: (Calmly) Hmm?
Bert: Well now WHERE is the milk?!
Ernie: Oh, I'll show you, Bert.
Bert: (Ernie leaves) Ya gonna show me where the milk is too. Oh Ernie, I... (looks at Ernie returning with a root beer bottle.. stunned)
Ernie: See I put the milk into the, uh, soda bottle.
Bert: (Gets close to Ernie in quiet voice gradually getting louder) Ernie... I'm trying to be patient, but WHERE is the soda??
Ernie: Oh just a second, Bert, I'll show you... (calmly as usual, Bert getting more stunned and irritated gives out his famous ... )
Bert: Aaaaaaahhhh!
Ernie: (Brings in the soda-filled fishbowl) It wasn't easy, but I put the soda in the (straining) mmm fishbowl.
Bert: In the fishbowl?! Ernie, this is CRAZY!! Now where are the fish?!?
Ernie: Oh... well, I'll show you, Bert. (even calmer than before)
Bert: (stares into camera as Ernie leaves for a few seconds and ...) Ooohhhh, Ernie, what are you doing now? (Mouth wider than ever in shock)
Ernie: Oh, I gotta carry it out here, Bert ... I put the fish in ... to ... the cowboy hat, ya see.
Bert: (looks down into hat as fish squirts water in B.'s face) Oh, no... Eeeyah! (wipes face and stands there with mouth firmly closed very angry)
Ernie: (points calmly at fish in hat) Take it easy there, fella.
Bert: (angrily) Ernie, Ernie, that is MY cowboy hat ...
Ernie: Yeah, so? (VERY calmly)
Bert: But ya, you but the fish in it, now what am I gonna do when I wanna play cowboy?
Ernie: Oh, umm, well (reaches for pot and puts it on Bert's head) Ride em cowboy, Bert! (pats Bert on back) (Ernie's patented laugh) Keheeheeheehee.
(End music begins with Bert standing there as usual, and Ernie leaving.)
Part One:
(Ernie, singing loudly and wordlessly, is throwing stuff around the living room.)
Bert: Hey, Ernie, cut that out! Cut that out! (Ernie stops.) Look at this mess! Boy, you are the sloppiest person I know! Now, if you don't get this place cleaned up, I'm gonna move in with Oscar. His garbage can's neater than this. Wow!
Ernie: Oh, don't worry, Bert, I'm gonna get this place so clean you wouldn't recognize it. I'm telling you, Bert, when I'm finished in here, you could eat off the floor!
Bert (mirthlessly): Ha, ha, ha. I'll believe that when I see it.
Ernie: Okay, stand back; just give me some room here ...
Part Two:
(The same scene. Ernie is humming and brushing some dirt into a dustpan.)
Bert (entering): Hey, Ernie, the place looks terrific! (I think Bert might have said some line here I don't recall.) Hey, are you finished?
Ernie: Well, just about, Bert. I gotta go clean out my toybox.
Bert: Well, go to it! It's beautiful!
Ernie: Okay, I gotta go clean out my toybox. (Takes things out of it, one at a time, then throws each one over his shoulder after naming it.) Let see, I got my Rubber Duckie. Don't want to forget that ... I got my paper-clip collection ... my X, to mark the Spot ... my dog, Spot ... that's his name, Spot ... Let's see, I got my worm collection ... old tape ... my football helmet ... my tinfoil ball ... a peanut butter sandwich ... Let's see ... down here ...
(Scene changes to show Bert standing nearby and sighing as the stuff lands around him.)
(spoken introduction)
Little Richard: Hi! I'm waiting for my friend Rosita. She's supposed to be here to help me sing a song about the way she makes me feel. Now where can that girl be?
Rosita: (jumping up) SURPRISE!!! (laughs)
LR: Oh! Rosita!
Rosita: Mmm-hmmm?
LR: You surprised me!
Rosita: Is that good?
LR: Oh yeah, I love surprises.
Rosita: Oh!
LR: I like ALL the ways you make me feel.
(begins to play the piano)
Rosita: All right!
I got a gal named Rosita, there's so much she makes me feel
She can make me smile or frown or scream or laugh or cry or squeal
Rosita! Honey, look what you've done!
There's so many ways of feelin' and you take me through them one by one!
When you show me that you like me, whooo, it makes me proud
I feel so good about it I gotta shout out loud
Rosita! Honey, look what you've done!
There's so many ways of feelin' and you take me through them one by one!
Sometimes you go away, and whooo, it makes me sad
But then you come right back again, oh, it makes me glad
Rosita! Honey, look what you've done!
There's so many ways of feelin' and you take me through them one by one!
(Hoots' saxophone solo)
Well when you sneak up behind me 'n let out a rebel yell
It really really scares me because I just can't tell
That it's Rosita! Honey, look what you've done!
There's so many ways of feelin' and you take me through them one by one!
Gee, you took my rubber duckie, now I'm one unhappy boy
But hey you brought it back and now I wanna jump for joy
Rosita! Honey, look what you've done!
There's so many ways of feelin' and you take me through them one by one!
ROSITA!!! My love for you is real!
There's no one who can beat you and I love the way you make me feel!
Rosita: (hugging him) Whoo! I love you.
When we finish rock and rollin' on Saturday night
We need a change of pace and so we say 'Alright!'
We know just what
It is we need
These rock and rollers want something to read
Well it sure is lots of fun to be a rock and roll star
But being a rock and roll reader is better by far
That's why we're here
We're all agreed
These rock and rollers need something to read
We're rock and roll readers
(rock and rollers want something to read)
Rock and roll readers
(reading's something rock and rollers need)
When we're not on the stage
We're likely to be
Making an appearance at the library
Making an appearance at the library
Well we've been rock and rolling from the east to the west
But when we're finished rock and rolling there's one thing we like best
We put down our guitars
We take our fingers off the keys
And pick up a book and read
We're rock and roll readers
(rock and rollers want something to read)
Rock and roll readers
(reading's something rock and rollers need)
When we're not on the stage
We're likely to be
Making an appearance at the library
Making an appearance at the library
Making an appearance at the library
Come on everybody
Sing along, sing along
Everybody sing along with me
Dance to the music
Clap your hands, count to three
Join our Sesame Jamboree
Cookie Monster: Circle left, circle right
Swing your cookie, take a bite!
Sesame Jamboree
Cookie Monster: Me and cookie, do-si-do
Eat it up and down it go!
Sesame Jamboree
Come on everybody
Sing along, sing along
Everybody sing along with me
Dance to the music
Clap your hands, count to three
Join our Sesame Jamboree
Sesame Jamboree
Come and see our country music show
The Count: One two three four
Hush my mouth, I'll count some more!
Sesame Jamboree
The Count: Five six seven eight
Country counting's really great!
Sesame Jamboree
Come on everybody
Sing along, sing along
Everybody sing along with me
Dance to the music
Clap your hands, count to three
Join our Sesame Jamboree
Sesame Jamboree
Come and see our country music show, oh
All: Come on everybody
Sing along, sing along
Everybody sing along with me
Dance to the music
Clap your hands, count to three
Join our Sesame Jamboree (Sesame Jamboree)
Join our Sesame Jamboree (Sesame Jamboree)
Sesame Jamboree!
It's springtime
Leaves sprout and grass grows and birds start to sing
Walk in the park, take a ride on a swing
In springtime
Then comes summer
Sun is hot, grass is green, there is no school
Bathing suits, lemonade, swim to get cool
In summer
Then comes autumn
Red and gold leaves fall from trees every day
School starts and summer birds all fly away
In autumn
Then comes winter
Snowmen and snowballs, cold hands and cold nose
Bright frozen icicles, heavy warm clothes
In winter
Then comes springtime, then summer,
Then autumn, then winter,
And then it's springtime again
Mahna Mahna: I know a couple, name of Jack and Jill.
They love each other and they always will.
'Cause when Jill gets an itch in the middle of her back,
All she does is turn to Jack.
And she says:
Jill: Scratch my back!
Oh, baby, won't you scratch my back?
Really nothing to it!
Love it when you do it!
Baby, won't you scratch my back?
Mahna Mahna: When Jack feels itchy, they just make a switch.
He turns to Jill and says:
Jack: I've got an itch!
Come on, Jilly, won't you be a peach
And scratch the itch that I can't reach?
And you can scratch my back!
Oh, honey, won't you scratch my back?
Really nothing to it!
Love it when you do it!
Honey, won't you scratch my back?
Mahna Mahna: They'll be so happy 'til the end of time,
Jill: I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine!
Jack: We're lovey-dovey as a couple can be,
'Cause I got you and you got me!
Jill: And you can scratch my back!
Jack: And, honey, you can scratch my back!
Jill: Really nothing to it!
Jack: Love it when you do it!
Jill: Baby, won't you scratch my back?
Jack: Honey, won't you scratch my back?
Jack and Jill: Love it when you scratch my back!
(During the song, Jack and Jill take turns scratching
each other. But at the song's end,
Sssss! Say hey! I'm Sammy the snake, and I'm here to tell you people something about the letter 'S'.
Oh, I'm Sammy the snake
And I look like the letter 'S'ssss.
Oh, yes.
I'm all wiggly and curvy,
And I look like the letter 'S'ssss.
I confess.
But do you know the sound
Of Sammy the snake?
Well, the sound of the letter 'S'
Is the sound I make.
I say 'Sssssss!'
Let me tell you about it. Out of sight.
I say 'Sssss!' in the morning,
'Sssss!' in the afternoon.
Yes, I do to all my snake friends.
I say 'See you later, Slinky.'
She's my sister.
I say 'See you soon.'
Yeah, she's super slick.
Yeah, I'm Sammy the snake,
And I have to confess
That I look and I sound just like the letter 'S'.
Now come on, all you children, and make that 'S' sound with me. Here we go.
Ssssssssssss! Yeah, that's fine.
That's the sound you hear in the beginning of a word like 'sing' or 'storytime.'
Let's do it again. Ssssssssssss!
Yeah, you hear that sound in the beginning of a word like 'seesaw,' 'silly,' 'super,' 'star,' or 'seven.'
Yeah, I'm Sammy the snake,
And I have to confess
That I look and I sound just like the letter 'S'.
Ssssssssssss! So long.
Ya got a lotta curves
Ya got a lotta style
I especially like your S-profile
S, S, S, you're the best
You start words like 'sail'
You start words like 'sun'
You start words like 'stop' when I'm on the run
S, S, S, you're the best
You've got no sharp points
You've got no straight lines
But when it comes to making words
You do just fine
S, S, S, you're the best
S, S, S, you're the best
Run, run, everybody run.
Come run with me, and we'll have fun.
Hey, run, run, everybody run.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Let's run.
You can run in the city.
You can run in the park.
You can run in the morning.
You can run in the dark.
You can run down hills on the beach in the sun.
It really doesn't matter if you open up and run.
Hey, run, run, everybody run.
Come run with me, and we'll have fun.
Hey, run, run, everybody run.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Let's run.
Well, you can run in the grass.
You can run in the street.
All you've got to do is put wings on your feet.
So hold my hand, and what do you know?
Just take a deep breath and ready, set, go.
Hey, run, run, everybody run.
Come run with me and we'll have fun.
Run, run, everybody run.
Five, four, three, two, one.
Let's run. Let's run. Let's run.....
(spoken after smoking piano riff)
Well, here I am in my tubby again. And my tubby's all filled up with water and nice fluffy suds, honey. And I've got my soap .... looky here ... and I got my washcloth ... look at this ... and I got my nifty scrub-brush, honey, just scrub, just scrub. And I got my big, BIG, fluffy towel to dry me off when I'm done. And I got my piano. And there's one other thing that makes tubby-time the very best time of the whole day, honey. And you know what that is? A very special friend of mine, my very favorite little old friend .... (music starts)
Rubber duckie, you're the one
You make bathtime lots of fun
Rubber duckie, I'm awfully fond of you
Rubber duckie, joy of joys
When I squeeze you, you make noise
Rubber duckie, you're my very best friend, it's true
(patented-Little Richard-ooooooh!)
Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby
Rubber duckie, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber duckie, I'm awfully fond of you
Oh every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who is
Cute and yellow and chubby
Rubber duckie, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber duckie, I'd like a whole pond of you
Rubber duckie I'm awfully fond of you!
Rub your tummy, just like this
Rub it all day long!
Rub your tummy, rub it hard
While we sing our song
Rub, rub, rubba, rub
Rub, rub, rubba, rub
Rub, rub, rubba, rub
Rub, rub, rubba, rub
Rub, rub, rubba, rub, rub
Play and sing along
Pat your head, just like this
Pat it all day long!
Pat your head, but not too hard
And sing our silly song
Pat, pat, patta, pat
Pat, pat, patta, pat
Pat, pat, patta, pat
Pat, pat, patta, pat
Pat, pat, patta, pat, pat
Sing our silly song
Rub your tummy, pat your head!
Play and sing along-
As we sing our very, very
Merry silly song
Clap your hands, just like this
Clap 'em all day long
Clap your hands 1-2-3!
While we sing our song
Come on and play along
If I could only paddle like a doggie oughta paddle
I would paddle my way to you
No river too wide or lake too deep
I'd splash on forward any date to keep
If I could only paddle like a doggie oughta paddle
I could paddle the ocean blue
And nothing out of place a doggie's steady paddle pace
I could paddle my way to
Gotta get through to
Paddle my way to you
Sing it boys!
(background of dogs barking)
If I could only paddle like a doggie oughta paddle
I would paddle my way to you
No river too wide or lake too deep
I go splash forward any date to keep
If I could only paddle like a doggie oughta paddle
I could paddle the ocean blue
Nothing out of place a doggie's steady paddle pace
I'd paddle my way to
Gotta get through to
Paddle my way to you
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!
All: Zippy! Zippy! Zing! Zing!
Zebra, zoo
But what else can a dizzy kind of
'Zigzag' letter do?
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap! Zap!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zang!
All: ZONK!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: What's the letter after 'Y'?
Zizzy Zoomers #2 and 3: 'Z'!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: What's the last letter of the alphabet?
Zizzy Zoomers #2 and 3: 'Z'!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: You want to sing a 'Z' song?
Zizzy Zoomers #2 and 3: Yeah!
(music starts)
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!
All: Zippy! Zippy! Zing! Zing!
Zebra, zoo
But what else can a dizzy kind of
'Zigzag' letter do?
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap! Zap!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zang!
All: ZONK!
A girl named Dinah lived in South Carolina
She wrote a letter to a friend in China
Dear Ling Lu,
How are you?
I love my bike.
Love, Dinah
The letter went out in the afternoon mail
It went by truck, it went by rail
It was a loaded on a boat on its way to China
All the way from South Carolina
When the letter got to China it was loaded on a van
And a man took the letter to Ling Lu San
Ling Lu wrote a letter back to Dinah
And sent it off to South Carolina
Dear Dinah,
How are you?
I like my bike but I love egg drop soup (giggles).
Love, Ling Lu
Ling Lu's letter came by ocean liner
And Dinah thought Ling's letter couldn't be finer
A little bit at the beginning
A little more later on
Watching all the good things grow
That's how the world goes on
Take a look at the river
Pouring into the bay
And you see all the good things growing better every day
Well, take a look at a baby
Sleeping on his mama’s arm
Plan to love him when he’s small
Will grow him safe and strong
Take a look at the sunshine
Pouring out on the day
And you see all the good things growing better every day
Be kind to the river
Be good to the trees
Smile at the sunshine
And bow to the breeze
Say 'thanks for the perfume'
Of every flower you sniff
What a world
What a place
What a gift
Respect the deer and buffalo
The lion and tiger too
Be kind to dogs and pussycats
And they'll be kind to you
Take care of the forest
And fish in the sea
Look after the beetle
The ant and the bee
Say 'thanks for the raindrops'
And all the clouds that drift
They're for you
They're for me
They're a gift
They're for you
They're for me
They're for everyone
They're a gift
Henry: There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza,
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.
Liza: So fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
So fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, fix it.
H: With what should I fix it, dear Liza, dear Liza,
With what should I fix it, dear Liza, with what?
L: With straw, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
With straw, dear Henry, dear Henry, with straw.
H: But the straw is too long, dear Liza, dear Liza,
The straw is too long, dear Liza, too long.
L: So cut it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
So cut it dear Henry, dear Henry, cut it!
H: With what should I cut it, dear Liza, dear Liza,
With what should I cut it, dear Liza, with what?
L: Use the hatchet, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Use the hatchet, dear Henry, the hatchet.
H: But the hatchet's too dull, dear Liza, dear Liza,
The hatchet's too dull, dear Liza, too dull.
L: So, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
So sharpen it dear Henry, dear Henry, sharpen it!
H: With what should I sharpen it, dear Liza, dear Liza,
With what should I sharpen, dear Liza, with what?
L: Use the stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Use the stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, THE STONE!!!!
H: But the stone is too dry, dear Liza, dear Liza,
The stone is too dry, dear Liza, too dry.
L: So wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
So wet it dear Henry, dear Henry, WET IT!
H: With what should I wet it, dear Liza, dear Liza,
With what should I wet it, dear Liza, with what?
L: (moves her rocking chair over to Henry and sings fast)
With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, WATER!!!!!
H: With what should I carry it, dear Liza, dear Liza,
With what should I carry it dear Liza, with what?
L: (crying)
Use the bucket dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Use the bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, the bucket!
H: Uh, Liza????
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza,
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, a hole.
At this point Liza takes the chair and goes off to live with her mother which is probably what Henry wanted in the first place!
Love is what you feel
When you feel you sing
Love is what you feel
About your most favorite thing
Love is a feeling
Everybody likes to feel
Yes love is a really good feeling to have
Love is what you feel
When you feel you want to sing
Love is what you feel
About your most favorite thing
Love is a feeling
Everybody likes to feel
Yes love is a really good feeling to have....
Yes a really good feeling to...
A really good feeling to...
A really good feeling to...
A really good feeling to have!
A song from Kermit, to wish you well
To say I hope you're feeling absolutely swell
A song from Kermit, to send you cheer
To say I miss you and I wish that you were here
It may sound fairly croaky like it's not the song for you
But with every note there's a lump in my throat
So I hope you're listening to
A song from Kermit
To let you see
I hope we'll always be as close as we can be
And if you like my song from Kermit
Maybe you'll like me
La la la dee dee, la la ta dum........
I hope we'll always be as close as we can be
And if you like my song from Kermit
Maybe you'll like me
I was feeling low, I was kinda blue
But that's all gone since I got something new
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
And my new walk suits me fine
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
And it makes my spirit shine
It's a little bit of strut and a lot of smooth
And a little bit of bouncing fine
My chin is up, my feet don't stall
When I walk my walk, I walk real tall
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
And it shows how good I feel
This little piggy went to the market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy got a whole new walk
And look at these pig feet take me home
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
And it shows I've got some sense
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
And I walk with confidence
I got a new way, way to walk
(Walk, walk)
I got a new way to walk
(Walk, walk)
(repeat and fade)
When you want to hug somebody
Because they make you feel good
When you find that somebody
Lifts you up and makes you feel good
When you really mean 'I'm sorry'
When you hurt somebody's feelings
Then you know that love's a feeling
That's a really good feeling to have
Love is what you feel
When you feel you want to sing
Love is what you feel
About your most favorite thing
Love is a feeling
Everybody likes to feel
Yes love is a very good feeling to have
When you want to touch somebody
Because they make you feel good
When you feel pride in somebody
Cheers you up and makes you feel good
One thing will make you happy
And you want to share the feeling
Then you know that it's a feeling
That's a really good feeling to have
Love is what you feel
When you feel you want to sing
Love is what you feel
About your most favorite thing
Love is a feeling
Everybody likes to feel
Yes love is a really good feeling to have
Yes love is a really good feeling to have
A really good feeling to have!
'Bye, Mom, Bye, Spot, see you later.'
Block 2, Block 3
My mom's still wavin' at me
4, 5, 6
The kids are all startin' to mix
7, 8, 9
I'm tryin' to keep from cryin'
10, count 'em 10
Man, I wish I was back home again!
Yeah, life can be so cruel
Goin' forty blocks to school
Forty blocks from my home
11, 12, 13
I'm singin' the homesick blues
14, 15, 16
I'm shakin' inside my new shoes
17, 18, 19
That's 19 streets of sorrow
20, count 'em 20
Gotta do it again tommorow!
Yeah, life can be so cruel
Goin' forty blocks to school
Forty blocks from my home
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Feels like I left my stomach somewhere back there around 11
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
I can't go on much longer, man, but there's six blocks more!
We turn around a corner, Block 35 looks great
Now everybody's countin' off 36! 37! 38!
We roll into the parking lot at number 39
Pull up to the door at 40, hey, 40 feels just fine!
Yeah, 40's pretty cool
I went 40 blocks to school
Forty blocks from my home
Yeah, 40's pretty cool
I went 40 blocks to school
Forty blocks from my home!
Forty blocks from my home!
A face can be up
A face can be down
A face can be as funny as the face of a clown
A face can show just how you feel inside
When your eyes open up
And your smile opens wide
Your eyes could be brown
Your eyes could be blue
But there's never ever any other face just like you
When you're sad or crying
And you don't know what to do--
Somebody's face can happen along
And smile the sunshine back into you
A face can show just how you feel inside
When your eyes open up
And your smile opens wide
Your eyes could be brown
(Or) Your eyes could be blue
But there's never ever any other face just like you
When you're sad or crying
And you don't know what to do--
Somebody's face can happen along
And smile the sunshine back into you
Olivia: In the winter, springtime, and fall ...
In the summertime, I call you a friend for all seasons.
A friend, so many reasons why I like to be with you.
Just like nature, we change, too.
(Here, I think David sings something, then repeats what Olivia sang)
David and Olivia: Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I wanna spend 'em all with you.
Olivia: My friend!
David and Olivia: Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I wanna spend 'em all with you.
Olivia: My friend!
David and Olivia: Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I wanna spend 'em all with you.
Olivia: My friend!
David and Olivia: Winter, spring, summer, fall.
I wanna spend 'em all with you.
Olivia: Winter is cold, the ice and the snow.
David: Springtime is warm; we watch the flowers grow.
Olivia: And the hot sun of summer makes us throw away our cares.
David: Autumn leaves ... (maybe something about frosty air?)
Herry (SPOKEN): Hey, Oscar, Cookie, Grover! It's time to sing the song about the letter that comes after 'E'!
Oscar: I don't wanna do this icky, crummy, lovey-dovey old F song!
Cookie: C'mon lets all sing together.
Herry: All those words that start with the letter F!
All: (sing)
Four furry friends. Frolicking fellows.
On Friday afternoon. (afternoon)
4 furry friends, frankly affectionate,
They sing the future soon. (future soon)
Faithful, fearless, friends for forever.
Fabulous, fun, family.
4 furry friends, faithful together.
Fun-filled, and forever free. (ever free)
Herry (SPOKEN): F is the letter that brings us together.
F is fun. F is famous.
And together our friendship will forge forward.
Thanks to that fantastic letter F.
All (SING): Four furry friends, faithful together.
Fun-filled, and forever free. (Ever free!)
Oscar: Boy, I really hated that!
You can take a ride
On a great big bus
Even the cross-town subway
Would be fine with us
Or just walking you know
Is quite a popular way to go
Yeah, there's a lot of different ways to get to school
Well, you can hop on a truck
Or you can pedal a bike
Or toot along in a car
Anyway, if you like (????)
Or just walking you know
Is still a popular way to go
Yeah, there's a lot of different ways to get to school
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a hole
There's a hole
There's a hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a log on the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a log on the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a log
There's a log
There's a log on the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a bump
There's a bump
There's a bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a frog
There's a frog
There's a frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a tail
There's a tail
There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a flea
There's a flea
There's a flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log on the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a speck
There's a speck
There's a speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a teeny weeny something that's so small you can't see it
On the speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
There's a what?!!
There's........all that stuff in the bottom of the sea
There's a teeny weeny something
There's a teeny weeny something
There's a teeny weeny something.....
On the speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea
Let's forget about that teeny weeny something and we'll...
pluck the speck
flick the flea
tweak the tail
flip the frog
move the bump
lose the log
fill up the hole..
in the bottom of the sea...
'Cuz no one wants a hole in the bottom of the sea!!!!
Can't you see, there's a bird on me
Oh can't you see, there's a bird on me
I can't tell if there's 1 or 2 or 10 or 3
Don't want to complain or raise a fuss
But them birds up there think I'm a motorbus
Oh gee, there's a bird on me
Oh don't ya see, there's a bird on me
They sit there talking to each other not to me
Now how do I find a way to explain
That I'm not a boat or a railway train?
Little birdie fly away and don't ya come back no other day
Oh can't you see, there's a bird on me
Oh woe is me, there's a bird on me
I'm so durn sick of every feathered friend, oh gee!
Stop your chirping and quack quack quack
Come on birdie get off my back!
Elmo: Ummm, Ms. Schurr?
Diane: Oh, yes, well would you call me Deedles, please, Elmo?
Elmo: Okay, Deedles. (laughs) What are you doing?
Diane: Well, I'm reading braille. It's a system devised for blind people who can't see to read print.
Elmo: Oooooh. If Deedles is blind, and can't see Elmo, then how does Deedles know what Elmo is like?
Diane: Well, one way that I know is by listening to the sound of your voice.
Elmo: You mean Deedles can tell what Elmo is like just by listening to Elmo's voice?
Diane: Sure.
Elmo: Wow! What else, what else?
Diane: Well, I can tell by touch, that's one sense that we use a great deal. (she touches his arms) Let me see. Oh gosh, ya got skinny arms, mine aren't quite that skinny!
Elmo: Wow, so Deedles can find out about Elmo by listening and by touching.
Diane: That's right.
Elmo: Any other way?
Diane: Well, by smelling ya, I can smell ya, do you mind?
Elmo: No, no, no.
Diane: Let me get a whiff here. (she smells Elmo) Cute little monster smell! That's alright, Elmo!
Elmo: Thank you.
Diane: Oh, sure.
Elmo: So, touching or listening or smelling gives Deedles ideas of what Elmo is like, even if Deedles can't see Elmo?
Diane: Absolutely, because the ideas and the thoughts come from withinside (her word, not mine!) our heads.
Elmo: Wow!
(music starts)
Diane: Isn't that a kick?
I had a thought
Didn't find it on the ground
Do you know where thoughts are found
Very simply said
The thought came from my head
Got it from my head
Thoughts come from your head
From your head
Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Elmo: Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Diane: I had a dream
Had it lying fast asleep
Down by where the willows weep
On a grassy bed
The dream came from my head
Got it from my head
Dreams come from your head
From your head
Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Elmo: Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Diane: I found a song
Found it whistling in the rain
I found a song
Found it singing in my brain
The song came from my head
Right here in my head
Songs come from your head
From your head
Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Elmo: Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Diane: Thoughts come from your head
Dreams come from your head
Songs come from your head
From your head
Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Elmo: Dooot - un dooot - a - dee - daaa
Both: scat (I can't write it all out!)
(the scene is Ernie and Bert's bedroom at night)
Ernie: Bert? (we hear Bert snoring) Bert? Bert?
Bert: Huh? Wha-wh-what? Huh? (waking up sounds)
Ernie: Hey, Bert? I was just thinking of some of the things you can do with your head, Bert.
Bert: (huge sigh) Oh, Ernie.
Ernie: You know, Bert, one of the things you can do with your head is to remember.
Bert: (big sigh) Ohhhh.
Ernie: You can remember with your head, Bert.
Bert: Great, great, Ernie. (trying to turn his face to the pillow, not pleased)
Ernie: And I was just thinking about some of the things I remember best. (music starts)
Bert: Good.
Ernie: Things I really like to remember, Bert.
Ernie: Things that I remember
Times that never end
Favorite things inside my head
Special friend to friend
Roads we've walked together
(E&B; walking through the jungle)
All the stops we've made
(in the mummy's tomb)
Jokes we've told and songs we've sung
(first the scene where Ernie writes a shopping list with chocolate pudding, then the two dancing side-by-side in their jammies from 'But I Like You')
And silly games we've played
(dressed up as cavemen, then Ernie with socks on his ears)
And there are chilly days in winter
(Ernie cramming a wooly hat on Bert's head)
Out laughing in the snow
(out in the snow with a snowman, Bert is twirled around as Ernie whips off Bert's scarf to put on the snowman)
And lazy days in summer
(Ernie burying Bert in the sand at the beach)
With no place much to go
(in a boat, from the 'Here fishee, fishee, fishee' skit, the fish flying into the boat)
Each day has its memories
And when the day is through
Things that I remember
Are the things I did with you
Ernie: You see what I mean, Bert?
Bert: (now sitting up in bed, much calmer than before) Yeah, I kinda do, Ernie. And you know what? I kinda feel the same way.
Bert: Things that I remember
Safe inside my head
Rubber ducks and pigeons
(Ernie in the bath with rubber duckie, then Bernice, the pigeon, playing checkers)
And the different books we read
(Bert's trying to read as Ernie stands next to his chair with binoculars and a pith helmet on his head)
You took my favorite pillow (the ending of 'Dance Myself To Sleep', as Bert and his bed are taken out of the room by the sheep)
Used my favorite chair
(E&B; at the movies, a woman with a huge hat seated in front of Bert so he can't see)
When you're gone I miss you
(Bert sits up in bed and Ernie's bed is empty)
And I'm happy when you're here
(Ernie pulls off Bert's nose and puts it on the clay statue bust of Bert's head he's made)
And there's an arm around the shoulder
(the end shot from 'But I Like You', Ernie's arm around Bert's shoulder, their heads touching ear-to-ear)
And a friend I'll always keep
(Ernie brings a live puppy to Bert in their apartment, probably the 'Godzilla, the wonder dog' skit)
And nights so full of talking
(Bert's shaking like crazy in their bedroom as Ernie yacks away)
We never fell asleep
(under the stars during a camping trip)
Each day has its memories
And when the day is through
Things that I remember
Are the things I did with you
Ernie: (spoken) Yeah, I know what you mean, Bert.
Both (sung): Things that I remember
Are the things I did with you
(spoken as they each snuggle into their beds)
Bert: Goodnight, Ernie.
Ernie: Goodnight, Bert.
Ernie tosses and turns, trying to get to sleep, then says:
Oh, it's no use, I can't fall asleep. And you know why? It's 'cause I miss my old buddy Bert. He's not here. See, he went to this Pigeon Festival, you know with Bernice, the pigeon? You know, it might make me feel better if I could tell you about it, I hope you don't mind listening?
When Bert's not here
The hours last forever
The toys aren't fun
And the cookies don't crunch
When Bert's not here
I don't feel so clever
And I never even feel like having lunch
When Bert's not here
The place is too quiet
The windows creak
Funny thoughts fill my head
When Bert's not here
No way to deny it
I feel I really should have stayed in bed
There's some peculiar things about him
What he likes and does can be a mystery
But to spend a rainy day without him
Makes me realize how much he means to me
When Bert's not here
The sky's not so sunny
My life seems blue
And from my point of view
When Bert's not here
The jokes aren't so funny
And I wonder what on earth I'm gonna do
When Bert's not here
To play with me and you
You know, I do feel better now. I guess sometimes it does help to tell somebody how you feel. So thanks for listening. I bet I can fall right asleep now. Oh, good night!
What's the name of that song?
What's the name of that song?
It goes la-de-da-de-dum,
Something something birds.
I wish I remembered the words.
What's the name of that song?
I'd like to sing right along!
I've heard it said,
With words and music
A fellow can't go wrong.
So la-de-da-de-dum,
What's the name of that song?
What's the name of that song?
We need the name of that song!
It goes la-de-da-de-dum,
Something, something nice.
I think it repeats itself twice!
What's the name of that song?
I know the name of that song!
It's called--now wait,
I think I got it!
Oh, no--I must be wrong--
So la-de-da-de-dum,
What's the name of that song?
(Honkers) Honk-ee-honk-ee-honk, honk-ee-honk-ee-honk
(Oscar-annoyed) What's the name of that song?
(All) La-de-da-de-dum, La-de-da-de
(Oscar) They keep on singing that song
They go La-de-da-de-dum, La-de-da-de-dum
La-de-da-de-dum, La-de-da-de-dum,
They start it all over again.
La-de-da-de-dum, La-de-da-de-dum
(Gordon) Something shining above.
(two-headed monsters sing some unintelligible words that end with something that rhymes with 'above')
We can't help singing La-de-da-de-dum
Loud and clear and strong.
But La-de-da-de-dum, La-de-da-de-dum
La-de-da-de-dum, La-de-da-de-dum
La-de-da-de-dum, Laaaaaaaaaaaa!
What IS the name of that song?
Announcer: And now, it's time for that great new game show 'What's My Letter?'. And here's the host of the show, Guy Smiley.
Guy: Thank you! Thank you! And now, before we begin our game, let me tell you that today's letter is the letter 'E'. Remember, that's the letter 'E'. And now, let's meet our first contestant, a lovely young lady, Miss Prairie Dawn.
Prairie: Thank you. It is sincerely a pleasure to be here Guy.
Guy: And now, Prairie, here is your question. In the alphabet, what letter comes after the letter 'D'?
Prairie: Oh mercy, I am afraid I do not know.
Guy: Think now Prairie it comes after D and just before F.
Prairie: Uh-huh. Oh, what a puzzler.
Guy: Sometimes it sounds like Eh as in egg, elbow, and elephant.
Prairie: Egg, elbow, elephant. Oh, I have not the faintest.
Guy: Other times it sounds like eee, as in eat, Easter, and evening.
Prairie: This is a very difficult question.
Guy: Time is running out. Remember if you answer correctly, you will win our grand prize, this delightful pet mouse.
Prairie: A mouse??!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Guy: That's absolutely right! Yes! E is the letter right after D, and here is your mouse!
Guy: That's all the time we have for today, get off the table Prairie. Tune in next time for another exciting game of What's My Letter?
What's it like to be in school?
Is it fun, is it cool?
Are there lots and lots of rules?
What's it like to be in school?
Tell me what is school about
Can I laugh, can I shout?
Is it inside, is it out?
Tell me what's it all about?
What's it like to be in school?
Will there be a teacher who'll
Help me out when I'm new?
What's it like to be in school?
Robin: When the mountain touches the valley
All the clouds are taught to fly
As our souls will leave this land most peacefully
Though our minds be filled with questions
In our hearts we'll understand
When the river meets the sea
John Denver: Like a flower that has blossomed
In this dry and barren sand
We are born and born again most gracefully
Plus the winds of time will take us
With a sure and steady hand
When the river meets the sea
All: Patience my brothers
And patience my son
In that sweet and final hour
Truth and justice will be done
Robin: Like a baby when it is sleeping
In its mother's loving arms
What a newborn baby dreams is a mystery (a mystery)
John: But this life will find a purpose
And in time we'll understand
When the river meets the sea
A long long time ago
I can still remember how Jim Henson used to make me smile
And I knew if he had his turn
That he could make those people learn
Knowing they’d be quiet with a smile
The shocking news made me quiver
My mom broke it to me over dinner
I thought of my Kermit
Not wanting to believe this was it
I can’t remember if I cried
When I heard the legend died
But something touched me deep inside
The day the Muppets cried
So, why, why must I say goodbye
Kermit’s eyes were heavy
As Miss Piggy cried
I’ll miss the good ol’ days with cookies scrambled or fried
Singin’ that’s the day a part of me died
That’s the day a part of me died
Did Bert and Ernie teach you of love?
Can you take a bath alone in the tub
If your mommy tells you so?
I can button up my shirt
Use a spoon to eat dessert
Even reach books way high on the shelf
Well, you should see me pour a glass of juice
Wiggle my front tooth that’s loose
You should see me tie my shoes
Man, hear me add up one and two
I can recite my alphabet
There’s not a letter I’ll forget
But I knew I was out of luck
The day the Muppets cried
I started singin’
So, why, why must I say goodbye
Kermit’s eyes were heavy
As Miss Piggy cried
I’ll miss the good ol’ days with cookies scrambled or fried
Singin’ that’s the day a part of me died
That’s the day a part of me died
Oscar has his things all tattered and worn
Full of holes and mostly torn
That’s the only way it should be
Oscar has a newspaper 13 months old
A wrapped fish in it, all smelly and cold
From garbage that came from you and me
You can’t forget 11 and 12
The ladybugs they played well
If they broke their jump rope
Instead they’d tell knock knock jokes
At their picnic in the park
The day the Muppets cried
We were singin'
So, why, why must I say goodbye
Kermit’s eyes were heavy
As Miss Piggy cried
I’ll miss the good ol’ days with cookies scrambled or fried
Singin’ that’s the day a part of me died
That’s the day a part of me died
Cookie Monster was really no monster
He just thought the moon was a cookie impostor
A glass of cookie juice on the side
I’ll always prefer soft boiled cookies and pie
I love my cookies scrambled or fried
C is for cookie and that’s good enough for me
Kermit could make Miss Piggy swoon
While Big Bird and Snuffleupagus sang their tune
We all got up to dance
Oh, but we never got the chance
I would’ve never known which one was not like the other
Was it the guy with the yellow hood?
I sang along every chance I could
The day the Muppets cried
We started singin’
So, why, why must I say goodbye
Kermit’s eyes were heavy
As Miss Piggy cried
I’ll miss the good ol’ days with cookies scrambled or fried
Singin’ that’s the day a part of me died
That’s the day a part of me died
So there we were all in one tub
Singin’ rubber ducky you're the one
He made bath time so much fun
So, come on ducky be yellow, ducky be chubby
He always made his way into the tubby
Rubber ducky I’m awfully fond of you
You should see me brush my hair
Even pick out the clothes I wear
It’s no problem you see
Just thank Grover, he taught me
And as my Mom tucked me in goodnight
I turned on my Elmo night light
I knew something was missing alright
The day the Muppets cried
I was singin’
So, why, why must I say goodbye
Kermit’s eyes were heavy
As Miss Piggy cried
I’ll miss the good ol’ days with cookies scrambled or fried
Singin’ that’s the day a part of me died
That’s the day a part of me died
I’m waiting for a sunny day
To lift me up and wipe my tears away
Was Sesame Street going to be O.K.?
I turned on my TV some more
Where I’d learned so many years before
But the man said the Muppets couldn’t come out and play
And in the streets the children screamed
But I sat and lived his dreams
As long as I live his words are spoken
His world was always open
A part of me I’ll miss the most
The Count, Kermit and cookies on toast
His living became a legend
The day the Muppets cried
So, why, why must I say goodbye
Kermit’s eyes were heavy
As Miss Piggy cried
I’ll miss the good ol’ days with cookies scrambled or fried
Singin’ that’s the day a part of me died
That’s the day a part of me died
When I'm hungry, I eat
When I'm thirsty, I drink
I get my fires lit up with a match
And when I'm itchy, I scratch
When I'm tired, I sleep
When I'm sneaky, I creep
There's a hook in all the fish I catch
And when I'm itchy, I scratch
Buzz off fly, stay away
Who needs you on a sticky summer day?
I don't know what you can possibly see in me
And I don't want such irritating company
Now, when I'm happy, I laugh
When I'm sad, I cry
I get my melons in the melon patch
And when I'm itchy, I scratch
I get my melons in the melon patch
And when I'm itchy, I scratch
I get my melons in the melon patch
And when I'm itchy, I scratch
J: Nelson!
N: Jeanette!
J: It's U!
N: Yes U!
Words that start with U-oooo,oooo
J: Under and untrue- oooo, ooooo
J & N: There is ukulele
J: And there's until
N: Upright, unpopular
J: And uphill
J & N: Have u and always will
J: Words that start with with u- ooo, oooo
Uncle and unglue- ooo, ooo
N: Union, uptown, undress and upside-down
J & N: I'm in love with u- ooo, oooo
J: Ugly starts with u- oooo, ooooo
Uniforms do too- ooo, ooo
N: Some will have the u sound as in unite.
Some have the uh sound as in uptight.
J & N: Don't worry, it's alright.
J: Useful starts with u- ooo, ooo
N: Underwater too, ooooo
J & N: Up, underwear, umbrella, unfair
I'm in love with u, ooooooo, ooooo ( high pitched)
The letter U standing on hillside turns around and says: Unbelievable!
Father: (to Mother) How's the packing going dear?
Mother: Just about done.
Father: Oh good. (to Jimmy) Well Jimmy, tomorrow's the big day. We're moving to a new house.
Jimmy: I don't wanna move. Everything's going to change, and I want things to stay just the way they are.
Mother: Dear, now we understand how you feel but everything's gonna be just fine, you'll see.
Jimmy: Sure...
Mother: Oh, try to get some sleep, honey. (Father turns out light) Good night.
Jimmy: 'Night Mom.
Father: Good night, Jimmy.
Jimmy: 'Night Dad.
Hoots: (pausing by window) Yo Bunky!
Jimmy: Huh?
Hoots: You say you're feelin' bad because you have to move? Gonna have a new room and you're gonna miss your old room?
Jimmy: Yeah.
Hoots: And you're not gonna know anybody, and you're gonna have to make all new friends, and you're gonna miss all your old friends? Is that what's troubling you, Bunky?
Jimmy: Jimmy.
Hoots: Is that what's troubling you, Bunky ... I mean, Jimmy?
Jimmy: Yeah.
Hoots: Well you can stop worrying. Just remember -
Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new
Your caterpillar's all wrapped up
And he won't tell you why
Inside his sack he's changing
Soon he'll be a butterfly
And you know it doesn't matter
If you lost your pollywogs
They really didn't disappear
They all changed into frogs!
Hey! Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new
Sing it! Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new
Yeah, not much stays just like it was
As that old clock keeps tickin'
For every little egg you lose
You could get back a chicken!
And if you plant an acorn
And wait a year or three
Then turn around and look again
You just may find a tree!
Hey! Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new
Sing it! Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new
The seasons keep on changing too
The summer turns to fall
No more swimming, no more picnics
But we get to play football!
Hey! Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new
Everybody! Things are always changing
So don't be sad and blue
Change can make you happy
'Cause it brings you somethin' new!
Hoots: So how you feeling?
Jimmy: Great, Bunky!
Hoots: That's Hoots. (he leaves)
Mother: (in hall) Are you all right, dear?
Jimmy: Yes, Mom.
Father: Are you sure, son?
Jimmy: Yes! Now please let me get to sleep, we're moving tomorrow!
What makes music?
Anything makes music
When you’re happy on the inside
Everything you hear is music
An old tin can ... that’s music
A frying pan ... that’s music
A rubber band ... that’s music
A paper and a comb
A washer and a thumb
A (???) and a big trombone
What makes music?
Anything makes music
When your heart is open wide
Then everything around is music
And music fills the day
Like nothing else on earth can do
When I’m making music with you!
What makes music?
Anything makes music
When you make a brand new friend
Then everything you do is music
La la la la ... that’s music
La la la la ... that’s music
La la la la ... that’s music
A paper and a comb
A washer and a thumb
A (???) and a big trombone
What makes music?
Anything makes music
When your heart is open wide
Then everything around is music
And music fills the day
Like nothing else on earth can do
When I’m making music with you!
Sometime me think,
What is friend?
And me think,
Friend something very special.
A friend somebody to share your toys,
To stay with and to play with and to make a lot of noise,
To spin around until friend get dizzy,
And jump up and down until stomach get queasy,
And to sometimes tell stories to.
A friend somebody like you.
Sometimes me think,
What is friend?
And me think,
Friend something better than chocolate ice cream!
A friend somebody to take to park,
A buddy you can buddy with 'til it start getting dark,
To laugh and joke and hippity-hop it,
Or tickle and poke 'til friend tell you to stop it,
And me no think of any more.
Well maybe friend somebody
You give up last cookie for.
B or not a B?
That is the question.
Whether 'tis the second letter of the alphabet, or some other merry letter.
(He raises the letter B and gazes upon it)
B or not a B?
This letter doth have a stiff, straight back.
And the word 'back' begineth with B!
B or not a B?
This letter doth have two bumps in the front.
And I reckon the word 'bump' begineth with B!
Zoons, the word 'begineth' begineth with B!
If 'begineth' be a word.
Now, by my sword, I declare, B or not a B, 'tis B!
Good night, sweet B.
(He kisses the lucky letter B!)
(Herbert Birdsfoot is standing next to three blocks lined up in a row.)
Herbert: Hi! Herbert Birdsfoot here, and now it's time for Grover's counting lesson.
Grover (running up): Hey, Herbie baby! Am I late?
Herbert: No, no, you're right on time.
Grover: Oh, good.
Herbert: Now, over here I have some blocks. I want you to count the blocks and tell me how many there are.
Grover: One, two, three. Three blocks, Herbie!
Herbert: Very good, Grover. Now, I'm going to move them like this ... (Begins stacking one block on top of another.)
Grover: Oh, he's making a little building! Oh, that's cute, Herbie! That's a nice little building!
Herbert: There! Now, can you tell me how many blocks there are now? Be careful, though.
Grover: One, two, three. Herbie, three blocks!
Herbert: Very good, Grover. Now, I'm going to move the blocks once more ... (Removes top block.)
Grover: Oh, but that was such a pretty little building! And ...
(Herbert makes a pyramid.)
Grover: Oh, that's nice, too!
Herbert: There! Now, can you tell me how many blocks there are now? Be careful, now.
Grover (pauses): Three blocks.
Herbert: Are you sure? They look different.
Grover: I know, Herbie, I know, but they are the same number! See? One, two, three. Three blocks, Herbie!
Herbert: Very good, Grover! You're doing very well today.
Grover (beaming): Oh, I know!
Herbert (leading Grover away from the blocks): Now, over here ...
Grover: Oh, over there. Bye, blocks!
Herbert (brings Grover to a spot where there are three oranges): ... I have some oranges. Now, I want you to count the oranges and tell me how many there are.
Grover: Um ...
Herbert: Just count the oranges and tell me how many there are.
Grover: Herbie, I can't.
Herbert: Well, why not?
Grover: Well, you see, I know how to count blocks ...
Herbert (puzzled): Yes?
Grover (despairingly): ... but I do not know how to count oranges! Oh! (Puts his hand to his head and leans on a very confused Herbert.)
Cookie Monster: Good evening, and welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre. Me your host, Alistair Cookie. Tonight, me present good old-fashioned musical called, 'Guys and Dolls'. It all about guys and their dolls. So now, 'Guys and Dolls'.
Herry: When you see a really strong guy
Battin' balls way up to the sky
There could be a chance the guy's got a doll
Female orange-haired monster: When you meet a really smart gal
With a doll that's her very best pal
It just might be
She's got a truck
She races 'round her room
'Cause she likes to go vroom-vroom
Herry: When a guy's got himself tucked in
Who does he want tucked in with him
Who's he keep by him while he dreams all night
It's not his bat
It's not his baseball
It's his favorite doll
He likes to hug most of all
'Cause some guys really like to
Some guys really like to play with dolls
Female: When it's time to say good-night
Who's a girl wanna hug real tight
Who's she keep by her while she closes her eyes
It's not her doll
It's not her teddy
It's her favorite truck, yeah!
She's tucked in her bed, see?
'Cause some girls really like to
Some girls really like to play with trucks
Both: Yes, we really like to
We really like to play with ...
Herry: Dolls!
Female: Trucks!
Herry: Sleep tight, dolly!
Female: Vroom-vroom!
Scene changes to Monsterpiece Theatre set, Cookie Monster now has a doll in his hands.
Cookie Monster: Now, that music me can hum to! Right dolly? Ahh-haaa, you liked it too? This Alistair Cookie saying 'good night'. Say 'good night', dolly. (he moves her body up and down and changes his voice slightly) Good night, dolly. Ahhh-haaa-haaa.
Blue Guy: 'Ahhhh! Bakeries, I love this stuff! Cakes, donuts, cookies! (deep breath) Ahhh! Can I get some help here, please?!'
(Grover enters from the back wearing an apron)
Grover: 'Hello, sir!'
Blue Guy: 'Oh no, it's you! You're the guy that works over at Charlie's!'
Grover: 'Why, yes, sir, I have many jobs. I'm still trying to find my niche in life.'
Blue Guy: (exasperated sound) 'Okay, okay, I'll make this very simple, I don't want any trouble, I would like one ...'
Grover: (interrupting) 'Excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir. But I must ask you to take a number over there. (points to the wall where the number machine is) You see, when your number is called, then you will be served. Please take a number.'
Blue Guy: 'But I'm the only one in here!'
Grover: 'Sorry, sir, it is store policy. The sign outside says, 'John's Bakery', not 'Grover's Bakery'. I only work here.'
Blue Guy: (starts to march over to the numbers) 'Okay, okay, I'll take a number.'
Grover: (walking with him) 'Please take a number, right over here, sir, right over here. This machine here will give you a number. Okay, now go ahead. (The Blue Guy reaches into the machine, pulls a lever and takes out a piece of paper with a number on it.) Very good, now what is the number?'
Blue Guy: '40.'
Grover: '40, yes, sir, 40 is your number. (Blue Guy lets out a heavy sigh) When I call the number 40, you will be served. Here we go, listen up. (calls out to the empty store) Number 1, anybody have the number 1?! (Blue Guy's mouth drops open in shock) No? No. Okay. (Grover moves over to the other side where the donuts are, his head moving back and forth to cover the entire store) How about the number 2?! Anybody here have the number 2?! Numero dos!'
Blue Guy: (whining voice) 'I'm the only one here!'
Grover: (moves back to where he's standing) 'Excuse me, sir, I do not tell you how to do YOUR job, do I? Now where was I? Oh, yes. Number 3, anybody have the number 3?! .... How about the number 4? ... I'll wait for it, 4! ... 5?! ... 6?! ... (Blue Guy is starting to quietly fume) ... Anybody have the 7? 7! ... No? How about the 8? ... 9, anybody have 9?! (Grover starts heading for the other side of the counter again, searching the room for an answer) ... 10? .... No? ... How about 11, anybody have 11?! (He's back in front of The Blue Guy who is now starting to shake from holding in his anger) ... 12?!'
Blue Guy: 'I don't believe this!'
Grover: 'Do you have the 12, sir?'
Blue Guy: 'No!'
Grover: 'Then please be quiet. 13! ... 14! ... 15! ... (Blue Guy is muttering under his breath) 16! ..'
Blue Guy: 'Could you please hurry it up?'
Grover: 'Do you want me to start, sir, from the beginning? 17! ... 18! Going once, going twice, 18! ... 19! .... 20! ... 21! Come on, people. 22! ... 23! ... (Blue Guy's muttering becomes a bit louder) I'm sorry, sir, what?!'
Blue Guy: 'What?! No, no, just get on with it, please!'
Grover: 'Where was I, now, let me think ... (long pause) ... 24! ... 25! ... 26! ... 27! Speak up now! 28, 29! ... 30! Come on now, the big three-ohhh, anybody?'
Blue Guy: (now propping himself up on the counter, checking his ticket now and then, barely able to contain his emotions, he whispers) 'I don't believe this.'
Grover: '31! Hmmm ... (walks to the donut side) ... ahh, 32! (arms on counter, he leans towards the camera) 33! Hmm ... (walks back to Blue Guy) ... 34! ... (Grover looks behind Blue Guy then stares him straight in the eyes as The Blue Guy quivers in anger) ... 35! ... (Grover looks towards the back of the store, long pause) ... 36! ... (he walks to the doorway leading to the back which infuriates The Blue Guy)
Blue Guy: 'Where is he going?! I don't believe this!'
Grover: (walks back out) '37! ... 38! ... 39!'
(The bell over the front door jingles as a woman enters holding a paper number. The Blue Guy looks on in shock.)
Woman: '39? I'm number 39. We have our school picnic today and I have 120 hungry kids. They all want their own donuts, so, Jimmy's number one and he'd like a brown chocolate donut with the little white sprinklies on top, okay?'
Grover: 'Fine.'
Woman: 'And number two, Suzie's number two and she wants ... (The Blue Guy faints onto the floor in front of her, she takes a step up to stand on him and continues her order) ... Number two, she'd like a strawberry filled donut ...'
Blue Guy: Waiter!
Grover: Just a moment, Sir! (runs off stage)
Blue Guy: Waiter!
Grover (running across stage): Just a second! (he runs over to The Blue Guy) Yes, Sir! Grover, your waiter, at your service, Sir!
Blue Guy: Yes, well, I'd like a hamburger.
Grover: Well, Sir, we have two hamburgers; a big one and a little one. (whispering) May I suggest you try the little one.
Blue Guy: All right, let's see it.
Grover: (goes through the door in back, and yells to the kitchen staff) Singe the itty bitty, Charlie!
Blue Guy: (mumbling) I always get this ding-a-ling every time I come in here.
(After a couple seconds, Grover comes out)
Grover: All right, Sir, the little hamburger.
(Holds out the plate. On it is a small sandwich, not even enough to make a mouthful.)
Blue Guy: Wow, that sure is little.
Grover: Isn't it sweet?
Blue Guy: That's hardly enough to feed a flea!
Grover: I wouldn't know. We have never fed a flea here before! (Laughs, and looks at Blue Guy, who's looking at him.) That's a waiter joke.
Blue Guy: Well, don't wait for the laughs. (Thinks) Uh, yeah, take this back and bring me the big hamburger.
Grover: Oh, no, no, maybe you want, oh say, three or four little ones, cause we've had a lot of problems with our big one.
Blue Guy: Look, your problem's no concern of mine; take back this little hamburger.
Grover: Here, let me sit down and talk to you. (sits on Blue Guy's chair next to him) First thing, we have ...
Blue Guy: (Cutting off Grover) WILL YOU BRING ME THE BIG HAMBURGER!
(Grover screams, frightened)
Grover: Yes, Sir!
Blue Guy: I haven't got all day!
Grover: All right, I warned you, I warned you. (goes through door, and yells) All right, Charlie, brrroil the biggie!
Blue Guy: (angrily) Boy, the nerve of that guy, trying to tell me what I want!
(viewer hears a rumbling sound in background starting here, grows progressively louder)
Blue Guy: I know what I want, (hears the sound, starts to slow down) I want .. the .. big ... ham ... bur .. ger ...
(He looks back and then toward the cameras with a surprised look)
(Grover crashes through the door with this enormous hamburger, which dwarfs him and the table. He strains under the weight and places the hamburger on the table. Blue Guy's scared out of his mind, comes out from under the table, and starts to take off.)
Grover: Uh, Sir, on the catsup, do you want the big bottle or the little bottle? Hm?
(Ending music of two notes plays, Blue Guy starts to walk off again.)
Grover: WHOAAA!
(Tips over holding hamburger. Blue Guy looks back, there's a deafening crash as Grover falls, then Blue Guy runs off.)
When I was a little bitty boy
Just up off a floor
We used to go down to Grandma's house
Ev'ry month end or so,
We'd heva chicken pie and country ham
'N' home made butter on the bread
But the best darn thing about Grandma's house
Was her great big feather bed
It was nine feet tall and six feet wide
Soft as a downy chick
It was made from the feathers of forty 'leven geese
Took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick
It'd hold eight kids 'n' four hound dogs
And a piggy we stole from the shed
We didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun
On Grandma's feather bed
After supper we'd sit around the fire
The old folks'd spit and chew
Pa would talk about the farm and the war
And Granny'd sing a ballad or two
I'd sit and listen and watch the fire
'Till the cobwebs filled my head
Next thing I'd know I'd wake up in the mornin'
In the middle of the old feather bed
It was nine feet tall and six feet wide
Soft as a downy chick
It was made from the feathers of forty 'leven geese
Took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick
It'd hold eight kids 'n' four hound dogs
And a piggy we stole from the shed
We didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun
On Grandma's feather bed
Well I love my Ma, I love my Pa
I love Granny and Grandpa too
I been fishin' with my uncle
I wrassled with my cousin
I even kissed Aunt Lou ooo!
But if I ever had to make a choice
I guess it oughta be said
That I'd trade 'em all plus the gal down the road
For Grandma's feather bed
I'd trade 'em all plus the gal down the road ...
It was nine feet tall and six feet wide
Soft as a downy chick
It was made from the feathers of forty 'leven geese
Took a whole bolt of cloth for the tick
It'd hold eight kids 'n' four hound dogs
And a piggy we stole from the shed
We didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun
On Grandma's feather bed
We didn't get much sleep but we had a lot of fun
On Grandma's feather bed
I'll sing you one o'
(Green grow the rushes go)
What is the one o'?
(One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so)
I'll sing you two o'
(Green grow the rushes go)
What is the two o'?
(Two, two, the little green frogs, jumping over lily ponds
One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so)
I'll sing you three o'
(Green grow the rushes go)
What is the three o'?
(Three, three, the dragon flies
Two, two, the little green frogs, jumping over lily ponds
One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so)
I'll sing you four o'
(Green grow the rushes go)
What are the four o'?
Four are the little brown ducklings
(Three, three, the dragonflies
Two, two, the little green frogs, jumping over lily ponds
One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so)
I'll sing you five o'
(Green grow the rushes go)
What are the five o'?
Five are the buzzing hunnybees
(Five are the buzzing hunnybees
Four are the little brown ducklings
Three, three, the dragonflies
Two, two, the little green frogs, jumping over lily ponds
One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so)
One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so
Good morning,
Mister Sun,
Welcome to the sky-
Shine on all the
Little creatures
As you're passing by.
Stop yawning,
Mister Sun,
Time to make a day.
Brightening every
Little corner
As you go your way.
The moon and stars are
Fine at night.
But when it's day,
We need your light
So, we say, 'Keep shining,
Mister Sun,
Smiling in the blue.'
You'll see all the
Little children,
Smiling back at you.
And birds and bees,
The flowers, the trees,
The whole wide world
Will seem to say,
'Good Morning,
Good Morning,'
Mister Sun.
Good Morning,
Have a nice day.
Goodbye, goodbye little cookie
Me always remember just you
Goodbye, goodbye little cookie
It now time to bid you adieu
Once you were baked in an oven
Just like a cake or a pie
Now you're so brown and pretty
Me hate to tell you goodbye
But goodbye, goodbye little cookie
Me always remember just you
Goodbye, goodbye little cookie
It now time to bid you adieu
Me love your nuts and your raisins
Me love your color and smell
Me like to hold you forever
But now it is time for farewell
So goodbye, goodbye little cookie
Me always remember just you
Goodbye, goodbye little cookie
It now time to bid you adieu
Monsterpiece Theatre overture, Cookie Monster seated in his chair wearing his lovely red smoking jacket.
Alistair Cookie: Good evening. Alistair Cookie here, again. Welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre. Tonight, me very excited to bring you all-time favorite movie, 'Gone With The Wind'. Me not seen it yet, but, me hear it about ... the wind. And now, 'Gone With The Wind'.
(We see a plantation-style house from the outside, the wind blowing through the trees. Next, we move inside and see two figures on a staircase, holding onto the banister railings for dear life as the wind blows through the house. The chandelier sways before them. Soon animals begin to fly by, pigs and sheep mostly.)
Green (played by Kermit the Frog): Uh, that wind seems to be getting mighty strong, Miss Scarlet.
Scarlett: Oh, Green, what'll we do? What'll we do? What'll we do?!
Green: Frankly my dear, I haven't got the froggiest ... errr ... foggiest.
Scarlett: But that means ... that means, I'm going to have to figure something out.
Green: I reckon so, my dear.
Scarlett: Oh! This wind! It's too loud for me to even think! I know, I'll think about it tomorrow.
Green: I was afraid she was going to say that. Uhhh ... uhhh ... something tells me tomorrow will be too late!
Scarlett: Wait, there is something we can do!
Green: What's that?
Scarlett: We can subtract!
Green: We can subtract?
Scarlett: Yes, subtract, like this. There's two of us, right?
Green: Yeah.
Scarlett: Two of us, take away one of us (Kermit's railing breaks and he flies offscreen, yelling as he goes, 'Aiiiiii!') leaves one of us. (The chandelier swings in front of them again, this time holding a pig) One of us, take away one of us (her railing now breaks sending her flying off) leaves zeroooooooo!
The chandelier with the pig sways by again as the scene changes back to Cookie Monster. The drapes in the window behind him are being blown inwards and various animals fly past.
Alistair Cookie: And so ends all-time favorite, 'Gone With The Wind'.
A lamb lands in his lap and he pulls him close, saying, 'Awwww.' as he pats him.
Good morning, starshine, the earth says 'Hello'
You twinkle above us, we twinkle below
Good morning, starshine, you lead us along
My love and me as we sing our early morning singing song
Gliddy, glup, gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba nabba
Early morning singing song
Good morning, starshine, the earth says 'Hello'
You twinkle above us, we twinkle below
Good morning, starshine, you lead us along
My love and me as we sing our early morning singing song
Gliddy, glup, gloopy
Nibby nabby noopy
La, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba
Nooby abba nabba
Le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla
Nooby abba nabba
Early morning singing song
Singing a song, humming a song, singing a song
Loving a song, laughing a song, sing the song
Sing the song, song the sing
Song, song, song, si-ing, sing, sing, si-ing, song
Sing the song, song the sing
Song, song, song, si-ing, sing, sing, si-ing, song
A girl named Rosalita moved in down the block
I think I like her but I'm much too shy to talk
A little bit of conversation is my goal
I'll break the ice with just a little Espanol
Hace calor, mucho calor
Could fry an egg on the cement it's so caliente
Hace calor mucho calor
How 'bout this weather it sure is HOT?!
The boy from up the block just totally made my day
But I'm too shy to think of anything to say
A little bit of conversation would be neat
I guess I'll just go right on talkin' 'bout the heat!
Hace calor, (Hace calor) si si senor
Could fry an egg on the cement it's so caliente
Hace calor, (Hace calor) si si senor
How bout this weather it sure is hot?!
Hace calor, si, it's as hot as an enchilada
Si, la cabesa it cooks like a cheese toastada
Hace calor, si, it's as hot as a hot tamale
Hace calor, si, it's as hot as a hot Timbale
When I hear this music playing
Suddenly my feet are saying
Turn around, and turn again!
It makes me feel like dancing!
Suddenly my body's swaying
Swaying to the song they're playing
Turn around, and turn again!
It makes me want to dance!
I listen to the music
It tells me what to do
At first I'm just a dancer
Then I am the music, too!
(All dance)
When I hear this music playing
Suddenly my feet are saying
Turn around, and turn again!
It makes me feel like dancing!
It makes me want to dance!
Silence, a marathon runner jogs up to the camera, a seven on his shirt.
Jazzy music starts, numbers 1-10 flash on jazzy background.
Two hands up, fingers pop up one at a time as female voice and number above the hands count to ten.
Jazzy numbers again.
Numbered racecars pull up, voice sings 1-10.
Huge 7 is drawn on screen, voice sings 'Seven!'
Seven parts like curtains to reveal a wizard with 7 on his hat and cloak. He bows to reveal he has a 7 on his bald head as well. Then he parts his cloak to reveal another room with an identical wizard inside. Voice says 'Seven,' slowly.
New wizard takes off his hat, gestures, and seven rabbits leap out and pile into a stack on the floor.
A turtle with a 7 on his helmet races through, running into the stack and pushing it away. Voice calls, 'Seven!'
Wizard pulls out a playing card - the 7 of clubs - he lowers it to the ground and it becomes huge and all the clubs on it turn into little black birds. Voice says, 'Seven?'
Wizard opens card like a door, revealing a red hallway. Birds flutter in, wizard closes door, which now has a large black 7 on it. Then the card sucks up into the wizard's hand.
Wizard makes a 7 appear on each side of him, then makes a flash of light towards us that fills entire screen. When light clears, we see wizard fall from sky, and pick himself up again, then we pull back as the first wizard closes his cloak again. Voice sings, 'Seven!'
Jazzy numbers again.
10 spies, opening their coats one at a time, revealing the numbers 1-10, as voice counts/sings 1-10.
Then the spies fade away, and the numbers grow in size until they black out the entire screen.
J jump joyful jumble around.
Juniper, Jan, Jane, John.
J jump joyful jumble around.
Jack-in-the-box jumping all over town!
Jingle jangle junk summer day.
Big J swingin', flyin' singin'--
J jump joyful jumble around,
On a just nice day with the jumpinest J's in town.
Jingle jangle junk summer day
Big J swingin', flyin' singin'--
J jump joyful jumble around.
On a just nice day with the jumpinest J's in town.
Today I wrote a poem
And I put it in my book
It's about a certain letter
That's shaped sort of like a hook
It's a very special letter
And I like it quite a lot
The big one has a line on top
The small one has a dot
It comes at the beginning of a word like jellybeans
Or John, or Jane, or Jenny
Or a brand-new pair of jeans
You'll find it in the alphabet
Between the I and K
And if you haven't guessed by now
Well, it's the letter J
Erykah: Hello.
Muppets: Hi.
Erykah: My name is Erykah Badu.
(NOTE: I don't know the song he's referring to here, sorry if I mess it up!)
Elmo: Oh, the 'a-jiggy, jiggy, yee-yo-yee-yo, what ya gonna do', Erykah Badu?
Erykah: That's me. Hey, come on over, let's be friends.
Muppets: Well ... hmmm ....
Rosita: Did she say, 'friends'?
Zoe: Yeah, yeah, I think that's what she said, 'friends'.
Baby Bear: But .. ummmm ... we've never been friends with anyone who ... ahhh ... well, who wears what you're wearing on your head!
Erykah: Well, I've never been friends with three furry monsters or a brown baby bear, either.
(voices of concern about this, they have to brainstorm)
Baby Bear: Okay, huddle up, here we go! (the muppets huddle together) What do ya think?
(various voices: 'She said, 'friends' and .... she's pretty.')
(they come out of the huddle)
Baby Bear: Alright, so, are you trying to say that you don't want to be friends with three furry monsters and a brown baby bear?!
Erykah: Awww ... no, that's not what I'm trying to say. (music starts)
Doesn't matter what you wear
Or what's in your hair
If you're three furry monsters
Or a brown baby bear
We're all friends
(spoken in foreground)
Rosita (to Zoe): Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Zoe (to Rosita): Yeah, let's go! (they run off)
Not being blinded by a color
Accepting one another
Like different letters in the alphabet need each other
We all need friends
(Rosita and Zoe return wearing headwraps like Erykah's)
Rosita and Zoe: Friendship
Talking 'bout friendship
Ooooo - eeeee - doooo - eeeee
Talking 'bout friendship
Loooo - laaaa - looooo
Erykah: Now, reaching for a little star
It's pretty far
Come closer to the earth where your buddies are
To look for a friend
Muppets: Friendship
Talking 'bout friendship
Ooooo - eeeee - doooo - eeeee
Talking 'bout friendship
Loooo - laaaa - looooo
Erykah: Friendship
Talking 'bout friendship
Ooooo - eeeee - doooo - eeeee
Talking 'bout friendship
Loooo - laaaa - looooo
A friend indeed is a friend we need
Let's be friends
Talking with my friends
Won't you be my friend
Muppets (in background): Friendship
Talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
Won't you be my friend
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
Won't you be my friend
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
Won't you be my friend
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
We're talking 'bout friendship
Erykah: So, we're friends?
(voices of agreement all 'round)
Zoe: Oh, yeah, thanks for the head-wrap!
Erykah: I love your head-wrap.
It's in every one of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in every one of us
By and by
It's in every one of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in every one of us
By and by
By and by
Baby Bear: Sometimes I sit
And look at the sky
And wonder why
The sky is so high
And why it's blue
Do you do that too?
It's fun to wonder
Maria: Sometimes I try
To look up and see
A little bird
At the top of a tree
And wonder what
The birdie can see
It's fun to wonder
Gordon: I wonder why the grass is green
And why the skylark sings
I love the sense of pleasure
Wondering brings
Rosita: I wonder why
There's fluffy white snow
And why do so many
Flowers grow
And even though
You might never know
It's fun to wonder
All: Trees and flowers, grass and sky
It's fun to wonder why.
It's a long hard road
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard road
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard road
But I'm gonna get there
Good (?), I'm heading to the morning sun
Well the road is hard
But I'm gonna get there
Yeah the road is hard
I'm a-gonna get there
Every road is hard
But I'm gonna get there
Good (?), I'm heading to the morning sun
The pathway to the end is hard and rough and long
But I know where I wanna be
And I'll keep a-struggling on
It's a long hard road
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard road
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard road
But I'm gonna get there
Good (?), I'm heading to the morning sun
I'm heading to the morning sun
I'm heading to the morning sun
I'm gonna make it too!
It's a long hard climb
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard climb
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard climb
But I'm gonna get there, yeah
I'm climbing to the morning sun
Well the road is steep
But I'm gonna get there
Well the road is steep
But I'm gonna get there
Well the road is steep
But I'm gonna get there, yeah
I'm climbing to the morning sun
The pathway to the top
Is tough and rough and long
But I know where I wanna be
And I'll keep a-struggling on
It's a long hard climb
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard climb
But I'm gonna get there
It's a long hard climb
But I'm gonna get there, yeah
I'm climbing to the morning sun
We all live in a capital I
In the middle of the desert
In the center of the sky.
All day long we polish up the I
To make it clean and shiny
So it brightens up the sky.
Rubbing it here
And scrubbing it there.
Polishing the I
So high in the air.
And as we work we sing a lively tune
'It is great to be so happy on a busy afternoon.'
And when we're through with the day's only chore,
We go into the I
And we close the door.
Capital I, capital I, capital I, capital I.
Has anybody seen my dog?
Has anybody seen my dog?
He's gone and left me, wo-wo-wo,
Why'd he ever have to go?
Has anybody seen my dog?
Has anybody seen my dog?
He's left me cryin'...wo-wo-wo,
Why'd he ever leave me so?
He was not fancy,
Collared or curled,
Strollin' the avenue.
He was a real dog,
Faithful and true,
And now he's left me,
Has anybody seen my dog?
Has anybody seen my dog?
