6 Jul 2015

Andrew Bolt Trashes Muslims, And His Own Arguments For Trashing Muslims

By Michael Brull

The best kind of debate is the one you have with yourself. Alone. At night. When you're Andrew Bolt. Michael Brull explains.

On the subject of Andrew Bolt, I can be a bit of a broken record. When a Muslim person somewhere in the world does something bad, I turn to Bolt’s blog to find the kind of anti-Muslim animus that I figure it’ll be useful to critique.

There hasn’t been much variation in this routine going back six years. Conveniently, when trashing Muslims and Islam this time, Bolt seems to have supplied his own counter-arguments.

So, on 27 June, it wasn’t much of a surprise to find Bolt writing about Muslims again. He began:

“Muslim apologists here and abroad like to explain each outrage as a reflection of some crime by the West - oppression, imperialism, marginalisation, demonisation.”

Note how Bolt doesn’t even say Islam apologist. Bolt doesn’t say Islamist terrorist apologist. Bolt doesn’t say terrorism apologist. Bolt simply says Muslim apologist.

I just want to pause on this point. Bolt doesn’t set up as the dangerously naïve and foolish those who would defend this or that interpretation of Islam. Bolt regards with suspicion those who would defend Muslims. I can think of a word for this, but let’s just conduct a thought experiment. Suppose someone were to write of “Jew apologists here and abroad who like to explain each outrage committed by Israel as a reflection of some crime by the West – oppression, persecution, genocide.” What kind of reaction might we expect for someone who wrote those words? And what kind of career might we predict for them?

But let us return to Bolt’s blog. He wrote: “But whatever the excuse, each fresh massacre - so many and now so florid with cruelty - gives the world reason to associate Islam with hatred and violence:” By “the world”, Bolt presumably means himself and other right-wingers, as opposed to “Muslim apologists” who just blame the West for everything.

Bolt then catalogues a few events around the world, whose common thread is that they have Muslim perpetrators. It includes a “lone gunman” in Tunisia, who killed 37, including “Tunisians, British, Germans and Belgians”. In France, an Islamist cut someone’s head off. And in Kuwait, a suicide attack on a Shia mosque killed at least 27. The story cited by Bolt observed that “this is the first attack on a Shia mosque to take place in the small Gulf state”.

There are about 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. On one day, three of them killed innocent people. That is, 0.000000002 of Muslims killed people. That is one out of every 500, 000,000. Now – is this a statistically significant trend for that day? If one in 500 million white people committed rape on a given day, what conclusion would we draw about white people? What argument would we think that it bolstered?

Bolt draws his own conclusions: “The only way Islam can be made to seem a faith compatible with the West and not a threat is for Muslim leaders to reform it, not excuse it.”

What connection is there between Islam and the above? Well, he’s already drawn his conclusions – explained at greater length in his subsequent writings on the topic. But note how Bolt connects Islam – not some interpretations of Islam, but Islam – to the terrorist atrocities discussed, and concludes that it needs to be reformed to not seem like a “threat”. No prizes for guessing who Islam seems like a threat to.

If you want to understand why Bolt’s argument should be rejected, it might be helpful to turn to the writings of… Bolt. Readers may be familiar with Dylann Roof, an American white supremacist who murdered nine people in a black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

Responding on June 21 with the nuance we expect in relation to white people, Bolt wrote “There is already much talk about how Charleston killer Dylann Root [sic] defines the United States. But wait.” The heading he provided was “Define a community by the many, not the misfit”. This is good advice for Andrew Bolt to bear in mind when he writes about Muslims in future, though I’m not holding my breath.

Just as a side note on terrorism: in Europe, less than two per cent of terrorist attacks are religiously motivated, according to Europol.



A study cited in the New York Times found that since September 11, 2001, in the US, white supremacists and other non-Muslim terrorists have killed 48 people. Jihadists killed 26 in the same period. To put this in perspective, over 14,000 people were murdered in the United States in 2013.

Returning to Bolt, on June 29 he trotted out his usual about Islam, Muslims, and those too soft-hearted to tell it like it really is about Islam and “Islamic terrorism”. Including Tony Abbott, who said what Daesh (ISIS) does “has nothing to do with religion”.

