Jenny Noyes


news editor & swear jar contributor





  1. This is Wendi Deng's new bf. Help

  2. I feel like there was space in this headline for Debbie Reynolds' name tho

  3. Boomers, here is some cool budgeting advice re: eating out. Love, millennials

  4. maybe I'm just in an extra bad mood today but how about news orgs don't go out of their way to make the murder of a woman sound like a joke

  5. Getting slimy at the Fairfax Xmas party

    さんと さん
  6. Ok so are these pants or as says "structured curtains"

  7. I hardly thought it possible but this pic of George Christensen is even more creepy/terrifying than the whip one.

  8. Today's work lunch is a snag and a cup of male tears thanks to

  9. the journo who wrote this didn't want to go to work after Trump won and tbqh I can see why

  10. Getting a taco while I still can

  11. This is some shady dogwhistle reporting. How is the fact they met on Tinder relevant to the fact he tried to kill her when she dumped him?

  12. 返信先: さん

    Amandla Stenberg on cornrows, hip hop and cultural appropriation:

  13. Tfw your life goals are skin cancer and 2 types of clothes

  14. My main take home from this is that kids in kindergarten the year I did HSC are now doing it. Drink

  15. The only problem with this graphic is it doesn't mention the median house price has risen $200k in the past 15 years

  16. Just catching up on the highlights now