I loved him so much, wo-wo-wo,
Why'd he ever have to go?
He was not foolish
Or fickle or mean
Or evil or insincere.
He hurt my feelin's,
I'm cryin' out loud
For him and he's not here.
Has anybody seen,
Has anybody seen my dog?
Has anybody seen my dog?
I loved him so much, wo-wo-wo,
Why'd he ever have to go?
Oh, there's my doggie!
Oh, I'm so glad he came back!
Beet beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet beeeet!
Beet beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet beeeet!
Sugar sugar beet
Sugar shu beet beet
Sugar sugar beet
Sugar shu beet beet
Beet beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet beeeet!
Beet beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet
Sugar beet beeeet!
(we see a man dipping his hand into a big vat, he takes out his finger, tastes it and says ...)
(kids voices sing ...)
Old Lady: Excuse Me.
Hip Dude: Watch it, lady!
Old Lady: Pardon me, sonny!
(music plays a little louder now as he sings to the camera)
Hip Dude: Down below the street
Can you dig the steady beat?
It's the subway
All: Subway!
Bert: Moving right along
Hear the rhythm loud and strong
It's the subway
All: Subway!
Man With Mustache: 'Cause there isn't any room in this town
Prairie Dawn: They put all the trains down under the ground
Cop: Buy a token now
For a ride that's super-wow
On the subway
All: Subway!
(scene changes to inside the subway train as they all cram in, Bert's hanging onto a strap)
All: (talking at once)
Bert: Uh, excuse me...
Lady in Fur: You should say you're sorry!
Bert: Hi, Kermit.
Man With Mustache: Squeeze inside the door
Little Boy: There's no room for any more
Both: On the subway
All: Subway!
Hip Dude: Hang onto the strap
Lady: Wonder where they hid the map?
Both: On the subway
All: Subway!
Prairie Dawn: If you’re in a hurry take the express
Kermit: It will go right by your local address
Red-Haired Man With Mustache: Swaying to and fro
It's the only way to go
On the subway
All: Subway!
Ohhhhh..... (sounds like the sound a train makes when it passes by)
Kermit: My stop just went by
All: Ohhhhh...
Prairie Dawn: Hey, your thumb’s in my eye
All: Ohhhhh....
Hip Dude: It’s so hot, I could die
All: Anyway, everyway, anywhere
Bert: Packed inside a train
It’s too crowded to complain
On the subway
All: Subway!
Old Woman: You could lose your purse
Or you might lose something worse
On the subway
All: Subway!
Hip guy: It’s the biggest travel bargain in town
Yet Another Woman: The longest running show underground
Man With Mustache: Come on, slip inside
You'll get taken for a ride
On the subway
Kermit: Where's that?
All: On the subway!
(for some reason, some of them begin to dance with each other!)
Prairie Dawn: If you’re in a hurry, take the express
Kermit: It will go right by your local address
All: Buy a token now
For a ride that’s super-wow
On the subway!
On the subway!
On the subway!
On the subway!
On the subway!
(the train stops and everyone piles out, except Bert and the Cop)
Would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule?
A mule is an animal with long funny ears
Kicks up at anything he hears
His back is brawny but his brain is weak
He's just plain stupid with a stubborn streak
And by the way, if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule
Or would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a pig?
A pig is an animal with dirt on his face
His shoes are a terrible disgrace
He has no manners when he eats his food
He's fat and lazy and extremely rude
But if you don't care a feather or a fig
You may grow up to be a pig
Or would you like to swing on a star
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a fish?
A fish won't do anything, but swim in a brook
He can't write his name or read a book
To fool the people is his only thought
And though he's slippery, he still gets caught
But then if that sort of life is what you wish
You may grow up to be a fish
A new kind of jumped-up slippery fish
And all the monkeys aren't in the zoo
Every day you meet quite a few
So you see it's all up to you
You can be better than you are
You could be swingin' on a star
Bumble Artie had a party
On his birthday number nine
Which isn't bad--in fact, it's fine
Except he asked nine swine to come at (?) for birthday cake and wine.
Except his mom, Sweet Adeline
Who went to work at nine past nine
Just hated swine to drink her wine
So--he simply didn't tell her
At nine past nine, the pigs and swine broke down the door
And gobbled cake and oinked nine grunts
And pulled nine kinds of dirty stunts!
(The pigs throw dishes around, dance on the table, and draw pictures on the wall.)
The house looked like a stinking sty,
And Bumble Artie had to cry
When all nine swine cried, 'Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
May Bumble live nine hundred years!'
Which isn't bad.
In fact, it's fine
Except, just then, Sweet Adeline,
Who finished work at (half?) past nine
And hurried home so she could dine
With Bumble on his birthday nine
And found, instead, nine squealing swine,
Began to shriek and shake and whine:
'I'll give you pigs 'til number nine to split!
Get lost! Vamoose! Just scram, or else I'll slice you into ham!'
(She holds up nine fingers, one at a time. As she hold up each one, a pig rushes out and slams the door.)
Nine times the door slammed.
(Door slams once more.)
Then again.
'How odd,' thought Adeline; 'it's ten.'
And then a voice cried, meek and humble,
'Please let me in. It's your boy, Bumble.'
So Adeline, that mom divine
Took in her Bumble valentine
And kissed him nine times over nine
Which isn't bad . . .
In fact, it's fine
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Swamp Mushy Muddy
For a more pleasant spot
A grouch could never wish
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Is where grouches love to fish
When I throw my pole in
Or when I go trollin'
I always catch a rubber tire or a pan
It's ugly and smelly
And awful
And fishing is unlawful
And the air is like my garbage can
Oh, it's littered and crummy there
Filth and ooze and debris
So I lay on my tummy there
In the slime is where I'm gonna be
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Swamp Mushy Muddy
Where I can fish for trash
That floats upon the foam
Swamp Mushy Muddy, you're icky
You're tacky, blach and yicky
Mushy Muddy, disgusting and cruddy
Swamp Mushy Muddy, you're my second home
You can see the dead flies falling
From a poison ivy bud
It's revolting and appalling
How I love my Mushy Mud!
Big Bird: I have a little song.
It isn't very long.
(missing lines)
(Scene changes to show Bob, wearing an old-fashioned boy's costume with straw hat.)
Bob (speaking): Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. (A lot of water splashes on him.)
(Scene changes to show Bob in ordinary outfit, at Oscar's can.)
Bob (singing): You go to visit Oscar. You knock upon his can.
(Knocks, lid opens and someone says:)
Unidentified voice (speaking): Oscar isn't in!
(Scene changes to Maria and a human baker.)
Maria (singing): You go to see a baker.
He's making custard pies.
You ask if you can have one, and the baker yells:
Baker (holds up a pie): Surprise! (Ready to throw it in her face)
Maria (holds up another pie and throws it in his face first): Surprise!
Chorus: Surprise, surprise, surprise!
(Scene changes to show Bob, wearing Jack and Jill costume.)
Bob (speaking): Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow. (A bunch of snow dumps on him.)
(Scene changes to someone who looks out window and sees Grover hanging from a pole.)
Grover: I don't know how I got here.
(missing lines)
I'm in for a ... (loses his grip and yells as he falls)
(Scene changes to show Big Bird, sadly walking down Sesame Street.)
Big Bird (singing): Today it is your birthday, you're feeling kind of rotten,
Seems all your friends and relatives - they somehow have forgotten,
You're feeling sad and lonely when, right before your eyes,
All your friends and relatives jump out and yell 'SURPRISE!'
Maria: We knew it was your birthday.
Mister Hooper (holding up a sweater): I hope this is your size.
(I don't know the rest, but I'm pretty sure it ends with 'Surprise!')
Takin' turns, you're sharing the good times
Takin' turns, you're sharing the fun
Takin' turns, can't wait to get in there
Takin' turns is better than one
Takin' turns
Grover: At telling a story
Takin' turns
Oscar: You're startin' to bore me
All: Takin' turns, you're sharing the good times
Takin' turns, you're sharing the fun
Takin' turns, can't wait to get in there
Takin' turns is better than one
Grover: Ernie? Do you understand?
Ernie: Yes, Grover.
Grover: Tell me.
Ernie: When you're playing games or playing catch
You're in good company (in good company)
Or jumpin' rope or helpin' out
Just take your turn and see (take your turn and see)
Grover: Oh, I understand now!
All: Takin' turns, you're sharing the good times
Takin' turns, you're sharing the fun
Takin' turns, can't wait to get in there
Takin' turns is better than one
Grover: After you, Ernie.
Ernie: No, after you, Grover.
Grover: No, no, I insist, after you.
Ernie: Wait a minute, I think it's Bert's turn!
Bert: Ah, let's all sing huh?
Ernie: Okay everybody!
All: Takin' turns, you're sharing the good times
Takin' turns, you're sharing the fun
Takin' turns, can't wait to get in there
Takin' turns is better than one
The Count: You can take turns at many things... even counting!
Grover/Oscar: Counting?
Oscar: Yuck!
The Count: When you're takin' turns at keeping score
You've got to count of course, ha ha!
Bert: Of course. (laughs)
Oscar: I'm sick of it and I sure wish it
Were your turn to get lost
Cookie: Oh Oscar!
Big Bird: Everybody!
All: Takin' turns, you're sharing the good times
Takin' turns, you're sharing the fun
Takin' turns, can't wait to get in there
Takin' turns is better than one
The Count: (takin' turns) That's one turn!
(takin' turns) That's two turns!
(takin' turns) That's three turns!
(takin' turns) That's four turns!
Takin' turns, you're sharing the good times
Takin' turns, you're sharing the fun
Takin' turns, can't wait to get in there
All: Takin' turns is better than one!
You gotta take care of that smile
Take care of that grin
That happening place
Right there on your face
Between your nose and your chin
You gotta take care of that smile
Take care of that grin
Take care of that smile
You gotta take care of that smile
Keep keeping it bright!
That wonderful glow
That shimmer that shows me
That you are feeling alright
You gotta take care of that smile
Take care of that grin
Take care of that smile
You're gonna need it
You're gonna wear it
Morning, noon and night
You gotta scrub it
You gotta rinse it
To keep it pearly white
You gotta take care of that smile
Each tooth is a star
And when they all shine
They tell me how fine
How fine you really are
You gotta take care that they last
For a long long while
Take care of that smile
Take a breath
Take a breath
Smell a smell
Sniff a sniff
And take a breath
You can move your feet to walk
And you use your tongue to talk
But your mouth and nose are waiting
Take a breath
Take a breath
Take a breath
Smell a smell
Sniff a sniff
And take a breath
You can move your teeth to chew
But your face is turning blue
Get some air inside of you
Just take a breath
You never think of breathing
Though you do it all day long
You even have to breathe
To sing this funny little song
You've got to take a breath
Before you try to blow a bubble
And if you stop your breathing
You've got big big trouble!
So take a good deep breath
(breathing sound)
That's better
Take a breath
Take a breath
Smell a smell
Sniff a sniff
And take a breath
There are many ways to play
But you're growing every day
And you need some ventilation
Take a breath
You've got to do your breathing
Take a breath
(breathing sound)
Take a breath!
Tadpole, wiggling in the water
Brand new world is there for you to see
Lots of time till you grow to be
A big frog like me
Tadpole, haven't got a worry
Biggest job is swimming peacefully
Wonder if you know you'll grow to be
A big frog like me
Changes happen as time passes by
Soon enough, you'll be grown
With a home on a lily pad
And some tadpoles of your own
Oh, little tadpole, wiggling in the water
Far from all responsibility
Take your time till you grow up to be
A big frog like me
Tadpole, take your time to be
A big, green grown-up frog like me
I eat with chopsticks
Can you eat with chopsticks
Just pick up your chopsticks
And I'll teach you how
Some people use chopsticks
They always use chopsticks
So try out your chopsticks
Right now
Two little sticks
They're made out of wood
And they help you
To pick up your lunch
Your lunch
And if you practice
Then you'd get good
And you'll find you can pick up
A bunch to munch
Eat noodles with chopsticks
Eat dumplings with chopsticks
Eat sushi with chopsticks
That's fish!
Don't eat soup with your chopsticks
That's no good with chopsticks
And jello will slide off
Your dish
In faraway
Japan they use chopsticks
In China and also
In Singapore
Korean people
Like to use chopsticks
And also in Hong Kong
There's more!
And in New York
They also use chopsticks
You'll find them in Texas
And in L.A.
Yes, everywhere
Are folks who use chopsticks
They use them to eat
Every day!
I eat with chopsticks
Can you eat with chopsticks
Just pick up your chopsticks
And I'll teach you how
Lots of people use chopsticks
They always use chopsticks
So try out your chopsticks
Right now!
Ernie: Hey, Bert!
Come fly with me in an upside-down world!
(Bert: Whaaa!)
There's so many strange things to see! (laugh)
There's upside-down people who walk down the street
With upside-down shoes on their upside-down feet
In an upside-down world
(Bert: Ernie!!)
In an upside-down world
(Bert: Ernie, I don't feel so good)
Ernie: Whee!
It's fun to be in an upside-down world
There's fish that fall out of the sea
(Bert: Uh oh!)
There's upside-down clocks that make everyone late!
(Bert: Aaah!)
Upside-down food that won't stay on your plate
In an upside-down world (laugh)
In an upside-down world!
There's upside down everything all over town
It all looks so funny that I've got to frown
'Cause a frown is a smile when it's turned upside-down
In an upside-down
(Bert: What side down?)
Ernie: Upside-down world.
Ernie: Hey, Bert, how'd you like to take over the controls?
Bert: No! No! Never in a million years!
Ernie: Yeah, Bert, it's really easy!
Bert: No! No!
Ernie: Hey, Bert, I'm going to trade places with you!
Bert: What?? What, no, Ernie!
*sound of airplane listing to one side badly*
Bert: *laugh* Hey, Ernie, this is fun! *laugh*
Ernie: We don't have time for fun now, Bert! We've gotta find Big Bird!
Bert: Oh!
Ernie: There's upside-down everything all over town
It all looks so funny, that I've got to frown
'Cause a frown! Is a smile! When it's turned upside-down!
In an upside down, what side down?, whoops side down, oops side down, what side down, upside down woooooorld!!!!!
Ernie: Oh no, I think you've lost him, Bert!
Bert: I'VE lost him???
Ernie: Yeah, while you were singing, Bert!
Bert: But ... you were singing too, you always do this to me!
Ernie: Why don't you just turn the plane around?
Bert: You, you, you drive it!!
Ernie: Would you just turn the plane around?
*fading voices*
See the sun up in the sky
Well, it's a circle
See a hula hoop roll by
Well, it's a circle
See the sun up in the sky
See a hula hoop roll by
Round as a fresh baked apple pie
And it's a circle
See a wheel on a roller skate
Well, it's a circle
See a cookie on a plate
Now that's a circle
See a wheel on a roller skate
See this cookie on a plate
Boy, this cookie sure is great
And it's a circle!
See that great big manhole cover
Lying on the ground
It's not a square or a triangle
It's big and flat and round-
And it's a circle
See a great big letter O
Well, it's a circle
See a bouncy ball, you know
That it's a circle
I like that great big letter O
I like that bouncy ball and so
The shape that we like best you know
Well, it's a circle
Well, I got a little dance to tell you about
A dance to make you bark, not scream and shout
You ask what kind of dance can it possibly be
I'll show you with the kids and Barkley
It's called the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Yeah, get down on all fours and do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Now scoot around on the floor and do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Pretend your name is Rover
And when you do the dog, you gotta roll over
Now pretend that you're a dog and that you have fur
But you're not a cat, so don't meow or purr
Just sound like a doggie and you'll have fun
You can bark, bark, bark 'till this song is done
And do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
You can let out a growl and do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Now let me hear you howl and do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
The dance that no one can match
Now pretend that you have fleas and scratch
Scratch, scratch
If you're feeling tired and pooped is what
You're getting
And you're not in the mood for any playing or petting
Just lay on down
But before your eyes are shut
Turn around three times
Like that great big mutt
And do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Oh, do the dog
(Ruff, ruff)
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Ruff ruff ruff ruff
Wiggle your ears
Wiggle your nose
Squeak your teeth (squeak!)
That's how it goes
Move up and down
Hop to the beat
Do the Benny Hop
Up and down the street
Yeah, hop!
Yeah, hop!
Wiggle your ears
Wiggle your nose
Squeak your teeth (squeak!)
That's how it goes
Move up and down
Hop to the beat
Do the Benny Hop
Up and down the street
In the evening when the sun goes down
Folks all hurry to the edge of town
At the bayou bank they stand and wait
In the clear air
Soon the water ripples catch their eye
And the ladies hush and breathe a sigh
On a lilypad all dressed in white
He appears there
And then he
(Background Girls: Uh-huh)
Boogies up and down and shuffles right
(Girls: Uh-huh uh-huh)
Slips and splashes in the moonlit night
(Girls: Uh-huh uh-huh)
Alligators with their teeth so bright
Smile and sway there
(Girls: Sway there)
And soon the
(Girls: Uh-huh)
Loons are joining in the jamboree
Everybody's happy just like me
Watch him dance
On that log
Yeesh, it's the Disco Frog!
(Girls: Ribbit Ribbit! Ribbit Ribbit!)
Through the day the swamp's a quiet place
Snails and salamanders set the pace
Girls: In the spider where the air is still like a trance there
Fireflies are twinklin' white and green
There's a sudden crazy change of scene
And the star who's danced both far and wide comes to dance there
Kermit: And then he
(Background Girls: Uh-huh)
Boogies up and down and shuffles right
(Girls: Uh-huh uh-huh)
Slips and splashes in the moonlit night
(Girls: Uh-huh uh-huh)
Girls: Alligators with their teeth so bright
Smile and sway there
(Sway there)
Kermit and The Girls: And soon the
(Girls: Uh-huh)
Loons are joining in the jamboree
Everybody's happy just like me
Girls: Watch him dance
On that log
Kermit: Yeesh, it's the Disco Frog!
(Girls: Ribbit Ribbit! Ribbit Ribbit!)
Frogs: Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Uh-huh uh-huh
Frogs: Uh-huh uh-huh
Girls: Uh-huuuuh
Frogs: Uh-huh uh-huh
Girls: Uh-huuuuh
Frogs: Uh-huh uh-huh
Girls: Uh-huuuuh
Frogs: Uh-huh uh-huh
Girls: Uh-huuuuh
Kermit: Join us by that swampy waterside
Where we never have a thing to hide
Girls: And it makes you feel so good inside
Just to be there
While the stars are sparklin' through the night
And the bayou moon is burnin' bright
Kermit and the Girls: Yes, it's quite the most amazing sight
You can see there
Girls: Because he
(Girls: Uh-huh)
Kermit and the Girls: Boogies up and down and shuffles right
(Girls: Uh-huh uh-huh)
Slips and splashes in the moonlit night
(Girls: Uh-huh uh-huh)
Girls: Alligators with their teeth so bright
Smile and sway there
(Sway there)
And soon the
Loons are joining in the jamboree
(Uh-huh uh-huh)
Everybody's happy just like me
Watch him dance
On that log
Kermit: Yeesh, it's the Disco Frog!
(Girls: Ribbit Ribbit! Ribbit Ribbit!)
Girls: (repeat ad nauseum)
Ah ah-ah
Ah ah-ah ....
I'm serving dinner for 9 tonight
We're going to dine by candlelight
I hope everyone brings their appetite
I'm serving dinner for 9 tonight
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 forks on the left
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 knives on the right
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 napkins very neat
9 placemats 9 seats
9 salad bowls 9 soup bowls
There won't be room left for the food!
I'm serving dinner in 9 courses
I made enough to feed 9 horses!
Queen: I love her 'cause she's tiny and small
I love you 'cause you came first of all
Tiny and small love
Came first of all love
Mommy will love through all her days
You and your sister, different ways
I love her 'cause she has to be fed
I love you 'cause you make your own bed
She has to be fed love
Make your own bed love
Mommy will love through all her days
You and your sister, different ways
I love her 'cause she's small and helpless
She has to be washed and dressed each day
I love you 'cause you're big and helpful
And you can read, sing and play
I love her 'cause she's sugar and spice
I love you 'cause you're awfully nice
Sugar and spice love
Awfully nice love
Prince Firstly: Tiny and small love
Came first of all love
Queen: Mommy will love through all her days
You and your sister, different ways
Mommy will love through all her days
You and your sister, different ways
Prince Firstly (same time as she sings last line):
Me and my sister, different ways
Dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, doggy;
Dee-dee, dangerous dragon;
Dee-dee, dee-dee, donkey, duckie,
Oh, dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dee-dee, dinner;
Dee-dee, dee-dee, De-licious;
Dee-dee, dee-dee, dee, don't drop dishes
Down on the floor.
Oh, do a dance.
Dig some dirt.
Dunk a doughnut for dessert.
Draw a daisy that's dee-de-lightful to see.
When 'D' is handy, it's fine and dandy.
Dee, dee-dee, dee,
'D' is such a very nice letter.
Each day I like it better,
That lovely letter called 'D!'
Draw a daisy that's dee, de-lightful to see.
When 'D' is handy, it's fine and dandy.
Dee, dee-dee, dee,
'D' is such a very nice letter.
Each day I like it better,
That lovely letter called 'D,'
Dee-dee, dee, having fun,
But now I'm dee, dee, dee, done!
(spoken) Me woke up with great idea!
Me write letter to me favorite cookie.
(sung) Dear Mr. Cookie, me am writing this to you
And me hope that you will read it so you'll know
Me heart beats like a hammer
And me stutter and me stammer
Me want to write you since so long ago
Me guess me just another fan of yours
And me thought me write and tell you so, ooooh
You made me love you
Me didn't want to do it
Me didn't want to do it
Oh, you made me love you
And all the time you knew it
Me guess you always knew it
Me love all kind of cookies
Like chocolate-chip crunchies, oooh
But one look at you and
Me always get the munchies
You make me write 'cause
Me really want to tell you
Me really have to tell you
Me think you grand, that's true
Yes, me do
Indeed me do
You know me do
Give me, give me what me cry for
You know you got the kind of flavour
That me die for
You know you made me love you
(he eats the cookie)
Oh no, what me do?
Oh, me make mistake!
Me eat cookie before cookie read the letter!
Oh well, me know what to do
Cookie read letter in me tummy
(he eats the letter)
Oh, letter delicious too
Roosevelt Franklin: It was early Monday morning. I was on my way to school.
Girls in Background: Monday morning! Monday morning!
Roosevelt Franklin: It was early Monday morning. I was on my way to school.
Girls: Monday morning! Monday morning!
Roosevelt Franklin: (?)
Girls: Monday morning! Monday morning!
Roosevelt Franklin: (something about Tuesday), and I ate my (?) and eggs.
Girls: Tuesday (?)! Tuesday (?)!
Roosevelt Franklin: (something about Tuesday), and I ate my (?) and eggs.
Girls: Tuesday (?)! Tuesday (?)!
Roosevelt Franklin: (?), but first I put socks on my legs.
Girls: Tuesday (?)! Tuesday (?)!
Roosevelt Franklin: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I was in school every day.
Girls: Wednesday, Thursday! Thursday, Friday!
Roosevelt Franklin: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I was in school every day.
Girls: Wednesday, Thursday! Thursday, Friday!
Roosevelt Franklin: I go five times a week. I get five times smarter that way.
Girls: Wednesday, Thursday! Thursday, Friday!
Roosevelt Franklin: (Now I'm gonna tell you about the weekend!)
Saturday and Sunday, Roosevelt Franklin can play.
Girls: Saturday, Sunday! Saturday, Sunday!
Roosevelt Franklin: Saturday and Sunday, Roosevelt Franklin can play.
Girls: Saturday, Sunday! Saturday, Sunday!
Danger (danger)
It's no stranger (stranger)
Danger (danger)
It's no stranger (stranger)
(It's in the air) It's in the air
It's here, it's there
(It's everywhere) It's everywhere
It just ain't fair
So stay alert, sweet girl of mine
And learn to read that danger, danger sign (danger)
Keep your eyes peeled and your wits about ya
Life would be the pits without ya
I love ya baby, yeah, you're so fine
Please learn to read that danger, danger sign (danger, danger, danger, danger)
Danger (danger)
It's no stranger (stranger)
Danger (danger)
It's no stranger (stranger)
(If you get hurt) I don't know how I'd spend my days
(So stay alert) When crossing streets better look both ways
And half way cross, don't change your mind
And learn to read that danger, danger sign (danger)
So, don't go slipping on no banana
Don't walk under a falling piano (pronounced 'piana', poetic license and all)
Or spend the winter in Montana
Or mention Sherman in Savannah
Don't try to pet a porcupine
And learn to read that danger, danger sign (danger, danger)
Danger sign (danger, danger)
It's no stranger (danger, danger)
It's no stranger (danger, danger)
repeat and fade
Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep,
But it’s not so bad
I don’t worry
And I don’t weep
In fact…
I’m glad!
Because I
Get up off my pillow
And I flip on the light
I get down and get hip
In the still of the night
I stretch and I yawn
And then I breathe real deep;
And dance myself to sleep.
I hoof around my beddy,
Just ‘a tappin’ my toes
Before I know what’s happened
I’m a ready to go
Got some partners I can count on
Called the Boogie-Woogie Sheep
I dance myself to sleep
I gently rock-a-by myself across the floor
I turn and then I toss
Then I start to snore
My trusty little bugle
Helps me spread the news
That I’m a’tappin’ to taps
And a’rarin’ to snooze.
Well I’m gettin’ kind of drowsy
So the moment has come
To grab my rubber ducky
While the sheep take my chum.
Time to shuffle off to dreamland,
Got a date to keep
We’ll dance ourselves to sleep
Oh yeah
We’ll dance ourselves to sleep
We’re in our jammies
We’ll dance ourselves to sleep
And thank you lambies
We’ll dance ourselves to sleep
Ernie: (coming in from the left) Hey Bert! Bert, the place looks great! You've been cleaning house, haven't you?
Bert: Yeah, I have. It - it looks okay, huh?
E: Mm-hmm. Wonderful.
B: Okay. You know why I'm concerned?
E: (shaking head) Uh-uh.
B: 'Cause my brother Bart is coming to visit today.
E: No kidding!
B: Yeah.
E: Hey, I've always wanted to meet your brother Bart!
B: Yeah, well, look, he's gonna be here any minute now, but I wanna go into the bedroom and comb my hair and change into some new shoes. So if he comes, could you make him feel at home?
E: Oh, sure Bert... (Bert starts to leave) Ho-whoa, wait a second...
B: What?
E: How will I know it's your brother Bart, Bert?
B: What's that?
E: Well, you see, I've never met him, and so if he comes to the door, how will I know that it's him?
B: Ah! Oh, well it's easy! For one thing, we're exactly alike.
E: You are?
B: Yeah, we're twins. He looks exactly like I do.
E: No kidding!
B: Yeah, no kidding. Isn't that exciting?
E: You mean he's got the same sort of a pointy head as you do Bert? (pointing) And does he have the same sort of little bushy-bush of black hair up on top and the same sort of beady eyes as you do Bert? (points) And does he have the same sort of, uh, cucumbery nose here, and the same sort of, uh, sticky-out ears and the same grumpy mouth? And the same no-shoulders? (grabs Bert's arm and flops it as he talks) And does he have the same sort of floppy-soggy arm as you do Bert? Huh?
B: (taking his arm back and wiping it off with the cloth as he speaks, indignantly) Uh, yeah, in a manner of speaking I guess we are both handsome in the same way.
E: Hmm. You both look like that, huh?
B: Yeah. Now look, I've gotta go and get ready, now will you please make him feel at home if he comes?
E: Oh sure, Bert.
B: Okay.
E: I'd be delighted to. (Bert goes off, Ernie starts humming to himself) Hmm-mmm-mmm... (there is a knock at the door) Oh, that must be Bert's brother Bart now! (shouts) Come in!
(door opens with a 'ta-daa!' trumpet flourish and drumroll, and there in the doorway stands someone who looks exactly like Bert, but with his hair combed down and who is wearing a loud plaid suit and bow tie)
E: (coming over) Good Heavens! (aside, to us) It's true! Why he's got the same pointy head and the same bushy-bush of black hair, (looks again) and he's got the same beady eyes and the same sticky-out ears and the same grumpy mouth, (looks again) and he's got the same cucumbery kind of nose and the same no-shoulders, and - (reaches down and flaps Bart's arm) and he's got the same soggy-floppy kind of arms! (out loud) Why, you must be Bert's brother Bart!
Bart: (coming in and walking around) Yes sir, Bart's the name and sellin's my game - (laughs) Mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa! But I really wanna tell you, you must be Ernie.
Ernie: (shocked silent) Mm-hmm.
Bart: Heh heh! Well I just came into town by way of Buffalo - but next time...I'll take the train! Mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa!
Ernie: Oh! I'm aghast!
Bart: No, you're not aghast. You live here. I'M a 'ghast'! Mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa mwhaa! But seriously, where's old Bert anyway, huh?
Ernie: (spluttering)
Bart: Probably in there, huh? Okay, see ya later, pal! (whacks Ernie on the back really hard and heads off towards the bedroom) Heh heh! Hey! Bert, your old brother Bart's here. Let's paint the town red! (door slams)
Ernie: Hmm. You know, Bert and Bart are alike in a lot of ways. But in some ways, they're kind of different, too!
I got this pain that I just can't deal with
How I wish I had somebody to go and eat oatmeal with
Oh gee, I really need a friend to play with me
I'd give him friendship and affection
I'd even let him come and see my paper clip collection
Oh gee, I sure could use a friend to play with me
In line he'd gladly stand
To watch a marching band
Or buy some saddle shoes (laugh)
He'd worship argyle socks, collect them by the box
He'd help me chase these blues
My style would please him, more than a smidgeon
He'd say, 'It's really nifty Bert, the way you dance the pigeon'
Oh gee, I gotta find a friend to play with me
Won't somebody hear my plea?
Wanna end this misery
I wish I had a friend to play with me
Bert: '18 .... 19 ..... 20 .... Boy, those exercises are great, Ernie, I'm gonna turn the light off now though.'
Ernie: 'OK, Bert.'
Bert: (yawns) 'OK, Ernie ... G'night now sleep tight..'
Ernie: 'G'night Bert ... sweet dreams.'
Bert: 'OK...g'night.'
(Sound of water dripping)
Bert: 'Hey uh...Hey Ern....Ernie?'
Ernie: 'What?'
Bert: 'You uh, hear that? Sounds like water dripping, you know?'
Ernie: 'Is that right? Yeah, it does sound like water dripping. I must've left the faucet on a little bit when I washed my hands ... that's all, Bert .. g'night.'
Bert: 'Hey Ernie, I can't sleep with the sound of water dripping.'
Ernie: 'You can't?'
Bert: 'No.'
Ernie: 'Gee.'
Bert: 'Well, would you do me a favor and do something about the sound of that water dripping?'
Ernie: 'Sure, Bert. Anything for you. I don't mind at all. Ol' Ernie will take care of it alright.' (Ernie gets out of bed)
Bert: 'Good.'
(Radio blasts which causes Bert to jerk out of bed)
Bert: 'Ernie! Ernie what is that?'
Ernie: 'That's the radio, Bert.'
Bert: 'Ernie, the radio?!'
Ernie: 'Yeah, well you said you couldn't sleep with the sound of that water dripping, well, this way you can't hear that old faucet hardly at all, can you, Bert? Keeheehee.'
Bert: 'No, I can't hear the water dripping anymore .. but I can hear the radio and you know what, Ernie? I can't sleep with the sound of that radio either it's so loud! Ernie! Aww..come on!'
Ernie: 'Well don't worry about it, Bert, I mean 'ol Ernie will take care of that too. I'll do that for you, Bert.'
Bert: 'Alright!'
(Ernie turns the vacuum cleaner on which causes Bert to jerk out of bed again)
Bert: 'Ernie! Ern...what're you doing? Why'd you turn the vacuum cleaner on?!'
Ernie: 'What's that Bert? I can't hear you!'
Bert: 'I said, why'd you turn the vacuum cleaner ooooonnnnn?!!!!!'
Ernie: 'Well you said you couldn't sleep with the sound of the radio, well this way, you can't hear that radio hardly at all!!!!!!'
Bert: 'All right. All right ... Ernie, stay where you are .. stay where you are, don't move.'
Ernie: 'OK Bert! G'niiiiiiight!!!!!'
Bert: 'First, I'm gonna get this vaccum cleaner. There. I'm gonna shut this radio off now! I'm gonna ... Ok, I shut the radio off, now I'm gonna get the water .. There ... OK .... Alright, now we can finally get some sleep with some nice peace and quiet (Bert gets into bed) *mutters* Boy, this is ridculous.'
(Ernie snores)
Bert: 'Ernie? Ernie you're snoring.'
(Ernie snores again)
Bert: 'Ernie!! *sigh* It's not fair, it's just not fair.'
Bert's alone in bed, Ernie's bed is empty and Bert says:
This is great! Ernie's sleeping over at The Count's tonight so I have the place all to myself. For once, I know he's not going to wake me up. No surprises, just peace and quiet. I'll just settle in under my blanket and go to sleep.
Music starts playing
Perhaps I spoke too soon!
Door opens and sheep start coming in the room
Sheep: Baaa, come on he's not asheep yet!
We just thought you might like to know where your blanket came from.
Bert: My blanket? I know where my blanket came from!
Sheep: A blanket begins in a faraway place
Where skies are blue and there's lots of space
The nights are cold and we sleep outside
To keep warm and toasty we grow hair on our hide
But when spring comes round the weather is warm
A thick woolly coat loses all of its charm
We're itchy and hot 'till the rancher arrives
To give us each a haircut and brighten up our lives
He grabs a big bag and he gathers the wool
And he stuffs and he crams 'till the bags are full
He throws 'em on the truck 'till it's piled up high
Then he climbs into the driver's seat and says 'goodbye'
That's the story of Bert's blanket
That's the story of Bert's blanket
That's the story of Bert's blanket
Bert: Hey sheep! Hey sheep, aren't ya going to tell what happens next?
Sheep: Oh so I suppose someone waves a magic wand and POOF!
Our wool turns into a blanket and lands on your beeeeeed
Bert: Nooooo, that's not what happens to your wool. Now listen,
It goes to a mill before it lands in bed
'Cause it's gotta be twirled into long strong thread
Then it's gotta get dyed to a nice dull grey
Then woven into cloth before it's sent on its way
Get the picture?
Sheep: Yes we see
Bert: Well there's more
A few more touches and it goes to a store
Where it's put on a shelf, it's not long before
A warm grey blanket catches someone's eye
He says 'Hey, that's the blanket I've been longing to buy!'
Sheep: Well I'll be dagnabbed. So that's what happens!
Bert: So when you climb in bed before you go to sleep
As you snuggle in your covers please think of these sheep
Sheep: We'll be back on the range and doing our beeeest
To keep those blankets coming from our ranch in the weeest
That's the story of Bert's blanket (repeated)
Bert: Hey it's kinda late for you guys to be heading for your ranch,
There's plenty of room here if you'd like to sleep over,
See no one's using Ernie's bed. Huh?
Sheep: Oh great, sounds great, thanks!
Bert, as the sheep start piling into his bed: No, Ernie's bed, not my bed!
Bert just sighs and gives in.
Bert: Ernie .... Ernie .... Ernie, I'm tired of that program .... Ernie, we've been watching television all day [or for several hours?] and I'd like to play a record now .... Ernie?
Ernie: Shh, Bert! Keep it down, I'm trying to watch television.
Bert: Okay, smart guy, you watch your ol' TV. I'm going to play a record anyway.
[Bert promptly marches back to the record player, starts playing jazzy music and dancing to it. Note: the TV, record player, etc., are continuous throughout the arguement.]
Ernie: Bert?! BERT! Hey, I can't hear the television! [No response] Bert?! Okay, if that's the way you want to be about it .... [he goes over the radio, turns it on loudly, starts humming along] (This is where I get lost, as there is so much noise to hear either clearly.)
Bert: Ernie! Alright Ernie! [whereupon he runs over to the blender and turns that on] Alright, HERE!
[By now the place is full of noise.]
Ernie: OH YEAH?!
Ernie: OH YEAH!!
(POOOOOOOOF! All the lights go out, the sounds quit, we see only Ernie & Bert's eyes floating in the total blackness.)
Bert: Well now, look, you blew a fuse.
Ernie: Oh yeah, well it was your idea turning on the dumb mixer.
Bert: (resignedly, after a pause) Look, .... Ernie .... how about you go around and turn off all that stuff we turned on, and I will ... I'll go and try to fix the fuse. [Bert's eyes wander off. Ernie's eyes go all over as he steps from switch to switch, snapping each off with a loud CLICK.]
Ernie: Okay .... first there's the mixer (or radio?) ..... then there's the radio (or mixer?) ..... over here, okay, over here the television .... and one more, back there--the phonograph! Yeah .... that's got 'em .... yeah ....
(Suddenly the lights go back on, Bert returns. He and Ernie start playing cards during the following dialogue:)
Bert: Look, Ernie, I'm--I'm sorry about playing a record while you were watching TV ...
Ernie: Yeah, well I'm sorry about turning on the radio ...
Bert: Well, and I'm sorry about turning on the blender ...
Ernie: Yeah, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't be watching so much television ...
Bert: Well, we really shouldn't be doing stuff like that anyway ...
Ernie: Yeah, we really shouldn't, after all ....
[fade out]
Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Bert. One day Bert traded the family bicycle for a bag of magic beans.
But Bert's buddy, Ernie, looked in the bag and said, 'Beans? Blah! How boring.' And he threw the boring beans out the back window.
Immediately, the beans began to bloom. By breakfast, they had blossomed into a big, beautiful beanstalk.
When Ernie saw the beanstalk he said, 'Look. A big, beautiful beanstalk. That's really boring.'
But Bert wasn't a bit bored. 'I feel brave!' Bert bellowed. So he bounded up the beanstalk.
Up, up, up went Bert, beyond the bean blossoms, beyond the birds, beyond the blue ... until he came to a big black building.
The building belonged to a giant named Burly Barney. Burly Barney was in the bedroom eating his breakfast of bushels of buttered buns, barrels of blueberries and bunches of bananas. When Bert saw how big Burly Barney was, Bert beat it to the back room. There, Bert found a big basket. It was full of bottlecaps.
'Boy, oh boy, oh boy!' said Bert. 'Bottlecaps! I collect bottlecaps!' So Bert brought the basket of bottlecaps back to the beanstalk.
But Burly Barney saw Bert, and he began to bellow. 'You took my bottlecaps!' 'I'd better beat it,' said Bert.
Boldly, Bert climbed down. Barney bounded down behind him. But, on a bottom branch, Bert slipped and fell with a bump.
'I'll bet you want to bash me because I borrowed your basket of bottlecaps,' blurted Bert.
'Are you batty?' bellowed Burly Barney. 'Those bottlecaps are boring! They were driving me bananas! Thank you for borrowing my bottlecaps!'
And Burly Barney shook Bert's hand. In fact, he shook Bert's whole body. Then Barney bounded back up the beanstalk to his beautiful black building.
And now that the basket of bottlecaps belonged to Bert, Bert had the best and biggest bunch of bottlecaps on the block. So Bert was beaming.
And everyone lived blissfully ever after. Except Ernie ... who was bored.
Announcer: Please rise for the Grouch Anthem.
Oscar: No, no, no. For the Grouch Anthem, you stay sitting down. Down in front there! Now brace yourself, I'm gonna sing:
Grouches of the world unite!
Stand up for your grouchly rights!
Don't let the sunshine spoil the rain
Just stand up and complain (heheheh)
Let this be the grouches' cause:
Point out everybody's flaws!
Something is wrong with everything
Except the way I sing!
(Cue Grouch Choir ooing in the background)
You know what's right with this world? Nuttin!
You know what gets me hot under the collar? You name it!
And the next time some goody-two-shoes smiles and tells you to have a nice day, just remember:
Don't let the sunshine spoil the rain,
Just stand up and complain!
Just stand up and complain!
Inch by inch
Row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch
Row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone keep them safe below
Till the rains come a-tumblin' down
Slug by slug, weed by weed
Boy this garden's got me t'd
All the insects come to feed
On my tomato plants
Sunburt face, skinned up knees
The kitchen's chocked with zucchinis
I'm shopping at the A&P;'s
Next time I get the chance
Old crow watching from a tree
He's got his hungry eye on me
In my garden I'm as free
As that feathered thief up there
Bert: Hey, hey everybody! I've got another great game for ya!
All: Yay! Wow! All right!
Bert: This is so much fun! Now, when I say pat your tummy, you pat your tummy. OK? Here we go...
Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear
And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.
Just shake your leg with a
Shake, shake, shakey shake,
Shakey, shakey, shake, shake
Pat your tummy with a
Pat, pat, patty pat,
Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!
(assorted confusion)
Ernie: Uh, then what happens Bert?
Bert: Uh, nothing happens Ernie, and that's the game! Isn't it a spellbinder?
Oscar: Well, I thought it was dumb!!!
Prairie: Yeah, me too.
Herbert Birdsfoot: I know what. Maybe if we made it more complicated it would be fun.
Bert: MORE complicated???
Herb: Sure, try it like, all you kids listening to the record, you do just what the song says.
Bert: Herb, are you sure you know what you are doing?
Herb: Trust me.
Bert: OK, go.
Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear
And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.
Just wiggle your fingers with a
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Shake your legs with a
Shake, shake, shakey shake,
Shakey, shakey, shake, shake
Pat your tummy with a
Pat, pat, patty pat,
Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!
Big Bird: Hey, that was fun!
Herb: You go, Big Bird.
B.B.: OK, listen to me!
Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear
And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.
Just flap your arms with a
Flap, flap, flappy flap
Flappy, flappy, flap, flap
Wiggle your fingers with a
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Shake your legs with a
Shake, shake, shakey shake,
Shakey, shakey, shake, shake
Pat your tummy with a
Pat, pat, patty pat,
Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!
Prairie: Hee-hee-hee, Hey, I thought of one.
Herb: Go Prairie!
Prairie: OK....
Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear
And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.
Just spin around with a
Spin, spin, spinny spin
Spinny, spinny, spin, spin
Flap your arms with a
Flap, flap, flappy flap
Flappy, flappy, flap, flap
Wiggle your fingers with a
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Shake your legs with a
Shake, shake, shakey shake,
Shakey, shakey, shake, shake
Pat your tummy with a
Pat, pat, patty, pat,
Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!
Grover: I think I would like to go now.
Big Bird: OK Grover!
G: OK listen.
Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear
And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.
Just hop around with a
Hip, hop, hoppy hop
Hoppy hoppy, hop, hop
Spin around with a
Spin, spin, spinny spin
Spinny, spinny, spin, spin
Flap your arms with a
Flap, flap, flappy flap
Flappy, flappy, flap, flap
Wiggle your fingers with a
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Shake your legs with a
Shake, shake, shakey shake,
Shakey, shakey, shake, shake
Pat your tummy with a
Pat, pat, patty, pat,
Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!
Ernie: Wow! OK, last verse, let's really kick it!!!!
Big Bird: OK!
Oh, listen to the song that's humming in your ear
And you'll have more fun than you've had all year.
Just hop around with a
Hip, hop, hoppy hop
Hoppy hoppy, hop, hop
Spin around with a
Spin, spin, spinny spin
Spinny, spinny, spin, spin
Flap your arms with a
Flap, flap, flappy flap
Flappy, flappy, flap, flap
Wiggle your fingers with a
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle wiggle,
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
Shake your legs with a
Shake, shake, shakey shake,
Shakey, shakey, shake, shake
Pat your tummy with a
Pat, pat, patty, pat,
Patty, patty, pat, pat-poo!
(assorted laughter, and then....)
Bert: Personally, I liked it better my way....
Takes a lot of little nuts
To make a jar of peanut butter
'Cause one peanut in a jar
Really doesn't go too far
Gotta crack and shell and mix 'em
There's no other way to fix 'em
Takes a lot of little nuts to do the job
Dump the peanuts from the bag
And start 'em on that old conveyor
Get 'em roasted and assorted
Don't have any time to spare
Please don't think I'm being pushy
Make all real soft and mushy
Takes a lot of little nuts to the job
A little salt, a little sugar
Makes the goo taste really good
Keep it pumping through the pipeline
Like a peanut butter pumper should
Takes a lot of little nuts
To make a jar of peanut butter
Now they're ready, squirt 'em in
Put the lid on, watch 'em spin
In the boxes nice and steady
Ship 'em out, hey world we're ready
Takes a lot of little nuts to get things done
Takes a lot of little nuts
And a lot of hard work
Before the peanut butter's done
A gooey piece of uncooked bread
A drop of (blinding?) sun
The only person I can stand...
Where you should go away
The bottom of a dirty shoe
A dopey word that makes no sense
A drink that I won't have with you
Then we go right back to
Do, no, no, no (no, no, no)
(doooooo) Don't you
(reeeeeee) Know how
(miiiiiiii) Glad I
(faaaaaa) Am
(soooo) That we're
(laaaaa) Done and
(tiiiiiii) You can
(dooooo) Scram
(Hee, hee)
I know a lot of folks who are extremely loyal
To a banjo or a nice guitar
But I prefer a greasy can of olive oil
With a broken broom handle by far
Some people think the sound of a trombone's devine
But I think wet paper and a comb are fine
So blow the soda bottle, let the soup cans crash
'Cause one guy's treasure is another guy's trash
In Oscar's junk band, Oscar's junk band
Stamp your muddy feet and clap your dirty hands
We're gonna play the junkiest tune you can stand
Come on and hear Oscar's junk band
Some music
Over, Under, and Through
Over, Under, and Through
Over, Under and Through
(Lyrics repeat faster and faster until Grover eventually collapses to the floor)
Yo-Yo Man: Here's a little poem about over, under, around, and through. (He spins his yo-yo in each direction as he names it.)
(Scene changes to show a shipwreck underwater and a big fish.)
Yo-Yo Man: A large and hungry fish named Pete
Decided it was time to eat.
He looked around for a little snack
And finally spotted a guppy called Jack.
(line here? Pete chases Jack over, under, around, and through shipwreck through next verse.)
Yo-Yo Man: And they went over, under, around, and through,
Direct of the good ship Mary Lou.
And they went over, under, around, and through,
Direct of the good ship Mary Lou.
(Scene changes back to Yo-Yo Man.)
Yo-Yo Man: Now, here's another little poem.
(Scene changes to a branch with a green apple hanging from it.)
Yo-Yo Man: This one takes place in an apple tree.
(A worm crawls along the branch.)
Yo-Yo Man: To see how far he could see,
A worm named Willie climbed a tree.
Upon a branch that was very high
Hung the apple of Willie's eye.
(Willie crawls over, under, and around the apple.)
Yo-Yo Man: And he went over the apple, under the apple, around the apple green.
'This is,' thought Willie, 'the most delightful apple that I have ever seen!'
And he went over the apple, under the apple, around the apple, too.
'And now,' thought Willie, licking his chops, 'I'm going to go right through!'
(Willie eats his way through the apple, which falls off the branch, leaving Willie hanging from the stem. Scene changes back to Yo-Yo Man.)
Yo-Yo Man: That was all about, over, under, around, and through! (He spins his yo-yo in each direction as he names it. Then the background sucks him up, yo-yo last.) Yeah!
Whenever I go to sleep
In bed when the day is through
I love to count little sheep
Doing the dance they adore to do
With a beat of tiny feet
Baby lambs begin to prance
And then they all start to bleat
The name of their dance
And I count them!
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lamba ba ba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba ba
Lambies come from here and there
Pretty soon the room is full
Curly hair is everywhere
It's wall-to-wall wool
Mary and her little lamb
With fleece that is as white as snow
Bo Peep even brings a ram
And we're ready to go
And I count them!
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lamba ba ba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba, Lambaba
Lambaba, Lambaba ba
(repeat and fade)
Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
In your neighborhood?
Say, who are the people in your neighborhood?
The people that you meet each day
(a blue muppet, I believe, walks onstage)
[Bob: Oh, hi there, little fella.]
[Anything Muppet #1: Hello.]
[Bob: Hey, listen, know who you could be if I gave you this little hat and this bag to go over your shoulder?]
[Anything Muppet #1: I could be a laundry man.]
[Bob: No, not a laundry man.]
[Anything Muppet #1: How about Santa Claus?]
[Bob: No no no, not Santa Claus.]
[Anything Muppet #1: What's wrong with Santa Claus?]
[Bob: There's nothing wrong with Santa Claus, but...]
[Anything Muppet #1: Don't you like Christmas?]
[Bob: Oh, I love Christmas. But you could be the postman.]
[Anything Muppet #1: A postman, hmmmm ...]
Oh, the postman always brings the mail
Through rain or snow or sleet or hail
I'll work and work the whole day through
To get your letters safe to you
Bob and Anything Muppet #1:
'Cause a postman is a person in your neighborhood
In your neighborhood
He's in your neighborhood
A postman is a person in your neighborhood
A person that you meet each day
[Anything Muppet #1: I'll see you around.]
[Bob: Okay.]
(AM#1 leaves, bumped into AM#2 as he enters)
[Anything Muppet #2: Hey, watch it. Where ya goin'? To a fire?]
[Bob: Hey, speaking of a fire.]
[Anything Muppet #2: Fire! What fire? Help! Help!]
[Bob: No, there's no fire at all. But do you know who you could be if I gave you this little shiny red hat?]
[Anything Muppet #2: Yeah, Santa Claus.]
[Bob: No, not Santa Claus.]
[Anything Muppet #2: Little Red Riding Hood?]
[Bob: No, no, no, not Red Riding Hood, you could be a fireman.]
[Anything Muppet #2: A fireman? Holy smoke!]
Oh, a fireman is brave it's said
His engine is a shiny red
If there's a fire anywhere about
Well, I'll be sure to put it out
Bob and Anything Muppet #2:
'Cause a fireman is a person in your neighborhood
In your neighborhood
He's in your neighborhood
Anything Muppet #1:
And a postman is a person in your neighborhood
Well, they're the people that you meet
When you're walking down the street
They're the people that you meet each day
(additional verses from the book 'People In My Neighborhood' Volume 7 of 'On My Way With Sesame Street')
(pic of Cookie Monster dressed in a chef hat and apron behind the counter of a bakery, muching cookies, natch)
The baker is the one who makes
Your bread and rolls and pies and cakes
If you want something sweet to eat, go see
The baker in the bakery
(pic of Guy Smiley-like teacher in front of class holding a globe)
A teacher works the whole day through
To teach important things to you
He'll teach you things you won't forget
Like numbers and the alphabet
(pic of Herry monster in red-white striped pants just like a barber's pole cutting the hair of Guy Smiley-like muppet)
A barber has a great big chair
You sit in it, he cuts your hair
He'll snip and clip and never rest
Until your haircut looks its best
(pic of Prairie Dawn-like muppet driving a bus)
The bus driver drives fast or slow
To take you where you want to go
When you get in and pay your fare
She will drive you anywhere
(pic of Telly wearing a dentist's uniform)
A dentist cares for all your teeth
The top ones and the ones beneath
So if you have an aching tooth
He'll fix it quick, and that's the truth
(pic of female muppet in a doctor's uniform)
The doctor makes you well real quick
If by chance you're feeling sick
She works and works the whole day long
To help you feel well and strong
(pic of blue adult male muppet in grocer's outfit)
The grocer sells the things you eat
Like bread and eggs, cheese and meat
No matter what you're looking for
You'll find it at the grocery store
(pic of Grover working on a shoe with a hammer)
The shoemaker is always there
To take care of the shoes you wear
With his hammer, nails, and glue
He'll fix your shoes as good as new
(pic of the back of Rodeo Rosie handing over a fringed vest to the drycleaner, a green adult male muppet)
The cleaner is the one who knows
How to clean and press your clothes
He'll take a jacket, suit, or vest
And clean it so you'll look your best
(pic of Oscar The Grouch, naturally, driving a garbage truck)
The trash collector works each day
He'll always take your trash away
He drives the biggest truck you've seen
To keep the city streets all clean
Gary-Owens-Voice (GOV) guy comes onscreen, whipping out his lower-case 'i' from a briefcase and he has a dialogue with a Rude Off-screen Voice (ROV):
GOV: Hi-ho everyone, I bet you don't know what this is.
ROV: It looks like a small L with a ball on top.
GOV: Well, golly-gee, I never thought of it, but it does look something like an L with a ball on top.
ROV: Not something like, exactly like! You have the mind of a flea!
GOV: Quiet down now. This is the letter I. Many words start with the letter I.
ROV: (rudely mocking him) 'Many words start with the letter I!'
GOV: And the one that springs to my mind is -- 'Impolite.' Now we don't want to be impolite. (pause.) That means being rude, or discourteous, or having no manners.
ROV: (smart-alecky): Tell us all about it, bright boy!
GOV: Excuse me. (He walks off-stage; there comes several seconds of a loud scuffle, the suitcase bounces around. The GOV guy returns.) Try not to be impolite. And thank you for your time.
Oscar: I'll give you a song
That I think is tops:
If you keep up this racket,
I'm calling the cops!
(music starts)
David: Oh, Oscar don't allow no singalong singing here
Oscar don't allow no singalong singing here
All: Now we don't care what Oscar don't allow
Gonna sing some singalongs anyhow
Oscar don't allow no singalong singing here
Big Bird: Oh yeah
Oscar don't allow no banjo-strumming here
Oscar don't allow no banjo-strumming here
All: Now we don't care what Oscar don't allow
Gonna strum our banjos anyhow
Oscar don't allow no banjo-strumming here
Ernie: Now Oscar don't allow no piano-playing here
Oscar don't allow no piano-playing here
All: Now we don't care what Oscar don't allow
Gonna play our piano anyhow
Oscar don't allow no piano-playing here
Gordon: Oscar don't allow no drum-drum drumming here
Oscar don't allow no drum-drum drumming here
All: Now we don't care what Oscar don't allow
Gonna do some drumming anyhow
Oscar don't allow no drum-drum drumming here
David: Oscar don't allow no singalong singing here
Oscar don't allow no singalong singing here
All: Now we don't care what Oscar don't allow
Gonna do some singalong singing anyhow
Oscar don't allow no singalong singing here!
Oscar: Very funny, very funny (door slams)
Kermit: Hi-oh, this is Kermit The Frog here and I'm in a doctor's office, where I'm here to get a medical checkup. That's why I'm wearing this strange, kind of garment thing. (the doctor walks in the door behind Kermit and he looks rather froglike, I must say)
Doctor: Oh, hi, Kermit.
Kermit: Hi, Doc.
Doctor: Now let's get started.
Kermit: Okay.
Doctor: Okay? First of all, we're going to use this stethoscope here to listen to your heart.
Kermit: Ooooo.
Doctor: Yup. (places stethoscope on Kermit's chest) Here we go. (we now hear the loud beating of his heart) Take a deep breath. (Kermit does) Okay, breathe out. (He does) Ahhhh.
Kermit: What's it sound like?
Doctor: Oh, groovy!
Kermit: Groovy?!
Doctor: Perfect, beautiful! I mean, Kermit, the sound of your heart is music to my ears.
(right on cue, the music starts, the beat sounding like a heart. As the doc starts to sing, two frog-like nurses pop up from behind the table to Kermit's right and Kermit's left foot starts tapping in the air)
Doctor and Nurses: Oh, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Yeah, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Nurses: (as doc sticks stethoscope on Kermit's chest again)
It goes (thump-thump, thump-thump)
It goes (thump-thump, thump-thump)
Doctor: So if you hear (turns to look at clock)
(tick tock, tick tock)
That's a clock tick-tocking
If you hear (knocks heard on door, a nurse opens it)
That is someone knocking (a puppy dog walks in the open door)
If you hear
(bark-bark, bark-bark-bark)
That's a barking dog
But (stethoscope against Kermit's chest)
(thump-thump, thump-thump)
Is the heart of a frog
Doctor and Nurses: Oh, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Yeah, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Doctor: Now if you hear
(crunch, crunch, crunch)
(we see a nurse munching on a carrot)
That's the sound of chewing
If you hear
(cow walks in next to chewing nurse)
That's a cow a'mooing
(cow tries to munch carrot)
If you hear
(bark-bark, bark, bark)
(the dog comes in on the nurse's other side)
That's a barking dog
(the nurse spins around as both animals try to grab the carrot)
(thump-thump, thump-thump)
Is the heart of a frog
All: Oh, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Yeah, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
(thump-thump, thump-thump)
Nurses: It goes (thump-thump, thump-thump)
It goes (thump-thump, thump-thump)
Doctor: So if you hear
(tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet)
(a bird flies over their heads)
That's a birdie chirping
If you hear
(nurse walks in with baby frog wrapped in a blankie)
That's a baby burping
If you hear
(bark-bark, bark, bark)
That's a barking dog
(thump-thump, thump-thump)
Is the heart of a frog
All: Oh, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Yeah, baby, baby, listen to the heart of a frog
Doctor: Very good, thank you, thank you one and all. Thank you. Thank you, cow.
(the animals and nurses leave the room)
Okay, Kermit, we've checked your heart, now let's check your ribbet. Say, 'ribbet'
Kermit: Ribbet, ribbet.
Doctor: Very good, now, we'll check your hops, so hop off here ... (Kermit scoots over the back of the table, legs flying in the air for a minute, lands standing up) ... very good, now hop for me.
Kermit: (hopping) Hop.
Doctor: Again.
Kermit: Hop.
Doctor: Again.
Kermit: Hop.
Doctor: Again. (fades out as Kermit continues hopping)
If you feel lonely and you need a friend
I know a place on which you can depend
A place that’s quiet and always near by
And you know there
No one’s a stranger, the door’s open wide
And what good things you’ll find waiting inside
The smiles, the kindness, all troubles behind
When you go there
You’re on the happiest street in the world
The happiest street in the beautiful world
A place to be on, a place to be free
For you and for me
Yes it’s the happiest street in the world
The happiest street in the wonderful world
Wherever I ever go, the happiest street I know
You’re on the happiest street in the world
The happiest street in the beautiful world
Wherever I ever go, the happiest street I know
Sometimes you worry, you’re down on your fears
But, when you’re with us, those thoughts disappear
We’ll be together, our friendship will grow
So, you see here
The sun’s always shining, the sky’s always blue
And someone loving is waiting for you
It’s not so far from the place that you are
Please come be here
‘Cause it’s the happiest street in the world
The happiest street in the wonderful world
Wherever I ever go, the happiest street I know
You’re on the happiest street in the world
The happiest street in the beautiful world
Wherever I ever go, the happiest street I know
Big Bird: Is everybody ready?
All of the other Muppets: Yeah!
Big Bird: What's the next letter of the alphabet?
All of the other Muppets: 'H'!
Big Bird: O.K. Let's everyone sing this one. Here we go. (Music starts) The letter 'H' song with all those funny words that start up with a 'huh' sound. Harvey Kneeslapper, you go first.
Harvey: O.K. Here it goes. (laughs) Great.
A hamster ate a handkerchief, a hammer and a hoe
He ate a hundred herring and a hawk who said 'Hello'
This hamster ate a pickle jar, a house and then a log
And then he got the hiccups and he turned into a hog!
(Harvey laughs)
Harvey, Herry, Big Bird: Ha ha ha ha ho ho hee
That's about as funny as it can be
Hee hee hee hee ha ha ho
'H' is the letter that we love so!
Harvey: O.K., Herry. It's your turn.
Herry: Got it now. Here we go.
A horse named Harvey Highersoup was hiking up the hill
And then he met a halibut who went to Honkerville
He had to play harmonica, and honked another horn
So they hooted and they honked until the night became the morn
(laughs) I like that!
Harvey, Herry, Big Bird: Ha ha ha ha ho ho hee
That's about as funny as it can be
Hee hee hee hee ha ha ho
'H' is the letter that we love so!
Herry: O.K., Big Bird. Go!
Big Bird: O.K. Listen to this. (giggles)
Oh, Henry Hippopotamus went hopping in the air
Until he hit a table and got honey on his hair
This handsome hippopotamus, I strongly must confess,
Was not a hippopotamus, but a 'hippo-pot-a-mess'!
(Big Bird laughs)
Harvey, Herry: Awwwww!
Harvey, Herry, Big Bird: Ha ha ha ha ho ho hee
That's about as funny as it can be
Hee hee hee hee ha ha ho
'H' is the letter that we love so!
(Music ends) (All of the Muppets cheer)
Orange Grouch: Gliding through a smelly swamp
Where mosquitoes come to romp
Oscar: The fun of being first to see
The fungus on a rotten tree
Grey-Green Grouch: Steamy Jungles
Orange Grouch: Icy Peaks!
Girl Grouch: Not a decent meal in weeks!
All: We go where we have never gone before
To explore, explore, explore!
Girl Grouch: Soggy nights in leaky tents
Orange Grouch: Attending cultural events
Oscar: Riding camels through the heat
Grey-Green Grouch: Feeling cranky, feeling beat
Girl Grouch: Broiling in the midday sun
All: Is sweaty, sticky, grouchy fun!
We go where we have never gone before
To explore, explore, explore!
Oscar: Travelling the world we see
Grouches who live differently
Orange Grouch: But everywhere they get their kicks
Girl Grouch: From all the same revolting tricks!
Grey-Green Grouch: In Spain or France or Birmingham
They all have ways to holler -
All: Scram!
We go where we have never gone before
We explore, explore, explore!
When my family gets together,
There's more than two or three.
There's my sister, my father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my dog, and me.
Seven places set for dinner,
And seven cups for tea.
For my sister, my father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my dog, and me.
Now there's me, that's one,
My sister makes two,
And dad and mom are three and four.
Grandma is five, and Grandpa makes six,
And Roscoe my dog makes seven and there aren't anymore - STILL!
It's so nice to be together, my whole big family,
My sister, my father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my dog, and me.
voiceover: Her sister is real nice except she runs an awful lot
[Hey Marylou, wanna race?]
And her mom and dad are cool but they argue a lot
[No honey, you're right and I'm wrong]
[No, sweetie, you're right and I'm wrong]
And her grandparents are real nice, maybe she says something about them spoiling her
[Here Marylou, Grandma brought you a bag of jelly beans]
[Here Marylou, Grandpa brought you two bags of jelly beans]
And Roscoe, her dog, well they just love each other a whole lot!
It's so nice to be together, my whole big family:
My sister, my father, my mother, my grandma, my grandpa, my dog, and me.
My sister, one,
My father, two,
My mother, three,
My grandma, four,
My grandpa, five,
My doggie, six...
And seven is ME!
Elmo: Oh, hello! Elmo and Telly are now going to show you all about heavy and light. Yeah. Elmo is going to show you about light with this feather. Which is very light.
Telly: Yeah, and I'm going to show you about heavy with these heavy bricks.
Elmo: Elmo and Telly
Proudly invite
You to watch a demonstration
Of heavy and light
Pay attention
So you’ll get it right
'Cause Telly’s is heavy
Telly: (spoken) Oh yeah!
Elmo: And Elmo’s is light
Telly: (spoken) I got it.
Telly: Well I hope this little lesson
Won’t take too long
It’s hard to teach heavy
Unless you’re strong
I’m trying to help Elmo
With all my might
But mine is heavy
And Elmo’s is light
Elmo: Together we can do it
Boy this is great
Telly: Side by side both pullin’ our weight
Elmo: Together makes it easy
Gee, this is fun
Mine’s like a feather
Telly: And mine weighs a ton!
Both: Well we just got started
And we’re almost through
See what a little
Teamwork can do
Yeah, it might seem fair
But it isn’t quite
Telly: 'Cause mine is heavy ...
(Telly falls over from the weight of the bricks he's carrying.)
Elmo: And Elmo’s is light
And Elmo’s is light
And Elmo’s is light
Elmo’s is light
Bah da bah da bee do be bah!
Elmo: (spoken to Telly out of sight on the ground) Umm, Telly? Oh sorry, Telly, I didn't see you. What happened to you? Oh, let me help. Let me help. Come on, come on, come on, Telly, come on. Oh! Boy you are heavy!
(Telly stands up with the bricks, starts to lean over and they both fall down.)
Carmen Osbahr: Well, I'd like to visit the moon
On a rocket ship high in the air
Rosita: Yes, I'd like to visit the moon
But I don't think I'd like to live there
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I might like it for one afternoon
I don't want to live on the moon
I'd like to travel under the sea
I could meet all the fish everywhere
Yes, I'd travel under the sea
But I don't think I'd like to live there
I might stay for a day there if I had my wish
But there's not much to do when your friends are all fish
And an oyster and clam aren't real family
So I don't want to live in the sea
Carmen Osbahr: I'd like to visit the jungle, hear the lions roar
Go back in time and meet a dinosaur
There's so many strange places I'd like to be
But none of them permanently
So if I should visit the moon
Well, I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
And I'll wish I was home once again
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon
Carmen Osbahr, Max, Rosita and Abby: No, I don't want to live on the moon
(After Farley starts to sing "Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella",
Oscar interrupts, saying that it really goes like this:)
Oscar: Oh, let a frown be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day.
And if your grouchy cries
Just tell her that a frown will always pay.
Whenever skies are gray
Don't worry or fret.
A frown will bring the raindrops and you'll always get wet.
So let a frown be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day!
(Then, I think, Oscar asks Farley if he understands
how the song goes now. Farley says, "Yeah, but I'm not sure I like it.")
Vern: Howdy, my name's Vern,
this here's my gang (nods to man on one side,
woman on the other). We're special sort of cow-pokes
and we'd like to tell ya a little bit about ourselves.
Vern: We travel all around the west
Just looking for a chance
To satisfy our passion
For adventure and romance
We do the things that cowboys do
Like fussin' with our herds
But what we really love the most is
Reading words
All: We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
Vern: Hey look boys, what's that sign say thare?
Other Male: Well, I can read that,
it says, "Gopher Junction"
(note: the sign actually says "Gopher Jct.
", not the best idea for teaching kids how to read, IMHO)
Female: Yeah, and "Dodge City".
Men: Yeeha!
Vern: We read the signs along the road
We fill the wordless gaps
Read labels in our cowboy hats
And cowboy boots and chaps
We do the things that cowboys do
Like fussin' with our herds
But what we really love the most is
Reading words
All: We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
Vern: I see ya got your Acme cowboy boots on.
Other Male: Yup, and I'm wearing my International League
of Garment Workers shirt, ahhh-heee!
Vern: Sometimes we read right into town
To get some extra licks
We look around for words to read
That's how we get our kicks
We see them up above the stores
Along the dusty street
But, riding through to read the town is
Other Male: Real excitin'
Female: Goshdarn nation
All: Really treat
We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
All: We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
Vern: Oh, lookey there, there's Dalton Gazette
Female: Oh yeah, and the dentist
Other Male: Oh, look up yonder, it's the seed store
Oh and look, Jake's and Harry the blacksmith
Vern: Sasparilly
Well boys, I'd love to stay and read some more,
but I think we better head for home.
Other Male: Yep.
Vern: We're bound to find a few more signs on the way.
Sung (as they ride into the sunset):
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Sesame Street
The Question Song
Little Girl: Now the letter is "Q".
And one word that begins with "Q" is "question."
Now here is a question,
A question for you
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
Grover: What's a "Q"?
Girl: Is that you? Oh hi, Grover.
Grover: Hi.
Girl: "Q" is a letter of the alphabet that looks like an "O" with a little tail at the bottom.
Grover: Oh! Now I remember. You can start the song again.
Girl: Thanks, Grover.
Grover: You're welcome.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
Just think of a duck,
Be it white, brown, or black.
What sound does it make?
Why, a duckie goes...
Grover: Mooooooooooo!
Girl: No, Grover. A duckie goes "Quack!"
"Quack" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Quack."
Grover: Oh. O.K.
Girl: But Grover.
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: Try this one.
Grover: O.K.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
In stores, you find milk
In containers of sorts.
But what do you call them?
You call these things...
Grover: Cows.
Girl: No, that's not right! The answer is "Quarts"!
"Quarts" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Quarts."
Now what made you think of cows?
Grover: I don't know. I think I heard one go "Moo" a minute ago.
Girl: Grover.
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: Forget about the cows.
Grover: O.K.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
And once more, the answer
Begins with a "Q".
Remember a king
In a story you've seen.
To whom was he married?
He's wed to a...
Grover: Farmer.
Girl: No. The answer is "Queen."
"Queen" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Queen."
Grover: Gee! I thought it was a farmer.
Girl: What farmer?
Grover: You know, the one that brought the cow in here.
Girl: Grover.
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: I've had quite enough! I quit!
Grover: Hmm. Oh well. O.K. Come on, cow. Let's go home.
Cow (pulled by Grover) Mooooooooooooooooooooo!
Ernie: Bert! Hey Bert! C'mere Bert!
Bert: Wh. Where are you Ernie?
Ernie: Right here in my tubby, Bert
Bert: Ok, Ernie what is it now?
Ernie: What is it now? Why I'm here in my tubby Bert
Bert: So?
Ernie: Well, I'm going to wash myself and while I do you're going to pretend you're washing yourself
Bert: I am?
Ernie: Of course you are, that's what all the boys and girls at home listening to the record are going to do. Are you ready Bert?
Bert: Look Ernie, I can't...
Ernie: Good! And are all you kids ready? Good!
Now, everybody wash! (music)
Everybody wash your hands! (music)
Everybody wash your ears! (music)
Everybody wash your tummy! (music)
Ok Bert you take the next part
Bert: Oh, it's my turn? OK
Everybody wash your heels (music) (your heels Bert?) Yeah, this is fun
Everybody wash your kneecaps (music) (your kneecaps Bert?) your kneecaps, both of them
Everybody wash your thumbs (music) (we did that when we did the hands there Bert)
Everybody wash your, here it comes, big toe! (music) (oh that's a good one Bert)
Ernie and Bert: Now, everybody wash your everything!