Bolt replied with scorn: “The Islamic State, which claims credit for the two worst attacks and is linked to the beheading, has nothing to do with Islam? For heaven’s sake, we can all read. ‘Islam’ is in the very title of this terrorist outfit.”

'Islam is in the title' might sound like a good, common-sense retort. Is this a knock-down, conclusive argument? A useful rebuttal was provided by… none other than Andrew Bolt. On June 27, his blog featured commentary on the ongoing fallout about the ABC having on Zaky Mallah. It began by quoting the words of Tony Abbott: “The issue for the ABC, our national broadcaster, is whose side are you on? Because all too often the ABC seems to be on everyone’s side but Australia’s.” ABC boss Mark Scott’s reply was then quoted: “The A in ABC is for Australian.”

Bolt then quoted the Daily Telegraph: “So is the A in CPA. The first two letters stand for Communist Party.” Bolt identified this as “Brilliant riposte”.

So maybe “For heaven’s sake, we can all read”, and what’s “in the very title” isn’t quite so persuasive after all. It’s impressive that Bolt can explain that the title of an organisation isn’t such a big deal, and then two days later explain that “we can all read”, because of how important the title of an organisation is.

Bolt’s logic changed completely in two days, because the two arguments were based around different targets.

Bolt’s article went on predictably enough: I will spare readers the tedium of further debunking. The review above is a useful and revealing illustration of the complete lack of intellectual standards in Bolt’s toxic output on Muslims and Islam.

For Muslim readers though, I will make a special plea. I know Bolt writes a lot of awful things. But he had one point which I would like you to bear in mind: define a community by the many, not the misfit.

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Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 16:00

Bolt has a number of main hate objects he has been ranting about since 9/11 when I first became aware of him.

1.  refugees.

2.  muslims.

3.  the stolen generations who he claims never existed

4.  unions.

5.   ALP leaders

6.  climate change

7.  supposed fair skin aborigines

8.  the ABC who finally had the good sense to kick his bum out.

And he trots them out in cycles.

ED'S NOTE: This comment has been edited slightly for legal reasons.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. paul walter
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 16:16

Once again, an article demonstrating what wonderous things graphs and diagrams are.

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 16:18

Sadly though there are too many on the far left who just refuse to even admit that we have a problem with Muslim immigrants There is a good piece that touches on this problem in the Guardian by Nick Cohen

Compare the bravery of Bangladeshi intellectuals with the attitude of the bulk of the western intelligentsia. Whole books could be written on why it failed to argue against the fascism of our age – indeed I’ve written a couple myself – but the decisive reason is a fear that dare not speak its name. They are frightened of accusations of racism, frightened of breaking with the consensus, frightened most of all of violence. They dare not admit they are afraid. So they struggle to produce justifications to excuse their dereliction of duty. They turn militant religion into a rational reaction to poverty or western foreign policy. They maintain there is a moral equivalence between militant religion and militant atheism.



This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 16:29


There are too many on the far right who like to demonize people who do not fit in with their own agenda. This government is a prime example. 

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 16:40

I think the article made the case very clearly. That the problem is not Muslims per seWhat is it about it you don't understand? Or don't want to understand or concede?

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 17:03

Excellent article by Michael Brull. To paraphrase  Lord Kelvin (the Father of Thermodynamics), in any sensible argument it is useful to say it in numbers.  

The One Percenter-dominated US state terrorists and US Alliance state terrorists (UK state terrorists, French state terrorists and Australian state terrorists) are using the Big Lie of “terror hysteria” as an excuse for illegal and war criminal invasion of  Iraq and Syria. However sensible analysis reveals that the “annual empirical probability of an American  dying preventably from preventable causes from homicide to smoking” (P = 1 in 207) is about 500,000 times greater   than the “empirical annual probability of an American being killed by a terrorist attack in the US since 9-11” (P = 1 in 100 million) (see Gideon Polya, “One Percenter Greed & War Means Over 1.5 Million Americans Die Preventably Each Year”,  Countercurrents, 19 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190914.htm ).

