11 Aug 2015

'Welfare' And 'Protection' Boards Removed Aboriginal Children. Now Their True Histories Will Be Revealed

By John Maynard

By moving out of the archives a new project aims to unearth an oral history that could soon be lost, writes Professor John Maynard.

"And the thing that has kept most of us almost crippled in this society has been our complete lack of knowledge concerning the past" – Malcolm X.

"They can gaol me for the rest of my life but I want to make this country aware of what they're doing to Aboriginal people’" – Fred Maynard.

From 1883 until 1969, the lives and affairs of Aboriginal people in NSW were governed and controlled by the Aborigines Protection/Welfare Board, yet there is no definitive history of the Board and its activities in NSW.

For the first time, a comprehensive investigation of the Board’s activities and subsequent affects on the lives and families of Aboriginal people in NSW will be researched with the assistance of the Australian Research Council and conducted by the University of Newcastle’s Wollotuka Institute.

The Aborigines Protection/Welfare Board was heavily involved in removing Aboriginal children from their families, putting them into institutions, revoking Aboriginal lands, and created what for many people was essentially a police state for many decades of the 20th century.

The government directives to the Board extended to housing, clothing, rationing of food, control of marriage, the imposition of Christianity, denial of education, as well as the removal of children.

The removal of children from their families and communities accelerated after 1910 and was one of the reasons for the rise of people like my grandfather, Fred Maynard, to try to stop that horrific process of institutionalising thousands of Aboriginal children. Aboriginal boys were put into institutions to train them as nothing better than farm labourers; the girls were placed in institutions to be trained as domestic servants.

This segregated institutionalisation also worked to keep them apart. If the girls and boys were kept separate, they couldn't have children and the Aboriginal people would be ‘bred out’. However, significant numbers of these girls became pregnant to their white 'carers' and employers. These are stories we hear about the 'Deep South' in the US, but the same things were happening here and the actions of the Aboriginal Protection/Welfare Board have left a lasting impact on Aboriginal lives in this state.

There's been a long demand from Aboriginal people to get these stories recorded and this research will collect information from communities, families, archives and cultural collections from local history societies and museums to the NSW State Library and NSW Archives.

There are situations where official archival records are missing. There are instances where there's been a fire in the past – particularly with police records. We know from Board records that there was a lot of police intimidation and surveillance of Aboriginal activists but there's no police record.

This is why oral and personal histories are important. Many individuals and communities kept correspondence from the Board so while the official correspondence is missing, we have the recipient’s half of it.

The Maynard Research Team: Dr Ray Kelly, Lachlan Russell (AIATSIS), Dr Lorina Barker, Professor John Maynard, Assoc Prof Victoria Haskins.

Aboriginal people have talked about these stories in the past but now it's about making the information practical and useful for all Australians. If we can find a way to bring these stories to light it will give credibility to our story, our experience, and it will benefit the whole country.

Current generations of Aboriginal people were also being taught the 'white' version of their own history as they came through the school system. The only black fella I heard about at school was Jacky Jacky and 'what a good black fella he was'.

This was in the 1950s and 1960s and there was no celebration, there was no Indigenous cultural history in the school curriculum. It's important for us. The last 30 or 40 years have seen a dramatic change as far as teaching our history goes but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

A heavy component of this project will involve interviewing people who lived on missions and reserves through those years and recording their memories and stories. We need to find out what their lived experiences were during those decades of control and how it affected their families.

There are always new pieces of information being uncovered and even though I've been doing this for decades I recently found a newspaper article in which there's a reference to my grandfather, Fred Maynard. In an interview he explicitly describes the threats made against him, "I've been told that the doors of Long Bay Gaol are opening for me unless I stop. They can gaol me for the rest of my life but I want to make this country aware of what they're doing to Aboriginal people".

From the time I came to university as a mature age student I've also been researching my family history but my desire and my role has always been to deliver histories to our people and our communities. Stories they can read and enjoy, perhaps gain inspiration from.

Our future generations have many heroes and heroines in their past that they can look up to and that is a great motivation.

There will be multiple sources investigated by this team of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers. I hope this work will also educate wider white Australia as to what has happened to our people since 1788. If we record this history then people can start to really appreciate the impact on Aboriginal lives over such a long period of time.

But we must get these stories recorded now. Those people who lived under the control of the Board are getting older and the reality is it won't be long before they’re gone. We need to document their experiences and memories while we can – the life expectancy for Aboriginal men and women born in NSW between 1996 and 2000 is still just 60 and 65 respectively.

