Taos County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, October 12, 2014
- Duration: 270:22
- Updated: 22 Oct 2014
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Citizens Concerns:
VI. Minutes:
A. October 7, 2014 - Regular Meeting
VII. Awards and Recognitions
A. A Presentation of a Proclamation to Taos Economic Development Corporation Proclaiming November 10-16, 2014 TCEDC Week
VIII. Presentations:
A. A Presentation by the Trust for Public Lands on Greenprinting, a mapping tool that helps communities prioritize conservation goals based on community values. Breece Robertson, Director of Conservation Vision and GIS, Trust for Public Lands.
B. A Presentation regarding Habitat for Humanity of Taos seeks Taos County participation on 2015 EDA "Investments in Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance" Grant - Cynthia Arvidson, E.D and Bruce Armstrong, Manager of Development
IX. Department Matters:
A. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding Tres Lomas Road in Arroyo Hondo - Earl Salazar, Acting Public Works Director
B. Update from the Taos County Adult Detention Center - Johna Gonzales, Detention Administrator
C. Taos County Donation of Old Tax Records for Historical Preservation to the Taos County Historical Society - Susan Trujillo, Treasurer
D. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding the determination for the need to change physical address of three homes on Espinoza Road - Brian Cribbin, CFM Floodplain Administrator & GIS Technician II
E. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding the San Cristobal Volunteer Fire Department Grant Application to purchase firefighting equipment - Allen Sanchez, Taos County Fire Chief
X. Public Hearing (1:30 P.M):
A. 1:15 pm - Discussion, consideration and decision regarding the Final Plat Public Hearing for the proposed Beausoleil Subdivision - Edward Vigil, Acting Planning Director
XI. Budget Matters:
A. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding DFA Resolution No. 7, 2014-2015 FY, A Resolution requesting to transfer expenditures from the Rio Fernando Fire Department Fund to the Capital Enhancement Fund - Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
B. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding DFA Resolution No. 8, 2014-2015 FY, A Resolution requesting to adjust FY Final Budget to increase revenue and expenditures based on a Notice of Grant Award for the NM Aging & Long Term Services Grant- Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program Fund - Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
C. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding DFA Resolution No. 9, 2014-2015 FY, A Resolution requesting to adjust FY 2015 Final Budget to account for a Project Agreement from NM Department of Transportation - Traffic Safety Bureau for End Driving While Impaired, Operation Buckle Up, 100 Days and Nights of Summer - Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
XII. Commissioner's Report and Matters:
A. Calendars for the month of October and November 2014
B. Discussion, consideration, and decision to direct staff to work on Memorandum of Agreement with the Town of Taos for the operational use of Old County Courthouse - Commissioner Tom Blankenhorn
C. Request to adopt Dona Ana Road as a County Maintained Road - Chairman Gabriel Romero
XIII. Adjournment
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Citizens Concerns:
VI. Minutes:
A. October 7, 2014 - Regular Meeting
VII. Awards and Recognitions
A. A Presentation of a Proclamation to Taos Economic Development Corporation Proclaiming November 10-16, 2014 TCEDC Week
VIII. Presentations:
A. A Presentation by the Trust for Public Lands on Greenprinting, a mapping tool that helps communities prioritize conservation goals based on community values. Breece Robertson, Director of Conservation Vision and GIS, Trust for Public Lands.
B. A Presentation regarding Habitat for Humanity of Taos seeks Taos County participation on 2015 EDA "Investments in Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance" Grant - Cynthia Arvidson, E.D and Bruce Armstrong, Manager of Development
IX. Department Matters:
A. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding Tres Lomas Road in Arroyo Hondo - Earl Salazar, Acting Public Works Director
B. Update from the Taos County Adult Detention Center - Johna Gonzales, Detention Administrator
C. Taos County Donation of Old Tax Records for Historical Preservation to the Taos County Historical Society - Susan Trujillo, Treasurer
D. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding the determination for the need to change physical address of three homes on Espinoza Road - Brian Cribbin, CFM Floodplain Administrator & GIS Technician II
E. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding the San Cristobal Volunteer Fire Department Grant Application to purchase firefighting equipment - Allen Sanchez, Taos County Fire Chief
X. Public Hearing (1:30 P.M):
A. 1:15 pm - Discussion, consideration and decision regarding the Final Plat Public Hearing for the proposed Beausoleil Subdivision - Edward Vigil, Acting Planning Director
XI. Budget Matters:
A. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding DFA Resolution No. 7, 2014-2015 FY, A Resolution requesting to transfer expenditures from the Rio Fernando Fire Department Fund to the Capital Enhancement Fund - Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
B. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding DFA Resolution No. 8, 2014-2015 FY, A Resolution requesting to adjust FY Final Budget to increase revenue and expenditures based on a Notice of Grant Award for the NM Aging & Long Term Services Grant- Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program Fund - Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
C. Discussion, consideration and decision regarding DFA Resolution No. 9, 2014-2015 FY, A Resolution requesting to adjust FY 2015 Final Budget to account for a Project Agreement from NM Department of Transportation - Traffic Safety Bureau for End Driving While Impaired, Operation Buckle Up, 100 Days and Nights of Summer - Leandro Cordova, Finance Director
XII. Commissioner's Report and Matters:
A. Calendars for the month of October and November 2014
B. Discussion, consideration, and decision to direct staff to work on Memorandum of Agreement with the Town of Taos for the operational use of Old County Courthouse - Commissioner Tom Blankenhorn
C. Request to adopt Dona Ana Road as a County Maintained Road - Chairman Gabriel Romero
XIII. Adjournment
- published: 22 Oct 2014
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