The post-9-11 US terrorism  statistics are remarkable when  put on an annual basis and compared  with other annual mortality data. With respect to the  1.541 million Americans who die preventably each year, the breakdown and annual P values ( “empirical annual probability of death”) are  as follows (note gun, homicide and suicide overlaps):

1.  443,000 Americans die from smoking-related causes annually  (P = 443,000 /319,000,000 = 1.39 in 1,000 = 1 in 719) with roughly 1 in 5 of all deaths and 49,000 or about 10% dying from passive smoking (P = 1 in 6,494).

2. 440,000 Americans die from adverse events in hospitals each year (P = 1 in 725).

3. 300,000 Americans die from obesity-related causes annually (P = 1 in 1,063) .

4. 75,000 American alcohol-related deaths annually (P= 1 in 4,253) .

5. 70,000 Americans die annually from air pollution (e.g. from coal burning, vehicle exhaust, carbon burning in general) (P= 1 in 4,557).

6. 45,000 US deaths annually  from lack of medical insurance (P= 1 in 7,089).

7. 38,000 US drug-related deaths annually (P= 1 in 8,395) , this including  21,000 US opiate drug-related deaths annually from US restoration and protection of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (P= 1 in 15,190)  .

8. 33,000Americans killed by motor vehicles each year (P= 1 in 9,667).

9. 31,000 gun-related US deaths annually (P= 1 in 10,290).

10. 30,000 Americans suicide annually (P= 1 in 10,633) with 7,000 being US veterans (P= 1 in 45,571;  100,000 US veterans have died from suicide since 9-11).

11. 21,000 avoidable under-5 year old US infant deaths annually (P= 1 in 15,190).

12. 15,000 Americans are violently murdered annually (P= 1 in 21,267) but as this list shows, about 1.5 million Americans are passively murdered each year by One Percenter-subverted politician inaction and fiscal perversion  (P= 1 in 207  ).

13.  3 non-Muslim terrorism deaths pa (P= 1 in 87.4 million).

14. 2 Muslim-origin terrorism deaths pa (P = 1 in 161 million).

15. If we include with (3) and (14) the   2,995 killed in the US Government’s   9-11 false-flag operation (see “Experts: US did 9-11”: . “Experts; US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/  ), then P = 3069/(13.75 x 305 million)  = 0.73 per million = 1 in 1.37 million).

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 17:06

Iain we simply do not have a problem with muslims in Austraila, but we are sure making their lives hell because of migrant racists like you.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:39

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This user is a New Matilda supporter. RossC
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:51

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Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:47

"For Muslim readers though, I will make a special plea. I know Bolt writes a lot of awful things. But he had one point which I would like you to bear in mind: define a community by the many, not the misfit."

I am a recent Muslim migrant to this beautiful country. Our family migrated to Australia after feeling the warmth we received from some wonderful Australians back in Dubai.

You are 100% right Michael. Ever since our arrival here, we have always been helped by the majority. Yes, there were once or twice some stray incidents of hate. But, the incidents of love, courtesy, help etc. surpass the hate incidents by quite a number. Therefore, we will never stereotype and paint the majority of Australians with the same brush of hate.

We feel previliged to be part of this wonderful society that is so diverse, multicultural and understanding.

Andrew Dumas
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:48

Wow Iain, straight out racism now? Dont even bother to hide your hate anymore?

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:49


Iain we simply do not have a problem with muslims in Austraila, but we are sure making their lives hell because of migrant racists like you.


We certainly do have a problem with some of the Muslims who have been allowed to settle here Marilyn we also have big problem with people from the far left like you who refuse to even condemn the individuals who take up violent Jihad by making all sorts of silly excuses for their behavior.

What do you have to say about this Muslim in Australia?

or this mob

In the Centre of this picture is the recently killed in Iraq Jihadist at a Sydney protest (wearing sunglasses) Mohamand sharouf

Further to that I had a rather chilling email correspondence with Mohamad Elomar, yes that Mohammad Elomar  the recently killed Aussie Jihadist /head chopper please read it and you will see just how friendly I can be even to the undeserving like him.