Bert: Yeah, your big toe, and kneecaps, oh! I gotta wash my socks!
One two three
Four five six
Seven eight nine
Ten eleven twelve
Came to the ladybugs' picnic
One two three
Four five six
Seven eight nine
Ten eleven twelve
And they all played games
At the ladybugs' picnic
They had twelve sacks so they ran sack races
They fell on their backs and they fell on their faces
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
They played jump rope but the rope it broke
So they just sat around telling knock-knock jokes
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
One two three
Four five six
Seven eight nine
Ten eleven twelve
And they chatted away
At the ladybugs' picnic
They talked about the high price of furniture and rugs
And fire insurance for ladybugs
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
Muppet #1 (sung): If it says one, then I go beep.
If it says two, then I go beep beep.
If it says three, then I go beep beep beep.
And that's the way it's done.
Muppet #2 (spoken): Yeah, but what if it says four?
Muppet #1 (sung): I go beep beep beep beep, nothing more.
Muppet #2 (spoken): But what if it says more than four?
Muppet #1 (sung really fast): Then I go Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-
(into incomprehension, and screen fills up with circles)
Muppet #2 (spoken): Like what if it says forty-six?
Muppet #1 (sung really fast again): Then I go Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-
(into more incomprehension,
and the screen fills up with forty-six circles)
(sung at normal speed)
Now, I used to get confused about my numbers,
Whether it was three or one or four or two.
But now I find my numbers very easy,
'Cause this is what I do ...
If it says one, then I go beep.
If it says two, then I go beep beep.
If it says three, then I go beep beep beep.
And that's the way it's done.
Muppet #2 (spoken): Yeah, but what if it says four?
Muppet #1 (sung): I go beep beep beep beep, nothing more.
Muppet #2 (spoken): So when it says one, you go Beep
(and so on, repeating all the verses)
Muppet #2 (spoken): But what if it says three million,
seven hundred forty-six thousand, nine hundred eighty-two?
Muppet #1 (spoken): That's easy, man.
(sung really fast): Then I go Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-
(into still more incomprehension,
and screen fills up with still more circles.
I think this is one of those places where they're different
sizes and colors. I'm not sure what lines come next,
if any. Then, at the end:)
Both: Beep beep beep beep, beep beep beep!
Luis: Each time we meet
At work or the street
We always say 'hello'
But you say
Maria: 'Hola'
Luis: And I say, 'hola'
Both: It's a word that we both know
'Hola' means 'hi'
'Hello', not 'goodbye'
Why, everywhere you go
Maria: The girls say 'hola'
Luis: The boys say 'hola'
Both: 'Cause 'hola' means 'hello'
(they dance as background voices oooh and ahhh)
Both: It's not just a fad
Tell Mommy and Dad
That 'hola''s what to say
Luis: So try an 'hola'
Maria: Repeat, say 'hola'
Both: Tell them 'hola''s here to stay
Maria: Latins from Alaska
Or from Spain or Saint Nebraska
All say 'hola' when they mean 'hello'
Luis: Latins from Havana
Or Detroit or Old Montana
Know that's just how the old greeting goes
Both: Latins from Queens and the hip Argentines
Say 'hola' when greeting each other
We know the way, we can all say
'Hola, what's happening, brother?'
Take it from us
And don't make a fuss
We want you in the know
So just say 'hola'
Come on, say 'hola'
Say 'hola' instead of 'hello'
Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
The red man was pressed from this part of the west
It's not likely he'll ever return
To the banks of Red River where seldom if ever
His flickering campfires still burn
Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
How often at night when the heavens are bright
I see the light of those flickering stars
Have I laid there amazed and asked as I gazed
If their glory exceeds that of love
Home, home on the range
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day
Every time I see the ocean I get choked up with emotion, it's true.
When I'm riding on my board catching waves into the shore with you.
I got a monster surfer dream, got to keep the water clean and blue,
So come on all around the world, let's do what surfing monsters do.
Come on and love, love, love, love the ocean.
Show respect for the sea.
Be a friend to the water 'cause
It's a friend to you and me.
Help to cure it, keep it pure from sea to sea to shining sea.
When I see somebody litter, it sure puts me in a bitter mood.
I say, 'Hey do what you ought to, get that trash out of the water, dude'
The birds and animals and fish have a monster surfer wish for real.
They wish that people round the world would feel how surfing monsters feel.
Come on and love, love, love, love the ocean.
Show respect for the sea.
Be a friend to the water 'cause
It's a friend to you and me.
Help to cure it, keep it pure from sea to sea to shining sea.
Yeah! Love, love, love, love the ocean.
Show respect for the sea.
Be a friend to the water 'cause
It's a friend to you and me.
Help to cure it, keep it pure from sea to sea to shining sea.
From sea to sea to shining sea.
Bert: 'Hey Ernie! Hey Ern..'
Ernie: 'Hey there, Bert.'
Bert: 'Hi. Listen the radio is playing soft and then loud. Something wrong?'
Ernie: 'That's the volume control, Bert. See this little button here? That's the volume control.'
Bert: 'Yeah, you're the one that's doin that, huh?'
Ernie: 'And when I turn the knob this way, it makes the radio play louder.'
Bert: 'Yeah, I know. See, I'm tryin to read over there...'
Ernie: 'And then Bert, when I turn the knob this way, it makes the radio play softer.'
Bert: 'Good, I like it just that way Ernie, soft.'
Ernie: 'But I think, I think I like most of all, is when I turn the radio up loud.'
Bert: 'Ernie! Ernie! That's too loud. You're making the radio play very very loudly!'
Ernie: 'Bert, don't yell, I'm tryin to listen to the radio!'
Bert: 'I will yell Ernie! I will yell! I have every right to yell! I'll yell and yell and yell because I can't hear myself any other way!'
(Ernie turns off the radio)
Bert: 'Ernie! Now, you really do not care if I want some peace and quiet do you?'
Ernie: 'I wonder what would happen if I took the knob off this radio...'
Bert: 'You know you really have no consideration for people, do you?'
Ernie: 'C'mere Bert.'
Bert: 'What're you doing?'
Ernie: 'I'm gonna put the volume control on you.'
Bert: 'Wha! I am not a radio, Ernie! Now cut that out!'
Ernie: 'And now I think I'll turn the volume a little lower...'
Bert: (In a softer voice) 'You know you cannot do that to people, they wanna talk, they're not radios. And I wanna talk and I'll tell you one thing....'
(Ernie turns the volume up)
Bert: (In a louder voice) 'I have been trying to read over there! I have been trying to read for so long.......'
(Ernie turns the volume down)
Bert: (In a softer voice) 'And I hear the radio going up and down, up and down, up and down. And I don't want that. I want.....'
(Ernie turns Bert off)
Ernie: 'Keeheeheehee.'
(Ernie leaves Bert there with his mouth flapping and no sound coming out)
Mahna mahna
(ba dee bedebe)
mahna mahna
(ba debe dee)
mahna mahna
(ba dee bedebe badebe badebe dee dee de-de de-de-de)
mah mama na mahna mah namwomp mwomp
ma mo mo mana mo
mahna mahna
(ba dee bedebe)
mahna mahna
(ba debe dee)
Mahna Mahna!
(ba dee bedebe bedebe badebe debe de-de de-de-de)
(long pause)
...mahna mahna?
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen and boys and girls, presenting Little Jerry and the Monotones!!!!!
(Followed by screams from adoring
In a cold and far-off place
There was a lower-case N.
Lonely and cold, she would stare off into space
And it was known that she would cry now and then.
Lower-case N, standing on a hill.
The wind is very still, for the lower-case eh-en...
(occasional, unearthly 'oohs' in background now)
And then one day a rocketship
Came racing from the sky.
It landed on the hill and there opened up a door
And somethin' started comin' outside...
A lower-case N!
(She's not lonely anymo-o-re)
They are standing on the hill
(There are two that stand for su-u-ure)
The wind is very still
For the lower-case eh-ens!
[Bong, bong, bong]
Big Bird: Hey Oscar, that's pretty. What is it?
Oscar: That, Big Bird, is my low trashcan lid.
Big Bird: Oh, really?
Oscar: Yeah, that's 'cause it makes a low sound when i play it [bong]. I also have a middle [bong], and a high [bong]. And I will now play a melody.
Grover: Oscar, you must be joking.
Oscar: I'm not joking Grover, and you can play a melody too if you have three things that make a low [dong], middle [dong], and high [dong].
Ernie: Uh, I have some bells here. [ding, ding, ding]
Big Bird: I've got 3 pans. [bong, bong, bong]
Grover: Uh, would a toy piano do? [tink, tink, tink]
Sherlock: How about glasses? [ding, ding, ding]
Oscar: Yeah, sure. All of those things are fine. And if you don't have anything to play, just sing it. Now here's the melody. Listen and see if you can learn it. it goes like this:
Low, middle, high, high, low, high
Low, middle, high, high
Low, middle, high, high, low, high
Low, middle, high, high
High, middle, high, low, low, low
Low, low, low
Low, middle, high, high, low, high
High, middle, high, low
Simple notes, 1 2 3, how pretty they can be
All: Low, middle, high, high, low, high
Low, middle, high, high
Low, middle, high, high, low, high
Low, middle, high, high
High, middle, high, low, low, low
Low, low, low
Low, middle, high, high, low, high
High, middle, high, low
Oscar: Simple notes 1 2 3, how pretty they can be, now won't you play with me?
Ernie: Gee Oscar, that was lovely.
Oscar: It was!? How embarrassing.
Me! Everything I am is me!
The best thing I can be is
Me in my mirror
Me in my bed!
Me in the pictures I make in my head
Oh me!
What a thing to be is me
Utterly delicous!
And since there's no choice I am sure I and me agree!
There's nobody nicer, smarter, better, sweeter ...
Can't you see ... than me!!
Mary had a bicycle, bicycle, bicyle
Mary had a bicycle
Its paint was red as fire
Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went
Everywhere that Mary went
The bicycle had a flat tire!
Big Bird: (whispers to Maria) You look beautiful!
Priest: We are here today to celebrate the marriage of Maria and Luis. When two people get married what they do is make a promise to each other. Luis and Maria are making a promise today. A promise to share their lives together. A promise to help one another and care for each other. And love each other for the rest of their lives. They are celebrating this promise in front of you, the people they love most, their friends and family.....
(voiceover singing begins, these are internal thoughts, not sung aloud)
Luis: Look at her, isn't she wonderful?
Maria: It's all together possible I've made a major error
My hands are cold, my forehead's hot, it's either love or terror
I guess somewhere there's somebody who thinks a wedding's fun
But if I weren't 5 stories high, I'd run!
Luis: Look at her, isn't she wonderful?
Maria's Mom: I used to dress her up like that
White lace and a great big party hat
Elmo: Don't drop the rings, Elmo
Please Elmo, don't drop the rings!
David: Isn't it funny? I've seen her each day of my life
Now she's becoming..becoming Luis' new wife
I'm not used to thinking of her as anyone's wife
Isn't it funny?
Gina: Someday, someday....
Luis and Maria: On second thought...
Luis: It's all together possible I've made a major error
My hands are cold, my forehead's hot, it's either love or terror
I guess somewhere there's somebody who think's a wedding's fun
But if I weren't 5 stories high, I'd run
Maria: Look at him, isn't he wonderful?
Luis' Dad: (spanish.. Mi sobre nino......)
Now when I look at you I see,
The handsome young man I used to be
Bob: Sometimes I wonder how I would feel being married
If I were married would it be to someone like you
Linda: Sometimes I wonder how I would feel being married
I wonder if you ever wonder too
Bob and Linda: I wish I knew
Elmo: Don't drop the rings Elmo
Please Elmo, don't drop the rings!
Maria's Mom: I wish her father could have lived to see this day
He would be so proud!
Oscar: I wish they'd let that lousy organ music play
It was nice and loud!
Gordon and Susan: (looking at Miles) Look at him, isn't he wonderful?
Luis: Look at her...
Luis and Maria: Isn't he/she wonderful?
Priest: Do you take Maria as your wife in good times and in bad, to love her and care for her always?
Luis: I do.
Priest: Do you take Luis as your husband in good times and bad, to love him and care for him always?
Maria: I do.
Elmo: Don't drop the rings, Bob.
Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Big Bird: Hooray!!!!!!!
I, I, I
I love to do the mambo
I, I, I
It is my favorite dance
I won't be shy
As long as I
Can mambo I, I, I!
I, I, I
I love to feel the rhythms
I, I, I
I feel like going with them
I could sigh
Whenever I
Mambo I, I, I
It's not the cha cha or the tango, oh, no
It isn't even the fandango, no, no
To do this dance
I'd take a chance
And try ....
Oh, I would try!
I, I, I
I love to do the mambo
I, I, I
It is my favorite dance
Can't tell you why I love my
Mambo I, I, I
It's not the cha-cha or the tango
It isn't even the fandango
To do this dance
I'd take a chance
And try ....
Oh, I would try!
I, I, I
I love to do the mambo
I, I, I
It is my favorite dance
I won't be shy as long as I
Mambo I, I, I!
I love it, my mambo
I, I, I
I love it, my mambo
I, I, I
I, I, I!
I'm an aardvark, and I'm proud!
I'm an aardvark, and I'm happy!
I'm an aardvark,
If I try to be specific
And a little scientific,
I am feeling quite terrific!
I'm an aardvark, fierce and free!
I'm an aardvark, standing bravely!
I'm an aardvark,
And I'm tough and smart and strong
And always right,
And that's the way I'll always be ...
Until I meet another aardvark
Who's bigger than me!
Well, I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow, nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow, nrrrow
And wangity-wang, wangity-wang
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow, nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow, nrrrow
And wangity-wang, wangity-wang
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I fly in the dark (nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow)
Over baseball parks (nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow)
Well I fly late at night (nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow)
I got my little red light (nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow nrrrow-nrrrow-nrrrow)
And wangity-wang, wangity-wang
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
You know, I'm a little airplane nrrrow, nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
I'm a little airplane nrrrow, nrrrow
And wangity-wang
I go everywhere
I'm a little airplane nrrrow
Big Bird: I'm a bluebird that's been dreaming
Of a rainbow I can follow
To that old familiar place I long to see
Friendly faces, a smile to greet me
Or just a simple 'Hello, how are you?'
Oh, without them, I'm so blue
There's only one thing that will do
To make this heartache end
To be back home again
Boy in audience (Liston Bates, spoken): He sure looks sad.
Girl sitting next to boy (Tawny Richard, spoken): He sure does.
Big Bird: I'll never lose my dreams
Even though this time it seems
Like I'm such a long way
From any rainbows that might keep my dreams from fading
Oh, no wonder I'm so blue
(Sam, working spotlight, cries loudly)
Big Bird: There's only one thing that will do
To make this heartache end
To be back home again
To be back home again
Sid (counting money backstage while he sings):
I'm a rich man, getting richer
Here's my money; let me count it
I'm so happy... (starts whistling)
(Boy and girl from audience sneak in behind him and go to sleeping Big Bird's cage.)
Girl: Are you real?
(A tear trickles from Big Bird's left eye)
Boy: He must be real; he's crying. (to Big Bird) What's the matter?
Big Bird (wakes up and sees kids): Oh, oh, uh, I'm in big trouble, see? Uh, could you do me a favor? (Kids nod) Uh, I, I can't get out of here, and I want to! So, could you call Mister Looper's Store on Sesame Street and tell somebody where I am?
Sid (spoken, noticing kids): Hey, kids, get away from the talent! Go on, get! Scram! (barks like a dog as kids run off. Laughs.)
(singing) I'm a rich man, getting richer!
(Girl is on pay phone with boy lifting her. Phone rings once, and operator answers.)
Operator (spoken): Operator. May I help you?
Girl (spoken): Hello, operator, can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
Oh there are days, when skies are grey
And everything goes wrong
When I start yelling, 'Go away!'
And people say, 'So long!'
When everything's in disarray
I'm right where I belong
When fun's away on holiday
This grouch must sing this song
I'm sad, because I'm happy
And I'm happy, 'cause I'm mad
And I'm mad, 'cause it sounds sappy
To be happy when you're sad
Yes there are days when skies are grey
And all the world looks yucky
When clouds and rain won't go away
And the road I'm on turns mucky
My feet splash in the mud, and hey,
My toes get wet and gucky
Yes everything just goes my way
I feel so gosh-darn lucky!
(The Grouch Choir joins in)
I'm sad, because I'm happy
And I'm happy, 'cause I'm mad
And I'm mad, 'cause it sounds sappy
To be happy when you're sad
Oscar: Everybody sing!
(sung in grand style)
I'm sad, because I'm happy
And I'm happy, 'cause I'm mad
And I'm mad, 'cause it sounds sappy
To be happy when you're sad
(spoken, with music still playing)
Oscar: Ah, I wish every day was like this!
Grungetta: Ah, me too, Oscie!
Oscar: Well, if wishes were garbage trucks, grouches would ride.
Grungetta: So true, so true!
Oscar: Let's just enjoy the moment. Yeah.
(upon arriving at his new job, working with the famous scientist, Dr. Igor)
I'm proud!
I'm proud!
Who wouldn't be
If he or she was me?
(a little later)
I'm proud!
I'm proud!
I'm tickled pink -
It's my instinct ...
I think ...?
(and upon solving experiment #1-CX - the maze!)
I'm proud!
I'm proud!
Who wouldn't be
If he or she was me?
Hello everybody, I'm a baby seal. This is a song I sing, whenever I'm feeling down in the dumps about the way I look.
Look at the sky, look at the sea
Look at clouds and then look at me
I'm pretty
What I am is pretty
Look at a flower, look at a tree
Look at the birds, and then compare them to me
I'm pretty
What I am is pretty
Everything looks different
As individual as it can be
But who's to say that what looks funny to you
Might not be simply gorgeous to me?
Look at the stars and all the beauty you see
Could you ever find a single thing as pretty as me?
I'm pretty
What I am is pretty
And that's the way I'm always going to be!!
Male singing voice: She can bounce, she can roll, she can spin like a wheel
She's got a rubber soul and her name is Cecile
Cecile no one can match ya
Cecile you're off the wall
Cecile I'm gonna catch ya
And when I do I'm gonna have a ball, wooo!
Voiceover: And now, ladies and gentlemen, Cecile!
Cecile: I'm gonna bring my love to you
I'll be there no matter what you do
I'd drive a car, or take a train
I'll come by bike or boat or plane
I'll ride a horse, I'll paddle a canoe
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to YOU!
Just hop a bus baby I don't care
Go any place or anywhere
I'll track you down by land or air or sea
I'll swim across the ocean wide
Through ice and snow I'll slip and slide
There's no escape you just can't hide from me
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
I'm gonna get to you
Jeffy: (Hi there, Cookie Monster.)
Cookie Monster: (Oh, hi little friend Jeffy. How you today?)
J: (I'm not feeling too good, to tell you the truth.)
CM: (Oh, what the matter?)
J: (Well, you see, today I'm going to do something that my Mom says I have to do. And I am gonna do it, it's just that, well, you see ...)
CM: (What is it, Jeffy? What wrong?)
J: (Well ...)
I'm going to get my hair cut.
CM: (Oh.)
J: I've never done that before.
CM: (Me understand now.)
J: I know I once cut my finger
I know I once cut my knee
If cutting my hair's gonna hurt like that
The barbershop's no place for me
But, I've gotta go get my hair cut
CM: (Oh, Jeffy.)
J: Mom says I'm going to look so nice
But when it's done I'll look on the floor
At the hair that was up on my head before
It'll be all gone, and I'll bet it'll never grow
I'm getting my haircut, but I don't wanna go!
(So you see, Cookie Monster, that's why I don't feel so great.)
CM: (Oh, Jeffy. That no reason to feel bad.)
J: (No?)
CM: (No, Jeffy. Do me a favor - look at me fur. It's pretty shaggy today, hmmm?)
J: (Hmmm, it does look a little shaggier than usual.)
CM: (Right, but me no like fur to get too shaggy, so you know where me going?)
J: (Where?!)
CM: Me going to get me fur cut
J: (Oh.)
CM: Me gone plenty of times before
J: (Really?)
CM: It not like cutting me finger
It not like cutting me knee
'Cuz cutting me fur doesn't hurt at all
The barber's gentle as can be
So me going to get me fur cut
Then me going to look so nice
Me look in mirror, and me see
A handsome monster - oh, it me!
Me always get me fur cut when it grow
Me getting me fur cut, and me so glad to go
(So you see, there no reason to be afraid to get haircut.)
J: (Gee, you mean you like it when you get your fur cut?)
CM: (Mmm hmmm.)
J: (Well, then maybe I'd like it too.)
CM: (Like it? You'll love it!)
Both: We'll look in the mirror and we'll see
A handsome person - oh, it's me!
It's fun to get your hair cut when it grows
We're getting our hair cut, and we're so glad to go!
J: (Oh, boy!)
When there's cheese in the middle
Of two slices of bread
It's between, between
And when you slip into the sheets
Of your comfy bed
You're between, between
Whenever that is on that side
And this is on this
Right there in the middle
Is right between sis
Between, between, between, between
When you're driving in a car
Inside the painted lines
You're between, oooh between
And if there's cream inside the cookie
That you're gonna bite
It's between, between
Yeah when there's someone on one side
And someone on the other
Right there in the middle
You're right between brother
Between, between, between, between
Now you know what I mean
By between, between
Been to the moon
Saw all the stars
Up in a ship that flies
Here is the big surprise -
I'm an Earthworm!
Seen other worlds
Orange and grey
Comets were sailing by
Wonderful to the eyes
Of an Earthworm!
But I did not find flowers
Houses and birds and deer
And I could not hear music
Anyplace but here
So much to learn
Up in the air
Now that I have to roam
I learned that Earth is home
I'm an Earthworm!
I found the circus missing
Up where the stars are clear
And I did not find kissing
Anyplace but here
If there is love
Out in the stars
We'll find it, me and you
But 'til the day we do
I'm an Earthworm!
For all of you who
Come from eggs
With feathered tails and
Spindly legs
To those who chirp or
Honk or quack
We say: 'It's time to
Pay you back.'
Hey, you, who grew
Up in a nest
You've earned the right
To take a rest
You've sung for us for
Oh so long
So sit back now and
Hear our song
And we say:
Tweet, tweet, peep, peep
Gobble, gobble, coo
Chirp, chirp, cheep, cheep
Come on and listen
To the music
Listen to the words
This song, this song, this song
Is for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
It's for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
Now listen:
If you're a robin, hawk or owl
Pigeon, crow or waterfowl
Sparrow, duck or cockatoo
Hey, listen up! This song's
For you
Sing it!
Tweet, tweet, peep, peep
Gobble, gobble, coo
Chirp, chirp, cheep, cheep
Come on and listen
To the music
Listen to the words
This song, this song, this song
Is for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
It's for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
Bawk, honk, caw, quack
Whistle, whistle, hoot
We wrote this song, and
It's a beaut
Screech, whippoorwill
Honk, tweet-tweet, peep
In birdie language that
Means, 'Thanks a heap.'
Tweet, tweet, peep, peep
Gobble, gobble, coo
Chirp, chirp, cheep, cheep
Come on and listen
To the music
Listen to the words
This song, this song, this song
Is for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
It's for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
Tweet, tweet, peep, peep
Gobble, gobble, coo
Chirp, chirp, cheep, cheep
Come on and listen
To the music
Listen to the words
This song, this song, this song
Is for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
It's for the birds!
(La la la la, la la la)
Oh you can be what you want to be,
See what you want to see,
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Go where you want to go,
Do what you want to do
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Some folks try to tell you there are things you shouldn't do
You're not strong enough or smart enough at all,
But what seems right to them quite often
Might be wrong for you,
So be sure you try to climb
Before you get too scared you fall.
Oh, you can be what you want to be,
Learn what you want to learn,
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Try what you need to try,
No one should question why,
Believe in yourself,
Believe in yourself.
Folks may say you're different,
That you've gone and lost your senses,
But the world is yours to walk in,
Go ahead and leap the fences.
And you'll see,
Believe in yourself
And the world belongs to you and me
Bert (writing a letter with a pencil): 'Dear Mister Rogers, I wish you would send me ...'
Ernie (entering): Boy, it's a hot one today, Bert! (Bert doesn't answer) Bert? Oh, he's writing a letter. I won't bother him. (Louder) I won't bother you, Bert! (Bert looks up, sighs, and continues writing) I'll just get the electric fan and turn on some cool air. (Gets the fan and turns it on) Oh, there, that's better. (Pause) If some cool air feels good, I'll bet more cool air would feel even better. (Turns it on higher; it's starting to get really breezy now!) Oh, the more air this fan blows, the cooler I feel. I bet if I turned it on all the way, it'd get really cool! (Does so, and papers start blowing around everywhere.) Oh, wow!
Bert: Ernie! The fan! Turn it off!
Ernie: What's that, Bert?
Bert: Turn the fan off!
Ernie: I can't hear you, Bert!
Bert: I said, TURN THE FAN OFF!
Ernie: Oh, okay. (Turns it off)
Bert: Ernie ...
Ernie: Yes, Bert?
Ernie: You're hot and bothered, Bert?
Ernie: Oh, I have just the thing for someone who's hot and bothered.
Bert: What's that?
Ernie: Cool air, Bert! (Turns the fan on all the way. Papers blow around, and Bert starts yelling.)
Susan: No one's certain every minute. Not me, not you.
Everyone wants to run and hide
Sometimes, now and then.
Everyone has a little fear inside
Lots of folks used to suck their thumbs,
And anyone can say something dumb.
So if you (?), don't cry.
'Cause everyone feels a little...
Big Bird: Don't have to embarrassed!
Both: 'Cause everyone feels a little shy!
(After that Big Bird feels much better and says he going to call David's Grandma back. He runs off to do so.)
Everybody sleeps
Everybody sleeps
Every night we close our eyes
Until the morning creeps
Mountaineers on mountain tops
And divers in the deeps
They like to sleep
How do we know it's so
'Cause everybody, everybody sleeps
There are people who sleep lightly
There are people who sleep sound
There are folks who tuck themselves in bed
And some sleep on the ground
There are people who sleep nightly
There are people who sleep days
But it really doesn't matter
Don't you know, it's so
'Cause you can sleep in oh so many ways
Everybody sleeps
Everybody sleeps
Every night we close our eyes
Until the morning creeps
Mountaineers on mountain tops
And divers in the deeps
They like to sleep
How do we know it's so
'Cause everybody, everybody sleeps
Everybody sleeps
Ernie: Bert! Hey Bert! C'mere Bert!
Bert: Wh. Where are you Ernie?
Ernie: Right here in my tubby, Bert
Bert: Ok, Ernie what is it now?
Ernie: What is it now? Why I'm here in my tubby Bert
Bert: So?
Ernie: Well, I'm going to wash myself and while I do you're going to pretend you're washing yourself
Bert: I am?
Ernie: Of course you are, that's what all the boys and girls at home listening to the record are going to do. Are you ready Bert?
Bert: Look Ernie, I can't...
Ernie: Good! And are all you kids ready? Good!
Now, everybody wash! (music)
Everybody wash your hands! (music)
Everybody wash your ears! (music)
Everybody wash your tummy! (music)
Ok Bert you take the next part
Bert: Oh, it's my turn? OK
Everybody wash your heels (music) (your heels Bert?) Yeah, this is fun
Everybody wash your kneecaps (music) (your kneecaps Bert?) your kneecaps, both of them
Everybody wash your thumbs (music) (we did that when we did the hands there Bert)
Everybody wash your, here it comes, big toe! (music) (oh that's a good one Bert)
Ernie and Bert: Now, everybody wash your everything!
Ernie: Hey there, Mr. Ice Cream Cone Man!
Ice Cream Man: Huh?
Ernie: Hey, I wanna ice cream cone!
Ice Cream Man: Okay, just a minute.
(As the man gets out of the truck from behind the cutout, Ernie speaks to the camera.)
Ernie: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I've been thinking of a very special ice cream cone which I am going to order right now. (patented Ernie Laugh) (the man now stands next to him) Hey, Mr. Ice Cream Cone Man, I want a very special ice cream cone, can you make it up for me? (the man makes an agreeable noise) Okay, here comes the flavour. Now, I would like one (as he recites each flavour, Ernie ticks them off on his fingers ... he has to use a few of them more than once as he only has four!) chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch ice cream cone.
Ice Cream Man: What did you say?
Ernie: I said, I want a chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch ice cream cone.
Ice Cream Man: You mean you want a chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch ice cream cone?
Ernie: Yup!
Ice Cream Man: Okay, I'll be right back.
(The camera moves in on Ernie and the man disappears offscreen. Ernie rubs his hands in anticipation.)
Ernie: Oh boy, I can hardly wait! Hardly wait for my chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch ice cream cone!
(The man reappears carrying a cone piled high with different colored ice cream scoops.)
Ice Cream Man: Ha! You didn't think I'd remember that you wanted a chocolate-strawberry-peach- vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch cone, did ya? But I did!
(As the man recites the flavours, Ernie ticks off each one starting at the bottom of the cone, then begins to scratch his head.)
Ernie: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Listen, you brought me an ice cream cone all right, but you brought me a butterscotch-orange-lemon-peppermint-pastachio-banana-vanilla-peach-strawberry-chocolate cone! And I didn't ask you for that, I asked you for a chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch cone!
Ice Cream Man: (starts to wrinkle his face in disgust) You mean ...
Ernie: I mean you put the chocolate on the bottom and the butterscotch on the top and I wanted the butterscotch on the bottom and the chocolate on the top! You made my ice cream cone upside down!
Ice Cream Man: Come on now, it really doesn't matter if you have a chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch ice cream cone or a butterscotch-orange-lemon-peppermint-pastachio-banana-vanilla-peach-strawberry-chocolate cone!
Ernie: Doesn't matter? Why, of course it matters. It matters very much that you put the top on the bottom and the bottom on the top! Why, what makes you think that it doesn't matter?!
Ice Cream Man: All right, I'll tell you what, if you wanted the cone to be a chocolate-strawberry-peach-vanilla-banana-pastachio-peppermint-lemon-orange-butterscotch and I made it instead into a butterscotch-orange-lemon-peppermint-pastachio-banana-vanilla-peach-strawberry-chocolate cone, it's very easy to fix.
Ernie: Hmm ... well, how is it easy to fix when you put the chocolate on the bottom, down here, and I wanted it on the top, up here?!
Ice Cream Man: Simple, just eat the same cone standing on your head!
(Ernie looks surprised and shocked as his hand flies up to his mouth.)
Dad: First was me
Mom: Then was we
(the son and daughter come out)
Mom and Dad: Then was them
All: And that made all of us
And we're a family!
A family!
A family!
Each loves the other
Mother, father, sister, brother!
(they run back behind the screen, then come out again in a repeat of the above, only in different outfits, and each one in a different role.)
Dad: First was me
Mom: Then was we
(the son and daughter come out)
Mom and Dad: Then was them
All: And that made all of us
And we're a family!
A family!
A family!
Each loves the other
Mother, father, sister, brother!
And the dooooog came later on
And so did the cat
And the goldfish
And the turtle and the frog
And the car (don't forget about that)
Until we moved and we sold it
(back behind the screen to change outfits and identities.)
Dad: First was me
Mom: Then was we
(the son and daughter come out)
Mom and Dad: Then was them
All: And that made all of us
And we're a family!
A family!
A family!
Each loves the other
Mother, father, sister, brother!
(back behind the screen, this time coming out dressed as the animals.)
And the dooooog came later on
And so did the cat
And the goldfish
And the turtle and the frog
And the car (don't forget about that)
Until we moved and we sold it
Dad: First was me
Mom: Then was we
Mom and Dad: Then was them
All: And that made all of us
And we're a family!
A family!
A family!
Each loves the other
Mother, father, sister, brother!
It's plain to seeeeee
That we're just a perfectly ordinary
Ordinarily perfect
(Spin around, change outfits)
Perfectly ordinary
Ordinarily perfect
(Spin and change again)
Perfectly ordinary
Ordinarily perfect
(Spin and change again)
(At that they look at themselves, the last change leaves them wildly mixed up, the girl has a big black mustache, the dad in a wig and ribbons, everything mismatched.)
Spoken: Ah, there they are, sunglasses. Wow, this is gonna be great! A whole day in the park with my friends. Let's see, ummm, flashlight, for looking into dark places. Yeah, in it goes. Let's see, a dictionary, yeah, in case I want to look up some words while I'm there. Boy, you know, it was a lot easier going to the park when I was little, my Mom pushed me in a baby carriage.
Sung: Things have changed
Since the days when I crawled on floors
Wearing diapers in my drawers
And my Mom took me out-of-doors
Now I know
If I'm planning a trip somewhere
And I'll be very far from home
I prepare myself with care
Binoculars to look for birdies
And soap for when I get the dirties
My parka goes
In case it snows
My book and shovel, map and whistle too
I can't say yet that this'll do
No, I can't doze
'Cause everything goes
I'm taking my tent today
And my hat today
And my boots today
My canteen today
Something green today
And I'll know today
I'm prepared for any woes
So 'though it's not a great adventure
You'll say that I certainly went sure
I was on my toes
Everything goes
Well, that's everything
Brave as I am I'd hate to rough it
So, I'll take my pack and stuff it
Goodness knows
Everything goes
Yes, I would rather seem a worrier
Than be a thoughtless hurrier
The idea grows
Everything goes
I'm gonna be glad today
And not sad today
And not wish today
That I'd stayed today
In the house today
And I'll know today
I'm prepared for any woes
So 'though it's not a great adventure
You'll say that I certainly went sure
I was on my toes
Everything goes
I've a special secret children ought to know;
It's about the little mistakes you make as you begin to grow.
If you make a mistake, you shouldn't start to cry.
Mistakes are not so bad, and here is why:
Oh everyone makes mistakes.
Oh, yes they do
Your sister and your brother and your dad and mother too;
Big people, small people, matter of fact, all people!
Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't you?
If you make a mistake while counting to ten,
Well don't get mad and don't be sad;
Just start to count again.
And if you should only get to eight or nine,
I'm still your friend and I still like you fine,
'Cause everyone makes mistakes.
Oh, yes they do
Your sister and your brother and your dad and mother too;
Big people, small people, matter of fact, all people!
Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't you?
If you spill a glass of milk all over the floor,
Well, your mom and dad still like you just as much as they did before,
'Cause when Mother and Dad were just as small as you,
I'll bet that they knocked their milk over too.
'Cause everyone makes mistakes.
Oh, yes they do
Your sister and your brother and your dad and mother too;
Big people, small people, matter of fact, all people!
Everyone makes mistakes, so why can't you?
If everyone in the whole wide world makes mistakes,
Then why can't you?
Muppet 1: I'd like to be a dancer, adancing on my toes.
Muppet 2: I'd like to be a fireman, I'd squirt you with my hose!
Muppet 3: And I would be a sailor, and I'd sail the seven seas. But....
All: There is one thing special which everyone agrees.
Oh, everyone likes ice cream, yes indeed they do.
Everyone likes ice cream, I do do you?
Search the whole world over, travel near and far.
But everyone likes ice cream no matter who they are.
2: (spoken) Except me and I don't agree.
1: I'd like to have a kitten, all cuddly, soft and clean.
2: I'd like to have a dragon, all big and tough and mean!
3: And I would have a little mouse, I'd feed him lots of cheese, but...
All: There is one thing special which everyone agrees.
Oh, everyone likes ice cream, yes indeed they do.
Everyone likes ice cream, I do do you?
Search the whole world over, travel near and far.
But everyone likes ice cream no matter who they are.
2: (spoken) Except me, and I *still* don't agree.
3: Do you like ice cream?
2: (begrudgingly) Uh, yes.
3: Then you agree.
1: (???, last word may have been 'sweet')
2: I'd like to play football, our team cannot be beat
3: And I'd go to the park and watch the birdies in the trees
2: (sarcastically) Birdies.
1: Hmmmph!
All: Oh, everyone likes ice cream, yes indeed they do.
Everyone likes ice cream, I do do you?
Search the whole world over, travel near and far.
But everyone likes ice cream no matter who they are.
(a huge monster muppet approaches the trio)
3: (nervously) Say, w..would you like an ice cream cone?
(hands him a fourth cone he suddenly happened to have)
Oh, everyone likes ice cream, yes indeed they do.
Everyone likes ice cream, I do do you?
Search the whole world over, travel near and far.
But everyone likes ice cream no matter who they are.
Ernie is at the typewriter, pecking away. Suddenly--
Ernie: 'It's done! It's done! Hey Bert--it's done!'
Bert: 'What? What's done?'
Ernie: 'My story--greatest short story in the whole wide world, it's done. Greatest story in the world, wait'll you hear it.'
Bert: (groan) 'Go ahead.'
Ernie: 'A........B, C.......D......'
Bert: 'Ernie.....'
Ernie: 'E, F,.....G....'
Bert: 'Ernie, that's the alphabet!'
Ernie: 'Now comes the sad part. (begins to cry) 'H...I, J, K.....' '
Bert: 'Ernie......'
Ernie: '.......L, M, N, O...................P'
Bert: 'Oh, Ernie!' (shaking his head)
Ernie: 'Now comes the action part! (reads excitedly) 'Q! R, S! T! U, V!' '
Bert just groans
Ernie: 'Here comes the wind-up--'W, X, Y--' '
Suddenly Ernie begins to roll up the paper. Berts turns to him.
Bert: 'Well?'
Ernie: 'Well what?'
Bert: 'Well go on, finish it. You went, 'T, U, V, W, X, Y,' and then you stopped. Go on, finish the story.'
Ernie: 'And tell you how it ends? Then you'll never want to read it for yourself!'
(Laughs and goes off)
Bert: 'Sighhhhhhhhhhhh......'
Ernie is watching a movie on TV as Bert walks in
Bert: Ernie, what are you watching?
Ernie: Oh, it's a great old movie Bert.
B: What is it?
E: It's called ... it's just uh 'Cowboys in Outerspace' Bert.
B: Ernie? Ernie? (E: Look at that!) Uh, can't you do something else besides watch TV? I mean, you've been watching TV all day long.
E: Well gee, like what Bert? I mean, it's raining outside Bert.
B: Well, I know it's raining, but Ernie there are other things to do inside besides watching TV.
E: Oh yeah? Well, like what Bert? AH!
B: What what?
E: Look at that! Those are just actors Bert.
B: I know, I'm trying to think what else you can do.
E: Ooh! Did you see that one Bert?
B: How 'bout reading? How bout reading? You can read, we have a lot of books here.
E: Reading? Well, I don't know Bert, I really don't feel like reading right now, Bert.
B: Oh.
E: AH!
B: How 'bout writing a story? Hey, that's good Ernie, writing a story.
E: Writing a story?
B: Wouldn't that be fun, you could write your very own story.
E: Writing a story. That's a pretty good idea Bert.
B: Yeah. (Bert laughs)
E: Hey Bert, would you help me if I were to write a story, would you help me?
B: Well, I suppose I could give you ideas. Yeah, I'll help you, sure.
E: OK, Great.
B: Great.
E: Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm...
B (Faces camera) Terrific. Wow, no TV set on all day long. Oh great.
E: Hey Bert?
B: Huh?
E: C'mere Bert.
B: Yeah, well what do you want?
(Ernie and Bert are off camera)
B: Ernie! What are you doing?
E: Uh, we're writing a story Bert.
B: This is not writing a story!
(Ernie and Bert come in, Bert has a waste paper basket on his head)
E: This is the first stage, planning to write a story. You see, you can't just sit down and write a story, you have to plan to write it, and that's what I'm doing. Now, we've got paper, I'll take that paper Bert. Let's see we have paper to write on. And I have pencils right here to write with Bert.
B: *sigh*
E: And then I have my handy dandy pencil sharpener. And I have my eraser here Bert for any mistakes I might make, see I can erase them.
B: Uh-huh.
E: And I have a waste paper basket to put in .. a waste paper basket ... Bert, have you seen my waste paper basket?
B: Ask me that again and look into my eyes.
E: Have you seen ... Have you seen .. Oh! This is my waste paper basket.
B: Of course it's your waste basket!! You put it on my head!
E: Oh, thank you Bert.
B: Yeah, thank you.
E: That's my waste paper basket for throwing stuff in when I make a mistake, you see?
B: Ok, now Ernie, Ernie. You have planned your whole adventure in writing a story.
E: That's true.
B: All planned to the last detail ... all planned.
E: Right.
B: OK, now go to it.
E: OK, I'll see you around.
B: Ho, ho wait, well, where are you going?
E: I'm going to go outside and play in the puddles.
B: But why?
E: Well, you see Bert, I can't think of anything to write right now, Bert. But, when I DO think of something, I have it all planned. And thanks to you Bert, I couldn't have done it without you. Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm.
(Bert rests his head on the basket and shakes it in disappointment)
Voiceover: And now, live from the nursery,
it's Baby Fats Domino with his big hit, "Shake Your Rattle and Roll!"
Spoken with background singers in brackets:
A lot of you babies out there have been lying around
on your blankies sucking your binkies!
Well I say, babies need exercise too,
you know? So come on, if you want to grow up healthy
and strong..(Sing it baby!)
Sung :
Grab your rattle and baby get ready to shake (Goo Goo Goo)
I said, grab your rattle and baby get ready to shake (Goo Goo Goo)
We're gonna exercise 'cause it's better than patty-cake (Waa Waa Goo)
You gotta shake your rattle and roll
I said shake your rattle and roll
Shake your rattle and roll
Yeah, shake your rattle and roll
Exercise is fun yeah, it's good for body and soul
Hang onto your highchair 'cause baby it's time to bounce (Goo Goo Bounce)
Hang onto that highchair 'cause baby it's time to bounce (Goo Goo Bounce)
If you wanna be a toddler bouncing is what counts (Waa Waa Goo)
You gotta shake your rattle and roll
I said shake your rattle and roll
Shake your rattle and roll
Yeah, shake your rattle and roll
Exercise is fun yeah, it's good for body and soul
Find your booties 'cause baby it's time to kick (Goo Goo Kick)
Find those booties 'cause baby it's time to kick (Goo Goo Kick)
If you wanna learn to walk well kicking can do the trick (Waa Waa Goo)
You gotta shake your rattle and roll
I said shake your rattle and roll
Shake your rattle and roll
Yeah, shake your rattle and roll
Cookie: Me got some something that you want
You got some something that me want
Put both somethings together and share
Ernie: I'll take my something that you like
You take your something that I like
Then put both things together and share
Both: One for all, all for one
Sharing every everything and having a ball
Ernie: Maybe one something is little
Maybe one something is bigger
Cookie: But hey! What else can me figure to do
Both: But to share my every somethings with you
Both: All for one, one for all
Sharing every everything and having a ball
Cookie: Me got more something than you got
You got more something that me got
Both: So what? We're sharing them all equally
Cookie: Because the best thing we got to share
Ernie: The best thing we got to share
Both: Yeah, the best thing we got to share's you and me
Ernie: You and me
Cookie: You and me
Ernie: Me and you
Cookie: Both of us
Ernie: Ernie and Cookie Monster
Cookie: Cookie Monster and Ernie and Cookie Monster
Ernie: And Ernie too
Cookie: Oh, me love this song
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
When she comes, Yoohoo!
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
When she comes, Yoohoo!
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain,
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain,
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
When she comes, Yoohoo!
She'll be scolding her hair stylist
When she comes, will you please!
She'll be scolding her hair stylist
When she comes, will you please!
She'll be scolding her hair stylist
With some language that's the vilist
She'll be scolding her hair stylist
When she comes, will you please! Yoohoo!
She'll be followed by her fan club
When she comes, Yeah! Miss Piggy!
She'll be followed by her fan club
When she comes, Yeah! Miss Piggy!
She'll be followed by her fan club
And the local Superman club
She'll be followed by her fan club
When she comes
Yeah! Miss Piggy! Will you please! Yoo hoo!
She'll be towing her string section
When she comes, more violins!
She'll be towing her string section
When she comes, more violins!
She'll be towing her string section
While they play her pet selection
She'll be towing her string section
When she comes
More violins! Yeah! Miss Piggy!
Will you please! Yoo hoo!
She'll be hounded by photographers
When she comes, say cheese!
She'll be hounded by photographers
When she comes, say cheese!
She'll be hounded by photographers
Secretaries and stenographers
She'll be hounded by photographers
When she comes, say cheese! More violins!
Yeah! Miss Piggy! Will you please! Yoo Hoo!
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
When she comes, when she comes
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
When she comes, when she comes
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
She'll be comin' 'round the mountain
When she comes
Got a brand new dance that I'm nuts about
(A new dance that she's nuts about)
Well, first you suck your cheeks in
Then ya puff 'em out
(Suck in your cheeks; then ya puff 'em out)
Raise one hand, then the other
Like you're climbin' a tree
Yeah, pretend that you're a squirrel
It's the thing to be!
Come on and take a chance
And do a Silly Squirrel Dance with me!
(Squirrel Dance with me!)
Now give your tail a shake
And then you shout 'Yahoo!'
(Shake it, baby, and shout 'Yahoo!')
Hey, if you don't have a tail
Then your leg will do
(Don't need a tail, your leg will do!)
Now hop on one foot
Then collapse on the floor
Come on, everybody, whatcha waitin' for?
It's time to take a chance
And do a Silly Squirrel Dance with me!
(Squirrel Dance with me!)
While you're lyin' on your back
Start to rub your tummy
This dance'll make you happy
When you're feelin' crummy
Stick your thumbs in your ears
And wiggle your fingers and shout:
'The Squirrelles are our favorite singers!'
Thank you!
Now our dance is nearly done
There's not much left to do
(There's really not much left to do)
Except to get back on your feet
And take a bow or two!
(Back on your feet and take a bow or two!)
We had such a good time
We don't wanna stop!
So, once again, let's rub and puff
And climb and hop!
Come on and take a chance
And do a Silly Squirrel Dance with me!
(Take a chance and do a Silly Squirrel Dance!)
Come on and take a chance
And do a Silly Squirrel Dance with me!
(Squirrel Dance with me!)
Take a chance
(And do a Silly Squirrel Dance!)
Come on and take a chance
(And do a Silly Squirrel Dance!)
Come on and take a chance
(And do a Silly Squirrel Dance!)
(repeat and fade)
(A man walks on a road by a country fair. When he reaches the 5 mile marking stone, he is joined by a snake with wings and booted feet, a sheep with duck's feet, and a duck with booted feet and no wings.)
Sheep: Baa-aa-aah
Duck: Quack-quack
Narrator: Simple Simon met some animals, going to the fair. Said Simple Simon to the animals -
Simple Simon: Something is wrong, somewhere.
Duck: (jumping up, trying to fly) Quack-quack-QUACK, quack-quack, quack-quack, quack-QUACK. (angrily) Something IS wrong. I can't fly.
Sheep: Baaaah! Something is wrong. (spinning around) I walk funny.
Snake: Sss, sss, sss, Sss-something IS wrong. (flies into the air) But this is great! Whoopee! Yahoo! (laughs as he swoops down over the other three, and all get down onto the ground. All get up again, as snake lands gracefully.)
Duck: Quack-quack-quack-quack-quack! You've got my wings!
(Snake bows, and the wings fly from his back to the duck's)
Duck: Quack-quack-quack-quack-quack-quack.
Sheep: Pardon me, bu-u-ut I think you have my legs.
(Snake jumps off the legs, and they walk back to rejoin the sheep.)
Snake: (having slithered into the background, sadly) It was too good to last.
Sheep: Baah. Something is still wrong.
Duck: Quack-quack-quack-quack. We've got the wrong legs!
(they exchange legs, and then smile at each other)
Simple Simon: (scratching his head, then he realizes - ) Ah-HAH! Now I know what's wrong! (pointing) Sheep don't wear boots!
(All look at the Sheep, and the Sheep, hanging his head in shame, walks out of the boots and away, revealing that he actually has pink human feet with toes - but all is solved!)
(The Oinker Sisters are in brackets)
(La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la)
(Wouldn't you like to sing?)
Sing a song
(Sing a simple little song)
Sing out loud
(Don't you shine when you sing?)
Sing out strong
(And you never will stop, no way)
Sing of good things, not bad
(Just sing of good things)
Sing of happy, not sad
(Happy, happy, happy singing)
(Don't you ever stop singing)
Sing a song
(We can hear your voice ringing)
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
(You can sing your whole life long)
Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
(Don't you worry ..)
All: Just sing
(Keep singing)
Sing a song
Hit it, girls
(La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la)
Sing a song
(La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la)
Nathan (spoken as the girls giggle): Beautiful! We could go on the road! Let's have lunch.
Sing what I sing, sing after me
Be my echo if you can be
Sing tra la la (tra la la)
Mi mi mi (mi mi mi)
Ha ha ha (ha ha ha)
Hee hee hee (hee hee hee)
Pick a peck of peppers (pick a peck of peppers)
Fiddle diddle dee (fiddle diddle dee)
Be my echo (be my echo)
Sing what I sing (sing what you sing)
Follow the leader and sing after me (sing after me)
Sing what I sing, sing after me
Be my echo if you can be
Sing dee dee dee (dee dee dee)
Do do do (do do do)
Hi hi hi (hi hi hi)
Lo lo lo (lo lo lo)
Pick a peck of peppers (pick a peck of peppers)
Fiddle diddle dee (show off!)
Be my echo (be my echo)
Sing what I sing (sing what you sing)
Follow the leader and sing after me (sing after me) MEEEEEEE!)
(spoken) Hit it, Dave. (piano starts)
Sing what I sing, sing after me
Be my echo if you can be
Sing yuck, yuck, yuck
(music stops as Telly interrupts)
(spoken) Telly: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait ... yuck, yuck, yuck?!
Oscar: Telly ... I'm the leader now and you have to sing after me. Now, come on everybody here! (chuckles)
Sing yuck, yuck, yuck
(the kids and Telly sing, less than enthused: yuck, yuck, yuck)
Blech, blech, blech (blech, blech, blech)
(spoken) Awwww ... hey, come on! You can do better than *that* ...
(sung) Sing blech, blech, blech
(with a little more heart: blech, blech, blech)
Feh, feh, feh (feh, feh, feh)
Yech, yech, yech (yech, yech, yech)
Squooshy, wooshy worm food (squooshy, wooshy worm food)
Rotten as can be (rotten as can be)
A pair of soggy socks (a pair of soggy socks)
Smelly fish stuffed in a box (smelly fish stuffed in a box)
(spoken) Here comes a hard one ...
(sung) A chocolate ice-cream sundae with spinach and sardines on top of Nova Scotia lox!
Telly and the kids: Ewwwwww!
Telly: That's disgusting, AND it's impossible to say!
(sung) Be my echo (be my echo)
Sing what I sing (sing what I sing)
Follow the leader and sing after me (sing after me)
Sing yucky! (yucky!)
Mucky! (mucky!)
Fooooood! (fooooood!)
(chickens clucking Dixie Chicks)
B, B, B - B, B, B
We love to babble about a letter called B
B's the first letter we've been with
And Big Bird, Bert and Baby Bear are here with me
Cause B is what our names begin with
We love the buh sound that is made by B
And babe you better listen cause hearing is believing
There's no letter better than B
And B is the first letter in better
All we're saying is to give B's a chance
Cause baby there's no better, baby there's no better letter
B, B, B, B, B, B - B, B, B, B, B, B, B
B's for my bottle caps - and B's for my beak!
And there's a B on my sweater!
I hear that buh sound and my kness grow weak
B is such a beautiful letter
We're simply bats about the letter B
And that's another word that you can find B in
There's no letter better than B
And B is the first letter in better
All we're saying is to give B's a chance
Cause baby there's no better, baby there's no better
There's no letter better than B
And B is the first letter in better
All we are saying is to give B's a chance
Cause baby there's no better, baby there's no better letter
(chickens back to clucking) Yeah, sing it girls!
There's a monster name of Frazzle
Who's a good friend of mine
He looks ferocious, but he's really fine
Go up and ask him for his autograph
He'd be so happy that he'd start to laugh
He goes Argh! That's how he laughs
He goes Argh! That means he's glad
He goes Argh! That means he's having
The greatest time that he ever had
Now you know my buddy Frazzle
He's got fangs on his jaws
His fur is orange, and he's got these claws
He looks so mean that he could scare a crowd
But if you tickle him he laughs out loud
He goes Argh! That's how he laughs
He goes Argh! That means he's glad
He goes Argh! That means he's having
The greatest time that he ever had
Mr. Frazzle has emotions like the rest of us do
Sometimes he feels low down and ugly, too
And then the tears begin to fill his eyes
It's so pathetic when a monster cries
He goes Argh! That's how he cries
He goes Argh! That means he's sad
He goes Argh! That means he's having
The lowest time that he ever had
Argh! That means he's hungry
Argh! That means he's hot
Argh! That means he's sleepy
Argh! That means he's not
Argh! That means yes
Argh! That means no
Argh! Means thank you for the dinner
But, it's getting very late and I really must go
Lexine: At snacktime I like to share
Little pieces of a pear
Red, green, yellow, we don't care...
Pears are what we share.
We eat pears, but Frazzle won't.
Frazzle likes to eat...
Frazzle: Croissant!
Lexine: We eat pears, but Frazzle won't.
Frazzle likes to eat...
Frazzle: Croissant!
Nicole: At snacktime I eat a few
Carrots 'cause they're fun to chew
Nicole & Gina: And you know they're good for you!
Nicole: Carrot's what I chew.
I eat carrots, Frazzle won't.
Frazzle likes to eat...
Frazzle: Croissant!
Nicole: I eat carrots, Frazzle won't.
Frazzle likes to eat...
Frazzle: Croissant!
Lexine: Why croissant? Why croissant,
Not other foods instead?
Gina: He likes them 'cause they look just like
The horns up on his head!
(all laugh)
They eat pears and carrots, he won't.
Frazzle: (echoes Gina, in Frazzle-talk)
Gina: We all have foods we like and don't.
Frazzle: (echoes Gina, in Frazzle-talk)
Gina: We all have foods we like and don't...
Some like oranges for a treat,
Some like tunafish on whole wheat,
But Frazzle likes to eat,
Frazzle likes to eat,
Frazzle likes to eat, he likes to eat...
Frazzle: Croissant!
The nightingale sings such a beautiful tune
You can listen all night by the light of the moon
Now my song’s not as pretty, but I’ll say it again
I am proud to be one of the frogs in the glen
The butterfly is such a colorful thing
With an orange and yellow and black on its wing
Now I’m only green, but I’ll say it again
I am proud to be one of the frogs in the glen
The deer can jump higher
The fish can swim faster
Than ever a froggie swam
But a deer can’t dive deep
And a fish can’t ribbet
So I’m proud to be what I am
Be proud of your flippers
And the flies that you catch
And the logs that you leap
And the eggs that you hatch
We’re under the stars
And we’re smaller than men
But I’m proud to be one of the frogs in the glen
This frog has to go his own way
This frog doesn't care what the other frogs say
This frog wants to be happy, and this frog has to try
This frog is gonna make it or know the reason why
I'm not gonna sit here like some dumb old bump on a log
That isn't me!
I'm gonna be this frog!
This frog has a song to be sung
This frog isn't gonna spend his life in a swamp, catchin flies with his tongue
This frog may slip and stumble, but this frog tries again
This frog never will grumble, but fall to rise again
This frog is staying with it, like a tick sticks to a dog
I'm gonna win!
You're gonna love this frog!
(This winning frog....)
This frog has some climbing to do
This frog has some dreams that he's makin come true
This frog never will falter, no not through slush or fog
This frog will not wear a halter, cause nothing halts this frog!
I made myself a promise as a young green pollywog:
I'll be on top!
Nothing can stop (Nothing can stop) THIS FROG!
Front back
Front back
How do you do
We're ballet dancing yaks
Gracefully showing our fronts and our backs
Our front back yak act
Fill up back front yak arenas
With folks who love watching front back ballerinas
Front back
Front back
Front back
Front back !
Front back, hey!
Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street
Come and play
Everything's A-OK
Friendly neighbors there
That's where we meet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
It's a magic carpet ride
Every door will open wide
To happy people like you--
Happy people like
What a beautiful
Sunny Day
Sweepin' the clouds away
On my way to where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get,
How to get to Sesame Street...
How to get to Sesame Street
Stormy Night
Not even a cloud in sight
On my way, to where the sky is dark
Can you tell me how to get, how to get to
Yellowstone Park?
(I'll never get it! Never, never, never, never!)
Look at them
And look at us
One is Francine
One is Gus
Lots of people
Think they're boring
But we don't
Not us
He is gray
And so is she
You like pigeons
Just like me
Lots of people
Think we're silly
But I don't
Not me
We go for the same kind
Of music
Any old rousing march
Will do
We both like the same
Kind of oatmeal
It's no good without
A lump or two
Watch them soar
Up to the sky
They are flying
So am I
Lots of people
Just don't understand
But you do
And so
You like oatmeal
I do too
You like paperclips
Me too!
You play checkers
I do too
You like me
And I
B: *yawn* Oh boy...It's time for I tired *yawn*
(Bert gets all comfortable in bed and begins to snore)
E: Bert! Oh Bert! Ol' buddy Bert? Hey Bert..Where are ya Bert?
(sees Bert in bed)
Oh! Mmmm...You know it is just possible that my old buddy Bert is asleep.
For one thing, he's lying down, which he usually does when he is asleep.
For another thing his eyes are closed..yeah.
And for another thing, he's not answering me when I talk.
So old buddy Bert is probably asleep, but I will check just to make sure.
(pokes Bert)
Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke!
Note how I can poke old buddy Bert is the stomach and he doesn't complain.
Now when old buddy Bert is awake and I poke him in the stomach, he complains.
(sees Bert's arm)
Oh looky here. Note how floppy and soggy-like old buddy Bert's arm is.
When old buddy Bert is awake, he's not floppy and soggy like.
So, I am quite certain that old buddy Bert is very definitely asleep.
And....(Bert rolls over with eyes open) On the other hand...Now his eyes are open!
My old buddy Bert's eyes are usually open only when he is awake,
so he's probably awake, but I will check just to make sure.
Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke Poke!
B: Now cut that out!
E: See, I was right he's awake!
B: Ernie!
E: Yeah?
B: Why did you wake me up?
E: Did I wake you up old buddy?
B: Yes you did!
E: See, I was right, first he was asleep and now he is awake.
B: Ernie, why'd you wake me up?
E: Uh...Oh!..uh...because I have something very important to tell you.
B: What's that?
E: Well, you see I just looked at the clock.
B: So?
E: It's time for your nap.
B: Ahhhhh!
E: Well, sleep tight. Mmmm..Mmmmmm
Narrator speaks: Once upon a time in The Land of Eight,
There stood a castle, very great.
Eight flags were waving in the air
For the King of Eight had put them there.
A muted trumpet blows: Doot,do do do do do do
Doot,do do do do do do
Doot,do do do do do do
Doot doot do
King of Eight speaks: (has the voice of Rowlf the dog)
I'm the King of Eight,
And I'm here to state
That everything here must number eight,
The guards, for instance, by the gate
Must always number exactly eight.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Muted trumpet blows again: Doot,do do...
King continues: In my castle, in back of me,
Are eight windows you can see.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
In these windows are my daughters,
Show yourselves, my dears.
(each princess calls out her number): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Each princess wears a golden crown,
With eight jewels going 'round.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
So I love eight,
Eight is great,
Eight is the number I do not...
King's messenger blurts out: WAIT!!!
Important news comes from the Queen,
A new baby! And I have seen,
That she is well, and doing fine.
King says: Good grief, that's princess number nine!!
Okay everybody, I'm gonna tell you about some birthday parties I've been to
And when I get to the 'Happy Birthday' part, well,
I want you to say 'Happy Birthday' the same way the animals said it at the party
Here we go!
A cat had a birthday and all the cats came
To eat cat cake and play a cat game
To open cat presents and when they were through
They said 'Happy Birthday' the way cats do
And they said, 'Meow, meow, meow'
Everybody do it now, 'Meow, meow, meow'
Really nothing to it, 'Meow, meow, meow'
Well image that, you've just said 'Happy Birthday' in cat
That's what you did!
A duck had a birthday and all the ducks came
To eat duck cake and play a duck game
To open duck presents and when they were through
They said 'Happy Birthday' the way that ducks do
And they said, 'Quack, quack, quack'
Everybody do it now, 'Quack, quack, quack'
Really nothing to it, 'Quack, quack, quack'
Well the ducks are in luck, you've just said 'Happy Birthday' in duck
Now when a rooster wants to say 'Happy Birthday' to you
He says, 'Cock-a-doodle, cock-a-doodle-do'
Now listen real close and I'll tell you more
'Happy Birthday' to a lion is a great big 'ROAR', nice
A cow had a birthday and all the cows came
To eat cow cake and play a cow game
To open cow presents and when they were through
They said 'Happy Birthday' the way cows do
And they said, 'Moo, moo, moo'
Everybody do it now, 'Moo, moo, moo'
Really nothing to it, 'Moo, moo, moo'
Well you just learned how to say 'Happy Birthday' in cow
Where's the cats? (meow, meow, meow)
Let's hear the ducks! (quack, quack, quack)
Do it rooster! (cock-a-doodle-do)
What's up lion? (ROAR)
Word cows! (moo, moo, moo)
You were really great, I'm proud of ya, 'Happy Birthday'!
There's a brand new baby at Katie's house
There's a brand new baby at Katie's house
There's a brand new baby at Katie's house
A baby in her family
Now babies are very special
They need lots of care when they're brand new
But Katie is older and bigger
And she is special too
Spoken: I'm a big sister!
You are a big sister.
Did you ever wanna see what the birdies see?
Well I do!
Did you ever wanna see what the birdies see?
Well I do!
Birdies see from way up high
Because they hang out in the sky
Things sure look different, my-oh-my
When you see with a birdie's eye
(the video is shown and the game is played)
Things sure look different, my-oh-my
When you see with a birdie's eye
Voice #1: I heard a bark. Go out and see what it is.
Voice #2: A bark?
Voice #1: Go on and see.
Voice #2: Okay, but it's awfully dark out here.
(There might be a line here I don't recall. We see the light from a flashlight shining around. Suddenly, the sound of knocking into something is heard.)
Voice #1: What happened? I heard a bump.
Voice #2: Oh, it's just me. I tripped over that broken chair.
Voice #1: An old broken chair? Can't you take that to the dump?
Voice #2: Not in the dark, I can't. Now leave me alone! (Pause. Light shines around.) Sure is dark out here ... (Pause.) Wait a minute? Did you hear a little, tiny bark?
Voice #1: No, I didn't hear a bark.
Voice #2: Well, I was sure I heard a ...
Voice #3: Bark!
Voices #1 and #2: YEEEOOOWWW!
(Light shines on the owner of the third voice --a spotted brown puppy.)
Puppy: Can you give me directions to the park? Rrruff!
Polly Darton by a country fence, looking over 13 carrots, laid out in a row)
Polly Darton: Oh, hi there. My name is Polly Darton, and I'd like to sing a song for you, but I can't. The song I'd like to sing's called, '14 Carrot Love', but as you can see, I only have (slowly counting carrots) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 carrots. Mm-hmm.
(Benny Rabbit, with a carrot in his mouth, hops by behind her, and then stops to look on)
How can I sing a song about 14 carrot love, when I only have 13 carrots?
(she notices Benny)
Benny: Uh-oh. (tries to sneak away)
Polly Darton: Look! Did you see that bunny with that carrot?
(Benny stops, looking skyward, his escape foiled)
I wonder if he'd let me borrow it. (calls) Here bunny, bunny, bunny!
Benny: (spitting out the carrot) Hey! Don't call me Bunny! The name is Benny!
Polly Darton: Well, I'm sorry, Benny. I was wondering if I could borrow that carrot there.
Benny: (shocked) No! No way, no chance! No how! This is my carrot, and I gotta get downtown, so goodbye! (picks up carrot in his mouth again)
Polly Darton: Oh please? You have one carrot and I have 13 carrots. (Benny puts carrot back down) If I add your carrot and my 13, I'll have (slowly counting carrots) 1, 2...
Benny: Yeah yeah yeah...
Polly Darton: ...3, 4...
Benny: Come on, I gotta get downtown!
Polly Darton: ...5, 6, 7, 8...
Benny: Yeah yeah yeah...
Polly Darton: ...9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 carrots.
Benny: 14, yeah.
Polly Darton: And I can sing my song.
Benny: No, no way, forget it!
Polly Darton: Aw, please? Don't do it for me - do it for the little children! Please?
Benny: (Squeaks his teeth as he thinks about it) Oh, all right all right all right. You can borrow my carrot. But you have to give it back. And you can't, I say you can't nibble on it, okay?
Polly Darton: Okay, okay. Thank you! Thank you, you -
Benny: Yeah yeah yeah...
Polly Darton: ...wonderful little bunny, you!
Benny: (appalled) Don't call me Bunny! The name is BENNY!!!
(music starts, she now sings)
Polly Darton: These carrots from the garden
Are gathered as you see
In one great big bunch
As pretty as can be
Benny: (unimpressed) Yeah...
Polly Darton: The bunch has 13 carrots
But it only takes a shove
(Benny starts getting into the beat)
To add another carrot
And get 14 carrot love!
14 carrot love!
(Benny starts squeaking his teeth in time to the music)
14 carrot love!
That is what we got here -
14 carrot love!
It's better than some flowers
Or candy on a ring
(Benny's really getting into it)
And it's all 'cause of you-ou
I have this song to sing
Together: 14 carrot love!
14 carrot love!
That's what we got here -
14 carrot love!
(music ends, but Benny keeps singing, leaning back on the fence)
Benny: 14 carrot love! 14 carrot love!
Polly Darton: (calling to him) Hey hey! Benny! Song's over, Benny!
Benny: (still singing) That's what we've got here! 14 ca- (stops) Oh yeah yeah yeah, right right, well I gotta go anyway. Yeah yeah, I'm just gonna take my carrot here, and get outta here ...
Polly Darton: Hey, hey you can have all those carrots, Benny. Just my way of sayin' thank you.
Benny: (blown away) Oh! Oh gee, well, um ... but I don't know what to say!
Polly Darton: Aw, you know he really is a sweet little bunny!
Benny: (shouting) Don't call me Bunny! The name is Benny!
(squeaks his teeth as last notes of the song replay)
One two three
Four five six
Seven eight nine
Ten eleven twelve
Came to the ladybugs' picnic
One two three
Four five six
Seven eight nine
Ten eleven twelve
And they all played games
At the ladybugs' picnic
They had twelve sacks so they ran sack races
They fell on their backs and they fell on their faces
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
They played jump rope but the rope it broke
So they just sat around telling knock-knock jokes
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
One two three
Four five six
Seven eight nine
Ten eleven twelve
And they chatted away
At the ladybugs' picnic
They talked about the high price of furniture and rugs
And fire insurance for ladybugs
The ladybugs 12
At the ladybugs' picnic
If you wake up in the morning mean and grumpy
And you frown at ev'rybody that you see
If you like your oatmeal nice and cold and lumpy
Then you're a grouch like me
If you love it when it's wet and cold and raining
And the music that you like is all off key
If you're happiest whenever you're complaining
Then you're a grouch like me
If you hate it when your grandma kisses you
You know what? Well me, too!
If you love to see a garbage truck roll by
You know what? So do I!
And if you think a great big pile of trash is pretty
And that ice cream is yucchy as can be
If you can't stand a cuddly little kitty, then you're a grouch like me
If you hate it when your grandma kisses you
You know what? Well me, too!
If you love to see a garbage truck roll by
You know what? So do I!
And if you think a great big pile of trash is pretty
And that ice cream is yucchy as can be
If you can't stand a cuddly little kitty
And you'd like to chase her up the nearest tree
Drive, drive, drive your car
Gently down the street
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a treat.
Oh everything comes in its own special size
I guess it can be measured by where you put your eyes
It looks big when you're close
And it looks smaller back a bit
That's about the size of it.
Oh the big becomes the little
When you see it back a bit
The huge becomes the dinky
Which is just the opposite
Of the larger that gets smaller
It never seems to fit
That's about the size of it.
That's about the size
It's where you put your eyes
That's about the size of it.
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Rosita: Get down, Elmo! Yeah!
Elmo: Elmo has something to tell you
The Macarena is a dance
Named after a girl in Spain called 'Macarena!'
Maybe someday Elmo will get a dance named after him
Yeah, something like this, 'Hey, do the Elmo!'
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Hoots: Hey, listen to Hoots!
Move your hands, move your arms
Move your tummy, move your legs
Move your knees, move your feet
Move everything!
Big Bird: I'm moving my beak
Prairie Dawn: I find this song very inspirational
Hoots: Yeah, let's do the Macarena!
Big Bird: Shake your tail feathers
Benny: Hey, I don't wanna do this
I don't wanna do this at all
I'm gonna get downtown!
Zoe: Take it, Wolfgang!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
The Count: If everybody in the world would just try this dance
Then there would be over 5 and a half billion people
Doing the Macarena!
Here let me count them for you ...
One person doing the Macarena
Two people doing the Macarena
Three people doing the Macarena
I love it!
Four people doing the Macarena
Oscar: Will you stop it already?!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
Oscar: How many thousands of times are you going to sing it?!
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa darle
Alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo
Alegria Macarena
Eh, Macarena!
The Count: That's 3,200,563,043 people doing the Macarena!
Ha! Ha! Come on, folks, we're over half way there!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Follow the arrows.
Just follow, don't say no.
Follow the arrows.
They'll show you where to go.
Arrows go up.
Arrows go down.
Arrows go through.
And they go round and round!
