Environment: Content from Across the ABC

Editor's Choice

Science Online 20 Aug 2015

Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands are the weediest places in the world for their size thanks to the influx of weeds from the northern hemipshere, according to new research. More

Conversations with Richard Fidler 20 Aug 2015
News Online 19 Aug 2015
Sara Phillips 5 Aug 2015

Barack Obama's Clean Power Plan works around a hostile political opposition and avoids the carbon tax headache. Will it provide inspiration for further Australian climate action? More

Lateline 19 Aug 2015

Tony Jones hosts a debate on the merits of a plan to prevent green groups from mounting legal challenges to environmental approvals More

Lateline 19 Aug 2015

Tony Jones hosts a debate on the merits of a plan to prevent green groups from mounting legal challenges to environmental approvals More

Lateline 19 Aug 2015

As Coalition unity remains fractured, the Labor Party is refusing to back moves by the Government to limit access to environmental protection laws introduced by John Howard a decade and a half ago. More

7.30 19 Aug 2015

Government leaks have been labelled 'gutless' as they struggle to get Senate support for changes to environmental laws aimed at stopping green groups legally challenging project approvals. More

7.30 18 Aug 2015

Having 'project after project' held up by environmental legal action has led the Government to alter the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, as Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane explains. More

Science Show 22 Aug 2015

While the uptake of rooftop solar power in Australia has been popular, supplying large amounts of intermittent power from solar and w… More

Science Show 22 Aug 2015

It has already been happening for decades. Plants and animals are responding to rising temperatures. It is easier for animals, less s… More

ABC Rural 21 Aug 2015


Pacific Beat 21 Aug 2015


ABC Rural 21 Aug 2015


ABC Rural 21 Aug 2015


On the Wider Web

The technique is used to determine the age of organic artefacts in fields like archaeology, geology, and ecology. But it could become unreliable within decades.
Using data from WRI’s CAIT Climate Data Explorer, this dynamic graph below allows you to explore emissions data for 2012.

Running out of time

(external link)
Three runners attempt to run 160km through remote wilderness to raise money for climate change.


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Like a Version: Vitriol

Grenadiers (triple j - Like a Version)

Adelaide boys Grenadiers get the blood pumping with a tidy reworking of Bluejuice's hit.