Add to that protests about Danish cartoons, Cronulla riots Creeping sharia, and Creeping Halal and we certainly do have a growing problem with Islam

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:51

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Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 18:53

Andrew Dumas

My concerns are with the ideology of Islam which I should not have to remind you is not a race. Even so I have no trouble accepting that many Muslims are in fact decent people despite the pernicous nature of their religion.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. RossC
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 19:00

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This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 19:02


Iain, we also have problems with a lot of people who are not muslims,  especially people who bash their spouses and kill there children,  pedophiles, the list is endless Iain, including white red necks who seem to be pushing the Muslim problem,  you know who they are, don't you.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. RossC
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 19:06

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Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 19:32

There have been some telling photographs that came out after the Tunisia attacks. Local Muslims forming a line of defence using only their bodies to protect the tourists. More Muslims went to support the foreigners than attack them. 

This is not mentioned by the Bolt types. This is not mentioned by the haters. 

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 19:33

One thing you can say about Andrew Bolt is that he's made a personally enriching career out of telling certain people what they want to hear.  But in terms of credibility, he's a joke. 

I'm not sure which of these I found more hilarious- his paranoid review of Finding Nemo, his swift flip-flopping about his admiration of Gordon Ramsay once he found out that Ramsay held political views that didn't match his own, losing the defamation case against the magistrate Popovic because of his own disingenuous writing, his whining about how he had been silenced when he lost the court case about his 'pale skinned aboriginals' articles, or his O'Reilly Factor rip-off  tv show that needs to be propped up by his benefactor Gina Rinehart.  My God, what a ridiculous resume this man has!  How can anyone take him seriously?

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 20:46

For my part, I would like to know what problem we have with "Muslim migrants" in this country.

For Iain's part, if he has the intellectual curiousity to use google a quick look into the term 'racialization' will explain why people cast accusations of racism at people demonstrating a particular bias against Islam. 

Also... the Cronulla riot was hundreds of anglos who'd been egged on by Alan Jones for a week after some fisticuffs on the beach a few days earlier. The reprisals by some members of the Islamic community were unconscionable, but it doesn't erase the fact that the only riot at Cronulla on that day was directed AT Muslims not conducted BY them.

Creeping halal... oh-kay. No one is forcing you, or anyone else in Australia to by halal products. If you're so upset at the prospect, then do your research and identify them so you can boycott them - the same way I did my research so that I could buy them in preference to non-halal alternatives. No one is forcing companies to get certification, but it is a practical necessity for export to several parts of the world (like South East Asia) but that's just capitalism for you - companies doing what they can to maximize profits.

Not really the sort of principle that the "far left" is generally associated with defending is it?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 21:38


Creeping  Sharia law, what government in Australia has passed this law Iain,  creeping halal, don't buy it Iain, cronulla riots, a bunch of surfer guys trying to defend their beach,, egged on by your mate alan jones to punish muslims for going to the beach, think you need to grow uo Iain, your embarrassing yourself.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 21:52

Here is an article about Muslims in the Sydney Morning Herald, very enlightening, maybe this federal government should be doing the things that Mike Baird is doing, listening and talking to people, not dictating and telling them what to do as abbott does, and scaring people about terrorism.


This user is a New Matilda supporter. jules s
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:08

This post has been deleted for legal reasons.  (Saving you the trouble Chris. Everyone else - use your imaginations.)

ED'S NOTE: A gentleman-woman and a scholar :)

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Rychard
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:23

I Hall... Are there no problems with any other ethnic groups? Are you really that blinkered? Perhaps you should turn to 4 Corners at the moment and watch to see just how much trouble a certain group from the Med is causing .... But that is OK?  In case you missed it, a nice well off Caucasian boy is under arrest on suspicion of offing his high profile father with a knife... how sad and bad is that? Are all Caucasians to be reviled?

If you have looked at the figures that DrGideonPolya has provided, (don't know how he does it..Kudos.!) you would realise that the risk of death from real terrorism (as opposed to contrived, ersatz state false flags) is far far far smaller than almost any other cause .. perhaps being eaten by a Velocorpator is as unlikely?   