(They go round and round!)
(They go round and round!)
Arrows go this way.
Arrows go that.
Arrows take you to an octopus.
They take you to your hat!
So follow the arrows.
Just follow, don't say no.
Follow the arrows.
They'll show you where to go.
Arrows go left.
Arrows go right.
Follow in the morning,
Or follow them at night!
Arrows help you find the bus.
Arrows take you to a fish.
Arrows take you to a rodeo!
They'll take you anywhere you wish.
So follow the arrows.
Just follow, don't say no.
Follow the arrows.
They'll show you where to go!
Bert is examining a cookie in his hand
Bert: 'Mmmmmmm, mmmm.'
Ernie: (barging in) 'A cookie?! Oh boy a cookie! I love cookies and oh boy am I hungry!'
(He grabs Bert's hand and starts bringing the cookie to his mouth. Bert angrily stops him.)
Bert: 'Ernie, ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-HOLD IT!'
Ernie: (tries again) 'But it's a cookie and I'm hungry and--'
Bert: (jerks away) 'Ernie, this is MY cookie. I've been saving it all day just for ME.'
Ernie: 'Oh but, Bert, you wouldn't share the cookie with your best friend?'
Bert: 'Ernie, I've been saving it; this cookie is for ME.'
Ernie: 'Oh but Bert, if this were my cookie, I would share it with you.'
Bert: (skeptical) 'No you wouldn't.'
(Bert starts to eat the cookie, Ernie stops him)
Ernie: 'Oh but Bert, if this were my cookie, Bert if this were my cookie, I'd be glad to share it with you.' (abruptly he snatches it away from Bert)
Bert: 'Ernie!'
Ernie: 'Just a minute, Bert, just a minute.'
Bert: 'Ernie, that's my cookie!'
Ernie: 'Oh but Bert, if this were my cookie, I'd gladly share it with you. Just ask me.'
Bert: 'Ernie, that's--'
Ernie: 'No, just ask me.'
Bert: 'This is silly. (forced) Ernie, would you share that cookie with me? Augh!'
Ernie: 'Why I'd be glad to! (He breaks it in half, gives one piece to Bert and gobbles down the other half. [Did he get lessons from Cookie Monster?) See, Bert? I told you I'd share the cookie with you. Isn't that better?' (leaves)
Bert: (standing bewildered with the half-cookie) 'I don't understand ...'
(Ernie pops back, asking): 'Say Bert, would you share that half-cookie with me--'
Bert: 'AAAAUUUUUGGGGHH! Leave me alone!'
[Intro: Elephant {Bogle}]
Eeeh, So wha dem a seh den Mista Whacky?
{Dem cyaan seh nuttin Ele}
A di best a dem, we ova yessuh and dem ova dessuh
So Mista Whacky, yuh ready fi tek dem back to basics?
{Eeeh, So badly, da one ya name Sesame Street inna colors, a ting name cartoon character}
A wedi wedi wedi wedi wedi wedi wedi
It's that time again
When Bogle a dance and teach
All who see, dem a seh that di dance unique
Bogle show dem how fi dweet, di new dance name Sesame Street
Di new dance sesame street
Everyboddy dance to di sesame street
Bwoysie a teach dem di sesame street
From yuh can dweet do di sesame street
Ah wedi wedi wedi wedi wedi
[Verse 1:]
How dem waan come dance when dem know dem a godly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di oh so badly
Dem a tadpole, bullfrog, baby tadly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di oh so badly
Wi nuh fraid a screw face
A coulda wah tek bradly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di oh so badly
See yuh friends see yuh enemy
Walk out madly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di, Ay!
Gi dem di famous walk wid di famous Stand up
Keepin it jiggy, wid yuh famous hands up
Famous stand up wid yuh legs dem band up
Dress code a kill yuh by yuh famous stand up
Famous Gucci, yuh famous Von Dutch
Ova di wall, gyal put unno brand up
Do di sesame street walk out, wha dem a plan up
Roast coll yuh hair well bland up
It's that time again
When Bogle a dance and teach
All who see, dem a seh that di dance unique
Bogle show dem how fi dweet, di new dance name Sesame Street
Di new dance sesame street
Everyboddy dance di sesame street
Bwoysie a teach dem di sesame street
From yuh can dweet do di sesame street
Ah wedi wedi wedi wedi wedi
[Verse 2:]
A sesame it name, so yuh won't be a nerd
Twins a twins a dweet, dat favor big bird
Missa Whacky a dance and everybody a observe
Bad mind nah go talk bwoy don't say a word
Cau mi ready fi war like Monday mon Kirk
All di bobo dem a dweet
My yute yuh neva heard
Haile Salasie I di first, wha yuh think seh a third
So light up yuh chalice rude bwoy roll yuh herb
Man di manest thing around mi naw go round no curve
Bogle a teach from pronoun to verb
Who bad mind wi dancing
Whole mature world
Wi ago left dem wid soft 23rd
So wha dem a seh deh
How dem a fight against dancehall and reggae
Dem a dancehall liyad
None a dem neva deh deh
Do di sesame street
Tek it to dem and wedi wedi
And dem ova dessuh, wha dem a seh
[Chorus: x2]
It's that time again
When Bogle a dance and teach
All who see, dem a seh that di dance unique
Bogle show dem how fi dweet, di new dance name Sesame Street
Di new dance sesame street
Everyboddy dance di sesame street
Bwoysie a teach dem di sesame street
From yuh can dweet do di sesame street
Ah wedi wedi wedi wedi wedi
[Verse 1:]
How dem waan come dance when dem know dem a godly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di oh so badly
Dem a tadpole, bullfrog, baby tadly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di oh so badly
Wi nuh fraid a screw face
A coulda wah tek bradly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di oh so badly
See yuh friends see yuh enemy
Walk out madly
Watch mi, mek mi show dem di, Ay!
Gi dem di famous walk wid di famous Stand up
Keepin it jiggy, wid yuh famous hands up
Famous stand up wid yuh legs dem band up
Dress code a kill yuh by yuh famous stand up
Famous Gucci, yuh famous Von Dutch
Ova di wall, gyal put unno brand up
Do di sesame street walk out, wha dem a plan up
Roast coll yuh hair well bland up
It's that time again
When Bogle a dance and teach
All who see, dem a seh that di dance unique
Bogle show dem how fi dweet, di new dance name Sesame Street
Di new dance sesame street
Everybaddy dance di sesame street
Bwoysie a teach dem di sesame street
From yuh can dweet do di sesame street
Sesame Street
J Friends
Man #1: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I... Hey, you know what letter comes after "I"?
Man #2, Man #3, Woman: "J"!
Man #1: Right. And whenever I think of the letter "J", I think of all my friends whose names begin with the letter "J" like...
"J", Joe, wearing jeans
Got himself a pocket full of jelly beans
"J", Joe, jeans, and his jelly beans
Hey, let's sing a song about "J"
Man #2: Hey, you know, I've got a friend whose name begins with "J", too.
Man #1: Is that right?
Man #2: Yeah. Let me tell you about her.
"J", Jane, jumping down the lane
Joking and a-jiving
Well, that's just like Jane
Man #1, Man #2: "J", Jane, jumping Jane
"J", Joe, jeans, and his jelly beans
Hey, let's sing a song about "J"
Woman: Hey, you know what, fellas?
Man #2: What's that?
Woman: I've got a "J" friend, too.
Man #2: Oh yeah?
Woman: Yeah!
Man #2: Tell us about him.
Woman: "J", Jim, he's tall and slim
He's got a jar of jam
Let's join with him
Man #1, Man #2, Woman: "J", Jim, let's join with Jim
"J", Jane, well, let's jump with Jane
"J", Joe, jeans, and his jelly beans
Hey, let's sing a song about "J"
Man #3: I have one, too. My friend, Joan
Man #1: Tell us about her.
Man #3: O.K. Here it goes.
"J", Joan, jawing on the phone
Hear it jingle, hear it jangle
Well, it's just for Joan
All: "J", Joan, yes, jingle jangle Joan
"J", Jim, let's join with Jim
"J", Jane, well, let's jump with Jane
"J", Joe, jeans, and his jelly beans
Hey, let's sing a song about "J"
Oh I'm going for a ride
Gonna sit behind the wheel
Gonna drive along the road
Oh how happy I will feel
And I'm gonna toot my horn
Gonna travel near and far
I'm going for a ride
Going riding in a car
And a car goes vroom...
And a car goes vroom...
And a car goes vroom...
Gonna travel near and far
Going riding in a car
Oh I'm going for a ride
And I'm never going back
Gonna be an engineer
Gonna speed along the track
And you'll hear my whistle blow
And I'm happy to explain
That I'm going for a ride
Going riding on a train
And a train goes woo...
And a train goes woo...
And a train goes woo...
And I'm happy to explain
I'm going riding in a train
Oh I'm going for a ride
I'm gonna sail the ocean blue
And I'm gonna be a captain
And I'm gonna have a crew
Gonna sail the seven seas
On the water I will float
Cause I'm going for a ride
And I'm riding in a boat
And a boat goes toot...
And a boat goes toot...
And a boat goes toot...
On the water I will float
Going riding in a boat
Yes, I'm going for a ride (vroom)
Yes, I'm going for a ride (woo)
Yes, I'm going for a ride (toot)
Yes, we're going for a ride
When sad, we sing a mournful tune
Like creatures baying at the moon
But we all dance when things are fine
Yes, even Doctor Frankenstein
Ah, ha ha! Ha, ha, ha!
(Spoken: And what a dancer Frank is!
And what dance does he do? Three guesses! Ah, ah, ah!
Bobby Vinton, eat your heart out! )
Things that say 'boo' are all rushing to do
The Translyvania Polka
Witches and elves are all teaching themselves
The Transylvania Polka
Goblins and ghouls, they are dancing like fools.
The Transylvania Polka
There's a mania in Rumania-
It's called the Polka from Transylvania!
All together now! Count with the Count!
(counts to the beat)
1, 2, 3, 4...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
1, 2, 3, 4...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
1, 2, 3, 4...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
There's a mania in Rumania-
It's called the Polka from Translvania!
Sunny day
Chasing the clouds away
Find my way
To where the air is sweet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
How to get to Sesame Street
Come and play
Everything's a-ok
Friendly neighbors there
For all to meet
Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street
How to get to Sesame Street
Who looks exactly the way that I look?
When I am reading, who's holding the book?
When I want dinner, who always will feed me?
Who's always handy whenever I need me?
Firm as a feather in all kinds of weather,
Me, me, wonderful me!
Who is at home when I sit on my nest?
Who wears no clothes but is perfectly dressed?
And if I wake up at night and I turn on the light,
and I look in the mirror,
Hey gee, guess
Who I see there.
Wonderful me!
Once I was small,
Small as a seed.
Now I am tall,
Now I can read.
Born up a tree,
Now I am free-
I'm an I, I'm a me.
Who is the bird who is happy and proud?
Who is a bird who stands out in a crowd?
Who makes me dance
When the music is jivy?
Who do I scratch when
I have poison ivy?
Who is the fellow that's
Fluffy and yellow?
Me, me, wonderful me!
Who says I'm right even
When I am wrong? Me!
Who is the bird who is
Singing this song? Me!
And when I get very old
And my feathers turn to gold,
And my age is a hundred
And Three,
Who will I still be?
Uh, oh, what's the next
Word? I forgot.
Oh, rats. Where did
I put the lyrics?
Oh Me! Wonderful Me!
Maria: I got something to tell you
I don't need to sell you
The coolest thing I ever found
It's fresh and it's neat
It's hip on the street
To do what we call
Write it down
Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
David: When I work in the store
It's never a bore
'Cause I get orders from all over town
Bert needs bread
And Ernie wants thread
To remember I just write it down
David and Maria: Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Luis: When I'm writing a play
Or a story I made
Think about it 'till no one's around
When I'm by myself
I go to the shelf
Take my typewriter and write it all down
Luis, David and Maria: Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Forgetful Jones: What am I doing here?
I've forgotten I fear
But don't worry or fret or frown
Got this thingamawhiz [a pencil]
I don't know what it is
But I use it when I write it down! Hey!
All: Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Maria: Now you know what to do
So it's all up to you
So get with it
Come on, go to town!
You've got something to say
Well now you know the way
Get some paper and just write it down
All: Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Write, write, write
Write it down, write it down
Write it
Write, write, write
Write it down
Egad! Sherlock Hemlock here, the worlds greatest detective.
And I believe the letter following "W" is...
"X" marks the spot.
"X" marks the crossroads.
Two straight lines crossing
Over in the middle.
That's the letter you must see to
Find the treasure or the clue,
Or the X-ray machine that's
Looking right inside of you.
"X" is the letter without which
One could not do.
"X" marks the spot.
"X" stands for danger.
Two straight lines crossing
Over in the middle
Saying "Here's the railroad crossing"
And sometimes it means there's pirates
Or at worse, it means there's poison
And in case these thoughts of "X"
Are vexing you
Yankee Doodle stayed at home,
Cooking for his pony.
Put fat spaghetti in a pot,
And called it macaroni.
Yankee Doodle, stir it up.
Let it gently simmer.
Add the pepper and the salt,
And that's your pony's dinner.
Mac-mac-mac, mac-macaroni.
See that pony eat it up.
Sim-sim-sim, simmer that dinner.
Now you're cookin' with gas. Yeah!
Oh, Yankee Doodle stayed at home,
Cooking for his pony.
Put fat spaghetti in a pot,
And called it macaroni.
Macaroni. See that pony.
Now you're cookin' with gas. Yeah!
I am the mountain
I am the plain
I am wind
I am rain
I am the planting
And I am the grain
Who am I?
I am the river
I am the sea
I am you
You are me
I am the _ (grass? flower?)
And I am the tree
Who am I?
Who am I?
I am the sun, the moon, the stars,
The planets, Jupiter and Mars
I am the north, south, east and west
Do you know who I am?
Have you guessed?
I am the winter
I am the spring
A summer flower opening
Autumn leaves
A bird on the wing
Who am I?
Who am I?
I am the children
Every boy and girl
Do you know who I am?
Can you tell?
I am the WORLD!
Who you looking at tiger?
And whadda ya see?
Hey, who ya looking at tiger?
Are ya looking at me
While I'm looking at you?
Who you looking at tiger?
And how do ya feel?
'Cause when you look at me tiger
Could it be a meal that you're thinking 'bout too?
Because I wouldn't like that idea at all, not very much, uh uh
Who you looking at tiger?
I hope you're not mad
That I'm looking at you tiger
'Cause it sure would be bad to be bothering you
Because you're such a magnificent animal really
And I'm actually a nice person
And you wouldn't do anything funny, would ya?
Oh boy!
Willie Wimple went a’ boating
Making dirty water here
Pouring stuff there, 'till the gunk was everywhere
Now if every kid did it, can’t you see
What an icky mess it would be?
No place for fish to swim
No lakes for sailing in
No rivers, no streams, no submarines,
No swimming ever again!
Now if every kid did it, can’t you see
What an icky, messy, no-fun world it would be?
Willie Wimple went a’ walking
And he chopped a tree here(?)
He threw his trash there, till the junk was everywhere
Now if every kid did it, can’t you see
What a messy place it would be?
No room for a marching band
No place for people to stand
No yards to play in, ---- to stay in,
Just trash across our land
Now if every kid did it, can’t you see
What an ugly, awful, no-fun world it would be?
Windy day!
Look how the breeze turns pirouettes!
My, oh my, it's a windy, windy day!
Windy day!
Making the treetops sway...
My, oh my, it's a windy, windy day!
The breeze whistles by...
Whispers high...
What a lovely sound!
It knocks off my hat!
Fancy that!
It blows my hair around!
Windy day!
Look how the breeze spins like a top!
Swirls through the grass and never stops.
Dances me on my way...
My, oh my, it's a windy, windy day!
It's a windy, windy day!
It's a windy, windy day!
Hi, I'm Donnie Budd (?) and I want you to know
I'm the number one fiddle in this number show
Here's two little toucans, one, two
Do a little dance they do at the zoo
It's called the (violin playing) Two-Step
Ooooh, take 2 steps on the tips of your toes
Take 2 steps that's the way it goes
Dance one two on the tips of your toes
Careful not to step on your girlfriend's nose
(toucans dancing and counting) 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
Well, that's it, easy to do
All you have to do is count to 2
(toucans dancing and counting) 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
If two toucans, two hairy gnus can
Two caribou can count to 2
Two kangaroos can, even cuckoos can
Then my friend, so can you
(toucans and animals dancing and counting) 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
(other animals disappear and toucans remain, looking tired)
(toucans say) 2!
When we grow up, will I be pretty?
Will you be big and strong?
Will I wear dresses that show off my knees?
Will you wear trousers twice as long?
Well, I don't care if I'm pretty at all.
And I don't care if you never get tall.
I like what I look like, and you're nice small.
We don't have to change at all.
When we grow up, will I be a lady?
Will you be an engineer?
Will I have to wear things like perfume and gloves?
I can still pull the whistle while you steer.
Well, I don't care if I'm pretty at all.
And I don't care if you never get tall.
I like what I look like, and you're nice small.
We don't have to change at all.
When I grow up, I'm gonna be happy and do what I like to do,
Like making noise and making faces and making friends like you.
And when we grow up, do you think we'll see
That I'm still like you and you're still like me?
I might be pretty; you might grow tall.
But we don't have to change at all.
spoken: I don't want to change, see, 'cause I still want to be your friend, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.
Boy (speaking): Mom, where does all the water go?
Mom (singing):
The water in the bath tub dear
It burbles down the drain
It takes a very long, long trip
And it ends up back as rain
I see that you remember these (?)
Now listen this is true
The water travels through a pipe
Not seen by me or you
It travels down the house and street
To rivers far away
To join the mighty ocean
Where it doesn't always stay
The clouds you see up in the sky
Take water from the sea
They often send it down again
As rain on you and me
I go up, you go down
I go in a straight line
You go round and round
I go over and under, you go through
Tell me why do you always do the opposite
of what I do?
I go left, you go right
I travel in the daytime
You prefer the night
Wherever I go away from, you go to
Tell me why do you always do the opposite
of what I do?
Well, when I come in honey, you go out
You’re sure of yourself and
I am filled with doubt
When I want more, you give me less
When I say no, you say
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
Honey, you hang loose
And I’m uptight
You know I’m heavy, baby
and you are light
When you stay false, how can I stay true?
Tell me why do you always do the opposite
of what I do?
Gingerbread man, me love you
Gingerbread man, 'cause you got
Cookie hands and cookie feet
You so brown and friendly and delicious to eat
Oh, gingerbread man, me love you
Gingerbread man, but fella, me not know what to do
'Cause you a cookie and a dolly, too
First me want to hug you like a best friend should
Then me want to eat you 'cause you taste so good
First me want to play with you my whole life through
But me want to put you in me tummy, too
Gingerbread man, me love you
Gingerbread man, me want to eat you 'cause you made of gingerbread
But, no, no, no, me love you so
Gingerbread man, me gonna keep you for a gingerbread friend
And eat oatmeal cookie instead
Come on everybody
To a street called Sesame
There's something very silly
That we'd like you all to see
It's the latest, it's the greatest
It's the only place to be
It's the Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
Take a chance and join us
And I know that you'll agree
Our show may not be fancy
But it's noisy and its free
It's got honks, it's got squeaks, it's got dings, and it's got me
It's the Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
The Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
If you want to be a member of our happy family
Nothing to it, you can do it
If you listen carefully
Clap your hands, tap your toes
Snap your fingers slap your knees
At the Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
The Honker Duckie Dinger Jamboree
Ernie: Hey everybody! I'm going on a tiger hunt! I've got my trusty rusty telescope right here (squeaking noises in background). You wanna come along? Well, let's go then. (sound of door opening)
A tiger hunt can be fun, you just do what I do. Now first we're gonna walk down this road. Of course, you're not really on a road but you can pretend. Just stand up and walk around the room or walk in place without really going anywhere. Come on now, everybody walk. Are you walking with me? Good!
Okay, now we've got to climb this hill. Oh ... hee ... this is hard. Are you climbing with me? Good. There now here we are at the top of the hill. And now we can run down! Are you running with me? Okay!
Watch out there's a fence at the bottom of the hill, we'll have to jump it ... Alley-oop! We made it! Oh oh, we're here. we're walking through the tiger jungle. Oh boy. Oh there are a lot of mosquitoes here! Shoo mosquitoes! Shoo those mosquitoes away! Oh there's some on my arm. Slap those mosquitoes if they land on you. There, that's better.
Hey look, we've come to a big thicket of thorns. We're gonna have to crawl on our tummies to get through these thorns. You crawling with me? Good! Oops, I'm caught on a thorn (ripping sound) ooh ... there. Now we can get up because we're at the other side of the thicket and ... what is this?
We've come to the great jungle river! We're gonna have to swim for it. Ready to dive into the water? Ready, get set, jump! (splashing sounds) Here we go, swimming across the river! Oh my trusty rusty telescope is going to get even rustier. There, there, we made it. Okay, walk up on to the river bank. Here, oh look over there. It's a bunch of elephants. We'd better tiptoe past them. Are you tiptoeing with me? Good! There, okay now we're past the elephants. We should be near the tiger's house. Let's climb that tree so we can look around. You climbing with me? Okay. Here we go. All right, now here we are high in the tree. Let's look through my trusty rusty telescope and try to find that tiger. Look to the right. Look to the left. Look down ... hmmm ... I don't see a tiger.
Mr. Tiger: Good afternoon!
Ernie: Oops. There's a big furry striped animal in this tree with us.
Mr. Tiger: Roar!
Ernie: It's a tiger! RUN! Climb down the tree as fast as you can. He's following us - Run! Tiptoe past the elephants. Run down the river bank. Swim the jungle river. Climb up and cross through the thicket of thorns. Then slap the mosquitoes away. And run through the jungle. Now jump over the fence. Now run up the hill. Now run down the hill. Now open the door and (sound of door closing) ooh ... ahh ... we made it ... we're home ...
Bert: Hey, hi Ernie. Where you been?
Ernie: Oh Bert, don't ask!
(knocking on door)
Bert: Oh, I'll get it Ernie.
(sound of door opening)
Mr. Tiger: Roar!
Bert: Hi, Mr. Tiger. What do you want?
Mr. Tiger: Ernie forgot his trusty rusty telescope in my jungle!
(door closes)
Ernie: Oh, oh Bert!
No parking
No biking
No swimming
No hiking
No driving too fast or slow
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is....
No camping
No cooking
No laughing
No looking
No stopping
No place to go
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
How can just one word, just two letters
Keep so much from getting done?
We'd be worse off without it
No doubt about it
Stand up and shout it
'No' 's no fun!
No talking
No teasing
No rhyming
No reason
No hiding from 'n' and 'o'
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
And the word is no (no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
Mr. Thompson calls the waiter, orders steak and baked potaters,
He leaves the bone and gristle and he never eats the skin.
The busboy comes and takes it, with a cough contaminates it.
Throws it in a can with coffee grounds and sardine tins.
And the truck comes by on Friday, and carts it all away.
And a thousand trucks just like it are converging on the bay. Oh.....
Garbage, garbage, garbage....
We're filling up our seas with garbage (garbage, garbage...)
What will we do when there's no place left to put all the garbage (garbage, garbage......)
Mr. Thompson starts his Cadillac, he winds it down the freeway track,
Leaving friends and neighbors in a hydro-carbon haze.
He's joined by lots of smaller cars all sending gases to the stars.
There it forms a seething cloud where it hangs for forty days.
And the sun beats down into it,
With an ultra-violet tongue.
Turns it into smog
And then it settles in our lungs oh...
Garbage (garbage, garbage.....)
We're filling up the skies with garbage......
What will we do when there's nothing left to breathe
But garbage.......
Getting home and taking off his shoes, he settles with the evening news,
While the kids do homework with the TV in one ear.
While Superman for the thousandth time sells talking dolls and conquers crime,
Dutilly they learn the date of birth of Paul Revere.
And there's a piece in the paper about the mayor's middle name.
He gets it read in time to watch the All-Star Bingo game oh
Garbage, garbage, garbage.....
We're filling up our minds with garbage......
What will we do when there's nothing left to read?
And there's nothing left to need?
And there's nothing left to watch?
And there's nothing left to touch?
And there's nothing left to walk about?
And nothing left to talk about?
Nothing left to see?
And nothing left to be but....
Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage........
Grover: Fuzzy and blue
That's me, I'm fuzzy and blue
It's just the way I grew
Love being fuzzy and blue
I do!
I'm fuzzy and blue
You see I'm fuzzy and blue
Yeah, me I'm happy to be
So fuzzy and blue
Herry Monster: Me too!
I'm fuzzy and blue
I'm oh so fuzzy and blue
No other color will do
Not when I'm beautifully blue
Grover: It's true
He's fuzzy and blue
Herry Monster: All over
Grover: Fuzzy and blue
Herry Monster: Like Grover
Grover and Herry Monster: Look at us two
We're fuzzy and blue
Fuzzy and blue
Herry Monster: I'm blue
Grover: I'm fuzzy
Grover and Herry Monster: Fuzzy and blue
Grover: I'm blue
Herry Monster: He's fuzzy
Grover and Herry Monster: How do you do?
We're fuzzy and blue
Cookie Monster: Yoo-hoo!
Fuzzy and blue, me said me fuzzy and blue
From head to bottom of shoe
That right, me fuzzy and blue
Grover, Herry Monster and Cookie Monster: Me too!
We're fuzzy and blue
Yippee, we're fuzzy and blue
We three, oh, don't you wish you were fuzzy and blue?
Frazzle: {grumbling}
Grover: [Frazzle, you are not fuzzy and blue
You are fuzzy and orange]
Frazzle: {grumbling}
Grover: [All right, all right; just thought I'd mention it
Hit it boys!]
All: Fuzzy and blue (and orange)
We all are fuzzy and blue (and orange)
Love bein' fuzzy and blue (and orange)
Whatever we do ...
Herry Monster: Is everybody fuzzy?
All: Fuzzy and blue
We're fuzzy and blue.
Cookie Monster: All this talk of fuzzy and blue make me hungry for blanket
One, two, three
Here's a song about the number three
I'd like you to count along with me
One, two, three
Three old boar hogs taking a nap
Three pekinese dogs going 'yap, yap'
Three snapping turtles going 'snap, snap, snap'
And they all lived together on a fat lady's lap
One, two, three
One, two, three
One, two, three (he, he, he, he)
One, two, three
One, two, three
One, two, three (he, he, he, he)
If you wake up in the morning mean and grumpy
And you frown at ev'rybody that you see
If you like your oatmeal nice and cold and lumpy
Then you're a grouch like me
If you love it when it's wet and cold and raining
And the music that you like is all off key
If you're happiest whenever you're complaining
Then you're a grouch like me
If you hate it when your grandma kisses you
You know what? Well me, too!
If you love to see a garbage truck roll by
You know what? So do I!
And if you think a great big pile of trash is pretty
And that ice cream is yucchy as can be
If you can't stand a cuddly little kitty, then you're a grouch like me
If you hate it when your grandma kisses you
You know what? Well me, too!
If you love to see a garbage truck roll by
You know what? So do I!
And if you think a great big pile of trash is pretty
And that ice cream is yucchy as can be
If you can't stand a cuddly little kitty
And you'd like to chase her up the nearest tree
Then you can be pretty sure that you're a grouch like me
Little Girl: 'This looks like a good place to put this letter Y. It's a letter that comes after X and just before Z. I bet Grover doesn't know what this letter is!'
Grover: 'Skedaddle... skedaddle... skaddle-UP! I bet you think Grover does not know what this letter is.'
Little Girl: 'Well, Grover, do you?'
Grover: 'No.'
Little Girl: 'I didn't think so.'
Grover: 'It's very pretty! It starts out with one line at the bottom and splits into two lines at the top.'
Little Girl: 'That's what it looks like. But what is this letter called?'
Grover: 'I do not know. Tell me.'
Little Girl: 'Y.' (sounds like 'Why?')
Grover: 'Because I want to know.'
Little Girl: 'Y.'
Grover: 'So I can be smart. Please tell me.'
Little Girl: 'I already did!'
Grover: 'You did?'
Little Girl: 'Hmm-hmm.'
Grover: 'Would you tell me again?'
Little Girl: 'Y.'
Grover: 'Because I did not hear you before.'
Little Girl: 'Y.'
Grover: 'I don't know! Maybe my ears are on backwards! How should I know?!'
Little Girl: 'Grover, let me give you a little hint.'
Grover: 'All right.'
Little Girl: 'This is the letter that you hear at the beginnings of words like yellow, yarn, year, and yo-yo.'
Grover: 'Hmm... It has a cute little yih-yih sound, but I do not know what it is called.'
Little Girl: 'Y.'
Grover: 'Maybe because NO ONE WILL TELL ME!'
Little Girl: 'Y!'
Grover: 'How should I know?! Maybe no one likes me!'
Little Girl: 'Y!'
Grover: (crying) 'I don't know why no one likes me! I try to be so nice...'
Little Girl: 'The answer is Y! Y-Y-Y! The letter is called Y, like W, X, Y, Z!'
Grover: '...That's the letter Y?'
Little Girl: 'That's what I've been trying to tell you!'
Grover: '... I am sooo embarrassed...'
I’m Kingston Livingston the Third, as in three
Named after my dad, and his dad before me
But I’m an original, one of a kind, unique
So kick back and listen up while I speak
I watch all my friends flip their caps to the back
But I kept mine to the front because I like it like that
Not trying to be different, just doing my own thing
So come on, clap your hands and sing
Be yourself, easy as ABC
Can’t be no one else
Just happy to be me
I went to a party just the other day
With all my friends from school and around the way
The music was playing they all jumped to their feet
But I danced to a drummer with a different kind of beat
My friends want to know why I don’t move like them
I said, your dance is cool, but I dance like Kingston
I like your style, but I’ve got my own thing
So come on, and clap your hands and sing
Be yourself, easy as ABC
Can’t be no one else
Just happy to be me
I was reading a book one day at home
When I heard the ring-ring of the telephone
It was a couple of friends inviting me out to play
But I said I’m kind of busy, maybe later today
You see, right now I’m exercising my imagination
I’d rather read than skate, I said without hesitation
Not trying to be different, just doing the Kingston thing
So come on, clap your hands and sing
(When he’s cooking up a meal)
I do it my way
(When he’s got a base to steal)
I do it my way
(When he’s riding a bike)
I do it my way
(When he’s going for a hike)
I do it my way
(When he’s picking clothes to wear)
I do it my way
(When he’s combing out his hair)
I do it my way
(When he wants to just cool)
I do it my way
(When it’s time to go to school)
You know I do that the right way!
Be yourself, easy as ABC
Can’t be no one else
Just happy to be me
Just happy to, happy to be me
There's just one me
Nobody like me
Take a look and see
Just one me
The sound of my voice is like no voice that you've heard
Whatever I am, I know I'm one special bird!
There's just one me
Nobody like me
Look around and you'll agree
In the whole wide world of people that you see
There is just one me!
There's just one you
Nobody like you
Take a look, it's true
Just one you
The smile on your face is like no smile that I've seen
You're one special person if you know what I mean
There's just one you
No other person
Who does all the things you do
Yes, it's absotively, posolutely true
There is just one you!
If just one person believes in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough, believes in you...
Hard enough, and long enough,
It stands to reason, that someone else will think
'If he can do it, I can do it.'
Making it: two whole people, who believe in you
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you.
Hard enough and long enough
There's bound to be some other person who
Believes in making it a threesome,
Making it three.....
People you can say: believe in me.....
And if three whole people,
Why not -- four?
And if four whole people,
Why not--more, and
more, and
And when all those people,
Believe in you,
Deep enough, and strong enough,
Believe in you...
Hard enough, and long enough
It stands to reason that you yourself will
Start to see what everybody sees in
And maybe even you,
Can believe in you... too!
You're OK with me, oh K K K
Kindergarten kids in the nursery school
Kissin' and huggin' with K
You're a kissable letter, oh K K K
Kangaroos and kittens, Kathy and Kate, K K K
I'd like to keep you awhile
I'm keen on you
Even when you're silent, you knock me out
You know a thing or two about the alphabet
Now don't you? Whoo!
You're OK with me oh K K K
Keavis and Kennels and Kevin and Kim, K K K
K K K K K!!!!!
When Christmas time is over and presents put away, don't be sad
There'll be so much to treasure about this Christmas day and the fun we've had
So may happy feelings to celebrate with you
And, oh, the good times hurry by so fast,
But even when it's over there's something you can do to make Christmas last
Keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
You can keep it near.
Think of this Christmas day
When Christmas is far away.
Keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
Save some Christmas cheer.
These precious moments,
Hold them very dear
And keep Christmas with you
All through the year.
Christmas means the spirit of giving
Peace and joy to you,
The goodness of loving,
The gladness of living;
These are Christmas too.
So, keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
Save some Christmas cheer.
These precious moments,
Hold them very dear
And keep Christmas with you
All through the year.
Glen Campbell: There's times when I'm up
And times when I'm down
There's times when I'm loose
And times when I'm bound
It don't bother me
'Cause I let it be
And just-a keep on smilin'
There's time's when I'm high
And times when I'm low
There's times when I'm fast
And times when I'm slow
It don't bother me
'Cause I let it be
And just-a keep on smilin'
I found the world is a better place
With a smile on my face
There ain't no use in my goin' around
With my chin way down on the ground
There's times when I will
And times when I won't
There's times when I do
And times when I don't
It don't bother me
'Cause I let it be
And just-a keep on smilin'
Oscar The Grouch: There's times when I'm up
And times when I'm down
Times when I'm loose
And times when I'm bound!
It don't bother me
'Cause I let it be
And just keep on frowning, heh heh heh
Glen Campbell: I found the world is a better place
With a smile on my face
Oscar: Oh yeah?
Just look for me and you know I'll be found
With my smile replaced by a frown
Glen Campbell: There's times when I give
And times when I take
Oscar: Times when I bend
And times when I break
Glen Campbell: But all the way through
I do what I do
It don't cost a dime
And it don't take much time
Well you might disagree
But we'll let it be
And just-a keep on smilin'
Oscar: You might disagree
But we'll let it be
And just keep on frowning, heh heh heh
Both: You might disagree
But we'll let it be
Glen Campbell: And just-a keep on smilin'
Oscar: Frown!
At 6 o'clock I roll my truck out onto the street
Morning sun is shining on the trash that I will meet
There's broken dolls and rubber wheels, TV sets and orange peels
Baby rattles, paper plates, newspapers and rusty skates
Oooh Oooh Oooh keep on truckin'
You gotta sort it, shred it, burn it to ash
There's a lotta hard work when you're workin' with trash
Take it to the terminal, dump it on a barge
Cart it someplace where it's awfully large
Ship it to a landfill where it decays
Cover it with dirt and make a park someday
You gotta compact it, compress it, recycle, and make less of it
Compact it, compress it, recycle, and make less of it
Oooh oooh oooh keep on truckin'
Oooh oooh oooh that's the garbageman's blues
We're running out of resources
Running out of space
Don't have room for all that waste
You gotta compact it, compress it, recycle, and make less of it
There's a million things that garbage can do
Recycling saves energy too!
Oooh oooh oooh keep on trucking
Oooh oooh oooh that's the garbageman's blues
Oooh oooh oooh keep on trucking
When the springtime blooms
with it's flowery perfumes
oh, how I miss my x
When the moon shines high
and the purple clouds roll by
oh, how I miss my x
When my memories stray
to the dreams of yesterday
not one of my friends suspects
that beneath my smile
I am begging all the while
oh, how I miss my x
this evening
how I miss my x
I miss the laughs we had many
no hurts we hadn't any
all good times, no great times
just a laugh come what may times
the world was aflame with love's glow
I didn't know
how could you go?
Yes the days go by
but those memories never die
oh, how I miss my x
It was gone too fast
all those golden moments passed
oh, how I miss my x
I mean it
oh, how I miss my......
( the letter x now appears from audience)
X ! My darling x there you are
Where were you?
I've been going crazy looking for you
You left me
why'd you leave me?
Don't you like me anymore?
You do?!
Well don't ever stray
Please stay
I love your little green nose
I love your little eyes
And I love the way you criss cross
I just love ya, I just love ya x
Don't ever leave me sugar
Honey give me a kiss
*SMACK* ( use your imagination here )
How do you get from here to there, what do you do?
Well if you want to cross the street my friend,
Here is my advice to you:
Simply walk across the street
Make sure you look both ways with care
And that is how you get from here to there!
You use your feet!
How do you get from here to there, what do you do?
Well if you want to go downtown my friend,
Here is my advice to you:
Simply climb aboard a bus,
Pay the driver man his fare
And that is how you get from here to there!
You ride the bus!
You use your feet!
How do you get from here to there, what do you do?
Well if you want to cross the ocean, my friend,
Here is my advice to you:
Simply hop aboard a plane
And go flying through the air
And that is how you get from here to there!
You take a plane!
You ride the bus!
You use your feet!
And that is how you get from here to there!
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Ole, ole, ole, ole
The Count: (spoken) So far, that makes eight oles, ha, ha, ha!
Rosita: (spoken) Come on, Elmo!
Elmo: (spoken) Oh, yeah!
Big Bird: (spoken) Go, Elmo!
Elmo: (spoken) Let's party!
Elmo: (sung) Elmo's mind on fire
Elmo's soul on fire
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
All the people
Here with Elmo
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
Oh, what to do
On a night like this?
Is it sweet?
Elmo can't resist!
Elmo needs a party sound
A fundamental charm
So he can
Yeah, ba-rhum
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
See people rockin'
Hear people chantin'
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
Keep up the spirit
Come on, let's do it
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
It's in the air
Celebration time!
Is it sweet?
Captivate your mind
We have this party sound
This fundamental charm
So we can
Yeah, ba-rhum
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
Feelin' hot! Hot! Hot!
Oh, yeah!
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Ole, ole, ole, ole
Ole, ole, ole, ole
The Count: (spoken) All together, that makes 24 oles, ha, ha, ha!
People in a party
Hot! Hot! Hot!
People in a party
Hot! Hot! Hot!
They come to the party
Knowin' what they got
They come to the party
Knowin' what they got
Elmo's hot! Zoe's hot!
Count's hot! Prairie's hot!
Big Bird's hot! Rosita's hot!
He's hot! She's hot!
Real hot, real hot
Real hot, real hot
Oscar The Grouch: (spoken) I think somebody broke the air conditioner.
Prairie Dawn: (spoken) I do not want to get my dress dirty.
How you feelin'?
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
How you feelin'?
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
How you feelin'?
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
How you feelin'?
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
Let's hear it!
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
How you feelin'?
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
Elmo can't hear you!
(Hot! Hot! Hot!)
Do it, do it, do it!
Hot! Hot! Hot!
The Count: (spoken) That's sixty-five marvelous hots! (lightning crash and thunder roll) Ha, ha, ha, I love it, ha, ha, ha!
Girl: It's hot
Man: Is it really?
Girl: You know it's hot
'Cause you can feel it
Kids know where to be when it's H - O - T
That spells hot in the city
Outside having fun
Hot fun in the sun
When it's hot in the city
All over town
Watch the kids cool down
When it's hot in the city
In the park on the street
Owww, they're beatin' the heat
When it's hot in the city, yeah
Let the temperture rise
There ain't no doubt
These kids know what cool is all about
Laughter's in the air
Kids don't give a care
When the heat kicks in
They chill out
Kids: Oooo, hot
Oooo, real hot
Oooo, hot
Oooo, real hot
Hey, they're footloose and free
When it's H - O - T
That spells hot in the city, oooh
When the sun rays beat
Down on the hot concrete
That's when it's hot in the city
Any place that's wet
Is a real good bet
When it's hot in the city
Doesn't matter what you do
Just as long as it's cool
When it's hot!
In the city!
Well I’m sitting on a seasaw seat
Thinking seasawing would be neat
And I can’t find a friend to sit on the other side
Yes, I tried it all alone
But I crashed down like a stone
Couldn’t get no cooperation if I tried
No, no, no cooperation
No, no, no cooperation
No, no, no, no, no cooperation
If I tried, if I tried
Well, I’m dying to jump rope
But I’ve just about lost hope
And I’m so mad, I’m just fit to be tied
'Cause I can’t find a friend
To pick up the other end
Couldn’t get no cooperation if I tried
No, no, no cooperation
No, no, no cooperation
No, no, no, no, no cooperation
If I tried, if I tried
Well, I’m in an awful fit
'Cause I’m dying to be it
And I can’t find anyone to go and hide
Every time I start to play
Everyone just runs away
Couldn’t get no cooperation if I tried
No, no, no cooperation
No, no, no cooperation
No, no, no, no, no cooperation
If I tried, if I tried
Some things are easy
Some things are not
Some things I remember
Some things I forgot
I remember how to brush my teeth
And how to touch my toes
But now I've got this problem and I can't see how it goes
But, one day
One hap happy day
I'm gonna do it by myself
One day
One hap happy day
I won't need anybody else
'Cause I will do it by myself
(now a different boy, blonde, trying to button up a blue shirt as the tempo of the song slows down)
It's not outside out
It's not inside out
But still I got some trouble here
That I have to think about
It's a problem I've had
Since I was 2 years old
That's how to get this button
Through that old button hole
Oh how do ya get that button
Through that old button hole
(now a little girl proudly putting on pink pajamas with ease as the tempo picks up again)
It's easy
Oh so easy
Just as easy as falling out of a tree
Easy as 1-2-3 for me
Easy as do-re-mi you see
Easy as 1-2-3
(back to the first boy as he buttons up his pajamas)
One day
One hap happy day
I'm gonna do it by myself
One day
Well it just might be today
I won't need anybody else
I can do it by myself
I just did it by myself
I am chicken, hear me squawk
Hear me crow and hear me bawck
Watch me rule my roost
And strut around my coop
People say I've got great legs
And they're nuts about my eggs
And when they're sick they gobble down my soup
Oh yes, I am proud
Of the way I peck and scratch
I am plump, I am loud
Just don't count me 'till I hatch
I'm nutritious, I am pure, I'm delicious, I'm cocksure
I am tender, I'm exceptional
I am chicken!
I am chicken I'm not scared
'Cause I'm always well prepared
And I feed all kinds of people every day
I can cackle with the best
And I'll tackle any test
Showing even when I'm down, I'm still Grade A
Oh no, I'm no dumb cluck
And I won't throw in the towel
I'm no turkey, I'm no duck
I'm the fairest of the fowl
I am tasteful to the end
I'm your finest feathered friend
I am plucky, I'm unflappable, I am chicken!
background singing chickens:
She is tender, she is loud,
She is plucky, she is proud
She's delicious, she is pure
She's nutritious, she's cocksure
She can cook and she is chic
And we love her wings and beak
I came to the farm to see how things grow
And I learned some things I didn't know
Plants can grow high
Plants can grow low
Some grow above the ground
Some grow below
For instance a tomato doesn't grow like a potato
Tomato: Tomatoes push and shove to get up above
Ernie: Meanwhile a potato doesn't grow like a tomato
Potato: Potatoes never show, we stay down below
Plants can grow high
Plants can grow low
Some grow above the ground
Some grow below
Now if you want a lettuce
Lettuce: I'd tell you where to get us
We always can be found right above the ground
Ernie: Look high for a zucchini 'cause they're never very teeny
Beet: But if you want a beet, look under your feet
Plants can grow high
Plants can grow low
Some grow above the ground
Some grow below
Ernie: Maybe next time you'll see something you'll know
Tomato etc: If it grew above the ground
Potato etc: Or it grows below!
Man (standing near a doorway): I've invited a friend over to have a little dinner.
(A capital M enters and gazes into the room. We see a long table loaded with all kinds of food and drink.)
M: Mmm! Mmmmmm, mmmmmm!
Man: Go ahead. Dig right in. Make yourself at home.
M (who is already on the table): Mmmm, marvelous! Mmmm, meat! (Gulps down the whole slab and drinks a full glass of wine.) Mmmm, marshmallows! (Tosses them down, one after the other.) Mmmm, munch! (Eats up something I never could identify.) Mmmmmmm! Mmmm, mmmmm! Magnificent!
(Man is staring openmouthed as M devours one thing after another.)
M: Mmmmm, milk! (Downs a whole glassful.) Mmmmm, melon! (Gobbles it up and keeps noshing down until every dish is empty.) Mmmmm, mmmm, mmmmm!
Man: I say, you're just about the greediest, rudest letter I ever saw! You ate up everything!
M: Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmmmm! (Hops down from table.)
Man: I'm telling you, never invite an M over to your house for dinner! (M rubs against his ankles, but he walks offscreen.) No, don't try to make up with me. Next time, I'll invite a ... a J, or a polite Q. But not another M! (M starts munching until nothing is left on the screen, leaving it dark.)
Bob: I've got two eyes, one, two
They're both the same size, one, two
I've got two eyes... and they're both the same size.
Susan: I've got two ears, one, two
They help me hear, one, two
I've got two ears, they help me hear
Bob: I've got two eyes... and they're both the same size
Gordon: Two arms have I, one, two
I can hold them up high, one, two
Two arms have I, I can hold them up high
Susan: I've got two ears, they help me hear
Bob: I've got two eyes... and they're both the same size
Mr. Hooper: Two hands have I, one, two
They can wave goodbye, one, two
Two hands have I, they can wave goodbye
Gordon: Two arms have I, I can hold them up high
Susan: I've got two ears, they help me hear
Bob: I've got two eyes... and they're both the same size
Oscar the Grouch: I've got two knees, one, two
They're as round as you please. one, two
I've got two knees, they're as round as you please
Mr. Hooper: Two hands have I, they can wave goodbye
Gordon: Two arms have I, I can hold them up high
Susan: I've got two ears, they help me hear
Bob: I've got two eyes... and they're both the same size
Big Bird: I've got two feet, one, two
They can walk down the street, one, two
I've got two feet, they can walk down the street
Oscar: I've got two knees, they're as round as you please
Mr. Hooper: Two hands have I, they can wave goodbye
Gordon: Two arms have I, I can hold them up high
Susan: I've got two ears, they help me hear...
(pause, then.)
Tall Texan: Well I'm a tall, tall Texan
I'm talking tall, tall, tall
(He comes from Texas and he's really tall)
I change a light bulb easy
I play great basketball
(He's great at light bulbs and at basketball)
Even the longest long-johns
Are always way too small
(The longest long-johns always way too small)
Short Texan: Well, I'm a short, short Texan
I'm talking real petite
(He comes from Texas and he's real petite)
I've tripped my share of bad guys
So better watch your feet
(He trips up bad guys, better watch your feet)
Even one tiny little meatball
Is way too big to eat
(One tiny meatball's way too big to eat)
Tall Texan: Yeah, when I drop my toothpick
There's just one guy to call
Short Texan: Ya call a short, short Texan
'Cause it's too low for y'all
And when I need some boosting
To hop onto my horse
Tall Texan: You call a tall, tall Texan
Like your buddy, of course
Well, I'm a tall, tall Texan
Hitting the dusty trail
(He's a tall Texan 'bout to hit the trail)
Short Texan: Beside a short, short Texan
We stick together without fail
(They're gonna stick together without fail)
Both: We'd like to thank you folks for listenin'
To this here short tall tale
Short Texan: Yeee-haw
Here in the middle of imagination
Right in the middle of my head,
I close my eyes and my home isn't home,
And my bed isn't really my bed.
I look inside and discover things,
That are sometimes strange and new,
And the most remarkable thoughts I think,
Have a way of being true.
Here in the middle of imagination
Right in the middle of my mind,
I close my eyes and the night isn't dark
And the things that I lose, I find.
Time stands still and the night is clear,
And the wind is warm and fair,
And the nicest place is the middle of imagination
When ... I'm ... there ...
A number 10 from Tennessee
Kissed a blueberry-beaked budgie
And after that he lay in bed
While ten blueberries grew on his head
(counts as the blueberries pop out all over the number 10)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The doctor said "I have a cure
Stay in bed for ten days more."
(counts off the days on the calendar)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
When that old ten felt well again
He jumped and counted one to ten
(The number ten flexes his muscles then jumps on his bed)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Now, number ten will always love
All creatures great and small
But he will never kiss another
Fruit-flavored animal
(as each number is counted off, weird fruit-shaped animals pop up)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
In a cabin in the woods
A monster by the window stood
Saw a rabbit hopping by
Knockin' at the door
'Help me, help me, sir,' he said,
'I ate the farmer's lettuce bed.'
'Come on in,' the monster cried,
'And sit down by the fire.'
In a cabin in the woods
A monster by the window stood
Saw a farmer running by
Knockin' at the door
'My name' he said 'is Farmer Lear
You've seen a rabbit go by here?'
(they interrupt the song, Rowlf suggests to have a happy ending, and they all live happily ever after. The end.)
Sometimes I imagine
That I would like to be
A knight in shining armor
In a castle by the sea
A knight in shining armor with a princess by my side
I'd have a magic feather and a horse that I could ride
And the king would say, 'Sir Ernie, you're so handsome and so brave
Please rid us of this dragon breathing fire in his cave'
And I'd get on my horse and I'd start to ride
I'd travel my way through the countryside
I'd come at last to the dragon's cave
And I'd yell, 'Mr. Dragon, you'd better behave!'
And the dragon would be so scared of me
That he'd run away, and the kingdom would be free!
And I'd tip my hat
Imagine that
Imagine thaaaaaaaat
Imagine that!
Sometimes I imagine
That I would like to be
A daring bold explorer
Sailing far across the sea
I'd set out on a sailing ship to find a distant land
I'd gaze across the ocean with my telescope in hand
And the captain would say, 'Ernie, there's a big storm drawing near,
You're our finest bravest sailor; you must grab the wheel and steer!'
And I'd grab the wheel in the wind and rain
I'd steer the ship through the hurricane
I'd guide the ship with a steady hand
I'd lead the way toward a brand new land
I'd spy the land lying safe and near
And I'd cry 'Land-ho!', and the crew would cheer!
And I'd tip my hat
Imagine that
Imagine thaaaaaaat
Imagine that!
Sometimes I imagine
That I would like to be
A person who's named Ernie
Who looks quite a lot like me
Who likes the things that I like
And who does the things I do
And I don't have to imagine
Because I'm Ernie!
Me, that's who!
(nifty Ernie laugh)
And I'd tip my hat
Imagine that
Imagine thaaaaaaat
Imagine that!
(Count is playing ominous music on a piano)
Cookie: Hey Count, Count, woah, stop playing
Count: Ahh, Cookie Monster
Cookie: Well, well, well...
Count: That's three wells, ha ha ha
Cookie: Me no know you play piano that good
Count: Of course
Cookie: Oh, do me favor. Look- Me found terrific song-- it all about food! Ya, you play piano and me sing it? Here, ya, good...(Count resumes scary music)
Cookie: No, wait, not like that. Here, like paper say- okay- real jumpy
Count: Ah, very good
Cookie: It all about food
Count: I will count the notes-- 88 wonderful piano notes. Sing it Cookie Monster!
Cookie: Okay...
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (1 cake)
Baked a cake (2 cakes)
Baked a cake (3 cakes)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (4 cakes)
How'd ya do, how'd ya do, how'd ya do?
(3 how's ya do's)
If you dropped me a letter,
Me would hire a band (1 band)
Hire a band (2 bands)
Hire a band (3 bands)
If you dropped me a letter
Me'd have hired a band (4 bands)
And spread the welcome mat for you
(Thank you very much)
Now me don't know where
You came from (over there!)
And me don't know where
You've been (I've been counting)
But it really doesn't matter
Grab a chair and fill your platter
And dig, dig, dig right in (3 digs)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd would baked a cake (1 cake)
Baked a cake (2 cakes)
Baked a cake (3 cakes)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (4 cakes)
How'd you do, how'd you do, how'd you do
(Three more how'd you do's)
Now me don't know where
You come from (I told you, over there)
And me don't know where you been
(Counting, of course)
But it really doesn't matter
Grab a chair and fill your platter
And dig, dig, dig right in (3 wonderful digs)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (1 cake)
Baked a cake (that's 2 cakes)
Baked a cake (that's 3)
If me knew you were coming
Me'd have baked a cake (4 cakes)
How'd you do, how'd you do, how'd you do?
(3 more how'd you do's)
How'd ya do, how'd you do, how'd you do?
(that's 9, that's 12 how'd you do's)
How'd you do, how'd you do, how'd you do?
(Ah, that's 13, 14, 15 how'd you do's)
Cookie: You play the piano so good
Count: Ah, thank you very much
Cookie: Me sing so good, me deserve cookie
Count: Ah, a little dinner music (resumes playing)
Some mornings I wake up
I feel so good and new
I find my socks myself
I put my shoes on too
The feet are right, the feet are right
Is it not wonderful that the feet are right?
I, Grover, am big and tall
and very smart and kind of cute and wonderful
I think that there is nothing I cannot do
You can get the feet right too.
And then I go to eat
The cereal is not there
I see it on a shelf
I climb up on a chair
I get it down, I do not spill
Is it not wonderful that I do not spill?
I, Grover, am big and tall
and very smart and kind of cute and wonderful
I think that there is nothing I cannot do
You can learn to not spill too.
I go outside and play
I bouce a ball and then
I catch it right away
and bounce the ball again
I stretch myself up tall
I reach my arms out wide
I climb up trees and I go down the slide
And you can do it too
Yes, you and you and you
Now every brand new day
I get another turn
In every single way
There’s more for me to learn
It feels so fine, I’m growing up
Is it not wonderful that I’m growing up?
Oh I, Grover, am big and tall
and very smart and kind of cute and wonderful
I think that there is nothing I cannot do
And you and you and you
are fine and growing too
Yes, you are fine and growing too.
Female Goldfish (wearing a wig!): Golden fish with long, flowing tails
Plant: Leafy plants growing in red gravel
Snails: Two cute snails crawling through the water
(Four other fish swim in, one of them is red and looks a bit like Telly.
They line up with the two female Goldfish in the upper corners,
the males in the lower corners and the Telly lookalike in the middle.
The treasure chest in the corner bubbles as they sing ...)
Fish: And a buuuuulging treasure chest
All: We all live inside of
Telly's aquarium
Telly's aquarium
Telly's aquarium
Snails: No cats or dogs or kangaroos
Fish: Chickens, zebras or cockatoos
Plant: Nothing up there lives in here
Fish: This watery lair we find so dear
Snails: A home that Telly cleans so nice
Plant: A cozy lid (?) with Paradiiiiiise
(I've rewound and nearly worn my video out, not a clue what he's singing.
We need more articulate plants here, people!)
All: Aquarium
(The fish swim off-screen as the song's tempo changes.
This is the part sung to the tune of 'Let The Sunshine In'.
They swim back and now appear to be wearing hippie beads in their 'hair'!
It's their fins actually but, still, groovy, man.)
All: Let the water flow
Let the water flow in
The water flow in
(Now a BIG red fish that looks exactly like Telly swims in from behind the treasure chest!)
Tellyfish: Yes, you've got to
All: Let the water flow
Let the water flow in
The water flow in
Let the water flow
Tellyfish (same time as the others): The aquarium is where we live
Sing with me!
Yes, you've got to
All (including Tellyfish): Let the water flow in
(The song ends, the camera pulls out to show the aquarium, which appears to be a lot smaller than it was during the song. The Tellyfish takes up almost the entire front of the tank. Telly Monster walks in.)
Telly Monster: Funny, I think one of my fish is starting to look like me. (he taps the tank to attract Tellyfish's attention) Hey, little guy, come here. (Telly and the Tellyfish bob their heads up and down in unison.)
Here's the story
Of a sliced baloney
A loaf of bread
A lettuce and some cheese
That were stored
In the refrigerator
Food: Where all we did was freeze!
'Till one morning
Came this guy named Telly
He saw them
And then had more than a hunch
He went and put them all together
Telly: They make a healthy lunch
Food: A healthy lunch
A healthy lunch
Yes, together we make a healthy lunch
So then Telly took some sliced baloney
A wedge of cheese
Some lettuce and some bread and said
Telly: I will make myself a sandwich
Uh huh, that's what he said
(screen now shows each item popping into a corner, Brady-style, as their names are sung, with Telly's face appearing in the center at the end)
And that's the story
Of the sliced baloney
The loaf of bread
The lettuce and the cheese
Telly's hunch
Brought all of them together
And they became his lunch
Food: We're Telly's lunch
We're Telly's lunch
And that's the way we became Telly's lunch
In old Transylvania when I was a lad
Our castle was poor but we never were sad
We learned to be happy
We’d dance round the hall
And learning to count was the key to it all
By counting each count I knew just where to start
And one special step has stayed close to my heart
One two three, spread out the cape
One two three, twirl round the floor
One two three, left foot you swing
One two three, then start to sing
One two three, loud as you please
One two three, counting with ease
One two three, doing the batty bat
Batty batty bat batty bat batty bat batty bat
One two three count
Batty batty bat batty bat batty bat batty bat
Won’t you dance with me doing the batty bat
So now in my own castle I can enjoy
This wonderful dance that I learned as a boy
I see just how wise was my whole family
They taught me to count and so now look at me
I’m counting and dancing and I swear that it’s true
If you do the same you will be happy too
One two three, spread out the cape
One two three, twirl round the floor
One two three, left foot you swing
One two three, then start to sing
One two three, loud as you please
One two three, counting with ease
One two three, doing the batty bat
Batty batty bat batty bat batty bat batty bat
One two three count
Batty batty bat batty bat batty bat batty bat
Won’t you dance with me doing the batty bat
This is the ballad of The Sad Cafe
It's a funny little place down Oklahoma way
Where the cowpokes go to feel sad and blue
And their cows and their horses
Well they go there too
(cows and horses join in)
Yes their cows and their horses
Well they go there too
It's a sad, sad, sad cafe
We sit at the tables
And we cry all day
Boo hoo, boo hoo
Boo hooing at The Sad Cafe
Now we all come here when we're under the weather
To The Sad Cafe where we cry together
Don't expect no food or drinks here
Where the only thing we serve is tears
Yeah the only thing we serve is tears
At the sad, sad, sad cafe
We sit at the tables
And we cry all day
Boo hoo, boo hoo
Boo hooing at The Sad Cafe
You can cry to your cat or your Irish setter
Either way you'll feel a lot better
You can cry at home or in the barn with the hay
Or you can come on over to The Sad Cafe
To the sad, sad, sad cafe
We sit at the tables
And we cry all day
Boo hoo, boo hoo
Boo hooing at The Sad Cafe
Spoken: Hey, you know now that I've had a good cry, I feel better!
Me too, I don't feel sad no more, I feel happy!
Yeah! Hey what you all wanna do?
Why don't we mosy on down to The Happy Cow Lounge?
Oh I love that place!
Yee haw, let's go!
Everyone mosies on out of The Sad Cafe
Harry Bellafonte: Down Grand Bahama 'neath the stand-up palm
On an island called Green Turtle Key,
People sit and stare at the man who's there
Counting coconuts night and day.
You'll find him dressed in a cape in the island sun,
Got no time to rest 'til his counting's done
Never gets depressed 'cause he's having fun,
He's the Coconut Counting Man
Tell everybody now
Count: I'm the Coconut Counting Man
HB: Everybody
Birds: He's the Coconut Counting Man
HB: Watch him count now
Count: One, two, three...oh oh yeah, four five six seven, I love it, wonderful coconuts!
HB: A-ha, Wonderful!
When the tropical breeze blows the nuts from the trees
Everybody spies while he's counting
Oh they glow and smile 'cause his coconut pile
Is growing big as a mountain
Sure as stars are bright, and water's deep
He'd rather count all night than go to bed and sleep
He counts coconuts instead of sheep
He's the Coconut Counting Man
Tell the people
Count: I'm the Coconut Counting Man
HB: Everybody now
Birds: He's the Coconut Counting Man
HB: Watch him count
Count: 16, 17, 18, 19, yes, 20, ha ha! I love these coconuts!
HB: Big numbers! Uh-huh. Wonderful!
I never got his name, don't know from where he came
But there's one thing that is true
No coconut amount's too big for him to count
You can count on him to count for you
Everybody now
Count: One and two, three four five,
It's wonderful to be alive!
Yes, I'm so proud as proud can be that I've
Been the Coconut Counting Man
HB: Everybody now
Birds: He's the Coconut Counting Man
He's the Coconut Counting Man
He's the Coconut Counting Man
HB: Let's hear it, Count
Count: Yes, oh, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Coconuts ha ha ha!
HB: Ah, that's a lot of coconuts!
Count: Yes
HB: Yes sir, I think the island's sinking!
Count: Ah, we need to find a bigger island anyway.
HB: Yes, but I've got you, so what else matters?
Count: Ha ha ha! Let's eat.
HB: Oh, thank you, Count, I love you so much.
Manha Manha guy: Fat
Green guy: Cat
Blue guy: Sat
Violet guy: Hat
gg: Fat
bg: Fat
vg: (pause) Fat
gg: Cat
bg: Cat
vg: (pause) Cat
gg: Sat
bg: Sat
vg: (pause) Sat
gg: Hat
bg: Hat
vg: (pause) Hat
MMg: (bursting in) A fat cat sat on a hat, saw a rat on the mat, got a bat, had a chat with a gnat that he'd pat in a vat that was flat, oh yeah!
(all glare at him, shaking their heads)
(quieter) Oh... yeah
Sorry about that
gg: Ball
bg: Tall
vg: Wall
gg: Small
bg: Small
vg: (pause) Small
gg: Ball
bg: Ball
vg: (pause) Ball
gg: Tall
bg: Tall
vg: (pause) Tall
gg: Wall
bg: Wall
vg: (pause) Wall
MMg: (bursting in) See the small ball on the tall wall, see it fall in a hall, see it crawl, give its all its call, 'Hi, y'all!' see it stall, wear a shawl, oh yeah!
(all glare at him, shaking their heads)
(Quieter) Oh, yeah (sighs)
gg: Head
bg: Fed
vg: Bread
gg: Red
bg: Red
vg: (pause) Red
gg: Head
bg: Head
vg: (pause) Head
gg: Fed
bg: Fed
vg: (pause) Fed
gg: Bread
bg: Bread
vg: (pause) Bread
MMg: (bursting in) See the red head bein' fed bread on his sled made of lead as he sped to be wed but he fled instead out ahead up to Ted in his bed and he said...
(All glare at him as he continues, shrinking down)
Red, head, fed, bread
Small, ball, tall, wall
Fat, cat, sat, hat
And that's that!
gg, bg, & vg: SCAT!!!
You know that I am called the Count
Because I really love to count
I could sit and count all day
Sometimes I get carried away
I count slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster
Once I've started counting it's really hard to stop
Faster, faster. It is so exciting!
I could count forever, count until I drop
1! 2! 3! 4!
1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4
I count the spiders on the wall...
I count the cobwebs in the hall...
I count the candles on the shelf...
When I'm alone, I count myself!
I count slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster
Once I've started counting it's really hard to stop
Faster, faster. It is so exciting!
I could count forever, count until I drop
1! 2! 3! 4!
1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, I love counting!
That's the song of the Count!
One, two, three, four, five, six pox
Rest your wings
Seven, eight, nine, ten
As I count your green things
Eleven, twelve and thirteen pox
Now close your eyes
As I count fourteen green dots on your thighs
Fifteen and sixteen
Now hang your head low
Seventeen pox, eighteen
On your big toe
Nineteen and twenty
To sleep now you'll fall
And I've counted twenty
Twenty bird-pox in all
Yes, I've counted twenty
Twenty bird-pox in all
(Wolf in leather jacket dances in)
Big Bad Wolf: My mom is glad
Big Glad Wolf (Mom): (top left, in a white dress) I'm the big glad wolf - glad!
Big Bad Wolf: My sister's sad
Big Sad Wolf (Sister): (top middle, in a green outfit) I'm the big sad wolf - sad!
Big Bad Wolf: My brother's rad
Big Rad Wolf (Brother): (top right, with shades and a surfboard) I'm the big rad wolf - rad!
Big Bad Wolf: I'm bad
The big bad wolf, that's me
We're a big wolf family
My aunt's a grad
Big Grad Wolf (Aunt): (bottom left, in gown and mortarboard) I'm the big grad wolf - grad!
Big Bad Wolf: My uncle's mad
Big Mad Wolf (Uncle): (bottom middle, in red shirt) I'm the big mad wolf - mad!
Big Bad Wolf: My dad's well clad
Well Clad Wolf (Dad): (bottom right, in a suit) I'm the well clad wolf - clad
Big Bad Wolf: I'm bad
The big bad wolf, that's me
We're a big wolf family
Big Glad Wolf (Mom): I'm gl-ad, glad!
Big Sad Wolf (Sister): I'm s-ad, sad!
All: We're the big wolf family!
Big Rad Wolf (Brother): I'm r-ad, rad!
Big Grad Wolf (Aunt): A gr-ad, grad!
All: We're the big wolf family!
Big Mad Wolf (Uncle): I'm m-ad, mad!
Well Clad Wolf (Dad): Well cl-ad, clad!
All: We're the big wolf family!
Big Bad Wolf: Got two more sounds
Put together right now
B-ad, bad, that's me
Bad Wolf!
All: Yeah!
Telly: There's a secret password
Everybody knows
If you'll keep it secret,
I'll tell you how it goes.
Baby Bear: It ends with Oko Noko,
It starts with Letter P,
The word is Poko Noko!
Lexine & Zoe: Poko Noko!
Telly & Baby Bear: So sing along with me!
Telly: NOW!
All: Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko-no!
Telly: Oh, what is Poko Noko?
Tell me, Baby Bear!
Why do people say it?
Baby Bear: They say it 'cause it's there!
Oscar: I think Poko Noko
Ain't worth a hill of beans.
Can't anybody tell me
What Poko Noko means?
Unidentified Kid: (running in) Oh, I can, I can!
Oscar: Okay, what's it mean?
Kid: Well, it means this
Are you ready to hear it?
It means --
All: Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko-no!
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko-no!
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko
Poko Noko Poko Noko Po-ko Noko-no!
(fade out)
Kermit: I don't know if you believe in Christmas
Or if you have presents underneath the Christmas tree
But if you believe in love
That will be more than enough
For you to come and celebrate with me
For I have held the precious gift that love brings
Even though I never saw a Christmas star
I know there is a light
I have felt it burn inside
And I have seen it shining from afar
All: Christmas is the time to come together
A time to put all differences aside
Kermit: And I reach out my hand
To the family of Man
All: To share the joy I feel at Christmas time
Kermit: For the truth that binds us all together
I would like to say a simple prayer
That at this special time
You will have true peace of mind
And love to last throughout the coming year
(flute solo)
And if you believe in love
That will be more than enough
For peace to last throughout the coming year
All: And peace on earth will last throughout the year
Which come first, the chicken or the aig?
Which come first, the chicken or the aig?
How could somethin' so fat and burly
Come from somethin' so smooth and pearly?
Which come first, the chicken or the aig?
Which come first, the feather or the shell?
Which come first, the feather or the shell?
When you see one egg or t'other,
Do you ever think about its mother?
Which come first, the feather or the shell?
Now eggs are all so purty, lyin' on a plate,
Or sittin' here in a carton, neat and straight.
And lookin' inside a box of eggs might make you feel so great,
But do you ever wonder where they was, before they was inside that crate?
Which come first, the chicken or the aig?
Which come first, the chicken or the aig?
Now if you wanted to begin again,
Would you start with an omelette or a hen?
Which come first, the chicken or the aig?
The chicken or the aig?
Muppet #1 (sung): If it says one, then I go beep.
If it says two, then I go beep beep.
If it says three, then I go beep beep beep.
And that's the way it's done.
Muppet #2 (spoken): Yeah, but what if it says four?
Muppet #1 (sung): I go beep beep beep beep, nothing more.
Muppet #2 (spoken): But what if it says more than four?
Muppet #1 (sung really fast): Then I go Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-
(into incomprehension, and screen fills up with circles)
Muppet #2 (spoken): Like what if it says forty-six?
Muppet #1 (sung really fast again): Then I go Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-
(into more incomprehension,
and the screen fills up with forty-six circles)
(sung at normal speed)
Now, I used to get confused about my numbers,
Whether it was three or one or four or two.
But now I find my numbers very easy,
'Cause this is what I do ...
If it says one, then I go beep.
If it says two, then I go beep beep.
If it says three, then I go beep beep beep.
And that's the way it's done.
Muppet #2 (spoken): Yeah, but what if it says four?
Muppet #1 (sung): I go beep beep beep beep, nothing more.
Muppet #2 (spoken): So when it says one, you go Beep
(and so on, repeating all the verses)
Muppet #2 (spoken): But what if it says three million,
seven hundred forty-six thousand, nine hundred eighty-two?
Muppet #1 (spoken): That's easy, man.
(sung really fast): Then I go Beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep-
(into still more incomprehension,
and screen fills up with still more circles.
I think this is one of those places where they're different
sizes and colors. I'm not sure what lines come next,
if any. Then, at the end:)
Beedly-doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo dee doo,
Elmo knows a little secret for whenever things go wrong,
It makes you feel much better when a bad day comes along.
Just take a breath, lift up your head, and stand up tall and strong,
Let out a big BE-DOODLE, as you sing this little song.
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, it's such a good thing to say,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, makes sad things go away,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay.
Da da da da da da da,
It's so easy, you can do it almost anywhere at all,
Be-doodle in the kitchen, or be-doodle in the hall,
Be-doodle in your bathtub, or be-doodle on the phone,
Be-doodle in a marching band, or doodle all alone.
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, it's such a good thing to say,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, makes sad things go away,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay.
Da da da da da da da,
Elmo woke up feeling grouchy, he was grumpy as a bear,
He tried to find some niceness, but his niceness wasn't there,
But quickly he remembered what to do when things go wrong,
He let out a big BE-DOODLE, and stayed happy all day long!
