The Whole Ten Yards is a 2004 American crime comedy film directed by Howard Deutch and sequel to the 2000 film The Whole Nine Yards. It was based on characters created by Mitchell Kapner, who was the writer of the first film. The film stars Bruce Willis, Matthew Perry, Amanda Peet, Natasha Henstridge, and Kevin Pollak. It was released on April 7, 2004 in North America. Unlike the first film, which was a commercial success despite receiving mixed reviews, The Whole Ten Yards was a major critical and commercial failure.
Thanks to falsified dental records supplied by his former neighbor Nicholas "Oz" Ozeransky (Matthew Perry), retired hitman Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski (Bruce Willis) now spends his days compulsively cleaning his house and perfecting his culinary skills with his wife, Jill (Amanda Peet), a purported assassin who has yet to pull off a "clean" hit (everyone she is hired to kill dies in bizarre accidents before she can kill them). Oz, meanwhile, is now married to Jimmy's ex-wife Cynthia (Natasha Henstridge) and has a dental practice in California, now expecting their first child, but the relationship is complicated due to Oz's over-excessive paranoia about security, as well as Cynthia's secret continued contact with Jimmy (Although Oz also talks with Jill on occasion).