You should also be aware of the tiny, tiny number of people who have arrived by boats, fleeing for their lives. Compared to the numbers in Europe fleeing the consequences of Western destruction of the ME, we face nothing. Certainly nothing we can't manage humanely and sensibly, without treating such people so barbarously. You should also be aware how well most of the previous such arrivals have settled in and contributed.  It would be a very stupid terrorist who would make such a journey, knowing the reception they would receive... 

You should also be aware of the plans that the West (i.e US) have for the next few years. Clinton has declared that if elected, she will not hesitate to attack Iran... a country that is no real threat to anybody but represent a problem for US/Israeli hegemony.

Demonising Muslims and other funny talking foreigners who live over our resources, is all part of a strategy to justify such vile and murderous plans..Bolt is just another useful paid idiot.. In my opinion, a male media trollop who gets paid to catapult the nastiest of propaganda and distortions and act as cover for the duplicity and deceit of his paymaster(s).  

To help you understand some of the things going on in the ME right now, including the ascendancy of ISIS, you should read "Which Path to Persia?" by the Brookings Institute (a right wing 'think sump')  and get a copy of the latest National Military Strategy document from the US... it is available for free download!! A chiling read.

If local young Muslims become angry, disaffected and distanced from their own communities because of the things they observe going on around them, here and in ME, are you really so surprised that some young hot heads go a bit crazy?? Are you really so detached from other people?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:23


Very good and funny jules s

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:30

"In the Centre of this picture is the recently killed in Iraq Jihadist at a Sydney protest (wearing sunglasses) Mohamand sharouf"

Yes Iain, he was killed in Iraq, did he kill anyone in Australia or participate in a terrorist attack in Australia, don't think so.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Bilal
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:53

Thanks for this article Michael, it illustrates how the bigot's mind works. It is good to see that most NM readers are aware of realities and not guided by those of lesser intellect, unable to distinguish the few from the many. It is interesting to read what people who obviously know nothing of Islam so adamantly hate.

The constant MSM identification of ISIS/Daesh with the name of Islam also helps in developing this hatred. Note how this "journalist" in the Murdoch press used it.

It is  Islamic like the KKK is Protestant Christian or the Ustasha is Catholic and the Chetniks or Golden Dawn are Orthodox, and how the Stern gang was Jewish. There is a "Christian" party in NSW that every Christian I have met denounces. Should we see the small membership Australian Christian Lobby as speaking for Christians?

Gallup did 50,000 interviews in 30 countries showing that 93% of Muslims reject terrorist violence and the 7% who supported it, did so on political, not religious grounds.

Of that 7% of the extremists, only 13% thought that attacks on civilians were justified.

Find it on www.gallup.com  “Who Speaks for Islam – What a Billion Muslims Really Think”.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Bilal
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:51

By the way, the shariah on fighting is contained in these verses from the Quran, which have the force of law to a believing Muslim. And for the hate filled fundamentalists, they have NOT been abrogated. Note the attitude to other places of worship:

Surah 22 Hajj Ayat 39-40


To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged and truly Allah is Most powerful for their aid.


(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right (for no cause) except that they say "Our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down monasteries churches synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for truly Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (Able to enforce His Will).


Surah 60 Mumtahana Ayat 8-9


Allah forbids you not with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith not drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; for Allah loves those who are just.


Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:44


In the cause of brevity I will confine my response to your first paragraph

I Hall... Are there no problems with any other ethnic groups

Of course but most of them are not burdened with the pernicious ideology of Islam

Are you really that blinkered?

 I'm not at all blinkered Rychard

Perhaps you should turn to 4 Corners at the moment and watch to see just how much trouble a certain group from the Med is causing .... But that is OK?

Its not OK but I don't see the police looking the other way either.

 In case you missed it, a nice well off Caucasian boy is under arrest on suspicion of offing his high profile father with a knife... how sad and bad is that? Are all Caucasians to be reviled?

Yeah and it has been suggested that the MAN (a 26 year old is NOT a boy) is a Meth addict so what is your point about his crime?