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, an excellent thing to say,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, makes sad things go away,
Bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum, bedoodly-dum-dee-ay.
A is for alligator
B is for bayou
C is for cyprus trees
D is the dew
E is for everything like
F ferns or
G grass that's
H home to you
I is for insects
J for juniper
K kelp
L log
M is the moon
N is noontime
O is for otter
P for possum he'll be sleeping soon
Q is quicksand that's very tricky
R rushes
S snakes
T tar that gets you sticky
U is the universe that's
V vast and
W wide
X marks the spot where I love to hide
Y is the yellow bird that sings so sweet
which brings me back to
Z and now my alphabet's complete
in the swamp...oooh ooh
A alligator
B bayou
C cyprus trees
D dew
E for everything like
F ferns
G grass
H home to you
I insects
J juniper
K kelp
L log
M is the moon
N noontime
O for otter
P the possum who'll be sleeping soon
Q is quicksand that's very tricky 'member?
R rushes
S snakes
T tar that gets you sticky
U is the universe that's
V vast and
W wide
X marks the spot where I love to hide
Y is the yellow bird that sings so sweet
which brings me back to
Z and now my alphabet's complete
in the swamp...oooh ooh
ribbet, ribbet, ooh, ooh, ribbet, ribbet, ribbet, ribbet
One bat hanging in the steeple
One bat flies in through the door
That makes two bats in my belfry
(spoken) But wait, there's more ...
Two bats hanging in the steeple
One bat flies in through the door
That makes three bats in my belfry
(spoken) But wait, there's more ...
(goes on and on, 'till you fall out of your belfry)
Oh what a joy
Watching life passing by and
Being a pig
What could compare
To a home in a sty and
Being a pig
Days are sunny and rosy
Things are comfy and cozy
With all the piggies around
What greater joy could be found
Wallow awhile
In the mud that's my style
And being a pig
Slurping that slop
Hey to me that's the top
And being a pig
And when Mama is able
She sets a fine table
We gather around for a treat
And wow do we eat!
And when the night has come creeping
In the barn we go sleeping
Who would know that pleasure gets this big!
Being a pig
Being a pig
Being a pig
[Garrotines! Kermit the Frog herré, anda todas Oíd lijé to tela oí a lité bit abatí the color grané. Do oí kanes hatos grané? [cié música] Ella I ama foro eñe hongo. You ese, fragosa are grané, anda I'm a fregó. And hato menas I'm grané, oí ése?]
It's nota hato ensay bebí' grané
Hanega to sopeando eché ay the color uf the laves
When I taheña ita coluda be nacerá bingo red ora yelmo ora golf
Ora something mucha more clorofila lijé tato
It's nota ensay bebí' grané
Ita semis oí blenda ion with so mana otear ordeñar tinges
And propalé tendí to pases oí ové 'cause oiré
Nota sandunga oír lijé flashy separables ion the éter
Ora saturas ion the sayo
Bruto graneas the color uf Pringó
And grané can be coló anda friéndola-lijé
And grané can be biga lijé Ana océano
Ora importante lijé a montaña
Ora talle lijé a toreé
When greña os allá tejeré os to be
Ita coluda majé oí pondré hay
Bruto hay pondré, hay pondré?
I ama grané anda útil do fine
It's beatificó!
Boy: I think I'm lost.
(He comes to a house with a face. It flashes a bunch of colors for a moment and makes a strange sound.)
Boy: I'm lost, I know it. I'm really lost.
(He passes more stuff, including a fountain with bird heads that spew water and tilt up, then down.)
Boy: I don't like it here. I must really be lost good. (A mysterious man with a yo-yo suddenly appears in front of him.) Wow!
Yo-Yo Man: How'd you get here?
Boy (turning his head away from the man to think): Well, let's see. First I passed the street clock, then I passed the plastic house, then I passed the animal fountain ... (Man takes on each form as the boy names it, but the boy doesn't see. Then he changes back to his original shape, and the boy turns back to him.)
Boy: ... and then you came along. Can you help me get unlost?
Yo-Yo Man: Well, you should figure it out for yourself, little guy, but I'll give you a hint.
Boy: Oh, thank you!
Yo-Yo Man: Try to remember everything you passed. But when you go back, make the first thing the last. Ha ha! (The background sucks him up, yo-yo last.)
Boy: Wow!
Yo-Yo Man's Voice: Yeah!
Boy: Try to remember everything I passed. But when I go back, make the first thing the last. I get it! I just go back past all those weird things again until I'm home. That's it! (Begins pedaling in the opposite direction, passing the things he saw and some others besides. Among them is a hippo in a dress and bonnet, sitting on the ground and holding a flower. As the boy rides, a voice sings these words.)
Voice: Behind your face There is a place That's called your brains or your mind. If you could sneak a peek inside, Oh, what wonderful things you'd find!
(Boy comes to a building, parks his bike next to it, and goes through door.)
Boy: Hi, Mom! Boy, was I lost! (Door closes.)
This is the very beginning
This is the once upon a time
Somebody's starting something
These are the opening lines
'Seymour is waking up
He's wearing striped pajamas
He's jumping out of bed all smiles, he yells
'This is the beginning!' '
Yes every story has a beginning, middle and an end
And when it's over we can go back and tell it all again
Yes every story has a beginning annnnnnnd....
This is the middle of the story
Here's where we get to the meat
Somebody's up to something
We're on the edge of our seats
'Seymour looks out the window
He waves to Mrs. Fazzini
He catches a ride on a friendly pterodactyl
He shouts
'This must be the middle!' '
Yes every story has a beginning, middle and an end
And when it's over we can go back and tell it all again
Yes every story has a beginning, middle annnnnnnd....
This is the end of the story
This is the how it all worked out
Somebody winds up somewhere
This is the what it's all about
'Seymour flys way back in time
He goes in to visit with some cavemen
He runs a very successful frozen yoghurt stand
He says
'It's a happy ending!' '
Yes every story has a beginning, middle and an end
And when it's over we can go back and tell it all again
Yes every story has a beginning, middle annnnnnnd....
An end
Oh, when I'm in my bubbly tub
A funny thing happens to me when I scrub
I splash and I wash and then it comes along
And soon I'm a'gigglin' and a'singin' this song
Oh a bubble on my snuffle
While I'm taking my bath
A bubble on my snuffle
Is making me laugh
Ha, ha, ha, ha
Ho, ho, he
A bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me
I said, a bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me
It's the silliest sight you've ever seen
When a snuffleupagus is gettin' clean
No bath is better, I suppose
Then when there's a bubble on the end of your nose!
Yeah, a bubble on my snuffle
While I'm taking my bath
A bubble on my snuffle
Is making me laugh
Ha, ha, ha, ha
Ho, ho, he
A bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me
I said, a bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me
Elmo: Oh, hello everybody! Well, guess what? We're gonna sing a silly song about a silly cow -
Telly: And a silly duck! Ready, cow?
Elmo: Ready, duck!
(they laugh, music starts, they start singing)
Telly: I remember the first word I said
Mom was putting me to bed
And as she kissed me on my brow
I said something I picked up from a cow
I said 'MOO!'
Elmo: 'Moo?'
Telly: Yes indeed, I said 'moo!'
Elmo: Moo, moo!
Telly: Other ducks started gawking
Mom said, 'At least you're talking.'
Then she said, 'Baby, say it loud,
Say it loud, 'cause I feel proud.'
I said, 'Moo, moo, moo!'
Telly & Elmo: Moo, moo, moo!
Elmo: Elmo remembers the first word he said
Mother Goose was being read
And then as Dad got to the end
Elmo said something he learned from a friend
Elmo said 'Quack!'
Telly: 'Quack?'
Elmo: Yes indeed, he said 'Quack!'
Telly: Quack, quack!
Elmo: Dad felt very lucky
Though his cow spoke like a ducky
Then he said, 'Baby, say it loud',
Say it loud, 'cause he feels proud.
Elmo said, 'Quack, quack, quack!'
Telly & Elmo: Quack, quack, quack!
I remember the day that we met
We got close as friends could get
And there inside the barnyard shack
Telly: I taught you how to moo
Elmo: Elmo taught you how to quack!
Moo, moo!
Telly: Quack, quack!
Telly: Quack quack quack quack quack
Telly & Elmo: Then we danced a little jig
And taught the little pig
And we said, 'Baby, say it loud,
Say it loud, 'cause he feels proud.'
We said, 'Oink, oink, oink!'
Oink, oink, oink!
Telly: We said, 'Say it loud!'
Elmo: We said it loud
Telly & Elmo: Say it loud...
'Cause we feel proud!
Elmo: Hey, Duck!
Telly: Yeah, Cow?
Elmo: Let's talk Turkey!
Telly & Elmo: Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble...
Baby Fats: My Mama said
Mama: Hey baby!
Gotta get that blanket clean
Baby Fats: And then she threw my blankie
In the big old washing machine
Now my blankie's in the washer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Baby Chorus (two babies that pop up behind Baby Fats): Waaa waaa waaa waaa
Mama: Yeah, yeah
Baby Fats: I said my blankie's in the washer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Baby Chorus: Waaa waaa waaa waaa
Baby Fats: A baby can get cranky
All alone without his blankie
Oh, I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Mama: Bluuuuues
Baby Fats: I hear the washer stop
My blankie must be clean!
But then my Mama throws it
In the big old drying machine
Now my blankie's in the dryer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Baby Chorus: Waaa waaa waaa waaa
Baby Fats: I said my blankie's in the dryer
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Baby Chorus: Waaa waaa waaa waaa
Baby Fats: Don't mean to be a crier
But my blankie's in the dryer!
And I got the Baby Blankie Blues
Don't know if I can take it
I'm fussy as can be
Mama: Here, honey
Baby Fats: Look, my Mama's handing
My blankie back to me!
Now I got my blankie back
And my Baby Blankie Blues are gone
Baby Chorus: Gaaa gaaa gaaa gaaa
Mama: Bye-byeeee!
Baby Fats: I said I got my blankie back
And my Baby Blankie Blues are gone
Baby Chorus: Gooo gooo gooo gooo
Baby Fats: Man, I should be napping
But I just feel like clapping
'Cause my Baby Blankie Blues are gone
Now say 'bye-bye'
Mama: Yeah!
Baby Fats: To those Baby Blankie Bluuuues
Mama: Oh yeah, bye-byyyyye
Baby Chorus: Bye-byyyyye
Maria: You use a brush to brush your hair
Singers: Brush brush boogie
Luis: You use a brush to paint a chair
Singers: Brush brush boogie
Maria: Hair
Singers: Brush brush
Luis: Chair
Singers: Brush brush
Hair, chair, everywhere
Brush brush boogie!
Mr. Handford: To give your pots and pans a scrub
Singers: Brush brush boogie
Herry: Relaxin' in the tub
Singers: Brush brush boogie
Mr. Handford: Scrub
Singers: Brush brush
Herry: Tub
Singers: Brush brush
Scrub, tub, rub-a-dub-dub
Brush brush boogie!
Floating teeth #1: You use a brush to clean your teeth (chop chop chop chop chop)
Floating teeth #2: The top ones and the ones beneath (ang-nang-nang-nang-nang)
Toothbrush: You shine them up as good as new
Singers: With a brush brush boogetty boogetty chew!
It's done by every boy and girl
Brush brush boogie
They're brushin' all around the world
Brush brush boogie
Each boy and girl
Brush brush
Around the world
Brush brush
Boys and girls around the world
Brush brush boogie
Brush brush
Boogetty boogetty boogetty
Brush brush
Boogetty boogetty boogetty
Brush brush
Boogetty boogetty boogetty
Brush brush
Boogetty boogetty boogetty
Every boy and every girl
Brushing all around the world
Brush brush boogetty brush brush!
Balladeer: (?)
They called it Dirty Gulch, and this is how it got its name
Everyone who chewed some gum or ate a candy bar
Would throw the wrapper on the ground and leave it lyin' thar
Citizens: Aye oo, Aye aa
The dirtiest town in the west
Ooh ooh ooh
Balladeer: Soon the people of the town all started turning mean.
They swore:
Citizens: This is the yuckiest place that I have ever seen!
(Man: This is terrible!)
Balladeer: But still they dropped their newspapers, (?), and rags.
Banana peels and pop-top tabs and empty paper bags.
Citizens: Aye oo, Aye aa
The dirtiest town in the west
Ooh ooh ooh
(A stranger comes riding into town on a horse.)
Balladeer: Then one day a marshal came a'ridin' o'er the hills.
He said:
Marshal: My name's McClean, and I am here to cure your ills!
Balladeer: Then from his mighty steed he jumped. He said:
McClean: I have a plan.
We'll pick the garbage off the ground and put it in a can.
Citizens: Aye oo, Aye aa
He's gonna put the trash in a can.
Ooh ooh ooh
Balladeer: The marshal pushed his sleeves up high and grabbed his trusty broom.
He said:
McClean: This trash is ugly, and it's unhealthy, too!
Balladeer: Soon the people of the town joined in and did the same.
And then the town of Dirty Gulch had to change its name.
Citizens: Aye oo, Aye aa
The cleanest town in the west
Ooh ooh ooh
(McClean: Okay, people, and I want you to keep this town this way. Don't forget!)
I go 4-3-2-1
I go 1-2-3-4
Then I push a little button
And I open the door
Then I close it right away
'Cause there is no room for more
I'm the elephant elevator operator
(He's the elephant elevator operator)
Hey, I coulda been a salesman at a party goods store
Or a brave and handsome lifeguard on the New Jersey shore
But the job that I have chosen is the one I adore
I'm the elephant elevator operator
(He's the elephant elevator operator)
Wanna celebrate the elevator I'm the operator of
No elevator could be greater
Hey, it fits me like a glove!
I go 4-3-2-1
I go 1-2-3-4
Then I push a little button
And I open the door
Then I close it right away
'Cause there is no room for more
I'm the elephant elevator operator
(He's the elephant elevator operator)
Oh, I coulda been a cute and dashing aviator
Or I coulda been a jockey but it's kind of a bore
No, the job that I have chosen offers me so much more
I'm the elephant elevator operator
(He's the elephant elevator operator)
(He goes 4-3-2-1
He goes 1-2-3-4)
Then I push this little button and I open the door
People get all excited when I stop at their floor
I'm the elephant elevator operator
(He's the elephant elevator operator)
I'm the elephant elevator operator
[Hello there, it is I, the Count! Ah ah. They call me the Count because I love to count things. Today I'm going to tell you a story about when I was a very young, little count. I'm going to tell you about the first day I went to school.]
(Creepy organ music begins)
The first day that I went to school yes, I remember clearly
My mummy made me leave at home the spiders I loved dearly
I felt a little sad as I walked through the classroom door,
But then I saw more children than I'd ever seen before.
'Ah ha!' I cried, 'this new school will be fun
For I can count all of the children one by one'
Yes, I'll count Gregory and Sue, that makes number 1 and 2
I'll count Boris and Igor that makes number 3 and 4
Maurice, Jane and Eloise, 5, 6, 7 if you please
Theodore and Adeline make number 8 and number 9
And then, I will count Ben,
For Ben is number 10
Yes, there's Gregory, Sue, and Boris
Igor, Eloise, and Maurice
Theodore, Jane and Adeline and Ben
And that makes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The teacher taught the alphabet, we had to learn each letter
The alphabet was not much fun, but then things got much better
The teacher said 'My children dear, it's time for numbers now
Can anybody count to ten?'
A small voice cried 'And how!'
'Just watch' I cried, 'before this class is done,
I will count all of the children one by one'
Yes, I'll count Gregory and Sue, that makes number 1 and 2
I'll count Boris and Igor that makes number 3 and 4
Maurice, Jane and Eloise, 5, 6, 7 if you please
Theodore and Adeline makes number 8 and number 9
And then, I will count Ben,
For Ben is number 10
Yes, there's Gregory, Sue, and Boris
Igor, Eloise, and Maurice
Theodore, Jane and Adeline and Ben
And that makes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Alright, everybody! All together now!
There's Gregory, Sue, and Boris,
Igor, Eloise, and Morris,
Theodore, Jane, and Adeline, and Ben.
And that makes one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
Yes, ha ha!
But those are only just some of the children in the class.
Next I must count the rest of the children.
Then I must count the children in the all the other classes in the school.
And then I will count all the children in all the schools everywhere!
Ah, let me begin!
There's Ermangart, that's eleven!
There's Gerhart, that's twelve!
Renadi, thirteen!
Steve, fourteen!
Bella, fifteen!
Oh, I love it so much!
Oh ho!
The first time you see her
No bolt from the blue
Just something so quiet
That's waiting for you
With no one to tell you
Where you've got to go
The first time it happens
You know
The first time you see her
No magical change
No angels appearing
No dreams to arrange
Just warmer and colder
Than springtime or snow
The first time it happens
You know
And so you fall
And how complete it is
And for each new moment that it lasts
How sweet it is
The first time together
How simple, how rare
And just when you thought
You'd forgot how to care
And though you feel much more
Than you'd dare to show
The first time it happens
You know
Grover: 'Yoo-hoo! It is I, your little stage manager! Tell me when to drop the snow!'
Prairie: 'Get back, Grover! Everyone can see you!'
Grover: (aside) 'Sorry.'
Prairie, in singsong voice:
'Oh, welcome. Oh, welcome
To our little play.
We're ever so glad
You could join us today
To praise the four seasons
That make up our year.
But, hearken! Cold winter,
The first one, is here!'
Bert: (aside): 'Am I first? I'm so nervous.
Oh, winter's the season
For cold and for snow...
Uh, for snow...'
Prairie: 'The snow, Grover, the snow!'
Grover: 'Oops! Sorry.'
Bert: 'The ground is all icy,
So flowers can't grow.'
Prairie: 'You missed him, Grover! It's supposed to snow ON Bert!'
Bert: 'Though winter is chilly,
It's also quite nice.
You can sled on the snow.
You can skate on the ice.
(to snowman prop) C'mon Horace. Let's get out of here.'
Grover (to himself): 'Oh, my goodness. Who is next?'
Prairie: 'Spring! Spring comes after winter, silly.'
Ernie (pushing Herry): 'Hey Herry! Get out there!'
Herry: 'Uh...Then after winter
Comes heavenly spring,
When the snow starts to melt,
And the birdies all sing.'
Grover: 'Cue the birdies of springtime!
Tweet, tweet! Oh, tweety-tweet!
Oh, a thousand tweets!'
Prairie: 'Enough, Grover, enough!'
Herry: 'First the sun starts to shine.
Then the rain starts to shower.
And up from the ground
Grows a beautiful...
(with a flourish)
Ernie (aside): 'I'm next.
Three cheers for summer,
When it's sunny and hot.
The beaches are open;
The schoolrooms are not.'
Grover (aside): 'Oh, where did I put the sunshine?'
Ernie: 'There's tennis and baseball
And fishing and swimming
For boys and for girls
And for men and for wimming!'
Prairie (aside): 'Wimming?'
Ernie: 'Hey, Grover, it doesn't snow in summer!'
Grover: 'Sorry! I could not find the sunshine!'
Cookie (aside): 'Me next.
Me apple tree...with real apples! See?
In autumn we harvest
Many good things to eat
Like corn, squash, and pumpkins
And apples so sweet...
Apples so sweet...
Me love to...'
Grover: 'Hey, watch it!'
Cookie: '...EAT THEM!
Mmmm! Apples not bad AT ALL!'
Prairie: 'Cookie, stop eating your costume.'
Cookie: 'In autumn the leaves
Turn red, yellow, and brown;
And when the wind blows them,
Leaves fall to the ground.'
Grover: 'OH, MOMMY! I am going to fall!
Here come the LEEEEEEEEEAVES!'
Cookie: 'Leaves not bad either!'
Ernie, Bert, Cookie, and Herry: 'We've told you the four Seasons, and the fun
That they bring.
They are...'
Ernie: 'SUMMER!'
Cookie: 'And AUTUMN!'
Bert: 'And WINTER!'
Herry: 'Oh, and SPRING!'
Ernie, Bert, Cookie and Herry: 'They're just like four letters
We're holding right here.
You put them together
And they make a...
Grover: 'There is no business like show business!'
On a cold forest oak sat the crow
With a fine piece of cheese in his beak
Full of joy was the crow with his meal above the snow
As the cold winds blew softly about him
As the cold winds blew softly about him.
Like a flame came the fox through the forest
Spied the crow with a smile and a bow
Said, 'Hello, handsome crow. You are beautiful, you know.
It's a shame you can't sing to your beauty
It's a shame you can't sing to your beauty.'
Thought the crow, 'Handsome bird that I am
I can sing even more handsomely'
From his wide opened throat came an ice-cracking note ... BACAAAAACK!
And the fox jumped and ran with the cheese.
And the fox jumped and ran with the cheese.
You take a little fruit gum wrapper
And you toss it on the ground,
Mix it up good with a popsicle stick
And an old paper cup you found,
Add an empty tube of toothpaste
And dump it all where all can see,
And you've got a Glop Glop Grungy
Glub Garden
Where the playground used to be.
You take a great big smokey chimney
And puff smoke in the air,
Then mix it up good with a diesel truck
And blow it everywhere,
Now add a dash of hazy sunshine
Peekin' through a skinny yellow tree,
And you've got a Glop Glop Grungy
Glub Garden
Where the flowers used to be.
Makin' a mess may be all right
And quite a sight to see,
But be quite sure before you mess things up
That you can clean up the mess
Before it messes up me.
You take a lot of trash and dump it in the bottom of the sea;
The octopuses and the oysters
Won't complain to you and me,
But someday you might get hungry
For a tuna fish fricassee,
And you've got a Glop Glop Grungy
Glub Garden
Where the ocean used to be.
And you've got a Glop Glop Grungy
Glub Garden
Where the whole world used to be.
Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
'Til the rain comes tumbling down
Pulling weeds and pickin' stones
Man is made from dreams and bones
Feel the need to grow my own
'Cause the time is close at hand
Grain for grain, sun and rain
Find my way in nature's chain
To my body and my brain
To the music from the land
Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
'Til the rain comes tumbling down
Plant your rows straight and long
Thicker than with pray'r and song
Mother Earth will make you strong
If you give her love and care
Old crow watchin' hungrily
From his perch in yonder tree
In my garden I'm as free
As that feathered thief up there
Inch by inch, row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe
And a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row
Someone bless the seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below
'Til the rain comes tumbling down
'Til the rain comes tumbling down
Any group of people
Living together
And loving each other
Are doing the family thing
You might live
With your mother and your father
Or maybe it's
You and Grandpa
Or maybe you're living
With your two little brothers
Your sister and your Ma
Oh, maybe it's your aunt
Your uncle and your cousin
Your baby sister and you, yeahhhhh
It doesn't really matter
Just who you're living with
If there's love you're a family too
Now, we all can sing
We're doing the family thing
Everybody sing
Doing the family thing
Now, we all can sing
Any group of people
Living together
And loving each other
Are doing the family thing
A family can be
What it wants to be
'Cause there's all different leaves
On the family tree
And there's all different types
Of families
Who are living together
And loving each other
Are doing the family thing
Doing the family thing
Doing the family
Doing the family thing
Flip your flippers up and down
Look at the sky and turn around
Peck forward, raise flippers
And waddle
And waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
Flip your flippers once or twice
Take two steps and fall on the ice
Pick yourself up and fall down again
That's doin' it
That's doin' the penguin
One more time
Flip your flippers up and down
Look at the sky and turn around
Peck forward, raise flippers
And waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
You waddle
Flip your flippers once or twice
Take two steps and fall on the ice
Pick yourself up and fall down again
That's doin' it
That's doin' the penguin
See pretty picture with lady inside
It look delicious, me fit to be tied!
Me love to eat it with sugar and cream--
But no no no! Me know the rules!
Picture exciting, but not for biting!
(Cookie is joined by a 'back-up trio' of female Cookie lookalikes)
Don't eat the pictures, no no no
Don't eat the pictures, no no no
Don't eat the pictures--NO!
When you go to museum!
See pretty mummy, oh ho ho ho
It made in Egypt long time ago
Me love to bake it, or broil it, or steam
But no no no! Me know the rules!
Mummy look yummy, but not for tummy!
Don't eat the mummies, no no no
Don't eat the mummies, no no no
Don't eat the mummies--NO!
When you go to museum!
You open mouth, feed in carrots,
Cakes and cookies and pie
But pictures aren't cookie, they're meant for looking
So if hungry, eat with your eyes!
See pretty statue, so smooth and so white
It look like ice cream--me long for a bite!
Me love to nibble--but me wouldn't dream!
'Cause no no no, me know the rules!
Statue for viewing, it not for chewing!
Don't eat the statue, no no no
Don't eat the statue, no no no
Don't eat the statue--NO!
When you go to museum!
(This line was changed to "welcome to Loews Theaters"
when Sony Theatres was changed to Loews)
(scene switch to Big Bird and the Muppets in a big,
I mean, a BIG theater! I mean, a really big and huge theater)
Big Bird: Grab a seat!
Elmo: Excuse Elmo. (he keeps saying this while he keeps
passing the moviegoers by until we hear this)
Grover: ELMO???!!! I just washed the fur!
Elmo: Sorry.
All: Here's our theater
Here's our seats
That's the lobby
Singing Popcorn: We're the eats!
All: [ Not sure about this word ] ...the tickets!
Oinker Sisters: Wo, wo, wo!
That's the exit where you go
All: And don't forget to watch the movie
Don't forget to watch the show
Baby Bear: Thank you very much for coming
(I like Baby Bear's part because he "bears" a striking
resemblance to Elmer Fudd when he talks,
so it sounds like "vewwy" instead of "very")
All: HELLO!!
(They start greeting the guests! "Hola!" "Greetings", etc.)
Zoe: Don't talk!
Bert, Ernie, and the rest: (hushed) Don't talk
During the movie
All: Don't smoke!
Don't smoke!
Benny Rabbit: Hey, it isn't legal!
All: It isn't legal
Telly: Don't litter
All: Throw away your trash
Oscar: (spoken) Movies are a lot more fun than ever!
All: (sung) And also, don't surf! Don't surf!
Herry and ???: There is no water!
All: Don't dance with a bear
Don't sing grand opera
Gladys The Cow: Moo-moo-moo-moo-MOOO!
(On the MOOO it comes to the fact that
Gladys's voice echoes in reverbish style because she's
close, way too close to the camera!)
All: Don't munch on a chair!
Don't do this!
Don't do that!
Don't do any of these!
(They start doing funny stuff e.g. replace nose, blow raspberry and this)
Mumford: (spoken) A la peanut butter sandwiches!
(Everyone onscreen disappears -- well, almost everyone)
Count: And also...
All: (sung) Don't forget to watch the movie!
Don't forget to watch the show!
Elmo: (spoken) ENOUGH "DON'T"S!!!
All: (sung) Don't forget to watch the movie!
Let's GO!
Bobo ???: (spoken) LEEET'S GO!!!
(begins with a scat, sounds like...)
Hey bow-wow-hey-ba-biddy-hey
What's down
What's down below the street
What's under the pavement that's under your feet
What's down, down, down below
Down below the street
Looking deep down, the first thing you see
Are the wires that bring electricity
The lights light up, the telephones ring
Because of the power all these wires bring
All those wires, all those pipes
Different sizes, different types
Bring you water, bring you heat
What's down below the street
What's deeper down, here take a good look
These pipes bring the gas that makes your oven cook
And what about the water that flows in your sink
Those other pipes bring you the water you drink
That's what's down below the street
Under the sidewalk that's under your feet
What's deeper down, deeper down, down below the street
In the winter you don't want chilly feet
So you need these big pipes to bring you heat
And for the water that goes down the drain every day
There are great big pipes that take the water away
All those wires, all those pipes
Different sizes, different types
Bring you water, bring you heat
Let's go down, down, down, down
If you're in a city where the subway goes
There's even deeper to go down and now you know
What's down, down, down below, down below the street
What's down below the street
What's under the pavement that's under your feet
That's what's down, down beloooooow,
Down below the street
Down by the old (not the new but the old)
Mill stream (not the river but the stream),
Where I first (not the last but the first)
Met you. (Not me but you.)
With your eyes (not your ears, but your eyes)
Of blue (not green, but blue).
Dressed in ging- (not silk but ging-) -ham too. (Not one but two.)
And it was there (not here, but there),
I knew (not old, but new)
That you loved (not hate, but loved)
Me too. (Not one but two.)
You were sixteen (not seventeen, but sixteen)
My village queen! (Not the king, but the queen).
Down by the old (not the new, but the old),
Go to sleep, my little bat,
Oh, say good night to your black cat.
Do not put on your nightgown,
You'll be sleeping upside down.
Go to sleep my little goblin,
While your cradle is a wobblin',
I will sit and count your snoring
Even though you think it's boring.
Count the footsteps up the stairs,
Count the creaking of the chairs,
Count the clouds that fill the sky,
Keep on counting, don't ask why.
Go to sleep, my spider dear,
While you're dreaming I'll be near.
There's a full moon in the sky
Shining on my lullaby.
The sun is in the sky and
Clouds are rollin’ by and
Today is gonna be one wonderful day
Hand in hand together
We’ll be friends forever
Sharing all the good times
Happy and free
It’s gonna be some
Easy goin’
We’ll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin’
Easy goin’ day
We’re never in a hurry
Got no time to worry
We’ll take it nice and easy
Singin’ a song
There’s never any trouble
We’re floatin’ like a bubble
La la la la la la
Lighter than air
Why should we care?
We’re easy goin’
We’ll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin’
Easy goin’ day
Easy goin’
We’ll laugh our cares away
On this easy goin’
Easy goin’ day
Gotta brush my pearly whites
So they don't lose their bite
And when I swim downstream
I make those other fishes scream
They'll jump with delight
With delight!
At the sight of my white, bright
Cleaner than clean, I mean
Perfectly pearl white teeth!
They're the key to my success
I'm the King of Toothsomeness
All the little fish beside me
Tried to hide, but when they spied me
They were stunned! Oh, happiness!
They were stunned!
By the sight of my white, bright
Longer than long, strong!
Perfectly pearl white teeth!
By the sight of my white, bright
Longer than long, strong
Perfectly pearl white teeth!
[Couldn't you just eat me up?]
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 pennies in your hand
Buy eight red balls of bubble gum,
From the penny candy man.
Eight cents will buy you eight licorice sticks,
Whip and snap like rubber.
Eight cents buys eight valentine hearts
That all say Hubba, hubba, hubba,
Hubba, hubba, hubba, hubba, hubba.
Eight cents will buy you eight jelly beans
Or eight candy slices of orange.
Eight cents will buy you eight mints of green
Or eight corny candy corn.
Eight penny lollypops, eight lemon drops
Everything looks so grand.
From the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 penny candy man.
Penny candy man.
Kermit (talking to off-stage person): That's the sound of the letter P. See the sign right there? See those big P's there. Piper's Pickled Peppers. No that's Piper's Pickled Peppers. What's that Charlie? Wipe off the microphone?
( he rubs mike on trench coat and looks into camera)
Oh, oh, hi ho there! This is Kermit the Frog and I'm speaking to you from the pickled pepper patch of Peter Piper who's famous for picking a peck of pickled peppers. As a matter of fact here comes Peter Piper now. Excuse me, pardon me sir, but are you indeed Peter Piper?
( dumping bushel, here on known as a peck, of peppers at Kermit's flippers)
Porter: Nope. Nope, I'm his brother Porter Piper.
Kermit: Ah, ah, Porter Piper, ah, ah, I see, but you have also picked a peck of pickled peppers?
Porter: Well all we Piper's pick pickled peppers. We're pepper pickers.
Kermit: I see. Uh huh.
Porter: Pete gets the publicity.
Kermit: Oh.
Porter: Excuse me I gotta go pick a peck.
Kermit: Oh okay, alright.
Porter: Pardon.
Kermit: Yeah, okay, so ah, so that was Porter Piper. But...ah...oh, oh, Peter Piper I presume?
( dumps peck of peppers) Sorry pal I'm Potter Piper his other brother.
Kermit: Oh I see. Porter Piper and Potter Piper but no Peter Piper. Let's see um...what do you call this place we're standing on sir?
Potter: Oh it's where we put the pickled peppers after picking. Yeah it's our pickled pepper pile. Excuse me I gotta go pick a peck.
Kermit: A pickled pepper pile? I see. Oh ah ah...pardon me sir or madam I suppose. I guess you're not Peter Piper?
( dumps a peck of peppers ) Oh positively, I'm his sister, Piper Piper.
Kermit: Piper Piper?
Piper: Is there an echo here?
Kermit: Ah but ah listen after you pick these pickled peppers, what do you do with them?
Piper: Oh we pack them.
Kermit: I see. So sometimes you're picking pickled peppers and sometimes you're packing peppers. What do you pack them in Piper?
Piper: Paper.
Kermit: I should have guessed. Ah well, let's see....ah....oh pardon me sir you, YOU must be Peter Piper?
( dumps a peck of peppers) Nope. Nope I'm his father Poppa Piper.
Kermit: Poppa Piper? Well you certainly have quite a family here.
Poppa: Oh yep, yep, yep. There's Peter Piper and Porter Piper and Potter Piper and Piper Piper.
Kermit: And who's this right here?
( dog has entered with pepper in his mouth which he deposits at Kermit's flippers)
Poppa: That's our dog, Pepper Popper. Ah....Pepper Piper, right.
Kermit: Pepper Piper, I thought that's what you meant. And who's this thing here?
Poppa: That's our pig, Porker Piper. Yep and we got a parrot.
Kermit: A parrot?
Poppa: Yep a parrot, called Polly Piper.
Kermit: Polly Piper I should have known uh huh.
Poppa: She pecks pickled peppers.
Kermit: She pecks them oh ho! Very good uh huh, uh huh.
Poppa: Well gotta go pick a peck.
Kermit: ( indignant ) Right! This is ridiculous!
( more peppers are piled on poor Kermit)
Now wait a second, pardon me, are YOU Peter Piper or what? No, no, don't tell me you're his nephew?
Parker: No I'm his cousin, Parker Piper.
Kermit: Now wait a minute! I came here to meet Peter Piper! I've met Porter Piper, Potter Piper, Piper Piper, Poppa Piper, Pepper Piper, Porker Piper and Parker Pepper all picking peppers, now WHERE IS PETER PIPER???!!!!!
Parker: Oh he's in Portland, pressing pants. ( dumps peck on Kermit )
Kermit: Oh phooey. Well from the pickled pepper pile at Piper's Pickled Pepper Patch, this is Kermit the Frog returning you to the program in progress. Anybody got a letter Q?
( ends with Kermit covered in peppers with empty peck basket on head)
Picture a world where the rivers are clear
Where a dunk in the water is just a block or two from here
And try to think of a way to make it that way
Picture a world of honey warm haze
And the wind playing tag in the playground trees on summer days
And try to think of a way to make it that way
Brown frog talkin' to a butterfly
Flowers growin' oh, so high
Skies wide open, stars so near
Just reach up and touch one from here
Everybody picture a world where little kids run
Where the sunshine is pouring love and life on ev'ryone
And try to think of a way to make it that way
Make it that way
Make it that way
Gordon: Hey, there's some music so why not play along with all of us here on Sesame Street.
Play Along!
Play Along!
Hey, pick up anything you find and play along!
Susan: Guess what, Gordon?
You can play it on an old tin pan!
G: You can play it anyway you can!
S+G: But we all got to play together, play along!
Oscar: I don't wanna sing or play!
G: Oh come on Oscar, you gotta get with it!
G+S Play along!
Big Bird: C'mon Oscar!
G+S: Play along!
O: Oh, this is silly!
G+S: Play it loud or play it soft but play along!
O: Oh, all right.
You can play it on a big bass drum.
BB: You can play it on your finger or your thumb.
G: Right, Bird!
All: But we all gotta play together, play along!
G: Listen!
G+S: People want to feel happy,
People want to feel free...
Mr. Hooper: If you sing that song and play along
That's the way it's gotta be!!!
G: You tell em Mr. Hooper!
G+S: Play along!
Play along!
Give it everything you got and play along!
Bert: Play it on your knuckles and your knees.
Ernie: Play it any way you please.
All: But we all gotta play together play along!
Ernie: Hey I'm playing along!
All: People wanna feel happy! (whoo-hoo!)
People wanna feel free! (Ernie laugh)
If you sing that song and play along,
That's the way it's gotta be!
Play along!
Susan: Everybody play along!
BB: Play it high!
B: Or play it low.
E: But play along!
G: You can play it on a big bass drum.
Mr H: You can Ha-ma-dumma-dumma-dumma-dumma-dum-dum.
All: But we all gotta play together, play along!
Everybody play along!
Everybody play along! Whoo!
Elmo: (speaking, to his doll) Baby David, look at the moon...and the stars (gasps) and the planets! Wow...
(sings) Planets, moon and stars
Above the world so high
Higher than the clouds
Higher than the sky
Planets, moon and stars
Are shining down through space
Each one in its home
Each one in its place
Earth is far below
Below each shining star
Earth is what we know
Earth is where we are
Planets, moon and stars
Above the world so high
Higher than the clouds
Higher than the sky
Wow. (laughs and yawns) Goodnight. (and he lies down and goes to sleep)
Man: I know a song, and it goes like this: 'Hmm-mmm'
It's a pretty little song, and it goes like this: 'Hmm-mmm'
I can't remember how the rest of it goes
But, one fine morning, I suppose
I'll remember the end of the pretty little song
I know a song that the birds all sing: 'Tweedle-dee!'
Bird: Tweedle-dee!
Man: It's a pretty little song that the birds all sing: 'Tweedle-dee!'
Bird: Tweedle-dee!
Man: They sing it all day and they sing it all night
And I guess they think that they sing it all right
But they can't remember the end of the pretty little song!
Bird: Pretty little song!
Man: Pretty little song!
Bird: Pretty little song!
Man: Catchy little tune!
Bird: Catchy little tune!
Man: You can hear me sing it by the light of the silvery moon
Catchy little tune!
Bird: Catchy little tune!
Man: Pretty little song!
Bird: Pretty little song!
Man: But, when I get to the end, it goes all wrong!
I know a song, and it goes like this: 'Doodle-doo!'
Bird: Doodle-doo!
Man: It's a pretty little song, and it goes like this: 'Doodle-doo!'
Bird: Doodle-doo!
Man: I can't remember how the rest of how it goes
But it's gotta have an ending, I suppose
Doesn't somebody know the end of the pretty little song?
I'm getting tired of singin' this pretty little song!
Bird: Me, too!
Man: There oughta be a law against singin' the pretty little song!
Bird: That's true!
Man (to bird): You sure you don't know anybody who knows the end of this song?
(Bird shakes head and starts whistling.)
I gotta find my way outta this pretty little song! (to camera) If you know anybody who knows the end of this song, would you have him call me collect?
Stuck right in the middle of a pretty little song!
I've been lately thinking about my life's time
All the things I've done and how it's been,
And I can't help believin' in my own mind
I know I'm gonna hate to see it end.
I've seen a lot of sunshine, slept out in the rain
Spent a night or two all on my own
I've known my lady's pleasures had myself some friends
Spent a time or two in my own home.
I have to say it now it's been good life all in all,
It's really fine to have a chance to hang around.
And lie there by the fire and watch the evening tire,
While all my friends and my old lady sit and pass a pipe around
And talk of poems and prayers and promises
And things that we believe in, how sweet it is to love someone,
How right it is to care, how long it's been since yesterday
What about tomorrow and what about our dreams
And all the memories we share.
Days they pass so quickly now, the nights are seldom long
Time around me whispers when it's cold.
The changes somehow frightens me, still I have to smile
It turns me on to think of growing old.
It's tho' my life's been good to me there's still so much to do
So many things my mind has never known
I'd like to raise a fam'ly I'd like to sail away
Dance across the mountains on the moon.
I have to say it now it's been good life all in all,
It's really fine to have a chance to hang around.
And lie there by the fire and watch the evening tire,
While all my friends and my old lady sit and pass a pipe around
And talk of poems and prayers and promises
And things that we believe in, how sweet it is to love someone,
How right it is to care, how long it's been since yesterday
What about tomorrow and what about our dreams
And all the memories we share.
Sometimes when I'm in a mood
I think of animals I might have been
I could have been a wombat or a goose
I could have been a monkey or a moose
I could have been a dragon
Or a horse that pulls a wagon but I'm not sure what
Let others be a lion or a lamb
I'm proud to be the creature that I am
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
My skin is soft as silk
I give a lot of milk
I never pull a wagon or a plow
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I'm glad that I say moo and not meow
My eyes are soft and dreamy
My butter's rich and creamy
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I could have been a butterfly they're pretty
I could have been a cockroach in the city
I could have been an.. I know!
I could have been a rhino
But I'm not
So what?
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I've horns upon my head
A meadow is my bed
I think that ev'ry cow should take a bow
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I'm glad that I say moo and not bow-wow
I'm proud I have an udder like my father, no, my mudder
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I'm proud proud proud to be a cow
I am very proud of me,
I think I will sing out loud of me,
There ought to be a crowd of me
Because I am so special.
Yes, I do have pride in me,
I love ev'ry bright blue side of me,
I feel so satisfied in me
Because I am so special.
P-R-I-D-E spells pride,
That is P-R-I-D-E.
Pride is the feeling of feeling good about me,
About me.
Yes, indeed, I please myself,
My fingers, my toes, my knees, myself,
I hug and kiss and squeeze myself,
Because I am so special.
I seldom have a doubt of me,
I love ev'ry in and out of me,
I think I have to shout of me,
Because I am so very, very, very, very proud
Of me!
Hi there! I, Big Bird, am going to sing you a song about the letter "V". The letter "V" is the first sound you hear in the word "very," but there aren't too many other words that begin with the letter "V". So I'm just going to have to sing the word "very" an awful lot like this...
I'm very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very
Glad to see you
I'm here to sing about a very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very special letter
Called the letter "V"
But it's very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very, very hard to
Think of "V" words,
Because there really aren't very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very many words that start with "V"
Now let me think. Hmmmm. A-ha! I thought of some.
There's "vegetables." That's a "V" word.
There's "voice," "vacation," and "valentine."
There's "vanilla" and "vanish" and "vine."
Gee! That's about all I can think of, so I guess my song sounds
Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very, very silly.
Still I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
Very, very glad you're here with me
To hear me sing about a very, very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very, very special letter.
A very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
I, stand up straight and tall,
I, never bend at all.
I, important.
I, incredible.
I, dot the top and I will always
Be the same.
I, think of one thin line.
I, tall and straight and fine.
I, innocent.
I, intelligent.
I, I like I.
And I like all the 'I' words like 'icicle' and 'ice cream' and 'idea', and also the words that begin with the other 'I' sound like 'igloo' and 'insect' and 'if' and 'it', but don't forget 'ice cream'!
I, think of one thin line.
I, tall and straight and fine.
I, innocent.
I, intelligent.
I, I like I.
I can't stop (stop stop)
The way I yawn (yawn yawn)
When a Y (Y Y)
Comes along
O's OK (so so)
A's alright (or as it goes)
All the letters from A to Z
None of them compares to C
C drives me crazy (C C)
Like no letter around (C C)
C drives me crazy
And I can't calm myself down
C makes cookie (cookie cookie)
C makes cat (cat cat)
C makes camel (camel camel)
X can't do that
C climbs high (so high)
C can cruise
Other letters get on my nerves
'Cause they don't curve the way C curves
C drives me crazy (C C)
Like no letter around (C C)
C drives me crazy
And I can't calm myself down
I can't cut it without my C
No other letter does it for me
C drives me crazy (C C)
Like no letter around (C C)
C drives me crazy
And I can't calm myself down
Me And My llama
Me and my llama
Goin' to the dentist today
Seems a little crazy
Guess you're just too lazy
You gotta get your teeth cleaned today
Me and my llama
Jumped out of our pajamas
And ran off to the dentist today
Me and my llama
Me and my llama
We're goin 'to the dentist ooo-eee
Yes, it's just my llama and me
Tell me if you feel afraid
Remember just to whisper softly into my ear
I won't leave and go away
You know I'm gonna be right here
Open up wide now
Let him look inside now
'Cause after this we'll go on our way
I won't let him hurt you
I'll be right there beside you
And I can tell that you'll be okay
Me and my llama
Jumped out of our pajamas
And ran off to the dentist today
Me and my llama
Me and my llama
We're goin' to the dentist oooo-eee
Yes, it's just my llama and me
'Cause after this we'll go on out and play...
Me and my llama
Me and my llama
The sun is bright and now we are free
Yes, it's just my llama and me
D, D, D, D
Doowa, doowa
D, D, D, D
Doowa, doowa
Oh D, oh D
Won't you be my special D
Oooo, oooo, oooo
Oh D, oh D
Won't you be my special D
When you're near me I'm delighted
When you leave me I'm depressed
That's why I've decided
I want you to be my special D
Oooo, oooo, oooo
Oh D, oh D
Won't you be my special D
Oooo, oooo, oooo
D, D, D, D
Doowa, devine
Be mine, be mine
Without you there'd be no doll
No dew, no day
And no dreams
Oh D, oh D
Won't you be my special D
Oooo, oooo, oooo
D, D, D, D
Doowa, doowa
D, D, D, D
Doowa, doowa
D, D, D, D
Doowa, doowa
D, D, D, D
Doowa, doowa
D, D, D, D
[fade away]
Oh, I'd like to visit the moon
in a rocketship high in the air.
Yes, I'd like to visit the moon,
but I don't think I'd like to live there.
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above,
I would miss all the places and people I love.
So although I may like it for one afternoon,
I don't want to live on the moon.
Or I could travel under the sea.
I could meet all the fish everywhere.
Yes, I'd travel under the sea,
but I don't think I'd like to live there.
Though I'd stay for a day there if I had my wish.
But there's not much to do when you're friends are all fish.
And an oyster and clam aren't real family, so I don't want to live in the sea.
I'd like to go to the jungle, hear the lions roar.
Go back in time and meet a dinosaur.
There's so many strange places that I'd like to be.
But none of them permanantly.
So if I should visit the moon,
well I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
and wish I were home once again.
Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above,
I would miss all the faces of the people I love.
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon.
'Cause I don't want to live on the moon.
Herry: Hey, Cookie Monster! What letter is that that goes up, down, up, down?
Cookie: That the letter 'M', Herry.
Herry: Hmmmm...
Cookie: And the letter 'M' reminds me of lots of wonderful things to eat.
Herry: Mmmm...let's think of some.
Cookie: Okay.
Cookie: Mmm, marshmallows
Herry: Mmm, meatballs
Cookie: Mmm, ready to munch (Mmm Mmm)
Herry: Mmm, malted milk
Cookie: Mmm, mustard
Herry: Mmm, monster want lunch (Mmm Mmm)
Cookie: Mmm, macaroni and melon
Herry: Magnificent meal
Cookie: (Oh yeah!)
Herry: (Mmm)
Cookie: If monster had food now
How yummy his tummy would feel!
(Oh, getting hungry)
Herry: (Uh-huh!)
Mmm, monster want marshmallows
Meatballs, milk, melon
Cookie: But we got none of them
Cookie and Herry: So mmm monsters who are so hungry
Will just eat this big letter 'M'
Saw a monster in the mirror when I woke up today
A monster in my mirror but I did not run away
I did not shed a tear or hide beneath my bed
Though the monster looked at me and this is what he said:
He said 'Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo'
Wubba wubba wubba and a doodly do
He sang 'Wubba wubba wubba' so I sang it too
Do not wubba me or I will wubba you
Do not wubba me or I will wubba you
Told the monster in the mirror, 'No, I am not scared'
Then I smiled at him and thanked him for the song that we had shared
Well, the monster thanked me too, he smiled right back and then
The monster in the sang his song again
He said 'Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo'
Wubba wubba wubba and a doodly do
He went 'Wubba wubba wubba' so I sang along
Yes, wubba wubba wubba is a monster song
Wubba wubba wubba is a monster song
Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo
Wubba wubba wubba and a doodly do
He went 'Wubba wubba wubba' and I sang along
Wubba wubba wubba wubba wubba wubba
Yes, wubba wubba wubba is a monster song
Wubba wubba wubba is a monster song
If your mirror has a monster in it, do not shout
This kind of situation does not call for freaking out
And do nothing that you would not like to see him do
'Cause that monster in the mirror he just might be you
Singing 'Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo'
Wubba wubba wubba and a doodly do
Wubba wubba wubba you can join in too
Wubba wubba wubba wubba wubba wubba
Yes, if you wubba me then I will wubba you
If you wubba me then I will wubba you
Going wubba wubba wubba is the thing to do
Everytime you wubba us we'll wubba you
Train whistle blowin
Makes a sleepy noise
Underneath their blankets
Go all the girls and boys
Rockin', rollin', ridin'
Out along the bay
All bound for Morningtown
Many miles away
Cookie's at the engine
Maria rings the bell
Big Bird swings the lantern
To show that all is well
Rockin', rollin', ridin'
Out along the bay
All bound for Morningtown
Many miles away
Maybe it is raining
Where our train will ride
But all the little travelers
Are warm and snug inside
Rockin', rollin', ridin'
Out along the bay
All bound for Morningtown
Many miles away
Somewhere there is sunshine
Somewhere there is day
Somewhere there is Morningtown
Many miles away
Rockin', rollin', ridin'
Out along the bay
All bound for Morningtown
Many miles away
All bound for Morningtown
Many miles away
Mothers and children from long ago,
Mothers and children from far away,
So many of them, being together,
It's always been that way.
Some of them lived in dusty castles,
Some of them lived where monkeys play.
Each of them caring for the other,
Just as they do today.
Sharing a story, playing a game,
Looking alike, well, almost the same.
In cities, and jungles, and deserts, and farms,
See all the mothers with kids in their arms.
In happy times, sad times,
Hungry times, glad times.
There always have been, there always will be
Mothers and children, being together,
Just like you and me.
Cookie Monster: [Oh, this music make me so sad.]
Ernie: [How can it make you sad, Cookie Monster?]
Cookie Monster: [Oh, because me try to get with it and hustle down to disco for good time, but it all go bad.]
Bert: [Aw, c'mon, how bad could it be?]
Cookie Monster: [Bert, you sit. Me tell you whole true story...]
Background Girls: Where's my cookie?
Help me find my cookie
Where's my cookie?
Help me find my cookie
Where's my cookie?
Help me find my cookie
Cookie Monster: The lights were shining
The night was fine
And me was having a real great time
Then me got careless
Me don't know how
But me had something me can't find now!
Me lost me cookie at the disco
(Girls: Please come back!)
Me lost me cookie in the
Cookie Monster and Girls: Boogie music
Cookie Monster: Me lost me cookie at the disco
(Girls: Ooh-ooh)
Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster: Me want it back again
Girls: I lost me cookie at the disco
I lost me cookie in the boogie music
I lost me cookie at the disco
Cookie Monster: Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster: Me want it back again
Cookie Monster: Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster and Girls: Me want it back again
Girls: (simultaneous with below)
Where's my cookie?
Help me find my cookie
Cookie Monster: (spoken, simultaneous with above)
[Oh, me not sure how it happened, but me took me favorite cookie with me to the disco. Me lost cookie! Oh, yeah!]
Cookie Monster: The mood exciting
(Girls: Doo-doo doo)
The music loud
(Girls: Doo-doo doo)
Me just a part of that happy crowd
(Girls: Doo-doo doo)
Me feet go crazy
(Girls: Doo-doo doo)
Across the floor
(Girls: Oooh-ooh)
But something made my sweetie not be there no more!
Cookie Monster: [Oh, cookie!]
Girls: Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie
Cookie Monster: Me lost me cookie at the disco
(Girls: Please come back!)
Me lost me cookie in the
Cookie Monster and Girls: Boogie music
Cookie Monster: Me lost me cookie at the disco
(Girls: Ooh-ooh)
Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster: Me want it back again
Cookie Monster: [Oh, what if somebody hustle me cookie to another disco? Oh, what if somebody step on me cookie? Oh, oh, that terrible; that too terrible to think about!]
Cookie Monster: Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster and the Girls: Me want it back again
Cookie Monster: [Oh, me got to keep searching for me special cookie. Cookie? Oh, cookie? Oh please cookie, come back to Papa!]
Cookie Monster: Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster and the Girls: Me want it back again
Girls: (simultaneous with below)
Where's my cookie?
Help me find my cookie
Cookie Monster: (spoken, simultaneous with above)
[Cookie? Oh please come to Cookie, cookie. Oh... 'Scuse me, you seen cookie? Sorry. 'Scuse me, you seen cookie? He dancing. Oh!]
Cookie Monster: Me was so happy
Me feel so grand
How this thing happen me no understand!
Me yell 'Get down, get back!'
So how me know
Me maybe never find out where me cookie go?
Cookie Monster: [Oh, cookie!]
Girls: Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie
Cookie Monster: Me lost me cookie at the disco
(Girls: Please come back!)
Me lost me cookie in the
Cookie Monster and Girls: Boogie music
Cookie Monster: Me lost me cookie at the disco
(Girls: Ooh-ooh)
Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster: Me want it back again
Girls: (simultaneous with below)
I lost my cookie at the disco
I lost my cookie in the boogie music
I lost my cookie at the disco
Cookie Monster: (spoken, simultaneous with above)
[Cookie? Oh, cookie? Oh please, cookie... Cookie? Cookie?]
Cookie Monster: Me want it back
Girls: I want it back
Cookie Monster and the Girls: Me want it back again
(Repeat ad nauseum)
Kevin: Hi, I'm Kevin.
Pheobe: And I'm Phoebe.
Count: I'm Count von Count.
Kevin: Here's a little song for you guys and gals out
there who can't quite figure out what the wacky world
of measuring is all about.
Phoebe: And it goes something like this ...
Count: It goes exactly like this!
Phoebe: How deep is your bathtub?
Count: 2 feet
How high is your shelf?
3 feet
Kevin: How tall is that penguin?
24 inches
You can find out yourself
Phoebe and Kevin: Just get out your ruler
And you will see
Kevin: How fun and useful measuring can be
Phoebe: How tall is your brother?
2 feet, 1 inch
How big is that tree?
5 feet
Kevin: How wide is your mother?
One and a half feet
Don't come running to me
Phoebe and Kevin: Once you've tried a ruler
I'm sure you'll agree
Kevin: How fun and useful measuring can be
Phoebe and Kevin: Inches, yards and feet
They really can't be beat
Count: For measuring they bring home all the prizes
Kevin: You will find them on your ruler
Count: And there's really nothing cooler
All: When you want to figure out what something's size is
Phoebe and Kevin: How long is that noodle?
8 inches
How tall is that drink?
5 inches
Phoebe: How big is your poodle?
2 feet, 5 inches
Kevin: How deep is your sink?
1 foot
Phoebe and Kevin: Once you've tried a ruler
I'm sure you'll agree
Phoebe: How truly useful measuring
Phoebe and Kevin: How truly useful measuring
Milk, milk, milk
So good, so warm and white
Milk, milk, milk
Makes everything seem right
Miss Mary M, M, M
Made mucho mess, mess, mess
Spilled chocolate milk, milk, milk
All down her dress, dress, dress
She moped and moaned, moaned, moaned
Then things got bad, bad, bad
She fell in mud, mud, mud
Man, she was mad, mad, mad
Miss Mary M, M, M
Is really sweet, sweet, sweet
But she’s the most, most, most
Messy girl you’ll meet, meet, meet
Ernie: And now, we'd like to do a song about our roots.
Bert: Ernie, we're gonna sing about trees?
Ernie: No, Bert. By roots I mean family. Or, as we say here in the country, kin folk.
Bert: We say that here in the country?
Ernie: All the time, Bert. Sometimes we sing about it.
Bert: Wow! Yippee tay ay, Ernie! Okay, here we go!
Both: Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Just a way of saying family
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Come meet the kin folk on my family tree
Ernie: There's Auntie Sue who sells sea shells
Down by the sandy shore
Bert: That's easy for you to say.
And Uncle Peter Piper
Who picks peppers by the score
Now who else?
Ernie: Well there's cousins Kim and Slim and Mim
And some I've never met
Bert: Hey, and Bernice is just like family... for a pigeon
Both: They're all your
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Just a way of saying family
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Come meet the kin folk on my family tree
Ernie: Why, you know, Bert,
My Auntie Ernestina used
To live on Sesame
Bert: I remember her. Hey, how about:
My favourite Uncle Ollie
Runs an oatmeal factory
Ernie: And you won't believe this:
But my father's uncle's mother
Was my great-grandmother Bea
Bert: Uhm... Do you mind running that by me one more time, Ernie?
Ernie: Sure, Bert.
Both: They're all my
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Just a way of saying family
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Come meet the kin folk on my family tree
Bert: Hey, watch it, Oscar!
Oscar: Move over, 'cause it's my turn to sing! We grouches got relatives too, you know. Only we don't call them kin folks, we call them can folks! Heh heh heh.
Oscar: There's Rotten Ron and Nephew Nat
Who always sings off key
Isn't that beautiful?
Bert: Well, it's different...
Oscar: And Dirty Dan's my kinda man
He's into trash like me
Ernie: Oh, Oscar! (giggles)
Oscar: And Sloppy Joe's the grouch to know
His best friend is a flea
Bert & Ernie: Sounds like you've got quite a family
Oscar: I like 'em!
All: They're all your
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Just a way of saying family
Kin folk (kin folk)
Kin folk (kin folk)
Come meet the kin folk on my family tree
Come meet the kin folk on my family tree-ee-ee-ee
I don't know how to fly (my my)
High up in the sky (high high)
A frog is what I am (Yes ma’am)
I’m happy as a clam (flim flam)
‘Cause there's one thing I can do (doo hoo)
Come on and do it too (too hoo)
Come on
It's neat
Don’t need
Webbed feet
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
Don't stop
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
Don't stop
I don't know how to bark (bow wow)
Or sing just like a lark (hoo hoo)
I can't moo just like a cow (how now)
‘Cause frogs just don't know how (wow wow)
But there's one thing I can do (doo woo)
Come on and do it too (too woo)
Come on
It's keen
Don't need
To be green
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(yeah yeah yeah)
Don't stop
I can't swing up a tree (so sad)
I'm not a chimpanzee (too bad)
Since I was a pollywog (young tad)
Been proud to be a frog (good lad)
‘Cause there's one thing I can do (doo woo)
Come on and do it too (too woo)
There's nothing
Get down on
One flipper
And do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(Don't stop)
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(Don't stop)
No do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(Don't stop)
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
I love it
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(Don't stop)
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(Don't stop)
Do-wop do-wop HOP!
Do-wop do-wop DON'T STOP!
(Don't stop)
(repeat to fade)
Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
One - Honk - Two - Honk - Three - Honk - Four - Honk
Five - Honk - Six - Honk - Seven - Honk - Eight - Honk
Nine - Honk - Ten - Honk - Eleven - Honk - Twelve - Honk
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
(Everybody Honks)
Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
Twelve - Honk - Eleven - Honk - Ten - Honk - Nine - Honk
Eight - Honk - Seven - Honk - Six - Honk - Five - Honk
Four - Honk - Three - Honk - Two - Honk - One - Honk
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
One, Two, Three, Four - Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk
Five, Six, Seven, Eight - Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk
Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve - Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
All night long!
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk - around the clock
We're gonna - Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk Beep
Moon moon moon moon moon
Moon m-moon m-moon
Moon moon moon moon moon
Moon m-moon m-moon
Zoe: You moon!
You are so big and so bright
We see you mostly at night
We love to watch you
You moon!
Elmo: You moon!
You live up there in the sky
Up where it's higher than high
We love to watch you
You moon!
Herry: We know that you are so far above us
It's much too far for us to walk
But all the same, you've got to love us
When we stand down here, look up, and gawk!
Rosita: You moon!
Up there among all the stars
Up there with planets like Mars
We love to watch you
You moon!
All: Moon moon moon moon moon
Moon m-moon m-moon
Moon moon moon moon moon
Moon m-moon m-moon
You moon!
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip uh-huh! uh-huh!
Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip uh-huh! uh-huh!
Yip yip you
yip yip me
yip yip baby
yip yip family!
yip yip yip yip yip yip yip uh-huh! uh-huh!
yip yip yip yip yip yip yip uh-huh! uh-huh!
Repeat verse
Repeat chorus 'til fade-out.
You've got baby eyes and baby toes
A baby face and a baby nose
Ooo woo woo woo woo, you're my baby, my beautiful baby
You've got baby ears and a baby chin
Baby size are the clothes you're in
Ooo woo woo woo woo, you're my baby, my beautiful baby
You've got baby smiles
You've got baby wiles
You always wear those pretty baby styles
You're my B - A - B - Y
You've got a baby mouth and baby cheeks
And when you talk you talk baby speech
Ooo woo woo woo woo, you're my baby, my beautiful baby
(whistling interlude)
You wear baby hats and baby shoes
You're pretty as a picture in The Baby News
You're my B - A - B - Y
My beautiful baby, my beautiful baby
You're gonna be a star
Somewhere in the sky
Bright and proud, way up high.
You're gonna be a star
Somewhere in the blue
There's a spot just for you!
At night when the sky is clearing
You'll talk with the other stars
I bet you'll be overhearing
What Jupiter said to Mars!
A shiny little star
Is what you're gonna be--
Just you wait and see!
Now we're gonna do a dance
And it's bound to be a new sensation
Before very long
It will rage across the nation
Hold on to your seat
I'm warning you in advance
'Cause it's the zany, zesty, zippy, zingy, Zig Zag Dance
It goes:
Zig Zag
It goes:
Zig Zag
You turn and turn and you turn again
You turn and turn and you turn again
It goes:
Zig Zag
It goes:
Zig Zag
And that's the way
That you can also learn to do
The zany, zesty, zippy, zingy, Zig Zag Dance
Zany, Zesty, Zippy, Zingy, Zig Zag Dance
Who's that walkin' 'round here?
Sounds like baby patter!
Baby elephant patter, that's what I calls it!
Say, up in Harlem
At a table for two
There were four of us
Me, your big feet and you!
From your ankles up, I say you sure are sweet
From there down, there's just too much feet!
Your feet's too big!
Don't want ya 'cause your feet's too big!
Can't use ya 'cause your feet's too big!
I really hate ya 'cause your feet's too big!
Da-dee-do-dah, wan-ga-der!
Where'd you get 'em?
Your girl, she likes you, she thinks you're nice
Got what it takes to be in paradise
She says she likes your face, she likes your rig
But, man, oh, man, them things are too big!
Oh, your feet's too big!
Don't want ya 'cause your feet's too big!
Mad at you 'cause your feet's too big!
I hate you 'cause your feet's too big!
My goodness, those are gunboats!
Shift! Shift! Shift!
Oh, your pedal extremities are colossal!
To me you look just like a fossil!
You got me walkin', talkin' and squawkin'
'Cause your feet's too big, yeah!
Come on and walk that thing!
Oh, I never heard of such walkin'! Mercy!
Your... your pedal extremities really are obnoxious
One never knows, do one?
Tanya Tucker: You'll never take the Texas out of me
I guess a homesick country girl is all I'll ever be
And though destiny directs us
You can take me out of Texas
But you'll never take the Texas out of me
I feel at home in Oklahoma
I'm at ease in Tennessee
But my roots are deep in Texas
Home is always in the heart of me
You'll never take the Texas out of me
I guess a homesick country girl is all I'll ever be
And though destiny directs us
You can take me out of Texas
But you'll never take the Texas out of me
Big Bird (spoken): You know, Tanya, I feel the same way about my home sweet home
(sung) You can't take Sesame Street out of me
And if I went to Texas I'd take Sesame with me
And though I like other places
I'd miss familiar faces
So you can't take Sesame Street out of me
TT and BB: Our home sweet homes are very different
But we love them just the same
And when we take our memories with us
Home is sweet by any other name
BB: You can't take Sesame Street out of me
TT: Never take the Texas out of me
BB: That funny homesick feeling is the same for you and me
Both: And if we were to trade places
It would take more than erasers
'Cause you'll never take the feeling out of me
TT: You'll never take the Texas
BB: Sesame Street!
TT: Out of me
Elmo: La la la do-dee do-dee ba da da da
Frazzle: Ya da bada da!
All: You tickle me
You-ou-ou-ou tickle me
You make me laugh, I'm happy as can be, 'cause
You tickle me
(Zoe laughs)
Baby Bear: (to Telly) I see your face and I wanna smile
Telly: You've got me smiling wider than a mile
Rosita: (putting her arm around Zoe) Days are sunnier when I'm with you
Zoe: And laughs are laughier, too! (laughs)
All: Oh, you tickle me
You-ou-ou-ou tickle me
You make me laugh, I'm happy as can be, 'cause
You tickle me
Elmo: (laughs) Da da da da do da do do do do - ba do do
Frazzle: Wada Wada ba!
Zoe: (to Herry) I hear you singing, it's my favourite song
Herry: (to Zoe, as she hugs him) I hear your voice, I got to sing along!
Rosita: (lifting Elmo) (....?) happier when I'm with you
Elmo: And jokes are jokier, too!
All: You tickle me
You-ou-ou-ou tickle me
You make me laugh, I'm happy as can be, 'cause
Frazzle: You tickle me! (in Frazzle-talk)
All: Oh, you tickle me
You-ou-ou-ou tickle me
You make me laugh, I'm happy as can be, 'cause
You tickle me
You make me laugh, I'm happy as can be, 'cause
You tickle me!
(all laugh, tickling each other)
Broken and beautiful, fractured and rare
Missing pieces that used to be there.
Busted and heavenly, trash from afar
To me you look complete, hey, who needs hands and feet?
When you're beautiful, beautiful,
Just as you are.
Busted and heavenly, of trash, you're the star
Your arms have gone astray,
Your nose is far away,
And you're beautiful, beautiful,
Just as you are.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
Oh, you're alive. Yes, you're alive.
You're ali-i-i-i-ive and that's no jive (that's no jive).
You breathe and eat and grow.
And that is how you know.
Ah, ah, ah...
You're alive. Yes, you're alive (alive).
You're ali-i-i-i-ive . You're alive.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
Well a rock's not alive (no, no, no, no)
And a clock's not alive (no, no, no, no)
A telephone's not alive (no, no, no, no)
An ice cream cone's not alive (no, no, no, no)
They don't breathe or eat or grow (ooh)
And that is how you know-oh-oh (no, no, no)
They're not alive. They're not alive (alive).
They're not ali-i-i-i-ive (not alive).
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
But then again,
A frog is alive (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
A dog is alive (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
A pony is alive (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
And a bunny is alive (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
They breathe and eat and grow.
And that is how you know...
They're alive, yes, they're alive (alive).
They're ali-i-i-i-ive. They're alive.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
Oh! Breathe in. Ah! Breathe out.
One more time....
You're alive and we're alive.
We're ali-i-i-i-ive and that's no jive (that's no jive).
Oh, you better believe it, baby.
Can't you hear us breathing, baby.
We're alive....
This here's a story about paper makin'
And this little class that I've been takin'
We make paper but not out of trees
We use old rags and dungerees
How do we do it?
You'll see
First we cut 'em into pieces that are kind of small
Then we put 'em in a beater than beats 'em all
Turns 'em into pulp that is kinda like soup
Then we pour it into buckets and we stir up the goop
Sounds fun, right?
Then we take a wooden frame and we dip it in the mix
And we shake out the water, that's how we get our kicks
Then we open up the frame and slap it on the tray
First I had a little trouble, but, it turned out okay
Not as easy as it looks
Then we stack it in a press
And we tighten the screws
This flattens the paper
And the water gets excused
We open up the press
Take our paper off the pile
And we stick it on the window (sounds like "winda")
And we leave it there a while
Paper's dryin' now
The pink one's mine
We take our paper off the window once it's good and dry
This takes a little doing
Oh, and by the by
See the different colors
Reds, yellows and greens?
Remember these were rags once
And old blue jeans
Really kind of amazin'
Well, now our paper makin' day is done
Hope you liked it, we had fun
If you ever get the chance
You should give it a try
But now we gotta go
So we're gonna say "good-bye"
I'm a pretty flower
The same thing goes for me
We started out as seeds and grew
That's how we came to be
We grew beneath the ground
Kept growing every day
We made it to the top
And now we're really proud to say
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
We grew up from the ground
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
And we're glad that we're around
I'm a baby sparrow
But didn't used to be
I grew inside an egg
My mother sat a lot on me
I grew inside an egg
That's how I came about
I kept on growing bigger
And one day I hatched right out
That's how I got here
That's how I got here
That's how I got here
Yes I hatched right from an egg
(flowers) We're from the ground
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
And we're glad that we're around
We are baby bunnies
With soft and fluffy fur
We grew inside our Mom
And then we came right out of her
We grew inside our Mom
Grew bigger every day
And then when we were ready
We came out and now we say
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
We grew inside our Mom
(bird) Inside an egg
(flowers) Below the ground
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
That's how we got here
And we're glad that we're around
Some kids just love
To play with dolls
Or put on funny hats
And some make pets
Of birds and fish
And dogs and
Alley cats
That's not the way
I like to play
I'm tired of all these
I need a very
Special friend
Won't you
Help me please?
I want a monster
To be my playmate
I want a monster
To be my friend
I want to get
For my own pet
A real live monster
Who's not pretend
Oh, I want a monster
To be my playmate
We'd soon become
Good friends because
Although they're hairy
And sometimes scary
They have such soft
And furry paws
If I make friends with
A friendly monster
I'd be the best that a
friend could be
I'd let him do
Whatever he wants to
And he'd always
Belong to me
So, if you know a
Nice old monster
If you've a monster
To recommend
Ooh, golly gee
Please send him to me
I just can't wait
Until then!
