18 Mar 2015

Mathew Kenneally's World Of Kale Comes Crashing Down

By Mathew Kenneally

Turns out diet books are just fads. Who'd have thought it? Not Mathew Kenneally, apparently.

Dear Book Publishers of Australia,

This has been a very trying week for me. I was shocked to find out Belle Gibson, one of my go-to-wellness counselors, had not been vetted by the publishers of the Whole Pantry. To make matters worse, I also found out that the latest Paleo Way had been delayed because of concerns a child might die!

It was five years ago when I first turned my back on modern medicine. I just felt I had been seeing my GP for the whole of my life and I wasn’t as fit or well as I wanted to be. She said I was fine, which showed she didn’t get it. Sure, she had been to a “western” medical school. But the Doctors from those schools have presided over us becoming the fattest nation on Earth, an “Ice epidemic”, and the election of Tony Abbott. Western medicine has not made Australia well.

I did not know where to turn. That is when I discovered Pete Evans and the Paleo diet. I assumed that a man endorsed by My Kitchen Rules and a book publisher was sound. It also made perfect sense, of course. Our ancestors had a better diet. They had no medicine, so they had to get medicine from elsewhere in order to evolve. Their medicine was food. And if food is medicine, I can make my own medicine, with a slow cooker.

I thrived. I devoured paleo book after paleo book. I activated the ideas about activated nuts. I discovered Belle Gibson. My life-partner and myself became wellness warriors. As we became well-er our friends seeing our wellness, joined us in a fuller existence.

Last week my dietary world came crashing down. I have no idea who to turn to for nutrition advice! I trusted the publishing industry. I trusted that if you put out a cookbook on the latest wellness trend it had been vetted. I am now literally at sea. Which sux because I don’t fish!

What am I meant to do about my diabetes? Luckily I haven’t got it yet, but my astrologist was clear, it’s in my future. I thought I was ready for my illness. Now every time I look at my 300 kilograms of frozen fermented Kale I ask: how do you get rid of 300 kilograms of frozen fermented Kale?

This hasn’t just affected me, it has harmed my future family. I thought I could feed my child the paleo diet, the diet of his ancestors. I’m starting to doubt if that’s possible. Worse still my son hasn’t even been conceived yet, no doubt the pre-historic fertility technique I was trialing is also completely made up. The worst thing is you cannot un-smoke that part of your body.

I know what you’re thinking; it’s my responsibility to do my own research. But I’m an average busy person. Between my job as a wellness coach, meditative yoga, vegie gardening, intense yoga, fighting Tony Abbott, and spiritual yoga, I do not have time to fact check every diet I activate. 

Last week, I had a purpose, and identity. I was to be a father, beat diabetes with Kale and wheat grass, and be the well-est person I can be.

Today, I don’t know who I am. I am depressed, so depressed I made an appointment to see the Doctor.

I hope you’re happy.

Yours Sincerely
Mathew Kenneally.

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Posted Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 19:35

You can make chocolate fondue with your slow cooker. Chocolate fondue cures a range of diseases.

As for the kale, I don't know. When we have too much bread, we take it to the park and feed it to the ducks. You could try distributing your excess kale to needy hipsters.

Posted Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 20:29

Try trusting your own body for a change, and stop relying on outside experts. Get out of your head. The body's wisdom knows. How do you feel 20 mins after you eat something?..that is usually a good starting point. Everyone's body and life situation is different, so there is no blanket fix for all. The experts have something to offer but it's how it fits YOU that matters most in my book.

Groucho Marxist
Posted Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 11:09

Hey dudu,

 "it's how it fits YOU that matters most in my book."

You have a book?  Who publishes it, and how much Kale is in it?

Posted Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 15:26

Thanks for the article, just one point, you are best to go an see an accredited practising dietitian for nutrition advice.  They cut out the marketing bullshit, are not trying to indoctrinate the latest fad diet to you and give you advice you can actually stick to.  I hope you find wellness without being ripped off from the snakeoil salesmen (or women) Matt. 

Posted Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 16:08

Follow your instincts Mathew and forget all of the rubbish about specific diets frankly rather than worrying too much about what you eat try, Yoga because it does not matter what you eat if your mind and body are not in tune with your life.

Hari Om

Posted Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 17:01

Iain Hall - is that really you? Not a very obtuse attempt at satire then? Stop messing with my head - you're supposed to be this predctable in-house right-wing dinosaur, like Amanda at Fairfax! :)

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Fleur
Posted Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 21:05

Ha ha. I mean, sure, wanky food fads are mildly amusing. At the same time, I wonder why the food industry seems to get a free pass so often from leftists and progressives. We wouldn't let mining companies tell us their theories of climate change. We don't let tobacco companies tell us their theories of health and disease. We rightly detect that, as some of the world's largest corporations, their ruthless pursuit of profit means that essential facts regarding our health and wellbeing aren't important to them.

Multinational food processing and retailing companies sell products which rely on maximum preservability of food-like substances for maximum transportation and shelf life. That means lots of sugar and other additives and very low nutritional values. I have some recent experience with nutritionists, and I can assure you, their entire "science" is bought and paid for by these multinationals. Have a peek inside one of their offices one day if you don't believe me. Show me a conference of mainstream nutritionists which is not sponsored by one of them.

When it comes to multinational corporations, history suggests it's wise to maintain a skeptical distance from the science they pay for. There is plenty of grounded, genuine evidence from mainstream organisations supporting the use of many natural foods which are becoming more popular, such as fermented vegetables, bone broths and raw milk. Recent data suggests more than half of all Aust households are growing some vegetables right now. Yes, middle class fads are annoying -- but don't substitute "scientism" for genuine scientific insight, especially when something as fundamental as food is at stake.

Posted Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 10:38


Iain Hall - is that really you? Not a very obtuse attempt at satire then? Stop messing with my head - you're supposed to be this predctable in-house right-wing dinosaur, like Amanda at Fairfax! :)

Rest  assured it is me and I advocate yoga because it works for me as does following your instincts about what you eat to be healthy.

Hari Om