This user is a New Matilda supporter. huwsam
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 22:55

Iain Hall, I live in an area of Melbourne with a pretty high number of 'Muslim' residents. I travel on the trams almost every day with Muslim passengers, I shop with Muslim shoppers, in the IGA and the Vic Market. My favorite coffee shop in the market is a Muslim family-run business. I don't even have to order my coffee these days, they know what I want. We get along well.

I have never been threatened or felt threatened by the presence of a Muslim on the tram or in the street. I have been physically threatened by 'non-Muslim' drug addicts, alcoholics, and mentally ill people, mainly obviously white Australians on many occasions. I am a bit, I suppose the word is 'anti' the Burqa, as I feel we are, on the whole an open society, but that is not a major problem.

I spent most of this morning in a Centrelink in the company of many Muslims. Did I feel any animus towards me? No. Most of the white Australians also clients of Centrelink, quite happily talk to their neighbors, who they appeared to know. Yes, maybe they all meet at Centrelink, which doesn't imply that they are all dole bludgers. It may indicate that like many Australians in the current economic climate they have needs that can only be met with government assistance. Just like the previous waves of displaced immigrants who later blended into our society. I too am a migrant.

If there are 'Islamists' amongst them they must be well hidden, or few in number. To be frank, the Muslims appear to have more to fear from the few bigots, the druggies, alcoholics and mentally ill varieties of the aforementioned wandering the streets than we do from them.

Religious extremists of all varieties exist in every society. Why they are extremists I don't know but we do have to look at what happened in the Middle East last century for a start to understand how the West's thirst for oil disrupted Muslim communities with arbitrarily drawn lines on maps creating chaotic new 'nations' out of once settled communities. If you want to create a 'Muslim' problem carry on slagging them off but it would be better to separate extremist Islamists from Muslims in your statements. 

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 23:08

I wonder if Bolt and this government will now turn their attention to the more serious problems affecting us, like Mafia terrorism, the source of these 15 million ecstacy tabs that could have reached our population.

Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 23:18

If Iian Hall and Andrew Bolt  know so much about the religion of our Muslim brothers and sisters to warn us and proke us why don't they turn this knowledge into a serious issue such as how to reconcile the two branches of Islam currently as war with each causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands and millions of refugees.

Might not that be a useful pursuit of such intellectual heavyweights.

Do they forget the persecution of millions of innocents in Europe during the wars between Catholics and Protestants.?

Do they expect us to believe that burning you enemy alive is less cruel than beheading.

Seems a big moot to me!


O. Puhleez
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 23:35


Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, has called Muslim Americans “a minuscule threat to public safety.”

In his most recent report tracking Islamist militancy in America, he included this startling figure. “The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period.”

With due respect, this is a bit of a fudge. Most murderers know their victims, often as family members. Terrorists are anonymous mass-murderers and serial killers. Their craft, whether practiced by Jack the Ripper in London, Osama bin Laden in New York and Pennsylvania, or Ivan Milat in Belanglo, NSW is not concerned so much with victims’ identities, as with their number. The more, the better in the mind of the terrorist. That is the basis of the terror the terrorist aims to create: in bin Laden’s case it was perceived as political payback and blackmail; in Milat’s as a boost to his own pathetic needs as an egotist.

As many do, you conflate the terms ‘Muslim’ and ‘Islam’; another fudge. The two should be kept separate. To criticise Islam is not to attack its adherents, the overwhelming bulk of whom are born into it. Islam is not just a religion. Islamic republics have the Koran as their foundation document, a strict hierarchy of authority in both religion and politics as their ideal, and a most uneasy relationship with both democracy and liberalism. Those societies are oppressive by their very nature, and for that reason create refugees by the shipload. (Cue whataboutery.)




Andrew McIntosh
Posted Monday, July 6, 2015 - 23:51

I don't turn to Bolt for anything, least of all consistency. 

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 00:00


I am glad to hear that you have had such a positive experience with the Muslims in your local community but I will suggest that your experince might  not be the so pleasant if instead of living in Melbourne you were instead living in a city like Oslo or Amsterdam. You see the historical experience has been that social harmony is inversly proptional to the size of the immigrant  Muslim community.


It works like this



Below two percent Muslims are well-behaved citizens and cause little apparent trouble for the host society.