I want a monster
A real live monster
I want a monster
Send me my monster
I want a monster
A real live monster
I want a monster
Send my monster
I want a monster
A real live monster
I want a monster
To be my friend!
Oh please
Send my monster
Does anybody have
A monster out there
I'll take a
Secondhand monster
He doesn't have
To be new
Shiny chum, don't be shy
Don't be mum, just say 'hi!'
And we can play together
I want to be your friend.
Let's play ball, let's fly kites
Best of all, let's be knights!
We'll be so brave together,
I want to be your friend.
We can ride upon our horsies where adventure can be found
Save a dragon from a princess--or the other way around?
We will challenge every villain, in the east and in the west,
And we'll find a baby birdie and return it to its nest.
Through enchanted forests we'll go strolling,
And on Saturdays, we could go bowling!
Shiny sir, this I feel,
I am fur, you are steel,
But we belong together, faithful 'til the end
Oh I want to be, oh I want to be, oh I want to be
Your friend.
I know I'm an exciting, OK kinda guy
I once had a girlfriend
And she went to pieces every time she saw me
This is the song I sang to her as she was falling apart
(clears his throat)
I held your hand
And told you that
I loved you
You turned around and
Walked right out the door
Seems like holding your hand
Was not enough
So I want to do something more
Oh I want to hold your ear baby
Wanna hold it near baby
Wanna hold your ear
Until you hear that
I love you
And I want to hold your eyes baby
Lovely shape and size baby
Want to hold your eyes
So you'll see and realize that
I love you
I wanna hold your nose
I wanna hold your toes
I won't let you breathe or eat
Until you know the truth
I love you
Oh I wanna hold your hair baby
Show you that I care baby
And it's only fair to tell you
What I intend to do
I'm going to keep what I hold dear
Your nose
Your eyes
Your tooth
Your ears
And I'm gonna hold them 'till
You say you love me tooo!
Bob: I want to hear raindrops tapping on my windowpane
I wish it would pour!
Olivia: Would rain a lot more!
Bob: I'm wondering why
Each cloud in the sky
Keeps passing me by
Oscar: It's lovely and dusty
But nothing gets rusty
I wish it would rain!
Mr. Hooper: It's so hot and sunny
My ice cream is runny
I wish it would rain!
Bob: I want to see colors in the rainbow once again
I wish it would pour!
Olivia: Would rain a lot more!
(all the singers?): I wish it would rain
Have you ever noticed
Clouds can look like fluffy pillows?
Have you ever counted
All the stars up in the sky?
Have you ever watched the birds fly by?
Take a look above you
Squirrels scurry up an oak tree
See that yellow circle?
That's the sun who gives us light
Way up high I think I see a kite.
I wonder 'bout the world above up there
No matter where you go, it's everywhere
La la la, la la la
La la la, la la la, dee dee
I wonder 'bout the world above up there
No matter where you go, it's everywhere
It's everywhere
Now the sun is setting
Getting ready for tomorrow
Soon the moon will be glowing
Showing off the moonlight
Take a look above you
Discover the view
If you haven't noticed
Please do, please do
Please do
I do a lot of sleeping
I spend my days in bed
They pick me up to burp me
And when I'm being fed
I'm a baby!
Rock me!
I love my baby blanket
I love my teething ring
I love when Momma rocks me
The lullaby she sings
I'm a baby!
Rock me!
Yes! I can say goo-goo
Yes! I can say wah-wah
Yes! I can ma-ma
Yes! I can say dah-dah
I can sit up and turn around
I make the lovliest gurgling sound
Right now I'm very little
But wait a year or two
Cuz babies grow up quickly
Soon I'll be just like you
Until then...
I'm a baby!
Rock me!
I'm a baby!
Rock me!
Voiceover: And now, live from the Sesame Street Library, here they are, The Bookworms!
I'm the kind of worm
Who likes to coil up with a book
I worm my way inside it
And have myself a look
I'm a bookworm baby
Reading books is what I do
Background worms: That's what you do
That's what you do
And if you love reading baby
You can be a bookworm too
Some worms like to garden
They dig the dirt all day
I'd rather read about it
I'm a bookworm all the way
I'm a bookworm baby
Reading books is what I do
Background worms: That's what you do
That's what you do
And if you love reading baby
You can be a bookworm too
Books make me wiggle
Books make me squirm
And that is why I am a real bookworm
Hey let me tell you now
Let's read those bedtime stories
A poem is what I need
I inch along the page and then I
Read, read, read
I'm a bookworm baby
Reading books is what I do
Background worms: That's what you do
That's what you do
And if you love reading baby
You can be a bookworm too
And if you love reading baby
You can be a bookworm too
I'm a dog
I'm a workin' dog
I'm a hard workin' dog
Hard workin' dog
Now I never said I was a hog
And you can see I'm not a frog
I'm tryin' to tell ya, I'm a dog
I'm a cow dog
I'm a dog
I'm a workin' dog
I'm a hard workin' dog
Hard workin' dog
Now some dogs can fetch a stick
Other dogs will shake your hand
I even heard of a dog that can roll over
All I know how to do
Is take a hundred cows and teach 'em some manners
I'm a dog
I'm a workin' dog
I'm a hard workin' dog
Hard workin' dog
Now I'm not the top dog
I'm not much of a bird dog
I'm not the best watch dog
But I'm an awful good cow dog
I'm a dog
I'm a workin' dog
I'm a hard workin' dog
Workin' like a dog-gone dog
It's a dog's life, and I love it!
By a garden wall
Stood a rabbit tall
Eating grapes so small
Wearing shoes and all
To the mill he dashed,
In the water splashed
And he said, 'Come in'
To the doggie and the penguin.
Butterfly ...
Butterfly ...
Orange and black, bright dusty wing
Flutter through fields where the summer birds sing
Blown like a paper, hour by hour
Over the grass, from flower to flower
Butterfly ...
Butterfly ...
When flowers close and darkness grows deep ...
When children run home and stars start to peep ...
When it is nighttime, where do you sleep, butterfly?
Butterfly ...
(?), soft as a rose
Rest on my hand; open and close
Tell me the secret; I have to know
When the moon rises, where do you go?
Where do you go?
Butterfly ...
Butterfly ...
Butterfly ...
Butterfly ...
Butterfly ...
Ernie: Bert? Hey, Bert? Bert?
Bert: Ernie, what is it? I'm trying to sleep.
Ernie: Hey, Bert, did you ever think about all the things you like?
Bert: Well sure, Ernie, but not now, huh?
Ernie: Yeah but, just tell me something you like, Bert.
Bert: Ernie, I'm trying to sleep.
Ernie: Oh come on, Bert, just one. Just name one thing that you like okay? Name just one.
Bert: Alright, Ernie, I'll try.
I like paper clips
Ernie: Paper clips?
Bert: Paper clips!
I like bottle caps
Ernie: Bottle caps
Bert: Bottle caps!
I love pigeons, yeah
Ernie: Pigeons?
Bert: Love pigeons, oh, yes I do
Ernie: Well, Bert, you know
I don't really like any of those things
But I like you
Bert: Aw, Ernie
Ernie: I like playing jokes
Bert: Playing jokes.
Ernie: Playing jokes!
Love my rubber duck
Bert: Rubber duck.
Ernie: Rubber duckie!
Ernie: I like bubble gum
Bert: Bubble gum.
Ernie: Bubble gum! Yes I do
Bert: Well now, Ernie
I'm not crazy 'bout any of those things
But I like you
Ernie: I like to lie awake
In bed at night and talk to you
Bert: Yeah, I know
I like to say goodnight and go to sleep
Ernie: I like to go and see the big hippopotamus in the zoo
Bert: Hey, Ernie, you know what?
Ernie: What, Bert?
Bert: I like that, too!
Ernie: I like jelly beans
Bert: Jelly beans?
Ernie: Jelly beans!
Bert: I like lentil soup
Ernie: Lentil soup?
Bert: Yeah!
I like a marching band
Ernie: I like a music box
Both: Yes I do
Ernie: But though I don't always like everything
Bert: That I like
Both: Still I like you
Bert: Though I'm not too crazy about your rubber duckie
Ernie: Though I don't love pigeons
Both: Still we're awfully lucky
'Cause I like you
Meet me at the bus stop
Down on the corner by the Five and Dime
Meet me at the bus stop
We'll have a real good time
At the bus stop
That's where the bus stops
You can get a ride to most anywhere
At the bus stop
That's where the bus stops
Hey won't you meet me down there?
You call Sally, I'll call Sue
We'll catch the bus to the Central Park Zoo
Hey don't delay, please do it right away
No need to stay home and feel blue
So won't you meet me at the bus stop
That's where the bus stops
Down at the corner by the Five and Dime
At the bus stop
That's where the bus stops
You can catch a ride to most anywhere
At the bus stop
That's where the bus stops
Hey won't you meet me down there?
Hey won't you meet me down there?
Hey won't you meet me down there?
Oh, Calcutta Joe was a modern rhino
Who spun sweet and low on his mellow oboe
While Flo the Hippo stood up on her big toe
And swung her yoyo way up high and down low
A crow and her beau
Flew in from Ohio
And danced the fandango in the meadow below
The crows, the hippo and Calcutta Joe
All stood in a row and sang 'Bo-de-oh-doe'
Together they sang, 'Bo-de-oh-doe'
Oh, the sky has turned grey,
And the world seems sad and blue.
All the laughter's gone away.
Guess there's just one thing to do...
(reaches down and, grinning, pulls out a great big cookie)
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
(she is joined by a choir)
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
A round cookie with one bite out of it
Looks like a C.
A round pita bread with one big bite out of it
Also looks like a C,
But it's not as good as a cookie.
And the moon sometimes looks like a C,
Yes the moon sometimes looks like a C,
But you can't eat that, SO...
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
Cookie, Cookie, Cookie,
Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C!
Cookie Monster: (coming in from the side) Did me hear somebody say cookie?
(he eats the bottom cookie of the giant cookie-pyramid, which then collapses)
(embarrassed) Oh. Thank you. (he leaves)
[Now what starts with the letter C?
Cookie starts with C
Let's think of other things
That starts with C
Oh, who cares about the other things?]
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
[Hey you know what?
A round cookie with one bite out of it
Looks like a C
A round donut with one bite out of it
Also looks like a C
But it is not as good as a cookie
Oh and the moon sometimes looks like a C
But you can't eat that, so ... ]
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me, yeah!
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me
Oh, cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, yeah!
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C, oh boy!
Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C!
(Cookie Monster eats the cookie)
Big Bird: I think that it is wonderful
To wake up with the sun
When it has just begun
To shine
Hello, bright morning sun
The Count: I think that it is wonderful
To hear the waking street
As all those busy feet
Go by
Hello, Sesame Street
Cookie Monster: Me think that it is wonderful
To wake up wanting food
To be in hungry mood
Is swell
[Don't worry, my tummy stop growling after me have breakfast]
Hello, food food food food!
Prairie Dawn: I think that it is wonderful
To stretch from head to heels
When I get up it feels
Just right
Hello, knees, toes, and heels
Grover: I think that it is wonderful
To scrub each part of me
To make sure I will be
All clean
Hello, clean, spiffy me
Ernie: I think that it is wonderful
That I can see a star
When it's so very far
Good night, faraway star
Bert: I think that it is wonderful
That I can hear birds sing
When outside everything
Is still
Good night, bird on the wing
Cookie Monster: Me think that it is wonderful
To eat my food all up
Especially at sup-
[Or lunch time or breakfast time.
It not matter]
Night, night, delicious food
Prairie Dawn: I think that it is wonderful
That I can smell a rose
I'm so glad that my nose
Knows how
Good night, sweet-smelling rose
Herry Monster: I think that it is wonderful
To hug my Teddy bear
It doesn't matter where
We are
Sleep tight, Teddy, my bear
(Split screen; all five characters sing their respective verses as a round, with the third line of each verse trailing at the end in order. Cut to each character in bed; this sequence is repeated twice:)
Ernie: Good night, faraway star
Bert: Good night, bird on the wing
Cookie: (in bed with a few cookies--how the heck will he sleep?!): Good night, delicious food
Prairie: Good night, sweet-smelling rose
Herry: Good night, Teddy, my bear
All: Good night, good night, good night
Here's a story 'bout Jelly Man Kelly
He loves jelly the most!
But most of all
Jelly Man Kelly loves Jello-on-toast!
And here's the part about Jenny Mulhenny
She's the fireman's daughter!
But most of all
Jenny Mulhenny loves to boil hot water!
So Jenny put the kettle on Jelly Man Kelly
Can he come home Jenny can he come?
Here's a story 'bout Jelly Man Kelly
He sure loves jelly!
And maybe someday you and me, friend
We can have tea with him!
When I wake up and the mornin's bright
My mama often wonders if I'm feelin' alright
Cos' I'm runnin' for the toothpaste
I'm always in a rush
Oh, Mama, I can hardly wait to brush
My teeth (my teeth) (brushing noises)
I really love to brush
My teeth (my teeth)
I love to brush
My teeth (my teeth) (brushing noises)
Kids just love to brush
After lunch, Dad says, 'What's the matter, Hon?
Don't you wanna play outdoors and have some fun?'
I say, 'Daddy, Daddy, dear
You're makin' me blush
All I want to do is brush
My teeth (my teeth) (brushing noises)
I really love to brush
My teeth (my teeth)
I love to brush
My teeth' (my teeth) (brushing noises)
Kids just love to brush
Kids just love to brush
They love it
They love it
They love it
They love it
Kids just love to brush
They love it
They love it
They love it
They love it
Kids just love to brush
My friends come over to spend the night
And we have more fun than a pillow fight
But my Mom and Dad go crazy
They're begging us to hush
It's a party every time we brush
Our teeth (our teeth) (brushing noises)
We really love to brush
Our teeth (our teeth)
We love to brush
Our teeth (our teeth) (brushing noises)
Kids just love to brush
Kids just love to brush
They love it
They love it
They love it
Kids just love to brush
They love it
They love it
They love it
Kids just love to brush
Various voices: 'This way, come on, he's over here!', 'Oh, look, his stripes (??), come on everybody.', 'It's a pigeon rally!'
Bert: Greetings, pigeon fanciers of America and guest pigeons! (voices of agreement and happiness) We are meeting in the park for a special reason. Everyone knows you should not throw papers and cans on the ground, because it makes a mess for people, right? (voices agree) Yeah, right, okay, but, but, but ... what about pigeons? (voices agree) Yeah, nobody thinks about them, man's best friend! (voices agree) You know, it makes a mess for them, too! (voices quietly agree) Yeah, and they live on the ground! (voices loudly agree) So, maestro ... (music starts)
A boy in the park with a paper
From a sandwich on which he had fed
Was about to drop it on the sidewalk
When a pigeon looked up and it said
'Please, keep the park clean for the pigeons.
That is the right thing to do!
Throw all your trash in the basket
And we will say 'Thank Coo' to you! (patented-Bert-laugh)
Keep the park clean for the pigeons,
When you eat candy or gum
Throw what is left in the trashcan
Think of your small feathered chum.'
Bert: Ever see a pigeon drop a soda can on the ground?
Voices: No!
Bert: No. And when pigeons see breadcrumbs on the sidewalk, do they just leave them there?
Voices: No!
Bert: No, no, no, they pick them up with their beaks! And not just because they're hungry, right?
Voices: Right!
Bert: Right, because pigeons hate a mess!
When there is trash on the sidewalk
They can't see breadcrumbs to eat
Crackerjacks get in their feathers (awwww)
Chewing gum sticks to their feet
So put your trash in your pocket
If there's no basket around
Please, keep it to throw away later
Remember that bird on the ground
And .... people!
background singers: Keep the park clean for the pigeons!
Bert: Pigeons!
pigeons cooing
Bert: People!
singers: Throw all your trash in the basket!
Bert: Pigeons!
pigeons cooing
Bert: Everyone!
Keep the park clean for the pigeons
That is the right thing to do!
Throw all your trash in the basket
And they will say 'Thank Coo' to you!
Throw all your trash in the basket
And they will say 'Thank Coo' to you!
Bert: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Same time tomorrow everybody!
Here comes King Minus
All listen and hear
How whatever he touches will
Poof, disappear
Just a touch of his finger
Brings forth this reaction
He makes things go away
It's like magic subtraction
One day while out riding he glanced up above
At a maid in a castle and his heart filled with love
But outside awaited the terrible fate
There were four awful dragons guarding the gate
One tried to fry him and chortled with glee
But King Minus touched him and then there were three
(four take away one leaves three)
Another fierce dragon leaped into view
King Minus touched him and then there were two
(three take away one leaves two)
Along came another jumping high as the sun
The King took him away and then there was one
(two take away one leaves one)
The last dragon thought that to hide would be best
For he saw what had happened to all of the rest
So into the forest he started to run
But King Minus found him...
...and then there were none
(one take away one leaves none)
Then he ran into the castle and out on the roof
But when he touched the fair maiden
Alas, she too, went poof.
Female Singers:
Teeny Little Super Guy
Pops right up before your eye
He's no bigger than your thumb
Teeny Little Super Guy:
Snap your fingers, here I come
Now stop me if you've heard this one...
Female Singers:
Don't look in the sky
Don't look in the sea
He's inside of you and me
Teeny Little Super Guy:
Did I ever tell you about the time?...
Female Singers: You can't tell a hero by his size
All: I'm just a Teeny Little Super Guy
Ernie: [Hi, Bert.]
Bert: [Oh. Hi, Ernie. Hey, I've been sitting here trying to think of what we can do with this here, letter 'L'.]
Ernie: [Oh. Well, let's see. You know one thing, you can sing sort of a 'La La La' song with the letter 'L'.]
Bert: [Uh, what do you mean?]
Ernie: [Well, there are all kinds of pretty words that begin with 'L'.] (Music starts.) [You know, you can sing a few 'La La La's' and some pretty words, and you'd have a nice little song.]
Bert: ['La La La,' like that?]
Ernie: [Sure. Go ahead. Try it.]
Bert: [O.K. Let's see, uh,..]
La, la, la, la . . . lemon
La, la, la, la, light bulb
Ernie: [Uh-huh.]
Bert: La, la, la, la, lamp post [This is fun.]
La, la, la, la, lump in my oatmeal
Ernie: [Well, that's not quite what I was thinking about, Bert.]
Bert: [No?]
Ernie: [I mean there are a lot of pretty 'L' words, and I was sort of thinking of the ones that are more lilting and lovely. You know like...]
La, la, la, la, laughter
Bert: [Oh, yeah. I see.]
Ernie: La, la, la, la, lullaby
Bert: [Oh, like that. Huh?]
Ernie: La, la, la, la, lollypop
Bert: [Ahhhhhh!]
Ernie: La, la, la, la, lights in the sky.
Bert: [Oh! Oh! Ernie, I've got a GREAT 'L' word! This is a beauty. Oh, listen to this.]
La, la, la, LINOLEUM!
Ernie: [Ah, no, Bert, uh..]
Listen to me
'Cause 'L' is such a lovely letter
For words like 'licorice' and 'lace'
The letter 'L' lights up your face
So why not la, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaaaaaah...
Bert: La, la, la, la, laaaaaaah
Ernie: ...with me?
(Bert laughs.)
If there's something you don't know
That you'd like to learn about
Don't sit and mope all day
I know a real good way
To help you get things figured out
'Cause learnin' stuff
Is not so rough
In fact it's easy if you try
Just ask a question
That starts 'Where' or 'When'
Or 'Who', 'How', 'What' or 'Why'
Okay, wanna try?
Prairie Dawn: Okay, ummmm, I got one
Why do flowers bloom in springtime?
Tracy: Because the sun turns warm in May
Elmo: When will Elmo be a grown-up?
Tracy: You're getting older every day
Elmo: Oh good!
Telly: Tracy, how'd you get so smart?
Tracy: Well, you can really learn a lot
By asking questions that start 'Where' or 'When'
Or 'Who', 'How', 'Why' or 'What'
Elmo: Hey, Tracy, now you ask some questions
Tracy: Okay
Herry, what's your favorite colour?
Herry: Well, my favorite colour's blue
Tracy: Rosita, what does 'Tu Ma Gustas' mean?
Rosita: It means, 'I like you'
Tracy: Oh, that's nice
And how can you and I
Eat just one piece of pie
All: The best way is to share
Tracy: And why are grouches grouchy?
Oscar: I don't know
And I don't care!
Tracy: A kid's main job is learning
It's your most important task
So don't be too proud
To say out loud
'I don't know, but I'll ask.'
So look for someone nice
Who'll give you good advice
And when you find 'em
Don't be shy
Just ask a question that starts 'Where' or 'When'
Or 'Who', 'How', 'What' or 'Why'
All: Just ask a question that starts 'Where' or 'When'
Or 'Who', 'How', 'What' or 'Why'
(After Farley starts to sing "Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella",
Oscar interrupts, saying that it really goes like this:)
Oscar: Oh, let a frown be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day.
And if your grouchy cries
Just tell her that a frown will always pay.
Whenever skies are gray
Don't worry or fret.
A frown will bring the raindrops and you'll always get wet.
So let a frown be your umbrella on a rainy, rainy day!
(Then, I think, Oscar asks Farley if he understands
Little Jerry: Well I ate my breakfast
And I cleaned my plate
Man, those eggs really tasted great
Jumped from the table
And I ran real quick
A Monotone: To thank those souped-up, cooped-up chicks
Little Jerry: The hens go
Hens: Braaack!
Little Jerry: The hens go
Hens: Braaack!
Little Jerry: Laying eggs
Hens: Braaack! Braaack!
Little Jerry: Around the clock
Well, they're warm and cozy
Nesting out of the rain
Cluckin' and a'peckin'
Eating healthy grain
But how do those eggs get rolled into town?
A Monotone: Well, bless my soul, here's Farmer Brown
Little Jerry: The hens go
Hens: Braaack!
Little Jerry: The hens go
Hens: Braaack!
Little Jerry: Laying eggs
Hens: Braaack! Braaack!
Little Jerry: Around the clock
Farmer Brown: Well, we take these eggs
And we box 'em in twelve
And truck those boxes to the grocery shelves
Folks bring 'em home
And they love 'em a lot
Mrs. Brown: And we're real proud of the eggs they bought
Little Jerry: The hens go
Hens: Braaack!
Little Jerry: The hens go
Hens: Braaack!
Little Jerry: Laying eggs
Hens: Braaack! Braaack!
Little Jerry: Around the clock
Little Jerry: That's why I love the music business, you meet so many great chicks!
Doves do it
Hawks do it
Even puffins on the rocks do it
Let's do it
Let's lay an egg
Frogs do it
Toads do it
Alligators by the road do it
Let's do it
Let's lay an egg
We come from blue eggs and green eggs
Eggs that are speckled or tanned
Big eggs and small eggs
That's how we all began
Snails do it
Slugs do it
Even tiny twiddlebugs do it
Let's do it
Let's lay an egg
Snakes do it
Hens do it
Even jungle denizens do it
Let's do it
Let's lay an egg
We come from blue eggs and green eggs
Eggs that are speckled or tanned
Big eggs and small eggs
That's how we all began
Fish do it
Crows do it
Dinosaurs from long agos do it
Let's do it
Let's lay an egg
Luis: What a little painting! It's very tiny.
Maria: It's not tiny. It's itsy bitsy.
(They exchange a scornful glare and move on to a very large painting.)
Maria: Look at that enormous painting! It's humongous!
Luis: Well, *I* would say it's tremendous; I might even call it stupendous.
Maria: You would ...
(They move to another painting.)
Luis: Now that is a great painting. It's absolutely fantastic!
Maria: No it's not! It's terrific! (getting angry)
Luis: Fantastic!
Maria: Terrific!
Luis: Fantastic!
Maria: Terrific!
(The music starts, and various Sesame Street people who are 'in' paintings, begin to sing.)
Gordon: Can't you see that you both agree?
What's the reason for this spat?
Susan: You like to say things this way.
And you like to say things that.
Telly: What a shame; it all means the same.
There's no need to make a scene.
Elmo: There are lots of way to say the very same thing,
If you know what I mean.
Maria: You say little; I say itsy.
Luis: You say tiny; I say bitsy.
Little, tiny ...
Maria: .. Itsy, bitsy.
Together: Let's call the whole thing small!
Luis: You say enormous; I say tremendous.
Maria: I say humongous, you say stupendous.
Enormous, humongous ...
Luis: ... tremendous, stupendous.
Together: Let's call the whole thing big!
Bob (dressed as Atlas holding a globe): A ball can be a circle, or a globe or other sphere.
They're all ways of saying what I'm holding here.
Maria: I say fantastic, you say terrific.
Luis: But when you say fantastic, to me sounds terrific.
Together: For we see how we agree now ...
Maria: .. Whatever we call it's OK.
Luis: Let's say we call it a day!
(lead singer picks up phone in phone booth)
Operator: Number please
I'm saying hey operator, please give us a hand
Ya gotta help us out 'cause we're the telephone band
We're calling all people that are sittin' at home
With some rocking and rolling on the telephone
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....
Rock rock rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Everybody sing now
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
It's the latest thing yeah
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Ya know ya hear that ring now
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Operator: Hello? Who is this? What do you mean by calling me up and bothering me like this!
Please operator, please give us a chance
The people are waiting so please dial us this dance
They want to hear our music yeah they want us to sing
So operator please make their telephone ring
Yeah yeah yeah....
Rock rock rock rock rock
The telephone rock
You know you can't go wrong
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Come on and dial that song
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
We'll hold on all night long
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Operator: Listen, if you young scallywags don't stop bothering me I guess I'm gonna call the police!
Said hey everybody all across the land
We're here to entertain you with the telephone band
So take off your shoes start shaking your feet
And dance like crazy to our telephone beat
Yeah yeah yeah....
Rock rock rock rock rock
The telephone rock
People don't you hear that tone
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Come on baby hold the phone yeah
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Let's hear it one more time
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
You know it only costs a dime yeah
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
(muffled by next lines overlapping)
(operator arrives at booth with policeman in tow)
Operator: There they are Officer.
There are the whippersnappers that have been calling me up!
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Don't ya hear that beat
Yeah yeah a real live wire
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
I'm hung up on ya baby
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
You're gonna be the receiver of all my love
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
It's a good connection baby
Rock rock rock
The telephone rock
Hey put that booth down!
Where ya going with this telephone booth?
(as they're carried off in the booth)
Well, there are five monsters in my family
And we all have a lot of fun
Two furry sisters, scary husband
Fuzzy wife and hairy son (that's me)
Oh five is such a scary number
I'm awfully glad that I've
Five monsters in my family
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Yes, there are five monsters in my family
Make it six, counting Uncle Fred
And then there's Jerry, and Aunt Mary
Better make it eight instead (that's right)
Oh eight is such a scary number
But still I think it's great
With eight monsters in my family
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
(Family dinners are really great.
We eat the food and then the plate.
Roses are red, violets are blue
So are Mommy and Daddy, too.)
Oh there are eight monsters in my family
Maybe I ought to count again
Because with Grandma and the baby
We have got it up to ten (you bet)
Oh ten is such a scary number
But still I have a yen
For those ten monsters in my family
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Oh, I've got five people in my family
And there's not one of them I'd swap.
There is a sister, and two brothers,
And a mother, and a pop (that's me).
Oh, five is such a pretty number!
I'm awfully glad that I've five people in my family
One, two, three, four, five; one, two, three, four five
Oh I've got five!
Oh, I've got five fingers on my left hand.
I've got five fingers on my right.
Five fingers help me wave good morning,
Help me brush my teeth at night.
Oh, five is such a pretty number!
I'm awfully glad that I've five fingers on my left hand:
One two, three, four, five; one, two, three, four, five.
Oh, I've got five!!!
Five purple konkers
Sittin' on the shore
One swam away, and then there were four
Four purple konkers
Sitting in a tree (chomp!)
One flew away, and then there were three
Three purple konkers
Playing in some glue
One got stuck, and then there were two
Two purple konkers
Living happily
Thought they'd get married
And then there were... three?
(honk) (honk)
Three purple... no...
Two purple konkers and one yellow honker
Living in harmony
Loving one another for they are family (honk!)
I'm fixing my hair
Going stepping so I'm
Fixing my hair
When they see me they'll be
Really impressed
Looking my best
Smile on my face
And every curl in place
That's why I'm fixing my hair
Yes I'm fixing my hair
Fix, fix, fix, fix my hair, fix, fix
Fix my hair, fix, fix, fix my hair, yes fixing my...
I'm fixing my hair
The world is waiting while
I'm fixing my hair
I'm gonna wow 'em
When I walk down the street
Looking so neat
People will yell
'Gosh you look swell!'
That's why I'm fixing my hair
I'm almost ready and
I'm fixing my hair
When I'm finished
Fixing my hair
I'll be the best possible me
Fixing my hair ( repeat 4 times )
In the middle of the day
Sometimes my Mom will say
'Rosita, mi amor,
It's time for your siesta.'
A siesta means a nap
And so I'm here in bed,
But wishing Mom had said
'It's time for your Fiesta.'
Fiesta, Fiesta, ha!
That means a party
Fiesta, a party
With lots of girls and boys
Fiesta, Fiesta
With one big pinata
And little toy trumpets
To make lots of noise!
One two three, Fiesta
Uno dos tres, Fiesta
One two three, Fiesta
Uno dos tres!
Fiesta, Fiesta, Yeah!
That means a party
Fiesta, a party
With every single friend
(line in Spanish I don't know)
It's time for your Siesta
And so this Fiesta
Must come to an end
One two three, Fiesta
Uno dos tres, Fiesta
One two three, Fiesta
Uno dos tres, Fiesta!
In the middle of the day
Sometimes my mom will say
'Rosita, mi amor,
It's time for your Siesta.'
(yawns and snores)
Roosevelt Franklin: When I woke up this morning, first I laughed and then I cried.
Was I feeling good or bad? I just could not decide!
So naturally I asked my mom to tell me how I feel.
But she didn't tell me that; instead, she told me something real:
She said, 'A mom can tell you lots of things, like one and one is two.
And how to cross a busy street and how to tie your shoe.
But the one who knows the things you feel is you and nobody else.
I can't tell you how you feel; you have to tell yourself, so figure it out!'
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: Figure it out!
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: You're the only one who knows the things you feel, so figure it out!
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: I had a friend who lived next door, but his family had to move.
It made me mad, or made me sad, or made me just confused.
So naturally I asked my friend to look inside my head
And tell me how I really felt, but he told me this instead:
He said, 'A friend can do a lot of things that no one can do better,
Like give a friend a friendly hug or write a friendly letter.
But the one who knows the way you feel is you and nobody else.
A friend can't tell you how you feel; you have to tell yourself, so figure it out!'
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: Figure it out!
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: You're the only one who knows the things you feel, so figure it out!
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: Figure it out!
Girls: Figure it out!
Roosevelt Franklin: You're the only one who knows the things you feel, so figure it out!
(Possibly all of them hum, then all sing last line:)
Roosevelt Franklin and Girls: You're the only one who knows the things you feel, so figure it out!
Who says five friends can't have fun?
Who says five's not as good as one?
Who says, 'Two is company; five's a mob'?
Gotta tell ya!
Someone who says five's too much should get a job
Playing basketball!
Who says five's not a real great time?
We think five is quite sublime.
See us walk!
And hear us talk!
We most emphatically gotta squawk
About bein' and feelin' alive ...
And five!
Five bears in the bed and the little one said
'I’m crowded, roll over'
So they all rolled over, and one fell out
Four bears in the bed, and the little one said
'I’m crowded, roll over'
So they all rolled over and one fell out
Three bears in the bed, and the little one said
'I’m crowded, roll over'
So they all rolled over and one fell out
Two bears in the bed, and the little one said
'I’m crowded, roll over'
So they all rolled over and one fell out
One bear in the bed, and the little one said
'I’m lonely'
Farley: Same Sound Fround, could you help me out?
Same Sound Fround: Farley, my man, I'll do what I can.
Farley: I'm trying to read this word, but I'm not having much luck.
Same Sound Fround: (?) learning to read.
I start at the front and I move to the rear.
And I say each sound out loud and clear.
Then I run the sounds together and smooth 'em out.
And that's what reading's all about!
Okay, I'm done. Now you try one.
Farley (singing):
I start at the front and I move to the rear.
And I say each sound out loud and clear.
Then I run the sounds together and smooth 'em out.
And that's what reading's all about!
(The last part is spoken.)
Farley: Hey, I did it! It's fun!
Same Sound Fround: Now, stick with me and I'll take you far, 'cause Same Sound Fround's gonna make you a star!
Farley: Outta sight!
Same Sound Fround: I could read all night! (They exit.)
One happy little feline
You can tell she's happy
Just look at that smile
Nice kitty!
Falling through her whiskers
This kitty's sad and weepy
I think I may cry
(sob!) Uh-oh!
Oh, one of them is angry
Even if you're angry, girl
You wouldn't eat a mouse
Would you? No, of course you wouldn't ...
Come on girls -
Meow meow meow felines
Meow meow meow - here dear
Here's a mousy surprise
(Blows a horn, startling fourth cat)
One happy little feline
One angry little feline
And one with the blues
It seems that I forgot one
Here's happy, sad, and angry
Oh yeah, now I know -
(Blows horn again)
I forgot surprise! (winks)
One happy little feline
One angry little feline
And one with the blues
Now we're going to fade out...
Big Bird: Gosh! Sky sure looks beautiful tonight, Mr. Bennett.
Tony B: Oh, it sure does, Big Bird. All the twinkling stars and that wonderful moon.
Big Bird: Yeah. And just think - Slimey flew all the way to the moon in his spaceship. He must be a very brave worm.
Tony B: Oh, he sure is.
(sung)To go off, chasing moonbeams
A worm needs to be nervy
He needs guts, and stickability
When things go topsy-turvy
To embark on a worm lunar mission
A worm really needs the right stuff
Like a powerful rocket ignition
Or some timely assistance from Snuff
Slimey to the moon
He wants to wriggle 'mongst the stars
Let him crawl through mud and muck
On Jupiter or Mars
To other worlds
Let him fly!
To other worlds
Send him winging...
Slimey to the moon
And when this worm arrives you'll find
He'll take a leap that's small for him
But huge for all wormkind
To other worlds
He will soar!
To other worlds
And then home to us
Once more
Covered all over with beautiful skin
Covered all over from ankle to chin
Lovely skin on kneeses and noses and ev'rywhere
Skin on tummies and toeses and under your hair it's even there
Oh skin!
Wonderful colors and beautiful tones
Think of without it you're nothing but bones
Skin is ever so lovely no matter the color you're in
Let's hear it for skin
Beautiful skin
Covered all over with beautiful skin
Covered all over from ankle to chin
Without skin for touching and rubbing how much we'd miss
There'd be no hands for shaking and scrubbing
And just think of this no cheeks to kiss
Oh skin!
Wonderful colors and beautiful tones
Keeping the rain off our muscles and bones
Skin is ever so lovely no matter the color you're in
Let's hear it for skin
Beautiful skin
Boy: Some enchanted lunchtime
You may see a stranger
Someone you don't know yet
Drinking her juice alone
(he gets up from his seat, going towards her)
And you'll say 'hello'
And give her a smile
And ask her to sit with your friends awhile
(Would you care to join us?)
Girl: Some enchanted lunchtime
You may see a stranger
Someone no one knows yet
And they're all having fun
You're finished your juice
You're eating your snack
Then he'll say 'hello'
And you'll say it back
(I'd love to join you)
(he walks around to her side of the table as she gets up)
Boy: Once you have met her
You have made a friend
Girl: Once you have met him
You have made a friend
Some enchanted lunchtime
(they start walking towards his table of friends)
Boy: Some enchanted lunchtime
Girl: When you meet a stranger
Boy: When you meet a stranger
Girl: Someone you don't know yet
Boy: Someone you don't know yet
Both: You might be feeling shy
But sometimes it's true
They're kind of shy too
And if you are friendly
They'll sit with you
Boy: Once you have met her
You have found a friend
Girl: Once you have met him
Both: You have made a friend
Herbert Birdsfoot: The next letter after 'S' is 'T'.
'The Tale of Tom Tattertall Tuttletut.'
Once upon a time, there was a queen who hated the letter 'T'.
Queen: I've never liked the horrid 'tuh-tuh' sound. So I hereby rule that nothing beginning with the letter 'T' will ever allowed in my kingdom.
Herbert Birdsfoot: So the people of the land tore down the towns and their towers, tossing out their trumpets and toys. And pretty soon, there wasn't anything in the kingdom that began with 'T'. Or so they thought, for one day, along came...
Tom: Me. Tom Tattertall Tuttletut. And I've got a truckful of turtles, tea, tuna, toads, teddy bears, and trash.
Queen: What did you say?
Man: Hi, your majesty. Do you want to buy a tuba or a ton of tomatoes?
Queen: Throw this man into the dungeon!
Tom: But why?
Queen: Because those are all 'T' words. And nothing starting with 'T' is allowed in my kingdom.
Tom: Untrue! There's lots of things beginning with 'T' around here.
Queen: Like what?
Tom: Well, for one thing, there's the king over there.
Queen: What about him?
Tom: He's wearing trousers, and that's a terrific 'T' word.
Queen: Uh, well, he always told me they were pants.
Tom: And then there's you, your majesty. You keep talkin' and talkin', tellin' me things by usin' your tongue and your teeth. And those are terrific 'T' words, too!
Queen: Gracious! You're right. There's no way of getting away from the letter 'T'. Tom Tattertall Tuttletut, from now on, 'T' words are welcome in my kingdom.
Tom: Terrific!
Herbert Birdsfoot: So the letter 'T' was restored to the land, and so were the town's towers, the trumpets and the toys, which all goes to prove that you can't get away from the letter 'T'.
Queen: Terrific!
Both: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Susan: If they don't fit right, I'll give 'em to my brother.
Both: But all the same, don't we have fun?
Half a dozen of the other, six of one.
(not sure where the next line fits in:)
Gordon: Not much money to spend ...
(Somewhere in the song, Susan is admiring some garment, and Gordon sings that he thinks she'd look just perfect in it for Halloween. I think the last chorus goes:)
Both: Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
Gordon: If I don't get this, I'll never have another.
Both: But all the same, don't we have fun?
Half a dozen of the other ...
Six of one!
Ernie: What are you doing, Bert?
Bert: Sitting and thinking.
Ernie: Thinking about what?
Bert: My favorite number.
Ernie: Oh? That's really ... boring, Bert.
Bert: Not my number, Ernie.
Ernie: Well, what is your favorite number?
Bert: I thought you'd never ask ...
Bert: Six
Ernie: Six?
Bert: My favorite number is six
Ernie: Bert, nobody's favorite number is six.
Bert: Sometimes I spend the whole afternoon
Sitting around, and singing a tune about
Ernie: Six, hmm?
Bert: Sometimes I think of six bricks.
Ernie: Bert, that's very boring.
Bert: Or else I think of six sticks
Ernie: Well, that's even more boring.
Bert: Not five bricks or stick, but six
Now two is your eyes and one's your nose
And five is your fingers or your toes
And four is the legs on an easy chair
Yet there's no number can compare with
Ernie: How about 9 or 3?
Bert: Nothing more lovely than six
Ernie: I don't know, Bert ...
Bert: When someone says, 'Hey, Bert, pick a number'
Well, I always pick the one nobody picks --
My favorite number is six.
Ernie: You know, I hate to break this to you, Bert, but six isn't anybody's favorite number.
Bert: It's my favorite number, Ernie.
Ernie: I mean, six just sort of sits there between five and seven. You know, you have five fingers on your hand, and there are seven days in a week, but there's not really six of anything.
Bert: I know, Ernie, I know.
Now two is your eyes and one's your nose
And five is your fingers or your toes
And four is the legs on an easy chair
But there's no number can compare with
Ernie: All right, Bert ...
Bert: Nothing more lovely than six.
Ernie: Have it your way.
When someone says, 'Hey, Bert, pick a number'
Well, I always pick the one nobody picks --
My favorite number is six.
Bert: What are you doing, Ernie, can I sit in my chair now, huh?
Ernie: Not right now, I'm thinking about my favorite number.
Bert: What is it, Ernie, what is it?
Ernie: 8,243,721.
Bert: I still like six.
Gimme me a one (one!)
Gimme me a two (two!)
Gimme a three (three!), four (four!), five (five!)
Gimme a
Six soccer socks sitting on the shelf
Six soccer socks there by themself
Six soccer socks walking down the hall
Six soccer socks walking tall
Six soccer socks walking down the stairs
Six soccer socks walking in pairs
Six soccer socks sure look neat
Six soccer socks stepping to the beat
Six soccer socks what a stirring sight
Six soccer socks right, left, right
Six soccer socks they begin to march
Six soccer socks straight into the wash
Voiceover: 'Here's a little number I thought you should know.
It has snails in it so it goes kind of slow.
It's called 'Six.''
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 snails
Six tiny snails leaving six silver trails,
Six silver trails as shiny as nails,
Six shiny nails with six pointed tips,
Six silk sails on six sailing ships.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ships.
Well the six sailing ships on six spouting whales,
All got home to dinner long before the snails.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 snails.
Count: What's wrong, my pets? Why are you angry?
Bat #1: 'Cause ... 'cause we want our rights! We're going on strike! (Loud agreement from other bats.)
Count: On strike? Ah, but what is wrong?
Bat #1: 'Cause ... 'cause we never have any fun! We never get to count!
Bat #2: It's our turn to count!
Other Bats: Yeah, it's our turn to count! It's our turn to count! It's our turn to count! (They keep up the chanting through the next speech.)
Count (to himself): Ah, I have an idea. (Aloud, to bats) Okay, my darlings! You will get to count! (Bats cheer.) You will get to count all the Counts in the room, and then, I, the Count, will count all the bats. (Laughs. Bats groan.) You first, my pets!
Bat #1: Wait a minute! What do you mean, count all the Counts? There's only one of you here!
Count: Precisely so! One wonderful Count! (Laughs, and thunder and lightning flash. Bats groan again.) Now it is my turn to count. (Begins counting the bats, who are all complaing aloud.) One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Seven batty bats! (Laughs, and more thunder and lightning flash.) Ah, fooled them again! (Walks off, leaving bats squeaking angrily.)
FBI Guy In Green Suit and Sunglasses: V
This is a vase
That I'll put in this vat
Away from the villain in the panama hat
(he walks off stage, the villain arrives right afterwards)
Villain In The Panama Hat: I am the villain in the panama hat
And I'm after that vase
That's here in this vat
(evil laugh as he pulls the vase out of the vat)
I'll fill it with vinegar
And throw in some varnish
And top that all off with some violets for garnish
(evil laugh)
And now I will slip it
Here under my vest
(opens his vest to insert the vase and the FBI Guy pops out of his jacket)
FBI Guy: Oh, no you don't, villain!
You're under arrest!
(whips out handcuffs, the villain frowns and the FBI Guy smiles)
Sisters and brothers!
Brothers and sisters!
Ain't we, everyone?
Brothers and sisters!
Sisters and brothers!
Every father's daughter, every mother's son!
Brothers and sisters!
Sisters and brothers!
Each and every one.
Sisters and brothers!
Brothers and sisters!
Every mother's daughter, every father's son!
Ain't we lucky, everybody, bein' everybody's brother?
Ain't we lucky, everybody, lookin' out for one another?
Ain't we happy, everybody, bein' everybody's sister?
Ain't we happy, everybody, lookin' out for mister, mister?
Ain't we lucky?
(Ain't we?)
Ain't we happy?
(Ain't we?)
Ain't we lucky?
(Ain't we?)
Ain't we happy?
(Ain't we?)
Sisters and brothers!
Brothers and sisters!
Ain't we, everyone?
Brothers and sisters!
Sisters and brothers!
Every father's daughter, every mother's ...
Brothers and sisters!
Sisters and brothers!
Each and every one.
Sisters and brothers!
Brothers and sisters!
Every mother's daughter, every father's ...
(repeat last two verses to fade)
Worm, worm, worm, worm,
Worm, worm, worm, worm,
We're all for worm
And worm for all
Together we will
Squirm or fall
We squiggle together
And wriggle together
Worms up in the sky!
Night and day
To make our spaceship fly!
Worm, worm, worm, worm,
Worm, worm, worm, worm,
We crawl together
We're all together
Flying night to noon
Co-operating worm by worm
So we land on the moon
We're all for worm
And worm for all
Together we will squirm
One, wash your hands before you eat
Two, brush your teeth after every meal
Three, see your doctor and your dentist
We all need checkups no matter how good we feel.
Oh how lovely life will be if we keep the
Ten commandments of health.
Four, cover your nose whenever sneezing
Five, cover your mouth when you're coughing too.
Six, dress warmly in cold weather
And you won't have much coughing or sneezing to do.
Oh how lovely life will be if we keep the
Ten commandments of health.
Health, oh sweet health,
It's worth more than fame or wealth to me.
One thing I say a lot:
'Take care of the life you got it's such a precious commodity.'
Seven, exercise to keep in shape
Eight, bathe or shower when each day is through
Nine, eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Ten, give your body all the sleep that it's due.
Oh how grand we're gonna feel
'Cause we'll keep the
Ten commandments of health.
The ten commandments of health!
In a pretty little house made of celery
There lives a little kitty-cat family
One, two, three!
They can make make their tails look just like spaghetti
And they dine in bed on Apple Brown Betty
One, two, three!
But these pretty kitties, they're great circulators!
They know a pretty fish, and they're friends with alligators
One, two, three!
And when the sun decides to go out of sight
The pretty little kitties stand and wave good night!
(Sun, which has a face, sets, then rises and waves. Each kitty waves as Furl and Ghetty counts:)
One, two, three!
(Sun sets again.)
TRAVELLER (Jim Henson):
I started on a journey just about a year ago,
To a little town called 'Morrow' in the state of Ohio
I'd never been much of a traveller and I really didn't know,
That Morrow was the hardest place I'd ever try to go.
So I went down to the station for my ticket and applied
For tips regarding Morrow not expecting to be guide
Said I, 'My friend, I'd like to go to Morrow and return,
No later than tomorrow for I haven't time to burn.'
Said he to me,
Now let me see if I have heard you right
You'd like to go to Morrow and return tomorrow night
You should have gone to Morrow yesterday and back today,
For the train that goes to Morrow is a mile upon its way
If you had gone to Morrow yesterday now don't you see,
You could have gone to Morrow and returned today at 3
For the train today to Morrow if the schedule is right,
Today it gets to Morrow and returns tomorrow night.
Said I, 'I'd like to go to Morrow so can I go today,
And get to Morrow by tonight if there is no delay?'
'Well, well,' I said to him, and I've got no more to say,
'Can you get anywhere tomorrow and get back again today?'
Said I, 'I guess you know it all, but kindly let me say,
How can I get to Morrow if I leave this town today?'
Said he,
You can not go to Morrow anymore today,
For the train that goes to Morrow is a mile upon its way.
I was so disappointed, I was mad enough to swear
The train had gone to Morrow and it left me standing there
The man was right in telling me,
You are a howling jay
You cannot go to Morrow...
Well I guess in town I'll stay.
FIDDLER (Frank Oz):
I don't get it.
COOL TRIVIA: The song was on one of the best episodes of The Muppet Show, with Rita Moreno as the guest star, and she did a great rendition of Fever with Animal. In fact, her appearance won her an Emmy, making her the only performer in history to have won a Tony, a Grammy, an Emmy, and an Oscar.
A, airplane: Typewriter sees some airplanes flying by and then soars up into the sky like a plane!
B, ball: Typewriter runs into a giant ball and gets bounced offscreen.
C, cat: Typewriter hears a cat offscreen. When cat enters, it's a giant one and scary to typewriter. So he types and says 'little cat!' Cat shrinks smaller than typewriter, who barks at cat. Cat runs off and typewriter giggles.
D, daisy: Typewriter sees (and hears!) daisies growing out of ground. Gigantic daisy grows under him, carrying him up, up, and offscreen!
E, ear: Typewriter is with a giant ear. After typing, 'E, ear,' he says, 'ear' louder. So the ear leaves, a giant mouth comes onscreen and says, 'ear,' scaring typewriter away.
F, fly: Typewriter sees a bird flying, then flaps his arms and flies himself.
G, glue: Typewriter gets stuck in a puddle of glue. After a few tries, he gets himself unstuck, taking the glue with him and crashing offscreen.
H, hand: Whenever typewriter rolls up a new piece of paper, a giant hand rips it off. Typewriter finally manages to roll yet another sheet and type, 'h, hand.' He then shakes the hand's finger.
I, ink: This one I haven't seen for ages! Nothing appears when typewriter types. He's out of ink, so he pours in some and types, 'i, ink.' Then ... not sure ... I think the ink floods the screen.
J, jump: Typewriter sees a frog jumping, then jumps after it like a frog.
K, key: Another one I haven't seen in ages. Typewriter tries to open a door and finds it locked. He unlocks it with a key. When opened, door reveals two fierce eyes in the dark and maybe some roaring and growling. Typewriter leaves quick, but I hope he locked the door first!
L, lion: Typewriter hears a lion roaring offscreen and is really scared but types, 'l, lion.' Lion roars some more and enters. It's tiny and typewriter giggles, but it roars again and scares typewriter away.
M, magic: Typewriter makes (I think) a rabbit appear and vanish. He does the same trick with a scorpion-like creature. Then he makes himself disappear, but we can still hear him giggling!
N, nose: Typewriter is with a gigantic nose and mouth looking very like one from the ear skit. Nose starts to sneeze twice, but typewriter puts a finger below it and stops the sneeze. Then nose sneezes a sneeze that blows typewriter away.
O, owl: Not sure here ... I think the typewriter must be having some trouble, because I remember a bunch of crumpled paper. An owl lands on him.
P, pencil: Nothing appears when typewriter types. So he writes, 'p, pencil' with a pencil. I think he sharpens it with some part of him. Then he sticks it in his wheel, which goes flat.
Q, quiet: Unheard laughers won't shut up until typewriter repeatedly yells, 'QUIET!'
R, rope: Jump-rope drops from sky. Typewriter jumps with it until he jumps up off the screen!
S, spring: Yet again, nothing appears when typewriter types. A spring pops out of him and keeps springing away from him. Typewriter chases it, jumping like a spring.
T, train: An electric train runs around typewriter, who makes train-whistle sounds.
U, umbrella: It starts to rain, so the typewriter opens an umbrella over himself. When the rain stops, he closes umbrella and gets stuck in it! After a brief struggle, he gets his wheels out and rolls away, singing his customary, 'Nooney, nooney, nooney, noo...'
V, vacuum: The typewriter keeps rolling paper up, but a vacuum cleaner keeps sucking up the paper. Typewriter finally types, 'v, vacuum.' Then the vacuum sucks up the whole typewriter.
W, wall: Typewriter rushes in, crashing into an invisible wall. He smashes his way through.
X, x-ray: Something seems to be wrong with one of the typewriter's wheels. He examines it with an x-ray, appears to find problem, and oils wheel. It now rolls fine.
Y, yo-yo: Typewriter is playing with a yo-yo, the end of which gets stuck offscreen. Typewriter tries to get it free, but ends up pulling himself offscreen.
Z, zoo: Typewriter comes to a cage and is scared by the roaring of a lion. He hears a bird sound and sees bird come up to bars of cage. Bird honks like a car and scares him away.
Furry happy monsters laughing
Monsters having fun
Happy, happy
See them jump and run
Happy, happy
Laughing all the while
Cheerful, cheerful
Flashing a big smile
That's a perfect sign
That they're feeling fine
Furry, happy monsters feeling glad
Furry, happy monsters feeling glad
Furry, happy monsters laughing
Something has gone wrong
Sighing, sighing
Faces have turned long
Crying, crying
Hear them sob and whine
Tearful, tearful
That's a real good sign
That they're feeling glum
Sad, sad times have come
Furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
Furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
Furry sobbing monsters crying
Michael Stipe (spoken): Come on, monsters! You don't have to cry, we can be happy!
Furry happy monsters feeling glad
Furry happy monsters feeling glad
Furry happy monsters laughing
Furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
Furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
Furry sobbing monsters crying
Furry happy monsters feeling glad
Furry happy monsters feeling glad
Furry happy monsters laughing
Monsters, happy monsters
Happy monsters
Monsters, happy monsters
Happy monsters
Monsters, happy monsters
Happy monsters
The Count: Oh, Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
If you like home cookin' try it Transylvanian style
At Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
Come inside and open wide, it's love at first bite
Ernie: Let me see...
I'll have a number four - the one minute egg
And three strips of bacon on the side
Wait a minute...
On second thought, I'll have some cereal instead
Cookie Monster: Me settle for cookie sandwich on rye
The Count: At Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner (ha ha)
If you like home cookin' try it Transylvanian style
At Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
Come inside and open wide, it's love at first bite
Grover: I will try a number five - the business monster's lunch
And a bowl of alphabet soup, A to Z (A to Z)
Cookie Monster: Me still want six or seven cookies me can munch
Herry Monster: And a blue plate special for blue monsters like me
The Count: At Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
If you like home cookin' try it Transylvanian style
At Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
Come inside and open wide, it's love at first bite
Big Bird: I don't know what to have, I eat like a bird
I guess I'll have some bird seed on a bun (on a bun)
Bert: Two bowls of oatmeal, for dessert I'm gonna splurge
The Count: Anyone for seconds? Me! That's one!
Yes, at Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
If you like home cookin' try it Transylvanian style
At Count von Count's continuous country cookin' downhome diner
Come inside and open wide, it's love at first bite
Come inside and open wide, it's love at first bite
Come and get it!
Background voices: A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,
Q, R, S,
T, U, V,
W, X, Y, Z!
Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Let me take you to the
Alphabet jungle
Follow me from A to Z
Little girl: A is swinging like an ape
B gives a big bad roar
C is swimming by a crocodile
Wait, there's a whole lot more!
D takes a dive
E's getting splashed
By an elephant and his trunk
F and G stepped into quicksand
Now they're really sunk!
H is hungry as a hippo
I is swatting flies
J and K are playing jumping jacks
Underneath the jungle skies
L is lounging by the river
M's melting from the heat
The letter N comes out at night
And dances to the jungle beat
O is riding on an ostrich
P leads a parrot parade
Q got crushed by a rhinoceros
And R is running away
The letter S is really scared
Because of what it sees:
A t-t-t-t-t-tarantula
Is crawling 'cross the T's!
The letter U's unusual
It likes to hang around
V points the way to the waterfall
Where the W's are sliding down
X marks the spot where a treasure chest
Of Y's lies patiently
And right behind that zebra
Is a snoring letter Z
Background voices: Alphabet jungle
Alphabet jungle
Counting is wonderful,
Counting is marvelous,
Counting's the best thing to do.
Counting is happiness,
Counting is ecstasy,
I love to count, don't you?
You can count when you're happy
1 2 3 4
You can count when you're sad
1 2 3 4 5
Or count when you're frightened
1 2 3 4 5 6
Count when you're mad!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Counting is wonderful,
Counting is marvelous,
Counting's terrific and how!
I am pleased to announce you can add up amounts
Put some bounce in your life and start counting now!
Counting is wonderful,
Counting is marvelous,
Counting's the best thing to do.
Counting is happiness,
Counting is ecstasy,
I love to count, don't you?
You can count when you're standing
1 2 3 4
You can count when you're stooped
1 2 3 4 5
Or count when you're sneezing
1 2 3 Achooo!
Count when you're pooped
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Yawn...
Counting is wonderful,
Counting is marvelous,
Counting's terrific and how!
I am pleased to announce you can add up amounts,
By the pound by the ounce,
It's the counting that counts.
First turtle: Come follow, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow me.
Second turtle: Whither shall I follow, follow, follow?
Whither shall I follow?
Follow me!
Third turtle: To the redwood, to the redwood, to the redwood,
Redwood tree
It's very very cold
It's very very chilly
My teeth are really chattering
And this is really silly!
I'm absolutely freezing
And getting awfully numb
This shivering and shaking
Is getting awfully dumb!
At times I have been warm
And often even hot
But boy I gotta tell you
That now I sure am not!
My skin has got goose pimples
And as you can suppose
My fingers are like icicles
And all my toes are froze!
I've said it once before
I'll say it once again
I know it will be warm someday
But I can't wait 'till then
'Cause I'll be olllllld!
And terribly COLLLLLLLLD!
It's very very cold
It's very very chilly
My teeth are really chattering
And this is really silly!
I'm absolutely freezing
And getting awfully numb
This shivering and shaking
Is getting awfully dumb!
At times I have been warm
And often even hot
But boy I gotta tell you
That now I sure am not!
My skin has got goose pimples
And as you can suppose
My fingers are like icicles
And all my toes are froze!
I've said it once before
I'll say it once again
I know it will be warm someday
But I can't wait 'till then
'Cause I'll be olllllld!
And terribly COLLLLLLLLD!
Girl: It's my cookie!
Boy: It is not, it's mine!
Girl: No, it's my cookie!
Cookie Monster: Dum-de-dum-dum-dum ... What seem to be problem?
Girl: Well, there's only one cookie here and we both want it.
Boy: Yeah and it's mine!
Girl: It is not! It's my cookie! I saw it first!
Boy: Yeah, but --
Cookie Monster: Hold on, me will decide who get cookie.
Girl: Are you kidding?!?
Boy: Yeah, you're the Cookie Monster! If you decide, we know who will get the cookie!
Girl: We weren't born yesterday, you know!
Cookie Monster: Now hold on, hold on ... Okay, me decided that Smallest Person get cookie!
Girl: Of all the -- the smallest person gets the cookie?
Cookie Monster: Uh-huh.
Girl: (squatting down) Okay I'm the smallest! I'm the smallest!
Boy: Hey, that's not fair! You're scrunching down!
Girl: I'm the smallest!
Boy: You can't do that, I'm smaller than you!
Cookie Monster: (stopping them) Okay, okay. (to Girl) You small, (to Boy) you smaller, but --
(Cookie Monster stands aside and suddenly begins to shrunk to pint-size.)
Girl: How'd he do that?
Boy: I don't know, but he's the smallest!
Cookie Monster: (high-pitched voice) I do anything for cookie!
(Cookie Monster picks up the cookie, now bigger than he is, and marches off.)
He's shaggy, he's blue
And he knows how to chew - COOKIE!
Can you dig it?
You think you can munch,
Brother, you're out to lunch
Compared with - COOKIE!
Did someone say 'Lunch?'
You can give him the sun,
You can give him the moon.
But me trade them both in
For just one big macaroon!
Let's hear it! COOKIE!
Yeah for Cookie!
Don't try to outeat him,
There's no way you can beat him
Me the Greatest!
Yah, it really a trip
To watch me chew choc'late chip-
You ready?
We're ready!
Here me go!
(gobbling noises) COOKIE! COOKIE!
If you offered him treasure,
Will he take it?
Darn tootin', but you know me would
Get a lot more pleasure from Fig Newton!
Again! COOKIE!
Yeah! More cookies!
Where cookies?
No more cookies!
Whose appetite is completely out-a-sight? COOKIE's!
Have mercy!
You say you can eat?
The guarantee can't compete
ME so hungry!
What me do?
Oh, me know!
Me eat this record!
(ferocious munching sounds)
Cookie Monster: (Shouting) Wow, look at all these books! Me no seen so many books before!
Librarian: Shhhh!
Cookie Monster: (Whispering) Oh, yeah, yeah, right.
(Cookie walks toward the desk, and stumbles over something. You hear a metal container falling over.)
Cookie Monster: (surprised) Whoop!
Librarian: (Quietly) Quiet, please.
Cookie Monster: (Whispering) I did not see de wastebasket.
(Librarian sort of nods, and goes back to work.)
Cookie Monster: Uh, Sir ... Sir ... (Librarian looks up) Could you tell me what you doing with all these books?
Librarian: Well, this is a library. We have all kinds of books for people to read.
Cookie Monster: Really? Well, me want book about Little Red Riding Hood.
Librarian: All right. (Gets up to go get it.)
Cookie Monster: And one box of cookies. (Starts looking around.)
Librarian: (Stops in his tracks, and looks at Cookie.) (Pleasantly) Maybe you didn't understand. You see, this is a library. We only have books; we have no cookies.
Cookie Monster: Oh, yeah, yeah, right. Well, me want book about nursery rhymes.
Librarian: All right. (starts off to get it.)
Cookie Monster: And one box of cookies.
Librarian: (Sharper than before, yet still pleasant.) We don't have cookies! We only have books. Just books, no cookies.
Cookie Monster: Oh, right. Uh, me want picture book.
Librarian: Picture book. (Starts off.)
Cookie Monster: And one box of cookies.
Librarian: (He's infuriated now, and starts breathing heavily, and yelling.) How many times do I have to tell you WE DON'T HAVE COOKIES?! WE ONLY HAVE BOOKS! YOU UNDERSTAND?! JUST BOOKS!! BOOKS!!!
Cookie Monster: (Calmly) It OK, no need to get excited, me not fussy, just give me box of cookies.
Cookie Monster: (After a pause.) You know what? Me get the feeling you only have books.
Cookie Monster: Me got it now. OK, OK. (Clears throat)
Librarian: (Calms down for a second.) Fine. Now tell me, (stresses) what do you want?
Cookie Monster: Me ... want ... BOOK ... about cookies.
Librarian: Fine, that we have, a book about cookies, good! (Starts to get up.)
Cookie Monster: And a glass of milk.
(Ending music of two notes plays, Librarian sighs a couple times, and tips over in his chair. You hear the wastebasket falling.)
Cookie Monster: (Looking over edge of desk) Book about cookies and a glass of juice?
cookie monster is soo much better than any ol veggie
so if u luv da monster with da blue fur singit
You told me you could count
You said there's nothing to it
Well, if you're so good at counting
Let me hear you do it
Mercy, is that the best you can do?
You've got to count it higher (count it higher)
I'd like to know who told ya you could stop at 3
You've got to count it higher (count it higher)
Baby, if you want to count with me
Let me hear you count again now
You've got to count if higher (count it higher)
5 just isn't good enough at all you see
You've got to count it higher (count it higher)
Baby, if you want to count with me
Now, let's just try it one last time
You went and counted higher (counted higher)
You really went and counted all the way to 10
You went and counted higer (counted higher)
Now go back to 1 and start to count again
Are you ready?
You went and counted higher (counted higher)
You counted counted counted higher
You counted counted counted, huh!
You counted counted counted higher
Pretty day
Sunny sky
Lovely pictures
Dance in your eyes
It all seems so right
It all seems so rare
Summer soft
Sudden breeze
Watch the wind
Play tag in the trees
The world is so bright
So perfectly fair
Lovers sing
Children dance
For a minute
We've got a chance
Why couldn't we fly
I know we'd get by
Sunny sky
Pretty day
Just a push
And we're on the way
Yes couldn't we ride
Side by side
Why couldn't we fly
I know we'd get by
Sunny sky
Pretty day
Just a push
And we're on the way
Yes couldn't we ride
Side by side
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
Dig it!
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
Muppet In Shades:
I saw these crazy dudes
And they went out on the street
They were cleanin' out the empty lot
And makin' it neat
I said, 'Man is this cool
What you tryin' to do?'
They said, 'Makin' a garden
For me and for you.'
They said:
Hey man, join us
Come on, let's go
Together we can make a pretty garden grow
Girl: I'll dig a hole
Guy: And I'll plant a seed
Together: And we can add the water
That all growin' things need
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
Dig it!
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
(Scene changes to the front of a building, with 2 other Muppet guys)
Muppet In Shades:
Now we friends were on the corner
Hangin' out, I said, 'Hey,
You can hang around these garbage cans
Some other day!'
They said, 'Man is this cool
What you tryin' to do?'
I said, 'Make a street garden
For me and for you!'
I said, 'Hey cats, join us,
Come on, let's go
We'll all co-operate and make a garden grow
You dig a hole
And I'll plant a seed
And we will add the water
That all growing things need!'
Muppet In Shades, and his 2 friends:
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
Dig it!
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
(Back to the garden, where the plants have begun to grow)
Muppet In Shades:
Now we watch our garden grow
And we come back every day
And the people in our neighborhood
Come 'round and say
2 Friends:
'Hey man, this is cool!
Tell us what we can do
To keep this pretty garden here
For me and for you!'
Everybody Else:
We all say, 'Hey, join us
Come on, dig the scene
We'll all co-operate
And keep our garden green
Girl: You trim the leaves
Guy: And you pull the weeds
Girl: And I will add the water
That all growing things need!
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
Dig it!
Co-operation ... makes it happen
Co-operation ... working together
Bert: [Ernie! Ernie! I've discovered something FANTASTIC! Listen ... (CLINK)
Ernie: That's fantastic, Bert!
Bert: Yeah, yeah! That's ME hitting this tin can with a spoon. And listen, this is .. this is me hitting this pan with a spoon ... (CLANK) *pleasant sigh*
Ernie: Well, that's very interesting, Bert ..
Bert: Yeah. Now, I shake the tin can .. (RATTLE) .. you see, it's got MARBLES inside!
Ernie: Uh-huh, yeah, that's nice ..
Bert: Yeah, yeah, and then I blow this WHISTLE! (TWEET) Oh, Ernie! It's so wild! So wonderful!
Ernie: Gee, that doesn't seem so wonderful to me, Bert.
Bert: Well, maybe not but listen to what happens when I put them all together, Ernie ..
Bert: *pleasant sigh*
Ernie: Say, that sounds pretty nice, Bert!
Bert: NICE? Ernie, it's breathtaking! Hey -- now everyone at home, go get a can, or a pan, or a whistle, or -- or whatever you can find, and you can join in too.
Ernie: Join in? Join in on what, Bert?
Bert: Well, you'll see Ernie, and I'll tell you what happened too. See --]
Bert: See, I was sitting around
Feeling so blue,
Trying to think what to
Think to do
I suddenly heard something new.
I was sitting around
Trying to sleep
Practicing counting by
Counting sheep
I knew I had found something new.
It was just the water pipe when the faucet got turned on,
But it lightened up my life like a nightingale's sweet song!
And now I'm happy with my can and my pan
My whistle or two
'Cause now I know
What I just gotta do;
And the sky is all sunny and blue,
I bet it'll do it for you!
Ernie: [Gee, that's nice, Bert! Hey--can I join in?
Bert: Ernie, everybody can join in! Kids at home too. Ready? Here it comes...
Bert: AAAAhhh! Ernie, you ruined it!
Ernie: Well, I couldn't find a whistle, Bert!
Bert: Well, this time you rattle and I'll tweet.
Ernie: Okay, Bert! (HONK!)
Bert: ERNIE!
Ernie: I just had to put it down, Bert.
Bert: Well, control yourself, huh?
Ernie: Here we go ..
Ernie: There, I did it!]
Bert: *pleasant sigh*
It was just the water pipe when the faucet got turned on,
But it lightened up my life like a nightingale's sweet song
And now I'm happy with my can and my pan
(HONK!) My whistle or two (Ernie!) (Sorry ..)
Now I know what I just got to do;
And the sky is all sunny and blue,
I bet it'll do it for you!
One last time! -- (CLINK, CLANK, RATTLE, TWEET)
I bet it'll do it for you! (TWEET!)
Bert: [It did it for me, I'll tell ya.]
Ernie: (HONK!)
Zizzy Zoomer #1: What's the letter after "Y"?
Zizzy Zoomers #2 and 3: "Z"!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: What's the last letter of the alphabet?
Zizzy Zoomers #2 and 3: "Z"!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: You want to sing a "Z" song?
Zizzy Zoomers #2 and 3: Yeah!
(music starts)
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap!
All: Zippy! Zippy! Zing! Zing!
Zebra, zoo
But what else can a dizzy kind of
"Zigzag" letter do?
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom! Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zigzag!
Zizzy Zoomer #3: Zap! Zap!
Zizzy Zoomer #1: Zoom!
Zizzy Zoomer #2: Zang!
Alligators and Acrobats, Antelopes and Alleycats,
Those are words that begin with ... the "A" sound!
Animals living in the zoo, the Alphabet, and an Apple too,
Those are words that begin with ... the "A" sound!
And if by chance, it happens your name is Alice ...
Or Ann, or Albert,
Then you can say ...
To everybody
"My name is Alice, Ann, or Al-bert,
And my name begins with the sound of the letter 'A'!"
(conversation with Ant named Ambercrombe)
And if by chance it happens your name is Alice ...
Or Ann or Albert,
Than you can say ...
To everybody
"My name is Alice, Ann, or Al-bert,
And my name begins with the sound of the letter 'A'!"
The letter "A"
Ernie (spoken): "Hi there. Ernie here. And now, we'll have Professor Hastings lecture us on the next letter of the alphabet: the letter U. Uhhhh, professor?"
Professor: "Huh?! Huh?! Ah, yes. Good day.
(sung) U is for underpass, U is for underwear, U is for... uhhh... uuhh..." (falls asleep)
(alarm clock rings)
Ernie (spoken): "Up, professor!"
Professor: "Huh?! Huh?! Uhm...
(sung) U is for upper plate, U is for undulate, U is for... uhhhh... uhh..." (falls asleep)
(alarm clock rings)
Ernie: (spoken) "Up, professor!"
Professor: "Huh?! Huh?!
(sung) One straight line going down and smoothly curving 'round
And heading straight up the other way
U is unusual
U is unquestionably
The start of USA
(spoken) Which began when the United States... uhmm... united... that's another U word.
(sung) As is unicorn
Ukulele, uniform and
U also sounds like
Uncle... umbrella... umpire... uhmm..." (falls asleep)
(alarm clock rings)
Ernie: "Up, professor, up!"
Professor: "Huh?! Huh?! Who?!"
George: (Quietly repeating the soft G sound)
Ernie: (Hey listen everybody. Do you hear a strange sound?)
