President ObamaAccount verificato


Dad, husband, and 44th President of the United States. Tweets may be archived: .

Washington, D.C.
Iscritto a giugno 2013
Nato il 4 agosto 1961

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  1. Due to popular request, here are my vacation playlists: What's your favorite summer song?

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  2. ha ritwittato

    Pleased to be in for historic day . Incredible: last time visited , FDR was .

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  3. 6 ago

    Thank you for all you've done to protect our sacred right to vote. It's as important today as it's ever been.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  4. 6 ago

    Heroes like , Dr. King, and countless others sacrificed so that all of our voices could be heard.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  5. 6 ago

    Before 1965, African Americans faced poll taxes, literacy tests, or having to count jellybeans in a jar when they tried to register to vote.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  6. 6 ago

    50 years ago today, President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law, securing the right to vote for millions of African Americans.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  7. 5 ago

    Important detail – there are no secret deals. My staff can brief you on any question about any part of the deal.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  8. 5 ago

    The choice is ultimately between diplomacy and war. Iran's nuclear program accelerates if Congress kills this deal.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  9. 5 ago

    It's the strongest nuclear deal ever negotiated. There's no such thing as a "better deal." Walking away risks war.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  10. 3 ago

    I refuse to condemn our kids to a planet that's beyond fixing. Let's meet this challenge and together.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  11. 3 ago

    Despite what the critics will tell you, this plan will ultimately save the average American family nearly $85 a year on their energy bills.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  12. 3 ago

    Thanks to this plan, there will be 90,000 fewer asthma attacks among our kids and we'll avoid 3,600 premature deaths in 2030.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  13. 3 ago

    It's time to change that. With the Clean Power Plan, by 2030, carbon pollution from power plants will be 32% lower than it was a decade ago.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  14. 3 ago

    Right now, power plants account for about one-third of America’s carbon pollution. That’s more than our cars, airplanes, and homes combined.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  15. 3 ago

    Levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere are higher than they’ve been in 800,000 years. 2014 was the planet’s warmest year on record.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  16. 3 ago

    Today, we're announcing America's Clean Power Plan—the most important step we've ever taken to combat climate change. Here are the facts:

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  17. 1 ago

    Hey , loving the photos. Do you ever look out the window and just freak out?

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  18. 31 lug

    Launching a pilot program to help students in prison pay for college, because everyone willing to work for it deserves a second chance.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

  19. 30 lug

    Happy 50th birthday, Medicare and Medicaid! Two programs, one promise: that every American deserves a basic measure of dignity and security.

    Lingua originale: inglese; tradotto da

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