At two percent and three percent Muslims begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

From five percent on Muslims exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They push for the introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves—along with threats for failure to comply (United States, Switzerland, Sweden). At this point, Muslims work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. (England, Netherlands, Philippines).

When Muslims reach 10 percent of the population, they increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris—car burning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam, Denmark—Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).

After reaching 20 percent of a population expect hair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning (Indonesia, Ethiopia).

After 40 percent you find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare (Bosnia, Chad).

From 60 percent you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels (Sudan, Albania).

After 80 percent, expect to find state-run ethnic cleansing and genocide (Syria, Egypt, UAE).


Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 11:30

"When a Muslim person somewhere in the world does something bad, I turn to Bolt’s blog to find the kind of anti-Muslim animus that I figure it’ll be useful to critique.

There hasn’t been much variation in this routine..."

What most honest, reasonable and objective sorts would like to see is a "mainstream" journalist or two call for some accountability, integrity and oversight in their sorry, innumerate and intellectually lazy profession.

In the same sort of way that they call for "good Muslims" to stand up and make themselves heard.

Hey journos: those pat each other on the back Walkley sorts of things? They have even less credibility than the Grammies these days.


This user is a New Matilda supporter. jules s
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 00:27

Ivan milat was not a terrorist for fuck's fucking sake.  What he did was the opposite of terrorism.  It had nothing to do with any political aim and it was not something he publicised or wanted anyone else to know about.  I know two people Milat killed, not well, but I knew them.  What he did wasn't terrorism.

Iain that link is pathetic.  Where is the real evidnce?


O. Puhleez
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 01:12

Ivan milat was not a terrorist for fuck's fucking sake.  What he did was the opposite of terrorism.  It had nothing to do with any political aim and it was not something he publicised or wanted anyone else to know about.

You've missed the point entirely. I suggest you read it again.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Australian Muslim
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 02:03

The main issue with Bolt like people is their double standards. They can be right in most of their criticism of Muslims and or Islam if they equally criticize Western injustices in the Middle East and around world. Average open minded people notice this contradiction. This is why Bolt like people lose their credibility.

On the other side open minded  people should not abstain criticising  shortcomings of Muslims or Islam with respect  and without generalising. This criticism  can be on apostasy laws, discrimination against women's education and employment, Saudi Arabia's ban of women driving car etc.

You have to follow up these shortcomings but have to be patient and realistic as European Enlightenment took more than three centuries to be ideal ( Ex: Australia only gave voting rights to the Original inhabitants of this continent in 1962 and  our Big bro or Uncle Us removed discrimination against blacks in the same years thanks to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X like leaders).  I assume the Muslim reformation will not take more than few decades in developing Muslim countries and a century in poor countries as there is a practiced role model: Western experience.

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 03:02

What, then, is all the security stuff at airports all around the world down to?

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 05:05

@Iain Hall


My concerns are with the ideology of Islam which I should not have to remind you is not a race. Even so I have no trouble accepting that many Muslims are in fact decent people despite the pernicous nature of their religion. 

That sentiment does not stand scrutiny, and can only ever be partially accurate. What advocates of the 'love Muslims but hate Islam' mantra argue is exactly what you state - good Muslims are good in spite of Islam, but never because of it. The subtext being that the goodness in good Muslims has nothing to do with them being Muslim.

The problem you have is that Islam critics such as yourself and Bolt, willingly paint yourselves into a corner of absolute opposition, defined by an unequivocal antipathy to a selective definition of 'Islam the ideology'. Unable in the context of your unmitigated criticisms to bring yourselves to willingly acknowledge anything at all positive about the religion, you instead offer only an occasional concession to the decency of some 'good' Muslims - a decency you absurdly imply is always independent and devoid of influence from their Islamic beliefs.

And for what purpose is such nonsensical tortuous reasoning employed? Simply to avoid acknowledging even the smallest of good in the object of your fear and loathing - Islam.

A rather clear cut example of wilful bigotry rather than legitimate criticism. No?


Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 07:22

Sadly, most of Australia simply, doesn't 'get' Andrew Bolt.