Grover: (Hey George, what is that sound you are making?)
George: (Hi Grover, I'm making the sound of the next letter of the alphabet, the letter "G". Yeah, my name begins with the letter "G" and it makes that sound. G-g-george.)
(Music begins)
Grover: (B-b-but my name begins with "G" too but it sounds like this, G-g-grover.)
(Begins singing)
Grover:"G", Grover.
George:(No.) "G", George.
Grover:(Uh-uh), "G", garden.
George:(No no), "G", giant.
Grover: "G", gallop.
George: "G", giraffe.
Grover: (No, no I think this is right Georgie.) "G", golden.
George: And "G", gentle.
Hey, Grover!
Grover: What, Georgie?
George: There are two "G" sounds.
Grover: I must agree.
There is "G", good guy
George: And "G", genius.
Grover: One sound for you
And one sound for me.
Grover: "G", Grover.
George: "G", George.
"G", Grover.
Grover: "G", George.
("G", George.)
Sesame Street
The Noodle Story
Oscar: Let me see. So far, we've done A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M.
That's enough! Let's go home!
Big Bird: Gosh, Oscar! We've got lots of letters to go. The next one is "N". So now I shall tell a story that's filled with words that start with the letter "N".
Oscar: I don't wan't to hear it.
Big Bird: Gosh, Oscar! Don't you want to hear all those "N" words with the great "nn" sound?
Oscar: No!
Big Bird: Right! "No" is an "N" word.
Oscar: Ugh!
Big Bird: Now, see if you can hear some others, Oscar.
Once upon a time, there were nine naughty noodles.
Oscar: Nine naughty noodles?
Big Bird: Sure. Now these nine naughty noodles lived in a nest.
And their names were Ned, Nat, Norman, Nathaniel, Nelly, Nan, Nancy, Norma, and Naomi.
Oscar: Oh no.
Big Bird: Now one day, Nora moved into the neighborhood.
Oscar: Nora? Another noodle I suppose.
Big Bird: (laughs) No. Nora was a nectarine.
Oscar: Naturally.
Big Bird: For Nora, the noodles learned not to be naughty but nice.
Oscar: Doesn't this story ever come to an end?
Big Bird: Ah, you want this story to come to an end?
Oscar: I sure do.
Big Bird: O.K. One day, Nora and the noodles went for a walk and found a great huge letter "N" carved at a stone.
Oscar: So?
Big Bird: So (giggles) you wanted the story to come to an end.
(as clock chimes)
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven
Eleven o'clock, time to get up
It's a lovely eleven morning
I heard eleven worms yawning (yawn)
I saw eleven cows sleeping 'midst the buttercups
I said, "How's your cottage cheese?"
And they said, "Oh, dry up!"
Eleven little birdies in the trees
Bright yellow beaks and pinky knees
Eleven chicks hatching
Eleven cats scratching
Eleven's the number for me
Eleven ducklings quacking
Eleven pigs, lips smacking
One two three four five six
Seven eight nine ten eleven
Eleven's the number for me
Don't you see?
Eleven's the number for me!
Oscar: Let me see. So far, we've done A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M.
That's enough! Let's go home!
Big Bird: Gosh, Oscar! We've got lots of letters to go. The next one is 'N'. So now I shall tell a story that's filled with words that start with the letter 'N'.
Oscar: I don't wan't to hear it.
Big Bird: Gosh, Oscar! Don't you want to hear all those 'N' words with the great 'nn' sound?
Oscar: No!
Big Bird: Right! 'No' is an 'N' word.
Oscar: Ugh!
Big Bird: Now, see if you can hear some others, Oscar.
Once upon a time, there were nine naughty noodles.
Oscar: Nine naughty noodles?
Big Bird: Sure. Now these nine naughty noodles lived in a nest.
And their names were Ned, Nat, Norman, Nathaniel, Nelly, Nan, Nancy, Norma, and Naomi.
Oscar: Oh no.
Big Bird: Now one day, Nora moved into the neighborhood.
Oscar: Nora? Another noodle I suppose.
Big Bird: (laughs) No. Nora was a nectarine.
Oscar: Naturally.
Big Bird: For Nora, the noodles learned not to be naughty but nice.
Oscar: Doesn't this story ever come to an end?
Big Bird: Ah, you want this story to come to an end?
Oscar: I sure do.
Big Bird: O.K. One day, Nora and the noodles went for a walk and found a great huge letter 'N' carved at a stone.
Oscar: So?
Big Bird: So (giggles) you wanted the story to come to an end.
Oscar: Oh no, no, no, no.
Sesame Street
One Of These Things (Is Not Like The Others)
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely... right!
Another version:
Three of these things belong together
Three of these things are kind of the same
Can you guess which one of these doesn't belong here?
Now it's time to play our game (time to play our game).
Bonus Version
Three of these kids belong together
Three of these kids are kind of the same
But one of these kids is doing his (her) own thing
Now it's time to play our game
Ooooooh - Ahhh!
(A hand pulls the pinball release lever back, and away it goes!
The ball rolls out and bounces off four thingys that light up before landing in the middle of a larger thingy, its lights flash
As a clock-like diagram with a pointer swings and lights up each number, we hear ...)
(As the ball now rolls up and down on a roller-coaster like slide and lands into another thingy, this one looking like a water-fountain, and it lights up, we hear ...)
(As a kaleidoscope of colours spins, the numbers appear one by one)
(The ball drops onto a twisted slide, slides downwards then bumps off three more thingys that light up, the last one bouncing it into a hole where a number appears above it)
(As a xylophone is played haphazardly, the following images appear:
The ball falls onto a Taj Mahal-looking structure, rolling under it to appear again as a snake's tail pushes it out from under a snake charmer
The ball now rolls under a Sphinx-like creature seated on a box, the creature turns its head to look as the ball appears behind him
The ball rolls into a pyramid, causing the top, an eye (look at your American dollar bills for an example), to pop-up as a horn sounds and the number 7 is shown as the voice says 'Seven!'
The ball leaves the pyramid from the top, as the eye lifts again, and now rolls and bumps off two thingys that look like the top of Russian buildings, where it is kicked by a Russian dancer
We see a Swiss-like mountain climber standing atop a tiny mountain with a long horn in his mouth, he swings to the right in time to collect the ball in his horn, we flash to the number 7 again as the voice says 'Seven!' then the climber swings to the left as he blows the ball loose
The ball lands on a bull in a ring, bounces off him and hits a matador holding out a red cape, causing the matador to swing wildly thus sending the ball off to...
A windmill with its sails turning, a hole in its base which the ball attempts to go through but it bounces off one of the sails...
Now it knocks over a flat policeman character and rolls into a sentry box which makes two guards pop out of their holes on either side of the box (the guards are dressed like the ones you see in front of Buckingham Palace). We again see the number 7 as the voice says 'Seven!'
Now the ball lands on the same roller-coaster slide we saw in the beginning, bounces off a couple of thingys that light-up, rolls down a ramp which leads to a big production number graphic.
As the numbers appear in the middle of this structure, we see shooting-gallery type ducks drifting by on a lake in the upper right corner, a sun above them, a city-scape at night with floodlights lighting the sky in the upper left corner, a night sky with stars and a planet (looks like Saturn with a ring) in the lower-right corner and a daytime sky with clouds in the lower left corner. A zeppelin can be seen crossing from the daytime scene to the nighttime scene in the lower part.)
Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad
Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Sing a song
La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la
Sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things, not bad
Sing of happy, not sad
Sing a song
Make it simple
To last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough
For anyone else to hear
Sing a song
Why are there so many songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
And rainbows have nothing to hide.
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it,
And look what it's done so far.
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing?
And what do we think we might see?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
All of us under its spell,
We know that it's probably magic....
Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same.
I've heard it too many times to ignore it.
Is it something that I'm supposed to be?
Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers and me.
La, la la, La, la la la, La Laa, la la, La, La la laaaaaaa
(reprise from 'The Muppet Movie'):
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
That's part of what rainbows do.
Rainbows are memories, sweet dream reminders --
What is it you'd like to do?
All of us watching and wishing we'd find it,
I know you're watching it, too.
Someday you'll find it, the rainbow connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and you!
Little Girl: Now the letter is 'Q'.
And one word that begins with 'Q' is 'question.'
Now here is a question,
A question for you
Remember, the answer
Will start with a 'Q'.
Grover: What's a 'Q'?
Girl: Is that you? Oh hi, Grover.
Grover: Hi.
Girl: 'Q' is a letter of the alphabet that looks like an 'O' with a little tail at the bottom.
Grover: Oh! Now I remember. You can start the song again.
Girl: Thanks, Grover.
Grover: You're welcome.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a 'Q'.
Just think of a duck,
Be it white, brown, or black.
What sound does it make?
Why, a duckie goes...
Grover: Mooooooooooo!
Girl: No, Grover. A duckie goes 'Quack!'
'Quack' is a 'Q' word.
The answer is 'Quack.'
Grover: Oh. O.K.
Girl: But Grover..
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: Try this one.
Grover: O.K.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a 'Q'.
In stores, you find milk
In containers of sorts.
But what do you call them?
You call these things...
Grover: Cows.
Girl: No, that's not right! The answer is 'Quarts'!
'Quarts' is a 'Q' word.
The answer is 'Quarts.'
Now what made you think of cows?
Grover: I don't know. I think I heard one go 'Moo' a minute ago.
Girl: Grover..
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: Forget about the cows.
Grover: O.K.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
And once more, the answer
Begins with a 'Q'.
Remember a king
In a story you've seen.
To whom was he married?
He's wed to a...
Grover: Farmer.
Girl: No. The answer is 'Queen.'
'Queen' is a 'Q' word.
The answer is 'Queen.'
Grover: Gee! I thought it was a farmer.
Girl: What farmer?
Grover: You know, the one that brought the cow in here.
Girl: Grover..
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: I've had quite enough! I quit!
Grover: Hmm. Oh well. O.K. Come on, cow. Let's go home.
Cow (pulled by Grover) Mooooooooooooooooooooo!
Low, Middle, High- High, Low, High,
Low, Middle, High, High,
Low, Middle, High- High, Low, High
Low, Middle, High, High
High, Middle, High, Low, Low, Low,
Low, Low, Low- High,
Low, Middle, High- High, Low, High,
High, Middle, High, Low.
Simple notes 1-2-3
How pretty they can be.
Low, Middle, High- High, Low, High
Low, Middle, High, High,
Low, Middle, High- High, Low, High
Low, Middle, High, High
High, Middle, High, Low, Low, Low,
Low, Low, Low- High,
Low, Middle, High- High, Low, High,
High, Middle, High, Low.
Simple note 1-2-3
Now won't you play with me...
Bert: (reading an oatmeal recipe book, 'Cooking With Oatmeal')
'You take four cups of oatmeal...two pitted mangoes...'
Ernie: 'Hey Bert!'
B: '...buttermilk...'
E: 'Hey Bert! It's time for the rhyming game Bert!'
B: 'Oh, no Ernie, thanks, I don't want to play a game, I'm reading my book.'
E: 'Oh, but you'll love this game, Bert! See all you have to do is, you say something, and then I'll say something that rhymes with what you just said!'
B: 'Uh-huh, yeah, but I really don't want to play a game.'
E: 'Maybe not Bert, but we'll do it all the same!
You see that, you said game and I said same, and game and same both rhyme!'
B: 'Yeah, uh-uh, rhyme, I know. But Ernie, it's just not what I want to do.'
E: 'Wiggle your finger, and waggle your shoe!'
(drums start)
B: 'Uh, Ernie, I'd much rather sit and read my book.'
E: 'With ears you hear, and with eyes you look!'
B: 'Now come on Ernie, cut this out.'
E: 'Easy old buddy, no need to shout!'
B: 'I don't want to play a game with rhymes!'
E: 'Nice going Bert, oh ring my chimes!'
B: 'I don't wanna do it!'
E: 'There's really nothing to it!'
B: 'It's so silly.'
E: 'A boy named Billy.'
B: 'Stop it, please!'
E: 'A dog has fleas!'
B: 'Oh!'
E: 'Mow!'
B: 'Ernie, please this has got to stop!'
E: 'Some people like to jump and hop!'
B: 'I don't wanna do it (Ernie interrupts)any more.'
E: 'What what hmmm?' (I like this part because here Jim H. messed up and they were able to recover wonderfully)
B: 'What what hmmm?! I don't want to do it anymore!'
E: 'Oh. One and two and three and four.'
B: 'Ernie!'
E: 'Bernie!'
B: 'Stop it!'
E: 'Mop it!'
B: 'Stop!'
E: 'Flop!'
B: 'No!'
E: 'Flow!'
B: 'Mmmmmmm....Hippopotamus!
E: 'Ahhhhh...rhipototopus!'
B: 'Egh! Alright, alright! I give up!'
E: 'Eat from a plate and drink from a cup!'
B: 'I guess I'll just have to play along.'
E: 'It plays like a game and sings like a song!'
B: 'You may be right, I may be wrong.'
E: 'A clock goes tick and a bell goes bong.'
B: 'This game is really kinda kicky!'
E: 'Sugar's sweet and glue is sticky.'
B: 'Yeah, water is wet and dust is dry!'
E: 'Dogs gotta walk and birds gotta fly!'
B: 'It's a great kind of game to play with a friend!'
E: 'And now old buddy we've come to the end!'
(drums stop)
B: 'Yah! You're right Ernie, that's a great game ... you' (still in rhythm)
E: 'Ah...w-well Bert see, I think I'm gonna go read my book now, okay? Hmm hmm hmm...'
B: '...... Hey there lamp, that's a nice shade .... you .... it's not the same.'
Kermit: 'Hi-ho, Kermit the Frog here. And sci-fi
In a tall boot that was very nice
Lived seven tiny little mice
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
At seven o'clock, they were all fed
With strawberry jelly on a slice of bread
On seven slices of whole-wheat bread
One at a time, the jam was spread
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
And after dinner, they cleaned their rooms
These seven mice, with their seven brooms
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
Then into bed and turn out the light
And the seven mice all said 'Good night!'
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven
The Count: Well your nose is one
Your eyes are two
Put them together
That makes three, it's true
With five fingers on each hand
You're a counting wonderland
How I love to count on you
Loretta Lynn : I'm one happy girl
You and I make two
I count the hours
'Till I'm here with you
When you count to number three
I'm in heaven, can't you see
Darlin', you can count on me
Count on me
You can always count on me
I'm your number one forever
That's as close as two can be
If you need a friend before you count to three
I'll be there, count on me
The Count: Picture it, Loretta!
Loretta: I can see us now
Just me and you
In a little castle
That was meant for two
The Count: And we'll spend each night and day
Counting bats that fly away
How I love to count on you
Loretta: Well we'll count the stars
That come out at night
The Count: And every wolf call
'Till the morning's light
Loretta: When you take me in your arms
I add up your many charms
The Count: You can always count on me
Both (?): Count on me
You can always count on me
I'm your number one forever
That's as close as two can be
If you need a friend before you count to three
I'll be there, count on me
Count on me
You can always count on me
I'm your number one forever
That's as close as two can be
If you need a friend before you count to three
I'll be there, count on me
The Count: Ah, that's my kind of friend!
The earth's a Big Blue Marble
When you see it from out there
The sun and moon declare
Our beauty's very rare
Folks are folks and kids are kids
We share a common name
We speak a different way
But work and play the same
We sing pretty much alike
Enjoy spring pretty much alike
Peace and love we all understand
And laughter, we use the very same brand
Our differences, our problems
From out there there's not much trace
Our friendships they can place
While looking at the face
Of the Big Blue Marble in space
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
(Laughs) Tickles me. I'll tell you why.
Oh, there's a funny farm down the road from me
Where the silliest things happen that you ever did see.
Way late at night, when everything's dark,
Five dogs (CLUCK). Five hens begin to (BARK).
Five cats start (CROAK). Five frogs (MEOW).
And this goes on till morning, and the crowing of the cows.
(Four crowing sounds and a moo.)
Hi there! I, Big Bird, am going to sing you a song about the letter 'V'. The letter 'V' is the first sound you hear in the word 'very,' but there aren't too many other words that begin with the letter 'V'. So I'm just going to have to sing the word 'very' an awful lot like this...
I'm very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very
Glad to see you
I'm here to sing about a very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very special letter
Called the letter 'V'
But it's very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very, very hard to
Think of 'V' words,
Because there really aren't very, very,
Very, very, very, very,
Very many words that start with 'V'
Now let me think. Hmmmm. A-ha! I thought of some.
There's 'vegetables.' That's a 'V' word.
There's 'voice,' 'vacation,' and 'valentine.'
There's 'vanilla' and 'vanish' and 'vine.'
Gee! That's about all I can think of, so I guess my song sounds
Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
Very, very, very, very, very silly.
Still I'm very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
Very, very glad you're here with me
To hear me sing about a very, very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very, very special letter.
A very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very,
Very special letter called the letter 'V'.
A girl named Violet
Put a V in the ground
And up grew a vine
With V-words all around
She stepped on 'vest'
And 'vote' and 'vampire'
Then 'very' and 'voice'
Going higher and higher
At the top of the vine
Was a railroad station
So she got on the train
And took a vacation
Voiceover: (sounds like Roscoe Orman, the actor that plays Gordon) This is Wilhemina.
Wilhemina: Wilhemina!
Voiceover: Her favorite letter is W. (little hearts appear around her head)
Wilhemina: (says the W sound, not the letter) W ... w ... w ... Wilhemina! (she jumps up and lands in a cloud of dust)
Voiceover: (as a red letter W throbs) W for water ... (the letter changes to blue water splashing from one end of the letter to the other) ... whistle ... (the letter turns brown, a bulge appears at the left side corner, moves to the right and the end of the letter turns into lips as the whistle escapes) ... and worm! (the letter turns into a smiling worm, which kinda wiggles up and down staying in the shape of the letter)
(Now we see Wilhemina splashing in a puddle, hopping from one foot to the other) Wilhemina likes to whistle and wiggle ... (she whistles) ... while she wades in the water. (she turns her back to the camera) W .... (the letter appears, striped and changing from brownish to yellowish) ... for Wilhemina ... (her face replaces the letter) .... and walk ... (the letter is now solid and walks to the right of the screen on its bottom parts) ... and wheel ... (two wheels appear at the bottom and it races along) ... and whiskers ... (the letter turns red and sprouts hairs) ... and wide ... (it expands, pushing off the screen to cover it) ... and wink ... (it turns into a w-shaped eye and winks) ... Wilhemina can wiggle ... (we see Wilhemina shake her booty from left to right) ... and walk ... (she walks off to the left) ... whistle ... (she whistles) ... and wink ... (she winks)
Wilhemina: (as a W grows underneath her, she stands on top and spreads her arms out) W for Wilhemina! (they both throb as the camera moves back)
Well I'd like to visit the moon,
on a rocket ship high in the air.
Yes, I'd like to visit the moon,
but I don't think I'd like to live there.
Though, I'd like to look down at the earth from above,
I would miss all the places and people I love
so although I might like for one afternoon
I don't wanna live on the moon.
I'd like to travel under sea,
I could meet all the fish everywhere
Yes, I'd travel under the sea,
But I don't think I'd like to live there.
I might stay for a day there if I had my wish
but there's not much to do when your friends are all fish,
and an oyster and clam aren't real family,
so I don't wanna live in the sea.
I'd like to visit the jungle, hear the lions roar,
go back in time and meet a dinosaur,
there's so many strange places I'd like to be,
but none of them permanently.
So if I should visit the moon,
well i'll dance on a moonbeam and then,
I will make a wish on a star and I'll wish I was home once again.
Though, I'd like to look down at the earth from above,
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I may go,
I'll be coming home soon
Cause I don't want to live on the moon
No I don't want to live on the moon.
Phil Harmonic: (in audience, to uncle) Now, you mustn't snore during the performance, Uncle Donny. Oh! (turns around) Ahem ... Hello, I'm Phil Harmonic, and today, live from the Nestropolitan Opera we present the world-reknowned Opera entitled, 'Wally'. This opera is known worldwide as the 'Rhyming Opera' because, unbelievably, almost every word in it rhymes with the word 'Wally'. So, by golly, let the curtain rise on the reknowned rhyming opera, 'Wally'.
Wally: A trolly took Wally
Polly: And Polly, his collie
Wally: And Molly, his dolly
To Fallington Square
All&Chorus;: Trolly, Wally, Polly,
Collie, Molly, Dolly,
Fallington Square!
Wally: And Wally, so jolly
Polly: With Polly, his collie
Wally: And Molly, his dolly
Met Holly Jones there
All&Chorus;: Wally, Jolly, Polly,
Collie, Molly, Dolly,
Holly Jones there!
Holly: Then Wally kissed Holly
Polly: So Polly, his collie
And Molly, his dolly,
Were jolly and gay
All&Chorus;: Wally, Holly, Polly,
Collie, Molly, Dolly,
Jolly and gay!
Wally: But Wally, by golly,
Got back on the trolly,
Polly: With Polly, his collie,
All&Chorus;: And went on his way
Wally, Golly, Jolly,
Polly, Collie, Wally
Went on his way
Holly: But Wally left Molly
His dolly with Holly...
(speaks) And later, Holly and Wally got married, and opened up a Mexican food stand, called -
Wally: Holly's and Wally's
Tamales - Hooray!
All&Chorus;: Wally, Holly, Polly,
Dolly, Collie, Hot
Tamale - Hooray!
(applause and all bow)
(spoken) Hi, welcome to Sesame Street. I'm going for a walk!
(sings) Hello lamppost, hello tree,
Hello people smilin' at me
I'm at home and it's a treat
Walkin' down my street
Hello bus stop, hello store
Hello steps in front of my door
Feeling good 'cause life is sweet
Walkin' down my street
I know every crack that's in the sidewalk
I know where my street begins and ends
I know all the windows on the houses
Like the people in them - they're my friends
(calls) Hi, Maria!
Maria: (waving from fire escape) Hi Big Bird!
Big Bird: Hi Gordon and Susan! Hi window!
Gordon and Susan: Hi Big Bird!
Window: Hi Big Bird!
Big Bird: I love this street!
(sings) Hello playground, hello swing
Hello Summer, Winter and Spring
Happy days and happy beat
Walkin' down my street
(calls) Hi Furry Arms! You're looking well for a Hotel!
Hi, Benny! (Benny, distracted, falls down the stairs with a large suitcase)
Hi Dance Studio! Hi Selina! (Selina waves from window)
Hi Finders Keepers. Nice hat, Ruthie!
Hi gang, happy daycare!
Hi newsstand. Hi, Oscar.
Oscar: Get lost.
Big Bird: I love this street.
(sings) Hello mailbox, hello car
Hello friends wherever you are
I just hope someday we'll meet
Walkin' down my street
Sesame Street
Not just a street -
A way of life!
Monty: Answering the telephone
Is not so hard to do
Once you know the secret
Which I shall show to you
What you say - that's the key!
And it's easy as it can be
You can say...
Bert: Hello? No, this isn't Ernie's ducky!
Monty: Or, perhaps...
Cookie Monster: Hello? You got cookie for me please?
Monty: Or...
Count: Hello, you are caller number one.
Monty: But don't say...(picks up phone)
Watermelons and Cheese!
Chorus: (dancing in) No, you don't say -
Monty: Watermelons and -
Chorus: You don't say -
Monty: Watermelons and -
Chorus: You never say -
Monty: Watermelons and Cheese!
Chorus: Puh-lease try a-gain!
Monty: This should be a breeze...
(answers) Watermelons and Cheese!
Oh, sorry!
Chorus: You could have said -
Bert: (with pigeon) Hello? Bernice, it's for you.
Chorus: A classic!
Cookie Monster: Hi, me can't talk now - eating cookies!
Chorus: Or...
Count: Hello, you are caller number two - 'a, 'a, 'a!
Chorus: You can do it!
Monty: (answering) Watermelons and Cheese!
Chorus: No, you don't say -
Monty: Watermelons and -
Chorus: You don't say -
Monty: Watermelons and -
Chorus: You never say -
Monty: Watermelons and Cheese!
Chorus: Puh-lease try a-gain!
Monty: This should be a breeze...
(answers) Watermelons and Cheese!
Chorus: NO!!!
Monty: Right! Jolly good! Not a problem! I think I've got it now.
You don't say, you never never say -
Watermelon: (answering) Watermelon and Cheese!
Monty: Unless you're a Watermelon...
Watermelon: It's for you! (hands phone to a giant swiss cheese)
Monty: Or a Cheese!
Watermelon: Ha ha ha!
Cheese: Gouda you to call ...
Announcer: The story of Wanda the witch is brought to you by the letter W.
(Crystal ball shows the letters of the alphabet in rapid succession until it gets to W. Scene changes to show a sign marked 'Washington.' A nearby sign marked 'west' is pointing in that direction.)
Announcer: Wanda the witch lived somewhere west of Washington.
(Scene changes to show Wanda, an old witch who wears a long black dress and pointed black hat.)
Announcer: Around her waist, instead of a belt, she wore a worm.
(We see a close-up of the worm wiggling around Wanda's waist.)
Announcer: Wanda had a pet weasel.
(Scene changes to show a weasel wearing a collar.)
Weasel: I am a weasel.
Announcer: And on her head, a wiry wig.
(We see a close-up of Wanda's wig, which is made of W's. Scene changes to a calendar and focuses on the word 'Wednesday' on it. Scene then changes to show Wanda walking through a snowy scene.)
Announcer: On Wednesday, in the middle of winter, Wanda walked to the well to get water to wash her wig.
(A snowman holds up a sign that says 'Winter. Then Wanda arrives at the well and tugs at the rope attached its wheel -- without success. We see the word 'wheel' during the announcer's next speech.)
Announcer: But the wheel on the well was worn, and Wanda grew weary. So she waved her wand, and her washtub filled with warm water.
(Wanda waves her wand, and we see the word 'wand.' A washtub appears before her. A small cloud appears above the washtub, filling it with rain.)
Announcer: But just as Wanda was about to drop her wig into the warm water, a wild wind whipped the wig from her hand and blew it away forever.
(A windstorm marked 'Wind' blows Wanda's wig from her hand and out of sight.)
Announcer: Which taught Wanda this lesson: witches who wash their wigs on windy winter Wednesdays are wacky.
(Scene changes to show some bald witches dancing around a washtub filled with wigs made of W's. One of the witches cackles wildly. Scene changes to crystal ball, still showing a W.)
Announcer: This witch story was brought to you courtesy of the letter W.
My hair is black and red
My hair is yellow
My eyes are brown and green and blue
My name is Jack and Fred
My name's Amanda Sue
I'm called Kareem Abdul
My name is you
I live in southern France
I'm from a Texas ranch
I come from Mecca and Peru
I live across the street
In the mountains, on a beach
I come from everywhere
And my name is you
We all sing with the same voice
The same song, the same voice
We all sing with the same voice
And we sing in harmony
Sometimes I get mad and mean
Sometimes I feel happy
And when I want to cry, I do
When I'm by myself at night
I hold my teddy tight
Until the morning light
My name is you
I have sisters one, two, three
In my family there's just me
I've got one daddy
I've got two
Grandpa helps me cross the street
My cat walks on furry feet
I love my parakeet
My name is you
We all sing with the same voice
The same song, the same voice
We all sing with the same voice
And we sing in harmony
I like to run and climb
I like to sit and read
I like to watch my TV, too
And when it's time for bed
I like my stories read
'Sweet dreams' and 'Love you' said
My name is you
We all sing with the same voice
The same song, the same voice
We all sing with the same voice
And we sing in harmony
Let's go, boys.
Oh, I'm so sorry to see that you're leaving.
It's so sad that you and I have got to part.
And now, even though I'm deeply grieving,
I'm waving goodbye to you with my heart.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you're departin'.
It's so sad that no longer you'll be here.
And while my poor feelings are still smartin',
I'm waving goodbye to you with my ear.
Oh yeah, I'll miss you from stem to stern
And so every single part of me
Wants to say goodbye in turn.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you'll be travellin'.
I hope that you know I'll always care.
And while my poor heartstrings are unravellin'
I'm waving goodbye to you with my, uh, hair.
Oh yeah, I love you. I really do.
And so every single part of me
Wants to say goodbye to you.
Oh, I'm so sorry to see that you're a going.
It's so sad when a dear doggy goes.
And while my poor tears are a flowin'
I'm waving goodbye to you with my, uh,
With my, oh, with my, oh yeah, with my nose.
Oh I'm going for a ride
Gonna sit behind the wheel
Gonna drive along the road
Oh how happy I will feel
And I'm gonna toot my horn
Gonna travel near and far
I'm going for a ride
Going riding in a car
And a car goes vroom...
And a car goes vroom...
And a car goes vroom...
Gonna travel near and far
Going riding in a car
Oh I'm going for a ride
And I'm never going back
Gonna be an engineer
Gonna speed along the track
And you'll hear my whistle blow
And I'm happy to explain
That I'm going for a ride
Going riding on a train
And a train goes woo...
And a train goes woo...
And a train goes woo...
And I'm happy to explain
I'm going riding in a train
Oh I'm going for a ride
I'm gonna sail the ocean blue
And I'm gonna be a captain
And I'm gonna have a crew
Gonna sail the seven seas
On the water I will float
Cause I'm going for a ride
And I'm riding in a boat
And a boat goes toot...
And a boat goes toot...
And a boat goes toot...
On the water I will float
Going riding in a boat
Yes, I'm going for a ride (vroom)
Yes, I'm going for a ride (woo)
Yes, I'm going for a ride (toot)
Sesame Street
The Question Song
Little Girl: Now the letter is "Q".
And one word that begins with "Q" is "question."
Now here is a question,
A question for you
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
Grover: What's a "Q"?
Girl: Is that you? Oh hi, Grover.
Grover: Hi.
Girl: "Q" is a letter of the alphabet that looks like an "O" with a little tail at the bottom.
Grover: Oh! Now I remember. You can start the song again.
Girl: Thanks, Grover.
Grover: You're welcome.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
Just think of a duck,
Be it white, brown, or black.
What sound does it make?
Why, a duckie goes...
Grover: Mooooooooooo!
Girl: No, Grover. A duckie goes "Quack!"
"Quack" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Quack."
Grover: Oh. O.K.
Girl: But Grover.
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: Try this one.
Grover: O.K.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
Remember, the answer
Will start with a "Q".
In stores, you find milk
In containers of sorts.
But what do you call them?
You call these things...
Grover: Cows.
Girl: No, that's not right! The answer is "Quarts"!
"Quarts" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Quarts."
Now what made you think of cows?
Grover: I don't know. I think I heard one go "Moo" a minute ago.
Girl: Grover.
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: Forget about the cows.
Grover: O.K.
Girl: Now here is a question,
A question for you.
And once more, the answer
Begins with a "Q".
Remember a king
In a story you've seen.
To whom was he married?
He's wed to a...
Grover: Farmer.
Girl: No. The answer is "Queen."
"Queen" is a "Q" word.
The answer is "Queen."
Grover: Gee! I thought it was a farmer.
Girl: What farmer?
Grover: You know, the one that brought the cow in here.
Girl: Grover.
Grover: Hmm?
Girl: I've had quite enough! I quit!
Grover: Hmm. Oh well. O.K. Come on, cow. Let's go home.
Ernie: I've got two eyes
Elmo: Oh, got two eyes
Ernie: So I can see
Elmo: Yes, eyes can see
Ernie: I've got two ears to listen to what you say to me
Elmo: What you say to me
Ernie: I've got a mouth
Elmo: Yes, got a mouth
Ernie: So I can speak
Elmo: A mouth can speak
Ernie: I've got a cheek right here
And here I've got another cheek
Elmo: Another cheek
Ernie: I've got a nose
Elmo: One little nose
Ernie: So I can smell
Elmo: A nose can smell
Ernie: I've got a chin
But what a chin does I just can't tell
Elmo: Just can not tell
Ernie: I've got eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cheek, and chin
Each in its place
And they're all part of one fine face
Ernie: You've got two eyes
Elmo: Two pretty eyes
Ernie: So you can see
Elmo: Just look and see
Ernie: You've got two ears to listen to what you say to me
Elmo: What you say to me
Ernie: You've got a mouth
Elmo: Oh yes, a mouth
Ernie: So you can speak
Elmo: A mouth can speak
Ernie: You've got a cheek right here
And here you've got another cheek
Elmo: Another cheek
Ernie: You've got a nose
Elmo: A little nose
Ernie: So you can smell
Elmo: A nose can *sniff*
Ernie: You've got a chin
But what a chin does you just can't tell
Elmo: Just can not tell
Ernie: You've got eyes, ears, nose, mouth, cheek, and chin
Elmo: Each in its place
Both: And they're all part of one fine face
Yes, they're all part of one fine face
Oh, the number one is not my favorite number (why?)
'Cause one means only me and there's no you (aw, Ernie)
But one plus one you see
Makes two, that's you and me
And it's more fun when one and one make two
Oh, one and one make two
At least I'm pretty sure they do
Oh yes it's true
One and one make two
Now, say you want to play upon a seesaw
You're all alone and don't know what to do (well, what would I do, Ernie?)
Well, just go and find a friend
And he'll sit on the other end
You'll have more fun when one and one make two
Oh, one and one make two
At least I'm pretty sure they do
Oh yes it's true
One and one make two
Now, everyone needs somebody to share with
A pal to help and care for through and through
And there's no one that I've known
Who can do those things alone
It's a lot nicer when one and one make two
Oh, one and one make two
At least I'm pretty sure they do
Oh yes it's true
One and one make two
(Let's sing harmony!)
One and one make two
At least I'm pretty sure they do
Oh yes it's true
One and one make two
I said, it's true
One and one make two
They certainly do
One and one make two-oo-ooh!
Let's sing a song that everybody knows!
A song that we've all heard before
The tune is simple we know how it goes
With simple words and nothing more
The steady rhythm and the harmony
Makes singing such an easy thing so.....
Let's sing a song that everybody knows
So that everyone can sing!
Yeah! Like,
The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain
The bear went over the mountain to see what he could see
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Up came the sun and dried up all the rain
So the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
I got one!
Now I know my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me?
George Washington Bridge! George Washington Washington Bridge.
George Washington Bridge. George Washington Washington Bridge.
Here comes the sad part.
(sobbing) George Washington Bridge. George Washington Washington Bridge.
Bert: Ernie.........
But it ends really happy, Bert.
Oh! Let's sing a song that everybody knows!
A song that we've all heard before!
The tune is simple we know how it goes
With simple words and nothing more
The steady rhythm and the harmony
Makes singing such an easy thing so....
Let's sing a song that everybody knows
So that everyone can sing
So that everyone......can sing!
Every song the
World sings, each
Was once unknown
Somebody felt a song
Inside and wasn't
Afraid to sing alone
If you feel the music
And you sing it clear
And true
Then the world can
Sing with you
One small voice can
Teach the world a song
Start with one small
Voice till another
Sings along
And then you'll feel the
Music growing full and
Sure and strong
One small voice can
Teach the world a song
No tune is too simple
No voice can
Be wrong
Music can come from
Any heart and anyone's
Voice can lead
The song
If you feel the music
And if you believe
The words
Sing and you'll
Be heard
One small voice can
Teach the world a song
Start with one small
Voice till another
Sings along
And then you'll feel the
Music growing full and
Sure and strong
One small voice can
Teach the world a song
One small voice can
Teach the world a song
Start with one small
Voice till another
Sings along
And then you'll feel the
Music growing full and
Sure and strong
One small voice can
Teach the world a song
Television's an invention
Close to my heart
But I know something twice as cool
And three times as smart
Cups and pencil sharpeners
Are okay machines
But this one blows them all away
Come see what I mean
You gotta see my new computer
Come and check it out
I'm gonna show you
Ah - ha - ha
Just what it's all about
First we gotta turn it on
By flipping the switch
Now you get to see exactly
Which thing is which
Computers need ????
On what they should do
They gotta take their orders
From the keyboard and you
You gotta see my new computer
Come and check it out
I'm gonna show you
Ah - ha - ha
Just what it's all about
Pressing on the keys
Talk to the machine
And every key you push
You're changing pictures on the screen
Tapping on that space bar
Moving to the beat
Rolling on the track ball
Computing with our feet
Watch the cursor moving
Hear the disk drive groovin'
You gotta see my new computer
Come and check it out
I'm gonna show you
Ah - ha - ha
Just what it's all about
You gotta see my new computer
Come and check it out
I'm gonna show you
Ah - ha - ha
Just what it's all about
(Zoe comes dancing in)
Hiiiiii -
My name is Zoe!
And I'm proud I'm proud I'm proud
And what I'm proud about
I'm gonna tell you right out loud
Can spell my name!
I know all the letters by heart
I bet you didn't know
That Zoe monster is so smart!
(dances over to blocks)
The first one is my favourite
It's the zig-and-zaggy 'Z'
Looks kind of like a lightning bolt
A 'Z' that stands for me!
(brings 'Z' block over to 'O' block)
Here comes the second letter
Bet you haven't guessed it yet
Here it comes, get ready
It's a ... oh ... I forget
It's sooooort -
Of like a wheel
It's really beautiful and round
Oh yeah, it's called an 'O'
And you can roll it on the ground
The last one -
(dancing over to 'E' block)
Is really excellent!
It's letter number three
One big stick, three little sticks
It's 'E', it's 'E', it's 'EEEEEEEEE'! (spinning)
You put the letters side by side
And that is how you spell
(carries 'E' block over to the other two)
Three very special letters
That spell 'Zoe' really well
'Z' is one and 'O' is two
And 'E' is number three
(pushing letterblocks all together)
That's Zoe Zoe Zoe
And I'm prooooud -
To say that's me!
It's me, Zoe!
It's me, yeah!
Well, me known for eating cookie,
When me don't, they shout,
'Look, he trying to throw loyal
I have a furry shadow, it looks a lot like me
It goes wherever I go, as you can plainly see
And when I do like this...
Or when like this I do...
Or when I run around and round
And round and round and round and round
And round and round and round and round
(panting) My shadow does it too.
My furry little shadow, it sleeps with me at night
I know because it's always there when I turn on the light
And when I give a skip...
Or play a little game...
Or when I hop and hop and hop
And hop and hop and hop and hop
And hop and hop and hop and hop
(panting) My shadow does the same.
My furry little shadow, so faithful and so true
It follows me just everywhere, it sticks to me like glue
And if I try to duck...still there!
Or if I tell it shoo...go away! Take a hike, nice shadow.
Or if I try to run away
And run away and run away
And run away and run away
And run away and run away
(panting) My shadow does it too.
(more panting)
And even if I dance and dance
And dance and dance and dance and dance
And dance and dance and dance and dance
And dance and dance and dance and dance
And dance and dance and dance and dance
And dance and dance and dance and dance
(panting so much he can't even sing, but continues to dance a few more bars)
It's there when I am through!
Cowboy #1: Now that we bought an 'O', here's a letter you can have for free.
Cowboy #2: What's that?
Cowboy #1: The letter 'P'. My favorite letter.
Cowboy #2: Oh yeah? Why?
Cowboy #1: 'Cause of all the great food that begins with the letter 'P'.
(sung):There's peanuts, pears and popcorn.
There's pickles, peppers, peas.
There's pineapples and peaches,
and potatoes if you please.
There's pizza, pie, there's pancakes
and pudding as a treat. Puh-puh-puh-puh.
P is my favorite letter,
'Cause of all those foods to eat.
Cowboy #2: Well, I like the letter 'P' too, 'cause all the animals in this neighborhood begin with the letter 'P'.
Like porcupines and pigeons
And a 'purr' in a pussycat
A panda and a parrot
And a pony you can pat
There's platypuses and penguins
A pig and a parakeet, puh-puh-puh-puh
'P' is my favorite letter
'Cause of the animals that I meet
Cowboys #1 and 2: puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh
Cowboy #3: I love the letter 'P', because the names of my friends all begin with the letter 'P'.
Well, there's Paula, Paul, and Percy.
There's Peggy and there's Pearl.
There's Patrick, that's a boy's name.
There's Pamilla, that's a girl.
There's Pamela and Penny.
There's Patty and there's Pete. Puh-puh-puh-puh.
'P' is my favorite letter
'Cause of the kids living on my street.
All: Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh Puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh-puh
Grover: Elmo, Elmo, Elmo!
Elmo: Yeah, Grover?
Grover: Hey, hey, it is time for me to tell you about my favorite color.
Elmo: Oh, Elmo would be happy to hear about Grover's favorite color.
Grover: Good.
Elmo: Just as soon as Elmo tells Grover all about Elmo's favorite color. (music starts)
Grover: Oh, okay.
Elmo: Do do do-do....
Red can be a fire engine zooming down the street
Red can be a pretty-smelling rose
(someone, don't think it's Grover, takes a whiff, and goes 'ahhhhh')
Red can be the sunset as the day becomes complete
Red can be the color of your nose
(someone sneezes)
And also, red can be the color of your favorite toy balloon
Floating just as pretty as can be (cute-little-Elmo-giggle)
And also, red can be the color that is best of all
Red is the color of me!
Grover: That was very nice, Elmo.
Elmo: Oh, thank you, Grover.
Grover: Now, please, let me tell you about MY favorite color, okay?
Blue can be the color of the beautiful blue sky
And also, blue can be the color of some beautiful blue eyes
And also, blue can be the color of the ocean where you swim
Blue can be the ink in your pen
Yeah for blue, let's sing it again
Blue can be the color of your Daddy's favorite suit
Yes it can
And also, blue can be the color of some fur that's very cute
Blue, the only color that's spelled B - L - U - E
And also, blue is the color of me!
Elmo: You know Grover, Elmo likes blue, too!
Grover: I'm rather fond of red!
(sung with voices overlapping)
Elmo: Blue can be the color of the beautiful blue sky
And also, blue, can be the color of some beautiful blue eyes
And also, blue can be the color of the ocean where you swim
Blue can be the ink in your pen
Yeah for blue, let's sing it again
And red can be the color of your favorite toy balloon
Floating just as pretty as can be
And also, red can be the color the best thing of all
Red is the color of me!
Grover: Red can be a fire engine zooming down the street
Red can be a pretty-smelling rose
Red can be the sunset as the day becomes complete
Red can be the color of your nose
And also, blue, can be the color of your Daddy's favorite suit
And also, blue can be the color of some fur that's very cute
Blue, the only color that's spelled B - L - U - E
And also, blue is the color of me!
(spoken as they leave)
Grover: Oh, I really like your red fur.
Elmo: And Elmo really likes your blue fur, Grover.
Grover: Oh, that's very kind of you, Elmo, but I really like your red fur.
She's my real martian beauty
She's my number nine cutie
She has nine hairs on her head
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Tied up in ribbons of red
She has nine little eyes
All the same size
Looking up, down, round, and straight ahead
She has nine little holes in her turned up nose
And she snores when she goes to bed
She has nine arms that's one of her charms,
Each just like the other;
Some people say she looks like her dad;
Some say she looks like her mother.
She has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 little toes on her foot.
She doesn't go shoppin'
'Cause she doesn't like hoppin',
So usually she just stays put.
... 9
Muppet One:
My home's in the city on the 19th floor
You may think that's high but there's 19 more
There's lots of apartments everywhere you go
There are people on top and traffic below
You can hear buses beeping and the neighbor's TV
You can say it's noisy but it's home sweet home to me
Muppet Two:
My home's in the jungle in a wooden hut
There are trees around it and wood to cut
Lots of noise to hear, the birds and monkeys shriek
And we see our mailman every other week
Now to folks other places it seems far away
You can call it jungle but it's home and where I'll stay
Muppet Three:
My home is an igloo and it's made of ice
You may think it's chilly but it's paradise
We have furs and blankets there to keep us warm
We can sing and play through any winter storm
We have friends who keep saying we should move down to Nome
But we'll never do it 'cause we love our igloo home
A home could be a castle or a little shack
A home could be near water or a railroad track
A home can be of brick and steel or of grass you know
A home can be an igloo made of ice and snow
No matter what your house is like, whatever it may be
It always is a home sweet home for kids like you and me!
I'm a square, look I'll show ya
I got four sides on me
All my sides are the same size
Like a good-looking square should be
Well I look like my friends here
We look the same, but hey
When I go 'round the neighbourhood
Not everybody looks this way
Well I like to hang around
With the others that I find
Still I always keep in mind
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be)
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be a square)
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be)
So hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be a square)
When I go to the playground
And a triangle says 'How do you do'
Then comes in a circle
And a rectangle shows up too
Well I play with the triangle
And the circle can join the game
I play with the rectangle
Who cares that we're not all the same
'Cause no matter where I am
No matter where I go
No matter who I'm with I know
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be)
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be a square)
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be)
It's so hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be a square)
I said, it's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be)
It's so hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be a square)
It's hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be)
So hip to be a square (hip, hip, so hip to be a square)
(fade out)
Hey Daddy! There's a dragon in the driveway
And momma there's a grizzly on the lawn!
You better come, quick! 'Cause there's a hippo in the bathtub,
And he's goin' down the drain -- oh no, he's gone!
Well the minds of little children,
They go round and round and round.
And they're hearing giant's footsteps
When I never hear a sound.
I just hear ...
Hey Daddy! There's a dragon in the driveway
And momma there's a grizzly on the lawn!
You better come, quick! 'Cause there's a hippo in the bathtub,
And he's goin' down the drain -- oh no, he's gone!
And he's goin' down the drain -- oh no, he's gone!
Well you never know if they really saw
All the things they'd have you believe.
But if there's dragons in this neighbourhood,
Then we're gonna leave sayin' ...
Hey Daddy! There's a dragon in the driveway
And momma there's a grizzly on the lawn!
You better come, quick! 'Cause there's a hippo in the bathtub,
And he's goin' down the drain -- oh no, he's gone!
And he's goin' down the drain -- oh no, he's gone!
A rose is a rose,
'Cause that's its name
Toes goes with nose
They sound the same
But don't smell a rose that's between your toes
'Cause the way that it goes,
You'll fall on your nose
Hoop di doo-dle doo-dle, you'll fall on your nose
Nose goes rose toes
Toes rose goes nose
You couldn't say pickle or pig or tickle you gotta have 'O's'
If it rhymes with toes
The cat is called Matt,
'Cause that's his name
Hat rhymes with flat
They sound the same
But don't let old Matt sit down on your hat
'Cause he's such a fat cat that your hat will be flat
Hoop di doo-dle doo-dle, your hat will be flat
Hat cat Matt flat
Flat Matt cat hat
You couldn't say bubble or tub or double you gotta have 'AT'
If it rhymes with cat
If toes rhymes with rose
And cat rhymes with Matt
And nose rhymes with goes
And hat rhymes with flat
We've learned how to rhyme
So how about that!
(Big Bird gives everyone pictures that he drew of them.)
Big Bird: And last but not least, ta-da!
(Shows picture of Mr. Hooper.)
Big Bird: Well, I can't wait till he sees it!
Big Bird: Say, where is he? I wanna give it to him. I know! He's in the store.
Bob: Uh, Big Bird. He's ... he's not in there.
Big Bird: Oh. Then where is he?
Maria: Big Bird, uh, don't you remember we told you? Mr. Hooper died. He ... he's dead.
Big Bird: Oh yeah. I remember. Well, I'll give it to him when he comes back.
Susan: Big Bird, Mr Hooper's not coming back.
Big Bird: Why not?
Susan: Big Bird, when ... when people die, they don't *come* back.
Big Bird: Ever?
Susan: No, never.
Big Bird: Well, why not?
Luis: Well, Bird Bird, they're dead. They ... they can't come back.
Big Bird: Well, he's *gonna* come back. Why, who's gonna take care of the store? And who's gonna make my birdseed milkshakes and ... and tell me stories?
David: Big Bird, I'm gonna take care of the store. Mr. Hooper, he left it to me. And I'll make you your milkshakes and ... and we'll all tell you stories, and we'll make sure you're okay.
Susan: We'll look after you.
Big Bird: Hmmm.
Big Bird: Well, it won't be the same.
Bob: You're right, Bird Bird. It's ... it's ... it'll never be the same without him.
Big Bird: Mmm.
Bob (crying): But you know something? We can all be very happy that we had a chance to be with him and ... and to know him. And to love him a lot when he was here.
Big Bird: Yeah.
Olivia: And Bird Bird, we'll still have our *memories* of him.
Big Bird: Well, yeah ... yeah ... our memories. Right. Why, memories, that's how I drew this picture. From memory. And we can remember him and remember him and remember him, as much as we want to! But I don't like it. It makes me sad.
David: We all feel sad, Big Bird.
Big Bird: He's *never* coming back?
David: Never.
Olivia: No.
Big Bird: Well, I don't understand! You know, everything was just fine! I mean, why does it have to be this way? Give me one good reason!
Gordon: Big Bird, it has to be this way ... *because*.
Big Bird: Just because?
Gordon: Just because.
Big Bird: Oh.
(Looks at Mr. Hooper's picture.)
Big Bird: You know, I'm gonna miss you, Mr. Looper.
Maria (crying): That's *Hooper,* Big Bird, *Hooper.*
Big Bird: You're right.
(Everyone gathers around Big Bird for a hug.)
Carol: Just..south..of..Mi-ami
There's a snake named Sammy
Who forms a letter S each night on stage
(Sammy the Snake slithers onto centerstage)
Folks just adore Sammy
And what's more, Sammy
Makes a SSS SSS sound that's fast becoming all the rage
Sammy: hissss hisssss
This serpent still thrills me
And it just kills me
To hear him hiss S's clear and true
Sammy: hissss
So..turn on your charm, Sammy
Coil yourself around my arm, Sammy
Sammy the Snake, I'll stake a claim on you
Sammy: Hello, it'ssss me, Sssssammy
That'ssss the name Mammy
Gave me many yearsss ago when I was hatched
(enter 4 swaying S's with top hats like chorus girls)
S-girls: Yes, he's an old troopa
And he feels supa
'Cause the joys of making noises simply can't be matched
Carol: You make me glow, Sammy
Sammy: Oh?
Carol: 'Cause you're so clammy
Sammy: hissss
Carol: Yes, I'd miss the way you hiss if we should part
Sammy: Yessss
Carol: So..please say yes, Sammy
Sammy: Yessss
Carol: Hit me with another S, Sammy
Sammy: hissss
Carol: Sammy, come snake your way into my heart
Sammy: Oh sssure
Carol: Please say yes, Sammy
Sammy: Yesss!
Carol: Hit me with another S, Sammy
Sammy: Esss!
Carol and S-girls: Sammy, I swear my love is true!
Sammy: Oh?
Carol and S-girls: The only snake for me is you!
Sammy: Oh?
Carol and S-girls: Sammy, come snake your way into my heart!!!
Sammy: Oh yessss! Oh yesssss!!!
Prairie Dawn: Since 'K' is the next letter, Herbert Birdsfoot will now recite his 'K' poem. So listen to the words that start with 'K-uh'.
Herb: I don't want to.
Oscar: Why not Herb?
Herb: Well, because everyone says it's silly.
All of the other Muppets: Oh no!
Grover: Oh, Herb, that's not true.
Herb: Yes, you'll all say it's silly.
Grover: Herb, we will not now.
Herb: You won't say it's silly?
All of the other Muppets: No!
Herb: Oh, OK
There once was a king from Kalamazoo
Who had a kicky kangaroo
Now the kindly kangaroo named Kay
Played a keen kazoo both night and day
'Twas the kind of kazoo that went koo-koo
Koo-Koo Koo-Koo went Kay's kazoo
And when the kindly king of Kalamazoo saw Kay the kangaroo's kazoo
He said right here in Kalamazoo, we'll build a zoo for a kangaroo
And so when you are passing through
Stop by and you can listen to
The Kalamazoo zoo's kangaroo play koo-koo-koo on her kazoo
Big Bird: I hate to say this Herb, but do you know what?
Herb: What?
All of the other Muppets: That's silly!
Cookie: Hey food me in the mood
For fish, meat or cheese called cheddar
Me eat them all before me am done
'Cause not know which one
That me like better
Beetles: Hey food when we feel bad
We chew on a piece of bread or
Some veggies or a raspberry tart
And then we start to feel much better
So eat it up and drink it down
Hey food we've found
That you are so healthful and nutritious
By the ounce or by the pound
Glad you're around
Cookie: 'Cause me so hungry
And you delicious!
All: Yum yum yum yum, yum yum yum yum!
Beetles: Hey food can't put you down
If you're dry toast or something wetter
Whenever we take you off of a plate
We feel so great
Cookie: And me feel better, better, better, better
All: Better, better, better, oooooooo!
background 'yeah's and 'better's as Cookie Monster starts eating everything in sight
Herbert Birdsfoot:
Oh, I can only sing the high part.
It's the only part I know.
And when I sing the high part,
This is how I go:
La, la-la-la-la-la-la, la
La, la-la-la-la-la-la.
I can only sing the middle.
It's the only part I know, I know.
And when I sing the middle part,
This is how I go:
La, la-la-la-la-la-la, la
La, la-la-la-la-la-la.
I can only sing the low part, low part,
It's the only part I know, I know.
And when I sing the low, low part,
This is how I go.
(That's beautiful, Bert!)
La, la-la-la-la-la, la-la, la-la,
La, la-la-la-la-la-la.
Sung by all 3 together:
When we put them all together
I am sure you will agree, agree,
The whole sounds better than the parts
As you can plainly see.
La, la-la-la-la-la, la-la, la-la,
La, la-la-la-la-la-la, la la la la.
If you want to see me, I'll tell you what to do,
Knock three times on my trashcan lid, and then I'll know it's you.
Knock three times (knock, knock, knock sound)
Knock three times (knock, knock, knock sound)
Knock three times (knock, knock, knock sound while he sings:)
And here's what I'll do:
I'll yell, 'GO AWAY!'
'Cause I don't wanna see you.
If you want to take me driving,
Out riding in your car,
Drive on up and honk three times, and I'll know who you are.
Honk three times (honk, honk, honk sound)
Honk three times (honk, honk, honk sound)
Honk three times (honk, honk, honk sound while he sings:)
I'll just stay in my trash can,
'Cause I don't wanna ride with you.
Now I don't care it you're big or small,
And I don't care if you're sho-hort or tall,
'Cause every spring and summer, winter and fall,
I don't wanna see anybody at all!
BUT! If you want to call me,
When I am all alone,
Dial my number and ring three times, and I'll know it's you on the phone.
Ring three times (bring, bring, bring sound)
Ring three times (bring, bring, bring sound)
Ring three times (bring, bring, bring sound while he sings:)
And here's what I'll do:
I won't pick up the phone,
'Cause I don't wanna talk to you.
(And I don't wanna ride with you.
And I don't wanna SEE you.)
Sesame Street
The Noodle Story
Oscar: Let me see. So far, we've done A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M.
That's enough! Let's go home!
Big Bird: Gosh, Oscar! We've got lots of letters to go. The next one is "N". So now I shall tell a story that's filled with words that start with the letter "N".
Oscar: I don't wan't to hear it.
Big Bird: Gosh, Oscar! Don't you want to hear all those "N" words with the great "nn" sound?
Oscar: No!
Big Bird: Right! "No" is an "N" word.
Oscar: Ugh!
Big Bird: Now, see if you can hear some others, Oscar.
Once upon a time, there were nine naughty noodles.
Oscar: Nine naughty noodles?
Big Bird: Sure. Now these nine naughty noodles lived in a nest.
And their names were Ned, Nat, Norman, Nathaniel, Nelly, Nan, Nancy, Norma, and Naomi.
Oscar: Oh no.
Big Bird: Now one day, Nora moved into the neighborhood.
Oscar: Nora? Another noodle I suppose.
Big Bird: (laughs) No. Nora was a nectarine.
Oscar: Naturally.
Big Bird: For Nora, the noodles learned not to be naughty but nice.
Oscar: Doesn't this story ever come to an end?
Big Bird: Ah, you want this story to come to an end?
Oscar: I sure do.
Big Bird: O.K. One day, Nora and the noodles went for a walk and found a great huge letter "N" carved at a stone.
Oscar: So?
Big Bird: So (giggles) you wanted the story to come to an end.
Cookie Monster: Ooooh. *sob* oh I'm so sad.
Herry Monster: Hey! Hey fuzzy face! Why are you crying and looking up in the sky?
Cookie: *sob*
Herry: You want a cookie?
Cookie: I lost my cookie. I dropped my cookie. *sob*
Herry: Yeah, but you're looking up in the sky! You mean to tell me you dropped your cookie and you're looking up in the sky for it?
Cookie: That's right!
Herry: Don't you know the difference between up and down?
Cookie: Oh sure!
Herry: I don't think you do.
Cookie: No?
Herry: But I know something that might help you. I know a song all about up and down.
Cookie: You do?
Herry: Yes I do.
Cookie: So do I!
Herry: You do?
Cookie: Uh-huh!
Herry: Well then what are we waiting for?! Let's have some music!
Cookie: MUSIC!
Oh I look up and see a birdie flying high and free
Herry: Well I look down and then a sidewalk is what I see
Cookie: I look up and see the sky
Herry: I look down and see the ground
Cookie: I look at you and sing a song about up and down.
Herry: Yeah I look down and I see bugs and stuff like that.
Cookie: Yeah I look up and I see a tree
Herry: Hey, I see some ants down there.
Cookie: Oh. I see clouds!
Herry: mumble
Cookie: And you know what else I see?
Oh I look up and see an airplane flying yes I do
Herry: Well I look down and see my foot and then I see my shoe
Cookie: I look up and see the sky
Herry: I look down and see the ground
Cookie: I look at you and sing a song about up and down.
You know I look up and I can't see my cookie.
Herry: Well, you're looking in the wrong direction.
Cookie: Do I look at you?
Herry: Wha?
Cookie: Do you got my cookie?
Herry: No, no no no.
Cookie: I love cookies!
Herry: No, no, I don't have a cookie.
Cookie: Oh no? Well you know what?
Oh I look up and see the ceiling and there's one thing more;
Herry: Well I look down and see the rug and then I see the floor.
Cookie: I look up and see the sky
Herry: I look down and see the ground
Cookie: I look at you and sing a song about up and down.
Herry: Oh up and down and down
Cookie: Oh up and down [and down.]
Herry: Hey! You do know the difference between up and down!
Cookie: Oh. sure I do!
Herry: And you sing nice too!
Cookie: Aww, thank you.
Herry: I've got just one question.
Cookie: What?
Herry: If you dropped your cookie, why were you looking up in the sky to find it?
Cookie: Oh! Because I dropped my cookie and a birdie picked it up and flew away with it up in the sky! *sob*
*bird squeaking*
Oh! There he is! Birdie! Come back birdie! OH!
Drop the cookie at least! Birdie. don't go away with my cookie!
Spoken: Oh, me love to look at sky at night, to see stars go twinkle-twinkle.
But, you know what me love to look at most - the moon.
It's so big and round. And you know what moon remind me of?
It remind me of big delicious cookie!
Imagine, imagine what me do if moon was cookie.
If moon was cookie, me think me would be
The happiest monster you've ever seen
I'd put on a spacesuit and up through the night
I'd ride in a rocket and go take a bite
Me take bite from here, me take bite from there
And pretty soon me bite everywhere
Me eat with both hands, don't need fork or spoon
I'd chew it all up, until there's no moon
Who turned out the lights? Oh, me know what happened.
Me ate moon and now there's no moonlight.
If moon was Cookie it wouldn't be fine
'Cause if me ate it, then it wouldn't shine
Me come to the window and look up at night
But no little moonbeams would give me the light
So me not like to say it, but it clear to me
We're lucky that moon is not a cookie
Sometimes words are enough to kill over
Thanksgiving didn't give
So what should I hope for
I keep on looking fo job
But job seems not to like me
What else my doors kick off the hedges
Somebody just fill they Christmas list
Off me and tha family
And damn I just miss them
Felt like I've been raped
A figures been through my drawers
Always read tha times in between tha black
Spent my summers in that country
So I consider myself a Jack
Some left this world by putting bullets in they head
But little Johnnie across the street
hung hisself from his bunk-bed
Had to go to court in tha mornin'
Nothing hard about it
My little partner was just scared
How scared Gipp that scared
When I was B-gee
Used to think I couldn't be hit
None of my homies carried guns
All I had was a stick
Coming out hard was the way from day one
One of the smallest muthafuckers in the crew
But you knew and feel the type of niggas that kill
Be the ones that's out to prove something
To them other niggers cause
They already know the outcome
What's going down at the party
So many fine hoes nobody knows why
We buck, I guess we up in a rut
Looking for but at the same time
Up in the Flame supporting girls up in the game
Out to get a piece of what the system
Has designed black folks to struggle for
So I bust, so much to deal with
Can't feel what's real from fake
For my sake I stay close to home
So them crackers don't take and
Never give back to my hood
In desperate need of change
Be this way to
We arrage it to be fit me
Growing up on Sesame Street
Can you feel, what I feel?
Can you hear, what I hear?
Can you see what I see?
When ma feet hit the streets
What chu know?
What chu know?
About Sesame Street?
Georgia Power wants to put me in the dark
But one spark
I see Sammy streak to ma spot
In this red Fred Sanford truck undercover
But he geela folks fo da class "A" substances narcotics
Ole shought stopping ask?
Can be "shock-ca-locka"?
Um to mad to be scared
So for the price if you go it
Like that to be the boss you gladly pay it
An arm and a leg I'd be lying if I say I ain't
Need no help, can't do it by myself
It's raining sesame
Cause it's only so much time left in this crazy world
Mates in prison guards life with a hamma
So excuse ma grammar
Behind the walls of Atlanta, Federal Penn
The tait on "Fred Stock" the cell blox wit no C.O.'s
Equipped with radios
The system is fraud and the security camera
Now have we an eyeball on it yet
The second stage denied
I wonder if I get another trial
Remember me from way back in the days
Lived right around the corner from Benjamin Mays
I'm amazed that we made it this far
A po black family is all that we are
Wishing upon a star
For a trace of happiness
My mama do her best but she ain't making no progresss
Maybe it's a test that we all gotta pass
My situations making me grow too fast
13 and a half years old standing at the bus stop
Alone in the cold on my way to be degraded
For a fee to help get my family off this streeet called Sesame
Can you feel, what I feel?
Can you hear, what I hear?
Can you see what I see?
When ma feet hit the streets
What chu know?
What chu know?
I'm getting pretty big, I'm not a baby anymore
Last summer I could hardly reach the doorknob on the door
And someone had to lift me up and show me what to do
But now I turn it by myself and push and walk right through
oooh oooh woh oh woh hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
And there are other things I do I couldn't do before
Like help my momma fold the clothes and sweep the kitchen floor
And I can dress alone and do the buttons by myself
And lace my shoes and get things down when they are on the shelf
I make the elevator move, I track it up and down
And I can make a big bus stop and let us off downtown
oooh ooh woh oh woh hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
I give the dog his supper and pour milk for the cat
Throw Ma a ball I almost can hit it with a bat
It's not so easy and I guess I have a way to go
But there are quite a lot of things that I already know
oooh oooh woh oh woh hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
(background fish in brackets)
There's a place
Where I can sit
Just me, myself and I
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Where the water's
Fresh and clean
And peaceful as a sigh
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Look at the grass all around me
It's green as the smile on my face
Look at the trees they astound me
Wow, what a beautiful place
There's a spot
Where no one lives
But quiet little fish
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Nature lets me
Come and visit
Any time I wish
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Look at us all
We're enjoying
A breath of sweet country air
(a boat goes by trailing fumes, Kermit coughs,
a family turns up a boombox loud)
Hey! This is getting annoying
Please keep it down over there!
Wait a minute! Who said you
Could dump your garbage here?
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Cleaning it all up again
Could take us years and years
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Keeping it clean to begin with
Yes that's the smart thing to do
(fish pop up with their faces covered in gas masks)
(Don't let them cover our fins with
Any more black slimy gooooooo!)
Save a place where I can sit
Just me, myself and I
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
Keep the water fresh and clean
And peaceful as a sigh
On my pond (on my pond)
On my pond
(repeat as people start picking up garbage)
Isn't it a lot nicer with everything all cleaned up like this?
On my pond (on my pond)
(repeat and fade)
Old friends, new friends
Home with the family
We'll be together at Christmas
Snowflakes, sleighbells
Bringing back memories
We'll be together at Christmas
Some things change with passing years
Let this feeling stay
Old friends, new friends
Hoping we'll always be
Here with each other together
On Christmas Day
If I were a poet
I would write a sonnet
It would say 'I love you'
Your name would be upon it
If I were a farmer
I'd give you a bunny
If I had a beehive
You would get free honey
Fa la la (many times)
If I were a baker
You could have a cruller
If I were a painter
Choose your favorite color
If I had some diamonds
I'd give you a few
Anything to show you
How much I love you
Fa la la, etc.
Did you guess my secret?
I am not a poet
Couldn't write a sonnet
And I think you know it
I am not a farmer
Can't give you a bunny
I don't have a beehive
Sorry 'bout the honey
Fa la la, etc.
I am not a baker
Don't know bread from batter
And I am not a painter
And it doesn't matter
I don't need a present
All I have to do
Is look at you to show you
How much I love you
Fa la la, etc.
Ernie and Bert are sitting down with pizza and juice. Ernie's serving is noticably larger than Bert's.
Ernie: 'Okay, Bert, here's your glass of ice-cold delicious grape juice, and here's my glass of ice-cold delicious grape juice, and here's your slice of cheese, Bert, cheese, anchovy, and pepperoni pizza, and here's my slice of cheese, anchovy and pepperoni pizza. Ready to eat?' (Picks up slice)
Bert: 'Hold it, Ernie, hold it! (Ernie puts slice down) Do you notice anything? Take a real close look. I want you to take a look at my glass of grape juice and I want you to take a look at your glass of grape juice. And I want to you to take a look at my slice of pizza and I want you to take a look at your slice of pizza.'
(Five second pause.)
Bert: 'Well?'
Ernie: 'Well what? It all looks delicious, let's eat!' (grabs slice again)
Bert: 'Not so fast! (Ernie puts slice down) Ernie, you have much more grape juice in your glass than I have in my glass. And you have much more pizza on your plate than I have on my plate.'
Ernie: 'Is that so?'
Bert: 'Yes, it is. And I have much less grape juice in my glass than you have in your glass. And I have much less pizza on my plate than you have on your plate. I have less, and you have more. I wonder how that happened, hmm?'
Ernie: 'Oh, gee I'm sorry. I can fix that!'
Bert: 'You can? Well -- (suddenly Ernie starts gobbling pizza) I don't mean fix it THAT way--Ernie! (Ernie ignores him, starts slurping his juice loudly) Ernie--is that your idea of fixing it?' (Ernie sits back, satisfied, examining pizza and juice, Ernie's is now much smaller than Bert's.)
Ernie: 'There, Bert, it's all fixed! Now you have more juice than I do and I have less juice than you do, and you have more pizza than I do and I have less pizza than you do. See, all better!'
Bert: 'I don't understand......'
Ernie: 'But wait a minute--that's not fair, I have less, and you have more--' (Bert starts to protest)
Bert: 'But, Ernie, you just ate all that--'
Ernie: (at the same time) 'I better fix this too--' (Ernie starts drinking Bert's juice, slurp, slurp, slurp)
Bert: 'But you had your grape--and you had your pete--pizza and--'
(Ernie has finished all but an inch of Bert's juice, turns to Bert's pizza.)
Ernie: 'And now I better eat some of your pizza.' (starts noshing down)
Bert: (He is resigned, walking away) 'Enjoy it, Ernie!'
Scene: A rather elaborate room, wallpapered and rather cluttered, a grandfather clock stands in the corner. In fact the Cluttered Room was only in a few skits, was it an early attempt at redecorating? Bert walks in on Ernie, who's basically fiddling around.
Bert: 'Ernie--look at this! Ernie, when are you going to clean your room?' [Does this explain why Ernie and Bert share a bedroom? That said bedroom is actually Bert's room--it's tidy enough--and Ernie sleeps there because there is no room in his own? Makes sense to me.]
Ernie: 'Tuesday after next, I think. Tuesday after next is when I was planning to clean the room.'
Bert: 'Anyway, Ernie, it's your turn to go to the laundromat. Take the clothes basket and go on down.'
Ernie: 'Okay, no trouble.' (He picks up the basket, which is empty, and heads off)
Bert: 'Ernie, wait a minute! Aren't you forgetting something?'
Ernie: 'Oh yeah, I forgot! (gets something) Rubber Ducky! (squeaks him) Okay, off we go!' (starts off again)
Bert: 'Wait a minute, Ernie, are you forgetting something else? Something important?'
Ernie: (pauses to think) 'Oh yeah ... a radio! (puts one in the basket) Have to have a radio, you know, play music down there. Okay, we're off!' (tries again to leave)
Bert: 'Aren't you forgetting something else?'
Ernie: (thinks again) 'Oh yeah, books! (puts them in the basket. In fact Ernie keeps piling more and more stuff into the laundry basket as he speaks.) Books, so I can read a story to Rubber Ducky while we wait! Oh yeah, and a basketball, in case someone starts a game while we're down there! And I'll take an umbrella, just in case it starts raining! Coloring books and a box of crayons, so Rubber Ducky and I can color while we wait for the laundry to get done! And--'
Bert: 'ERNIE!!'
Ernie: 'Did I forget something else, Bert?'
Bert: 'Ernie, you forgot to put the LAUNDRY in the laundry basket!'
Ernie: 'Oh no!'
Bert: 'Yes, and now the laundry basket is so full of junk, there's no room to put the laundry in!'
Ernie: 'Oh no! That means there's only one thing I can do!' (he goes off briefly)
Bert: 'Yes, and that is ...'
Ernie: (reappears with ball and mitt) 'That means I'll just have to go and play baseball! Bye-bye! Kkehehehehe!'