Hopefully there is a healing process when people recognise that that we can all join hands and walk toward a future that is just for all Australians, in which there is equality for all people and we can be – dare I use the word – reconciled.

Professor John Maynard is Director of the Wollotuka Institute at the University of Newcastle.

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This user is a New Matilda supporter. Tokujiro
Posted Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 17:08

Thank goodness for your determination, John! This is history we need to have more readily accessible for us all - those who - along with their descendants - are and have been part of the suffering  - and those coming at it from the other side of the equation - whether among the perpetrators or those who simply did not know what their ancestors/others were involved in. I guess there is yet another group - those whose own arrival here in Australia - as adult immigrant/refugee/asylum-seeker or the child of such - was from the latter 1960s onwards - absorbing negative attitudes, stereotypes and so forth then still well alive. Some of them, anyway. I've in recent times been uncovering involvement by my own family connections going back into the very beginning of and the mid-19th century in abuse and massacres of Indigenous Australians - in Bass Strait of Tasmanian Palawa people - in then still NSW but now south-central Qld of the Yiimum people following the tragic events at the Fraser place of Hornet Bank in 1857. There was other engagement probably with the early 1820s "dispersal" massacres and "clearances" in the Wiradjuri country around Bathurst/Rylestone/Mudgee. But I want to know more - your investigation of the so-called "Protection Board" in NSW may well uncover injustices far worse than those perpetrated under the management of Mr NEVILLE in WA  or of the monsters who ran the selfsame organisation in Queensland. The Wollotuka Centre - and your Maynard Research Team - with Dr Ray KELLY - whom I recall as a much younger but brilliant chap - is assured of much success - mysterious fires of documents notwithstanding! (Who knows - by associating "fires" with the personnel employed at the time you may well establish strong probabilities as to the person or persons responsible for fanning those destructive flames!) Godspeed!

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Bilal
Posted Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 18:08

I was taken by this quotation taken from one of my heroes

"And the thing that has kept most of us almost crippled in this society has been our complete lack of knowledge concerning the past" – Malcolm X. - :

The hiding of history is a most powerful weapon of the those who want to exploit us. It is particularly true of all peoples who have been subject to colonialism and genocide. The history of our First Nations people has been very badly handled by white society, with very few exceptions, and now is the time to ensure that  history is not lost forever. I am acutely aware of the fact that when my great great grandparents came to Portland in 1837 there were many tribes over the Western District. Within two generations they had been all but eliminated and concentrated into mission camps which were supposed to "protect" them but which in fact wiped out their language and their way of life. Members of the various nations are now trying to relearn their languages preserved only in grammars done by missionaries interested in the quaint ways of the primitives. It is a history that appalls me and has ever since I was told of the smell of rotting Aborigines in the lava stones around Penshurst, poisoned by "Christian" settlers who wanted them to stop eating their sheep.

Our history must be recorded and passed on so that the white supremacists cannot impose their view on the future generations.

Posted Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 18:32

I will add the quotes at the beginning of this article to my collection. Some very wise men (and women) in the past have said it so much better than I can.

I never tire of quoting Wade Davis (The Wayfinders- why ancient wisdom matters in the modern world): "...change itself does not destroy a culture. All societies are constantly evolving. Indeed a culture survives when it has enough confidence in its past and enough say in its future to maintain its spirit and essence through all the changes it will inevitably undergo..."

The descendants of the original inhabitants of Australia cop a double whammy. On the one hand they've been denied their past history, and on the other hand they have very little say in their future.

Such initiatives as described in this article are highly comendable and better late than never, but we should not ignore the fact that the past injustices that have been swept under the carpet for way too long continue to be perpetrated in the present. The NTER (Intervention) and its euphimestically named follow up (The Stronger Futures, or as I prefer to call them, the Stolen Futures) in the Northern Territory, the increasing rates of child removals and incarceration and youth suicide etc. will sadly probably be the subject of research and archiving some decades from now.

Interesting that Fred Maynard was overtly threatened with incarceration in attempts to silence him. These days such overt threats are not used, the authorities resort to subtler means.

Ghandi once said: "They do not know, that a subtle but effective system of terrorism, together with an organized display of force on the one hand, and the deprivation of all powers of retaliation or self-defence on the other, has emasculated the people and induced in them the habit of simulation"

Its incredible just how exactly all these quotes fit the current reality on remote Aboriginal communities. 



Mary Jane
Posted Friday, August 14, 2015 - 18:52

Or the stolen generation...so sad... they were the children of australian aboriginal and torres strait islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian federal and state government agencies, under acts of their respective parliaments. i didn't know until now all these things. And im quite sure that no many persons now. Write more about this subject, more people may be interested.