He may be one our most brilliant satirests - certainly as a 'straight man' he's up there with Shaun Micallef.  I have seen with my own eyes an embryonic tugging at the corners of his mouth as he tries to contain a smile.  He is taking the piss!!  And most of us miss it!

Andrew has created a niche for himself, he's successful, he entertains and amuses us.  Does he believe any of what he espouses?  Of course not!  No-one could.  But week after week, on air and print, he trots out the same lines.  Good humour is sometimes offensive, it tittilates, it makes us gasp at his sheer audacity.

Give Andrew his due - one day he will reveal that the 'joke' was on us!

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 08:33

Rashid, as in Hall things - defined by the contrary view. Often solely.

forgive him, he knows not what he does.

However, ( if my thoughts count for anything) a most succinct review of the pillars upon which so much of the discourse is built. A nonsense. Well in.

XF, nup. Pillocks making merry still deserve aprobation, even if it is well crafted. He wouldn't exist in the first place without Howard's battlers to appease ( and confuse) and Ruperts conduits.

i mean really, who could actually get into bed with Gina?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Rychard
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 08:45

I Hall..in the cause of brevity I will say that again, you cherry pick and distort to support your bigotry. Maybe you can not help it, but everywhere on this thread people are posting details that refute your rigid view, yet your responses indicate how selective is your interpretation of that information. 

You are either incapable of empathy or you are just wasting time here.

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 09:13

Between the article and the comments, a most interesting read. Mr Brull's admission (or confession) that he has been reading dolt for six years has served to identify one of dolt's readers. Several of the commenters also appear to qualify as dolt's constituents. If we can identify the other twenty or so, we'll be fine.

For what it's worth, I always considered the problem was extremism, whatever its genesis. Identifying "the misfits", in all their carnations, allows us to identify and address the problem. The political oppotunism of selecting one group of extremists and using it to demonise an entire community does nothing to identify or address the problem. The political opportunism of remaining mute when "the misfits" are white supremacists, the reclaim brigade, etc can only be described as galling. Thank you, Mr Brull. Take care

Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 09:16


There really isn't a problem with radical Islam, there really isn't.

There are however a few genuine problems you might like to concern yourself with:

1. Global warming

2. Destruction of nature and the Sixth Great Extinction

and so forth.

O. Puhleez
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 09:49


That sentiment does not stand scrutiny, and can only ever be partially accurate. What advocates of the 'love Muslims but hate Islam' mantra argue is exactly what you state - good Muslims are good in spite of Islam, but never because of it. The subtext being that the goodness in good Muslims has nothing to do with them being Muslim.

The function of any religion is to bind its community of believers together. Believing is the key to belonging, and belonging is the most important part. I suggest also that your own spirited defence of your religion also comes back to a worthy readiness to defend that which binds your own community and family together. The strength of Judaic doctrine and in turn the Christianity and Islam based upon it has been its ability to bind disparate tribes together into one powerful supertribal entity. We are strong through our shared belief and our common Creator.

That incidentally is why religious disputes so often appear ludicrous to outsiders, but involve matters of supreme importance to insiders:

If Muslims fighting Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are the victims of non-Muslims, what are we to make of Muslims fighting other Muslims in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq? Religious civil wars make it hard to believe that Muslims are the victims of other religions instead of the authors of their own violence.

If you study the photo of the deadly serious young believer in the article linked to above, with his placard that says "Islam will dominate the world" I suggest you will see encapsulated in that much that causes disquiet about Islam here in the West. Most religions preach that theirs is the One True Way, and accordingly have an understandable aim to convert the whole world. This reinforces the belief in the heads of the believers as well.

As a freethinker, I am critical of the whole lot of the world's religions, at least those which are based on ancient documents and tales.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Mercurial
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 09:48

calypto, any problems there might be with radical Islamism are no worse than the problems with radical Christianism.  We've taken them in our stride for hundreds of years, and we're big enough and strong enoug to deal with the latest wave.  Only wimps would be scared.

Well, if you're going to let Abbott set the scene you are allowed to use his language.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Mercurial
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2015 - 09:49

Iain Hall:  "tut, tut, tut"