Cow: 'Hmmm-hmm-hmmm ... (he looks up and reads the sign) 'I know I am a (coe).' ... That doesn't sound right.'
(A farmer comes in, grumbling)
Farmer: 'Mumble-mumble -- You're not a coe, you're a cow!'
Cow: (brightly) 'I get it! Hmmm-hmm-hmm -- 'I (now) I am a cow!''
Farmer: (walking around, the cow looks confused) 'Grumble-grumble-grumble ... Listen -- 'I KNOW I AM A COW.''
Cow: (smug) 'You're not a cow!'
I can walk to the park
I can hop, I can skip
And it's fun
Yeah, it's fun
I can climb on the bars
And pretend it's a ship
I can slide
I can run
But, I don't know how to swing
I mean that really big swing
My brother swings like a pro
And I envy him so
Please, teach me to swing
I'm just a little bit scared
And so I'm gettin' prepared
Today I'll swing on my own
Gotta go it alone
Gotta swing
First we stay far away from those swingers
Then it's time to get set and hold on
Then I push myself back on my tiptoes
And I sit on the seat straight and strong
I lean back and I straighten my legs out
And I fly like a bird on the breeze
Then I'm swinging so well
It's like ringing a bell
Back and forth with a bend in the knees
Yeah, I know how to swing
Today I learned how to swing
I'm finally taking a ride
By my big brother's side
I know how to swing
I don't need anybody to push me
I'm a bird
I'm a plane
I'm a king
Every day I'll go higher, 'cause, hey
I know how to swing
I'll go higher and higher 'cause now
I know how to swing
I know how to swing
I know how to swing
I know how to swiiiiing
I know how to swing
I know how to swing
repeat and fade
I love summer showers
I love pretty flowers
But most of all...I love mud for hours
I love, love, love being a pig!
I love how mud feels
I love how mud sounds
I love mud on the ground
I love, love, love being a pig!
I love mud on my tail!
I love mud on my snout!
(grunt) I love mud all about!
I love, love, love being a pig!
I love to feel the sunshine
I love mud all the time
And I love being a swine, (ahem) a pig
Love being a pig!
'Cause I love how mud feels
I love how mud sounds
I love mud all around
I L - O - V - E, I love being a pig!
Bert: I like to sing LOUD!
Farley: I like to sing soft
Bert: I like to sing LOUD!
Farley: I like to sing soft
Bert: I like to sing high!
Farley: I like to sing low
Bert: So two good friends, me and you
Farley: Each with an opposite point of view
Bert: I like to sing long!
Farley: I like to sing short
Bert: I like to sing lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong....
Farley: Ok that's enough, I like to sing short
Bert: I like to sing good
Farley: And I do too
Both: Well whaddya know what a happy day when me, agrees with you.
(They switch roles and sing it again)
Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash
I have here a sneaker that's tattered and worn
It's all full of holes and the laces are torn
A gift from my mother the day I was born
I love it because it's trash
Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash
I have here some newspaper thirteen months old
I wrapped fish inside it; it's smelly and cold
But I wouldn't trade it for a big pot o' gold!
I love it because it's trash
Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love trash
I've a clock that won't work
And an old telephone
A broken umbrella, a rusty trombone
And I am delighted to call them my own!
I love them because they're trash
Oh, I love trash!
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yes, I love, I love, I love trash!
I love my elbows
Let's get straight to the point
I love my elbows
Yeah they're my favorite joint
They bend my arms with so much charm and finesse
I love my elbows
Take my ankles, please!
I love my elbows
So much I'm weak in the knees
Without these two I'd sure be blue I confess
Yeah thanks to elbows, I'm a fella
Who's got a hook for his umbrella
And for cool and casual leaning,
Boy are they great!
And right below my shoulders,
They're the perfect package holders
Just use them any time you want
Or even make 'em straight (crash as package falls)
I love my elbows!
They really top my list
I love my elbows,
Even more than my wrists
They're flexible and bony
They help answer the phone-y
They're useful when you want to touch
Your fingers to your nose
That's right, it's true, I love......
my elbows!
I love my elbows they're my favorite joint!
Bob: Pit pitter pat
Pit pitter pat
Pit pitter pat
Pit pitter pat
I love when it rains
It's thrilling
When it's spilling
And just filling
The drains
When dear Mother Nature's showers
Fall from space
Well every lazy daisy
To wash
It's face!
Pit patter
Pit patter
Is so welcome
You know
Those hours
When it showers
It helps the flowers
I'm not one of those
Who sits around
And complains
I love it
I just love
When it rains
Oscar: Hey Bob? I like when it rains too!
Bob: Really Oscar?
Oscar: Pit
Pitter pat
Pitter pat
I like when it pours!
Winds whipping
And hats ripping
And folks slipping
Love to muddle
Thru a puddle
And run
Bob: Oh Oscar!
Oscar: In a trash can
Or an ash can
Life is fun
Bob: That pit patter
That pit patter
Will cause flowers to bud
Oscar: But mainly
And quite plainly
It makes a lot of mud!
Bob: I'm not one of those
Who sits around
And complains
Oscar (at the same time): Even though I
Easily complain
Bob: I love it
Oscar: I just love..
Both: When it raaaains!
Oscar: I hope it never stops!
Bob: So do I Oscar
Oscar: We agree?
Bob: Of course we do!
Oscar: Oh egad uhhhhhhhhh!
You want to talk some trash?
Oh, I love trash
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yeah, I love trash
I got me a sneaker that's tattered and worn
It's all full of holes and the laces are torn
A gift from my mama the day I was born
I love it because it's trash
Oh, I love trash
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yeah, I dig trash
I got me a newspaper thirteen months old
I've wrapped up a fish
And it's smelly and cold
But I wouldn't trade it for a big pot of gold
I love it because it's trash
I love it because it's trash
I've got a clock that won't work
And an ol' microphone
A broken umbrella and a rusty trombone
And I'm delighted to call them my own
I love them because they're trash
Oh, I love trash
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty
Yeah, I love
Yeah, I love
Ernie: Gee, Bert, it's so much fun, I know you'll like it once we've begun
Bert: Ernie, I've gotta wash my hair, I've gotta scrub my toes
Ernie: We Bert, will have a ball, if I can get you to sing at all
Bert: No, I refuse to sing along I won't
So please don't ask me if I want to 'cause I don't
Although for you I would do almost anything
Along is one way which I do not want to sing
Ernie: Ole Buddy, it'll make you happy
When you start to sing a snappy
Little number that will bounce you right along
Bert: No!
Ernie: Like 'Farmer In The Dell' or 'Old McDonald Had A Farm' or maybe 'What's The Name Of That Song'
Bert: No
Ernie: So if you have a lot of choice,
You'll love it that you've got a voice
And even though the notes you sing are wrong
Bert: ERNIE!!
Ernie: You'll do a favor for us
If you lift your voice in chorus
For a swinging sing along song
(Duet: singing these parts at the same time)
Bert: I refuse to sing along I won't
So please don't ask me if I want to 'cause I don't
Although for you I would do almost anything
Along is one way which I do not want to sing
Ernie: Ole Buddy, it'll make you happy
When you start to sing a snappy
Little number that will bounce you right along
Like 'Farmer In The Dell' or 'Old McDonald Had A Farm' or maybe 'What's The Name Of That Song'
So if you have a lot of choice,
You'll love it that you've got a voice
And even though the notes you sing are wrong
You'll do a favor for us
If you lift your voice in chorus
For a swinging sing along song
Bert: Ernie!!!
Ernie: Please Bert, you'll like it too
We'll sing together, just me and you
Bert: AARGH!!
No, I refuse to sing along that's it!!!!
And in the bathroom it's ridiculous, I quit!! That's that!
That's that!
Ernie: Gee Bert, that was terrific!
I see some paint, some clay, some chalk, I wonder what I'll do
I can make an elephant, a horse, a dog, a shoe
I might imagine something large or tiny as can be
Or some find strange and starry shapes that's in the sky or sea
I might do something very wide, or something very tall
I might draw what's in front of me or what's not there at all
If I decide to finish it I'll hang it up to see
There's a tiger in my book
And a lion in my book
There's a sneaky alligator I can spy on
In my book
Sometimes all I need
Is a book to read
There are pirates in my book
On an ocean in my book
There's a sorcerer with secret magic potions
In my book
And to learn where the story will lead
I just read
On a quiet day
I could go outside and play
But there's adventure in my book
So exciting in my book
Turn the pages
See the pictures
Read the writing in my book
Yes, sometimes all I need
Is a book to read
spoken: Hi, I'm Suzy Kabloozie, and you know what I can do?
I can fly up in the sky
I can eat a forty foot pie
I can jump a great big hurdle
Or dance with a purple turtle
I can ride on the back of an ant
Well, no I can't
But in my head
Up there in my imagination
In my head
I can do it
It's a great sensation
In my head, in my head, in my head, in my head
I can do it in my head
I can drive a racing car
I can be a movie star
I can meet the fish in the sea
Go to the moon on a manatee
I can even be a prickly plant
Well, no I can't
But in my head
Up there in my imagination
In my head
I can do it
It's a great sensation
In my head, in my head, in my head, in my head
I can do it in my head
Try to do it in your head
You can do it in your head
Imagination's in your head
I can do it in my head ...
Suzy's Dad: Not now, it's time for bed!
Suzy: Sorry, Dad
On the Island of Emotion
Surrounded by the ocean
Feelings are filling the air
Come on, let me show you what's there
Look at the smiles at Happy Harbour
Pelicans sing a giggly song
Sailboats are skipping on the water
Seagulls are laughing all night long
Let's have a cry at Weeping River
That's where to lose your misery
Cry all your sadness in the river
Wash all your troubles out to sea
On the Island of Emotion
Come on with me
Down at the Love Lagoon is lovely
Everyone strolling hand in hand
See how the breeze is blowing kisses
See how the waves all hug the sand
Anyone fond of big surprises
Visits the famous woods of Yow
Behind every tree a new surprise is
Waiting for you, here comes one now
Sadness and happiness
Love and surprise
Now we must finally
Say our goodbyes
To the Island of Emotion
It's in the singing of a street corner choir
It's going home and getting warm by the fire
It's true, wherever you find love it feels like Christmas
A cup of kindness that we share with another
A sweet reunion with a friend or a brother
In all the places you find love it feels like Christmas
It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
It is the season of the spirit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year
It's in the giving of a gift to another
A pair of mittens that were made by your mother
It's all the ways that we show love that feel like Christmas
A part of childhood we'll always remember
It is the summer of the soul in December
Yes, when you do your best for love it feels like Christmas
It is the season of the heart
A special time of caring
The ways of love made clear
It is the season of the spirit
The message if we hear it
Is make it last all year
The scene is a field with many yellow flowers. The Inchworm, with numbers going down his back, and his Caterpillar friend are crawling through the grass, Inchworm carries a pencil and paper.
Inchworm: Two and two are four. Four and four are eight. Eight and eight are sixteen. Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two.
Inchworm: Two and two are four
Four and four are eight
Eight and eight are sixteen
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two
Caterpillar: Inchworm, inchworm
Measuring the marigolds
You and your arithmetic
You’ll probably go far
Inchworm, inchworm
Measuring the marigolds
Seems to me you’d stop and see
How beautiful they are
(they sing together in counterpoint)
Inchworm: Two and two are four
Four and four are eight
Eight and eight are sixteen
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two
Caterpillar: Inchworm, inchworm
Measuring the marigolds
You and your arithmetic
You’ll probably go far
Inchworm, inchworm
Measuring the marigolds
Seems to me you’d stop and see
How beautiful they are
(they smile at each other and leave the field)
Cookie Monster: Oh, hello, this Alistair Cookie and welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre. Today, we present musical story of two monsters who no can get together because ... one is inside and one is outside. Big problem! What to do? Well, let's find out. Here is 'Inside, Outside Story'.
(The scene is the back of a building looking onto an alleyway. A woman, Maria, stands at a window above the street, a man, Tony, stands below and two cats sit on a fence next to them)
Tony: Outside, outside
Yes, here I am outside
Out in the cold and dark alleyway
I'm here outside
How can she be my bride
If I'm out and she's in every day?
Maria: Inside
Here in my cozy room
I see my future groom
Yet I can't hold him tight
'Cause he's outside
And I'm inside this house
Day and night
Cats: He's out, she's in
Their love cannot begin
Our lovers have not actually met
Cruel fate has goofed
She's in under a roof (it begins to rain)
And he's out in the rain getting wet
Maria: Inside
My heart is nearly broken
Tony: Outside
My clothes are soakin'
Maria: I'm sure you'll be all right
Tony: Hey, wait a minute, I've got it! Tonight I'll go inside where my true love awaits! Why didn't I think of that before?! I'm coming, Maria! (he scampers off stage)
Maria: I've got it! Tonight I will go outside to find my love! What a bueno idea! Te adoro, Tony! (she scampers out of view of the window)
(sung, after Tony appears at the window and Maria is now on the street)
Together: Oh no, tonight
Must in and outside still be our plight?
That's riiiiiiight
(the cats shake their heads and leave. Tony sneezes)
(back to Cookie Monster)
Cookie (emotion choking his voice): Oh, oh, boy, me know how they feel. (he picks up a cookie) Right now, this cookie outside me mouth ... (opens his mouth wide, then closes it) ... oh, ho, tragedy for me tastebuds. No way. (devours it in his usual beloved style) Ohhhh, me feel better.
It's incredible where you can go
In your imagination
Hitch a ride on a cloud
And go sailing off into the blue
Ask the high flying birdies
To come with you
On your vacation
There's a rainbow of beautiful colors
Waiting for you
It's remarkable who you can be
In your imagination
Glub, glub, glub
You can swim with the fishies
Or go for a walk on the moon
Or make friends with a seal
And engage him in deep conversation
While an owl with a saxaphone
Plays you a rock and roll tune
You can see what you wanna see
Be what you wanna be
Feel what you're longing to feel
Just look in your mind
There's a place you will find
Where the things that you dream of seem real
It's astonishing what you can do
With your imagination
There are so many things to go over
And under and through
So Elmo is pleased to extend you
This kind invitation
You can visit a world that is simply
Too good to be true
La la la la la la
Too good to be true!
Two and two are four
Four and four are eight
That’s all you have on your business-like mind
Two and two are four
Four and four are eight
How can you be so blind
sung in counterpoint:
Two and two are four
Four and four are eight
Eight and eight are sixteen
Sixteen and sixteen are thirty-two
Inchworm, inchworm
Measuring the marigolds
You and your arithmetic
You’ll probably go far
Inchworm, inchworm
Measuring the marigolds
Seems to me you’d stop and see
How beautiful they are
There's a special place I know
That's not far from you or me
It's a place full of surprises
And it's called the library
In the library
You will find
Books of every shape and kind
In the library
The la la la library
You can read about flying
'Round the world in a balloon
Or find books about people
Who landed on the moon
There are stories about things like kings
Who dance with their fiddlers three
Or you can read about kids
Just like you and me
Yes, in the library
You will find
Books of every shape and kind
In the library
The la la la library
There's one in every town
You can borrow books for free
So come on down
You can read about sailors
Who sailed over stormy seas
Or find books about people
Who keep millions of bees
There are stories about birds or herds
Of a creature called a gnu
Or you can read about kids
Just like me and you
Yes, in the library
You will find
Books of every shape and kind
In the library
The la la la library
In the library
The la la la library
When I listen, in the quiet of the evening
What do I hear?
Water dripping, dripping
In the quiet of the evening
When I listen, in the quiet of the evening
What do I hear?
Crickets chirping, chirping
In the quiet of the evening
I hear a bullfrog croaking all night long
(Hi, Uncle Ben!)
A hoot owl hooting his evening song
When I listen, in the quiet of the evening, argh!
What do I hear?
Dogs bow-wowing
What do I hear?
Cats meowing
Brown bears snoring, tigers roaring
Oh, it’s the sound of Mother Nature murmuring low (let yourself go!)
Argh...when I listen, in the quiet of the evening...Argh!
This is the loudest quiet I’ve ever listened to!
Will you guys keep it down!
Somebody’s trying to sing out here!
Argh! I’m gonna go find me a quiet swamp!
When I see some baby pigeons
With their mommy in a nest
I get a joyous feeling
Sort of rising in my chest
That's love
When I see a perfect rock
Or a row of paper clips
A quiet kind of pleasure
Sends a smile onto my lips
That's love, too
When I hold my little nephew
And I bounce him on my knee
And I'm smiling down at him
And he's smiling up at me
Love's a simple thing to see
Why go on for hours?
With oatmeal in a bowl to love
Who needs hearts and flowers?
And even though his silly tricks may drive us far apart
I'll always have a special place for Ernie in my heart
When I lost Homer, well I went downtown
To the man at the Animal Lost and Found
I said, 'Have you seen Homer, he's as cute as can be?'
And the man brought a cuddly puppy to me
And I said
'Whoa, no, that's not Homer!
Wo wo, that's not Homer!
Oh oh, Homer
Homer where can you be?'
And the man said,
'Describe your pet to me.'
I did, but okay
I said, 'Homer's got four legs, he's got two eyes
He's the sweetest pet, he's the perfect size
He doesn't go woof, and he doesn't go meow.'
And the man brought me back an old moo-cow!
And I said
'Whoa, no, that's not Homer!
Wo wo, that's not Homer!
Oh oh, Homer
Homer where can you be?'
And the man said,
'Describe your pet to me.'
I'll try again
I said 'Homer's got two eyes, and he's got four legs
He doesn't have wings and he doesn't lay eggs
He's got two big ears that are kind of funny.'
And the man brought me out a furry bunny
And I said
'Whoa, no, that's not Homer!
Wo wo, that's not Homer!
Oh oh, Homer
Homer where can you be?'
And the man said,
'Describe your pet to me.'
Get it right!
I said, 'Homer's got big ears and a special nose
That's shaped long and thin like a garden hose.'
He said, 'Now I see.' and away he went
And he brought back Homer, my pet elephant!
And I said
'Yeah yeah, that's my Homer!
Say hey, that's my Homer!
Welcome home, Homer
Homer, I'm as happy as can be!'
Oh Homer, I'm so glad I found you
Yay, yay, that's my Homer
Say hey, welcome home Homer
Oh my Homer
Homer I'm as happy as can be
And the man said
'That's 'cause you described your pet to me.'
Yes I did, yes I did, yes I did, yes I did
Say hey, that's my Homer
Welcome home, Homer
Don't you be roamin' now
Welcome home, Homer
I'm as happy as can be
Yes I am, I'm so glad to see you
(kisses him)
The ball goes up
The ball goes down
The ball keeps going round and round
I'll catch
You throw
Heads up heads up follow
The ball goes up
The ball goes down
The ball keeps going round and round
I'll catch
You throw
Heads up heads up follow.
Narrator: Listen, while I tell you, a story old and true,
About how Casey Macphee the engineer got his train through.
He faced the toughest duty, an engineer could do,
But he was brave and not afraid and he got his train through!
Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Through, through, through....
Cookie Monster: Me got the train, and get it through.....
N: Train was carrying moo cows, and cake and ice cream too.
There were six cars full of cookies, and a tank of chocolate too.
The stuff was for the party, that the kids would have all year.
And getting that train through the narrow pass was the job of the engineer!
Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Through, through, through....
C (spoken): Oh, this train full of stuff me love to eat.
And there are lots of children waiting for stuff
on other side of dangerous narrow pass.
Me must get train through!!!!!
N: But an avalanche had closed the track and covered it with snow.
The snow was deep, the track was blocked, there was no place he could go.
Casey knew the train was filled with things he loved to eat.
But Casey knew his duty and would not admit defeat!
Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Through, through, through....
C (spoken): Oh, tough choice. Track covered with snow.
If me stay here, and not try to go through pass,
Me stuck here, all alone with six cars of cookies and ice cream.
Aaaaaaaaallllll alone, with nooooooooobody watching.
Me getting hungry. Me getting VERY hungry!
Oooooooh, maybe it's not too bad if me eat some cookies...
Wait!! What me doing???? It be very bad if me eat cookies.
Me must get train through!!!!!
N: Well, Casey was a hero. And his duty he could see.
Without the cookies and the milk, no party could there be.
The kids would be unhappy,
So Casey raised his head.......
C: Me forget about the cookies,
N: Through, through, through, he got the train through,
he ate up all the avalanche....
C: It mighty tasty too!
N: Through, through, through, he got the train through.
Casey that brave engineer got the train through!
David: Oh, your knee is kind of roundish, like an orange or an egg.
All three: Oh, ABC
Maria: Oh, the shoulder is a joint that holds your body to your arm.
And everybody's got them, on the city, on the farm.
They're useful if you want to wave hello or wave goodbye.
And if you want to wiggle them, it's easy if you try!
All three: Oh, ABC, hope, when you are older,
You'll still sing a song about a shoulder!
Luis: And if anybody kicks you there, it isn't any fun!
All three: Oh, ABC, a jinkle and a jankle.
Hard to rhyme a silly word like ankle.
All three: Oh, ABC and 1-2-3!
That's all for the ankle, the shoulder, and the knee!
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!
Five! Five! Five! Five!
Let's sing a song about five!
How many is five?
(Then the skits, and after the baker fell, they'd sing:)
And that's the song of five!
You must remember this
An S is just an S
A Y is just a Y
The fundamental things apply to the alphabet
And you will always see
It goes from A to Z
On that you may rely
The world will always love a lover of the alphabet
Snuffy: All right everybody, you wanna do the Snuffleupagus Polka?
Kids: Yeah!
Snuffy: All right! Everyone get in their places. And you don't have to be a Snuffleupagus to do it, it just helps to have some around. AND you are in luck today, because there are two of us here, my little sister Alice, and me. I hope you wanna do it, because it's great excercise. All right, Maestro, hit it!
(music starts)
Snuffy: There's a nifty little dance
That Snuffleupaguses do
You may think it's not for you
That simply isn't true
You don't need to have a Snuffle
To be among the few
Who can do the Snuffleupagus Polka
(all dance)
Just go and find yourself
A Snuffleupagus or two
We'll show you what to do
We'll do our dance with you
We'll polka, polka, polka, polka
'Til the day is through
Yeah, we'll do the Snuffleupagus Polka
(all dance)
We're your perfect polka partners
Alice: I'm Alice
Snuffy: And I'm Snuff!
So let's all strut our stuff
We just can't get enough
It's the dance that keeps us going
When the going's getting tough
We do the Snuffleupagus Polka
We do the Snuffleupagus Polka
Do the Snuffleupagus Polka
Ernie: Hey, Bert.
Bert: What is it, Ernie?
Ernie: You know, Bert, I just remembered I didn't put away all my toys. I left a big mess in the other room. Do you think I should get up and clean that stuff up now?
Bert: Ernie, it's time to go to sleep now. You can do that in the morning.
Ernie: It's pretty messy in there, Bert.
Bert: Well, Ernie, you're just a little messy. I've learned that. I'm used to it. Let's go to sleep.
Ernie: You know, Bert, you're a real friend. I'm messy and you don't like it messy, but because I'm your friend you don't mind too much if I'm messy.
Bert: Well, not *too* much, Ernie. Let's just go to sleep.
Ernie: But, but that's what a friend is, Bert. I mean, not minding too much because you like somebody. That's a friend, Bert, a pal! Not minding! That's what friends are for!
Ernie: I am messy.
Bert: Really messy.
Ernie: But you don't mind if I am messy.
If I'm messy, you don't mind it.
That's what friends are for!
You like pigeons.
Bert: I love 'em!
Ernie: Well I don't mind if you like pigeons.
If you like 'em, I don't mind it.
That's what friends are for!
Friends help you put away your toys!
(doo doot de doo, doo doot de doo)
Bert: HELP?! I do it alone, mostly, Ernie!
Ernie: Friends don't mind if you make a little noise!
Bert: A little noise, like what?
Ernie: Like this, Bert.
*plays drums*
You didn't mind that, did ya, Bert, old pal?
Bert: Oh, not much. Ernie, I'm tired. I'm really tired.
Ernie: You're tired, Bert. Well, that's ok, old buddy, you see I don't mind if you're tired because you're my friend. You can be tired if you want to!
Ernie: You are tired.
Really tired.
Well I don't mind if you are tired.
If you're tired, I don't mind it.
That's what friends are for!
Bert: I'm gonna sleep anyway.
Ernie: Friends always lend a helping hand.
(doo doot de doo, doo doot de doo)
Friends are the kind of friends that understand
And they don't mind it.
Ernie: Right, Bert? Bert? He's sleeping. Well I don't mind if he's sleeping because he's my friend, 'cause that's what friends are for! Bert, it's okay if you're sleeping, Bert! I don't mind, Bert! It's okay!
Bert: What is okay?
Ernie: You are sleeping.
Really sleeping.
But I don't mind if you are sleeping.
Bert: Sleeping!
Ernie: If you're sleeping, I don't mind it.
That's what friends are for!
That's what friends, (scoo boop be boo),
That's what friends, (de deet de de)
Bert: I'm gonna go sleep in the kitchen.
Ernie: That's what friends, (skee deep be doo),
That's what friends, (scoo doop de do),
That's what friends are for!
Ernie: Right, Bert? Bert? Hmm, I guess he's gone to sleep in the kitchen again. *yawn* Well, if he wants to sleep in the kitchen that's okay with me, because he's my friend!
One two three four five six seven!
Said the Alligator King to his seven sons,
'I'm feelin' mighty down.
Whichever of you can cheer me up
Will get to wear my crown.'
His first son brought seven oyster pearls
From the bottom of the China Sea.
The second gave him seven statues of girls
With clocks where their stomachs should be.
The third son gave him seven rubies
From the sheikdom Down There Beneath.
The King thought the rubies were cherries,
And he broke off seven of his teeth.
The fourth son tried to cheer him up
With seven lemon drops.
The King said, 'I'm sorry son,
Since that ruby episode, I just haven't got the chops.'
The fifth son brought the King perfume
In seven fancy silver jars;
The King took a whiff, and he broke out in spots
'Cause it smelled like cheap cigars.
The sixth son gave him seven diamond rings
To wear upon his toes.
The King snagged his foot on the royal red rug
And crumpled up his nose.
The seventh son of the Alligator King
Was a thoughtful little whelp.
He said, 'Daddy, appears to me
That you could use a little help.'
Said the Alligator King to his seventh son,
'My son, you win the crown.
You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but
You helped me up when I was down.
Take the crown; it's yours, my son.
I hope you don't mind the dents.
I got it on sale at a discount store-
Cost me all of seven cents!'
Kid: How much for the car?
Man: Fifty bucks.
Kid: Will you fix the fenders, light and stuff?
Man: See that sign? It says AS IS. That means you get it exactly the way you see it--AS IS. Fifty bucks, and it's yours.
Kid: Five dollars.
Man: Thirty-five.
Kid: Ten.
Man: Thirty.
Kid: Fifteen.
Man. Sold!
At that, the car promptly falls to pieces.
Kid: I want it AS WAS!
Now Billie Bob asked Betty Lou to go out for a ride
Said he'd come on over, wait for him outside
Well somehow she forgot to ask some more about this ride
Or you can bet that Betty Lou would sure have stayed inside
Ooooh, ya gotta ask some questions
That's how you get to know
If you'll be riding in a car, or on a buffalo
Ooooh, ya gotta ask some questions
Whenever there's a doubt
That you're wondering about
Ask and find out
Now Jimmy's sister, Mary Joe, brought home this little gift
And without asking questions, Jim opened it real quick
He ripped up all the wrappings and he looked inside and then
Then suddenly he got the drift, the gift was not for him
Ooooh, ya gotta ask some questions
Or you might get upset
That the gift you thought was yours
Was really for your pet
Ooooh, ya gotta ask some questions
Whenever there's a doubt
That you're wondering about
Ask and find out
Barry called Samantha Sue and said 'Samantha, Hi,
Can me and a few friends just kinda drop on by?'
Samantha, who's a friend of sorts and seemed quite content
And then she got to wishing, she'd asked just how few he meant
Ooooh, ya gotta ask some questions
'Cause that's the way you see
If you've planned for just two friends, or planned for twenty-three
Ooooh, ya gotta ask some questions
Whenever there's a doubt
That you're wondering about
Ask and find out
Whenever there's a doubt
That you're wondering about
Ask and find out
Hey! Does anybody got any questions?
(sounds of 'No', 'Not me' etc)
In that case, I'll just go on home
(Hint: Sing the song as if it was '3 Blind Mice')
B is for bubble, B is for bubble
Bubble, bubble, bubble
Bubble, bubble, bubble
B is for bubble & bubblegum
And B is for brother who bought you some
And B is better than any letter for bubblegum
*To sing it again in a special way, have one person to start singing the 1st line (B is for bubble, B is for bubble). Next, have a different singer start from the beginning while the first singer continues. Then, so on with another singer after the previous singer resang the 1st line. When the last singer starts to sing the last line, everyone could sing it together to 'bring it home'/finish the song with style, like it originally did.
POW! (giggle)
Stewardess Worm: On your right, WormAir passengers, you can see Cleveland, home of the Johnson Worm Farm...
(Spotlight falls on Dusty)
Flying home, to see our new baby.
A new son or daughter for me,
For Slimey, a new brother or sister
I wonder which...
Suppose it's a baby boy,
Named Squishy, or Squudgy, or Squashy, or even...Jim.
I wonder what he'll look like,
What kind of worm he'll be.
I bet the little fellow'll be a lot like me.
Little Jim will be yellow and cute and me!
Little Jim will be wiggly and smart as a worm can be.
He will follow me wherever I go, 'cause I'm his flesh and blood
And he'll do whatever I do,
And he won't be afraid of mud!
Yes he won't be afraid of that ooshy, gooshy mud.
Someday he'll grow up, and be something...
Maybe he'll grow up to be a worm that lives in an apple tree
Or wear a taxi driver's hat, and drive a cab -- imagine that!
Or be a space-worm in the skies -- I hope they have a rocket his size
Or he'll dive from a high, high tower, after he learns to swim
That wouldn't be too hard for Jim
Not him!
Him? But supposing he's a Her?
A girl worm named Squishy, or Squashy, or Beatrice,
That's it -- Bea!
Little Bea will be yellow and cute and free, will she
Little Bea will be wiggly and smart as a worm should be.
She will stand up tall with her head in the air
And her tail down on the ground
And she won't let any robin push her around!
No she won't let some bob-bobbin' robin push her around.
And when she grows up, hey,
She could be an astronaut too,
She could do all the stuff that Jim could do
Dig any hole and climb any tree, and be as worm as a worm can be
She'll stand up to any butterfly, in the city or the park
And she'll dig underground with her chin up high,
And she won't be afraid of the dark
No she won't be afraid of the dark
Not she!
Not Bea!
But the baby isn't born yet!
I don't even know if it's gonna be a girl or a boy.
But I do know this,
That baby'll need a daddy to show it how to be,
And that big Daddy worm is gonna be me! Me!
Be Me!
Stewardess Worm: We are approaching Sesame Street. Please return to your seats and observe the 'no singing' sign.
Sometimes I want to get away
Off someplace where I can play
All by myself
Well, why not?
Sometimes I just need the time
To think about stuff while I'm
All by myself
I do it a lot
Well, why not?
Got my hat on my head,
Got my scarf round my neck,
I'm all dressed up and ready to go.
Got my earmuffs on my ears to keep me warm;
Galoshes on my feet to weather the storm.
Oh, got my coat on my back,
Got my gloves on my hands,
No matter now if winter winds blow;
'Cause with my hat on my head,
And my scarf round my neck,
I'm all dressed up and ready to go.
Got my galosh on my head,
Got my gloves on my ears,
We're all dressed up and ready to go.
Got earmuffs round my waist to keep me warm;
My scarf goes on my nose to weather the storm.
Got my coat on my face,
Got my hat on my hands,
No matter now if winter winds blow;
'Cause with my galosh on my head,
And my gloves on my ears,
We're all dressed up and ready to go.
'Cause with our hats on our heads,
And our scarves round our necks,
And my earmuffs on ears, and galoshes on feet,
And my coat on my back, and our gloves on our hands,
Then we know -- See! --
That you're all dressed up and ready to go!
A black girl runs up and down a hallway filled with doors.
The animated effect on the doors has letters floating behind them all.
On the last line, she finds a door with one letter on it, reads it and then opens it to begin her latest adventure.
Short and sweet but I've had a LOT of requests for it.)
Doorways up and down the hall
Wonder what's behind them all?
Doors that lead to anywhere
Got to A, B, C what's there
Got to A, B, C, Decide
Where's the door I haven't tried?
A, B, C, D, East and West
Going on an Alphaquest!
spoken: Animal Department Store, elevator going down!
( the same voice says the parts in brackets )
A kitty and a cat with mittens brand new
Got into an elevator (top floor)
Then there were two
1, 2 !
Two little animals feeling carefree
A bull came from market
Then there were three
1, 2, 3 !
Three little animals waiting to arrive
In came a mule and a mare
And then there were five
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 !
Five little animals acting sedate
The Doggy family joined them
And then there were eight
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 !
Eight little animals standing in a line
Shep the sheep sauntered in
And then there were nine
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 !
Nine little animals waiting yet again
Mr. Hog got on
And then there were ten
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 !
Ten little animals, the ride's all done
Left the elevator empty (ground floor)
Then there were none
Listen up, America
We've got something great for you!
It's something you can feel and breathe and even see right through
It isn't something you can smell
Or taste or eat or see
And please don't send us money --
It's absolutely free
Oh yes, it's air, air, air
It's the bargain of the day
Air, air, air
Doesn't look like much but, hey!
It's handy when you're working
It's handy when you play
So get some air, air, air
It'll blow you right away!
Oh, you can breathe it with your mouth
Or you can breathe it through your nose
And when you take your shoes off, you can feel it on your toes
It isn't purple, green, or pink
Or red or white or blue
It's kind of hard to spot it, but
It's always there for you
No taste! No waste!
No tell tale smell, it's swell!
Oh yes, it's air air air
Send for your supply today
Air, air, air from Maine to Monterey
Americans just love it
They breathe it night and day
So get some air air air
It'll blow you right away!
You should see me tie my shoe
Hear me add up two and two
Things that I can do all by myself
I can take my bath alone
Draw a picture of my own
I used to need help from my mom and my father
Now that I'm big well I don't have to bother
I can button up my shirt
Use a spoon to eat dessert
Even reach the books way high on the shelf
There are so many things I can do all by myself
See me pour a glass of juice
Wiggle my front tooth that's loose
Things that I can do all by myself
I can say my alphabet
There's not a letter I'll forget
I don't need help from my dad or my mother
Don't need to ask my yucchy big brother
You should see me brush my hair
And pick out the clothes I'll wear
Even reach my toys way high on the self
There are so many things I can do all by myself
Voiceover: We take you now to Kermit the frog with another fast-breaking news story!
Spoken: Hi ho, Kermit the frog of Sesame Street News and today I am in the park meeting some of the birds who live here. And...oh here comes a bird right now, excuse me, I'm Kermit the frog of Sesame Street News, ah, can you tell me, do you live in this park?
Baby Bird: Yes Sir, I live right here.
Kermit: And which tree do you live in?
Baby Bird: Well you see, I live in TWO trees.
Kermit: TWO trees?!
Baby Bird: My Mom lives right in this tree right here, and my Dad lives in that tree way over there.
Kermit: Really?
Baby Bird: Yeah, I'll explain it.
Me and Mom we live together in this tree right in the park
Mom Bird: I built our little nest all out of twigs and mud and bark
She feeds me lots of breadcrumbs and she taught me how to fly
And every day together we go way up to the sky
Mom's tree is over here
Back there is Daddy's tree
They live in different places
But they both love me
Mom's tree is over here
Back there is Daddy's tree
They live in different places
But they both love me
Kermit: I see and does your father have a nest in his tree?
Now my Daddy's nest is there right in that big old maple tree
Whenever I fly over and he wraps his wings 'round me
Dad: We like to dig for worms and sometimes sing a little song
My Daddy's tree's the other place where I feel I belong
Mom's tree is over here
Back there is Daddy's tree
They live in different places
But they both love me
Mom's tree is over here
Back there is Daddy's tree
They live in different places
But they both love me!
Kermit: Okay, well that's terrific, so are you going home to your Mom now?
Kermit: You're going to your Dad's?
Voice off-screen: Come on over sweetie!
To my Grandma's, hi Grandma! She lives over there in the bushes!
spoken as they run onto a castle backdrop all decked out in fab royal outfits:
'Princess Zoe, I, your young Prince Telly beseech you, won't you please choose me as your playmate?'
'Princess Zoe, Prince Elmo beseech you to choose him as your playmate!'
'Okay, whatever shall I, Princess Zoe do?!'
sung by Christopher Barron (lead singer of The Spin Doctors, and hereupon called Chris)
If two princes ask you for a playdate
Let's have some fun now
Each one wants to be your only playmate
Says 'I'm the one now', one prince says:
Telly: Hey my toys are so good, that you'll adore 'em
Chris: One says:
Elmo: That stuff he's got is no good, so just ignore him
Chris: This one says:
Telly: If you try my wagon, how glad you'll be now
Chris: That one says:
Elmo: Hey you know he's braggin', so please pick me now
Chris: One says he's got a tennis racket
Telly: And a pool now
Chris: One says:
Elmo: Hey dig my leather jacket, Prince Elmo's cool now
Chris: Then you had a really good idea you said:
Zoe: Can't you get this simple notion in your head?
Have either of you fellows stopped to think of whether
The three of us could all join up and play together?
All muppets: The three of us could all join up and play together
Chris: Both princes said:
Telly & Elmo: Hey you're really smart girl, we dig your scheme now
Chris: Since then you've learned to be more patient
Yeah, you're a team now
Three friends who've learned cooperation
Can lead to fun now
Let's give you three a big ovation
For what you've done now
Muppets: Yeah, yeah!
Chris: Cooperation, cooperation, cooperation
spoken, Zoe: We're cooperating
Telly: Princess Zoe, who were those guys?
Zoe: Those guys? Oh, they're my Royal Musicians. I think they call themselves The Spin Doctors.
Telly & Elmo: Oh!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Eight beautiful notes
I play eight notes they sound like this
When I play them I can't miss
First I play them one by one
Then I sing them just for fun
La la la la la la la la
First I play, then I sing, but counting is my favorite thing
Counting is my favorite thing!
Come let us count the notes together
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Oh what joy, just can't wait,
Ev'rybody count to 8.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Eight beautiful notes
Oh boy, do I love counting notes.
And do you know a wonderful thing about these notes-
I can count them another way.
I play eight notes going down
I play eight notes all over town
First I play them one by one
Then I sing them just for fun
La la la la la la la la
First I play, then I sing, but counting is my favorite thing
Counting is my favorite thing!
Now count the notes backwards from 8.
Here we go!
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Eight beautiful notes!
In the winter, there lots of snow
It very chilly, but don't you know
It another season, another reason
For eatin' cookie
(he devours some cookies from the box in his hands, then leaves to arrive on a rainy spring scene, as kids run up the hill)
In the springtime, the birdies sing
The flowers bloom, and one more thing
It another season, another reason
For eatin' cookie
(more cookies eaten)
Me eat them every season
Me eat them day or night
When it come to cookie
Me got healthy appetite
(now he arrives at a summer scene, sun shining, a beach umbrella up, a kid with sunglasses on lies on a towel catching some rays, a girl eating an ice cream cone, a boy flying a kite)
In the summer, it very hot
Me go to the beach, me sweat a lot
It another season, another reason
For eatin' cookie
(he munches more cookies and leaves the scene, arriving on an autumn one, a man raking up some of the fallen leaves)
In the fall, the leaves turn brown
The wind it blows, the leaves fall down
It another season, another reason
For eatin' cookie
(more cookies eaten, then the screen changes to 4 Cookie Monsters, one in each season)
Winter: So if it's winter ...
Spring: Spring!
Summer: Summer!
Fall: Or fall!
Winter: It don't matter!
Spring: Hey, anytime at all!
Summer: It a season, me got a reason
Fall: For eatin' cookie!
Winter: All together now!
All: It a season ...
Spring: Oh yeah!
All: Me got a reason ...
Summer: Coming home!
All: For eatin' cookie!
(all 4 Cookie Monsters devour what's left of their cookie boxes ... including the boxes)
Fall: Me love the outdoors!
2 is my favorite number
2 is neat
2 is being together
2 is sweet
2 is you and another someone having fun
2 is simple
2 is easy
All 2 is is 1 and 1
2 is all laughing and loving
2 is right!
2 is somebody's arms just holding tight
2 you see
Is better by far than 1 could ever be
'Cause 2 is you and me
Kermit: Hi, ho, this is Kermit the frog with a special news report from Sesame Street News. I'm speaking to you from the studio of that eminent singer and songwriter, Mr. Don Music, who's hard at work on his latest song. Let's listen, shall we? Yes.
Don: Twinkle, twinkle, little star...
Kermit: Sounds good.
Don: How I wonder what you are...
Kermit: Probably a classic.
Don: Up above the world so high... (looks up, then Kermit does) like a diamond in the.... in the the... Oh, rats, I'll never finish this song, never! (throws his head onto the keyboard)
Kermit: Don, Don, what seems to be the problem? That sounded just lovely.
Don: The problem is, if you must know, (Kermit nods) that I can't find a word to rhyme with 'high'! I need a word to rhyme with 'high', listen. Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the ... I'll never get this song, never! I need a word to rhyme with 'high'!
Kermit: Okay, well, let's see ... like a diamond in the ... I have it, like a diamond in a pie! That rhymes, how about that? See? Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in a pie.
Don: That doesn't make much sense, I mean, what's a diamond doing in a pie?!
Kermit: Well, ummm, I never thought of it that way. Well, what do you find in pies?
Don: Rhubard, apples, cherries...
Kermit: That's it then.
Don: You mean... (starts to play the piano) twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a cherry in a pie?
Kermit: Mmmmh, mmmmh (agreeable noises)
Don: That doesn't make any sense, I mean, what's a cherry pie doing up above in the sky?!
Kermit: Well, I don't know, it could be an advertisement for something, you know? I do see what you mean though. Ummm, well, we could change the other line then. What goes with cherry pie?
Don: Well, a nice sandwich maybe?
Kermit: There ya go, see? Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, would you like a ham on rye, or a piece of cherry pie.
Don: That doesn't make any sense, I mean, stars don't eat!
Kermit: Well, there it is, right there, there's your problem! There's your problem!
Don: It is?
Kermit: Yes, get rid of the star! Sure.
Don: Something else, let's see .... wiggle, wiggle little worm?
Kermit: No, no, no, worms are gooey.
Don: Slither, slither little snake?
Kermit: Naa, I don't like snakes.
Don: What else is there, horses? Fishes? Birds?
Kermit: Hey, how about that, how about this? Listen to this ... (Don starts to play) Whistle, whistle little bird, isn't eating crumbs absurd, try a ham and cheese on rye, or a piece of cherry pie...
Don: And if the crumbs are all you want, then don't come to my restaurant!
Kermit: Good.
Don: That's it! Of course! This could be my biggest hit!
Kermit: Your biggest hit?
Don: I've done it again!
Kermit: We did this together!
Don: Alright boys, hit it! (three western-type male muppets pop up from behind the piano, with mustaches and bandanas, they start to sing)
Kermit: I want a co-lyricist credit here.
Singers: Whistle, whistle little bird
Isn't eating crumbs absurd
Try a ham and cheese on rye
And a piece of cherry pie
If those crumbs are all you want
Don't come in my restaurant
Try a ham and cheese on rye
And a piece of cherry pie
If those crumbs are all you want
Don't come in my restaurant
Kermit: There you have it folks, another brand-new golden oldie from the pen of Don Music and Frog.
One, two, two little dolls
One, two, two little chairs
Two little dolls, two little chairs, two little girls
And a little dollhouse
One, two, two little plates
One, two, two little spoons
Two little plates, two little spoons, two little dolls
And a little dollhouse
Two little girls serve two dolls tea
Behaving grown-up as can be.
They have two cups--one and two
I can count them--why don't you?
One, two, two sleepy heads
One, two, two little beds
Two sleepy heads, two little beds, all quiet now
In a little dollhouse
What's that? Small pitter-pats
One, two, two kitty cats
Two kitty cats went on a spree
Then sat down and had some tea.
Two heads are better than one-
That's a saying that's oh so true
Two heads are better than one-
There-me! There-you! That's two!
And between the two of you, you can solve
Any problem that comes up
It's much better to be two,
'Cause what you don't know or can't figure out
You can try, too!
Two heads are better than one
The more the merrier, you bet
Two heads are better than one
You could use all the help you can get!
And when all's said and done
This is where it's at
What I'm simply saying is that
Two heads are better than one!
So just put your heads together
Yes, put your heads together
Quick, put your heads together
And have fun! Have fun!
Ernie: (quietly) Bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum, mmmmmmm.
(Ernie slips behind the chair and Bert looks over his shoulder too late. Ernie comes up at the top of the chair then slips behind before Bert looks.)
Ernie: Bum-bum, bum, bum, BA-BUUM!
Bert: Oh, Ernie. (Bert goes back to his reading but Ernie continues staring at him through the binoculars.) Ernie, what are you doing?
Ernie: Friend watching, Bert.
Bert: What?
Ernie: (takes binoculars away from face) You're my best friend, I'm watching you, Bert. (puts binoculars back)
Bert: Why, pray tell, are you watching *me*, Ernie?
Ernie: (takes binoculars away) Oh, because I'm so happy that you're you and that you're the nicest, kindest, most wonderful friend and that you're sitting there reading a book and that I'm just lucky enough to be able to stand here and watch my good buddy read a book. (puts binoculars back) Pay no attention, Bert.
Bert: That's very touching, Ernie, but isn't there something else you could watch maybe, huh?
Ernie: Oh, sure, Bert, I could watch birds or buses ...
Bert: Good.
Ernie: ... or TV ...
Bert: Good, why don't you? 'Cause I'm trying to read this book, see?
Ernie: Oh, because, Bert, watching my best friend is much, much better.
Bert: Uh huh, I see. (goes back to his book and tries to ignore Ernie but finally) AAAAAA! Ernie, I can't stand this! I mean, you are staring at me through those binoculars and it's driving me bananas!
Ernie: (takes his binoculars from face) Oh, oh, Bert, I didn't want to drive my old buddy bananas, I'll just put away these silly binoculars. Besides that, I don't need binoculars to watch you anyway, Bert. (starts staring at Bert, inching closer and closer until they're nose-to-nose when Bert turns around.)
Bert: (puts up with this for about 30 seconds before exploding) AAAAAA! Ernie, will you stop it?! That is no good either, I don't want you to stare at me, binoculars or not. I'm trying to read!
Ernie: Gee, Bert, you mean you're not enjoying having a friend just sort of stand here and think how marvelous you are, Bert?
Bert: Well, no, Ernie, I'm sorry but, see, when someone is staring at me all I can do is think about *them* being *there* ... staring! And I'd very much like to be able to concentrate on my book.
Ernie: Gee, I don't understand, Bert.
Bert: AAAA! I'll show you, here, take the book. (Ernie hesitates) Take it, take it, take it, take it, take it!!! (Ernie takes the book as Bert gets out of the chair)
Ernie: Okay, Bert.
Bert: Sit down, sit down. (Ernie sits) Now, now *you* try and read, go ahead. (starts staring at Ernie)
Ernie: (starts to read the pigeon book) Hmmm, okay ... Oh, gee ... (Bert looks at the camera, his eyebrows shoot up and he inches closer to Ernie as he reads. Bert's nose is now practically in Ernie's ear he's so close!) ... Wow ... (engrossed in the book and not noticing Bert at all) Hey, Bert, this is a great book, Bert. Gee, thanks for letting me read it. You know, like I said, you're the nicest, most wonderful best friend a guy ever had, Bert.
(Poor Bert rests his head against the back of the chair and lets out a heavy sigh as Ernie continues to read. The closing music plays a brief riff from 'Someone To Watch Over Me' as Bert begins slowly banging his head on the side of the chair's back.)
This is the song
La la la la
Elmo's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Elmo's song.
La la la
La la la la, la
La la la
La la la la, la
He loves to sing,
La la la la,
Elmo's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Elmo's song.
He wrote the music.
He wrote the words.
That's Elmo's song.
This is the song,
La la la la
Big Bird's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Big Bird's song.
La la la
La la la la, la
La la la
La la la la, la
I love to sing,
La la la la,
Big Bird's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Big Bird's song.
I love the music.
I love the words.
That's Big Bird's song!
This is the song,
La la la la
Snuffy's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Snuffy's song.
La la la,
La la la la.
La la la la la.
La la la,
La la la la.
La la la la la.
I love to sing,
La la la la,
Snuffy's song.
La la la la,
La la la la,
Snuffy's song.
He wrote the music.
We wrote the words.
That's Snuffy's,
that's Big Birds
That's Elmo's song!
Oh, Yeah!
(Monsterpiece Theatre overture plays as we pan in on Cookie Monster seated in his chair wearing his lovely red smoking jacket.)
Cookie Monster: Oh hello, this Alistair Cookie here for Monsterpiece Theatre. Tonight another episode in mystery. About a monster trying to guess a town's secret. A town called ... (dramatic music da-dum) Twin Beaks. Oh, excuse me (he runs off stage).
(The scene is now a diner, centre screen a booth with a piece of pie on the red-checkered table-cloth. Cookie enters and spies said pie. Twin Peaks music softly plays in background.)
Cookie Monster: Oh ho! Pie ... oh ho ... (speaks into hand-held tape recorder) Diane, this Agent Cookie reporting. Me in town called Twin Beaks. (sits down looks around) Darn fine town ... (devours pie) Darn fine pie! (devours plate) Darn fine plate too. Diane, there is one thing me no can find out. Why town called Twin Beaks? Me begin asking questions. Asking questions best way to find out something.
(The waitress, a bird with orange feathers, appears with her back to us.)
Waitress: Anything else I can get you?
Cookie Monster: Oh ho, hello, yes! You can get me some answers.
Waitress: What was the question?
Cookie Monster: Me want to know why town is called Twin Beaks.
(Dramatic music as the waitress turns to face us. Instead of one beak she has ... two beaks! The effect is one of having split her beak down the middle.)
Waitress: Hey I don't bud into your business do I? Stay out of mine! (she walks quickly away)
Cookie Monster: That not darn fine answer! (he sighs, gets out of the booth and walks toward the next table) Me got to ask more people more questions. Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey (to the birds at the next table with their backs to us) Me Special Agent Cookie.
First Bird: I'm Finch ... David Finch.
Cookie Monster: David Finch, good, me like bird who know his own name. Me have question. Why this town called Twin Beaks?
(Dramatic music as Cookie looks around for source.)
(David Finch gets up from the table still not facing us.)
David Finch: I'll see you later ... (turns to face us and we see his two beaks) Laura. (walks away)
(Second Bird gets up from the table, this would be Laura.)
Laura: Oh well, gotta fly.
Cookie Monster: Wait, wait, wait ... you no can give me teensy-tinesy hint?
Laura (into Cookie's ear)' It's called Twin Beaks because ...
Voice of David Finch off-screen: Come on!
Laura: Gotta go!
Cookie Monster: Please oh please, please, please ...
Laura: Ask the Log Bird.
Cookie Monster: The Log Bird?
David Finch: You coming or what?
Laura (turns to face camera): Yes. (she leaves)
Cookie Monster: This town gets stranger and stranger. Okay! Me look for Log Bird. Hmmm ...
(Cookie looks around, the camera pans to the door as the music builds.)
(The door opens and in walks a small yellowish bird carrying a log.)
Log Bird: Who's looking for me?
Cookie Monster: Oh, me, me, me, me. (pointing at each item as he says ...) Log ... Bird ... oh ho ... Log Bird! Me look for you.
Log Bird: What's on your mind?
Cookie Monster: Me want to ask you one simple question. Why this town called Twin Beaks?
Log Bird: Let me ask.
Cookie Monster: No, no, no, no. Me asking questions that's how me find out things.
Log Bird: Let me ask my log. Do you know why this town is called Twin Beaks?
(The log is turned over and the log's face is uncovered.)
Log: How should I know? I'm a log!
Cookie Monster: Ho ha! A talking log!
(The Log Bird starts backing Cookie into the counter.)
Log Bird: That's right a talking log! A log that doesn't like to be laughed at! (to log) Come on let's get out of here.
Cookie Monster (as she leaves): Sorry! (Cookie stands next to an eavedropping counter-bird wiping up as he says into his tape recorder ...) Diane, me hurt a log's feelings today and me no closer to finding out why they call this place Twin Beaks. But! Me did notice one thing *very* interesting about the birds in this town. They all have two beaks!
(Counter-bird looks up in shock and quickly leaves.)
Cookie Monster: But they no like to talk. Oh well. (spots pie on counter) Time for more of this great pie! (picks up pie and leaves) Let's go, Diane.
(Scene changes to the Monsterpiece Theatre set as Cookie rushes on and sits down.)
Cookie Monster: And that concludes Twin Beaks. Darn fine story ... (cocks head and poses) darn fine actor and ... (picks up pie from out of sightline and devours it) darn fine pie. This Alistair Cookie for Monsterpiece Theatre.
In the twelfth kingdom
Beyond the twelfth sea
On the twelfth mountain
And near the twelfth stream
In castle number twelve
With twelve towers
Lived a beautiful princess named Twelveia
At noon, on the twelfth day of the twelfth month
Twelveia would be twelve years old!
So she sent her twelve knights
To twelve kingdoms
To invite twelve princes
And twelve princesses
To her birthday party!
Twelve cannons fired twelve shots
Announcing Twelveia's twelfth birthday
Twelve chariots each drawn by twelve horses
Arrived with twelve princes and twelve princesses
Each carrying twelve gifts for Twelveia
Twelve courses were cooked by twelve cooks
Wearing twelve hats
Mixing with twelve spoons
One cake was baked by twelve bakers
Twelveia cried twelve tears
Because she was disappointed
That there was only one cake
Until she climbed twelve steps
To the twelfth tower and saw ...
That the cake was a huge number 12!
(as clock chimes)
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven
Eleven o'clock, time to get up
It's a lovely eleven morning
I heard eleven worms yawning (yawn)
I saw eleven cows sleeping 'midst the buttercups
I said, 'How's your cottage cheese?'
And they said, 'Oh, dry up!'
Eleven little birdies in the trees
Bright yellow beaks and pinky knees
Eleven chicks hatching
Eleven cats scratching
Eleven's the number for me
Eleven ducklings quacking
Eleven pigs, lips smacking
One two three four five six
Seven eight nine ten eleven
Eleven's the number for me
Don't you see?
Eleven's the number for me!
(Then the singer shrieks as she falls into the pigsty.)
You have two elbows
You have two knees
Perhaps you've wondered why you need these
They can be funny looking there is no doubt
But here's how elbows and knees can help you out
When you're going for a jog
Or hopping 'round like a great big frog
Your legs must bend to do things like these
What does the bending is your funny knees
When you want to scratch your back
Or swing a bat to give a ball a whack
There is one thing on which you can depend
You need your elbow and your arm to bend
Singing elbows and knees
Elbows and knees
It sure is handy to have some of these
So elbows and knees I'm recommending
When arms and legs got to do some bending
When arms and legs got to do some bending
Hanging down from a trapeze
You need your legs bending at the knees
To brush your teeth or to comb your hair
You must bend your elbow so your hand will get there
Singing elbows and knees
Elbows and knees
It sure is handy to have some of these
So elbows and knees I'm recommending
When arms and legs got to do some bending
Talking 'bout elbows and knees
Denyce: Good night, Elmo.
Elmo: Oh no no, wait, Denyce, Elmo's not tired yet. Couldn't Denyce read Elmo a bedtime story?
Denyce: Hmmm...hey, I've got an idea. How about I sing you something from the Opera?
Elmo: Opera?
Denyce: Yeah. That's a singing story. Like this one:
(sings) Stars are twinkling up in the sky
It's time for you to go beddy-bye
You're not sleepy, so I will try
To sing an Opera Lullaby
In the opera when we sing
You're bound to see almost anything
So I'll lullaby you to sleep
Along with opera singing sheep!
Sheep: Good night...
Sleep tight...
Turn off...
Your light!
Denyce: No, no, not yet. Let's sing some more
I have a very big surprise in store
Before this monster starts to snore
He's going to be a little Toreador!
Sheep: A Toreador!
Denyce: A Toreador, who's going to dance
Until he starts to snore
Sheep: 'Cause he will snore!
Denyce: But not before, no not before
We sing some more...
Bring on a horse, bring on a pig
Because in opera we like things big
Bring on a chicken, maybe two
Bring on a great big operatic zoo!
Sheep: A singing zoo!
Denyce: A singing zoo, that just so happens
To be dancing, too
Animals: To dance for you!
Denyce: But when we're through
It will be beddy-by-bye too,
To you!
Good night...
Sleep tight...
Turn off...
Your light...
Good night...
Sleep tight...
Turn off...
Your light.
Elmo and the Lavender Moon
Now playing, makes-believe nobody could see
And then he waits and then he fakes
And then he bends and then he shakes
He plays and plays
Still playing as he goes off to sleep
Elmo and the Lavender Moon
Now dancing, making faces at a big fat cat
And then they dance and have a ball
Stands on one foot, doesn't even fall
Dance and dance
Still dancing as he goes off to sleep
He goes to sleep when the sun goes down
But in his dreams, boy goes to town
He never stops, he's all around
Up on the roof, down on the ground.
Elmo and the Lavender Moon
Now dreaming 'bout green shoes, airplanes, and cakes
And as he's dreaming the night away
He finds new games that he can play
He dreams and dreams
Elmo and the Lavender Moon
Ernie: Excuse me, Mr. Hoots
I hate to bug a busy bird
But I want to learn the sax
And I need a helpful word
I always get a silly squeak
When I play the blues
Hoots: Ernie, keep your cool
I'll teach ya how to blow the sax
I think I dig your problem
It's rubber, and it quacks
You'll never find the skill you seek
Till you pay your dues
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Yeah, you gotta leave the duck alone
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
If you wanna play the saxophone!
You didn't hear a word I said
You gotta get it through your head
Don't be a stubborn cluck
Ernie, lay aside the duck!
I've learned a thing or two
From years of playing in a band
It's hard to play a saxophone
With something in your hand
To be a fine musician
You're gonna have to face the facts
Though you're blessed with flying fingers
When you wanna wail, you're stuck
What good are flying fingers
If they're wrapped around a duck?
Change the toy's position
If you wanna ace the sax!
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Yeah, you gotta leave the duck alone
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
If you wanna play the saxophone!
Don't have to put it on a train
Don't have to wash it down the drain
Don't have to lock it in a drawer
Don't have to shove it out the door
Don't have to stuff it in your pocket
Or send it flyin' in a rocket!
Don't have to get it out of town!
Ernie, put the quacker down!
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Yeah, you gotta leave the duck alone
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
If you wanna play the saxophone!
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Yeah, you gotta leave the duck alone
You gotta put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
Put down the duckie
If you wanna play the saxophone!
It's a rainy day;
It's a rainy day.
It's raining outside,
And I can't go out and play.
Why do we need the rain anyway?
Rain falls everywhere,
Fills the rivers and streams,
Flows into the reservoirs
Purified and clean.
Water to do the wash,
Water to drink,
Water is flowing
Through the pipes into our sink.
It's a rainy day;
It's a rainy day.
It's raining outside,
And I can't go out and play.
I guess I'll stay at home today.
Every living thing needs water;
Every living thing needs the rain.
Every living thing needs water;
I guess I really can't complain.
It's a rainy day;
It's a rainy day.
It's raining outside,
And I can't go out and play.
Why do we need the rain anyway?
Water to do the dishes,
Water to brush your teeth,
Water to take a shower,
Water to wash the street.
Water for the forest,
Millions of thirsty roots;
Water for the garden,
Flowers, vegetables, and fruits.
It's a rainy day;
It's a rainy day.
It's raining outside,
And I can't go out and play.
Don't you know I love the rain anyway?!
Zoe: Big Bird?
Big Bird: Yeah, Zoe?
Zoe: Ya know what I like best?
Big Bird: What?
Zoe: Learning to read.
Big Bird: Oh, me too.
Zoe: Big Bird, ya know what else I like best?
Big Bird: No, what?
Zoe: When a grown-up reads to me. I wish a grown-up would read me this book, right now!
Big Bird: Hmmm ... well, I know a good way to get them to do it.
Zoe: You do?
Big Bird: Sure, now you're Maria, see? (music starts) So, I bring you my book, and I say ... Maria?
Zoe: Yes, Big Bird?
Big Bird: Read me a story
Read me a rhyme
Something that happened
Once upon a time
It can have monsters
Princesses too
Wonderful kingdoms
Make-believe or true
Read me a story
And when it's through
Here's what I promise to do
Read me a story
And when I can read
I'll read one to you
See? You make 'em an offer they can't refuse!
Zoe: If I was Maria, I'd read to you.
Big Bird: Oh, and there she is! Look, you sing her this song and I'll bet she'll do it, okay?
Zoe: Yeah, yeah .... Maria? Maria?
Maria: Yes, Zoe?
Zoe: Maria, I wanna ask you something.
Read me a story
Read me a rhyme
Something that happened
Once upon a time
It can have monsters
Princesses too
Wonderful kingdoms
Make-believe or true
Read me a story
And when it's through
Here's what I promise to do
Read me a story
And when I can read
I'll read one to you
Read me a story
And when I can read
I'll read one to you
Vern: Howdy, my name's Vern,
this here's my gang (nods to man on one side,
woman on the other). We're special sort of cow-pokes
and we'd like to tell ya a little bit about ourselves.
Vern: We travel all around the west
Just looking for a chance
To satisfy our passion
For adventure and romance
We do the things that cowboys do
Like fussin' with our herds
But what we really love the most is
Reading words
All: We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
Vern: Hey look boys, what's that sign say thare?
Other Male: Well, I can read that,
it says, "Gopher Junction"
(note: the sign actually says "Gopher Jct.
", not the best idea for teaching kids how to read, IMHO)
Female: Yeah, and "Dodge City".
Men: Yeeha!
Vern: We read the signs along the road
We fill the wordless gaps
Read labels in our cowboy hats
And cowboy boots and chaps
We do the things that cowboys do
Like fussin' with our herds
But what we really love the most is
Reading words
All: We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
Vern: I see ya got your Acme cowboy boots on.
Other Male: Yup, and I'm wearing my International League
of Garment Workers shirt, ahhh-heee!
Vern: Sometimes we read right into town
To get some extra licks
We look around for words to read
That's how we get our kicks
We see them up above the stores
Along the dusty street
But, riding through to read the town is
Other Male: Real excitin'
Female: Goshdarn nation
All: Really treat
We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
All: We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Vern: Readers of the open range
Vern: Oh, lookey there, there's Dalton Gazette
Female: Oh yeah, and the dentist
Other Male: Oh, look up yonder, it's the seed store
Oh and look, Jake's and Harry the blacksmith
Vern: Sasparilly
Well boys, I'd love to stay and read some more,
but I think we better head for home.
Other Male: Yep.
Vern: We're bound to find a few more signs on the way.
Sung (as they ride into the sunset):
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Readers of the open range
We're readers, readers
Excites the
Glade, in my
Heart how
I do
Jump like the
Listen to the
Music so
Nice the
Rests the
Under the
Vine tree at the
Water's side and
X marks the spot 'neith the
Yellow moon where the
Zulu king and I did hide.
So reach your hand up high
Your hand up high
And maybe you'll touch the sky
Reach just a little higher and you may catch a butterfly
So reach your hand up high
Your hand up high
Up on your toes
Stretch your fingers
Stretch for the apple above you
Reach for the person who loves you
You can touch if you try
So reach reach reach reach reach your hand up high
Reach for a leaf, reach for a cloud, reach for a sky of blue
Reach for the sun, shining on me and you
So reach your hand up high
Your hand up high
And maybe you'll touch a star
Reach just a little bit higher you never know how tall you are
So reach your hand up high
Your hand up high
Up on your toes
Lift your face up
Stretch for the promise that lingers
Just past the tip of your fingers
You can touch if you try
So reach, reach, reach, reach, reach your hand up high
Maria: Rhyme out, rhyme out
We're gonna have a rhyme out, rhyme out
It's a new kind of game
Where you look for a word
That will sound just the same
As the word you tried to
Rhyme out, rhyme out
Big Bird: And we're gonna rhyme
Store, door
Maria: Store, floor
Big Bird: Store, snore
Maria: Store, core ... [come on!]
Big Bird: [Ummm ... store ... ummm ...]
Maria: [Come on!]
Big Bird: [Oh ...]
Maria: [Ha!] I rhymed you out
That's what this game's about
You win every time
You get the last rhyme
To rhyme out, rhyme out
[Gotcha! Ha ha!]
Big Bird: [Yeah.]
Luis: [Hi, what's happening?]
Big Bird: [Hey! Ya wanna have a rhyme out, Luis?]
Luis: [A what?!]
Big Bird: [It's a rhyme out ...]
A rhyme out, rhyme out
Oh yes, I said a rhyme out, rhyme out
Maria: It's a new kind of game
Where you look for a word
That will sound just the same
As the word you tried to
Rhyme out, rhyme out
And we're gonna rhyme
Wing, string
Luis: Wing, ring
Maria: Wing, swing
Luis: Wing, sing (in a loud falsetto on 'sing')
Maria: Wing ....
[ummm ... wing ... wing ... wing ... wing ...]
Big Bird: He rhymed you out
That's what the game's about
Maria and Big Bird: You win every time
You get the last rhyme
To rhyme out, rhyme out
Luis: [Yeah, I kinda like this game, it's all right.]
Big Bird: [Hey, let's all three of us have the rhyme out.]
Maria: [Okay, let's rhyme the word 'chair', okay?]
Big Bird: Chair, bear
Maria: Chair, hair
Luis: Chair, stair
Big Bird: Chair, eclair!
Maria: Chair, pair
Luis: Chair, dare
Big Bird: Chair, share
Maria: [Chair ... chair ... chair ... chair ...]
Luis: [Come on, Maria! Come on, Maria!]
Big Bird: I rhymed you out
That's what the game's about
Maria and Luis: You beat us this time
'Cause you got the last rhyme
To rhyme out, rhyme out
Maria: Now we're gonna rhyme 'shoe'
'Cause the game is through
Rhyme out!
Saturday summers, when I was a kid
We'd run to the schoolyard and here's what we did
We'd pick out the captains and we'd choose up the teams
It was always a measure of my self esteem
Cuz the fastest, the strongest, played shortstop and first
The last ones they picked were the worst
I never needed to ask, it was sealed
I just took up my place in right field
Right field, it's easy, you know
You can be awkward and you can be slow
That's why I'm here in right field
Just watching the dandelions grow
Playing right field can be lonely and dull
Little Leagues never have lefties that pull
I'd dream of the day they'd hit one my way
They never did, but still I would pray
That I'd make a fantastic catch on the run
And not lose the ball in the sun
And then I'd awake from this long reverie
And pray that the ball never came out to me
Here in...
Right field, it's easy, you know
You can be awkward and you can be slow
That's why I'm here in right field
Just watching the dandelions grow
(whistle a variation of Take Me Out To The Ballgame...)
Off in the distance, the game's dragging on
There's strikes on the batter, some runners are on
I don't know the inning, I've forgotten the score
The whole team is yelling and I don't know what for
Then suddenly everyone's looking at me
My mind has been wandering; what could it be?
They point at the sky and I look up above
And a baseball falls into my glove!
Here in right field, it's important you know
You gotta know how to catch, you gotta know how to throw
That's why I'm here in Right Field, just watching the dandelions grow!
Billy Idle: Last night as I was lyin'
Just loungin' in my bed,
Heard such a loony howling',
Stood my hair up on my head.
Lunged over to the window,
Flipped the floodlight right on.
Hey, there's a letter L
On the loose,
Leaping across my lawn!
I heard the letter L
Let out a 'luh-luh-luh.'
The little rebel L,
He cried, 'Luh-luh-luh.'
I heard the letter L
Let out a 'luh-luh-luh.'
The little rebel L,
He went, 'Luh-luh-luh,
Rebel L!
He said, 'You gotta listen,
See, I'm a lean, mean lad.
Don't like to stand for 'lacy
Little lamb' or 'lilly pad!'
Just wanna live for loudness,
And don't say I'm too young.
I was born to go luh-luh-luh
At the top of my luh-luh-lungs!'
I heard the letter L
Let out a 'luh-luh-luh.'
The little rebel L,
He cried, 'Luh-luh-luh.'
I heard the letter L
Let out a 'luh-luh-luh.'
The little rebel L,
He went, 'Luh-luh-luh,
Rebel L!
Leaned out a little lower,
'Leapin' lizards!' I yelled,
'You gotta learn a lesson,
Hey, it's late, get lost, rebel L
You're wakin' up the neighbors.
Please leave us in peace.
Looks like you're outta luck,
Letter L,
Here come the pol-luh-luh-lice!'
Policewoman: Hey, little letter L,
You're too loud, loud, loud.
We know you're lost and lonely
Without a crowd, crowd,
Crowd, crowd.
But listen, letter L,
We got laws, laws, laws!
Rebel L: I'm just a rebel L
Without a cause, cause, cause!
A rebel L!
I'm just a rebel L!
You know I'm just a rebel L!
You know I'm just a rebel L!
I'm just a rebel L!
It's like a 'G' that broke its back!
Remember 'Q' because it's queer.
It starts like this and turns up here.
Remember 'Q' because it's quaint.
It's like an 'A' but then it ain't.
However you remember 'Q', hey, I don't care.
But remember 'Q', well, because it's there!